[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22404] Wibbles

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Jul 13 10:58:19 UTC 2023

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T22404 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

c12834a9 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-07-13T11:57:30+01:00

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Basic.hs


@@ -2944,8 +2944,8 @@ mkZeroedForm (UD { ud_env = rhs_occs })
   = emptyDetails { ud_env = mapMaybeUFM do_one rhs_occs }
     do_one :: LocalOcc -> Maybe LocalOcc
-    do_one ManyOccL       = Nothing
-    do_one (OneOccL _ ic) = Just (OneOccL 0 ic)
+    do_one ManyOccL         = Nothing
+    do_one occ@(OneOccL {}) = Just (occ { lo_n_br = 0 })
 transClosureFV :: VarEnv VarSet -> VarEnv VarSet
@@ -3369,7 +3369,9 @@ info then simply means setting the corresponding zapped set to the whole
 type OccInfoEnv = IdEnv LocalOcc  -- A finite map from an expression's
                                   -- free variables to their usage
-data LocalOcc = OneOccL {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !InterestingCxt
+data LocalOcc = OneOccL { lo_n_br    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
+                        , lo_tail    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TailCallInfo
+                        , lo_int_cxt :: !InterestingCxt }
               | ManyOccL
 type ZappedSet = OccInfoEnv -- Values are ignored
@@ -3378,9 +3380,9 @@ data UsageDetails
   = UD { ud_env       :: !OccInfoEnv
        , ud_z_many    :: !ZappedSet   -- apply 'markMany' to these
        , ud_z_in_lam  :: !ZappedSet   -- apply 'markInsideLam' to these
-       , ud_tail      :: !(IdEnv TailCallInfo)
+       , ud_z_tail    :: !ZappedSet
-  -- INVARIANT: Both zapped sets are subsets of ud_env
+  -- INVARIANT: All three zapped sets are subsets of ud_env
 instance Outputable UsageDetails where
   ppr ud = text "UD" <+> (braces $ fsep $ punctuate comma $
@@ -3429,9 +3431,9 @@ mkOneOcc !env id int_cxt arity
   = one_occ_uds
-    one_occ_uds = emptyDetails
-                     { ud_env  = unitVarEnv id (OneOccL 1 int_cxt)
-                     , ud_tail = unitVarEnv id (AlwaysTailCalled arity) }
+    occ = OneOccL { lo_n_br = 1, lo_int_cxt = int_cxt
+                  , lo_tail = AlwaysTailCalled arity }
+    one_occ_uds = emptyDetails { ud_env  = unitVarEnv id occ }
 addManyOccId :: UsageDetails -> Id -> UsageDetails
 -- Add the non-committal (id :-> noOccInfo) to the usage details
@@ -3464,7 +3466,7 @@ emptyDetails :: UsageDetails
 emptyDetails = UD { ud_env       = emptyVarEnv
                   , ud_z_many    = emptyVarEnv
                   , ud_z_in_lam  = emptyVarEnv
-                  , ud_tail      = emptyVarEnv }
+                  , ud_z_tail    = emptyVarEnv }
 isEmptyDetails :: UsageDetails -> Bool
 isEmptyDetails = isEmptyVarEnv . ud_env
@@ -3474,17 +3476,17 @@ delDetails :: UsageDetails -> [Id] -> UsageDetails
 delDetails (UD { ud_env       = env
                , ud_z_many    = z_many
                , ud_z_in_lam  = z_in_lam
-               , ud_tail      = tail }) bndrs
+               , ud_z_tail    = z_tail }) bndrs
   = UD { ud_env       = env      `delVarEnvList` bndrs
        , ud_z_many    = z_many   `delVarEnvList` bndrs
        , ud_z_in_lam  = z_in_lam `delVarEnvList` bndrs
-       , ud_tail      = tail     `delVarEnvList` bndrs }
+       , ud_z_tail    = z_tail   `delVarEnvList` bndrs }
 markAllMany, markAllInsideLam, markAllNonTail, markAllManyNonTail
   :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
-markAllMany      ud = ud { ud_z_many    = ud_env ud }
-markAllInsideLam ud = ud { ud_z_in_lam  = ud_env ud }
-markAllNonTail   ud = ud { ud_tail      = emptyVarEnv }
+markAllMany      ud@(UD { ud_env = env }) = ud { ud_z_many   = env }
+markAllInsideLam ud@(UD { ud_env = env }) = ud { ud_z_in_lam = env }
+markAllNonTail   ud@(UD { ud_env = env }) = ud { ud_z_tail   = env }
 markAllManyNonTail  = markAllMany . markAllNonTail -- effectively sets to noOccInfo
 markAllInsideLamIf, markAllNonTailIf :: Bool -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
@@ -3532,7 +3534,7 @@ combineUsageDetailsWith plus_occ_info ud1 ud2
   = UD { ud_env       = plusVarEnv_C plus_occ_info (ud_env ud1) (ud_env ud2)
        , ud_z_many    = plusVarEnv (ud_z_many    ud1) (ud_z_many    ud2)
        , ud_z_in_lam  = plusVarEnv (ud_z_in_lam  ud1) (ud_z_in_lam  ud2)
-       , ud_tail      = plusVarEnv_C andTailCallInfo (ud_tail ud1) (ud_tail ud2) }
+       , ud_z_tail    = plusVarEnv (ud_z_tail ud1)    (ud_z_tail ud2) }
 mkOccInfo :: UsageDetails -> Var -> LocalOcc -> OccInfo
 mkOccInfo ud var occ = mkOccInfoByUnique ud (varUnique var) occ
@@ -3540,26 +3542,26 @@ mkOccInfo ud var occ = mkOccInfoByUnique ud (varUnique var) occ
 mkOccInfoByUnique :: UsageDetails -> Unique -> LocalOcc -> OccInfo
 mkOccInfoByUnique (UD { ud_z_many    = z_many
                       , ud_z_in_lam  = z_in_lam
-                      , ud_tail      = tail_env })
+                      , ud_z_tail    = z_tail })
                   uniq occ
   = case occ of
-      OneOccL n_br int_cxt
+      OneOccL { lo_n_br = n_br, lo_int_cxt = int_cxt
+              , lo_tail = occ_tail }
           | not (uniq `elemVarEnvByKey`z_many)
           -> OneOcc { occ_in_lam  = in_lam
                     , occ_n_br    = n_br
                     , occ_int_cxt = int_cxt
                     , occ_tail    = tail }
+         where
+           tail | uniq `elemVarEnvByKey` z_tail = NoTailCallInfo
+                | otherwise                     = occ_tail
-      _other -- ManyOccL and zapped OneOccL
-          -> ManyOccs { occ_tail = tail }
-  where
-    tail = case lookupVarEnv_Directly tail_env uniq of
-             Nothing -> NoTailCallInfo
-             Just tc -> tc
+           in_lam | uniq `elemVarEnvByKey` z_in_lam = IsInsideLam
+                  | otherwise                       = NotInsideLam
-    in_lam | uniq `elemVarEnvByKey` z_in_lam = IsInsideLam
-           | otherwise                       = NotInsideLam
+      _other -- ManyOccL and zapped OneOccL
+          -> ManyOccs { occ_tail = NoTailCallInfo }
+                 -- I think this is redundant; remove from ManyOccs
 -- See Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
@@ -3851,9 +3853,11 @@ andOccInfo _ _ = ManyOccL
 -- (orOccInfo orig new) is used
 -- when combining occurrence info from branches of a case
-orOccInfo (OneOccL nbr1 int_cxt1) (OneOccL  nbr2 int_cxt2)
-  = OneOccL (nbr1 + nbr2) (int_cxt1 `mappend` int_cxt2)
+orOccInfo (OneOccL { lo_n_br = nbr1, lo_int_cxt = int_cxt1, lo_tail = ar1 })
+          (OneOccL { lo_n_br = nbr2, lo_int_cxt = int_cxt2, lo_tail = ar2 })
+  = OneOccL { lo_n_br    = nbr1 + nbr2
+            , lo_int_cxt = int_cxt1 `mappend` int_cxt2
+            , lo_tail    = ar1 `andTailCallInfo` ar2 }
 orOccInfo _ _  = ManyOccL
 andTailCallInfo :: TailCallInfo -> TailCallInfo -> TailCallInfo

@@ -1068,8 +1068,9 @@ instance Monoid InsideLam where
   mappend = (Semi.<>)
-data TailCallInfo = AlwaysTailCalled JoinArity -- See Note [TailCallInfo]
-                  | NoTailCallInfo
+data TailCallInfo
+  = AlwaysTailCalled {-# UNPACK #-} !JoinArity -- See Note [TailCallInfo]
+  | NoTailCallInfo
   deriving (Eq)
 tailCallInfo :: OccInfo -> TailCallInfo

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