[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-th] 2 commits: Stg: return imported FVs
Sylvain Henry (@hsyl20)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed May 31 14:36:21 UTC 2023
Sylvain Henry pushed to branch wip/js-th at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
89b57a26 by Sylvain Henry at 2023-05-31T16:41:46+02:00
Stg: return imported FVs
This is used to determine what to link when using the interpreter.
For now it's only used by the JS interpreter but it could easily be used
by the native interpreter too (instead of extracting names from compiled BCOs).
- - - - -
f00e5db4 by Sylvain Henry at 2023-05-31T16:41:46+02:00
Fix some recompilation avoidance tests
- - - - -
9 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
- compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Misc.hs
- testsuite/tests/driver/recomp009/all.T
- testsuite/tests/driver/recompTH/all.T
- testsuite/tests/driver/th-new-test/all.T
- testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/LoadCmmGroup.hs
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ import GHC.ByteCode.Types
import GHC.Linker.Loader
import GHC.Linker.Types
+import GHC.Linker.Deps
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Hs.Dump
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@ import GHC.Types.SafeHaskell
import GHC.Types.ForeignStubs
import GHC.Types.Name.Env ( mkNameEnv )
import GHC.Types.Var.Env ( mkEmptyTidyEnv )
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Error
import GHC.Types.Fixity.Env
import GHC.Types.CostCentre
@@ -248,6 +250,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Name.Set (NonCaffySet)
import GHC.Types.TyThing
import GHC.Types.HpcInfo
import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply (uniqFromMask)
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint ( Fingerprint )
import GHC.Utils.Panic
@@ -278,7 +281,7 @@ import System.FilePath as FilePath
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set (Set)
-import Data.Functor
+import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
@@ -1847,7 +1850,7 @@ hscGenHardCode hsc_env cgguts location output_filename = do
this_mod location late_cc_binds data_tycons
----------------- Convert to STG ------------------
- (stg_binds, denv, (caf_ccs, caf_cc_stacks), stg_cg_infos)
+ (stg_binds_with_deps, denv, (caf_ccs, caf_cc_stacks), stg_cg_infos)
<- {-# SCC "CoreToStg" #-}
withTiming logger
(text "CoreToStg"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
@@ -1859,6 +1862,8 @@ hscGenHardCode hsc_env cgguts location output_filename = do
(seqEltsUFM (seqTagSig) tag_env))
(myCoreToStg logger dflags (interactiveInScope (hsc_IC hsc_env)) False this_mod location prepd_binds)
+ let (stg_binds,_stg_deps) = unzip stg_binds_with_deps
let cost_centre_info =
(late_local_ccs ++ caf_ccs, caf_cc_stacks)
platform = targetPlatform dflags
@@ -1977,9 +1982,12 @@ hscInteractive hsc_env cgguts location = do
-- The stg cg info only provides a runtime benfit, but is not requires so we just
-- omit it here
- (stg_binds, _infotable_prov, _caf_ccs__caf_cc_stacks, _ignore_stg_cg_infos)
+ (stg_binds_with_deps, _infotable_prov, _caf_ccs__caf_cc_stacks, _ignore_stg_cg_infos)
<- {-# SCC "CoreToStg" #-}
myCoreToStg logger dflags (interactiveInScope (hsc_IC hsc_env)) True this_mod location prepd_binds
+ let (stg_binds,_stg_deps) = unzip stg_binds_with_deps
----------------- Generate byte code ------------------
comp_bc <- byteCodeGen hsc_env this_mod stg_binds data_tycons mod_breaks
------------------ Create f-x-dynamic C-side stuff -----
@@ -2157,7 +2165,7 @@ doCodeGen hsc_env this_mod denv data_tycons
myCoreToStg :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Var]
-> Bool
-> Module -> ModLocation -> CoreProgram
- -> IO ( [CgStgTopBinding] -- output program
+ -> IO ( [(CgStgTopBinding,IdSet)] -- output program and its dependencies
, InfoTableProvMap
, CollectedCCs -- CAF cost centre info (declared and used)
, StgCgInfos )
@@ -2172,7 +2180,7 @@ myCoreToStg logger dflags ic_inscope for_bytecode this_mod ml prepd_binds = do
this_mod stg_binds
putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_stg_cg "CodeGenInput STG:" FormatSTG
- (pprGenStgTopBindings (initStgPprOpts dflags) stg_binds_with_fvs)
+ (pprGenStgTopBindings (initStgPprOpts dflags) (fmap fst stg_binds_with_fvs))
return (stg_binds_with_fvs, denv, cost_centre_info, stg_cg_info)
@@ -2325,7 +2333,7 @@ hscParsedDecls hsc_env decls = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ do
(initCorePrepPgmConfig (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (interactiveInScope $ hsc_IC hsc_env))
this_mod iNTERACTIVELoc core_binds data_tycons
- (stg_binds, _infotable_prov, _caf_ccs__caf_cc_stacks, _stg_cg_info)
+ (stg_binds_with_deps, _infotable_prov, _caf_ccs__caf_cc_stacks, _stg_cg_info)
<- {-# SCC "CoreToStg" #-}
liftIO $ myCoreToStg (hsc_logger hsc_env)
(hsc_dflags hsc_env)
@@ -2335,6 +2343,8 @@ hscParsedDecls hsc_env decls = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ do
+ let (stg_binds,_stg_deps) = unzip stg_binds_with_deps
{- Generate byte code -}
cbc <- liftIO $ byteCodeGen hsc_env this_mod
stg_binds data_tycons mod_breaks
@@ -2569,7 +2579,7 @@ hscCompileCoreExpr' hsc_env srcspan ds_expr = do
{- Lint if necessary -}
- lintInteractiveExpr (text "hscCompileExpr") hsc_env prepd_expr
+ lintInteractiveExpr (text "hscCompileCoreExpr") hsc_env prepd_expr
let this_loc = ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
ml_hi_file = panic "hscCompileCoreExpr':ml_hi_file",
ml_obj_file = panic "hscCompileCoreExpr':ml_obj_file",
@@ -2583,14 +2593,14 @@ hscCompileCoreExpr' hsc_env srcspan ds_expr = do
-- files for the same module and the JS linker doesn't support this.
-- Note that we can't use icInteractiveModule because the ic_mod_index value
- -- isn't bumped between invocations of hscCompileExpr, so uniqueness isn't
+ -- isn't bumped between invocations of hscCompileCoreExpr, so uniqueness isn't
-- guaranteed.
-- We reuse the unique we obtained for the binding, but any unique would do.
let this_mod = mkInteractiveModule (show u)
let for_bytecode = True
- (stg_binds, _prov_map, _collected_ccs, _stg_cg_infos) <-
+ (stg_binds_with_deps, _prov_map, _collected_ccs, _stg_cg_infos) <-
myCoreToStg logger
(interactiveInScope (hsc_IC hsc_env))
@@ -2599,15 +2609,14 @@ hscCompileCoreExpr' hsc_env srcspan ds_expr = do
[NonRec binding_id prepd_expr]
+ let (stg_binds, _stg_deps) = unzip stg_binds_with_deps
let interp = hscInterp hsc_env
- let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- let tmp_dir = tmpDir dflags
case interp of
-- always generate JS code for the JS interpreter (no bytecode!)
Interp (ExternalInterp (ExtJS i)) _ ->
- jsCodeGen logger tmpfs tmp_dir unit_env (initStgToJSConfig dflags) interp i
- this_mod stg_binds binding_id
+ jsCodeGen hsc_env srcspan i this_mod stg_binds_with_deps binding_id
_ -> do
{- Convert to BCOs -}
@@ -2626,18 +2635,70 @@ hscCompileCoreExpr' hsc_env srcspan ds_expr = do
-- | Generate JS code for the given bindings and return the HValue for the given id
- :: Logger
- -> TmpFs
- -> TempDir
- -> UnitEnv
- -> StgToJSConfig
- -> Interp
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> SrcSpan
-> JSInterp
-> Module
- -> [CgStgTopBinding]
+ -> [(CgStgTopBinding,IdSet)]
-> Id
-> IO (ForeignHValue, [Linkable], PkgsLoaded)
-jsCodeGen logger tmpfs tmp_dir unit_env js_config interp i this_mod stg_binds binding_id = do
+jsCodeGen hsc_env srcspan i this_mod stg_binds_with_deps binding_id = do
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ interp = hscInterp hsc_env
+ tmp_dir = tmpDir dflags
+ unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
+ js_config = initStgToJSConfig dflags
+ -- We need to load all the dependencies first.
+ --
+ -- We get all the imported names from the Stg bindings and load their modules.
+ --
+ -- (logic adapted from GHC.Linker.Loader.loadDecls for the JS linker)
+ let
+ (stg_binds, stg_deps) = unzip stg_binds_with_deps
+ imported_ids = nonDetEltsUniqSet (unionVarSets stg_deps)
+ imported_names = map idName imported_ids
+ needed_mods :: [Module]
+ needed_mods = [ nameModule n | n <- imported_names,
+ isExternalName n, -- Names from other modules
+ not (isWiredInName n) -- Exclude wired-in names
+ ] -- (see note below)
+ -- Exclude wired-in names because we may not have read
+ -- their interface files, so getLinkDeps will fail
+ -- All wired-in names are in the base package, which we link
+ -- by default, so we can safely ignore them here.
+ -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
+ initLoaderState interp hsc_env
+ -- Take lock for the actual work.
+ (dep_linkables, dep_units) <- modifyLoaderState interp $ \pls -> do
+ let link_opts = initLinkDepsOpts hsc_env
+ -- Find what packages and linkables are required
+ deps <- getLinkDeps link_opts interp pls srcspan needed_mods
+ -- We update the LinkerState even if the JS interpreter maintains its linker
+ -- state independently to load new objects here.
+ let (objs, _bcos) = partition isObjectLinkable
+ (concatMap partitionLinkable (ldNeededLinkables deps))
+ let (objs_loaded', _new_objs) = rmDupLinkables (objs_loaded pls) objs
+ -- FIXME: we should make the JS linker load new_objs here, instead of
+ -- on-demand.
+ -- FIXME: we don't report needed units because we would have to find a way
+ -- to build a meaningful LoadedPkgInfo (see the mess in
+ -- GHC.Linker.Loader.{loadPackage,loadPackages'}). Detecting what to load
+ -- and actually loading (using the native interpreter) are intermingled, so
+ -- we can't directly reuse this code.
+ let pls' = pls { objs_loaded = objs_loaded' }
+ pure (pls', (ldAllLinkables deps, emptyUDFM {- ldNeededUnits deps -}) )
let foreign_stubs = NoStubs
spt_entries = mempty
cost_centre_info = mempty
@@ -2660,12 +2721,7 @@ jsCodeGen logger tmpfs tmp_dir unit_env js_config interp i this_mod stg_binds bi
binding_fref <- withJSInterp i $ \inst ->
mkForeignRef href (freeReallyRemoteRef inst href)
- -- FIXME (#23013): the JS linker doesn't use the LoaderState.
- -- The state is only maintained in the interpreter instance (jsLinkState field) for now.
- let linkables = mempty
- let loaded_pkgs = emptyUDFM
- return (castForeignRef binding_fref, linkables, loaded_pkgs)
+ return (castForeignRef binding_fref, dep_linkables, dep_units)
{- **********************************************************************
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ module GHC.Linker.Loader
, withExtendedLoadedEnv
, extendLoadedEnv
, deleteFromLoadedEnv
+ -- * Internals
+ , rmDupLinkables
+ , modifyLoaderState
+ , initLinkDepsOpts
+ , partitionLinkable
@@ -282,15 +287,22 @@ reallyInitLoaderState interp hsc_env = do
-- Initialise the linker state
let pls0 = emptyLoaderState
- -- (a) initialise the C dynamic linker
- initObjLinker interp
+ case platformArch (targetPlatform (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) of
+ -- FIXME: we don't initialize anything with the JS interpreter.
+ -- Perhaps we should load preload packages. We'll load them on demand
+ -- anyway.
+ ArchJavaScript -> return pls0
+ _ -> do
+ -- (a) initialise the C dynamic linker
+ initObjLinker interp
- -- (b) Load packages from the command-line (Note [preload packages])
- pls <- unitEnv_foldWithKey (\k u env -> k >>= \pls' -> loadPackages' interp (hscSetActiveUnitId u hsc_env) (preloadUnits (homeUnitEnv_units env)) pls') (return pls0) (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
- -- steps (c), (d) and (e)
- loadCmdLineLibs' interp hsc_env pls
+ -- (b) Load packages from the command-line (Note [preload packages])
+ pls <- unitEnv_foldWithKey (\k u env -> k >>= \pls' -> loadPackages' interp (hscSetActiveUnitId u hsc_env) (preloadUnits (homeUnitEnv_units env)) pls') (return pls0) (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
+ -- steps (c), (d) and (e)
+ loadCmdLineLibs' interp hsc_env pls
loadCmdLineLibs :: Interp -> HscEnv -> IO ()
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{- |
Non-global free variable analysis on STG terms. This pass annotates
@@ -84,26 +85,31 @@ But isn't it in correct dependency order already? No:
-- with the free variables needed in the closure
-- * Each StgCase is correctly annotated (in its extension field) with
-- the variables that must be saved across the case
-depSortWithAnnotStgPgm :: Module -> [StgTopBinding] -> [CgStgTopBinding]
+depSortWithAnnotStgPgm :: Module -> [StgTopBinding] -> [(CgStgTopBinding,ImpFVs)]
depSortWithAnnotStgPgm this_mod binds
= {-# SCC "STG.depSortWithAnnotStgPgm" #-}
- lit_binds ++ map from_scc sccs
+ zip lit_binds (repeat emptyVarSet) ++ map from_scc sccs
lit_binds :: [CgStgTopBinding]
pairs :: [(Id, StgRhs)]
(lit_binds, pairs) = flattenTopStgBindings binds
- nodes :: [Node Name (Id, CgStgRhs)]
+ nodes :: [Node Name (Id, CgStgRhs, ImpFVs)]
nodes = map (annotateTopPair env0) pairs
env0 = Env { locals = emptyVarSet, mod = this_mod }
-- Do strongly connected component analysis. Why?
-- See Note [Why do we need dependency analysis?]
- sccs :: [SCC (Id,CgStgRhs)]
+ sccs :: [SCC (Id,CgStgRhs,ImpFVs)]
sccs = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq nodes
- from_scc (CyclicSCC pairs) = StgTopLifted (StgRec pairs)
- from_scc (AcyclicSCC (bndr,rhs)) = StgTopLifted (StgNonRec bndr rhs)
+ from_scc = \case
+ AcyclicSCC (bndr,rhs,imp_fvs) -> (StgTopLifted (StgNonRec bndr rhs), imp_fvs)
+ CyclicSCC triples -> (StgTopLifted (StgRec pairs), imp_fvs)
+ where
+ (ids,rhss,imp_fvss) = unzip3 triples
+ pairs = zip ids rhss
+ imp_fvs = unionVarSets imp_fvss
flattenTopStgBindings :: [StgTopBinding] -> ([CgStgTopBinding], [(Id,StgRhs)])
@@ -119,13 +125,13 @@ flattenTopStgBindings binds
flatten_one (StgNonRec b r) = [(b,r)]
flatten_one (StgRec pairs) = pairs
-annotateTopPair :: Env -> (Id, StgRhs) -> Node Name (Id, CgStgRhs)
+annotateTopPair :: Env -> (Id, StgRhs) -> Node Name (Id, CgStgRhs, ImpFVs)
annotateTopPair env0 (bndr, rhs)
= DigraphNode { node_key = idName bndr
- , node_payload = (bndr, rhs')
+ , node_payload = (bndr, rhs', imp_fvs)
, node_dependencies = map idName (nonDetEltsUniqSet top_fvs) }
- (rhs', top_fvs, _) = rhsFVs env0 rhs
+ (rhs', imp_fvs, top_fvs, _) = rhsFVs env0 rhs
-- * Non-global free variable analysis
@@ -158,6 +164,12 @@ addLocals bndrs env
-- analysis on the top-level bindings.
type TopFVs = IdSet
+-- | ImpFVs: set of variables that are imported
+-- It is a /non-deterministic/ set because we use it only to perform module
+-- dependency analysis.
+type ImpFVs = IdSet
-- | LocalFVs: set of variable that are:
-- (a) bound locally (by a lambda, non-top-level let, or case); that is,
-- it appears in the 'locals' field of 'Env'
@@ -181,97 +193,100 @@ type LocalFVs = DIdSet
annBindingFreeVars :: Module -> StgBinding -> CgStgBinding
-annBindingFreeVars this_mod = fstOf3 . bindingFVs (Env emptyVarSet this_mod) emptyDVarSet
+annBindingFreeVars this_mod = fstOf4 . bindingFVs (Env emptyVarSet this_mod) emptyDVarSet
-bindingFVs :: Env -> LocalFVs -> StgBinding -> (CgStgBinding, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+bindingFVs :: Env -> LocalFVs -> StgBinding -> (CgStgBinding, ImpFVs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
bindingFVs env body_fv b =
case b of
- StgNonRec bndr r -> (StgNonRec bndr r', fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ StgNonRec bndr r -> (StgNonRec bndr r', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
- (r', fvs, rhs_lcl_fvs) = rhsFVs env r
+ (r', imp_fvs, top_fvs, rhs_lcl_fvs) = rhsFVs env r
lcl_fvs = delDVarSet body_fv bndr `unionDVarSet` rhs_lcl_fvs
- StgRec pairs -> (StgRec pairs', fvs, lcl_fvss)
+ StgRec pairs -> (StgRec pairs', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvss)
bndrs = map fst pairs
env' = addLocals bndrs env
- (rhss, rhs_fvss, rhs_lcl_fvss) = mapAndUnzip3 (rhsFVs env' . snd) pairs
- fvs = unionVarSets rhs_fvss
+ (rhss, rhs_imp_fvss, rhs_top_fvss, rhs_lcl_fvss) = mapAndUnzip4 (rhsFVs env' . snd) pairs
+ top_fvs = unionVarSets rhs_top_fvss
+ imp_fvs = unionVarSets rhs_imp_fvss
pairs' = zip bndrs rhss
lcl_fvss = delDVarSetList (unionDVarSets (body_fv:rhs_lcl_fvss)) bndrs
-varFVs :: Env -> Id -> (TopFVs, LocalFVs) -> (TopFVs, LocalFVs)
-varFVs env v (top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+varFVs :: Env -> Id -> (ImpFVs, TopFVs, LocalFVs) -> (ImpFVs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+varFVs env v (imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
| v `elemVarSet` locals env -- v is locally bound
- = (top_fvs, lcl_fvs `extendDVarSet` v)
+ = (imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs `extendDVarSet` v)
| nameIsLocalOrFrom (mod env) (idName v) -- v is bound at top level
- = (top_fvs `extendVarSet` v, lcl_fvs)
+ = (imp_fvs, top_fvs `extendVarSet` v, lcl_fvs)
| otherwise -- v is imported
- = (top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ = (imp_fvs `extendVarSet` v, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
-exprFVs :: Env -> StgExpr -> (CgStgExpr, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+exprFVs :: Env -> StgExpr -> (CgStgExpr, ImpFVs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
exprFVs env = go
go (StgApp f as)
- | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- varFVs env f (argsFVs env as)
- = (StgApp f as, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ | (imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- varFVs env f (argsFVs env as)
+ = (StgApp f as, imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
- go (StgLit lit) = (StgLit lit, emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
+ go (StgLit lit) = (StgLit lit, emptyVarSet, emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
go (StgConApp dc n as tys)
- | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env as
- = (StgConApp dc n as tys, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ | (imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env as
+ = (StgConApp dc n as tys, imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
go (StgOpApp op as ty)
- | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env as
- = (StgOpApp op as ty, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ | (imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env as
+ = (StgOpApp op as ty, imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
go (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts)
- | (scrut',scrut_top_fvs,scrut_lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs env scrut
- , (alts',alts_top_fvss,alts_lcl_fvss)
- <- mapAndUnzip3 (altFVs (addLocals [bndr] env)) alts
+ | (scrut',scrut_imp_fvs,scrut_top_fvs,scrut_lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs env scrut
+ , (alts',alts_imp_fvss,alts_top_fvss,alts_lcl_fvss)
+ <- mapAndUnzip4 (altFVs (addLocals [bndr] env)) alts
, let top_fvs = scrut_top_fvs `unionVarSet` unionVarSets alts_top_fvss
+ imp_fvs = scrut_imp_fvs `unionVarSet` unionVarSets alts_imp_fvss
alts_lcl_fvs = unionDVarSets alts_lcl_fvss
lcl_fvs = delDVarSet (unionDVarSet scrut_lcl_fvs alts_lcl_fvs) bndr
- = (StgCase scrut' bndr ty alts', top_fvs,lcl_fvs)
+ = (StgCase scrut' bndr ty alts', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
go (StgLet ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLet ext) bind body
go (StgLetNoEscape ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLetNoEscape ext) bind body
go (StgTick tick e)
- | (e', top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs env e
+ | (e', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs env e
, let lcl_fvs' = unionDVarSet (tickish tick) lcl_fvs
- = (StgTick tick e', top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
+ = (StgTick tick e', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
tickish (Breakpoint _ _ ids) = mkDVarSet ids
tickish _ = emptyDVarSet
- go_bind dc bind body = (dc bind' body', top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ go_bind dc bind body = (dc bind' body', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
env' = addLocals (bindersOf bind) env
- (body', body_top_fvs, body_lcl_fvs) = exprFVs env' body
- (bind', bind_top_fvs, lcl_fvs) = bindingFVs env' body_lcl_fvs bind
+ (body', body_imp_fvs, body_top_fvs, body_lcl_fvs) = exprFVs env' body
+ (bind', bind_imp_fvs, bind_top_fvs, lcl_fvs) = bindingFVs env' body_lcl_fvs bind
top_fvs = bind_top_fvs `unionVarSet` body_top_fvs
+ imp_fvs = bind_imp_fvs `unionVarSet` body_imp_fvs
-rhsFVs :: Env -> StgRhs -> (CgStgRhs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+rhsFVs :: Env -> StgRhs -> (CgStgRhs, ImpFVs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
rhsFVs env (StgRhsClosure _ ccs uf bs body typ)
- | (body', top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs (addLocals bs env) body
+ | (body', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs (addLocals bs env) body
, let lcl_fvs' = delDVarSetList lcl_fvs bs
- = (StgRhsClosure lcl_fvs' ccs uf bs body' typ, top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
+ = (StgRhsClosure lcl_fvs' ccs uf bs body' typ, imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
rhsFVs env (StgRhsCon ccs dc mu ts bs typ)
- | (top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env bs
- = (StgRhsCon ccs dc mu ts bs typ, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
+ | (imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- argsFVs env bs
+ = (StgRhsCon ccs dc mu ts bs typ, imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs)
-argsFVs :: Env -> [StgArg] -> (TopFVs, LocalFVs)
-argsFVs env = foldl' f (emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
+argsFVs :: Env -> [StgArg] -> (ImpFVs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+argsFVs env = foldl' f (emptyVarSet, emptyVarSet, emptyDVarSet)
- f (fvs,ids) StgLitArg{} = (fvs, ids)
- f (fvs,ids) (StgVarArg v) = varFVs env v (fvs, ids)
+ f (imp_fvs,fvs,ids) StgLitArg{} = (imp_fvs, fvs, ids)
+ f (imp_fvs,fvs,ids) (StgVarArg v) = varFVs env v (imp_fvs, fvs, ids)
-altFVs :: Env -> StgAlt -> (CgStgAlt, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
+altFVs :: Env -> StgAlt -> (CgStgAlt, ImpFVs, TopFVs, LocalFVs)
altFVs env GenStgAlt{alt_con=con, alt_bndrs=bndrs, alt_rhs=e}
- | (e', top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs (addLocals bndrs env) e
+ | (e', imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs) <- exprFVs (addLocals bndrs env) e
, let lcl_fvs' = delDVarSetList lcl_fvs bndrs
, let newAlt = GenStgAlt{alt_con=con, alt_bndrs=bndrs, alt_rhs=e'}
- = (newAlt, top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
+ = (newAlt, imp_fvs, top_fvs, lcl_fvs')
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import GHC.Unit.Module ( Module )
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Logger
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ stg2stg :: Logger
-> StgPipelineOpts
-> Module -- ^ module being compiled
-> [StgTopBinding] -- ^ input program
- -> IO ([CgStgTopBinding], StgCgInfos) -- output program
+ -> IO ([(CgStgTopBinding,IdSet)], StgCgInfos) -- output program
stg2stg logger extra_vars opts this_mod binds
= do { dump_when Opt_D_dump_stg_from_core "Initial STG:" binds
; showPass logger "Stg2Stg"
@@ -88,9 +89,10 @@ stg2stg logger extra_vars opts this_mod binds
-- sorting pass is necessary.
-- This pass will also augment each closure with non-global free variables
-- annotations (which is used by code generator to compute offsets into closures)
- ; let binds_sorted_with_fvs = depSortWithAnnotStgPgm this_mod binds'
+ ; let (binds_sorted_with_fvs, imp_fvs) = unzip (depSortWithAnnotStgPgm this_mod binds')
-- See Note [Tag inference for interactive contexts]
- ; inferTags (stgPipeline_pprOpts opts) (stgPipeline_forBytecode opts) logger this_mod binds_sorted_with_fvs
+ ; (cg_binds, cg_infos) <- inferTags (stgPipeline_pprOpts opts) (stgPipeline_forBytecode opts) logger this_mod binds_sorted_with_fvs
+ ; pure (zip cg_binds imp_fvs, cg_infos)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.Misc (
mapFst, mapSnd, chkAppend,
- mapAndUnzip, mapAndUnzip3,
+ mapAndUnzip, mapAndUnzip3, mapAndUnzip4,
filterOut, partitionWith,
dropWhileEndLE, spanEnd, last2, lastMaybe, onJust,
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.Misc (
-- * Tuples
fstOf3, sndOf3, thdOf3,
+ fstOf4, sndOf4,
fst3, snd3, third3,
@@ -183,6 +184,11 @@ fstOf3 (a,_,_) = a
sndOf3 (_,b,_) = b
thdOf3 (_,_,c) = c
+fstOf4 :: (a,b,c,d) -> a
+sndOf4 :: (a,b,c,d) -> b
+fstOf4 (a,_,_,_) = a
+sndOf4 (_,b,_,_) = b
fst3 :: (a -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> (d, b, c)
fst3 f (a, b, c) = (f a, b, c)
@@ -324,7 +330,6 @@ mapAndUnzip f (x:xs)
(r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
mapAndUnzip3 :: (a -> (b, c, d)) -> [a] -> ([b], [c], [d])
mapAndUnzip3 _ [] = ([], [], [])
mapAndUnzip3 f (x:xs)
= let (r1, r2, r3) = f x
@@ -332,6 +337,14 @@ mapAndUnzip3 f (x:xs)
(r1:rs1, r2:rs2, r3:rs3)
+mapAndUnzip4 :: (a -> (b, c, d, e)) -> [a] -> ([b], [c], [d], [e])
+mapAndUnzip4 _ [] = ([], [], [], [])
+mapAndUnzip4 f (x:xs)
+ = let (r1, r2, r3, r4) = f x
+ (rs1, rs2, rs3, rs4) = mapAndUnzip4 f xs
+ in
+ (r1:rs1, r2:rs2, r3:rs3, r4:rs4)
zipWithAndUnzip :: (a -> b -> (c,d)) -> [a] -> [b] -> ([c],[d])
zipWithAndUnzip f (a:as) (b:bs)
= let (r1, r2) = f a b
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Test for #481, a recompilation bug with Template Haskell
-test('recomp009', [req_th, js_broken(23013), extra_files(['Main.hs', 'Sub1.hs', 'Sub2.hs'])], makefile_test, [])
+test('recomp009', [req_th, extra_files(['Main.hs', 'Sub1.hs', 'Sub2.hs'])], makefile_test, [])
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-test('recompTH', [req_th, js_broken(23013), extra_files(['A.hs', 'B1.hs', 'B2.hs' ]),
+test('recompTH', [req_th, extra_files(['A.hs', 'B1.hs', 'B2.hs' ]),
when(fast(), skip)
, normalise_slashes],
makefile_test, [])
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-test('th-new-test', [req_th, js_broken(23013), extra_files(['A.hs', 'B.hs', 'C.hs', 'D.hs', 'B1.hs', 'D1.hs', 'Main.hs']),
+test('th-new-test', [req_th, extra_files(['A.hs', 'B.hs', 'C.hs', 'D.hs', 'B1.hs', 'D1.hs', 'Main.hs']),
when(fast(), skip)
, normalise_slashes],
makefile_test, [])
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ cmmOfSummary summ = do
let infotable = emptyInfoTableProvMap
tycons = []
ccs = emptyCollectedCCs
- stg' = depSortWithAnnotStgPgm (ms_mod summ) stg
+ stg' = fmap fst (depSortWithAnnotStgPgm (ms_mod summ) stg)
hpcinfo = emptyHpcInfo False
tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs env
stg_to_cmm dflags mod = codeGen logger tmpfs (initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod)
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