[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/expand-do] imporving error messages for applicative do

Apoorv Ingle (@ani) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu May 25 20:07:18 UTC 2023

Apoorv Ingle pushed to branch wip/expand-do at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f8b82fcd by Apoorv Ingle at 2023-05-25T15:07:08-05:00
imporving error messages for applicative do

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs


@@ -488,6 +488,12 @@ mkExpandedStmt
   -> HsExpr GhcRn           -- ^ suitably wrapped 'HsExpansion'
 mkExpandedStmt a b = XExpr (ExpandedStmt (HsExpanded a b))
+  :: ExprLStmt GhcRn        -- ^ source statement
+  -> LHsExpr GhcRn          -- ^ expanded expression
+  -> LHsExpr GhcRn           -- ^ suitably wrapped 'HsExpansion'
+mkExpandedStmtLExpr a b = noLocA $ mkExpandedStmt a b
 data XXExprGhcTc
   = WrapExpr        -- Type and evidence application and abstractions
       {-# UNPACK #-} !(HsWrap HsExpr)

@@ -864,6 +864,8 @@ warnUnusedBindValue fun arg@(L loc _) arg_ty
                                            , text "loc" <+> ppr l
                                            , text "locGen?" <+> ppr (isGeneratedSrcSpan l)
                                            , text "noLoc?" <+> ppr (isNoSrcSpan l)
+                                           , text "arg" <+> ppr arg
+                                           , text "arg_loc" <+> ppr loc
        putSrcSpanDs (locA loc) $ warnDiscardedDoBindings arg arg_ty

@@ -412,7 +412,8 @@ tcExpr (HsMultiIf _ alts) res_ty
 tcExpr (XExpr (PopSrcSpan expr)) res_ty = popErrCtxt $ tcExpr (unLoc expr) res_ty
 tcExpr (XExpr (ExpandedStmt (HsExpanded stmt expr))) res_ty
-  =  do { traceTc "tcDoStmts stmt" (ppr expr)
+  =  do { traceTc "tcDoStmts" (vcat [text "stmt" <+> ppr stmt
+                                    ,text "expr" <+> ppr expr])
         ; addErrCtxt (pprStmtInCtxt @Renamed @Renamed @Renamed (HsDoStmt (DoExpr Nothing)) (unLoc stmt)) $
           tcExpr (unLoc expr) res_ty
@@ -421,20 +422,16 @@ tcExpr hsDo@(HsDo _ doFlav@(DoExpr{}) (L _ stmts)) res_ty
   = do { expand_expr <- expandDoStmts doFlav stmts
                                                -- Do expansion on the fly
        ; let expanded_do_expr = mkExpandedExpr hsDo (unLoc expand_expr)
-       ; traceTc "tcDoStmts doExpr" (vcat [ text "original:" <+> ppr expanded_do_expr
-                                          , text "expanded:" <+> ppr expand_expr
-                                          ])
-       ; addErrCtxt (text "In the" <+> matchDoContextErrString doFlav) $ popErrCtxt $ tcExpr expanded_do_expr res_ty
+       ; traceTc "tcDoStmts doExpr" (ppr expanded_do_expr)
+       ; tcExpr expanded_do_expr res_ty
 tcExpr hsDo@(HsDo _ doFlav@(MDoExpr{}) (L _ stmts)) res_ty
   = do { expand_expr <- expandDoStmts doFlav stmts
                                                -- Do expansion on the fly
        ; let expanded_do_expr = mkExpandedExpr hsDo (unLoc expand_expr)
-       ; traceTc "tcDoStmts mDoExpr" (vcat [ text "original:" <+> ppr expanded_do_expr
-                                           , text "expanded:" <+> ppr expand_expr
-                                           ])
-       ; addErrCtxt (text "In the" <+> matchDoContextErrString doFlav) $ popErrCtxt $ tcExpr expanded_do_expr res_ty
+       ; traceTc "tcDoStmts mDoExpr" (ppr expanded_do_expr)
+       ; tcExpr expanded_do_expr res_ty
 tcExpr (HsDo _ do_or_lc stmts) res_ty

@@ -1189,21 +1189,30 @@ expandDoStmts = expand_do_stmts
 -- ANI Questions: 1. What should be the location information in the expanded expression?
 -- Currently the error is displayed on the expanded expr and not on the unexpanded expr
 expand_do_stmts :: HsDoFlavour -> [ExprLStmt GhcRn] -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcRn)
 expand_do_stmts ListComp _ = pprPanic "expand_do_stmts: impossible happened. ListComp" empty
 expand_do_stmts _ [] = pprPanic "expand_do_stmts: impossible happened. Empty stmts" empty
+expand_do_stmts _ (stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {})):_) =
+  pprPanic "expand_do_stmts: TransStmt" $ ppr stmt
+expand_do_stmts _ (stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {})):_) =
+-- See See Note [Monad Comprehensions]
+  pprPanic "expand_do_stmts: ParStmt" $ ppr stmt
 expand_do_stmts _ [stmt@(L loc (LastStmt _ body _ ret_expr))]
   -- last statement of a list comprehension, needs to explicitly return it
   -- See `checkLastStmt` and `Syntax.Expr.StmtLR.LastStmt`
    | NoSyntaxExprRn <- ret_expr
    -- Last statement is just body if we are not in ListComp context. See Syntax.Expr.LastStmt
-   = return (noLocA (mkExpandedStmt stmt (genPopSrcSpanExpr body)))
+   = return (mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt (genPopSrcSpanExpr body))
    | SyntaxExprRn ret <- ret_expr
    --    ------------------------------------------------
    --               return e  ~~> return e
    -- to make T18324 work
-   = return $ genPopSrcSpanExpr (noLocA (mkExpandedStmt stmt (genPopSrcSpanExpr (L loc $ genHsApp ret body))))
+   = return $ genPopSrcSpanExpr (mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt (genPopSrcSpanExpr (L loc (genHsApp ret body))))
 expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (stmt@(L _ (BindStmt xbsrn pat e)): lstmts)
@@ -1217,11 +1226,11 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (stmt@(L _ (BindStmt xbsrn pat e)): lstmts)
 --       pat <- e ; stmts   ~~> (>>=) e f
       do expand_stmts <- expand_do_stmts do_or_lc lstmts
          expr <- mk_failable_lexpr_tcm pat expand_stmts fail_op
-         return $ noLocA (mkExpandedStmt stmt
+         return $ mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt
                             (mkHsApps (wrapGenSpan bind_op)  -- (>>=)
                                               [ genPopSrcSpanExpr e
                                               , genPopSrcSpanExpr expr
-                                              ]))
+                                              ])
   | otherwise = pprPanic "expand do: shouldn't happen"  (text "stmt" <+> ppr  stmt)
@@ -1230,10 +1239,10 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (stmt@(L _ (LetStmt _ bnds)) : lstmts) =
 --    ------------------------------------------------
 --       let x = e ; stmts ~~> let x = e in stmts'
   do expand_stmts <- expand_do_stmts do_or_lc lstmts
-     return $ noLocA (mkExpandedStmt stmt
+     return $ mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt
                                  (wrapGenSpan (HsLet noExtField
                                                       noHsTok bnds
-                                                      noHsTok (genPopSrcSpanExpr expand_stmts))))
+                                                      noHsTok (genPopSrcSpanExpr expand_stmts)))
 expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (stmt@(L _ (BodyStmt _ e (SyntaxExprRn f) _)) : lstmts) =
@@ -1242,10 +1251,10 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (stmt@(L _ (BodyStmt _ e (SyntaxExprRn f) _)) : lstmts)
 --    ----------------------------------------------
 --      e ; stmts ~~> (>>) e stmts'
   do expand_stmts <- expand_do_stmts do_or_lc lstmts
-     return $ noLocA (mkExpandedStmt stmt
+     return $ mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt
                              (mkHsApps (wrapGenSpan f) -- (>>)
                                                [ genPopSrcSpanExpr e               -- e
-                                               , genPopSrcSpanExpr expand_stmts ]))  -- stmts'
+                                               , genPopSrcSpanExpr expand_stmts ])  -- stmts'
 expand_do_stmts do_or_lc
   ((L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts
@@ -1290,12 +1299,12 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc
                              -- LazyPat becuase we do not want to eagerly evaluate the pattern
                              -- and potentially loop forever
-expand_do_stmts do_or_lc ((L _ (ApplicativeStmt _ args mb_join)): lstmts) =
+expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (stmt@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt _ args mb_join)): lstmts) =
 -- See Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
 --                  stmts ~~> stmts'
 --   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
---     [(<$>, e1), (<*>, e2)] ; stmts  ~~> (\ x -> stmts') <$> e1 <*> e2 ...
+--     [(<$>, \ x -> e1), (<*>, e2)] ; stmts  ~~> (\ x -> stmts') <$> e1 <*> e2 ...
 -- Very similar to HsToCore.Expr.dsDo
@@ -1308,13 +1317,15 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc ((L _ (ApplicativeStmt _ args mb_join)): lstmts) =
      ; body_with_fails <- foldrM match_args expr' pats_can_fail
      -- builds (body <$> e1 <*> e2 ...)
-     ; let expand_ado_expr = foldl mk_apps body_with_fails (zip (map fst args) rhss)
+     ; let expand_ado_expr = genPopSrcSpanExpr $ foldl mk_apps body_with_fails (zip (map fst args) rhss)
      -- wrap the expanded expression with a `join` if needed
      ; case mb_join of
-         Nothing -> return expand_ado_expr
-         Just NoSyntaxExprRn -> return expand_ado_expr -- why can this happen?
-         Just (SyntaxExprRn join_op) -> return $ mkHsApp (noLocA join_op) expand_ado_expr
+         Nothing -> return $ mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt expand_ado_expr
+         Just NoSyntaxExprRn -> return $ mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt expand_ado_expr -- why can this happen?
+         Just (SyntaxExprRn join_op) ->
+           return $ mkExpandedStmtLExpr stmt
+                           ( mkHsApp (wrapGenSpan join_op) expand_ado_expr)
     do_arg :: ApplicativeArg GhcRn -> TcM ((LPat GhcRn, FailOperator GhcRn), LHsExpr GhcRn)
@@ -1325,21 +1336,13 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc ((L _ (ApplicativeStmt _ args mb_join)): lstmts) =
          ; return ((pat, Nothing), expr) }
     match_args :: (LPat GhcRn, FailOperator GhcRn) -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-    match_args (pat, fail_op) body = mk_failable_lexpr_tcm pat body fail_op
+    match_args (pat, fail_op) body = genPopSrcSpanExpr <$> mk_failable_lexpr_tcm pat body fail_op
-    mk_apps l (op, r) =
+    mk_apps l_expr (op, r_expr) =
       case op of
-        SyntaxExprRn op -> mkHsApps (noLocA op) [l, r]
+        SyntaxExprRn op -> mkHsApps (wrapGenSpan op) [genPopSrcSpanExpr l_expr, genPopSrcSpanExpr r_expr]
         NoSyntaxExprRn -> pprPanic "expand_do_stmts op:" (ppr op)
-expand_do_stmts _ (stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {})):_) =
-  pprPanic "expand_do_stmts: TransStmt" $ ppr stmt
-expand_do_stmts _ (stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {})):_) =
--- See See Note [Monad Comprehensions]
-  pprPanic "expand_do_stmts: ParStmt" $ ppr stmt
 expand_do_stmts _ stmts = pprPanic "expand_do_stmts: impossible happened" $ (ppr stmts)
@@ -1413,4 +1416,27 @@ The points to consider are:
 TODO expand using examples
+Applicative Do Expansion
+Consider (ado/ado003.hs)
+g :: IO ()
+g = do
+  x <- getChar
+  'a' <- return (3::Int) -- type error
+  return ()
+this gets expanded to
+g = join ((<*>) (fmap (\ x -> / 'a' -> return ())
+                      getChar
+                      (return 3::Int) ))
+join (<*>) (\ x -> \ 'a' -> return ()
+                                   \ _   -> fail ..)
+            getChar
+            return (3 :: Int)

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