[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22404] Add test T22404

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Jul 26 06:54:49 UTC 2023

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T22404 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

7bc65cd6 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-07-26T07:54:31+01:00
Add test T22404

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T22404.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T22404.stderr


@@ -621,14 +621,25 @@ like to inline `v1 in just the same way as in (P1).  But if we "andUDs"
 the usage from j's RHS and its body, we'll get ManyOccs for `v`.  Important
 optimisation lost!
+Solving this problem makes the Simplifier less fragile.  For example,
+the Simplifier might inline `j`, and convert (P2) into (P1)... or it might
+not, depending in a perhaps-fragile way on the size of the join point.
+I was motivated to implement this feature of the occurrence analyser
+when trying to make optimisation join points simpler and more robust
+(see #
 The occurrence analyser therefore has clever code that behaves just as
-if you inlined `j` at all its call sites.  Here is a tricky variant (P3)
+if you inlined `j` at all its call sites.  Here is a tricky variant
 to keep in mind:
+  Program (P3)
+  -------------------------------
     join j = case v of (a,b) -> a
     in case f v of
           A -> j
           B -> j
           C -> []
 If you mentally inline `j` you'll see that `v` is used twice on the path
 through A, so it should have ManyOcc.  Bear this caes in mind!
@@ -638,7 +649,7 @@ through A, so it should have ManyOcc.  Bear this caes in mind!
   that we discover for the first time in this sweep of the
   occurrence analyser.
-* In occ_env, the new (occ_join_points :: IdEnv UsageDetails) maps
+* In occ_env, the new (occ_join_points :: IdEnv OccInfoEnv) maps
   each in-scope non-recursive join point, such as `j` above, to
   a "zeroed form" of its RHS's usage details. The "zeroed form"
     * deletes ManyOccs
@@ -689,11 +700,13 @@ There are a couple of tricky wrinkles
      UsageDetails mentions `v`.  Instead, just `andUDs` all that usage in
      right here.
-     This is done by `add_bad_joins`` in `addInScope`; we use
-     `partitionVarEnv` to identify the `bad_joins` (the ones whose
-     UsageDetails mention the newly bound variables); then for any of /those/
-     that are /actually mentioned/ in the body, use `andUDs` to add their
-     UsageDetails to the returned UsageDetails.  Tricky!
+     This requires work in two places.
+     * In `preprocess_env`, we detect if the newly-bound variables intersect
+       the free vars of occ_join_points.  (These free vars are conveniently
+       simply the domain of the OccInfoEnv for that join point.) If so,
+       we zap the entire occ_join_points.
+     * In `postprcess_uds`, we add the chucked-out join points to the
+       returned UsageDetails, with `andUDs`.
 (W3) Consider this example, which shadows `j`, but this time in an argument
               join j = rhs
@@ -701,7 +714,7 @@ There are a couple of tricky wrinkles
      We can zap the entire occ_join_points when looking at the argument,
      because `j` can't posibly occur -- it's a join point!  And the smaller
      occ_join_points is, the better.  Smaller to look up in mkOneOcc, and
-     more important, less looking-up when partitioning in (W2), in addInScope.
+     more important, less looking-up when checking (W2).
      This is done in setNonTailCtxt.  It's important /not/ to do this for
      join-point RHS's because of course `j` can occur there!
@@ -971,33 +984,6 @@ occAnalBind !env lvl ire (NonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside combine
              (combine [NonRec (tagNonRecBinder lvl occ bndr') rhs']
-  -- Fast path for top level, non-recursive bindings, with no rules
-  -- This is a very common case.  Semantically though, you can delete this
-  -- entire equation and fall through to the general case
-  -- Fast path:
-  --  * Top level so cannot be a join point
-  --  * Top level so no binder swap, so no need to update unfolding
-  --  * No rules so no faffing with them
-  | TopLevel <- lvl
-  , not (idHasRules bndr ||  (bndr `elemVarEnv` ire))
-  = let !(WUD body_uds (tagged_bndr, body)) = occAnalNonRecBody env bndr thing_inside
-    in if isDeadBinder tagged_bndr      -- Drop dead code; see Note [Dead code]
-    then WUD body_uds body
-    else let
-        unf     = idUnfolding bndr
-        rhs_env = addOneShotsFromDmd bndr $
-                  setNonTailCtxt (mkNonRecRhsCtxt tagged_bndr unf) env
-        !rhs_wuds@(WTUD _ rhs')   = occAnalLamTail   rhs_env rhs
-        !(WTUD (TUD _ unf_uds) _) = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env unf
-        rhs_uds = adjustTailUsage Nothing rhs_wuds
-        full_rhs_uds | isStableUnfolding unf = rhs_uds `andUDs` markAllNonTail unf_uds
-                     | otherwise             = rhs_uds
-    in WUD (full_rhs_uds `andUDs` body_uds)      -- Note `andUDs`
-           (combine [NonRec tagged_bndr rhs'] body)
   -- The normal case, including newly-discovered join points
   -- Analyse the body and /then/ the RHS
   | otherwise
@@ -1032,8 +1018,10 @@ occAnalNonRecRhs :: OccEnv -> ImpRuleEdges -> Maybe JoinArity
                  -> Id -> CoreExpr
                  -> ([UsageDetails], Id, CoreExpr)
 occAnalNonRecRhs !env imp_rule_edges mb_join bndr rhs
-  | null rules, null imp_rule_infos -- Fast path for common case
-  = ( [adj_rhs_uds, adj_unf_uds],              final_bndr_no_rules,   final_rhs )
+  | null rules, null imp_rule_infos
+  =  -- Fast path for common case of no rules. This is only worth
+     -- 0.1% perf on average, but it's also only a line or two of code
+    ( [adj_rhs_uds, adj_unf_uds],              final_bndr_no_rules,   final_rhs )
   | otherwise
   = (adj_rhs_uds : adj_unf_uds : adj_rule_uds, final_bndr_with_rules, final_rhs )
@@ -1088,8 +1076,6 @@ occAnalNonRecRhs !env imp_rule_edges mb_join bndr rhs
                    [ l `andUDs` adjustTailArity mb_join r
                    | (_,l,r) <- rules_w_uds ]
-    ----------
 mkNonRecRhsCtxt :: Id -> Unfolding -> OccEncl
 mkNonRecRhsCtxt bndr unf
   | certainly_inline = OccVanilla -- See Note [Cascading inlines]

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module T22404 where
+{-# NOINLINE foo #-}
+foo :: [a] -> (a,a)
+foo [x,y]  = (x,y)
+foo (x:xs) = foo xs
+data T = A | B | C | D
+-- The point of this test is that 'v' ought
+-- not to be a thunk in the optimised program
+-- It is used only once in each branch.  But we
+-- need a clever occurrence analyser to spot it;
+-- see Note [Occurrence analysis for join points]
+--     in GHC.Core.Opt.OccurAnoa
+f x xs = let v = foo xs in
+         let {-# NOINLINE j #-}
+             j True  = case v of (a,b) -> a
+             j False = case v of (a,b) -> b
+         in
+         case x of
+            A -> j True
+            B -> j False
+            C -> case v of (a,b) -> b
+            D -> x


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