[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22404] 2 commits: Wibbles
Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Jul 13 15:40:38 UTC 2023
Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T22404 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
59662e48 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-07-13T16:37:05+01:00
- - - - -
8c50df16 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-07-13T16:40:12+01:00
Comments only
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Predicate ( isDictId )
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs ( tyCoVarsOfMCo )
-import GHC.Data.Maybe( isJust, orElse )
+import GHC.Data.Maybe( isJust, isNothing, orElse )
import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed ( SCC(..), Node(..)
, stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq
, stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR )
@@ -954,7 +954,8 @@ occAnalBind !env lvl ire (NonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside combine
= let !(WUD body_uds res) = addInScope env [bndr] thing_inside
in WUD body_uds (combine [NonRec bndr rhs] res)
- -- Non-recursive join points
+ -- /Existing/ non-recursive join points
+ -- Analyse the RHS and /then/ the body
| NotTopLevel <- lvl
, mb_join@(Just {}) <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
, not (isStableUnfolding (realIdUnfolding bndr))
@@ -971,17 +972,18 @@ occAnalBind !env lvl ire (NonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside combine
if isDeadBinder tagged_bndr -- Drop dead code; see Note [Dead code]
then WUD body_uds body
- else WUD (rhs_uds `orUDs` body_uds)
+ else WUD (rhs_uds `orUDs` body_uds) -- Note `orUDs`
(combine [NonRec tagged_bndr rhs'] body)
- -- The normal case
+ -- The normal case, including newly-discovered join points
+ -- Analyse the body and /then/ the RHS
| otherwise
= let WUD body_uds (tagged_bndr, body) = occAnalNonRecBody env lvl bndr thing_inside
WUD bind_uds binds = occAnalNonRecRhs env ire tagged_bndr rhs
if isDeadBinder tagged_bndr -- Drop dead code; see Note [Dead code]
then WUD body_uds body
- else WUD (bind_uds `andUDs` body_uds)
+ else WUD (bind_uds `andUDs` body_uds) -- Note `andUDs`
(combine binds body)
@@ -3500,24 +3502,26 @@ markAllInsideLamIf False ud = ud
markAllNonTailIf True ud = markAllNonTail ud
markAllNonTailIf False ud = ud
+lookupLocalDetails :: UsageDetails -> Id -> Maybe LocalOcc
+lookupLocalDetails uds id = lookupVarEnv (ud_env uds) id
+lookupTailCallInfo :: UsageDetails -> Id -> TailCallInfo
+lookupTailCallInfo uds id
+ | not (id `elemVarEnv` ud_z_tail uds)
+ , Just (OneOccL { lo_tail = tail_info }) <- lookupLocalDetails uds id
+ = tail_info
+ | otherwise
+ = NoTailCallInfo
lookupDetails :: UsageDetails -> Id -> OccInfo
lookupDetails ud id
- = case lookupVarEnv (ud_env ud) id of
+ = case lookupLocalDetails ud id of
Just occ -> mkOccInfo ud id occ
Nothing -> IAmDead
usedIn :: Id -> UsageDetails -> Bool
v `usedIn` ud = isExportedId v || v `elemVarEnv` ud_env ud
-{- Commenting out
- = (emptyDetails{ud_env = interesting_env}, emptyDetails{ud_env = boring_env})
- where
- UD{ud_env=env} = flattenUsageDetails uds
- (interesting_env,boring_env) = partitionVarEnv interesting env
- interesting OneOcc{} = True
- interesting _ = False
udFreeVars :: VarSet -> UsageDetails -> VarSet
-- Find the subset of bndrs that are mentioned in uds
udFreeVars bndrs ud = restrictFreeVars bndrs (ud_env ud)
@@ -3696,8 +3700,7 @@ tagRecBinders lvl body_uds details_s
-- Can't use willBeJoinId_maybe here because we haven't tagged
-- the binder yet (the tag depends on these adjustments!)
| will_be_joins
- , let occ = lookupDetails unadj_uds bndr
- , AlwaysTailCalled arity <- tailCallInfo occ
+ , AlwaysTailCalled arity <- lookupTailCallInfo unadj_uds bndr
= Just arity
| otherwise
= assert (not will_be_joins) -- Should be AlwaysTailCalled if
@@ -3762,11 +3765,11 @@ decideJoinPointHood NotTopLevel usage bndrs
bndr1 = NE.head bndrs
- | isDeadOcc (lookupDetails usage bndr1) = False
- | all_ok = False
+ | isNothing (lookupLocalDetails usage bndr1) = False -- Dead
+ | all_ok = False
| otherwise
= pprTrace "djph"
- (let arity = case (tailCallInfo (lookupDetails usage bndr1)) of
+ (let arity = case lookupTailCallInfo usage bndr1 of
AlwaysTailCalled ar -> ar
NoTailCallInfo -> 0
in vcat [ text "bndr1:" <+> ppr bndr1
@@ -3784,7 +3787,7 @@ decideJoinPointHood NotTopLevel usage bndrs
ok bndr
| -- Invariant 1: Only tail calls, all same join arity
- AlwaysTailCalled arity <- tailCallInfo (lookupDetails usage bndr)
+ AlwaysTailCalled arity <- lookupTailCallInfo usage bndr
, -- Invariant 1 as applied to LHSes of rules
all (ok_rule arity) (idCoreRules bndr)
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/f4075814dd598d9eb904dc2587d7ff365cc850f4...8c50df1664c28550853d0b3daaf5cf2d97b19683
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/f4075814dd598d9eb904dc2587d7ff365cc850f4...8c50df1664c28550853d0b3daaf5cf2d97b19683
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