[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Refine the test for naughty record selectors
Marge Bot (@marge-bot)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Mar 1 09:18:52 UTC 2023
Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
cf118e2f by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-03-01T04:18:33-05:00
Refine the test for naughty record selectors
The test for naughtiness in record selectors is surprisingly subtle.
See the revised Note [Naughty record selectors] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils.
Fixes #23038.
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Utils.hs
- + testsuite/tests/patsyn/should_compile/T23038.hs
- + testsuite/tests/patsyn/should_compile/T23038.stderr
- testsuite/tests/patsyn/should_compile/all.T
@@ -903,19 +903,30 @@ mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl has_sel
con1 = assert (not (null cons_w_field)) $ head cons_w_field
-- Selector type; Note [Polymorphic selectors]
- field_ty = conLikeFieldType con1 lbl
- data_tv_set = tyCoVarsOfTypes (data_ty : req_theta)
- data_tvbs = filter (\tvb -> binderVar tvb `elemVarSet` data_tv_set) $
- conLikeUserTyVarBinders con1
+ (univ_tvs, _, _, _, req_theta, _, data_ty) = conLikeFullSig con1
+ field_ty = conLikeFieldType con1 lbl
+ field_ty_tvs = tyCoVarsOfType field_ty
+ data_ty_tvs = tyCoVarsOfType data_ty
+ sel_tvs = field_ty_tvs `unionVarSet` data_ty_tvs
+ sel_tvbs = filter (\tvb -> binderVar tvb `elemVarSet` sel_tvs) $
+ conLikeUserTyVarBinders con1
-- is_naughty: see Note [Naughty record selectors]
- is_naughty = not (tyCoVarsOfType field_ty `subVarSet` data_tv_set)
- || has_sel == NoFieldSelectors -- No field selectors => all are naughty
- -- thus suppressing making a binding
- -- A slight hack!
+ is_naughty = not ok_scoping || no_selectors
+ ok_scoping = case con1 of
+ RealDataCon {} -> field_ty_tvs `subVarSet` data_ty_tvs
+ PatSynCon {} -> field_ty_tvs `subVarSet` mkVarSet univ_tvs
+ -- In the PatSynCon case, the selector type is (data_ty -> field_ty), but
+ -- fvs(data_ty) are all universals (see Note [Pattern synonym result type] in
+ -- GHC.Core.PatSyn, so no need to check them.
+ no_selectors = has_sel == NoFieldSelectors -- No field selectors => all are naughty
+ -- thus suppressing making a binding
+ -- A slight hack!
sel_ty | is_naughty = unitTy -- See Note [Naughty record selectors]
- | otherwise = mkForAllTys (tyVarSpecToBinders data_tvbs) $
+ | otherwise = mkForAllTys (tyVarSpecToBinders sel_tvbs) $
-- Urgh! See Note [The stupid context] in GHC.Core.DataCon
mkPhiTy (conLikeStupidTheta con1) $
-- req_theta is empty for normal DataCon
@@ -926,7 +937,7 @@ mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl has_sel
-- fields in all the constructor have multiplicity Many.
- -- Make the binding: sel (C2 { fld = x }) = x
+ -- make the binding: sel (C2 { fld = x }) = x
-- sel (C7 { fld = x }) = x
-- where cons_w_field = [C2,C7]
sel_bind = mkTopFunBind Generated sel_lname alts
@@ -976,8 +987,6 @@ mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl has_sel
inst_tys = dataConResRepTyArgs dc
- (_, _, _, _, req_theta, _, data_ty) = conLikeFullSig con1
unit_rhs = mkLHsTupleExpr [] noExtField
msg_lit = HsStringPrim NoSourceText (bytesFS (field_label lbl))
@@ -1036,36 +1045,42 @@ so that if the user tries to use 'x' as a selector we can bleat
helpfully, rather than saying unhelpfully that 'x' is not in scope.
Hence the sel_naughty flag, to identify record selectors that don't really exist.
-In general, a field is "naughty" if its type mentions a type variable that
-isn't in
- * the (original, user-written) result type of the constructor, or
- * the "required theta" for the constructor
-Note that this *allows* GADT record selectors (Note [GADT record
-selectors]) whose types may look like sel :: T [a] -> a
-The "required theta" part is illustrated by test patsyn/should_run/records_run
-where we have
- pattern ReadP :: Read a => a -> String
- pattern ReadP {readp} <- (read -> readp)
-The selector is defined like this:
- $selreadp :: ReadP a => String -> a
- $selReadP s = readp s
-Perfectly fine! The (ReadP a) constraint lets us contructor a value
-of type 'a' from a bare String. NB: "required theta" is empty for
-data cons (see conLikeFullSig), so this reasoning only bites for
-patttern synonyms.
For naughty selectors we make a dummy binding
sel = ()
so that the later type-check will add them to the environment, and they'll be
exported. The function is never called, because the typechecker spots the
sel_naughty field.
+To determine naughtiness we distingish two cases:
+* For RealDataCons, a field is "naughty" if its type mentions a
+ type variable that isn't in the (original, user-written) result type
+ of the constructor. Note that this *allows* GADT record selectors
+ (Note [GADT record selectors]) whose types may look like sel :: T [a] -> a
+* For a PatSynCon, a field is "naughty" if its type mentions a type variable
+ that isn't in the universal type variables.
+ This is a bit subtle. Consider test patsyn/should_run/records_run:
+ pattern ReadP :: forall a. ReadP a => a -> String
+ pattern ReadP {fld} <- (read -> readp)
+ The selector is defined like this:
+ $selReadPfld :: forall a. ReadP a => String -> a
+ $selReadPfld @a (d::ReadP a) s = readp @a d s
+ Perfectly fine! The (ReadP a) constraint lets us contruct a value of type
+ 'a' from a bare String.
+ Another curious case (#23038):
+ pattern N :: forall a. () => forall. () => a -> Any
+ pattern N { fld } <- ( unsafeCoerce -> fld1 ) where N = unsafeCoerce
+ The selector looks like this
+ $selNfld :: forall a. Any -> a
+ $selNfld @a x = unsafeCoerce @Any @a x
+ Pretty strange (but used in the `cleff` package).
+ TL;DR for pattern synonyms, the selector is OK if the field type mentions only
+ the universal type variables of the pattern synonym.
Note [NoFieldSelectors and naughty record selectors]
Under NoFieldSelectors (see Note [NoFieldSelectors] in GHC.Rename.Env), record
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module T23038 where
+import GHC.Types( Any )
+import Unsafe.Coerce( unsafeCoerce )
+pattern N1 :: forall a. () => forall. () => a -> Any
+pattern N1 { fld1 } <- ( unsafeCoerce -> fld1 )
+ where N1 = unsafeCoerce
+pattern N2 :: forall. () => forall a. () => a -> Any
+pattern N2 { fld2 } <- ( unsafeCoerce -> fld2 )
+ where N2 = unsafeCoerce
+test1, test2 :: forall a. Any -> a
+test1 = fld1 -- Should be OK
+test2 = fld2 -- Should be rejected
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+T23038.hs:19:9: error: [GHC-55876]
+ • Cannot use record selector ‘fld2’ as a function due to escaped type variables
+ • In the expression: fld2
+ In an equation for ‘test2’: test2 = fld2
+ Suggested fix: Use pattern-matching syntax instead
@@ -83,3 +83,4 @@ test('T17775-singleton', normal, compile, [''])
test('T14630', normal, compile, ['-Wname-shadowing'])
test('T21531', [ grep_errmsg(r'INLINE') ], compile, ['-ddump-ds'])
test('T22521', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T23038', normal, compile_fail, [''])
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