[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/expand-do] 7 commits: Add laws relating between Foldable/Traversable with their Bi- superclasses

Apoorv Ingle (@ani) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Nov 7 14:58:52 UTC 2023

Apoorv Ingle pushed to branch wip/expand-do at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

30baac7a by Tobias Haslop at 2023-11-06T10:50:32+00:00
Add laws relating between Foldable/Traversable with their Bi- superclasses

See https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/205 for

This commit also documents that the tuple instances only satisfy the
laws up to lazyness, similar to the documentation added in !9512.

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df626f00 by Tobias Haslop at 2023-11-07T02:20:37-05:00
Elaborate on the quantified superclass of Bifunctor

This was requested in the comment
for when Traversable becomes a superclass of Bitraversable, but similarly
applies to Functor/Bifunctor, which already are in a superclass relationship.

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8217acb8 by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-11-07T02:21:12-05:00
EPA: get rid of l2l and friends

Replace them with

  l2l to convert the location
  la2la to convert a GenLocated thing

Updates haddock submodule

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dd88a260 by Luite Stegeman at 2023-11-07T02:21:53-05:00
JS: remove broken newIdents from JStg Monad

GHC.JS.JStg.Monad.newIdents was broken, resulting in duplicate
identifiers being generated in h$c1, h$c2, ... .

This change removes the broken newIdents.

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4a7953ac by Apoorv Ingle at 2023-11-07T15:45:08+01:00
Expand `do` blocks right before typechecking using the `HsExpansion` philosophy.

- A step towards killing `tcSyntaxOp`

- Fixes #18324 #20020 #23147 #22788 #15598 #22086 #21206

- Note [Expanding HsDo with HsExpansion] in `GHC.Tc.Gen.Do` explains change in detail

- Note Note [Doing HsExpansion in the Renamer vs Typechecker] in `GHC.Rename.Expr` expains the rational of doing expansions in type checker as opposed to in the renamer

- New datatype to make this expansion work `GHC.Hs.Expr.XXExprGhcRn`:
    1. Expansion bits for Expressions, Statements and Patterns in (`ExpandedThingRn`)
    2. `PopErrCtxt` a special GhcRn Phase only artifcat to pop the previous error message in the error context stack
- Kills `HsExpansion` and `HsExpanded` as we have inlined them in `XXExprGhcRn` and `XXExprGhcTc`

- `GHC.Basic.Origin` now tracks the reason for expansion in case of Generated
  This is useful for type checking cf. `GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr.tcExpr` case for `HsLam`

- Ensures warnings such as
  1. Pattern mach checks
  2. Failable patterns
  3. non-() return in body statements are preserved

- Expansions inside Template haskell also work without issues.

- Testcases:
  * T18324 T20020 T23147 T22788 T15598 T22086
  * T23147b (error message check),
  * DoubleMatch (match inside a match for pmc check)
  * pattern-fails (check pattern match with non-refutable pattern, eg. newtype)
  * Simple-rec (rec statements inside do statment)
  * T22788 (code snippet from #22788)
  * DoExpanion1 (Error messages for body statments)
  * DoExpansion2 (Error messages for bind statements)
  * DoExpansion3 (Error messages for let statements)

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c3602f80 by Gergő Érdi at 2023-11-07T15:45:12+01:00
push the `match_ctxt` business inside `tcMatchLambda`

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3c9b762d by Apoorv Ingle at 2023-11-07T15:45:13+01:00
- Note changes. Making expansion example a bit more complex

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Instances.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Syn/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Arrows.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Match.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Quote.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Ticks.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/JS/JStg/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/JS/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Module.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Pat.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Splice.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- + compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Do.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Export.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/7742deacd8eaa5d52b5f774139c54308b6f923f9...3c9b762d7be8c8c07f798279f33da93790e6eb02

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/7742deacd8eaa5d52b5f774139c54308b6f923f9...3c9b762d7be8c8c07f798279f33da93790e6eb02
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