[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/tsan/no-barriers] 7 commits: compiler: Drop MO_WriteBarrier

Sven Tennie (@supersven) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Jun 11 16:13:00 UTC 2023

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/tsan/no-barriers at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

dc21307d by Ben Gamari at 2023-06-11T16:05:22+00:00
compiler: Drop MO_WriteBarrier

rts: Drop write_barrier

- - - - -
a3f6c586 by Ben Gamari at 2023-06-11T16:05:40+00:00
rts: Drop load_store_barrier()

This is no longer used.

- - - - -
cd128c18 by Ben Gamari at 2023-06-11T16:05:40+00:00
rts: Drop last instances of prim_{write,read}_barrier

- - - - -
e7824177 by Ben Gamari at 2023-06-11T16:06:50+00:00
rts: Eliminate remaining uses of load_load_barrier

- - - - -
abb01e73 by Sven Tennie at 2023-06-11T16:07:03+00:00
compiler: Drop MO_ReadBarrier

- - - - -
5a3d2f4e by Ben Gamari at 2023-06-11T16:07:03+00:00
rts: Drop load_load_barrier

This is no longer used.

- - - - -
deaef0bb by Sven Tennie at 2023-06-11T16:08:39+00:00
Delete write_barrier function

- - - - -

23 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Cmm/MachOp.hs
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/FromCmm.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
- rts/CloneStack.c
- rts/PrimOps.cmm
- rts/RaiseAsync.c
- rts/RtsSymbols.c
- rts/Sparks.c
- rts/TopHandler.c
- rts/include/Cmm.h
- rts/include/Stg.h
- rts/include/stg/SMP.h
- rts/sm/Evac.c
- rts/sm/GC.c
- rts/sm/GCAux.c
- rts/sm/Sanity.c
- testsuite/tests/rts/testwsdeque.c


@@ -670,8 +670,6 @@ data CallishMachOp
   | MO_SubIntC   Width
   | MO_U_Mul2    Width
-  | MO_ReadBarrier
-  | MO_WriteBarrier
   | MO_Touch         -- Keep variables live (when using interior pointers)
   -- Prefetch

@@ -1120,8 +1120,6 @@ callishMachOps platform = listToUFM $
         -- TODO: Rename to acquire_fence and release_fence
         ( "fence_acquire", (MO_AcquireFence,)),
         ( "fence_release", (MO_ReleaseFence,)),
-        ( "read_barrier", (MO_ReadBarrier,)),
-        ( "write_barrier", (MO_WriteBarrier,)),
         ( "memcpy", memcpyLikeTweakArgs MO_Memcpy ),
         ( "memset", memcpyLikeTweakArgs MO_Memset ),
         ( "memmove", memcpyLikeTweakArgs MO_Memmove ),

@@ -1560,9 +1560,6 @@ genCCall target dest_regs arg_regs bid = do
         -- Memory Ordering
         MO_AcquireFence     ->  return (unitOL DMBISH, Nothing)
         MO_ReleaseFence     ->  return (unitOL DMBISH, Nothing)
-        -- TODO DMBSY is probably *way* too much!
-        MO_ReadBarrier      ->  return (unitOL DMBSY, Nothing)
-        MO_WriteBarrier     ->  return (unitOL DMBSY, Nothing)
         MO_Touch            ->  return (nilOL, Nothing) -- Keep variables live (when using interior pointers)
         -- Prefetch
         MO_Prefetch_Data _n -> return (nilOL, Nothing) -- Prefetch hint.

@@ -1131,11 +1131,6 @@ genCCall (PrimTarget MO_AcquireFence) _ _
 genCCall (PrimTarget MO_ReleaseFence) _ _
  = return $ unitOL LWSYNC
-genCCall (PrimTarget MO_ReadBarrier) _ _
- = return $ unitOL LWSYNC
-genCCall (PrimTarget MO_WriteBarrier) _ _
- = return $ unitOL LWSYNC
 genCCall (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _ _
  = return $ nilOL
@@ -2099,8 +2094,6 @@ genCCall' config gcp target dest_regs args
                     MO_AddIntC {}    -> unsupported
                     MO_SubIntC {}    -> unsupported
                     MO_U_Mul2 {}     -> unsupported
-                    MO_ReadBarrier   -> unsupported
-                    MO_WriteBarrier  -> unsupported
                     MO_AcquireFence  -> unsupported
                     MO_ReleaseFence  -> unsupported
                     MO_Touch         -> unsupported

@@ -1188,8 +1188,6 @@ lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Sqrt rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "sqrtf" rs xs
 lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_UF_Conv w0) rs xs = lower_MO_UF_Conv lbl w0 rs xs
 lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_AcquireFence _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
 lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_ReleaseFence _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
-lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_ReadBarrier _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
-lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_WriteBarrier _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
 lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_Touch _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
 lower_CallishMachOp _ (MO_Prefetch_Data {}) _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
 lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Memcpy {}) [] xs = do

@@ -2162,8 +2162,6 @@ genSimplePrim bid (MO_Memcmp align)    [res]   [dst,src,n]    = genMemCmp  bid a
 genSimplePrim bid (MO_Memset align)    []      [dst,c,n]      = genMemSet  bid align dst c n
 genSimplePrim _   MO_AcquireFence      []      []             = return nilOL -- barriers compile to no code on x86/x86-64;
 genSimplePrim _   MO_ReleaseFence      []      []             = return nilOL -- we keep it this long in order to prevent earlier optimisations.
-genSimplePrim _   MO_ReadBarrier       []      []             = return nilOL -- barriers compile to no code on x86/x86-64;
-genSimplePrim _   MO_WriteBarrier      []      []             = return nilOL -- we keep it this long in order to prevent earlier optimisations.
 genSimplePrim _   MO_Touch             []      [_]            = return nilOL
 genSimplePrim _   (MO_Prefetch_Data n) []      [src]          = genPrefetchData n src
 genSimplePrim _   (MO_BSwap width)     [dst]   [src]          = genByteSwap width dst src

@@ -951,8 +951,6 @@ pprCallishMachOp_for_C mop
         MO_F32_Fabs     -> text "fabsf"
         MO_AcquireFence -> unsupported
         MO_ReleaseFence -> unsupported
-        MO_ReadBarrier  -> text "load_load_barrier"
-        MO_WriteBarrier -> text "write_barrier"
         MO_Memcpy _     -> text "__builtin_memcpy"
         MO_Memset _     -> text "__builtin_memset"
         MO_Memmove _    -> text "__builtin_memmove"

@@ -171,21 +171,6 @@ getInstrinct fname retTy parTys =
         fty = LMFunction funSig
     in getInstrinct2 fname fty
--- | Memory barrier instruction for LLVM >= 3.0
-barrier :: LlvmM StmtData
-barrier = do
-    let s = Fence False SyncSeqCst
-    return (unitOL s, [])
--- | Insert a 'barrier', unless the target platform is in the provided list of
---   exceptions (where no code will be emitted instead).
-barrierUnless :: [Arch] -> LlvmM StmtData
-barrierUnless exs = do
-    platform <- getPlatform
-    if platformArch platform `elem` exs
-        then return (nilOL, [])
-        else barrier
 -- | Foreign Calls
 genCall :: ForeignTarget -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual] -> LlvmM StmtData
@@ -196,15 +181,6 @@ genCall (PrimTarget MO_AcquireFence) _ _ = runStmtsDecls $
 genCall (PrimTarget MO_ReleaseFence) _ _ = runStmtsDecls $
     statement $ Fence False SyncRelease
-genCall (PrimTarget MO_ReadBarrier) _ _ =
-    barrierUnless [ArchX86, ArchX86_64]
-genCall (PrimTarget MO_WriteBarrier) _ _ =
-    barrierUnless [ArchX86, ArchX86_64]
-genCall (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _ _ =
-    return (nilOL, [])
 genCall (PrimTarget (MO_UF_Conv w)) [dst] [e] = runStmtsDecls $ do
     dstV <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dst)
     let ty = cmmToLlvmType $ localRegType dst
@@ -1013,8 +989,6 @@ cmmPrimOpFunctions mop = do
     -- We support MO_U_Mul2 through ordinary LLVM mul instruction, see the
     -- appropriate case of genCall.
     MO_U_Mul2 {}     -> unsupported
-    MO_ReadBarrier   -> unsupported
-    MO_WriteBarrier  -> unsupported
     MO_ReleaseFence  -> unsupported
     MO_AcquireFence  -> unsupported
     MO_Touch         -> unsupported

@@ -2177,7 +2177,7 @@ doWritePtrArrayOp addr idx val
        -- This write barrier is to ensure that the heap writes to the object
        -- referred to by val have happened before we write val into the array.
        -- See #12469 for details.
-       emitPrimCall [] MO_WriteBarrier []
+       emitPrimCall [] MO_AcquireFence []
        mkBasicIndexedWrite hdr_size addr ty idx val
        emit (setInfo addr (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
@@ -3048,7 +3048,7 @@ doWriteSmallPtrArrayOp addr idx val = do
     mkBasicIndexedRead NaturallyAligned (smallArrPtrsHdrSize profile) Nothing ty tmp addr ty idx
     whenUpdRemSetEnabled $ emitUpdRemSetPush (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp))
-    emitPrimCall [] MO_WriteBarrier [] -- #12469
+    emitPrimCall [] MO_AcquireFence [] -- #12469
     mkBasicIndexedWrite (smallArrPtrsHdrSize profile) addr ty idx val
     emit (setInfo addr (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))

@@ -74,9 +74,7 @@ void sendCloneStackMessage(StgTSO *tso, HsStablePtr mvar) {
   msg = (MessageCloneStack *)allocate(srcCapability, sizeofW(MessageCloneStack));
   msg->tso = tso;
   msg->result = (StgMVar*)deRefStablePtr(mvar);
-  // Ensure that writes constructing Message are committed before sending.
-  write_barrier();
   sendMessage(srcCapability, tso->cap, (Message *)msg);

@@ -2505,8 +2505,9 @@ stg_unpackClosurezh ( P_ closure )
     W_ info, ptrs, nptrs, p, ptrs_arr, dat_arr;
     MAYBE_GC_P(stg_unpackClosurezh, closure);
-    info  = %GET_STD_INFO(UNTAG(closure));
-    prim_read_barrier;
+    info  = GET_INFO_ACQUIRE(UNTAG(closure));
+    // TODO: Is this correct?
+    info  = %STD_INFO(info);
     ptrs  = TO_W_(%INFO_PTRS(info));
     nptrs = TO_W_(%INFO_NPTRS(info));
@@ -2820,8 +2821,7 @@ stg_noDuplicatezh /* no arg list: explicit stack layout */
 stg_getApStackValzh ( P_ ap_stack, W_ offset )
    W_ ap_stackinfo;
-   ap_stackinfo = %INFO_PTR(UNTAG(ap_stack));
-   prim_read_barrier;
+   ap_stackinfo = GET_INFO_ACQUIRE(UNTAG(ap_stack));
    if (ap_stackinfo == stg_AP_STACK_info) {
        return (1,StgAP_STACK_payload(ap_stack,offset));
    } else {

@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ throwToMsg (Capability *cap, MessageThrowTo *msg)
     goto check_target;
-    write_barrier();
+    RELEASE_FENCE(); // TODO: is this necessary?
     debugTrace(DEBUG_sched, "throwTo: retrying...");
@@ -874,9 +874,10 @@ raiseAsync(Capability *cap, StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *exception,
                 ap->payload[i] = (StgClosure *)*sp++;
-            write_barrier(); // XXX: Necessary?
                     ((StgClosure *)frame)->header.prof.ccs /* ToDo */);
+            // N.B. This will be made visible by updateThunk below, which
+            // implies a release memory barrier.

@@ -909,9 +909,6 @@ extern char **environ;
       SymI_HasProto(hs_spt_remove)                                      \
       SymI_HasProto(hs_spt_keys)                                        \
       SymI_HasProto(hs_spt_key_count)                                   \
-      SymI_HasProto(write_barrier)                                      \
-      SymI_HasProto(store_load_barrier)                                 \
-      SymI_HasProto(load_load_barrier)                                  \
       SymI_HasProto(cas)                                                \
       SymI_HasProto(_assertFail)                                        \
       SymI_HasProto(keepCAFs)                                           \

@@ -209,8 +209,7 @@ pruneSparkQueue (bool nonmovingMarkFinished, Capability *cap)
       } else {
-          info = RELAXED_LOAD(&spark->header.info);
-          load_load_barrier();
+          info = ACQUIRE_LOAD(&spark->header.info);
           if (IS_FORWARDING_PTR(info)) {
               tmp = (StgClosure*)UN_FORWARDING_PTR(info);
               /* if valuable work: shift inside the pool */

@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ StgTSO *getTopHandlerThread(void) {
         // topHandlerPtr was never initialised
         return NULL;
-    const StgInfoTable *info = weak->header.info;
-    load_load_barrier();
+    const StgInfoTable *info = ACQUIRE_LOAD(&weak->header.info);
     if (info == &stg_WEAK_info) {
         StgClosure *key = ((StgWeak*)weak)->key;

@@ -681,7 +681,6 @@
 // For discussion of how these are used to fence heap object
 // accesses see Note [Heap memory barriers] in SMP.h.
 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
-#define prim_read_barrier prim %read_barrier()
 #define prim_write_barrier prim %write_barrier()
 // See Note [ThreadSanitizer and fences]
@@ -690,8 +689,6 @@
-#define prim_read_barrier /* nothing */
-#define prim_write_barrier /* nothing */
 #define RELEASE_FENCE /* nothing */
 #define ACQUIRE_FENCE /* nothing */
 #endif /* THREADED_RTS */

@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ external prototype return neither of these types to workaround #11395.
 #include "stg/Prim.h" /* ghc-prim fallbacks */
-#include "stg/SMP.h" // write_barrier() inline is required
+#include "stg/SMP.h"
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Moving Floats and Doubles

@@ -44,11 +44,6 @@ void arm_atomic_spin_unlock(void);
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-// We only want the barriers, e.g. write_barrier(), declared in .hc
-// files.  Defining the other inline functions here causes type
-// mismatch errors from gcc, because the generated C code is assuming
-// that there are no prototypes in scope.
  * The atomic exchange operation: xchg(p,w) exchanges the value
  * pointed to by p with the value w, returning the old value.
@@ -105,24 +100,6 @@ EXTERN_INLINE void busy_wait_nop(void);
 #endif // !IN_STG_CODE
- * Various kinds of memory barrier.
- *  write_barrier: prevents future stores occurring before preceding stores.
- *  store_load_barrier: prevents future loads occurring before preceding stores.
- *  load_load_barrier: prevents future loads occurring before earlier loads.
- *
- * Reference for these: "The JSR-133 Cookbook for Compiler Writers"
- * http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/jmm/cookbook.html
- *
- * To check whether you got these right, try the test in
- *   testsuite/tests/rts/testwsdeque.c
- * This tests the work-stealing deque implementation, which relies on
- * properly working store_load and load_load memory barriers.
- */
-EXTERN_INLINE void write_barrier(void);
-EXTERN_INLINE void store_load_barrier(void);
-EXTERN_INLINE void load_load_barrier(void);
  * Note [Heap memory barriers]
  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -354,7 +331,7 @@ EXTERN_INLINE void load_load_barrier(void);
  * Exchange the value pointed to by p with w and return the former. This
  * function is used to acquire a lock. An acquire memory barrier is sufficient
  * for a lock operation because corresponding unlock operation issues a
- * store-store barrier (write_barrier()) immediately before releasing the lock.
+ * store-store barrier (release-store) immediately before releasing the lock.
 xchg(StgPtr p, StgWord w)
@@ -463,91 +440,6 @@ busy_wait_nop(void)
 #endif // !IN_STG_CODE
- * We need to tell both the compiler AND the CPU about the barriers.
- * It's no good preventing the CPU from reordering the operations if
- * the compiler has already done so - hence the "memory" restriction
- * on each of the barriers below.
- */
-write_barrier(void) {
-#if defined(NOSMP)
-    return;
-#elif defined(TSAN_ENABLED)
-    // RELEASE is a bit stronger than the store-store barrier provided by
-    // write_barrier, consequently we only use this case as a conservative
-    // approximation when using ThreadSanitizer. See Note [ThreadSanitizer].
-    __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_RELEASE);
-#elif defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(powerpc_HOST_ARCH) || defined(powerpc64_HOST_ARCH) \
-    || defined(powerpc64le_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lwsync" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(s390x_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(arm_HOST_ARCH) || defined(aarch64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dmb  st" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(riscv64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("fence w,w" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(loongarch64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dbar 0" : : : "memory");
-#error memory barriers unimplemented on this architecture
-store_load_barrier(void) {
-#if defined(NOSMP)
-    return;
-#elif defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; addl $0,0(%%esp)" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; addq $0,0(%%rsp)" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(powerpc_HOST_ARCH) || defined(powerpc64_HOST_ARCH) \
-    || defined(powerpc64le_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("sync" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(s390x_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("bcr 14,0" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(arm_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dmb" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(aarch64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dmb sy" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(riscv64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("fence w,r" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(loongarch64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dbar 0" : : : "memory");
-#error memory barriers unimplemented on this architecture
-load_load_barrier(void) {
-#if defined(NOSMP)
-    return;
-#elif defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(powerpc_HOST_ARCH) || defined(powerpc64_HOST_ARCH) \
-    || defined(powerpc64le_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lwsync" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(s390x_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(arm_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dmb" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(aarch64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dmb ld" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(riscv64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("fence r,r" : : : "memory");
-#elif defined(loongarch64_HOST_ARCH)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dbar 0" : : : "memory");
-#error memory barriers unimplemented on this architecture
 // Load a pointer from a memory location that might be being modified
 // concurrently.  This prevents the compiler from optimising away
 // multiple loads of the memory location, as it might otherwise do in
@@ -586,13 +478,6 @@ load_load_barrier(void) {
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #else /* !THREADED_RTS */
-EXTERN_INLINE void write_barrier(void);
-EXTERN_INLINE void store_load_barrier(void);
-EXTERN_INLINE void load_load_barrier(void);
-EXTERN_INLINE void write_barrier     () {} /* nothing */
-EXTERN_INLINE void store_load_barrier() {} /* nothing */
-EXTERN_INLINE void load_load_barrier () {} /* nothing */
 // Relaxed atomic operations
 #define RELAXED_LOAD(ptr) *ptr
 #define RELAXED_STORE(ptr,val) *ptr = val

@@ -1394,8 +1394,7 @@ selector_loop:
                   // the same selector thunk.
                   SET_INFO((StgClosure*)p, (StgInfoTable *)info_ptr);
-                  SET_INFO((StgClosure*)p, &stg_WHITEHOLE_info);
-                  write_barrier();
+                  SET_INFO_RELEASE((StgClosure*)p, &stg_WHITEHOLE_info);
 #if defined(PARALLEL_GC)
                   abort();  // LDV is incompatible with parallel GC

@@ -1508,7 +1508,6 @@ waitForGcThreads (Capability *cap, bool idle_cap[])
             if (i == me || idle_cap[i]) { continue; }
             if (SEQ_CST_LOAD(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup) != GC_THREAD_STANDING_BY) {
                 prodCapability(getCapability(i), cap->running_task);
-                write_barrier();

@@ -91,8 +91,9 @@ isAlive(StgClosure *p)
         return TAG_CLOSURE(tag,(StgClosure*)UN_FORWARDING_PTR(info));
+    // TODO: Is this correct?
+    ACQUIRE_LOAD(&q->header.info);
     info = INFO_PTR_TO_STRUCT(info);
-    load_load_barrier();
     switch (info->type) {

@@ -355,8 +355,7 @@ checkClosure( const StgClosure* p )
-    info = p->header.info;
-    load_load_barrier();
+    info = ACQUIRE_LOAD(&p->header.info);
     if (IS_FORWARDING_PTR(info)) {
         barf("checkClosure: found EVACUATED closure %d", info->type);
@@ -367,7 +366,6 @@ checkClosure( const StgClosure* p )
     info = INFO_PTR_TO_STRUCT(info);
-    load_load_barrier();
     switch (info->type) {
@@ -772,8 +770,7 @@ checkSTACK (StgStack *stack)
 checkTSO(StgTSO *tso)
-    const StgInfoTable *info = (const StgInfoTable*) tso->_link->header.info;
-    load_load_barrier();
+    const StgInfoTable *info = (const StgInfoTable*) ACQUIRE_LOAD(&tso->_link)->header.info;
     ASSERT(tso->_link == END_TSO_QUEUE ||
            info == &stg_MVAR_TSO_QUEUE_info ||

@@ -34,47 +34,25 @@ void *
 myStealWSDeque_ (WSDeque *q, uint32_t n)
     void * stolen;
-    StgWord b,t; 
 // Can't do this on someone else's spark pool:
     // NB. these loads must be ordered, otherwise there is a race
     // between steal and pop.
-    t = q->top;
-    load_load_barrier();
-    b = q->bottom;
+    StgWord t = ACQUIRE_LOAD(&q->top);
+    StgWord b = ACQUIRE_LOAD(&q->bottom);
-    // NB. b and t are unsigned; we need a signed value for the test
-    // below, because it is possible that t > b during a
-    // concurrent popWSQueue() operation.
-    if ((long)b - (long)t <= 0 ) { 
-        return NULL; /* already looks empty, abort */
+    void *result = NULL;
+    if (t < b) {
+        /* Non-empty queue */
+        result = RELAXED_LOAD(&q->elements[t % q->size]);
+        if (!cas_top(q, t, t+1)) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
-    // NB. the load of q->bottom must be ordered before the load of
-    // q->elements[t & q-> moduloSize]. See comment "KG:..." below
-    // and Ticket #13633.
-    load_load_barrier();
-    /* now access array, see pushBottom() */
-    stolen = q->elements[t & q->moduloSize];
-    /* now decide whether we have won */
-    if ( !(CASTOP(&(q->top),t,t+1)) ) {
-        /* lost the race, someone else has changed top in the meantime */
-        return NULL;
-    }  /* else: OK, top has been incremented by the cas call */
-    // debugBelch("stealWSDeque_: t=%d b=%d\n", t, b);
-// Can't do this on someone else's spark pool:
-    bufs[n] ++;
-    if (bufs[n] == BUF) { bufs[n] = 0; }
-    last_b[n][bufs[n]] = b;
-    last_t[n][bufs[n]] = t;
-    last_v[n][bufs[n]] = (StgWord)stolen;
-    return stolen;
+    return result;
 void *

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