[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Add structured error messages for GHC.Rename.Module

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat May 6 02:05:31 UTC 2023

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

994bda56 by Torsten Schmits at 2023-05-05T22:05:12-04:00
Add structured error messages for GHC.Rename.Module

Tracking ticket: #20115

MR: !10361

This converts uses of `mkTcRnUnknownMessage` to newly added constructors
of `TcRnMessage`.

Only addresses the single warning missing from the previous MR.

- - - - -

23 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Flags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Module.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Error/Codes.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Hint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Hint/Ppr.hs
- docs/users_guide/using-warnings.rst
- testsuite/tests/mdo/should_compile/mdo002.hs
- testsuite/tests/polykinds/MonoidsFD.hs
- testsuite/tests/polykinds/MonoidsTF.hs
- testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/T3001-2.hs
- testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/ioprof.hs
- testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable2.hs
- testsuite/tests/rebindable/rebindable2.stdout
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/T9646/StrictPrim.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T17744A.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T3591.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_run/T1735_Help/State.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_run/T4809_IdentityT.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_run/T4809_XMLGenerator.hs
- testsuite/tests/wcompat-warnings/Template.hs
- testsuite/tests/wcompat-warnings/WCompatWarningsOn.stderr


@@ -929,6 +929,7 @@ minusWcompatOpts :: [WarningFlag]
     = [ Opt_WarnSemigroup
       , Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances
+      , Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances
       , Opt_WarnCompatUnqualifiedImports
       , Opt_WarnTypeEqualityOutOfScope

@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Rename.Expr( rnLExpr )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Rename.Splice ( rnSpliceDecl, rnTopSpliceDecls )
 import GHC.Hs
-import GHC.Types.Error
 import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
 import GHC.Rename.HsType
@@ -452,11 +451,9 @@ checkCanonicalInstances :: Name -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> LHsBinds GhcRn -> RnM ()
 checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
     whenWOptM Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances
         $ checkCanonicalMonadInstances
-        "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return"
     whenWOptM Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances
         $ checkCanonicalMonoidInstances
-        "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid"
     -- Warn about unsound/non-canonical 'Applicative'/'Monad' instance
@@ -472,19 +469,17 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
     --  * Warn if 'pure' is defined backwards (i.e. @pure = return@).
     --  * Warn if '(*>)' is defined backwards (i.e. @(*>) = (>>)@).
-    checkCanonicalMonadInstances refURL
+    checkCanonicalMonadInstances
       | cls == applicativeClassName =
           forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpanA loc $
               case mbind of
                   FunBind { fun_id = L _ name
                           , fun_matches = mg }
                       | name == pureAName, isAliasMG mg == Just returnMName
-                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod1 refURL
-                            Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances "pure" "return"
+                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMonad NonCanonical_Pure
                       | name == thenAName, isAliasMG mg == Just thenMName
-                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod1 refURL
-                            Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances "(*>)" "(>>)"
+                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMonad NonCanonical_ThenA
                   _ -> return ()
@@ -494,12 +489,10 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
                   FunBind { fun_id = L _ name
                           , fun_matches = mg }
                       | name == returnMName, isAliasMG mg /= Just pureAName
-                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod2 refURL
-                            Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances "return" "pure"
+                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMonad NonCanonical_Return
                       | name == thenMName, isAliasMG mg /= Just thenAName
-                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod2 refURL
-                            Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances "(>>)" "(*>)"
+                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMonad NonCanonical_ThenM
                   _ -> return ()
@@ -518,15 +511,14 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
     --  * Warn if '(<>)' is defined backwards (i.e. @(<>) = mappend@).
-    checkCanonicalMonoidInstances refURL
+    checkCanonicalMonoidInstances
       | cls == semigroupClassName =
           forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpanA loc $
               case mbind of
                   FunBind { fun_id      = L _ name
                           , fun_matches = mg }
                       | name == sappendName, isAliasMG mg == Just mappendName
-                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod1 refURL
-                            Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances "(<>)" "mappend"
+                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMonoid NonCanonical_Sappend
                   _ -> return ()
@@ -536,9 +528,7 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
                   FunBind { fun_id = L _ name
                           , fun_matches = mg }
                       | name == mappendName, isAliasMG mg /= Just sappendName
-                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod2 refURL
-                            Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances
-                            "mappend" "(<>)"
+                      -> addWarnNonCanonicalMonoid NonCanonical_Mappend
                   _ -> return ()
@@ -554,51 +544,14 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
         , HsVar _ lrhsName  <- unLoc body  = Just (unLoc lrhsName)
     isAliasMG _ = Nothing
-    -- got "lhs = rhs" but expected something different
-    addWarnNonCanonicalMethod1 refURL flag lhs rhs = do
-        let dia = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $
-              mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag flag) noHints $
-                vcat [ text "Noncanonical" <+>
-                       quotes (text (lhs ++ " = " ++ rhs)) <+>
-                       text "definition detected"
-                     , instDeclCtxt1 poly_ty
-                     , text "Move definition from" <+>
-                       quotes (text rhs) <+>
-                       text "to" <+> quotes (text lhs)
-                     , text "See also:" <+>
-                       text refURL
-                     ]
-        addDiagnostic dia
-    -- expected "lhs = rhs" but got something else
-    addWarnNonCanonicalMethod2 refURL flag lhs rhs = do
-        let dia = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $
-              mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag flag) noHints $
-                vcat [ text "Noncanonical" <+>
-                       quotes (text lhs) <+>
-                       text "definition detected"
-                     , instDeclCtxt1 poly_ty
-                     , quotes (text lhs) <+>
-                       text "will eventually be removed in favour of" <+>
-                       quotes (text rhs)
-                     , text "Either remove definition for" <+>
-                       quotes (text lhs) <+> text "(recommended)" <+>
-                       text "or define as" <+>
-                       quotes (text (lhs ++ " = " ++ rhs))
-                     , text "See also:" <+>
-                       text refURL
-                     ]
-        addDiagnostic dia
-    -- stolen from GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
-    instDeclCtxt1 :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> SDoc
-    instDeclCtxt1 hs_inst_ty
-      = inst_decl_ctxt (ppr (getLHsInstDeclHead hs_inst_ty))
-    inst_decl_ctxt :: SDoc -> SDoc
-    inst_decl_ctxt doc = hang (text "in the instance declaration for")
-                         2 (quotes doc <> text ".")
+    addWarnNonCanonicalMonoid reason =
+      addWarnNonCanonicalDefinition (NonCanonicalMonoid reason)
+    addWarnNonCanonicalMonad reason =
+      addWarnNonCanonicalDefinition (NonCanonicalMonad reason)
+    addWarnNonCanonicalDefinition reason =
+      addDiagnostic (TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition reason poly_ty)
 rnClsInstDecl :: ClsInstDecl GhcPs -> RnM (ClsInstDecl GhcRn, FreeVars)
 rnClsInstDecl (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = mbinds

@@ -1859,6 +1859,9 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
            locations =
              text "Bound at:"
              <+> vcat (map ppr (sortBy leftmost_smallest (NE.toList locs)))
+    TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition reason inst_ty
+      -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+         pprNonCanonicalDefinition inst_ty reason
   diagnosticReason = \case
     TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -2484,6 +2487,11 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
       -> ErrorWithoutFlag
       -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+    TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition (NonCanonicalMonoid _) _
+      -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances
+    TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition (NonCanonicalMonad _) _
+      -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances
   diagnosticHints = \case
     TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -3145,6 +3153,8 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
       -> noHints
       -> noHints
+    TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition reason _
+      -> suggestNonCanonicalDefinition reason
   diagnosticCode :: TcRnMessage -> Maybe DiagnosticCode
   diagnosticCode = constructorCode
@@ -5451,3 +5461,78 @@ pprAmbiguousGreName gre
         | otherwise
         = pprPanic "addNameClassErrRn" (ppr gre)
           -- Invariant: either 'lcl' is True or 'iss' is non-empty
+pprNonCanonicalDefinition :: LHsSigType GhcRn
+                          -> NonCanonicalDefinition
+                          -> SDoc
+pprNonCanonicalDefinition inst_ty = \case
+  NonCanonicalMonoid sub -> case sub of
+    NonCanonical_Sappend ->
+      msg1 "(<>)" "mappend"
+    NonCanonical_Mappend ->
+      msg2 "mappend" "(<>)"
+  NonCanonicalMonad sub -> case sub of
+    NonCanonical_Pure ->
+      msg1 "pure" "return"
+    NonCanonical_ThenA ->
+      msg1 "(*>)" "(>>)"
+    NonCanonical_Return ->
+      msg2 "return" "pure"
+    NonCanonical_ThenM ->
+      msg2 "(>>)" "(*>)"
+  where
+    msg1 :: String -> String -> SDoc
+    msg1 lhs rhs =
+      vcat [ text "Noncanonical" <+>
+            quotes (text (lhs ++ " = " ++ rhs)) <+>
+            text "definition detected"
+          , inst
+          ]
+    msg2 :: String -> String -> SDoc
+    msg2 lhs rhs =
+      vcat [ text "Noncanonical" <+>
+            quotes (text lhs) <+>
+            text "definition detected"
+          , inst
+          , quotes (text lhs) <+>
+            text "will eventually be removed in favour of" <+>
+            quotes (text rhs)
+          ]
+    inst = instDeclCtxt1 inst_ty
+    -- stolen from GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
+    instDeclCtxt1 :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> SDoc
+    instDeclCtxt1 hs_inst_ty
+      = inst_decl_ctxt (ppr (getLHsInstDeclHead hs_inst_ty))
+    inst_decl_ctxt :: SDoc -> SDoc
+    inst_decl_ctxt doc = hang (text "in the instance declaration for")
+                         2 (quotes doc <> text ".")
+suggestNonCanonicalDefinition :: NonCanonicalDefinition -> [GhcHint]
+suggestNonCanonicalDefinition reason =
+  [action doc]
+  where
+    action = case reason of
+      NonCanonicalMonoid sub -> case sub of
+        NonCanonical_Sappend -> move sappendName mappendName
+        NonCanonical_Mappend -> remove mappendName sappendName
+      NonCanonicalMonad sub -> case sub of
+        NonCanonical_Pure -> move pureAName returnMName
+        NonCanonical_ThenA -> move thenAName thenMName
+        NonCanonical_Return -> remove returnMName pureAName
+        NonCanonical_ThenM -> remove thenMName thenAName
+    move = SuggestMoveNonCanonicalDefinition
+    remove = SuggestRemoveNonCanonicalDefinition
+    doc = case reason of
+      NonCanonicalMonoid _ -> doc_monoid
+      NonCanonicalMonad _ -> doc_monad
+    doc_monoid =
+      "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid"
+    doc_monad =
+      "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return"

@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ module GHC.Tc.Errors.Types (
   , UnusedImportName (..)
   , NestedForallsContextsIn(..)
   , UnusedNameProv(..)
+  , NonCanonicalDefinition(..)
+  , NonCanonical_Monoid(..)
+  , NonCanonical_Monad(..)
   ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
@@ -4037,6 +4040,19 @@ data TcRnMessage where
                              -- ^ The locations of the duplicates
                           -> TcRnMessage
+  {-| TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition is a warning indicating that an instance
+    defines an implementation for a method that should not be defined in a way
+    that deviates from its default implementation, for example because it has
+    been scheduled to be absorbed into another method, like @pure@ making
+    @return@ obsolete.
+    Test cases:
+      WCompatWarningsOn, WCompatWarningsOff, WCompatWarningsOnOff
+  -}
+  TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition :: !NonCanonicalDefinition -- ^ Specifics
+                             -> !(LHsSigType GhcRn) -- ^ The instance type
+                             -> TcRnMessage
   deriving Generic
 -- | Things forbidden in @type data@ declarations.
@@ -5567,3 +5583,34 @@ data UnusedNameProv
   | UnusedNameTypePattern
   | UnusedNameMatch
   | UnusedNameLocalBind
+-- | Different reasons for TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition.
+data NonCanonicalDefinition =
+  -- | Related to @(<>)@ and @mappend at .
+  NonCanonicalMonoid NonCanonical_Monoid
+  |
+  -- | Related to @(*>)@/@(>>)@ and @pure@/@return at .
+  NonCanonicalMonad NonCanonical_Monad
+  deriving (Generic)
+-- | Possible cases for the -Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances.
+data NonCanonical_Monoid =
+  -- | @(<>) = mappend@ was defined.
+  NonCanonical_Sappend
+  |
+  -- | @mappend@ was defined as something other than @(<>)@.
+  NonCanonical_Mappend
+-- | Possible cases for the -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances.
+data NonCanonical_Monad =
+  -- | @pure = return@ was defined.
+  NonCanonical_Pure
+  |
+  -- | @(*>) = (>>)@ was defined.
+  NonCanonical_ThenA
+  |
+  -- | @return@ was defined as something other than @pure at .
+  NonCanonical_Return
+  |
+  -- | @(>>)@ was defined as something other than @(*>)@.
+  NonCanonical_ThenM

@@ -598,6 +598,8 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
   GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnIllegalInferredTyVars"                     = 54832
   GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnAmbiguousName"                             = 87543
   GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnBindingNameConflict"                       = 10498
+  GhcDiagnosticCode "NonCanonicalMonoid"                            = 50928
+  GhcDiagnosticCode "NonCanonicalMonad"                             = 22705
   -- PatSynInvalidRhsReason
   GhcDiagnosticCode "PatSynNotInvertible"                           = 69317
@@ -856,6 +858,7 @@ type family ConRecursInto con where
   ConRecursInto "DodgyImportsHiding"       = 'Just ImportLookupReason
   ConRecursInto "TcRnImportLookup"         = 'Just ImportLookupReason
   ConRecursInto "TcRnUnusedImport"         = 'Just UnusedImportReason
+  ConRecursInto "TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition" = 'Just NonCanonicalDefinition
     -- TH errors

@@ -438,6 +438,21 @@ data GhcHint
         bind anything useful.
   | SuggestRemoveRecordWildcard
+    {-| Suggest moving a method implementation to a different instance to its
+      superclass that defines the canonical version of the method.
+    -}
+  | SuggestMoveNonCanonicalDefinition
+    Name -- ^ move the implementation from this method
+    Name -- ^ ... to this method
+    String -- ^ Documentation URL
+    {-| Suggest removing a method implementation when a superclass defines the
+      canonical version of that method.
+    -}
+  | SuggestRemoveNonCanonicalDefinition
+    Name -- ^ method with non-canonical implementation
+    Name -- ^ possible other method to use as the RHS instead
+    String -- ^ Documentation URL
 -- | An 'InstantiationSuggestion' for a '.hsig' file. This is generated
 -- by GHC in case of a 'DriverUnexpectedSignature' and suggests a way

@@ -234,6 +234,17 @@ instance Outputable GhcHint where
       -> text "Enable Safe Haskell through either Safe, Trustworthy or Unsafe."
       -> text "Omit the" <+> quotes (text "..")
+    SuggestMoveNonCanonicalDefinition lhs rhs refURL ->
+      text "Move definition from" <+>
+      quotes (pprPrefixUnqual rhs) <+>
+      text "to" <+> quotes (pprPrefixUnqual lhs) $$
+      text "See also:" <+> text refURL
+    SuggestRemoveNonCanonicalDefinition lhs rhs refURL ->
+      text "Either remove definition for" <+>
+      quotes (pprPrefixUnqual lhs) <+> text "(recommended)" <+>
+      text "or define as" <+>
+      quotes (pprPrefixUnqual lhs <+> text "=" <+> pprPrefixUnqual rhs) $$
+      text "See also:" <+> text refURL
 perhapsAsPat :: SDoc
 perhapsAsPat = text "Perhaps you meant an as-pattern, which must not be surrounded by whitespace"
@@ -343,3 +354,7 @@ pprSimilarName tried_ns (SimilarRdrName rdr_name how_in_scope)
     pp_ns rdr | ns /= tried_ns = pprNameSpace ns
               | otherwise      = empty
       where ns = rdrNameSpace rdr
+pprPrefixUnqual :: Name -> SDoc
+pprPrefixUnqual name =
+  pprPrefixOcc (getOccName name)

@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ as ``-Wno-...`` for every individual warning in the group.
         * :ghc-flag:`-Wsemigroup`
         * :ghc-flag:`-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances`
+        * :ghc-flag:`-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances`
         * :ghc-flag:`-Wcompat-unqualified-imports`
         * :ghc-flag:`-Wtype-equality-out-of-scope`
@@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ of ``-W(no-)*``.
     :since: 8.0
-    :default: off
+    :default: on
     Warn if noncanonical ``Applicative`` or ``Monad`` instances
     declarations are detected.
@@ -584,6 +585,8 @@ of ``-W(no-)*``.
      * Warn if ``pure`` is defined backwards (i.e. ``pure = return``).
      * Warn if ``(*>)`` is defined backwards (i.e. ``(*>) = (>>)``).
+    This warning is  part of the :ghc-flag:`-Wcompat` option group.
 .. ghc-flag:: -Wnoncanonical-monadfail-instances
     :shortdesc: *(deprecated)*
         warn when ``Monad`` or ``MonadFail`` instances have
@@ -610,6 +613,8 @@ of ``-W(no-)*``.
     :since: 8.0
+    :default: on
     Warn if noncanonical ``Semigroup`` or ``Monoid`` instances
     declarations are detected.
@@ -625,8 +630,7 @@ of ``-W(no-)*``.
      * Warn if ``(<>)`` is defined backwards (i.e. ``(<>) = mappend``).
-    This warning is off by default. However, it is part of the
-    :ghc-flag:`-Wcompat` option group.
+    This warning is  part of the :ghc-flag:`-Wcompat` option group.
 .. ghc-flag:: -Wmissing-monadfail-instances
     :shortdesc: *(deprecated)*

@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ instance Functor X where
   fmap f (X a) = X (f a)
 instance Applicative X where
-  pure  = return
+  pure  = X
   (<*>) = ap
 instance Monad X where
-  return      = X
   (X a) >>= f = f a
 instance MonadFix X where

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Monoidy to comp id m | m to → comp id where
 -- We use functional dependencies to help the typechecker understand that
 -- m and ~> uniquely determine comp (times) and id.
 -- This kind of type class would not have been possible in previous
 -- versions of GHC; with the new kind system, however, we can abstract
 -- over kinds!2 Now, let’s create types for the additive and
@@ -89,18 +89,17 @@ instance Monoidy (→) (,) () m ⇒ Monoid m where
   mempty = munit ()
 instance Applicative Wrapper where
-  pure  = return
+  pure x = runNT munit $ Id x
   (<*>) = ap
 -- instance (Functor m, Monoidy NT FC Id m) ⇒ Monad m where
 instance Monad Wrapper where
-   return x = runNT munit $ Id x
    x >>= f = runNT mjoin $ FC (f `fmap` x)
 -- And so the following works:
- = do { print (mappend mempty (Sum 2))  
+ = do { print (mappend mempty (Sum 2))
              -- Sum 2
       ; print (mappend (Product 2) (Product 3))
              -- Product 6

@@ -103,11 +103,10 @@ instance (MId (→) m ~ (), MComp (→) m ~ (,), Monoidy (→) m)
   mempty = munit ()
 instance Applicative Wrapper where
-  pure  = return
+  pure x = runNT munit $ Id x
   (<*>) = ap
 instance Monad Wrapper where
-  return x = runNT munit $ Id x
   x >>= f = runNT mjoin $ FC (f `fmap` x)
 -- And so the following works:

@@ -90,22 +90,20 @@ instance Functor PutM where
         fmap f m = Put $ let PairS a w = unPut m in PairS (f a) w
 instance Monad PutM where
-    return a = Put $ PairS a mempty
     m >>= k  = Put $
         let PairS a w  = unPut m
             PairS b w' = unPut (k a)
         in PairS b (w `mappend` w')
-    m >> k  = Put $
+instance Applicative PutM where
+    pure a = Put $ PairS a mempty
+    (<*>) = ap
+    m *> k  = Put $
         let PairS _ w  = unPut m
             PairS b w' = unPut k
         in PairS b (w `mappend` w')
-instance Applicative PutM where
-    pure  = return
-    (<*>) = ap
 tell :: Builder -> Put
 tell b = Put $ PairS () b
@@ -189,9 +187,6 @@ joinZ bb lb
     | otherwise = L.Chunk bb lb
 instance Monad Get where
-    return a  = Get (\s -> (a, s))
-    {-# INLINE return #-}
     m >>= k   = Get (\s -> let (a, s') = unGet m s
                            in unGet (k a) s')
     {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
@@ -200,7 +195,9 @@ instance MonadFail Get where
     fail      = error "failDesc"
 instance Applicative Get where
-    pure  = return
+    pure a  = Get (\s -> (a, s))
+    {-# INLINE pure #-}
     (<*>) = ap
 getZ :: Get S

@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ newtype M s a = M { unM :: s -> (s,a) }
 instance Monad (M s) where
   (M m) >>= k = M $ \s -> case m s of
                             (s',a) -> unM (k a) s'
-  return a = M $ \s -> (s,a)
 instance Functor (M s) where
     fmap = liftM
 instance Applicative (M s) where
-    pure  = return
+    pure a = M $ \s -> (s,a)
     (<*>) = ap
 errorM :: String -> M s a

@@ -24,16 +24,15 @@ module Main where
         instance (Applicative TM) where
-            pure  = return;
+            pure a = MkTM (debugFunc "pure" (Prelude.pure a));
+            (*>) ma mb = MkTM (debugFunc "*>" ((Prelude.*>) (unTM ma) (unTM mb)));
             (<*>) = ap;
         instance (Monad TM) where
-                return a = MkTM (debugFunc "return" (Prelude.return a));
+                return = pure;
                 (>>=) ma amb = MkTM (debugFunc ">>=" ((Prelude.>>=) (unTM ma) (\a -> unTM (amb a))));
-                (>>) ma mb = MkTM (debugFunc ">>" ((Prelude.>>) (unTM ma) (unTM mb)));
+                (>>) = (*>)
         instance (MonadFail TM) where

@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 start test test_do failure
-++ >>
+++ *>
 ++ >>=
 ++ fail
 -- fail
 -- >>=
--- >>
+-- *>
 end test test_do failure
 start test test_do success
-++ >>
+++ *>
 ++ >>=
-++ return
--- return
+++ pure
+-- pure
 -- >>=
--- >>
+-- *>
 end test test_do success
 start test test_fromInteger

@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ newtype StrictPrim s a
 instance Applicative (StrictPrim s) where
     {-# INLINE pure #-}
-    pure = return
+    pure !x = StrictPrim ( \ !s -> (# s, x #))
+    {-# INLINE (*>) #-}
+    (!m) *> (!k) = do { _ <- m ;  k }
     {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
     (<*>) a b = do f <- a ; v <- b ; return $! (f $! v)
@@ -31,11 +34,6 @@ instance Functor (StrictPrim s) where
 instance Monad (StrictPrim s) where
-    {-# INLINE return #-}
-    return !x = StrictPrim ( \ !s -> (# s, x #))
-    {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
-    (!m) >> (!k) = do { _ <- m ;  k }
     {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
     (StrictPrim !m) >>= (!k) =

@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ instance Functor (Parser t) where
    fmap f p = apply (fmap f) p
 instance Applicative (Parser t) where
-   pure = return
+   pure = Result mempty
 instance Monad (Parser t) where
-   return = Result mempty
    Result s r >>= f = feed s (f r)
    p >>= f = apply (>>= f) p

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     Copyright 2009 Mario Blazevic
     This file is part of the Streaming Component Combinators (SCC) project.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 -- | Module "Trampoline" defines the pipe computations and their basic building blocks.
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types, MultiParamTypeClasses,
-             TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, FlexibleContexts, 
+             TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, FlexibleContexts,
              FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances
@@ -75,11 +75,10 @@ instance Functor Identity where
     fmap = liftM
 instance Applicative Identity where
-    pure  = return
+    pure a = Identity a
     (<*>) = ap
 instance Monad Identity where
-    return a = Identity a
     m >>= k  = k (runIdentity m)
 newtype Trampoline m s r = Trampoline {bounce :: m (TrampolineState m s r)}
@@ -89,11 +88,10 @@ instance (Monad m, Functor s) => Functor (Trampoline m s) where
   fmap = liftM
 instance (Monad m, Functor s) => Applicative (Trampoline m s) where
-  pure  = return
+  pure x = Trampoline (return (Done x))
   (<*>) = ap
 instance (Monad m, Functor s) => Monad (Trampoline m s) where
-   return x = Trampoline (return (Done x))
    t >>= f = Trampoline (bounce t >>= apply f)
       where apply f (Done x) = bounce (f x)
             apply f (Suspend s) = return (Suspend (fmap (>>= f) s))
@@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ instance Functor (Await x) where
 data EitherFunctor l r x = LeftF (l x) | RightF (r x)
 instance (Functor l, Functor r) => Functor (EitherFunctor l r) where
-   fmap f v = trace "fmap Either" $ 
+   fmap f v = trace "fmap Either" $
               case v of
                 LeftF l  -> trace "fmap LeftF" $ LeftF (fmap f l)
                 RightF r -> trace "fmap RightF" $ RightF (fmap f r)
@@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ liftOut :: forall m a d x. (Monad m, Functor a, AncestorFunctor a d) => Trampoli
 liftOut (Trampoline ma) = trace "liftOut" $ Trampoline (liftM inject ma)
    where inject :: TrampolineState m a x -> TrampolineState m d x
          inject (Done x) = Done x
-         inject (Suspend a) = trace "inject suspend" $ Suspend (liftFunctor $ trace "calling fmap" $ 
+         inject (Suspend a) = trace "inject suspend" $ Suspend (liftFunctor $ trace "calling fmap" $
                               fmap liftOut (trace "poking a" a))
 data Sink (m :: Type -> Type) a x =

@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
 newtype StateT s m a = StateT { runStateT :: s -> m (a,s) }
 instance Monad m => Monad (StateT s m) where
-    return a = StateT $ \s -> return (a, s)
     m >>= k  = StateT $ \s -> do
         ~(a, s') <- runStateT m s
         runStateT (k a) s'
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ instance Monad m => Functor (StateT s m) where
     fmap = liftM
 instance Monad m => Applicative (StateT s m) where
-    pure  = return
+    pure a = StateT $ \s -> pure (a, s)
     (<*>) = ap
 get :: Monad m => StateT s m s

@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ data XML
 -- * IdentityT Monad Transformer
 newtype IdentityT m a = IdentityT { runIdentityT :: m a }
-    deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadPlus)
+    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadPlus)
-instance Monad m => Applicative (IdentityT m) where
 instance Monad m => Alternative (IdentityT m) where
 instance MonadTrans IdentityT where

@@ -34,12 +34,9 @@ import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..),liftM)
 -- | The monad transformer that allows a monad to generate XML values.
 newtype XMLGenT m a = XMLGenT (m a)
-  deriving (Monad, Functor, MonadIO, MonadPlus, MonadWriter w, MonadReader r,
-            MonadState s, MonadRWS r w s, MonadCont, MonadError e)
-instance Monad m => Applicative (XMLGenT m) where
-  pure  = return
-  (<*>) = ap
+  deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, MonadIO, MonadPlus, MonadWriter w,
+            MonadReader r, MonadState s, MonadRWS r w s, MonadCont,
+            MonadError e)
 instance Monad m => Alternative (XMLGenT m) where

@@ -13,3 +13,18 @@ instance Semi.Semigroup S where
 instance Monoid S where
   S a `mappend` S b = S (a+b)
   mempty = S 0
+newtype M a = M a
+instance Functor M where
+  fmap = undefined
+instance Applicative M where
+  liftA2 = undefined
+  pure = return
+  (*>) = (>>)
+instance Monad M where
+  return = undefined
+  (>>=) = undefined
+  (>>) = undefined

@@ -3,15 +3,47 @@ Template.hs:5:1: warning: [-Wsemigroup (in -Wcompat)]
     Local definition of ‘<>’ clashes with a future Prelude name.
     This will become an error in a future release.
-Template.hs:11:3: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
+Template.hs:11:3: warning: [GHC-50928] [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
     Noncanonical ‘(<>) = mappend’ definition detected
     in the instance declaration for ‘Semigroup S’.
-    Move definition from ‘mappend’ to ‘(<>)’
-    See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid
+    Suggested fix:
+      Move definition from ‘mappend’ to ‘(<>)’
+      See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid
-Template.hs:14:3: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
+Template.hs:14:3: warning: [GHC-50928] [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
     Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected
     in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid S’.
     ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’
-    Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’
-    See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid
+    Suggested fix:
+      Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’
+      See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid
+Template.hs:24:3: warning: [GHC-22705] [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
+    Noncanonical ‘pure = return’ definition detected
+    in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative M’.
+    Suggested fix:
+      Move definition from ‘return’ to ‘pure’
+      See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return
+Template.hs:25:3: warning: [GHC-22705] [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
+    Noncanonical ‘(*>) = (>>)’ definition detected
+    in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative M’.
+    Suggested fix:
+      Move definition from ‘(>>)’ to ‘(*>)’
+      See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return
+Template.hs:28:3: warning: [GHC-22705] [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
+    Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected
+    in the instance declaration for ‘Monad M’.
+    ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’
+    Suggested fix:
+      Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’
+      See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return
+Template.hs:30:3: warning: [GHC-22705] [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances (in -Wdefault, -Wcompat)]
+    Noncanonical ‘(>>)’ definition detected
+    in the instance declaration for ‘Monad M’.
+    ‘(>>)’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(*>)’
+    Suggested fix:
+      Either remove definition for ‘(>>)’ (recommended) or define as ‘(>>) = (*>)’
+      See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return

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