[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 5 commits: EPA: Simplify GHC/Parser.y comb4/comb5

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Jul 26 09:57:30 UTC 2023

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

356217ad by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-07-26T05:57:15-04:00
EPA: Simplify GHC/Parser.y comb4/comb5

Use the HasLoc instance from Ast.hs to allow comb4/comb5 to work with
anything with a SrcSpan

Also get rid of some more now unnecessary reLoc calls.

- - - - -
99ce67de by Gavin Zhao at 2023-07-26T05:57:19-04:00
compiler: make -ddump-asm work with wasm backend NCG

Fixes #23503.

Now the `-ddump-asm` flag is respected in the wasm backend
NCG, so developers can directly view the generated ASM instead of
needing to pass `-S` or `-keep-tmp-files` and manually find & open
the assembly file.

Ideally, we should be able to output the assembly files in smaller
chunks like in other NCG backends. This would also make dumping assembly
stats easier. However, this would require a large refactoring, so for
short-term debugging purposes I think the current approach works fine.

Signed-off-by: Gavin Zhao <git at gzgz.dev>

- - - - -
e67c07de by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2023-07-26T05:57:19-04:00
llvm: Restore accidentally deleted code in 0fc5cb97

Fixes #23711

- - - - -
46b94728 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2023-07-26T05:57:19-04:00
configure: Default missing options to False when preparing ghc-toolchain Targets

This commit fixes building ghc with 9.2 as the boostrap compiler.

The ghc-toolchain patch assumed all _STAGE0 options were available, and
forgot to account for this missing information in 9.2.

Ghc 9.2 does not have in settings whether ar supports -l, hence can't
report it with --info (unliked 9.4 upwards).

The fix is to default the missing information (we default "ar supports
-l" and other missing options to False)

- - - - -
a96933f7 by Naïm Favier at 2023-07-26T05:57:22-04:00
docs: Fix typo
- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
- m4/prep_target_file.m4


@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ nativeCodeGen logger ts config modLoc h us cmms
       ArchLoongArch64->panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for LoongArch64"
       ArchUnknown   -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for unknown arch"
       ArchJavaScript-> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for JavaScript"
-      ArchWasm32    -> Wasm32.ncgWasm platform ts us modLoc h cmms
+      ArchWasm32    -> Wasm32.ncgWasm logger platform ts us modLoc h cmms
 -- | Data accumulated during code generation. Mostly about statistics,
 -- but also collects debug data for DWARF generation.

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm (ncgWasm) where
 import Data.ByteString.Builder
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (unpack)
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Semigroup
 import GHC.Cmm
@@ -12,15 +13,18 @@ import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Asm
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.FromCmm
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Types
 import GHC.Data.Stream (Stream, StreamS (..), runStream)
+import GHC.Driver.DynFlags
 import GHC.Platform
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Settings
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
 import GHC.Unit
-import GHC.Utils.CliOption
+import GHC.Utils.Logger
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable (text)
 import System.IO
 ncgWasm ::
+  Logger ->
   Platform ->
   ToolSettings ->
   UniqSupply ->
@@ -28,15 +32,24 @@ ncgWasm ::
   Handle ->
   Stream IO RawCmmGroup a ->
   IO a
-ncgWasm platform ts us loc h cmms = do
+ncgWasm logger platform ts us loc h cmms = do
   (r, s) <- streamCmmGroups platform us cmms
-  hPutBuilder h $ "# " <> string7 (fromJust $ ml_hs_file loc) <> "\n\n"
-  hPutBuilder h $ execWasmAsmM do_tail_call $ asmTellEverything TagI32 s
+  outputWasm $ "# " <> string7 (fromJust $ ml_hs_file loc) <> "\n\n"
+  outputWasm $ execWasmAsmM do_tail_call $ asmTellEverything TagI32 s
   pure r
     -- See Note [WasmTailCall]
     do_tail_call = doTailCall ts
+    outputWasm builder = do
+      putDumpFileMaybe
+        logger
+        Opt_D_dump_asm
+        "Asm Code"
+        FormatASM
+        (text . unpack $ toLazyByteString builder)
+      hPutBuilder h builder
 streamCmmGroups ::
   Platform ->
   UniqSupply ->

@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ genCall (PrimTarget MO_AcquireFence) _ _ = runStmtsDecls $
 genCall (PrimTarget MO_ReleaseFence) _ _ = runStmtsDecls $
     statement $ Fence False SyncRelease
+genCall (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _ _ =
+    return (nilOL, [])
 genCall (PrimTarget (MO_UF_Conv w)) [dst] [e] = runStmtsDecls $ do
     dstV <- getCmmRegW (CmmLocal dst)
     let ty = cmmToLlvmType $ localRegType dst

@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ exportlist1 :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
    -- No longer allow things like [] and (,,,) to be exported
    -- They are built in syntax, always available
 export  :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
-        : maybeexportwarning qcname_ext export_subspec {% do { let { span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) (reLoc $2) $> }
+        : maybeexportwarning qcname_ext export_subspec {% do { let { span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) $2 $> }
                                                           ; impExp <- mkModuleImpExp $1 (fst $ unLoc $3) $2 (snd $ unLoc $3)
                                                           ; return $ unitOL $ reLocA $ sL span $ impExp } }
         | maybeexportwarning 'module' modid            {% do { let { span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) $2 $>
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ export  :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
                                                           ; locImpExp <- acs (\cs -> sL span (IEModuleContents ($1, EpAnn anchor [mj AnnModule $2] cs) $3))
                                                           ; return $ unitOL $ reLocA $ locImpExp } }
         | maybeexportwarning 'pattern' qcon            { let span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) $2 $>
-                                                       in unitOL $ reLocA $ sL span $ IEVar $1 (sLLa $2 (reLocN $>) (IEPattern (glAA $2) $3)) }
+                                                       in unitOL $ reLocA $ sL span $ IEVar $1 (sLLa $2 $> (IEPattern (glAA $2) $3)) }
 maybeexportwarning :: { Maybe (LocatedP (WarningTxt GhcPs)) }
         : '{-# DEPRECATED' strings '#-}'
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ qcname_ext_w_wildcard :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], LocatedA ImpExpQcSpec) }
 qcname_ext :: { LocatedA ImpExpQcSpec }
         :  qcname                   { sL1a $1 (ImpExpQcName $1) }
         |  'type' oqtycon           {% do { n <- mkTypeImpExp $2
-                                          ; return $ sLLa $1 (reLocN $>) (ImpExpQcType (glAA $1) n) }}
+                                          ; return $ sLLa $1 $> (ImpExpQcType (glAA $1) n) }}
 qcname  :: { LocatedN RdrName }  -- Variable or type constructor
         :  qvar                 { $1 } -- Things which look like functions
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ importdecl :: { LImportDecl GhcPs }
                              , importDeclAnnPackage   = fst $5
                              , importDeclAnnAs        = fst $8
-                  ; fmap reLocA $ acs (\cs -> L (comb5 $1 (reLoc $6) $7 (snd $8) $9) $
+                  ; fmap reLocA $ acs (\cs -> L (comb5 $1 $6 $7 (snd $8) $9) $
                       ImportDecl { ideclExt = XImportDeclPass (EpAnn (glR $1) anns cs) (snd $ fst $2) False
                                   , ideclName = $6, ideclPkgQual = snd $5
                                   , ideclSource = snd $2, ideclSafe = snd $3
@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ importlist1 :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
 import  :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
         : qcname_ext export_subspec {% fmap (unitOL . reLocA . (sLL $1 $>)) $ mkModuleImpExp Nothing (fst $ unLoc $2) $1 (snd $ unLoc $2) }
         | 'module' modid            {% fmap (unitOL . reLocA) $ acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (IEModuleContents (Nothing, EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnModule $1] cs) $2)) }
-        | 'pattern' qcon            { unitOL $ reLocA $ sLL $1 $> $ IEVar Nothing (sLLa $1 (reLocN $>) (IEPattern (glAA $1) $2)) }
+        | 'pattern' qcon            { unitOL $ reLocA $ sLL $1 $> $ IEVar Nothing (sLLa $1 $> (IEPattern (glAA $1) $2)) }
 -- Fixity Declarations
@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ ty_decl :: { LTyClDecl GhcPs }
                 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
                 -- infix type constructors to be declared
-                {% mkFamDecl (comb5 $1 (reLoc $3) $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $6) TopLevel $3
+                {% mkFamDecl (comb5 $1 $3 $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $6) TopLevel $3
                                    (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5)
                            (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)
                            ++ (fst $ unLoc $5) ++ (fst $ unLoc $6))  }
@@ -1576,13 +1576,13 @@ opt_kind_sig :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], Maybe (LHsKind GhcPs)) }
 opt_datafam_kind_sig :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], LFamilyResultSig GhcPs) }
         :               { noLoc     ([]               , noLocA (NoSig noExtField)         )}
-        | '::' kind     { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $1], sLLa $1 (reLoc $>) (KindSig noExtField $2))}
+        | '::' kind     { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $1], sLLa $1 $> (KindSig noExtField $2))}
 opt_tyfam_kind_sig :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], LFamilyResultSig GhcPs) }
         :              { noLoc     ([]               , noLocA     (NoSig    noExtField)   )}
-        | '::' kind    { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $1], sLLa $1 (reLoc $>) (KindSig  noExtField $2))}
+        | '::' kind    { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $1], sLLa $1 $> (KindSig  noExtField $2))}
         | '='  tv_bndr {% do { tvb <- fromSpecTyVarBndr $2
-                             ; return $ sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnEqual $1], sLLa $1 (reLoc $>) (TyVarSig noExtField tvb))} }
+                             ; return $ sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnEqual $1], sLLa $1 $> (TyVarSig noExtField tvb))} }
 opt_at_kind_inj_sig :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], ( LFamilyResultSig GhcPs
                                             , Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)))}
@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ opt_at_kind_inj_sig :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], ( LFamilyResultSig GhcPs
         | '='  tv_bndr_no_braces '|' injectivity_cond
                 {% do { tvb <- fromSpecTyVarBndr $2
                       ; return $ sLL $1 $> ([mj AnnEqual $1, mj AnnVbar $3]
-                                           , (sLLa $1 (reLoc $2) (TyVarSig noExtField tvb), Just $4))} }
+                                           , (sLLa $1 $2 (TyVarSig noExtField tvb), Just $4))} }
 -- tycl_hdr parses the header of a class or data type decl,
 -- which takes the form
@@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@ opt_tyconsig :: { ([AddEpAnn], Maybe (LocatedN RdrName)) }
 sigktype :: { LHsSigType GhcPs }
         : sigtype              { $1 }
         | ctype '::' kind      {% acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ mkHsImplicitSigType $
-                                               sLLa (reLoc $1) (reLoc $>) $ HsKindSig (EpAnn (glAR $1) [mu AnnDcolon $2] cs) $1 $3) }
+                                               sLLa $1 $> $ HsKindSig (EpAnn (glAR $1) [mu AnnDcolon $2] cs) $1 $3) }
 -- Like ctype, but for types that obey the forall-or-nothing rule.
 -- See Note [forall-or-nothing rule] in GHC.Hs.Type. To avoid duplicating the
@@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ ktype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
 -- A ctype is a for-all type
 ctype   :: { LHsType GhcPs }
-        : forall_telescope ctype      { reLocA $ sLL $1 (reLoc $>) $
+        : forall_telescope ctype      { sLLa $1 $> $
                                               HsForAllTy { hst_tele = unLoc $1
                                                          , hst_xforall = noExtField
                                                          , hst_body = $2 } }
@@ -2305,13 +2305,13 @@ atype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
         -- so you have to quote those.)
         | '[' ktype ',' comma_types1 ']'  {% do { h <- addTrailingCommaA $2 (gl $3)
                                                 ; acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitListTy (EpAnn (glR $1) [mos $1,mcs $5] cs) NotPromoted (h:$4)) }}
-        | INTEGER              { reLocA $ sLL $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsNumTy (getINTEGERs $1)
+        | INTEGER              { sLLa $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsNumTy (getINTEGERs $1)
                                                            (il_value (getINTEGER $1)) }
-        | CHAR                 { reLocA $ sLL $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsCharTy (getCHARs $1)
+        | CHAR                 { sLLa $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsCharTy (getCHARs $1)
                                                                         (getCHAR $1) }
-        | STRING               { reLocA $ sLL $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsStrTy (getSTRINGs $1)
+        | STRING               { sLLa $1 $> $ HsTyLit noExtField $ HsStrTy (getSTRINGs $1)
                                                                      (getSTRING  $1) }
-        | '_'                  { reLocA $ sL1 $1 $ mkAnonWildCardTy }
+        | '_'                  { sL1a $1 $ mkAnonWildCardTy }
         -- Type variables are never exported, so `M.tyvar` will be rejected by the renamer.
         -- We let it pass the parser because the renamer can generate a better error message.
         | QVARID                      {% let qname = mkQual tvName (getQVARID $1)
@@ -2470,8 +2470,8 @@ constrs1 :: { Located [LConDecl GhcPs] }
 constr :: { LConDecl GhcPs }
         : forall context '=>' constr_stuff
                 {% acsA (\cs -> let (con,details) = unLoc $4 in
-                  (L (comb4 $1 (reLoc $2) $3 $4) (mkConDeclH98
-                                                       (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor (comb4 $1 (reLoc $2) $3 $4))
+                  (L (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4) (mkConDeclH98
+                                                       (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4))
                                                                     (mu AnnDarrow $3:(fst $ unLoc $1)) cs)
                                                        (snd $ unLoc $1)
@@ -2763,7 +2763,7 @@ exp_prag(e) :: { ECP }
   : prag_e e  -- See Note [Pragmas and operator fixity]
       {% runPV (unECP $2) >>= \ $2 ->
          fmap ecpFromExp $
-         return $ (reLocA $ sLL $1 $> $ HsPragE noExtField (unLoc $1) $2) }
+         return $ (sLLa $1 $> $ HsPragE noExtField (unLoc $1) $2) }
 exp10 :: { ECP }
         -- See Note [%shift: exp10 -> '-' fexp]
@@ -2877,8 +2877,8 @@ aexp    :: { ECP }
                    {  ECP $
                       unECP $4 >>= \ $4 ->
                       mkHsLamPV (comb2 $1 $>) (\cs -> mkMatchGroup FromSource
-                            (reLocA $ sLL $1 $>
-                            [reLocA $ sLL $1 $>
+                            (sLLa $1 $>
+                            [sLLa $1 $>
                                          $ Match { m_ext = EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnLam $1] cs
                                                  , m_ctxt = LambdaExpr
                                                  , m_pats = $2
@@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@ aexp    :: { ECP }
                        {% (checkPattern <=< runPV) (unECP $2) >>= \ p ->
                            runPV (unECP $4) >>= \ $4 at cmd ->
                            fmap ecpFromExp $
-                           acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsProc (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnProc $1,mu AnnRarrow $3] cs) p (sLLa $1 (reLoc $>) $ HsCmdTop noExtField cmd)) }
+                           acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsProc (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnProc $1,mu AnnRarrow $3] cs) p (sLLa $1 $> $ HsCmdTop noExtField cmd)) }
         | aexp1                 { $1 }
@@ -2951,7 +2951,7 @@ aexp1   :: { ECP }
         | aexp1 TIGHT_INFIX_PROJ field
             {% runPV (unECP $1) >>= \ $1 ->
                fmap ecpFromExp $ acsa (\cs ->
-                 let fl = sLLa $2 (reLoc $>) (DotFieldOcc ((EpAnn (glR $2) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) emptyComments)) $3) in
+                 let fl = sLLa $2 $> (DotFieldOcc ((EpAnn (glR $2) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) emptyComments)) $3) in
                  mkRdrGetField (noAnnSrcSpan $ comb2 $1 $>) $1 fl (EpAnn (glAR $1) NoEpAnns cs))  }
@@ -3037,8 +3037,8 @@ projection :: { Located (NonEmpty (LocatedAn NoEpAnns (DotFieldOcc GhcPs))) }
         -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parsing.Lexer
         : projection TIGHT_INFIX_PROJ field
-                             {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 (reLoc $>) $ DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $1) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) cs) $3) `NE.cons` unLoc $1)) }
-        | PREFIX_PROJ field  {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $1 (reLoc $>) $ DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $1) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $1)) cs) $2) :| [])) }
+                             {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 $> $ DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $1) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) cs) $3) `NE.cons` unLoc $1)) }
+        | PREFIX_PROJ field  {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $1 $> $ DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $1) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $1)) cs) $2) :| [])) }
 splice_exp :: { LHsExpr GhcPs }
         : splice_untyped { fmap (HsUntypedSplice noAnn) (reLocA $1) }
@@ -3062,7 +3062,7 @@ cmdargs :: { [LHsCmdTop GhcPs] }
 acmd    :: { LHsCmdTop GhcPs }
         : aexp                  {% runPV (unECP $1) >>= \ (cmd :: LHsCmd GhcPs) ->
                                    runPV (checkCmdBlockArguments cmd) >>= \ _ ->
-                                   return (sL1a (reLoc cmd) $ HsCmdTop noExtField cmd) }
+                                   return (sL1a cmd $ HsCmdTop noExtField cmd) }
 cvtopbody :: { ([AddEpAnn],[LHsDecl GhcPs]) }
         :  '{'            cvtopdecls0 '}'      { ([mj AnnOpenC $1
@@ -3098,7 +3098,7 @@ texp :: { ECP }
                                 runPV (rejectPragmaPV $1) >>
                                 runPV $2 >>= \ $2 ->
                                 return $ ecpFromExp $
-                                reLocA $ sLL $1 $> $ SectionL noAnn $1 (n2l $2) }
+                                sLLa $1 $> $ SectionL noAnn $1 (n2l $2) }
         | qopm infixexp      { ECP $
                                 superInfixOp $
                                 unECP $2 >>= \ $2 ->
@@ -3350,7 +3350,7 @@ ralt :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located [LGRHS GhcPs (LocatedA b)]) }
 gdpats :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located [LGRHS GhcPs (LocatedA b)]) }
         : gdpats gdpat { $1 >>= \gdpats ->
                          $2 >>= \gdpat ->
-                         return $ sLL gdpats (reLoc gdpat) (gdpat : unLoc gdpats) }
+                         return $ sLL gdpats gdpat (gdpat : unLoc gdpats) }
         | gdpat        { $1 >>= \gdpat -> return $ sL1 gdpat [gdpat] }
 -- layout for MultiWayIf doesn't begin with an open brace, because it's hard to
@@ -3517,7 +3517,7 @@ fieldToUpdate :: { Located [LocatedAn NoEpAnns (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)] }
         -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in Lexer.x
         : fieldToUpdate TIGHT_INFIX_PROJ field   {% getCommentsFor (getLocA $3) >>= \cs ->
-                                                     return (sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 (reLoc $>) (DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $2) (AnnFieldLabel $ Just $ glAA $2) cs) $3)) : unLoc $1)) }
+                                                     return (sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 $> (DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $2) (AnnFieldLabel $ Just $ glAA $2) cs) $3)) : unLoc $1)) }
         | field       {% getCommentsFor (getLocA $1) >>= \cs ->
                         return (sL1 $1 [sL1a $1 (DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glNR $1) (AnnFieldLabel Nothing) cs) $1)]) }
@@ -3562,11 +3562,11 @@ name_boolformula :: { LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName) }
         : name_boolformula_and                      { $1 }
         | name_boolformula_and '|' name_boolformula
                            {% do { h <- addTrailingVbarL $1 (gl $2)
-                                 ; return (reLocA $ sLL $1 $> (Or [h,$3])) } }
+                                 ; return (sLLa $1 $> (Or [h,$3])) } }
 name_boolformula_and :: { LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName) }
         : name_boolformula_and_list
-                  { reLocA $ sLL (head $1) (last $1) (And ($1)) }
+                  { sLLa (head $1) (last $1) (And ($1)) }
 name_boolformula_and_list :: { [LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName)] }
         : name_boolformula_atom                               { [$1] }
@@ -4099,15 +4099,15 @@ comb3 :: (HasLoc a, HasLoc b, HasLoc c) => a -> b -> c -> SrcSpan
 comb3 a b c = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq`
     combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc a) (combineHasLocs b c)
-comb4 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> Located d -> SrcSpan
+comb4 :: (HasLoc a, HasLoc b, HasLoc c, HasLoc d) => a -> b -> c -> d -> SrcSpan
 comb4 a b c d = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq`
-    (combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) $ combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) $
-                combineSrcSpans (getLoc c) (getLoc d))
+    (combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc a) $ combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc b) $
+                combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc c) (getHasLoc d))
-comb5 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> Located d -> Located e -> SrcSpan
+comb5 :: (HasLoc a, HasLoc b, HasLoc c, HasLoc d, HasLoc e) => a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> SrcSpan
 comb5 a b c d e = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` e `seq`
-    (combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) $ combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) $
-       combineSrcSpans (getLoc c) $ combineSrcSpans (getLoc d) (getLoc e))
+    (combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc a) $ combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc b) $
+       combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc c) $ combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc d) (getHasLoc e))
 -- strict constructor version:
 {-# INLINE sL #-}
@@ -4138,7 +4138,7 @@ sLL :: (HasLoc a, HasLoc b) => a -> b -> c -> Located c
 sLL x y = sL (comb2 x y) -- #define LL   sL (comb2 $1 $>)
 {-# INLINE sLLa #-}
-sLLa :: Located a -> Located b -> c -> LocatedAn t c
+sLLa :: (HasLoc a, HasLoc b) => a -> b -> c -> LocatedAn t c
 sLLa x y = sL (noAnnSrcSpan $ comb2 x y) -- #define LL   sL (comb2 $1 $>)
 {-# INLINE sLLAsl #-}

@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ instance heads which unify with @nm tys@, they need not actually be satisfiable.
     @B@ themselves implement 'Eq'
   - @reifyInstances ''Show [ 'VarT' ('mkName' "a") ]@ produces every available
-    instance of 'Eq'
+    instance of 'Show'
 There is one edge case: @reifyInstances ''Typeable tys@ currently always
 produces an empty list (no matter what @tys@ are given).

@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ AC_DEFUN([PREP_BOOLEAN],[
-          AC_MSG_WARN([m4/prep_target_file.m4: Expecting YES/NO but got $$1 in $1])
+          AC_MSG_WARN([m4/prep_target_file.m4: Expecting YES/NO but got $$1 in $1. Defaulting to False.])
+          $1Bool=False
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ AC_DEFUN([PREP_NOT_BOOLEAN],[
-          AC_MSG_WARN([m4/prep_target_file.m4: Expecting YES/NO but got $$1 in $1])
+          AC_MSG_WARN([m4/prep_target_file.m4: Expecting YES/NO but got $$1 in $1. Defaulting to False.])
+          Not$1Bool=False

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