[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/toolchain-selection] Fixes to match configure output

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Jun 5 21:54:10 UTC 2023

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/toolchain-selection at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

64ef522c by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2023-06-05T22:53:59+01:00
Fixes to match configure output

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- utils/ghc-toolchain/Main.hs
- utils/ghc-toolchain/src/GHC/Toolchain/PlatformDetails.hs
- utils/ghc-toolchain/src/GHC/Toolchain/Tools/Link.hs


@@ -160,9 +160,11 @@ options =
         -- Empty list of flags is as if it was unspecified
         updatePoFlags "" existingOpts      = existingOpts
-        -- Otherwise append specified flags to existing flags or make new
+        -- Otherwise prepend specified flags to existing flags or make new
         updatePoFlags newOpts Nothing      = Just [newOpts]
-        updatePoFlags newOpts (Just eopts) = Just (eopts ++ [newOpts])
+        updatePoFlags newOpts (Just eopts) = Just (newOpts:eopts)
+        -- NB: By prepending, the resulting flags will match the left-to-right
+        -- order they were passed in
     enableDisable :: String -> String -> Lens Opts (Maybe Bool) -> [OptDescr (Opts -> Opts)]
@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ mkTarget opts = do
     tgtWordSize <- checkWordSize cc
     tgtEndianness <- checkEndianness cc
     tgtSymbolsHaveLeadingUnderscore <- checkLeadingUnderscore cc nm
-    tgtSupportsSubsectionsViaSymbols <- checkSubsectionsViaSymbols cc
+    tgtSupportsSubsectionsViaSymbols <- checkSubsectionsViaSymbols archOs cc
     tgtSupportsIdentDirective <- checkIdentDirective cc
     tgtSupportsGnuNonexecStack <- checkGnuNonexecStack archOs cc
@@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ mkTarget opts = do
     tgtUseLibffi <- determineUseLibFFIForAdjustors archOs (optUseLibFFIForAdjustors opts)
     when tgtUnregisterised $ do
         -- The via-C code generator requires these
-        let prog = "int main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0; }I"
+        let prog = "int main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0; }"
             via_c_args = ["-fwrapv", "-fno-builtin"]
         forM_ via_c_args $ \arg -> checking ("support of "++arg) $ withTempDir $ \dir -> do
             let cc' = over (_ccProgram % _prgFlags) (++ [arg]) cc

@@ -102,11 +102,17 @@ checkLeadingUnderscore cc nm = checking ctxt $ withTempDir $ \dir -> do
     prog = "int func(void) { return 0; }"
     ctxt = "whether symbols have leading underscores"
-checkSubsectionsViaSymbols :: Cc -> M Bool
-checkSubsectionsViaSymbols =
-    testCompile
-      "whether .subsections-via-symbols directive is supported"
-      (asmStmt ".subsections_via_symbols")
+checkSubsectionsViaSymbols :: ArchOS -> Cc -> M Bool
+checkSubsectionsViaSymbols archos cc =
+  case archOS_arch archos of
+    ArchAArch64 ->
+      -- subsections via symbols is busted on arm64
+      -- TODO: ^ is this comment up to date?
+      return False
+    _ ->
+      testCompile
+        "whether .subsections-via-symbols directive is supported"
+        (asmStmt ".subsections_via_symbols") cc
 checkIdentDirective :: Cc -> M Bool
 checkIdentDirective =

@@ -109,12 +109,13 @@ checkSupportsNoPie ccLink = checking "whether the cc linker supports -no-pie" $
     -- Check output as some GCC versions only warn and don't respect -Werror
     -- when passed an unrecognized flag.
     (code, out, _err) <- readProgram ccLink ["-no-pie", "-Werror", "-x", "c", test_c, "-o", test]
-    if isSuccess code && "unrecognized" `isInfixOf` out
-      then return False
-      else return True
+    return (isSuccess code && not ("unrecognized" `isInfixOf` out))
 checkSupportsCompactUnwind :: Cc -> Program -> M Bool
 checkSupportsCompactUnwind cc ccLink = checking "whether the cc linker understands -no_compact_unwind" $
+  -- ROMES:TODO: This returns False here but True in configure because in
+  -- configure we check for ld supports compact unwind, whereas here we check
+  -- for cclink supports compact unwind... what do we need it for?
   withTempDir $ \dir -> do
     let test_o  = dir </> "test.o"
         test2_o = dir </> "test2.o"
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ checkSupportsCompactUnwind cc ccLink = checking "whether the cc linker understan
     compileC cc test_o "int foo() { return 0; }"
     exitCode <- runProgram ccLink ["-r", "-no_compact_unwind", "-o", test2_o, test_o]
-    pure $ isSuccess exitCode
+    return $ isSuccess exitCode
 checkSupportsFilelist :: Cc -> Program -> M Bool
 checkSupportsFilelist cc ccLink = checking "whether the cc linker understands -filelist" $
@@ -135,15 +136,17 @@ checkSupportsFilelist cc ccLink = checking "whether the cc linker understands -f
     compileC cc test1_o "int foo() { return 0; }"
     compileC cc test2_o "int bar() { return 0; }"
-    writeFile  test_ofiles test1_o --  write the filename test1_o to the test_ofiles file
-    appendFile test_ofiles test2_o -- append the filename test2_o to the test_ofiles file
+    --  write the filenames test1_o and test2_o to the test_ofiles file
+    writeFile  test_ofiles (unlines [test1_o,test2_o])
     exitCode <- runProgram ccLink ["-r", "-filelist", test_ofiles, "-o", test_o]
-    pure $ isSuccess exitCode
+    return (isSuccess exitCode)
 checkSupportsResponseFiles :: Cc -> Program -> M Bool
 checkSupportsResponseFiles cc ccLink = checking "whether the cc linker supports response files" $
+  -- ROMES:TODO: This returns True here while False in configure because in
+  -- configure we call -shared and -dylib on LD, whereas here we do it on CcLink
   withTempDir $ \dir -> do
     let test_o = dir </> "test.o"
     compileC cc test_o "int main(void) {return 0;}"
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ checkSupportsResponseFiles cc ccLink = checking "whether the cc linker supports
     -- TODO: It'd be good to shortcircuit this logical `or`
     exitCode1 <- runProgram ccLink ["-shared", "@"++args_txt]
     exitCode2 <- runProgram ccLink ["-dylib", "@"++args_txt]
-    pure (isSuccess exitCode1 || isSuccess exitCode2)
+    return (isSuccess exitCode1 || isSuccess exitCode2)
 -- | Check whether linking works.
 checkLinkWorks :: Cc -> Program -> M ()

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/64ef522ca2d655d458d3674bea5ddf0c13f900e4

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