[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/isNullaryRepDataCon] wip: precomputed static closure stuff

Matthew Craven (@clyring) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Nov 24 21:12:11 UTC 2023

Matthew Craven pushed to branch wip/romes/isNullaryRepDataCon at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

29295358 by Matthew Craven at 2023-11-24T16:10:42-05:00
wip: precomputed static closure stuff

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs


@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ internal names. <type> is one of the following:
          con_entry              Dynamic Constructor entry code
          con_info               Dynamic Constructor info table
          static_entry           Static Constructor entry code
-         static_info            Static Constructor info table
+         static_info            Static Constructor info table (unused?)
          sel_info               Selector info table
          sel_entry              Selector entry code
          cc                     Cost centre
@@ -1374,30 +1374,39 @@ entry.
 Note [Closure and info labels]
-For a function 'foo, we have:
+For a function 'foo', we have:
    foo_info    : Points to the info table describing foo's closure
                  (and entry code for foo with tables next to code)
    foo_closure : Static (no-free-var) closure only:
                  points to the statically-allocated closure
-For a data constructor (such as Just or Nothing), we have:
-    Just_con_info: Info table for the data constructor itself
-                   the first word of a heap-allocated Just
+For a data constructor (such as Just or Nothing), we also have:
+    Just_con_info: Info table for objects built with the data constructor;
+                   the first word of such a heap-allocated Just object
+  The *worker function* for a data constructor also gets code:
     Just_info:     Info table for the *worker function*, an
                    ordinary Haskell function of arity 1 that
                    allocates a (Just x) box:
                       Just = \x -> Just x
     Just_closure:  The closure for this worker
-    Nothing_closure: a statically allocated closure for Nothing
-    Nothing_static_info: info table for Nothing_closure
+  But since the worker for Nothing has arity zero, it is a static
+  data object rather than a proper function, and its info table is
+  Nothing_con_info instead of Nothng_info.
-All these must be exported symbol, EXCEPT Just_info.  We don't need to
+All of the above must be exported symbols, EXCEPT Just_info.  We don't need to
 export this because in other modules we either have
        * A reference to 'Just'; use Just_closure
        * A saturated call 'Just x'; allocate using Just_con_info
 Not exporting these Just_info labels reduces the number of symbols
+somewhat. (TODO: Point to the code for exporting/not-exporting these.)
+What about a data constructor wrapper like $WCon?  They are ordinary
+functions as far as code generation is concerned.  In particular,
+$WCon_info should be an exported symbol (if it exists).
 Note [Bytes label]

@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ cgEnumerationTyCon tycon
 -- | Generate the entry code and associated info table for a constructor.
--- Where are generating the static closure at all?
+-- More specifically, this generates the "..._con_info" and corresponding
+-- "..._con_entry" for a DataCon as described in GHC.Cmm.CLabel's
+-- Note [Closure and info labels].
 cgDataCon :: ConInfoTableLocation -> DataCon -> FCode ()
 cgDataCon mn data_con
   = do  { massert (not (isUnboxedTupleDataCon data_con || isUnboxedSumDataCon data_con))

@@ -322,69 +322,65 @@ because they don't support cross package data references well.
 Note [Precomputed static closures of nullary constructors]
-We can easily create a precomputed static closure for all data constructors
-that don't take runtime-relevant arguments since their closure is always just
-the constructor info.
-Instead of allocating a closure with just the constructor info every time it is
-used, we can instead use the precomputed static closure!
+If a data constructor worker takes only zero-width arguments, then
+every object created with that constructor is effectively identical at
+run-time.  So, if possible we would like to create just one such
+object at compile-time, and re-use that object whenever we would
+ordinarily allocate a new object with that constructor at run-time.
 For example, to return from a function the constructor `Nothing`, instead of
 allocating on the heap a word for `Nothing_con_info` and returning the pointer
-to it tagged `+1`, we can simply return `Nothing_closure+1`
+to it tagged `+1`, we can simply return `Nothing_closure+1`.
 We must consider three distinct situations of saturated applications of
 constructors that take no runtime-relevant arguments in which we can use a
 precomputed static closure:
-(1) For a data con /worker/ `TCon1` application to no arguments whatsoever we
-can trivially use the static closure of the worker, `TCon1_closure`.
-  Recall that for a worker such as `TCon1`, `TCon1_closure` is just the
-  `TCon1_con_info`:
-        section ""data" . M.TCon1_closure" {
-            M.TCon1_closure:
-                const M.TCon1_con_info;
-        }
-  Invariant: These workers don't have wrappers.
-(2) For a data con /wrapper/ `$WTCon2` that takes no arguments whatsoever, we
-can also trivially return the static closure of the wrapper, `$WTCon2_closure`.
-It might be surprising to see a nullary data con /wrapper/ -- they come into
-existence when the worker only takes zero-width arguments. See the example below.
-  As in (1), `$WTCon2_closure` simply points to a `TCon2_con_info`.
-      section ""data" . M.$WTCon2_closure" {
-        M.$WTCon2_closure:
-            const M.TCon2_con_info;
-      }
-(3) For a data con /worker/ `TCon2` that takes zero-width arguments only (and
-whose wrapper is `$WTCon2`): because the arguments aren't relevant at runtime,
-closures for it still only have the constructor info -- we can use a
-precomputed static closure instead of allocating them on the heap, nonetheless.
-  However, unlike the worker in (1), `TCon2`, in taking arguments (regardless
-of runtime representation), is unambiguously a function! Therefore, its
-`TCon2_closure` actually contains the info of the function (`TCon2_info`) that returns the
-constructor when called -- and as so it must remain -- if `TCon2` is ever used as
-a function instead of in a saturated data con application, it better be one.
-  To generate in place of a saturated data con application of `TCon2`, we would
-  need something close to:
-      section ""data" . M.TCon2_some_sort_of_closure" {
-        M.TCon2_some_sort_of_closure:
-            const M.TCon2_con_info; -- Must be TCon2_con_info rather than TCon2_info which we have in TCon2_closure
-      }
-  But this turns out to be exactly the definition of this worker's wrapper's
-  static closure (see `$WTCon2_closure`). So, for the kind of worker in (3),
-  the precomputed static closure is the same as the one for the wrapper.
-  Invariant: These workers always have a wrapper of type (2)
-The solution that handles all of these cases turns out to be surprisingly
-simple: A data con applied to an empty list of non-void arguments has a
-precomputed static closure which is the tagged closure label of the var name of
-the `dataConWrapId`, both for workers and wrappers.
-  For (1), `dataConWrapId` will return the Id of the worker because the wrapper
-  doesn't exist (i.e. `Wrk_closure+tag`).
-  For (2), `dataConWrapId` will return the Id of the wrapper for the wrapper (i.e. `$Wrp_closure+tag`).
-  For (3), `dataConWrapId` will return the Id of the wrapper, which must exist (i.e. `$Wrp_closure+tag`).
+Conveniently, if either the worker or the wrapper for a given data
+constructor takes no arguments whatsoever, it will become piece of
+static data that we can use for this purpose.
+  > data  Maybe a  =  Nothing | Just a
+  Here the Nothing constructor takes no arguments whatsoever.  Thus,
+  we can use the worker Nothing itself as a precomputed static
+  closure.
+  > data a :~: b where
+  >   Refl :: a :~: a
+  This will produce a worker `Refl` with type `forall a b. a ~# b => a :~: b`,
+  which is thus a /function/ taking a single (zero-width) coercion
+  argument.  But the wrapper `$WRefl` has type `forall a. a :~: a` and
+  is thus (unlike the worker) an arity-zero data object that we can
+  safely substitute for allocated Refl-constructed objects.
+  > data Example3 = Example3Con {-# UNPACK #-} !()
+  When optimisations are on, after unpacking, the worker `Example3Con`
+  will take no arguments whatsoever but the wrapper `$WExample3Con`
+  will be a function taking a boxed unit as its argument.  So we
+  should use the worker for the precomputed static closure even though
+  a separate wrapper exists.
+  > data Example4 = NoWrapper (# #)
+  The worker function `NoWrapper` takes one zero-width arg, an empty
+  unboxed tuple.  Since all of its args are zero-width, we could in
+  principle apply the precomputed-static-closure optimization to it,
+  but we would have to create a dedicated closure specifically for this
+  purpose: We cannot use the worker (it is a function with arity one)
+  and no separate wrapper even exists.
+  Creating such a dedicated closure is left as future work.
+TODO: decide how much of the below examples to retain
 As an example, since (2) and (3) might be hard to visualise, consider the datatype:
@@ -425,11 +421,16 @@ tagging of its pointer.
 -- See Note [Precomputed static closures]
 precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe :: StgToCmmConfig -> Id -> DataCon -> [NonVoid StgArg] -> Maybe CgIdInfo
 precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe cfg binder con []
-  -- Nullary constructors (list of nonvoid args is null)
   -- See Note [Precomputed static closures of nullary constructors]
-  = assert (hasNoNonZeroWidthArgs con) $
-      Just $ litIdInfo (stgToCmmPlatform cfg) binder (mkConLFInfo con)
-                (CmmLabel (mkClosureLabel (varName $ dataConWrapId con) NoCafRefs))
+  | isNullaryRepDataCon con
+  = use_name (dataConName con)
+  | Just wrapper <- dataConWrapId_maybe con
+  , idArity wrapper == 0 -- This might be pre-unarise arity, but that's OK
+  = use_name (varName wrapper)
+  where
+    use_name name
+      = Just $ litIdInfo (stgToCmmPlatform cfg) binder (mkConLFInfo con)
+          (CmmLabel (mkClosureLabel name NoCafRefs))
 precomputedStaticConInfo_maybe cfg binder con [arg]
   -- Int/Char values with existing closures in the RTS
   | intClosure || charClosure

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