[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/az/ghc-cpp] 5 commits: Make cppTokens extend to end of line, and process CPP comments

Alan Zimmerman (@alanz) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Oct 1 18:51:00 UTC 2023

Alan Zimmerman pushed to branch wip/az/ghc-cpp at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d26981dd by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-09-30T18:06:07+01:00
Make cppTokens extend to end of line, and process CPP comments

- - - - -
6bdc7e7e by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-10-01T15:57:56+01:00
Remove unused ITcppDefined

- - - - -
8a6c7c89 by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-10-01T16:11:31+01:00
Allow spaces between # and keyword for preprocessor directive

- - - - -
9cd8aa1b by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-10-01T17:49:19+01:00
Process CPP continuation lines

They are emited as separate ITcppContinue tokens.
Perhaps the processing should be more like a comment, and keep on
going to the end.
BUT, the last line needs to be slurped as a whole.

- - - - -
89aaf286 by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-10-01T19:50:06+01:00
Accumulate CPP continuations, process when ready

Can be simplified further, we only need one CPP token

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Cmm/Lexer.x
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PreProcess.hs
- utils/check-cpp/Main.hs


@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Cmm.Expr
-import GHC.Parser.Lexer hiding (lexToken)
+import GHC.Parser.Lexer
 import GHC.Cmm.Parser.Monad
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM

@@ -745,17 +745,16 @@ TH_QUASIQUOTE   { L _ (ITquasiQuote _) }
 TH_QQUASIQUOTE  { L _ (ITqQuasiQuote _) }
 -- Ghc CPP
-'#define'       { L _ ITcppDefine }
-'#include'      { L _ ITcppInclude }
-'#undef'        { L _ ITcppUndef }
-'#error'        { L _ ITcppError }
-'#if'           { L _ ITcppIf }
-'#ifdef'        { L _ ITcppIfdef }
-'#ifndef'       { L _ ITcppIfndef }
-'#elif'         { L _ ITcppElif }
-'#else'         { L _ ITcppElse }
-'#endif'        { L _ ITcppEndif }
-'defined'       { L _ ITcppDefined }
+-- '#define'       { L _ (ITcppDefine _) }
+-- '#include'      { L _ (ITcppInclude _) }
+-- '#undef'        { L _ (ITcppUndef _) }
+-- '#error'        { L _ (ITcppError _) }
+-- '#if'           { L _ (ITcppIf _) }
+-- '#ifdef'        { L _ (ITcppIfdef _) }
+-- '#ifndef'       { L _ (ITcppIfndef _) }
+-- '#elif'         { L _ (ITcppElif _) }
+-- '#else'         { L _ ITcppElse }
+-- '#endif'        { L _ ITcppEndif }
 %monad { P } { >>= } { return }
 %lexer { (lexer True) } { L _ ITeof }

@@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ $docsym    = [\| \^ \* \$]
 -- not explicitly positive (contrast @exponent)
 @negative = \-
+-- recognise any of the GhcCPP keywords introduced by a leading #
+ at cppkeyword = "define" | "include" | "undef" | "error" | "ifdef"
+                 | "ifndef" | "if" | "elif" | "else" | "endif"
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Alex "Identifier"
@@ -243,7 +246,8 @@ $tab          { warnTab }
 -- are). We also rule out nested Haddock comments, if the -haddock flag is
 -- set.
-"{-" / { isNormalComment } { nested_comment }
+"{-" / { isNormalComment }       { nested_comment }
+"/*" / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { nested_comment }
 -- Single-line comments are a bit tricky.  Haskell 98 says that two or
 -- more dashes followed by a symbol should be parsed as a varsym, so we
@@ -298,29 +302,7 @@ $unigraphic / { isSmartQuote } { smart_quote_error }
 <bol> {
   \n                                    ;
   -- Ghc CPP symbols
-  ^"#define"        / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppDefine) }
-  ^"#include"       / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppInclude) }
-  ^"#undef"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppUndef) }
-  ^"#error"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppError) }
-  ^"#if"            / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppIf) }
-  ^"#ifdef"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppIfdef) }
-  ^"#ifndef"        / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppIfndef) }
-  ^"#elif"          / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppElif) }
-  ^"#else"          / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppElse) }
-  ^"#endif"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppEndif) }
-  -- "defined"        { token (ITcppDefined) }
-  -- ^\# "define"        / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppDefine) }
-  -- ^\# "include"       / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppInclude) }
-  -- ^\# "undef"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppUndef) }
-  -- ^\# "error"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppError) }
-  -- ^\# "if"            / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppIf) }
-  -- ^\# "ifdef"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppIfdef) }
-  -- ^\# "ifndef"        / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppIfndef) }
-  -- ^\# "elif"          / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppElif) }
-  -- ^\# "else"          / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppElse) }
-  -- ^\# "endif"         / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag (ITcppEndif) }
-  -- -- "defined"        { token (ITcppDefined) }
+  ^\# \ * @cppkeyword  .* \n / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag }
   ^\# line                              { begin line_prag1 }
   ^\# / { followedByDigit }             { begin line_prag1 }
@@ -337,6 +319,8 @@ $unigraphic / { isSmartQuote } { smart_quote_error }
   \{ / { notFollowedBy '-' }            { hopefully_open_brace }
         -- we might encounter {-# here, but {- has been handled already
   \n                                    ;
+  ^\# \ * @cppkeyword  .* \n / { ifExtension GhcCppBit } { cppToken cpp_prag }
   ^\# (line)?                           { begin line_prag1 }
@@ -360,9 +344,11 @@ $unigraphic / { isSmartQuote } { smart_quote_error }
 "{-#" $whitechar* $pragmachar+ / { known_pragma linePrags }
                                 { dispatch_pragmas linePrags }
--- CPP pragmas
+-- CPP continuation lines. Keep concatenating, or exit
 <cpp_prag> {
-  () { pop }
+  .* \\ \n                   { cppTokenCont (ITcppContinue True) }
+  .* \n                      { cppTokenPop  (ITcppContinue False) }
+  -- () { popCpp }
 -- single-line line pragmas, of the form
@@ -1043,20 +1029,10 @@ data Token
   | ITlineComment  String      PsSpan -- ^ comment starting by "--"
   | ITblockComment String      PsSpan -- ^ comment in {- -}
-  -- GHC CPP extension
-  | ITcppDefine       -- ^ #define
-  | ITcppInclude      -- ^ #include
-  | ITcppUndef        -- ^ #undef
-  | ITcppError        -- ^ #error
-  | ITcppIf           -- ^ #if
-  | ITcppIfdef        -- ^ #ifdef
-  | ITcppIfndef       -- ^ #ifndef
-  | ITcppElif         -- ^ #elif
-  | ITcppElse         -- ^ #else
-  | ITcppEndif        -- ^ #endif
-  | ITcppDefined      -- ^ defined (in conditional)
-  | ITcppIgnored [Located Token] -- TODO: push into comments instead
+  -- GHC CPP extension. Each contains an entire line of source code,
+  -- possibly joining up ones ending in backslash
+  | ITcppStart    Bool FastString   -- ^ Start of a CPP #-prefixed line. Flag for continuation
+  | ITcppContinue Bool FastString   -- ^ Continuation after a trailing backslash. Flag for continuation
   deriving Show
@@ -1291,12 +1267,34 @@ pop _span _buf _len _buf2 =
      -- trace "pop" $ do lexToken
-cppToken :: Int ->  Token -> Action
-cppToken code t span _buf _len _buf2 =
-  do pushLexState code
-     return (L span t)
+cppToken :: Int -> Action
+cppToken code span buf len _buf2 =
+  do
+     let tokStr = lexemeToFastString buf len
+     -- check if the string ends with backslash and newline
+     -- NOTE: performance likely sucks, make it work for now
+     continue <- case (reverse $ unpackFS tokStr) of
+        -- ('\n':'\\':_) -> pushLexState code >> return True
+        ('\n':'\\':_) -> pushLexState (trace ("cppToken: push state") code) >> return True
+        _ -> return False
+     return (L span (ITcppStart continue $! tokStr))
      -- trace ("cppToken:" ++ show (code, t)) $ do return (L span t)
+cppTokenCont :: (FastString -> Token)-> Action
+cppTokenCont t span buf len _buf2 = return (L span (t $! lexemeToFastString buf len))
+cppTokenPop :: (FastString -> Token)-> Action
+cppTokenPop t span buf len _buf2 =
+  do _ <- popLexState
+     -- return (L span (t $! lexemeToFastString buf len))
+     return (L span (t $! lexemeToFastString buf (trace "cppTokenPop" len)))
+popCpp :: Action
+popCpp _span _buf _len _buf2 =
+  do _ <- popLexState
+     -- lexToken
+     trace "pop" $ do lexToken
 -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
 failLinePrag1 :: Action
 failLinePrag1 span _buf _len _buf2 = do
@@ -1468,6 +1466,9 @@ It holds simply because we immediately lex a literal after the minus.
 ifExtension :: ExtBits -> AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
 ifExtension extBits bits _ _ _ = extBits `xtest` bits
+ifNotExtension :: ExtBits -> AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+ifNotExtension extBits bits _ _ _ = not (extBits `xtest` bits)
 alexNotPred p userState in1 len in2
   = not (p userState in1 len in2)
@@ -1570,23 +1571,36 @@ nested_comment_logic endComment commentAcc input span = go commentAcc (1::Int) i
           cspan = mkSrcSpanPs $ mkPsSpan (psSpanStart span) end_loc
           lcomment = L cspan comment
       endComment input lcomment
-    go commentAcc n input = case alexGetChar' input of
-      Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
-      Just ('-',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+    go commentAcc n input = ghcCppSet >>= \ghcCppSet -> case (ghcCppSet, alexGetChar' input) of
+      (_, Nothing) -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+      (_, Just ('-',input)) -> case alexGetChar' input of
         Nothing  -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
         Just ('\125',input) -> go ('\125':'-':commentAcc) (n-1) input -- '}'
         Just (_,_)          -> go ('-':commentAcc) n input
-      Just ('\123',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of  -- '{' char
+      (_, Just ('\123',input)) -> case alexGetChar' input of  -- '{' char
         Nothing  -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
         Just ('-',input) -> go ('-':'\123':commentAcc) (n+1) input
         Just (_,_)       -> go ('\123':commentAcc) n input
+      (True, Just ('*',input)) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+        Nothing  -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+        Just ('/',input) -> go ('/':'*':commentAcc) (n-1) input -- '/'
+        Just (_,_)          -> go ('-':commentAcc) n input
+      (True, Just ('/',input)) -> case alexGetChar' input of  -- '/' char
+        Nothing  -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+        Just ('*',input) -> go ('*':'/':commentAcc) (n+1) input
+        Just (_,_)       -> go ('/':commentAcc) n input
       -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
-      Just ('\n',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+      (_, Just ('\n',input)) -> case alexGetChar' input of
         Nothing  -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
         Just ('#',_) -> do (parsedAcc,input) <- parseNestedPragma input
                            go (parsedAcc ++ '\n':commentAcc) n input
         Just (_,_)   -> go ('\n':commentAcc) n input
-      Just (c,input) -> go (c:commentAcc) n input
+      (_, Just (c,input)) -> go (c:commentAcc) n input
+ghcCppSet :: P Bool
+ghcCppSet = do
+  exts <- getExts
+  return $ xtest GhcCppBit exts
 -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
 parseNestedPragma :: AlexInput -> P (String,AlexInput)
@@ -2745,9 +2759,10 @@ data PState = PState {
         -- correctly?
 -- | Use for emulating (limited) CPP preprocessing in GHC.
+-- TODO: move this into PreProcess, and make a param on PState
 data PpState = PpState {
         pp_defines :: !(Set String),
-        pp_pushed_back :: !(Maybe (Located Token)),
+        pp_continuation :: ![Located Token],
         -- pp_context :: ![PpContext],
         pp_context :: ![Token], -- What preprocessor directive we are currently processing
         pp_accepting :: !Bool
@@ -2760,7 +2775,7 @@ data PpContext = PpContextIf [Located Token]
 initPpState :: PpState
 initPpState = PpState
    { pp_defines = Set.empty
-   , pp_pushed_back = Nothing
+   , pp_continuation = []
    , pp_context = []
    , pp_accepting = True
@@ -3206,6 +3221,8 @@ mkParserOpts extensionFlags diag_opts supported
       .|. OverloadedRecordUpdateBit   `xoptBit` LangExt.OverloadedRecordUpdate  -- Enable testing via 'getBit OverloadedRecordUpdateBit' in the parser (RecordDotSyntax parsing uses that information).
       .|. ExtendedLiteralsBit         `xoptBit` LangExt.ExtendedLiterals
       .|. GhcCppBit                   `xoptBit` LangExt.GhcCpp
+      -- .|. (trace ("GhcCppBit:" ++ show (GhcCppBit                   `xoptBit` LangExt.GhcCpp))
+      --       GhcCppBit                   `xoptBit` LangExt.GhcCpp)
     optBits =
           HaddockBit        `setBitIf` isHaddock
       .|. RawTokenStreamBit `setBitIf` rawTokStream
@@ -3426,7 +3443,7 @@ getOffside = P $ \s at PState{last_loc=loc, context=stk} ->
                 let offs = srcSpanStartCol (psRealSpan loc) in
                 let ord = case stk of
                             Layout n gen_semic : _ ->
-                              --trace ("layout: " ++ show n ++ ", offs: " ++ show offs) $
+                              -- trace ("layout: " ++ show n ++ ", offs: " ++ show offs) $
                               (compare offs n, gen_semic)
                             _ ->
                               (GT, dontGenerateSemic)
@@ -3967,7 +3984,6 @@ commentToAnnotation (L l (ITdocComment s ll))   = mkLEpaComment l ll (EpaDocComm
 commentToAnnotation (L l (ITdocOptions s ll))   = mkLEpaComment l ll (EpaDocOptions s)
 commentToAnnotation (L l (ITlineComment s ll))  = mkLEpaComment l ll (EpaLineComment s)
 commentToAnnotation (L l (ITblockComment s ll)) = mkLEpaComment l ll (EpaBlockComment s)
-commentToAnnotation (L l (ITblockComment s ll)) = mkLEpaComment l ll (EpaBlockComment s)
 commentToAnnotation _                           = panic "commentToAnnotation"
 -- see Note [PsSpan in Comments]

@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
 module GHC.Parser.PreProcess (
-    ppLexer,
-    ppLexerDbg,
+    -- ppLexer,
+    -- ppLexerDbg,
 ) where
--- import Data.List ()
+import Data.Char
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import Debug.Trace (trace)
+import GHC.Data.FastString
 import qualified GHC.Data.Strict as Strict
 import GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr ()
 import GHC.Parser.Lexer (P (..), PState (..), ParseResult (..), PpState (..), Token (..))
@@ -23,119 +24,122 @@ import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 lexer, lexerDbg :: Bool -> (Located Token -> P a) -> P a
-lexer = ppLexer
-lexerDbg = ppLexerDbg
-ppLexer, ppLexerDbg :: Bool -> (Located Token -> P a) -> P a
--- Use this instead of 'lexer' in GHC.Parser to dump the tokens for debugging.
-ppLexerDbg queueComments cont = ppLexer queueComments contDbg
-  where
-    contDbg tok = trace ("pptoken: " ++ show (unLoc tok)) (cont tok)
-ppLexer queueComments cont =
-    Lexer.lexer
-        queueComments
-        ( \tk ->
-            let
-                contInner t = (trace ("ppLexer: tk=" ++ show (unLoc tk, unLoc t)) cont) t
-                -- contPush = pushContext (unLoc tk) >> contInner (L lt (ITcppIgnored [tk]))
-                contPush = pushContext (unLoc tk) >> contIgnoreTok tk
-                contIgnoreTok (L l tok) = do
-                    case l of
-                        RealSrcSpan r (Strict.Just b) -> Lexer.queueIgnoredToken (L (PsSpan r b) tok)
-                        _ -> return ()
-                    ppLexer queueComments cont
-             in
-                case tk of
-                    L _ ITcppDefine -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppIf -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppIfdef -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppIfndef -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppElse -> do
-                        preprocessElse
-                        contIgnoreTok tk
-                    L _ ITcppEndif -> do
-                        preprocessEnd
-                        contIgnoreTok tk
-                    L _ tok -> do
-                        state <- getCppState
-                        case (trace ("CPP state:" ++ show state) state) of
-                            CppIgnoring -> contIgnoreTok tk
-                            CppInDefine -> do
-                                ppDefine (trace ("ppDefine:" ++ show tok) (show tok))
-                                popContext
-                                contIgnoreTok tk
-                            CppInIfdef -> do
-                                defined <- ppIsDefined (show tok)
-                                setAccepting defined
-                                popContext
-                                contIgnoreTok tk
-                            CppInIfndef -> do
-                                defined <- ppIsDefined (show tok)
-                                setAccepting (not defined)
-                                popContext
-                                contIgnoreTok tk
-                            _ -> contInner tk
-        )
-preprocessElse :: P ()
-preprocessElse = do
-    accepting <- getAccepting
-    setAccepting (not accepting)
-preprocessEnd :: P ()
-preprocessEnd = do
-    -- TODO: nested context
-    setAccepting True
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Preprocessor state functions
-data CppState
-    = CppIgnoring
-    | CppInDefine
-    | CppInIfdef
-    | CppInIfndef
-    | CppNormal
-    deriving (Show)
-getCppState :: P CppState
-getCppState = do
-    context <- peekContext
-    accepting <- getAccepting
-    case context of
-        ITcppDefine -> return CppInDefine
-        ITcppIfdef -> return CppInIfdef
-        ITcppIfndef -> return CppInIfndef
-        _ ->
-            if accepting
-                then return CppNormal
-                else return CppIgnoring
+-- bypass for now, work in ghci
+lexer = Lexer.lexer
+lexerDbg = Lexer.lexerDbg
+-- lexer = ppLexer
+-- -- lexer = ppLexerDbg
+-- lexerDbg = ppLexerDbg
+-- ppLexer, ppLexerDbg :: Bool -> (Located Token -> P a) -> P a
+-- -- Use this instead of 'lexer' in GHC.Parser to dump the tokens for debugging.
+-- ppLexerDbg queueComments cont = ppLexer queueComments contDbg
+--   where
+--     contDbg tok = trace ("pptoken: " ++ show (unLoc tok)) (cont tok)
+-- ppLexer queueComments cont =
+--     Lexer.lexer
+--         queueComments
+--         ( \tk ->
+--             let
+--                 -- contInner t = (trace ("ppLexer: tk=" ++ show (unLoc tk, unLoc t)) cont) t
+--                 contInner t = cont t
+--                 contPush = pushContext (unLoc tk) >> contIgnoreTok tk
+--                 contIgnoreTok (L l tok) = do
+--                     case l of
+--                         RealSrcSpan r (Strict.Just b) -> Lexer.queueIgnoredToken (L (PsSpan r b) tok)
+--                         _ -> return ()
+--                     ppLexer queueComments cont
+--              in
+--                 case tk of
+--                     L _ (ITcppDefine s) -> do
+--                         ppDefine (trace ("ppDefine:" ++ show s) s)
+--                         popContext
+--                         contIgnoreTok tk
+--                     L _ (ITcppIf _) -> contPush
+--                     L _ (ITcppIfdef s) -> do
+--                         defined <- ppIsDefined s
+--                         -- setAccepting defined
+--                         setAccepting (trace ("ifdef:" ++ show (s, defined)) defined)
+--                         contIgnoreTok tk
+--                     L _ (ITcppIfndef s) -> do
+--                         defined <- ppIsDefined s
+--                         -- setAccepting (not defined)
+--                         setAccepting (trace ("ifdef:" ++ show (s, defined)) (not defined))
+--                         contIgnoreTok tk
+--                     L _ ITcppElse -> do
+--                         preprocessElse
+--                         contIgnoreTok tk
+--                     L _ ITcppEndif -> do
+--                         preprocessEnd
+--                         contIgnoreTok tk
+--                     _ -> do
+--                         state <- getCppState
+--                         -- case (trace ("CPP state:" ++ show state) state) of
+--                         case state of
+--                             CppIgnoring -> contIgnoreTok tk
+--                             _ -> contInner tk
+--         )
+-- preprocessElse :: P ()
+-- preprocessElse = do
+--     accepting <- getAccepting
+--     setAccepting (not accepting)
+-- preprocessEnd :: P ()
+-- preprocessEnd = do
+--     -- TODO: nested context
+--     setAccepting True
+-- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- -- Preprocessor state functions
+-- data CppState
+--     = CppIgnoring
+--     | CppInDefine
+--     | CppInIfdef
+--     | CppInIfndef
+--     | CppNormal
+--     deriving (Show)
+-- getCppState :: P CppState
+-- getCppState = do
+--     context <- peekContext
+--     accepting <- getAccepting
+--     case context of
+--         ITcppDefine _ -> return CppInDefine
+--         ITcppIfndef _ -> return CppInIfndef
+--         ITcppIfdef _ -> return CppInIfdef
+--         _ ->
+--             if accepting
+--                 then return CppNormal
+--                 else return CppIgnoring
 -- pp_context stack start -----------------
-pushContext :: Token -> P ()
-pushContext new =
-    P $ \s -> POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_context = new : pp_context (pp s)}} ()
-popContext :: P ()
-popContext =
-    P $ \s ->
-        let
-            new_context = case pp_context (pp s) of
-                [] -> []
-                (_ : t) -> t
-         in
-            POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_context = new_context}} ()
-peekContext :: P Token
-peekContext =
-    P $ \s ->
-        let
-            r = case pp_context (pp s) of
-                [] -> ITeof -- Anthing really, for now, except a CPP one
-                (h : _) -> h
-         in
-            POk s r
+-- pushContext :: Token -> P ()
+-- pushContext new =
+--     P $ \s -> POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_context = new : pp_context (pp s)}} ()
+-- popContext :: P ()
+-- popContext =
+--     P $ \s ->
+--         let
+--             new_context = case pp_context (pp s) of
+--                 [] -> []
+--                 (_ : t) -> t
+--          in
+--             POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_context = (trace ("pop:new_context:" ++ show new_context) new_context)}} ()
+-- peekContext :: P Token
+-- peekContext =
+--     P $ \s ->
+--         let
+--             r = case pp_context (pp s) of
+--                 [] -> ITeof -- Anthing really, for now, except a CPP one
+--                 (h : _) -> h
+--          in
+--             POk s r
 setAccepting :: Bool -> P ()
 setAccepting on =
@@ -148,12 +152,21 @@ getAccepting = P $ \s -> POk s (pp_accepting (pp s))
 -- definitions start --------------------
-ppDefine :: String -> P ()
+ppDefine :: FastString -> P ()
 ppDefine def = P $ \s ->
-    POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_defines = Set.insert def (pp_defines (pp s))}} ()
+    -- POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_defines = Set.insert (cleanTokenString def) (pp_defines (pp s))}} ()
+    POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_defines = Set.insert (trace ("ppDefine:def=[" ++ show (cleanTokenString def) ++ "]") (cleanTokenString def)) (pp_defines (pp s))}} ()
-ppIsDefined :: String -> P Bool
+ppIsDefined :: FastString -> P Bool
 ppIsDefined def = P $ \s ->
-    POk s (Set.member def (pp_defines (pp s)))
+    -- POk s (Set.member def (pp_defines (pp s)))
+    POk s (Set.member (trace ("ppIsDefined:def=[" ++ show (cleanTokenString def) ++ "]") (cleanTokenString def)) (pp_defines (pp s)))
+-- | Take a @FastString@ of the form "#define FOO\n" and strip off all but "FOO"
+cleanTokenString :: FastString -> String
+cleanTokenString fs = r
+  where
+    ss = dropWhile (\c -> not $ isSpace c) (unpackFS fs)
+    r = init ss
 -- definitions end --------------------

@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.Char
 import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
 import Data.List
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Debug.Trace (trace)
+import Debug.Trace
 import GHC
 import qualified GHC.Data.EnumSet as EnumSet
 import GHC.Data.FastString
@@ -26,6 +27,19 @@ import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Utils.Error
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
+import Text.Parsec.Char as PS
+import Text.Parsec.Combinator as PS
+import Text.Parsec.Prim as PS
+-- import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
+import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
+-- import Text.Parsec.Char
+-- import FunctionsAndTypesForParsing (regularParse, parseWithEof, parseWithLeftOver)
+-- import Text.Parsec.String.Combinator (many1)
+-- import Text.Parsec.Combinator (many1)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 showAst :: (Data a) => a -> String
@@ -46,7 +60,6 @@ ppLexer queueComments cont =
         ( \tk ->
                 contInner t = (trace ("ppLexer: tk=" ++ show (unLoc tk, unLoc t)) cont) t
-                -- contPush = pushContext (unLoc tk) >> contInner (L lt (ITcppIgnored [tk]))
                 contPush = pushContext (unLoc tk) >> contIgnoreTok tk
                 contIgnoreTok (L l tok) = do
                     case l of
@@ -54,35 +67,50 @@ ppLexer queueComments cont =
                         _ -> return ()
                     ppLexer queueComments cont
-                case tk of
-                    L _ ITcppDefine -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppIf -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppIfdef -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppIfndef -> contPush
-                    L _ ITcppElse -> do
-                        preprocessElse
-                        contIgnoreTok tk
-                    L _ ITcppEndif -> do
-                        preprocessEnd
-                        contIgnoreTok tk
-                    L _ tok -> do
-                        state <- getCppState
-                        case (trace ("CPP state:" ++ show state) state) of
-                            CppIgnoring -> contIgnoreTok tk
-                            CppInDefine -> do
-                                ppDefine (trace ("ppDefine:" ++ show tok) (show tok))
-                                popContext
+                -- case tk of
+                case (trace ("M.ppLexer:tk=" ++ show (unLoc tk)) tk) of
+                    L _ (ITcppStart continuation s) -> do
+                        if continuation
+                            then do
+                                pushContinuation tk
+                                contIgnoreTok tk
+                            else do
+                                processCppToks s
                                 contIgnoreTok tk
-                            CppInIfdef -> do
-                                defined <- ppIsDefined (show tok)
-                                setAccepting defined
-                                popContext
+                    L _ (ITcppContinue continuation s) -> do
+                        if continuation
+                            then do
+                                pushContinuation tk
                                 contIgnoreTok tk
-                            CppInIfndef -> do
-                                defined <- ppIsDefined (show tok)
-                                setAccepting (not defined)
-                                popContext
+                            else do
+                                processCppToks s
                                 contIgnoreTok tk
+                    -- L _ (ITcppDefine s) -> do
+                    --     -- ppDefine (trace ("ppDefine:" ++ show s) s)
+                    --     ppDefine s
+                    --     popContext
+                    --     contIgnoreTok tk
+                    -- L _ (ITcppIf _) -> contPush
+                    -- L _ (ITcppIfdef s) -> do
+                    --     defined <- ppIsDefined s
+                    --     -- setAccepting defined
+                    --     setAccepting (trace ("ifdef:" ++ show (s, defined)) defined)
+                    --     contIgnoreTok tk
+                    -- L _ (ITcppIfndef s) -> do
+                    --     defined <- ppIsDefined s
+                    --     -- setAccepting (not defined)
+                    --     setAccepting (trace ("ifdef:" ++ show (s, defined)) (not defined))
+                    --     contIgnoreTok tk
+                    -- L _ ITcppElse -> do
+                    --     preprocessElse
+                    --     contIgnoreTok tk
+                    -- L _ ITcppEndif -> do
+                    --     preprocessEnd
+                    --     contIgnoreTok tk
+                    _ -> do
+                        state <- getCppState
+                        case (trace ("CPP state:" ++ show state) state) of
+                            CppIgnoring -> contIgnoreTok tk
                             _ -> contInner tk
@@ -96,6 +124,23 @@ preprocessEnd = do
     -- TODO: nested context
     setAccepting True
+processCppToks :: FastString -> P ()
+processCppToks fs = do
+    let str = unpackFS fs
+    let
+        get (L _ (ITcppStart _ s)) = s
+        get (L _ (ITcppContinue _ s)) = s
+        get _ = error "should not"
+    -- Combine any prior continuation tokens
+    cs <- popContinuation
+    processCpp (reverse $ fs : map get cs)
+    return ()
+processCpp :: [FastString] -> P ()
+processCpp fs = do
+    traceM $ "processCpp: fs=" ++ show fs
+    return ()
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Preprocessor state functions
@@ -112,9 +157,9 @@ getCppState = do
     context <- peekContext
     accepting <- getAccepting
     case context of
-        ITcppDefine -> return CppInDefine
-        ITcppIfdef -> return CppInIfdef
-        ITcppIfndef -> return CppInIfndef
+        -- ITcppDefine _ -> return CppInDefine
+        -- ITcppIfdef _ -> return CppInIfdef
+        -- ITcppIfndef _ -> return CppInIfndef
         _ ->
             if accepting
                 then return CppNormal
@@ -153,17 +198,90 @@ setAccepting on =
 getAccepting :: P Bool
 getAccepting = P $ \s -> POk s (pp_accepting (pp s))
+-- -------------------------------------
+pushContinuation :: Located Token -> P ()
+pushContinuation new =
+    P $ \s -> POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_continuation = new : pp_continuation (pp s)}} ()
+popContinuation :: P [Located Token]
+popContinuation =
+    P $ \s -> POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_continuation = []}} (pp_continuation (pp s))
 -- pp_context stack end -------------------
 -- definitions start --------------------
-ppDefine :: String -> P ()
+ppDefine :: FastString -> P ()
 ppDefine def = P $ \s ->
-    POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_defines = Set.insert def (pp_defines (pp s))}} ()
+    -- POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_defines = Set.insert (cleanTokenString def) (pp_defines (pp s))}} ()
+    POk s{pp = (pp s){pp_defines = Set.insert (trace ("ppDefine:def=[" ++ show (cleanTokenString def) ++ "]") (cleanTokenString def)) (pp_defines (pp s))}} ()
-ppIsDefined :: String -> P Bool
+ppIsDefined :: FastString -> P Bool
 ppIsDefined def = P $ \s ->
-    POk s (Set.member def (pp_defines (pp s)))
+    -- POk s (Set.member (cleanTokenString def) (pp_defines (pp s)))
+    POk s (Set.member (trace ("ppIsDefined:def=[" ++ show (cleanTokenString def) ++ "]") (cleanTokenString def)) (pp_defines (pp s)))
+-- | Take a @FastString@ of the form "#define FOO\n" and strip off all but "FOO"
+cleanTokenString :: FastString -> String
+cleanTokenString fs = r
+  where
+    ss = dropWhile (\c -> not $ isSpace c) (unpackFS fs)
+    r = init ss
+parseDefine :: FastString -> Maybe (String, String)
+parseDefine s = r
+  where
+    r = Just (cleanTokenString s, "")
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Parsec parsing
+type CppParser = Parsec String ()
+regularParse :: Parser a -> String -> Either Parsec.ParseError a
+regularParse p = PS.parse p ""
+cppComment :: CppParser ()
+cppComment = do
+    _ <- PS.string "/*"
+    _ <- PS.manyTill PS.anyChar (PS.try (PS.string "*/"))
+    return ()
+whiteSpace :: CppParser ()
+whiteSpace = do
+    _ <- PS.many (PS.choice [cppComment, PS.space >> return ()])
+    return ()
+lexeme :: CppParser a -> CppParser a
+lexeme p = p <* whiteSpace
+cppToken :: CppParser String
+cppToken = lexeme (PS.many1 (PS.satisfy (\c -> not (isSpace c))))
+{- | Do cpp initial processing, as per https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Initial-processing.html
+See Note [GhcCPP Initial Processing]
+cppInitial :: FastString -> String
+cppInitial fs = r
+  where
+    r = unpackFS fs
+Note [GhcCPP Initial Processing]
+This processing is based on the description at
+It is only done for lines starting with a preprocessor
+1. Broken into lines.  We rely on the GHC Lexer to do this
+2. Trigraphs are not processed
+3. Continued lines are merged into a single line
+   and is handled in the Lexer.
+4. All comments are replaced with a single space
 -- =====================================================================
 -- Emulate the parser
@@ -330,13 +448,9 @@ happyError = Lexer.srcParseFail
 -- =====================================================================
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-printToks :: Int -> [Located Token] -> IO ()
-printToks indent toks = mapM_ go toks
+printToks :: [Located Token] -> IO ()
+printToks toks = mapM_ go toks
-    go (L _ (ITcppIgnored ts)) = do
-        putStr "ITcppIgnored ["
-        printToks (indent + 4) ts
-        putStrLn "]"
     go (L _ tk) = putStrLn (show tk)
 -- Testing
@@ -349,13 +463,13 @@ doTest strings = do
     let test = intercalate "\n" strings
     !tks <- parseString libdirNow test
     putStrLn "-----------------------------------------"
-    printToks 0 (reverse tks)
+    printToks (reverse tks)
 t0 :: IO ()
 t0 = do
-        [ "#define FOO"
-        , "#ifdef FOO"
+        [ "# define FOO"
+        , "#  ifdef FOO"
         , "x = 1"
         , "#endif"
         , ""
@@ -379,3 +493,87 @@ t2 = do
         , "#endif"
         , ""
+t3 :: IO ()
+t3 = do
+    doTest
+        [ "{-# LANGUAGE GhcCPP #-}"
+        , "module Example1 where"
+        , ""
+        , "y = 1"
+        , ""
+        , "#define FOO"
+        , ""
+        , "x ="
+        , "#ifdef FOO"
+        , "  \" hello \""
+        , "#else"
+        , "  \" bye now \""
+        , "#endif"
+        , ""
+        , "foo = putStrLn x"
+        ]
+t3a :: IO ()
+t3a = do
+    doTest
+        [ "{-# LANGUAGE GhcCPP #-}"
+        , "module Example1 where"
+        , ""
+        , "#define FOO"
+        , ""
+        , "x ="
+        , "#ifdef FOO"
+        , "  \" hello \""
+        , "#else"
+        , "  \" bye now \""
+        , "#endif"
+        , ""
+        , "foo = putStrLn x"
+        ]
+t4 :: IO ()
+t4 = do
+    doTest
+        [ "/* package ghc-exactprint- */"
+        , "#ifndef VERSION_ghc_exactprint"
+        , "#define VERSION_ghc_exactprint \"\""
+        , "#endif /* VERSION_ghc_exactprint */"
+        , "#ifndef MIN_VERSION_ghc_exactprint"
+        , -- , "#define MIN_VERSION_ghc_exactprint(major1,major2,minor) (\\"
+          -- , "  (major1) <  1 || \\"
+          -- , "  (major1) == 1 && (major2) <  7 || \\"
+          -- , "  (major1) == 1 && (major2) == 7 && (minor) <= 0)"
+          "#endif /* MIN_VERSION_ghc_exactprint */"
+        , ""
+        , "#ifdef VERSION_ghc_exactprint"
+        , "x = \"got version\""
+        , "#else"
+        , "x = \"no version\""
+        , "#endif"
+        ]
+t5 :: IO ()
+t5 = do
+    doTest
+        [ "#define MIN_VERSION_ghc_exactprint(major1,major2,minor) (\\"
+        , "  (major1) <  1 || \\"
+        , "  (major1) == 1 && (major2) <  7 || \\"
+        , "  (major1) == 1 && (major2) == 7 && (minor) <= 0)"
+        , "x = x"
+        ]
+t6 :: IO ()
+t6 = do
+    doTest
+        [ "#define VERSION_ghc_exactprint \"\""
+        , ""
+        , "#ifdef VERSION_ghc_exactprint"
+        , "x = \"got version\""
+        , "#else"
+        , "x = \"no version\""
+        , "#endif"
+        ]
+t7 :: Maybe (String, String)
+t7 = parseDefine (mkFastString "#define VERSION_ghc_exactprint \"\"\n")

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