[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/expand-do] PopSrcSpan as a XXExprGhcRn

Apoorv Ingle (@ani) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon May 22 15:18:40 UTC 2023

Apoorv Ingle pushed to branch wip/expand-do at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

9c9e7235 by Apoorv Ingle at 2023-05-22T10:18:22-05:00
PopSrcSpan as a XXExprGhcRn

- - - - -

16 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Instances.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Syn/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Quote.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Ticks.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Origin.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Zonk.hs
- compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Expr.hs
- utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs


@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ tupArgPresent (Missing {}) = False
 ********************************************************************* -}
 type instance XXExpr GhcPs = DataConCantHappen
-type instance XXExpr GhcRn = HsExpansion (HsExpr GhcRn) (HsExpr GhcRn)
+type instance XXExpr GhcRn = XXExprGhcRn
 type instance XXExpr GhcTc = XXExprGhcTc
 -- HsExpansion: see Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion] below
@@ -454,6 +454,19 @@ type instance XXExpr GhcTc = XXExprGhcTc
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
+type HsExprOrStmt a = Either (HsExpr a) (ExprLStmt a)
+data XXExprGhcRn
+  = ExpansionExprRn !(HsExpansion (HsExprOrStmt GhcRn) (HsExpr GhcRn))
+  | PopSrcSpan !(LHsExpr GhcRn)
+  -- Placeholder for identifying generated source locations in GhcRn phase
+  -- Should not presist post typechecking
+  -- Note [Desugaring Do with HsExpansion] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Match
+mkPopSrcSpanExpr :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> HsExpr GhcRn
+mkPopSrcSpanExpr a = XExpr (PopSrcSpan a)
 -- | Build a 'HsExpansion' out of an extension constructor,
 --   and the two components of the expansion: original and
 --   desugared expressions.
@@ -461,7 +474,7 @@ mkExpandedExpr
   :: HsExpr GhcRn           -- ^ source expression
   -> HsExpr GhcRn           -- ^ expanded expression
   -> HsExpr GhcRn           -- ^ suitably wrapped 'HsExpansion'
-mkExpandedExpr a b = XExpr (HsExpanded a b)
+mkExpandedExpr a b = XExpr (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded (Left a) b))
 data XXExprGhcTc
   = WrapExpr        -- Type and evidence application and abstractions
@@ -726,10 +739,9 @@ ppr_expr (XExpr x) = case ghcPass @p of
   GhcRn -> ppr x
   GhcTc -> ppr x
-ppr_expr (PopSrcSpan x) = case ghcPass @p of
-  GhcPs -> panic "ppr_expr Ps HsPopSrcSpan"
-  GhcRn -> ppr x
-  GhcTc -> panic "ppr_expr Tc HsPopSrcSpan"
+instance Outputable XXExprGhcRn where
+  ppr (ExpansionExprRn e) = ppr e
+  ppr (PopSrcSpan e) = ppr e
 instance Outputable XXExprGhcTc where
@@ -770,8 +782,10 @@ ppr_infix_expr (XExpr x)            = case ghcPass @p of
                                         GhcTc -> ppr_infix_expr_tc x
 ppr_infix_expr _ = Nothing
-ppr_infix_expr_rn :: HsExpansion (HsExpr GhcRn) (HsExpr GhcRn) -> Maybe SDoc
-ppr_infix_expr_rn (HsExpanded a _) = ppr_infix_expr a
+ppr_infix_expr_rn :: XXExprGhcRn -> Maybe SDoc
+ppr_infix_expr_rn (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded (Left a) _)) = ppr_infix_expr a
+ppr_infix_expr_rn (ExpansionExprRn _) = Nothing
+ppr_infix_expr_rn (PopSrcSpan (L _ a)) = ppr_infix_expr a
 ppr_infix_expr_tc :: XXExprGhcTc -> Maybe SDoc
 ppr_infix_expr_tc (WrapExpr (HsWrap _ e))          = ppr_infix_expr e
@@ -851,7 +865,6 @@ hsExprNeedsParens prec = go
     go (HsDo _ sc _)
       | isDoComprehensionContext sc   = False
       | otherwise                     = prec > topPrec
-    go (PopSrcSpan{})                 = prec > topPrec
     go (ExplicitList{})               = False
     go (RecordUpd{})                  = False
     go (ExprWithTySig{})              = prec >= sigPrec
@@ -881,8 +894,10 @@ hsExprNeedsParens prec = go
     go_x_tc (HsTick _ (L _ e))               = hsExprNeedsParens prec e
     go_x_tc (HsBinTick _ _ (L _ e))          = hsExprNeedsParens prec e
-    go_x_rn :: HsExpansion (HsExpr GhcRn) (HsExpr GhcRn) -> Bool
-    go_x_rn (HsExpanded a _) = hsExprNeedsParens prec a
+    go_x_rn :: XXExprGhcRn -> Bool
+    go_x_rn (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded (Left a) _)) = hsExprNeedsParens prec a
+    go_x_rn (ExpansionExprRn _) = False
+    go_x_rn (PopSrcSpan (L _ a)) = hsExprNeedsParens prec a
 -- | Parenthesize an expression without token information
@@ -924,8 +939,10 @@ isAtomicHsExpr (XExpr x)
     go_x_tc (HsTick {}) = False
     go_x_tc (HsBinTick {}) = False
-    go_x_rn :: HsExpansion (HsExpr GhcRn) (HsExpr GhcRn) -> Bool
-    go_x_rn (HsExpanded a _) = isAtomicHsExpr a
+    go_x_rn :: XXExprGhcRn -> Bool
+    go_x_rn (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded (Left a) _)) = isAtomicHsExpr a
+    go_x_rn (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded _ _)) = False
+    go_x_rn (PopSrcSpan (L _ a)) = isAtomicHsExpr a
 isAtomicHsExpr _ = False

@@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ deriving instance Eq (IE GhcTc)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+deriving instance Data XXExprGhcRn
 deriving instance Data XXExprGhcTc
 deriving instance Data XXPatGhcTc

@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ hsExprType (HsIf _ _ t _) = lhsExprType t
 hsExprType (HsMultiIf ty _) = ty
 hsExprType (HsLet _ _ _ _ body) = lhsExprType body
 hsExprType (HsDo ty _ _) = ty
-hsExprType (PopSrcSpan expr) = pprPanic "hsExprType" (text "impossible happened PopSrcSpan" <+> ppr expr)
 hsExprType (ExplicitList ty _) = mkListTy ty
 hsExprType (RecordCon con_expr _ _) = hsExprType con_expr
 hsExprType (RecordUpd v _ _) = dataConCantHappen v

@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ mkHsLamDoExp :: (IsPass p, XMG (GhcPass p) (LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) ~ Origin)
         => [LPat (GhcPass p)]
         -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
         -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
-mkHsLamDoExp pats body = mkHsPar (L (getLoc body) (HsLam noExtField matches))
+mkHsLamDoExp pats body = mkHsPar (noLocA $ HsLam noExtField matches)
     matches = mkMatchGroup (Generated DoExpansion)
                            (noLocA [mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr pats' body])

@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@ dsExpr (HsOverLit _ lit)
   = do { warnAboutOverflowedOverLit lit
        ; dsOverLit lit }
-dsExpr e@(PopSrcSpan {}) = pprPanic "dsExpr" (ppr e)
 dsExpr e@(XExpr ext_expr_tc)
   = case ext_expr_tc of
       ExpansionExpr (HsExpanded _ b) -> dsExpr b

@@ -1654,16 +1654,19 @@ repE (HsGetField _ e (L _ (DotFieldOcc _ (L _ (FieldLabelString f))))) = do
   e1 <- repLE e
   repGetField e1 f
 repE (HsProjection _ xs) = repProjection (fmap (field_label . unLoc . dfoLabel . unLoc) xs)
-repE (XExpr (HsExpanded orig_expr ds_expr))
+repE (XExpr (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded orig_expr_or_stmt ds_expr)))
   = do { rebindable_on <- lift $ xoptM LangExt.RebindableSyntax
        ; if rebindable_on  -- See Note [Quotation and rebindable syntax]
          then repE ds_expr
-         else repE orig_expr }
+         else case orig_expr_or_stmt of
+                Left e -> repE e
+                Right st -> pprPanic "repE: unexpected do stmt" (ppr st)}
+repE (XExpr (PopSrcSpan (L _ e))) = repE e
 repE e@(HsPragE _ (HsPragSCC {}) _) = notHandled (ThCostCentres e)
 repE e@(HsTypedBracket{})   = notHandled (ThExpressionForm e)
 repE e@(HsUntypedBracket{}) = notHandled (ThExpressionForm e)
 repE e@(HsProc{}) = notHandled (ThExpressionForm e)
-repE e@(PopSrcSpan{}) = notHandled (ThExpressionForm e)
 {- Note [Quotation and rebindable syntax]

@@ -605,7 +605,6 @@ addTickHsExpr (XExpr (HsTick t e)) =
         liftM (XExpr . HsTick t) (addTickLHsExprNever e)
 addTickHsExpr (XExpr (HsBinTick t0 t1 e)) =
         liftM (XExpr . HsBinTick t0 t1) (addTickLHsExprNever e)
-addTickHsExpr e@(PopSrcSpan _) = pprPanic "addTickHsExpr: impossible happen PopSrcSpan" (ppr e)
 addTickTupArg :: HsTupArg GhcTc -> TM (HsTupArg GhcTc)
 addTickTupArg (Present x e)  = do { e' <- addTickLHsExpr e

@@ -1234,7 +1234,6 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (LocatedA (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
       HsGetField {} -> []
       HsProjection {} -> []
-      PopSrcSpan {} -> []
       XExpr x
         | HieTc <- hiePass @p
         -> case x of

@@ -561,8 +561,6 @@ rnExpr (ArithSeq _ _ seq)
             return (ArithSeq noExtField Nothing new_seq, fvs) }
-rnExpr (PopSrcSpan _) = panic "impossible happened rnExpr PopSrcSpan"
 *                                                                      *

@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ tcExpr e@(OpApp {})              res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(HsAppType {})          res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(ExprWithTySig {})      res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(HsRecSel {})           res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
-tcExpr e@(XExpr (HsExpanded {})) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+tcExpr e@(XExpr (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded {}))) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(HsOverLit _ lit) res_ty
   = do { mb_res <- tcShortCutLit lit res_ty
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ tcExpr hsDo@(HsDo _ doFlav@(MDoExpr{}) (L _ stmts)) res_ty
 tcExpr (HsDo _ do_or_lc stmts) res_ty
   = tcDoStmts do_or_lc stmts res_ty
-tcExpr (PopSrcSpan (L _ expr)) res_ty = popErrCtxt $ tcExpr expr res_ty
+tcExpr (XExpr (PopSrcSpan (L _ expr))) res_ty = popErrCtxt $ tcExpr expr res_ty
 tcExpr (HsProc x pat cmd) res_ty
   = do  { (pat', cmd', coi) <- tcProc pat cmd res_ty

@@ -290,9 +290,9 @@ splitHsApps e = go e (top_ctxt 0 e) []
     -- See Note [AppCtxt]
     top_ctxt n (HsPar _ _ fun _)           = top_lctxt n fun
     top_ctxt n (HsPragE _ _ fun)           = top_lctxt n fun
-    top_ctxt n (HsAppType _ fun _ _)         = top_lctxt (n+1) fun
+    top_ctxt n (HsAppType _ fun _ _)       = top_lctxt (n+1) fun
     top_ctxt n (HsApp _ fun _)             = top_lctxt (n+1) fun
-    top_ctxt n (XExpr (HsExpanded orig _)) = VACall orig      n noSrcSpan
+    top_ctxt n (XExpr (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded (Left orig) _))) = VACall orig      n noSrcSpan
     top_ctxt n other_fun                   = VACall other_fun n noSrcSpan
     top_lctxt n (L _ fun) = top_ctxt n fun
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ splitHsApps e = go e (top_ctxt 0 e) []
     go (HsApp _ (L l fun) arg)       ctxt args = go fun (dec l ctxt) (mkEValArg  ctxt arg   : args)
     -- See Note [Looking through HsExpanded]
-    go (XExpr (HsExpanded orig fun)) ctxt args
+    go (XExpr (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded (Left orig) fun))) ctxt args
       = go fun (VAExpansion orig (appCtxtLoc ctxt))
                (EWrap (EExpand orig) : args)

@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc ((L _ (BindStmt xbsrn pat e)): lstmts)
          expand_stmts <- expand_do_stmts do_or_lc lstmts
          return $ mkHsApps  (genLHsVar bindMName) -- (Prelude.>>=)
                             [ e
-                            , mkHsLamDoExp [pat] (noLocA $ PopSrcSpan expand_stmts)  -- (\ x -> stmts')
+                            , mkHsLamDoExp [pat] (noLocA $ mkPopSrcSpanExpr expand_stmts)  -- (\ x -> stmts')
 expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (L _ (LetStmt _ bnds) : lstmts) =
@@ -1244,13 +1244,13 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc (L _ (LetStmt _ bnds) : lstmts) =
      return $ wrapGenSpan (HsLet noExtField noHsTok bnds noHsTok (expand_stmts))
-expand_do_stmts do_or_lc ((L _ (BodyStmt _ e (SyntaxExprRn f) _)) : lstmts) =
+expand_do_stmts do_or_lc ((L loc (BodyStmt _ e (SyntaxExprRn f) _)) : lstmts) =
 -- See Note [BodyStmt]
 --              stmts ~~> stmts'
 --    ----------------------------------------------
 --      e ; stmts ~~> (>>) e stmts'
   do expand_stmts <- expand_do_stmts do_or_lc lstmts
-     return $ noLocA (PopSrcSpan (mkHsApps (wrapGenSpan f) -- (>>)
+     return $ L loc (mkPopSrcSpanExpr (mkHsApps (wrapGenSpan f) -- (>>)
                                    [ e               -- e
                                    , expand_stmts ]))  -- stmts'
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ expand_do_stmts do_or_lc
      return $ mkHsApps (genLHsVar bindMName)                            -- (Prelude.>>=)
                       [ (wrapGenSpan mfix_fun) `mkHsApp` mfix_expr           -- (mfix (do block))
                       , mkHsLamDoExp [ mkBigLHsVarPatTup all_ids ]                --        (\ x ->
-                                       (noLocA $ PopSrcSpan expand_stmts)      --           stmts')
+                                       (noLocA $ mkPopSrcSpanExpr expand_stmts)      --           stmts')
     local_only_ids = local_ids \\ later_ids -- get unique local rec ids;
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ mk_failable_lexpr_tcm pat lexpr fail_op =
      ; if b
           -- don't decorate with fail statement if
           -- the pattern is irrefutable
-       then return $ mkHsLamDoExp [pat] (noLocA (PopSrcSpan lexpr))
+       then return $ mkHsLamDoExp [pat] (noLocA (mkPopSrcSpanExpr lexpr))
        else mk_fail_lexpr pat lexpr fail_op
@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ mk_fail_lexpr :: LPat GhcRn -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> FailOperator GhcRn -> TcM (LHsEx
 mk_fail_lexpr pat lexpr (Just (SyntaxExprRn fail_op)) =
   do  dflags <- getDynFlags
       return $ noLocA (HsLam noExtField $ mkMatchGroup (Generated DoExpansion)            -- \
-                      (noLocA [ mkHsCaseAlt pat (noLocA $ PopSrcSpan lexpr) --   pat -> expr
+                      (noLocA [ mkHsCaseAlt pat (noLocA $ mkPopSrcSpanExpr lexpr) --   pat -> expr
                               , mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPatName                   --   _   -> fail "fail pattern"
                                 (noLocA $ genHsApp fail_op
                                  (mk_fail_msg_expr dflags (DoExpr Nothing) pat))

@@ -724,8 +724,9 @@ exprCtOrigin (HsTypedSplice {})    = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "TH typed splice"
 exprCtOrigin (HsUntypedSplice {})  = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "TH untyped splice"
 exprCtOrigin (HsProc {})         = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "proc"
 exprCtOrigin (HsStatic {})       = Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "static expression"
-exprCtOrigin (XExpr (HsExpanded a _)) = exprCtOrigin a
-exprCtOrigin (PopSrcSpan (L _ e)) = exprCtOrigin e
+exprCtOrigin (XExpr (ExpansionExprRn (HsExpanded (Left a) _))) = exprCtOrigin a
+exprCtOrigin (XExpr (ExpansionExprRn _)) = DoOrigin
+exprCtOrigin (XExpr (PopSrcSpan (L _ a))) = exprCtOrigin a
 -- | Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a MatchGroup
 matchesCtOrigin :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin

@@ -846,8 +846,6 @@ zonkExpr env (HsDo ty do_or_lc (L l stmts))
        new_ty <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env ty
        return (HsDo new_ty do_or_lc (L l new_stmts))
-zonkExpr env (PopSrcSpan (L _ exp)) = zonkExpr env exp
 zonkExpr env (ExplicitList ty exprs)
   = do new_ty <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env ty
        new_exprs <- zonkLExprs env exprs

@@ -584,11 +584,6 @@ data HsExpr p
   -- general idea, and Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion] in GHC.Hs.Expr
   -- for an example of how we use it.
-  | PopSrcSpan (LHsExpr p)
-  -- Placeholder for identifying generated source locations in GhcRn phase
-  -- Should not presist post typechecking
-  -- Note [Desugaring Do with HsExpansion] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Match
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 data DotFieldOcc p

@@ -2661,7 +2661,6 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
   getAnnotationEntry (HsProc an _ _)              = fromAnn an
   getAnnotationEntry (HsStatic an _)              = fromAnn an
   getAnnotationEntry (HsPragE{})                  = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (PopSrcSpan{})               = NoEntryVal
   setAnnotationAnchor a@(HsVar{})              _ _s = a
   setAnnotationAnchor (HsUnboundVar an a)    anc cs = (HsUnboundVar (setAnchorEpa an anc cs) a)
@@ -2700,7 +2699,6 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
   setAnnotationAnchor (HsProc an a b)         anc cs = (HsProc (setAnchorEpa an anc cs) a b)
   setAnnotationAnchor (HsStatic an a)         anc cs = (HsStatic (setAnchorEpa an anc cs) a)
   setAnnotationAnchor a@(HsPragE{})            _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(PopSrcSpan{})         _ _s = a
   exact (HsVar x n) = do
     n' <- markAnnotated n

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