[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/forall-vis-coercions] Refactoring

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Jun 14 11:42:25 UTC 2023

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/forall-vis-coercions at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

148e83df by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-06-14T12:40:58+01:00

I have just added to Matthew's patch

* Record type for ForAllCo

* Refactor can_eq_nc_forall to use uType

* Deall with mis-matched foralls in can_eq_nc_forall

- - - - -

17 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Reduction.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Equality.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcMType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs


@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
         mkInstCo, mkAppCo, mkAppCos, mkTyConAppCo,
         mkFunCo, mkFunCo2, mkFunCoNoFTF, mkFunResCo,
-        mkForAllCo, mkForAllCos, mkHomoForAllCos,
+        mkForAllCo, mkHomoForAllCos,
         mkHoleCo, mkUnivCo, mkSubCo,
         mkAxiomInstCo, mkProofIrrelCo,
@@ -557,19 +557,25 @@ splitFunCo_maybe (FunCo { fco_arg = arg, fco_res = res }) = Just (arg, res)
 splitFunCo_maybe _ = Nothing
 splitForAllCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (TyCoVar, ForAllTyFlag, ForAllTyFlag, Coercion, Coercion)
-splitForAllCo_maybe (ForAllCo tv vL vR k_co co) = Just (tv, vL, vR, k_co, co)
+splitForAllCo_maybe (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_visL = vL, fco_visR = vR
+                              , fco_kind = k_co, fco_body = co })
+  = Just (tv, vL, vR, k_co, co)
 splitForAllCo_maybe _ = Nothing
 -- | Like 'splitForAllCo_maybe', but only returns Just for tyvar binder
 splitForAllCo_ty_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (TyVar, ForAllTyFlag, ForAllTyFlag, Coercion, Coercion)
-splitForAllCo_ty_maybe (ForAllCo tv vL vR k_co co)
-  | isTyVar tv = Just (tv, vL, vR, k_co, co)
+splitForAllCo_ty_maybe co
+  | Just stuff@(tv, _, _, _, _) <- splitForAllCo_maybe co
+  , isTyVar tv
+  = Just stuff
 splitForAllCo_ty_maybe _ = Nothing
 -- | Like 'splitForAllCo_maybe', but only returns Just for covar binder
 splitForAllCo_co_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (CoVar, ForAllTyFlag, ForAllTyFlag, Coercion, Coercion)
-splitForAllCo_co_maybe (ForAllCo cv vL vR k_co co)
-  | isCoVar cv = Just (cv, vL, vR, k_co, co)
+splitForAllCo_co_maybe co
+  | Just stuff@(cv, _, _, _, _) <- splitForAllCo_maybe co
+  , isCoVar cv
+  = Just stuff
 splitForAllCo_co_maybe _ = Nothing
@@ -972,7 +978,8 @@ mkForAllCo v visL visR kind_co co
   , visL `eqForAllVis` visR
   = mkReflCo r (mkTyCoForAllTy v visL ty)
   | otherwise
-  = ForAllCo v visL visR kind_co co
+  = ForAllCo { fco_tcv = v, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
+             , fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co }
 -- | Like 'mkForAllCo', but the inner coercion shouldn't be an obvious
 -- reflexive coercion. For example, it is guaranteed in 'mkForAllCos'.
@@ -987,21 +994,8 @@ mkForAllCo_NoRefl v visL visR kind_co co
   = mkFunCoNoFTF (coercionRole co) (multToCo ManyTy) kind_co co
       -- Functions from coercions are always unrestricted
   | otherwise
-  = ForAllCo v visL visR kind_co co
--- | Make nested ForAllCos, with 'Specified' visibility
-mkForAllCos :: [(TyCoVar, CoercionN)] -> Coercion -> Coercion
--- We don't seem to use this for anything as of Apr 2023
-mkForAllCos bndrs co
-  | Just (ty, r ) <- isReflCo_maybe co
-  = let (refls_rev'd, non_refls_rev'd) = span (isReflCo . snd) (reverse bndrs) in
-    foldl' (flip step)
-           (mkReflCo r (mkTyCoInvForAllTys (reverse (map fst refls_rev'd)) ty))
-           non_refls_rev'd
-  | otherwise
-  = foldr step co bndrs
-  where step (tcv, kind_co) inner_co
-          = mkForAllCo_NoRefl tcv Specified Specified kind_co inner_co
+  = ForAllCo { fco_tcv = v, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
+             , fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co }
 -- | Make a Coercion quantified over a type/coercion variable;
 -- the variable has the same kind and visibility in both sides of the coercion
@@ -1171,7 +1165,7 @@ mkSelCo_maybe cs co
       | Just (ty, r) <- isReflCo_maybe co
       = Just (mkReflCo r (getNthFromType cs ty))
-    go SelForAll (ForAllCo _ _ _ kind_co _)
+    go SelForAll (ForAllCo { fco_kind = kind_co })
       = Just kind_co
       -- If co :: (forall a1:k1. t1) ~ (forall a2:k2. t2)
       -- then (nth SelForAll co :: k1 ~N k2)
@@ -1239,7 +1233,7 @@ mkLRCo lr co
 -- | Instantiates a 'Coercion'.
 mkInstCo :: Coercion -> CoercionN -> Coercion
-mkInstCo (ForAllCo tcv _visL _visR _kind_co body_co) co
+mkInstCo (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tcv, fco_body = body_co }) co
   | Just (arg, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co
       -- works for both tyvar and covar
   = substCoUnchecked (zipTCvSubst [tcv] [arg]) body_co
@@ -1391,9 +1385,10 @@ setNominalRole_maybe r co
       = TransCo <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co1 <*> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co2
     setNominalRole_maybe_helper (AppCo co1 co2)
       = AppCo <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co1 <*> pure co2
-    setNominalRole_maybe_helper (ForAllCo tv visL visR kind_co co)
+    setNominalRole_maybe_helper co@(ForAllCo { fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR, fco_body = body_co })
       | visL `eqForAllVis` visR
-      = ForAllCo tv visL visR kind_co <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co
+      = do { body_co' <- setNominalRole_maybe_helper body_co
+           ; return (co { fco_body = body_co' }) }
     setNominalRole_maybe_helper (SelCo cs co) =
       -- NB, this case recurses via setNominalRole_maybe, not
       -- setNominalRole_maybe_helper!
@@ -1513,7 +1508,7 @@ promoteCoercion co = case co of
       | otherwise
       -> mkKindCo co
-    ForAllCo tv _ _ _ g
+    ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_body = g }
       | isTyVar tv
       -> promoteCoercion g
@@ -1671,7 +1666,7 @@ mkPiCos r vs co = foldr (mkPiCo r) co vs
 -- | Make a forall 'Coercion', where both types related by the coercion
 -- are quantified over the same variable.
 mkPiCo  :: Role -> Var -> Coercion -> Coercion
-mkPiCo r v co | isTyVar v = mkHomoForAllCos [Bndr v Specified] co
+mkPiCo r v co | isTyVar v = mkHomoForAllCos [Bndr v coreTyLamForAllTyFlag] co
               | isCoVar v = assert (not (v `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co)) $
                   -- We didn't call mkForAllCo here because if v does not appear
                   -- in co, the argument coercion will be nominal. But here we
@@ -2410,7 +2405,8 @@ coercionLKind co
     go (GRefl _ ty _)            = ty
     go (TyConAppCo _ tc cos)     = mkTyConApp tc (map go cos)
     go (AppCo co1 co2)           = mkAppTy (go co1) (go co2)
-    go (ForAllCo tv1 visL _ _ co1) = mkTyCoForAllTy tv1 visL (go co1)
+    go (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv1, fco_visL = visL, fco_body = co1 })
+                                 = mkTyCoForAllTy tv1 visL (go co1)
     go (FunCo { fco_afl = af, fco_mult = mult, fco_arg = arg, fco_res = res})
        {- See Note [FunCo] -}    = FunTy { ft_af = af, ft_mult = go mult
                                          , ft_arg = go arg, ft_res = go res }
@@ -2489,7 +2485,8 @@ coercionRKind co
     go (AxiomRuleCo ax cos)      = pSnd $ expectJust "coercionKind" $
                                    coaxrProves ax $ map coercionKind cos
-    go co@(ForAllCo tv1 _visL visR k_co co1) -- works for both tyvar and covar
+    go co@(ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv1, fco_visR = visR
+                    , fco_kind = k_co, fco_body = co1 }) -- works for both tyvar and covar
        | isGReflCo k_co           = mkTyCoForAllTy tv1 visR (go co1)
          -- kind_co always has kind @Type@, thus @isGReflCo@
        | otherwise                = go_forall empty_subst co
@@ -2513,7 +2510,8 @@ coercionRKind co
     go_app (InstCo co arg) args = go_app co (go arg:args)
     go_app co              args = piResultTys (go co) args
-    go_forall subst (ForAllCo tv1 _visL visR k_co co)
+    go_forall subst (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv1, fco_visR = visR
+                              , fco_kind = k_co, fco_body = co })
       -- See Note [Nested ForAllCos]
       | isTyVar tv1
       = mkForAllTy (Bndr tv2 visR) (go_forall subst' co)
@@ -2525,7 +2523,8 @@ coercionRKind co
                | otherwise      = extendTvSubst (extendSubstInScope subst tv2) tv1 $
                                   TyVarTy tv2 `mkCastTy` mkSymCo k_co
-    go_forall subst (ForAllCo cv1 _visL visR k_co co)
+    go_forall subst (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = cv1, fco_visR = visR
+                              , fco_kind = k_co, fco_body = co })
       | isCoVar cv1
       = mkTyCoForAllTy cv2 visR (go_forall subst' co)
@@ -2575,26 +2574,26 @@ change reduces /total/ compile time by a factor of more than ten.
 coercionRole :: Coercion -> Role
 coercionRole = go
-    go (Refl _) = Nominal
-    go (GRefl r _ _) = r
-    go (TyConAppCo r _ _) = r
-    go (AppCo co1 _) = go co1
-    go (ForAllCo _tcv _visL _visR _kco co) = go co
-    go (FunCo { fco_role = r }) = r
-    go (CoVarCo cv) = coVarRole cv
-    go (HoleCo h)   = coVarRole (coHoleCoVar h)
-    go (AxiomInstCo ax _ _) = coAxiomRole ax
-    go (UnivCo _ r _ _)  = r
-    go (SymCo co) = go co
-    go (TransCo co1 _co2) = go co1
-    go (SelCo SelForAll      _co) = Nominal
-    go (SelCo (SelTyCon _ r) _co) = r
-    go (SelCo (SelFun fs)     co) = funRole (coercionRole co) fs
-    go (LRCo {}) = Nominal
-    go (InstCo co _) = go co
-    go (KindCo {}) = Nominal
-    go (SubCo _) = Representational
-    go (AxiomRuleCo ax _) = coaxrRole ax
+    go (Refl _)                     = Nominal
+    go (GRefl r _ _)                = r
+    go (TyConAppCo r _ _)           = r
+    go (AppCo co1 _)                = go co1
+    go (ForAllCo { fco_body = co }) = go co
+    go (FunCo { fco_role = r })     = r
+    go (CoVarCo cv)                 = coVarRole cv
+    go (HoleCo h)                   = coVarRole (coHoleCoVar h)
+    go (AxiomInstCo ax _ _)         = coAxiomRole ax
+    go (UnivCo _ r _ _)             = r
+    go (SymCo co)                   = go co
+    go (TransCo co1 _co2)           = go co1
+    go (SelCo SelForAll      _co)   = Nominal
+    go (SelCo (SelTyCon _ r) _co)   = r
+    go (SelCo (SelFun fs)     co)   = funRole (coercionRole co) fs
+    go (LRCo {})                    = Nominal
+    go (InstCo co _)                = go co
+    go (KindCo {})                  = Nominal
+    go (SubCo _)                    = Representational
+    go (AxiomRuleCo ax _)           = coaxrRole ax
 Note [Nested InstCos]

@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ opt_co4 env sym rep r (SelCo (SelTyCon n r1) (TyConAppCo _ _ cos))
 opt_co4 env sym rep r (SelCo (SelFun fs) (FunCo _r2 _afl _afr w co1 co2))
   = opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r (getNthFun fs w co1 co2)
-opt_co4 env sym rep _ (SelCo SelForAll (ForAllCo _ _ _ eta _))
+opt_co4 env sym rep _ (SelCo SelForAll (ForAllCo { fco_kind = eta }))
       -- works for both tyvar and covar
   = opt_co4_wrap env sym rep Nominal eta
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ opt_co4 env sym rep r (SelCo n co)
   | Just nth_co <- case (co', n) of
       (TyConAppCo _ _ cos, SelTyCon n _) -> Just (cos `getNth` n)
       (FunCo _ _ _ w co1 co2, SelFun fs) -> Just (getNthFun fs w co1 co2)
-      (ForAllCo _ _ _ eta _, SelForAll) -> Just eta
+      (ForAllCo { fco_kind = eta }, SelForAll) -> Just eta
       _                  -> Nothing
   = if rep && (r == Nominal)
       -- keep propagating the SubCo

@@ -386,8 +386,9 @@ orphNamesOfCo (Refl ty)             = orphNamesOfType ty
 orphNamesOfCo (GRefl _ ty mco)      = orphNamesOfType ty `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfMCo mco
 orphNamesOfCo (TyConAppCo _ tc cos) = unitNameSet (getName tc) `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCos cos
 orphNamesOfCo (AppCo co1 co2)       = orphNamesOfCo co1 `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCo co2
-orphNamesOfCo (ForAllCo _tcv _vL _vR kind_co co) = orphNamesOfCo kind_co
-                                            `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCo co
+orphNamesOfCo (ForAllCo { fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co })
+                                    = orphNamesOfCo kind_co
+                                      `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCo co
 orphNamesOfCo (FunCo { fco_mult = co_mult, fco_arg = co1, fco_res = co2 })
                                     = orphNamesOfCo co_mult
                                       `unionNameSet` orphNamesOfCo co1

@@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ normalise_type ty
     go (ForAllTy (Bndr tcvar vis) ty)
       = do { (lc', tv', k_redn) <- normalise_var_bndr tcvar
            ; redn <- withLC lc' $ normalise_type ty
-           ; return $ mkForAllRedn vis vis tv' k_redn redn }
+           ; return $ mkForAllRedn vis tv' k_redn redn }
     go (TyVarTy tv)    = normalise_tyvar tv
     go (CastTy ty co)
       = do { redn <- go ty

@@ -2230,7 +2230,8 @@ lintCoercion co@(AppCo co1 co2)
        ; return (AppCo co1' co2') }
-lintCoercion co@(ForAllCo tcv visL visR kind_co body_co)
+lintCoercion co@(ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tcv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
+                          , fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = body_co })
   | not (isTyCoVar tcv)
   = failWithL (text "Non tyco binder in ForAllCo:" <+> ppr co)
   | otherwise
@@ -2261,7 +2262,7 @@ lintCoercion co@(ForAllCo tcv visL visR kind_co body_co)
          lintL (visL `eqForAllVis` visR) $
          text "Nominal ForAllCo has mismatched visibilities: " <+> ppr co
-       ; return (ForAllCo tcv' visL visR kind_co' body_co') } }
+       ; return (co { fco_tcv = tcv', fco_kind = kind_co', fco_body = body_co' }) } }
 lintCoercion co@(FunCo { fco_role = r, fco_afl = afl, fco_afr = afr
                        , fco_mult = cow, fco_arg = co1, fco_res = co2 })

@@ -370,15 +370,14 @@ mkFunRedn r af
 -- Combines 'mkForAllCo' and 'mkForAllTy'.
 mkForAllRedn :: ForAllTyFlag
-             -> ForAllTyFlag
              -> TyVar
              -> ReductionN -- ^ kind reduction
              -> Reduction  -- ^ body reduction
              -> Reduction
-mkForAllRedn vis1 vis2 tv1 (Reduction h ki') (Reduction co ty)
+mkForAllRedn vis tv1 (Reduction h ki') (Reduction co ty)
   = mkReduction
-      (mkForAllCo tv1 vis1 vis2 h co)
-      (mkForAllTy (Bndr tv2 vis2) ty)
+      (mkForAllCo tv1 vis vis h co)
+      (mkForAllTy (Bndr tv2 vis) ty)
     tv2 = setTyVarKind tv1 ki'
 {-# INLINE mkForAllRedn #-}

@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ tyCoFVsOfCo (GRefl _ ty mco) fv_cand in_scope acc
 tyCoFVsOfCo (TyConAppCo _ _ cos) fv_cand in_scope acc = tyCoFVsOfCos cos fv_cand in_scope acc
 tyCoFVsOfCo (AppCo co arg) fv_cand in_scope acc
   = (tyCoFVsOfCo co `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfCo arg) fv_cand in_scope acc
-tyCoFVsOfCo (ForAllCo tv _visL _visR kind_co co) fv_cand in_scope acc
+tyCoFVsOfCo (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co }) fv_cand in_scope acc
   = (tyCoFVsVarBndr tv (tyCoFVsOfCo co) `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfCo kind_co) fv_cand in_scope acc
 tyCoFVsOfCo (FunCo { fco_mult = w, fco_arg = co1, fco_res = co2 }) fv_cand in_scope acc
   = (tyCoFVsOfCo co1 `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfCo co2 `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfCo w) fv_cand in_scope acc
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ almost_devoid_co_var_of_co (TyConAppCo _ _ cos) cv
 almost_devoid_co_var_of_co (AppCo co arg) cv
   = almost_devoid_co_var_of_co co cv
   && almost_devoid_co_var_of_co arg cv
-almost_devoid_co_var_of_co (ForAllCo v _visL _visR kind_co co) cv
+almost_devoid_co_var_of_co (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = v, fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co }) cv
   = almost_devoid_co_var_of_co kind_co cv
   && (v == cv || almost_devoid_co_var_of_co co cv)
 almost_devoid_co_var_of_co (FunCo { fco_mult = w, fco_arg = co1, fco_res = co2 }) cv
@@ -1109,7 +1109,8 @@ tyConsOfType ty
      go_co (GRefl _ ty mco)        = go ty `unionUniqSets` go_mco mco
      go_co (TyConAppCo _ tc args)  = go_tc tc `unionUniqSets` go_cos args
      go_co (AppCo co arg)          = go_co co `unionUniqSets` go_co arg
-     go_co (ForAllCo _ _ _ kind_co co) = go_co kind_co `unionUniqSets` go_co co
+     go_co (ForAllCo { fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co })
+                                   = go_co kind_co `unionUniqSets` go_co co
      go_co (FunCo { fco_mult = m, fco_arg = a, fco_res = r })
                                    = go_co m `unionUniqSets` go_co a `unionUniqSets` go_co r
      go_co (AxiomInstCo ax _ args) = go_ax ax `unionUniqSets` go_cos args
@@ -1293,14 +1294,14 @@ occCheckExpand vs_to_avoid ty
     go_co cxt (AppCo co arg)            = do { co' <- go_co cxt co
                                              ; arg' <- go_co cxt arg
                                              ; return (AppCo co' arg') }
-    go_co cxt@(as, env) (ForAllCo tv visL visR kind_co body_co)
+    go_co cxt@(as, env) co@(ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = body_co })
       = do { kind_co' <- go_co cxt kind_co
            ; let tv' = setVarType tv $
                        coercionLKind kind_co'
                  env' = extendVarEnv env tv tv'
                  as'  = as `delVarSet` tv
            ; body' <- go_co (as', env') body_co
-           ; return (ForAllCo tv' visL visR kind_co' body') }
+           ; return (co { fco_tcv = tv', fco_kind = kind_co', fco_body = body' }) }
     go_co cxt co@(FunCo { fco_mult = w, fco_arg = co1 ,fco_res = co2 })
       = do { co1' <- go_co cxt co1
            ; co2' <- go_co cxt co2

@@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ This is done in mkCastTy.
 In sum, in order to uphold (EQ), we need the following invariants:
-  (EQ1) No decomposable CastTy to the left of an AppTy, where a decomposable
-        cast is one that relates either a FunTy to a FunTy or a
-        ForAllTy to a ForAllTy.
+  (EQ1) No decomposable CastTy to the left of an AppTy,
+        where a "decomposable cast" is one that relates
+        either a FunTy to a FunTy, or a ForAllTy to a ForAllTy.
   (EQ2) No reflexive casts in CastTy.
   (EQ3) No nested CastTys.
   (EQ4) No CastTy over (ForAllTy (Bndr tyvar vis) body).
@@ -851,11 +851,11 @@ data Coercion
   -- See Note [Forall coercions]
   | ForAllCo
-      TyCoVar
-      !ForAllTyFlag -- visibility of coercionLKind
-      !ForAllTyFlag -- visibility of coercionRKind
-      KindCoercion
-      Coercion
+      { fco_tcv  :: TyCoVar
+      , fco_visL :: !ForAllTyFlag -- visibility of coercionLKind
+      , fco_visR :: !ForAllTyFlag -- visibility of coercionRKind
+      , fco_kind :: KindCoercion
+      , fco_body :: Coercion }
          -- ForAllCo :: _ -> N -> e -> e
   | FunCo  -- FunCo :: "e" -> N/P -> e -> e -> e
@@ -1167,41 +1167,53 @@ of the chosen branch.
 Note [Forall coercions]
 Constructing coercions between forall-types can be a bit tricky,
-because the kinds of the bound tyvars can be different.
+because the kinds of the bound otyvars can be different.
 The typing rule is:
-  kind_co : k1 ~ k2
-  tv1:k1 |- co : t1 ~ t2
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ForAllCo tv1 vis1 vis2 kind_co co
-     : all tv1:k1 <vis1>. t1  ~
-       all tv1:k2 <vis2>. (t2[tv1 |-> tv1 |> sym kind_co])
-First, the TyCoVar stored in a ForAllCo is really an optimisation: this field
-should be a Name, as its kind is redundant. Thinking of the field as a Name
-is helpful in understanding what a ForAllCo means.
-The kind of TyCoVar always matches the left-hand kind of the coercion.
-The idea is that kind_co gives the two kinds of the tyvar. See how, in the
-conclusion, tv1 is assigned kind k1 on the left but kind k2 on the right.
-Of course, a type variable can't have different kinds at the same time. So,
-we arbitrarily prefer the first kind when using tv1 in the inner coercion
-co, which shows that t1 equals t2.
-The last wrinkle is that we need to fix the kinds in the conclusion. In
-t2, tv1 is assumed to have kind k1, but it has kind k2 in the conclusion of
-the rule. So we do a kind-fixing substitution, replacing (tv1:k1) with
-(tv1:k2) |> sym kind_co. This substitution is slightly bizarre, because it
-mentions the same name with different kinds, but it *is* well-kinded, noting
-that `(tv1:k2) |> sym kind_co` has kind k1.
-This all really would work storing just a Name in the ForAllCo. But we can't
-add Names to, e.g., VarSets, and there generally is just an impedance mismatch
-in a bunch of places. So we use tv1. When we need tv2, we can use
+  kind_co : k1 ~N k2
+  tv1:k1 |- co : t1 ~r t2
+  if r=N, then vis1=vis2
+  ------------------------------------
+  ForAllCo (tv1:k1) vis1 vis2 kind_co co
+     : forall (tv1:k1) <vis1>. t1
+              ~r
+       forall (tv1:k2) <vis2>. (t2[tv1 |-> (tv1:k2) |> sym kind_co])
+Several things to note here
+(FC1) First, the TyCoVar stored in a ForAllCo is really an optimisation: this
+  field should be a Name, as its kind is redundant. Thinking of the field as a
+  Name is helpful in understanding what a ForAllCo means.  The kind of TyCoVar
+  always matches the left-hand kind of the coercion.
+  * The idea is that kind_co gives the two kinds of the tyvar. See how, in the
+    conclusion, tv1 is assigned kind k1 on the left but kind k2 on the right.
+  * Of course, a type variable can't have different kinds at the same time.
+    So, in `co` itself we use (tv1 : k1); hence the premise
+          tv1:k1 |- co : t1 ~r t2
+  * The last wrinkle is that we need to fix the kinds in the conclusion. In
+    t2, tv1 is assumed to have kind k1, but it has kind k2 in the conclusion of
+     the rule. So we do a kind-fixing substitution, replacing (tv1:k1) with
+     (tv1:k2) |> sym kind_co. This substitution is slightly bizarre, because it
+    mentions the same name with different kinds, but it *is* well-kinded, noting
+     that `(tv1:k2) |> sym kind_co` has kind k1.
+  We could instead store just a Name in the ForAllCo. But we can't add Names
+  to, e.g., VarSets, and there generally is just an impedance mismatch in a
+  bunch of places. So we use tv1. When we need tv2, we can use setTyVarKind.
+(FC2) Note that the kind coercion must be Nominal; and that the role `r` of
+  the final coercion is the same as that of the body coercion.
+(FC3) A ForAllCo allows to cast between visibilities.  For example:
+         ForAllCo a Required Specified (SubCo (Refl ty))
+           : (forall a -> ty) ~R (forall a. ty)
+  But only at Representational role.  The two types are Representationally
+  equal but not Nominally equal.  Hence the premise
+      if r=N, then vis1=vis2
 Note [Predicate coercions]
@@ -1821,7 +1833,8 @@ coercionSize (GRefl _ ty MRefl)    = typeSize ty
 coercionSize (GRefl _ ty (MCo co)) = 1 + typeSize ty + coercionSize co
 coercionSize (TyConAppCo _ _ args) = 1 + sum (map coercionSize args)
 coercionSize (AppCo co arg)        = coercionSize co + coercionSize arg
-coercionSize (ForAllCo _ _ _ h co) = 1 + coercionSize co + coercionSize h
+coercionSize (ForAllCo { fco_kind = h, fco_body = co })
+                                   = 1 + coercionSize co + coercionSize h
 coercionSize (FunCo _ _ _ w c1 c2) = 1 + coercionSize c1 + coercionSize c2
                                                          + coercionSize w
 coercionSize (CoVarCo _)         = 1

@@ -535,7 +535,8 @@ Note [Sym and ForAllCo]
 In OptCoercion, we try to push "sym" out to the leaves of a coercion. But,
 how do we push sym into a ForAllCo? It's a little ugly.
-Ignoring visibility, here is the typing rule:
+Ignoring visibility, here is the typing rule
+(see Note [Forall coercions] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep).
 h : k1 ~# k2
 (tv : k1) |- g : ty1 ~# ty2

@@ -548,7 +548,8 @@ expandTypeSynonyms ty
       = mkTyConAppCo r tc (map (go_co subst) args)
     go_co subst (AppCo co arg)
       = mkAppCo (go_co subst co) (go_co subst arg)
-    go_co subst (ForAllCo tv visL visR kind_co co)
+    go_co subst (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
+                          , fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co })
       = let (subst', tv', kind_co') = go_cobndr subst tv kind_co in
         mkForAllCo tv' visL visR kind_co' (go_co subst' co)
     go_co subst (FunCo r afl afr w co1 co2)
@@ -990,7 +991,8 @@ mapTyCoX (TyCoMapper { tcm_tyvar = tyvar
       | otherwise
       = mkTyConAppCo r tc <$> go_cos env cos
-    go_co !env (ForAllCo tv visL visR kind_co co)
+    go_co !env (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
+                         , fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co })
       = do { kind_co' <- go_co env kind_co
            ; tycobinder env tv visL $ \env' tv' ->  do
            ; co' <- go_co env' co
@@ -1050,8 +1052,6 @@ invariant: use it.
 Note [Decomposing fat arrow c=>t]
-This note needs updating since the Type/Constraint separation in Core...
 Can we unify (a b) with (Eq a => ty)?   If we do so, we end up with
 a partial application like ((=>) (Eq a)) which doesn't make sense in
 source Haskell.  In contrast, we *can* unify (a b) with (t1 -> t2).
@@ -1064,14 +1064,13 @@ The type (Proxy (Eq Int => Int)) is only accepted with -XImpredicativeTypes,
 but suppose we want that.  But then in the call to 'i', we end
 up decomposing (Eq Int => Int), and we definitely don't want that.
-This really only applies to the type checker; in Core, '=>' and '->'
-are the same, as are 'Constraint' and '*'.  But for now I've put
-the test in splitAppTyNoView_maybe, which applies throughout, because
-the other calls to splitAppTy are in GHC.Core.Unify, which is also used by
-the type checker (e.g. when matching type-function equations).
 We are willing to split (t1 -=> t2) because the argument is still of
 kind Type, not Constraint.  So the criterion is isVisibleFunArg.
+In Core there is no real reason to avoid such decomposition.  But for now I've
+put the test in splitAppTyNoView_maybe, which applies throughout, because the
+other calls to splitAppTy are in GHC.Core.Unify, which is also used by the
+type checker (e.g. when matching type-function equations).
 -- | Applies a type to another, as in e.g. @k a@
@@ -1938,22 +1937,20 @@ dropForAlls ty = go ty
     go ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = go ty'
     go res                         = res
--- | Attempts to take a forall type apart, but only if it's a proper forall,
--- with a named binder
+-- | Attempts to take a ForAllTy apart, returning the full ForAllTyBinder
 splitForAllForAllTyBinder_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (ForAllTyBinder, Type)
 splitForAllForAllTyBinder_maybe ty
   | ForAllTy bndr inner_ty <- coreFullView ty = Just (bndr, inner_ty)
   | otherwise                                 = Nothing
--- | Attempts to take a forall type apart, but only if it's a proper forall,
--- with a named binder
+-- | Attempts to take a ForAllTy apart, returning the Var
 splitForAllTyCoVar_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (TyCoVar, Type)
 splitForAllTyCoVar_maybe ty
   | ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) inner_ty <- coreFullView ty = Just (tv, inner_ty)
   | otherwise                                        = Nothing
--- | Like 'splitForAllTyCoVar_maybe', but only returns Just if it is a tyvar binder.
+-- | Attempts to take a ForAllTy apart, but only if the binder is a TyVar
 splitForAllTyVar_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (TyVar, Type)
 splitForAllTyVar_maybe ty
   | ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) inner_ty <- coreFullView ty

@@ -1780,7 +1780,9 @@ pushRefl co =
     Just (TyConApp tc tys, r)
       -> Just (TyConAppCo r tc (zipWith mkReflCo (tyConRoleListX r tc) tys))
     Just (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) ty, r)
-      -> Just (ForAllCo tv vis vis (mkNomReflCo (varType tv)) (mkReflCo r ty))
+      -> Just (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_visL = vis, fco_visR = vis
+                        , fco_kind = mkNomReflCo (varType tv)
+                        , fco_body = mkReflCo r ty })
     -- NB: NoRefl variant. Otherwise, we get a loop!
     _ -> Nothing

@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ module GHC.Core.Utils (
         -- * Properties of expressions
-        exprType, coreAltType, coreAltsType, mkLamType, mkLamTypes,
+        exprType, coreAltType, coreAltsType,
+        mkLamType, mkLamTypes,
         exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial, getIdFromTrivialExpr,
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ mkLamTypes :: [Var] -> Type -> Type
 mkLamType v body_ty
    | isTyVar v
-   = mkForAllTy (Bndr v Specified) body_ty
+   = mkForAllTy (Bndr v coreTyLamForAllTyFlag) body_ty
    | isCoVar v
    , v `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType body_ty

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
 import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family ( tcTopNormaliseNewTypeTF_maybe )
 import GHC.Tc.Instance.FunDeps( FunDepEqn(..) )
+import qualified GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad    as TcM
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Core.Predicate
@@ -477,27 +478,19 @@ can_eq_nc_forall :: CtEvidence -> EqRel
 --  so we must proceed one binder at a time (#13879)
 can_eq_nc_forall ev eq_rel s1 s2
- | CtWanted { ctev_loc = loc, ctev_dest = orig_dest, ctev_rewriters = rewriters } <- ev
- = do { let free_tvs       = tyCoVarsOfTypes [s1,s2]
-            (bndrs1, phi1) = tcSplitForAllTyVarBinders s1
-            (bndrs2, phi2) = tcSplitForAllTyVarBinders s2
+ | CtWanted { ctev_dest = orig_dest } <- ev
+ = do { let free_tvs                     = tyCoVarsOfTypes [s1,s2]
+            (bndrs1, phi1, bndrs2, phi2) = split_foralls s1 s2
             hard_fail why = do { traceTcS ("Forall failure: " ++ why) $
-                               vcat [ ppr s1, ppr s2, ppr bndrs1, ppr bndrs2
-                                    , ppr (binderFlags bndrs1)
-                                    , ppr (binderFlags bndrs2) ]
-                             ; canEqHardFailure ev s1 s2 }
+                                 vcat [ ppr s1, ppr s2, ppr bndrs1, ppr bndrs2
+                                      , ppr (binderFlags bndrs1)
+                                      , ppr (binderFlags bndrs2) ]
+                               ; canEqHardFailure ev s1 s2 }
       ; if | eq_rel == NomEq
-           , not (and $ zipWith (eqForAllVis `on` binderFlag) bndrs1 bndrs2)
+           , not (all2 (eqForAllVis `on` binderFlag) bndrs1 bndrs2)
            -> hard_fail "visibility mismatch"
-           | not (equalLength bndrs1 bndrs2)
-             -- I believe this relies on the (generally wrong) assumption
-             -- that type families never return a forall-type.
-             -- But newtypes can certainly wrap forall-types!
-             -- So we definitely shouldn't just reject for ReprEq.
-             -- See also #22537.
-           -> hard_fail "unequal foralls-nesting-depth"
            | otherwise -> do {
       ; traceTcS "Creating implication for polytype equality" $ ppr ev
       ; let empty_subst1 = mkEmptySubst $ mkInScopeSet free_tvs
@@ -508,33 +501,36 @@ can_eq_nc_forall ev eq_rel s1 s2
       ; let phi1' = substTy subst1 phi1
             -- Unify the kinds, extend the substitution
-            go :: [TcTyVar] -> Subst -> [TyVarBinder] -> [TyVarBinder]
-               -> TcS (TcCoercion, Cts)
-            go (skol_tv:skol_tvs) subst (bndr1:bndrs1) (bndr2:bndrs2)
-              = do { let tv2 = binderVar bndr2
+            go :: UnifyEnv -> [TcTyVar] -> Subst
+               -> [TyVarBinder] -> [TyVarBinder] -> TcM.TcM TcCoercion
+            go uenv (skol_tv:skol_tvs) subst (bndr1:bndrs1) (bndr2:bndrs2)
+              = do { let tv2  = binderVar bndr2
                          vis1 = binderFlag bndr1
                          vis2 = binderFlag bndr2
-                   ; (kind_co, wanteds1) <- unify loc rewriters Nominal (tyVarKind skol_tv)
-                                                  (substTy subst (tyVarKind tv2))
+                   ; kind_co <- uType (uenv `setUEnvRole` Nominal)
+                                      (tyVarKind skol_tv)
+                                      (substTy subst (tyVarKind tv2))
                    ; let subst' = extendTvSubstAndInScope subst tv2
                                        (mkCastTy (mkTyVarTy skol_tv) kind_co)
                          -- skol_tv is already in the in-scope set, but the
                          -- free vars of kind_co are not; hence "...AndInScope"
-                   ; (co, wanteds2) <- go skol_tvs subst' bndrs1 bndrs2
-                   ; return ( mkForAllCo skol_tv vis1 vis2 kind_co co
-                            , wanteds1 `unionBags` wanteds2 ) }
+                   ; co <- go uenv skol_tvs subst' bndrs1 bndrs2
+                   ; return (mkForAllCo skol_tv vis1 vis2 kind_co co)}
             -- Done: unify phi1 ~ phi2
-            go [] subst bndrs1 bndrs2
+            go uenv [] subst bndrs1 bndrs2
               = assert (null bndrs1 && null bndrs2) $
-                unify loc rewriters (eqRelRole eq_rel) phi1' (substTyUnchecked subst phi2)
+                uType uenv phi1' (substTyUnchecked subst phi2)
-            go _ _ _ _ = panic "cna_eq_nc_forall"  -- case (s:ss) []
+            go _ _ _ _ _ = panic "can_eq_nc_forall"  -- case (s:ss) []
             empty_subst2 = mkEmptySubst (getSubstInScope subst1)
-      ; (lvl, (all_co, wanteds)) <- pushLevelNoWorkList (ppr skol_info) $
-                                    go skol_tvs empty_subst2 bndrs1 bndrs2
+      ; (lvl, (all_co, wanteds)) <- pushLevelNoWorkList (ppr skol_info)   $
+                                    unifyForAllBody ev (eqRelRole eq_rel) $ \uenv ->
+                                    go uenv skol_tvs empty_subst2 bndrs1 bndrs2
       ; emitTvImplicationTcS lvl (getSkolemInfo skol_info) skol_tvs wanteds
       ; setWantedEq orig_dest all_co
@@ -546,16 +542,24 @@ can_eq_nc_forall ev eq_rel s1 s2
       ; stopWith ev "Discard given polytype equality" }
-    unify :: CtLoc -> RewriterSet -> Role -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS (TcCoercion, Cts)
-    -- This version returns the wanted constraint rather
-    -- than putting it in the work list
-    unify loc rewriters role ty1 ty2
-      | ty1 `tcEqType` ty2
-      = return (mkReflCo role ty1, emptyBag)
-      | otherwise
-      = do { (wanted, co) <- newWantedEq loc rewriters role ty1 ty2
-           ; return (co, unitBag (mkNonCanonical wanted)) }
+    split_foralls :: TcType -> TcType
+                  -> ([ForAllTyBinder], TcType, [ForAllTyBinder], TcType)
+    -- Split matching foralls; stop when the foralls don't match
+    -- See #22537.  ToDo: amplify this note
+    split_foralls s1 s2
+      | n_bndrs1 == n_bndrs2 = ( bndrs1, phi1
+                               , bndrs2, phi2)
+      | n_bndrs1 < n_bndrs2  = ( bndrs1, phi1
+                               , take n_bndrs1 bndrs2
+                               , mkForAllTys (drop n_bndrs1 bndrs2) phi2 )
+      | otherwise            = ( take n_bndrs2 bndrs1
+                               , mkForAllTys (drop n_bndrs2 bndrs1) phi1
+                               , bndrs2, phi2 )
+      where
+        (bndrs1, phi1) = tcSplitForAllTyVarBinders s1
+        (bndrs2, phi2) = tcSplitForAllTyVarBinders s2
+        n_bndrs1 = length bndrs1
+        n_bndrs2 = length bndrs2
 {- Note [Unwrap newtypes first]

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (
     -- Unification
-    wrapUnifierTcS, unifyFunDeps, uPairsTcM,
+    wrapUnifierTcS, unifyFunDeps, uPairsTcM, unifyForAllBody,
     -- MetaTyVars
     newFlexiTcSTy, instFlexiX,
@@ -1997,6 +1997,16 @@ unifyFunDeps ev role do_unifications
     fvs = tyCoVarsOfType (ctEvPred ev)
+unifyForAllBody :: CtEvidence -> Role -> (UnifyEnv -> TcM a)
+                -> TcS (a, Cts)
+unifyForAllBody ev role unify_body
+  = do { (res, cts, unified, _rewriters) <- wrapUnifierX ev role unify_body
+       -- Kick out any inert constraint that we have unified
+       ; _ <- kickOutAfterUnification unified
+       ; return (res, cts) }
 wrapUnifierTcS :: CtEvidence -> Role
                -> (UnifyEnv -> TcM a)  -- Some calls to uType
                -> TcS (a, Bag Ct, [TcTyVar])
@@ -2010,21 +2020,7 @@ wrapUnifierTcS :: CtEvidence -> Role
 -- unified the process; the (Bag Ct) are the deferred constraints.
 wrapUnifierTcS ev role do_unifications
-  = do { (cos, unified, rewriters, cts) <- wrapTcS $
-             do { defer_ref   <- TcM.newTcRef emptyBag
-                ; unified_ref <- TcM.newTcRef []
-                ; rewriters <- TcM.zonkRewriterSet (ctEvRewriters ev)
-                ; let env = UE { u_role      = role
-                               , u_rewriters = rewriters
-                               , u_loc       = ctEvLoc ev
-                               , u_defer     = defer_ref
-                               , u_unified   = Just unified_ref}
-                ; cos <- do_unifications env
-                ; cts     <- TcM.readTcRef defer_ref
-                ; unified <- TcM.readTcRef unified_ref
-                ; return (cos, unified, rewriters, cts) }
+  = do { (res, cts, unified, rewriters) <- wrapUnifierX ev role do_unifications
        -- Emit the deferred constraints
        -- See Note [Work-list ordering] in GHC.Tc.Solved.Equality
@@ -2034,7 +2030,27 @@ wrapUnifierTcS ev role do_unifications
        -- And kick out any inert constraint that we have unified
        ; _ <- kickOutAfterUnification unified
-       ; return (cos, cts, unified) }
+       ; return (res, cts, unified) }
+wrapUnifierX :: CtEvidence -> Role
+             -> (UnifyEnv -> TcM a)  -- Some calls to uType
+             -> TcS (a, Bag Ct, [TcTyVar], RewriterSet)
+wrapUnifierX ev role do_unifications
+  = wrapTcS $
+    do { defer_ref   <- TcM.newTcRef emptyBag
+       ; unified_ref <- TcM.newTcRef []
+       ; rewriters   <- TcM.zonkRewriterSet (ctEvRewriters ev)
+       ; let env = UE { u_role      = role
+                      , u_rewriters = rewriters
+                      , u_loc       = ctEvLoc ev
+                      , u_defer     = defer_ref
+                      , u_unified   = Just unified_ref}
+       ; res <- do_unifications env
+       ; cts     <- TcM.readTcRef defer_ref
+       ; unified <- TcM.readTcRef unified_ref
+       ; return (res, cts, unified, rewriters) }

@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ synonymTyConsOfType ty
      go_co (GRefl _ ty mco)       = go ty `plusNameEnv` go_mco mco
      go_co (TyConAppCo _ tc cs)   = go_tc tc `plusNameEnv` go_co_s cs
      go_co (AppCo co co')         = go_co co `plusNameEnv` go_co co'
-     go_co (ForAllCo _ _ _ co co')    = go_co co `plusNameEnv` go_co co'
+     go_co (ForAllCo { fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = body_co })
+                                  = go_co kind_co `plusNameEnv` go_co body_co
      go_co (FunCo { fco_mult = m, fco_arg = a, fco_res = r })
                                   = go_co m `plusNameEnv` go_co a `plusNameEnv` go_co r
      go_co (CoVarCo _)            = emptyNameEnv

@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ collect_cand_qtvs_co orig_ty cur_lvl bound = go_co
     go_co dv (CoVarCo cv) = go_cv dv cv
-    go_co dv (ForAllCo tcv _visL _visR kind_co co)
+    go_co dv (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tcv, fco_kind = kind_co, fco_body = co })
       = do { dv1 <- go_co dv kind_co
            ; collect_cand_qtvs_co orig_ty cur_lvl (bound `extendVarSet` tcv) dv1 co }

@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Var (
         isVisibleForAllTyFlag, isInvisibleForAllTyFlag, isInferredForAllTyFlag,
+        coreTyLamForAllTyFlag,
         -- * FunTyFlag
         FunTyFlag(..), isVisibleFunArg, isInvisibleFunArg, isFUNArg,
@@ -488,6 +489,12 @@ isInferredForAllTyFlag :: ForAllTyFlag -> Bool
 isInferredForAllTyFlag (Invisible InferredSpec) = True
 isInferredForAllTyFlag _                        = False
+coreTyLamForAllTyFlag :: ForAllTyFlag
+-- ^ The ForAllTyFlag on a (Lam a e) term, where `a` is a type variable.
+-- If you want other ForAllTyFlag, use a cast.
+-- See Note [Forall coercions] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+coreTyLamForAllTyFlag = Specified
 instance Outputable ForAllTyFlag where
   ppr Required  = text "[req]"
   ppr Specified = text "[spec]"

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