[Git][ghc/ghc][master] 4 commits: JS: cleanup utils (#23314)

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Jul 7 06:40:05 UTC 2023

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

7e759914 by Sylvain Henry at 2023-07-07T02:39:38-04:00
JS: cleanup utils (#23314)

- Removed unused code
- Don't export unused functions
- Move toTypeList to Closure module

- - - - -
f617655c by Sylvain Henry at 2023-07-07T02:39:38-04:00
JS: rename VarType/Vt into JSRep

- - - - -
19216ca5 by Sylvain Henry at 2023-07-07T02:39:38-04:00
JS: remove custom PrimRep conversion (#23314)

We use the usual conversion to PrimRep and then we convert these
PrimReps to JSReps.

- - - - -
d3de8668 by Sylvain Henry at 2023-07-07T02:39:38-04:00
JS: don't use isRuntimeRepKindedTy in JS FFI

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/JavaScript.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Apply.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Arg.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Closure.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Utils.hs


@@ -471,10 +471,6 @@ unboxJsArg arg
     Just arg3_tycon                = maybe_arg3_tycon
-boxJsResult :: Type
-            -> DsM (Type, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
-boxJsResult result_ty
-  | isRuntimeRepKindedTy result_ty = panic "boxJsResult: runtime rep ty" -- fixme
 -- Takes the result of the user-level ccall:
 --      either (IO t),
 --      or maybe just t for an side-effect-free call
@@ -485,7 +481,7 @@ boxJsResult result_ty
 -- where t' is the unwrapped form of t.  If t is simply (), then
 -- the result type will be
 --      State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld #)
+boxJsResult :: Type -> DsM (Type, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
 boxJsResult result_ty
   | Just (io_tycon, io_res_ty) <- tcSplitIOType_maybe result_ty
         -- isIOType_maybe handles the case where the type is a
@@ -585,7 +581,6 @@ jsResultWrapper
 -- E.g. foreign import foo :: Int -> IO T
 -- Then resultWrapper deals with marshalling the 'T' part
 jsResultWrapper result_ty
-  | isRuntimeRepKindedTy result_ty = return (Nothing, id) -- fixme this seems like a hack
   -- Base case 1a: unboxed tuples
   | Just (tc, args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe result_ty
   , isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc {- && False -} = do

@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
     --  object representation
     --  - returns the object directly, otherwise
     | [] <- args
-    , [vt] <- idVt i
+    , [vt] <- idJSRep i
     , isUnboxable vt
     , ctxIsEvaluated ctx i
     = do

@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ genStaticArg a = case a of
       Nothing -> reg
       Just expr -> unfloated expr
-       r = uTypeVt . stgArgType $ a
+       r = unaryTypeJSRep . stgArgType $ a
          | isVoid r            =
              return []
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ genArg a = case a of
      -- if our argument is a joinid, it can be an unboxed tuple
-     r :: HasDebugCallStack => VarType
-     r = uTypeVt . stgArgType $ a
+     r :: HasDebugCallStack => JSRep
+     r = unaryTypeJSRep . stgArgType $ a
      unfloated :: HasDebugCallStack => CgStgExpr -> G [JExpr]
      unfloated = \case
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ genIdArgI i
   | isMultiVar r = mapM (identForIdN i) [1..varSize r]
   | otherwise    = (:[]) <$> identForId i
-    r = uTypeVt . idType $ i
+    r = unaryTypeJSRep . idType $ i
 -- | Generate IDs for stack arguments. See 'StgToJS.Expr.loadRetArgs' for use case
 genIdStackArgI :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> G [(Ident,StackSlot)]

@@ -77,8 +77,9 @@ setObjInfoL debug obj rs layout t n a
           CILayoutFixed sz _ -> sz
         field_types = case layout of
           CILayoutVariable     -> []
-          CILayoutUnknown size -> toTypeList (replicate size ObjV)
-          CILayoutFixed _ fs   -> toTypeList fs
+          CILayoutUnknown size -> to_type_list (replicate size ObjV)
+          CILayoutFixed _ fs   -> to_type_list fs
+        to_type_list = concatMap (\x -> replicate (varSize x) (fromEnum x))
 setObjInfo :: Bool        -- ^ debug: output all symbol names
            -> Ident       -- ^ the thing to modify
@@ -241,3 +242,4 @@ varName :: Int -> Ident
 varName i
   | i < 0 || i > jsClosureCount = TxtI $ mkFastString ('x' : show i)
   | otherwise                   = varCache ! i

@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ genSetConInfo i d l {- srt -} = do
   emitClosureInfo $ ClosureInfo ei
                                 (CIRegs 0 [PtrV])
                                 (mkFastString $ renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr d))
-                                (fixedLayout $ map uTypeVt fields)
+                                (fixedLayout $ map unaryTypeJSRep fields)
                                 (CICon $ dataConTag d)
   return (mkDataEntry ei)
@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ genToplevelRhs i rhs = case rhs of
           r <- updateThunk
           pure (StaticThunk (Just (eidt, map StaticObjArg lidents')), CIRegs 0 [PtrV],r)
         else return (StaticFun eidt (map StaticObjArg lidents'),
-                    (if null lidents then CIRegs 1 (concatMap idVt args)
-                                     else CIRegs 0 (PtrV : concatMap idVt args))
+                    (if null lidents then CIRegs 1 (concatMap idJSRep args)
+                                     else CIRegs 0 (PtrV : concatMap idJSRep args))
                       , mempty)
     setcc <- ifProfiling $
                if et == CIThunk
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ genToplevelRhs i rhs = case rhs of
     emitClosureInfo (ClosureInfo eid
-                                 (fixedLayout $ map (uTypeVt . idType) lids)
+                                 (fixedLayout $ map (unaryTypeJSRep . idType) lids)
     ccId <- costCentreStackLbl cc

@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ genEntryLne ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext _cc update args body typ) =
   let f = (bh <> lvs <> body)
   emitClosureInfo $
     ClosureInfo ei
-                (CIRegs 0 $ concatMap idVt args)
+                (CIRegs 0 $ concatMap idJSRep args)
                 (eii <> ", " <> mkFastString (renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr i)))
                 (fixedLayout . reverse $
                     map (stackSlotType . fst) (ctxLneFrameVars ctx))
@@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ genEntry ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext cc {-_bi live-} upd_flag args body typ) =
                else enterCostCentreFun cc
   sr <- genStaticRefsRhs rhs
   emitClosureInfo $ ClosureInfo ei
-                                (CIRegs 0 $ PtrV : concatMap idVt args)
+                                (CIRegs 0 $ PtrV : concatMap idJSRep args)
                                 (eii <> ", " <> mkFastString (renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr i)))
-                                (fixedLayout $ map (uTypeVt . idType) live)
+                                (fixedLayout $ map (unaryTypeJSRep . idType) live)
   emitToplevel (jFunction ei [] (mconcat [ll, llv, upd, setcc, body]))
@@ -285,15 +285,12 @@ genEntry ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext cc {-_bi live-} upd_flag args body typ) =
     entryCtx = ctxSetTarget [] (ctxClearLneFrame ctx)
 -- | Generate the entry function types for identifiers. Note that this only
--- returns either 'CIThunk' or 'CIFun'. Everything else (PAP Blackhole etc.) is
--- filtered as not a RuntimeRepKinded type.
+-- returns either 'CIThunk' or 'CIFun'.
 genEntryType :: HasDebugCallStack => [Id] -> G CIType
 genEntryType []   = return CIThunk
-genEntryType args0 = do
+genEntryType args = do
   args' <- mapM genIdArg args
   return $ CIFun (length args) (length $ concat args')
-  where
-    args = filter (not . isRuntimeRepKindedTy . idType) args0
 -- | Generate the body of an object
 genBody :: HasDebugCallStack
@@ -373,7 +370,7 @@ verifyRuntimeReps xs = do
     verifyRuntimeRep i = do
       i' <- varsForId i
-      pure $ go i' (idVt i)
+      pure $ go i' (idJSRep i)
     go js         (VoidV:vs) = go js vs
     go (j1:j2:js) (LongV:vs) = v "h$verify_rep_long" [j1,j2] <> go js vs
     go (j1:j2:js) (AddrV:vs) = v "h$verify_rep_addr" [j1,j2] <> go js vs
@@ -491,11 +488,11 @@ optimizeFree
                        -- -- Bool: True when the slot already contains a value
 optimizeFree offset ids = do
   -- this line goes wrong                               vvvvvvv
-  let -- ids' = concat $ map (\i -> map (i,) [1..varSize . uTypeVt . idType $ i]) ids
+  let -- ids' = concat $ map (\i -> map (i,) [1..varSize . unaryTypeJSRep . idType $ i]) ids
       idSize :: Id -> Int
-      idSize i = sum $ map varSize (typeVt . idType $ i)
+      idSize i = sum $ map varSize (typeJSRep . idType $ i)
       ids' = concatMap (\i -> map (i,) [1..idSize i]) ids
-      -- 1..varSize] . uTypeVt . idType $ i]) (typeVt ids)
+      -- 1..varSize] . unaryTypeJSRep . idType $ i]) (typeJSRep ids)
       l    = length ids'
   slots <- drop offset . take l . (++repeat SlotUnknown) <$> getSlots
   let slm                = M.fromList (zip slots [0..])
@@ -630,10 +627,10 @@ genRet ctx e at as l = freshIdent >>= f
       return (pushLne <> saveCCS <> pushRet)
     fst3 ~(x,_,_)  = x
-    altRegs :: HasDebugCallStack => [VarType]
+    altRegs :: HasDebugCallStack => [JSRep]
     altRegs = case at of
-      PrimAlt ptc    -> [primRepVt ptc]
-      MultiValAlt _n -> idVt e
+      PrimAlt ptc    -> [primRepToJSRep ptc]
+      MultiValAlt _n -> idJSRep e
       _              -> [PtrV]
     -- special case for popping CCS but preserving stack size
@@ -690,7 +687,7 @@ genAlts ctx e at me alts = do
       -> do
         ie <- varsForId e
         (r, bss) <- normalizeBranches ctx <$>
-           mapM (isolateSlots . mkPrimIfBranch ctx [primRepVt tc]) alts
+           mapM (isolateSlots . mkPrimIfBranch ctx [primRepToJSRep tc]) alts
         setSlots []
         return (mkSw ie bss, r)
@@ -877,7 +874,7 @@ mkAlgBranch top d alt
 -- | Generate a primitive If-expression
 mkPrimIfBranch :: ExprCtx
-               -> [VarType]
+               -> [JSRep]
                -> CgStgAlt
                -> G (Branch (Maybe [JExpr]))
 mkPrimIfBranch top _vt alt =

@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ genFFIArg isJavaScriptCc a@(StgVarArg i)
      tycon  = tyConAppTyCon (unwrapType arg_ty)
      arg_ty = stgArgType a
-     r      = uTypeVt arg_ty
+     r      = unaryTypeJSRep arg_ty
 saturateFFI :: Int -> JStat -> Sat.JStat
 saturateFFI u = satJStat (Just . mkFastString $ "ghcjs_ffi_sat_" ++ show u)

@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ instance Binary JSFFIType where
   put_ bh = putEnum bh
   get bh = getEnum bh
-instance Binary VarType where
+instance Binary JSRep where
   put_ bh = putEnum bh
   get bh = getEnum bh

@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ data ClosureInfo = ClosureInfo
 data CIRegs
   = CIRegsUnknown                     -- ^ A value witnessing a state of unknown registers
   | CIRegs { ciRegsSkip  :: Int       -- ^ unused registers before actual args start
-           , ciRegsTypes :: [VarType] -- ^ args
+           , ciRegsTypes :: [JSRep]   -- ^ args
   deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ data CILayout
   | CILayoutFixed               -- ^ whole layout known
       { layoutSize :: !Int      -- ^ closure size in array positions, including entry
-      , layout     :: [VarType] -- ^ The set of sized Types to layout
+      , layout     :: [JSRep]   -- ^ The list of JSReps to layout
   deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ instance ToJExpr CIStatic where
   toJExpr (CIStaticRefs [])  = null_ -- [je| null |]
   toJExpr (CIStaticRefs rs)  = toJExpr (map TxtI rs)
--- | Free variable types
-data VarType
+-- | JS primitive representations
+data JSRep
   = PtrV     -- ^ pointer = reference to heap object (closure object), lifted or not.
              -- Can also be some RTS object (e.g. TVar#, MVar#, MutVar#, Weak#)
   | VoidV    -- ^ no fields
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ data VarType
   | ArrV     -- ^ boxed array
   deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
-instance ToJExpr VarType where
+instance ToJExpr JSRep where
   toJExpr = toJExpr . fromEnum
 -- | The type of identifiers. These determine the suffix of generated functions

@@ -2,76 +2,44 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
 module GHC.StgToJS.Utils
-  ( assignToTypedExprs
-  , assignCoerce1
+  ( assignCoerce1
   , assignToExprCtx
-  -- * Core Utils
+  , fixedLayout
+  , assocIdExprs
+  -- * Unboxable datacon
   , isUnboxableCon
   , isUnboxable
-  , SlotCount(..)
+  , isBoolDataCon
+  -- * JSRep
   , slotCount
   , varSize
-  , varSlotCount
   , typeSize
   , isVoid
-  , isPtr
-  , isSingleVar
   , isMultiVar
-  , isMatchable
-  , tyConVt
-  , idVt
-  , typeVt
-  , uTypeVt
-  , primRepVt
-  , typePrimRep'
-  , tyConPrimRep'
-  , kindPrimRep'
-  , primTypeVt
-  , argVt
-  , dataConType
-  , isBoolDataCon
-  , fixedLayout
+  , idJSRep
+  , typeJSRep
+  , unaryTypeJSRep
+  , primRepToJSRep
   , stackSlotType
-  , idPrimReps
-  , typePrimReps
   , primRepSize
-  , assocPrimReps
-  , assocIdPrimReps
-  , assocIdExprs
   , mkArityTag
-  , toTypeList
-  -- * Stg Utils
-  , bindingRefs
-  , rhsRefs
+  -- * References and Ids
   , exprRefs
-  , altRefs
-  , argRefs
   , hasExport
   , collectTopIds
   , collectIds
-  , removeTick
+  -- * Live variables
   , LiveVars
   , liveStatic
   , liveVars
-  , stgTopBindLive
-  , stgBindLive
-  , stgBindRhsLive
   , stgRhsLive
-  , stgArgLive
   , stgExprLive
-  , stgAltLive
-  , stgLetNoEscapeLive
-  , bindees
   , isUpdatableRhs
-  , stgLneLive
   , stgLneLive'
   , stgLneLiveExpr
   , isInlineExpr
-  , inspectInlineBinding
-  , inspectInlineRhs
-  , isInlineForeignCall
-  , isInlineApp
-  ) where
+  )
 import GHC.Prelude
@@ -91,8 +59,6 @@ import GHC.Stg.Syntax
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
-import GHC.Builtin.Types
-import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
 import GHC.Builtin.Names
 import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps (PrimOp(SeqOp), primOpIsReallyInline)
@@ -163,7 +129,7 @@ assignCoerce p1 p2 = assignTypedExprs [p1] [p2]
 isUnboxableCon :: DataCon -> Bool
 isUnboxableCon dc
   | [t] <- dataConRepArgTys dc
-  , [t1] <- typeVt (scaledThing t)
+  , [t1] <- typeJSRep (scaledThing t)
   = isUnboxable t1 &&
     dataConTag dc == 1 &&
     length (tyConDataCons $ dataConTyCon dc) == 1
@@ -171,7 +137,7 @@ isUnboxableCon dc
 -- | one-constructor types with one primitive field represented as a JS Number
 -- can be unboxed
-isUnboxable :: VarType -> Bool
+isUnboxable :: JSRep -> Bool
 isUnboxable DoubleV = True
 isUnboxable IntV    = True -- includes Char#
 isUnboxable _       = False
@@ -194,153 +160,56 @@ slotCount = \case
   TwoSlots -> 2
--- | Number of slots occupied by a value with the given VarType
-varSize :: VarType -> Int
-varSize = slotCount . varSlotCount
+-- | Number of slots occupied by a value with the given JSRep
+varSize :: JSRep -> Int
+varSize = slotCount . jsRepSlots
-varSlotCount :: VarType -> SlotCount
-varSlotCount VoidV = NoSlot
-varSlotCount LongV = TwoSlots -- hi, low
-varSlotCount AddrV = TwoSlots -- obj/array, offset
-varSlotCount _     = OneSlot
+jsRepSlots :: JSRep -> SlotCount
+jsRepSlots VoidV = NoSlot
+jsRepSlots LongV = TwoSlots -- hi, low
+jsRepSlots AddrV = TwoSlots -- obj/array, offset
+jsRepSlots _     = OneSlot
 typeSize :: Type -> Int
-typeSize t = sum . map varSize . typeVt $ t
+typeSize t = sum . map varSize . typeJSRep $ t
-isVoid :: VarType -> Bool
+isVoid :: JSRep -> Bool
 isVoid VoidV = True
 isVoid _     = False
-isPtr :: VarType -> Bool
-isPtr PtrV = True
-isPtr _    = False
-isSingleVar :: VarType -> Bool
-isSingleVar v = varSlotCount v == OneSlot
-isMultiVar :: VarType -> Bool
-isMultiVar v = case varSlotCount v of
+isMultiVar :: JSRep -> Bool
+isMultiVar v = case jsRepSlots v of
   NoSlot   -> False
   OneSlot  -> False
   TwoSlots -> True
--- | can we pattern match on these values in a case?
-isMatchable :: [VarType] -> Bool
-isMatchable [DoubleV] = True
-isMatchable [IntV]    = True
-isMatchable _         = False
+idJSRep :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> [JSRep]
+idJSRep = typeJSRep . idType
-tyConVt :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> [VarType]
-tyConVt = typeVt . mkTyConTy
-idVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> [VarType]
-idVt = typeVt . idType
-typeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [VarType]
-typeVt t | isRuntimeRepKindedTy t = []
-typeVt t = map primRepVt (typePrimRep t)-- map uTypeVt (repTypeArgs t)
+typeJSRep :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [JSRep]
+typeJSRep t = map primRepToJSRep (typePrimRep t)
 -- only use if you know it's not an unboxed tuple
-uTypeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> VarType
-uTypeVt ut
-  | isRuntimeRepKindedTy ut = VoidV
---  | isRuntimeRepTy ut = VoidV
-  -- GHC panics on this otherwise
-  | Just (tc, ty_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ut
-  , length ty_args /= tyConArity tc = PtrV
-  | isPrimitiveType ut = (primTypeVt ut)
-  | otherwise          =
-    case typePrimRep' ut of
-      []   -> VoidV
-      [pt] -> primRepVt pt
-      _    -> pprPanic "uTypeVt: not unary" (ppr ut)
-primRepVt :: HasDebugCallStack => PrimRep -> VarType
-primRepVt VoidRep     = VoidV
-primRepVt (BoxedRep _) = PtrV -- fixme does ByteArray# ever map to this?
-primRepVt IntRep      = IntV
-primRepVt Int8Rep     = IntV
-primRepVt Int16Rep    = IntV
-primRepVt Int32Rep    = IntV
-primRepVt WordRep     = IntV
-primRepVt Word8Rep    = IntV
-primRepVt Word16Rep   = IntV
-primRepVt Word32Rep   = IntV
-primRepVt Int64Rep    = LongV
-primRepVt Word64Rep   = LongV
-primRepVt AddrRep     = AddrV
-primRepVt FloatRep    = DoubleV
-primRepVt DoubleRep   = DoubleV
-primRepVt (VecRep{})  = error "uTypeVt: vector types are unsupported"
-typePrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> [PrimRep]
-typePrimRep' ty = kindPrimRep' empty (typeKind ty)
--- | Find the primitive representation of a 'TyCon'. Defined here to
--- avoid module loops. Call this only on unlifted tycons.
-tyConPrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> [PrimRep]
-tyConPrimRep' tc = kindPrimRep' empty res_kind
-  where
-    res_kind = tyConResKind tc
--- | Take a kind (of shape @TYPE rr@) and produce the 'PrimRep's
--- of values of types of this kind.
-kindPrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => SDoc -> Kind -> [PrimRep]
-kindPrimRep' doc ki
-  | Just ki' <- coreView ki
-  = kindPrimRep' doc ki'
-kindPrimRep' doc (TyConApp _typ [runtime_rep])
-  = -- ASSERT( typ `hasKey` tYPETyConKey )
-    runtimeRepPrimRep doc runtime_rep
-kindPrimRep' doc ki
-  = pprPanic "kindPrimRep'" (ppr ki $$ doc)
-primTypeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> VarType
-primTypeVt t = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (unwrapType t) of
-  Nothing -> error "primTypeVt: not a TyCon"
-  Just tc
-    | tc == charPrimTyCon              -> IntV
-    | tc == intPrimTyCon               -> IntV
-    | tc == wordPrimTyCon              -> IntV
-    | tc == floatPrimTyCon             -> DoubleV
-    | tc == doublePrimTyCon            -> DoubleV
-    | tc == int8PrimTyCon              -> IntV
-    | tc == word8PrimTyCon             -> IntV
-    | tc == int16PrimTyCon             -> IntV
-    | tc == word16PrimTyCon            -> IntV
-    | tc == int32PrimTyCon             -> IntV
-    | tc == word32PrimTyCon            -> IntV
-    | tc == int64PrimTyCon             -> LongV
-    | tc == word64PrimTyCon            -> LongV
-    | tc == addrPrimTyCon              -> AddrV
-    | tc == stablePtrPrimTyCon         -> AddrV
-    | tc == stableNamePrimTyCon        -> PtrV
-    | tc == statePrimTyCon             -> VoidV
-    | tc == proxyPrimTyCon             -> VoidV
-    | tc == realWorldTyCon             -> VoidV
-    | tc == threadIdPrimTyCon          -> PtrV
-    | tc == weakPrimTyCon              -> PtrV
-    | tc == arrayPrimTyCon             -> ArrV
-    | tc == smallArrayPrimTyCon        -> ArrV
-    | tc == byteArrayPrimTyCon         -> ObjV -- can contain any JS reference, used for JSVal
-    | tc == mutableArrayPrimTyCon      -> ArrV
-    | tc == smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV
-    | tc == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon  -> ObjV -- can contain any JS reference, used for JSVal
-    | tc == mutVarPrimTyCon            -> PtrV
-    | tc == mVarPrimTyCon              -> PtrV
-    | tc == tVarPrimTyCon              -> PtrV
-    | tc == bcoPrimTyCon               -> PtrV -- unsupported?
-    | tc == stackSnapshotPrimTyCon     -> PtrV
-    | tc == ioPortPrimTyCon            -> PtrV -- unsupported?
-    | tc == anyTyCon                   -> PtrV
-    | tc == compactPrimTyCon           -> PtrV -- unsupported?
-    | tc == eqPrimTyCon                -> VoidV -- coercion token?
-    | tc == eqReprPrimTyCon            -> VoidV -- role
-    | tc == unboxedUnitTyCon           -> VoidV -- Void#
-    | otherwise                        -> PtrV  -- anything else must be some boxed thing
-argVt :: StgArg -> VarType
-argVt a = uTypeVt . stgArgType $ a
+unaryTypeJSRep :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> JSRep
+unaryTypeJSRep ut = primRepToJSRep (typePrimRep1 ut)
+primRepToJSRep :: HasDebugCallStack => PrimRep -> JSRep
+primRepToJSRep VoidRep      = VoidV
+primRepToJSRep (BoxedRep _) = PtrV
+primRepToJSRep IntRep       = IntV
+primRepToJSRep Int8Rep      = IntV
+primRepToJSRep Int16Rep     = IntV
+primRepToJSRep Int32Rep     = IntV
+primRepToJSRep WordRep      = IntV
+primRepToJSRep Word8Rep     = IntV
+primRepToJSRep Word16Rep    = IntV
+primRepToJSRep Word32Rep    = IntV
+primRepToJSRep Int64Rep     = LongV
+primRepToJSRep Word64Rep    = LongV
+primRepToJSRep AddrRep      = AddrV
+primRepToJSRep FloatRep     = DoubleV
+primRepToJSRep DoubleRep    = DoubleV
+primRepToJSRep (VecRep{})   = error "primRepToJSRep: vector types are unsupported"
 dataConType :: DataCon -> Type
 dataConType dc = idType (dataConWrapId dc)
@@ -350,16 +219,16 @@ isBoolDataCon dc = isBoolTy (dataConType dc)
 -- standard fixed layout: payload types
 -- payload starts at .d1 for heap objects, entry closest to Sp for stack frames
-fixedLayout :: [VarType] -> CILayout
+fixedLayout :: [JSRep] -> CILayout
 fixedLayout vts = CILayoutFixed (sum (map varSize vts)) vts
 -- 2-var values might have been moved around separately, use DoubleV as substitute
 -- ObjV is 1 var, so this is no problem for implicit metadata
-stackSlotType :: Id -> VarType
+stackSlotType :: Id -> JSRep
 stackSlotType i
-  | OneSlot <- varSlotCount otype = otype
-  | otherwise                     = DoubleV
-  where otype = uTypeVt (idType i)
+  | OneSlot <- jsRepSlots otype = otype
+  | otherwise                   = DoubleV
+  where otype = unaryTypeJSRep (idType i)
 idPrimReps :: Id -> [PrimRep]
 idPrimReps = typePrimReps . idType
@@ -368,7 +237,7 @@ typePrimReps :: Type -> [PrimRep]
 typePrimReps = typePrimRep . unwrapType
 primRepSize :: PrimRep -> SlotCount
-primRepSize p = varSlotCount (primRepVt p)
+primRepSize p = jsRepSlots (primRepToJSRep p)
 -- | Associate the given values to each RrimRep in the given order, taking into
 -- account the number of slots per PrimRep
@@ -393,9 +262,6 @@ assocIdExprs i es = fmap (uncurry TypedExpr) (assocIdPrimReps i es)
 mkArityTag :: Int -> Int -> Int
 mkArityTag arity registers = arity Bits..|. (registers `Bits.shiftL` 8)
-toTypeList :: [VarType] -> [Int]
-toTypeList = concatMap (\x -> replicate (varSize x) (fromEnum x))
 --                        Stg Utils
@@ -467,10 +333,6 @@ collectIds unfloated b =
       | Just m <- nameModule_maybe (getName i) = m == gHC_PRIM
       | otherwise = False
-removeTick :: CgStgExpr -> CgStgExpr
-removeTick (StgTick _ e) = e
-removeTick e             = e
 -- Live vars
@@ -484,11 +346,6 @@ liveStatic = filterDVarSet isGlobalId
 liveVars :: LiveVars -> LiveVars
 liveVars = filterDVarSet (not . isGlobalId)
-stgTopBindLive :: CgStgTopBinding -> [(Id, LiveVars)]
-stgTopBindLive = \case
-  StgTopLifted b     -> stgBindLive b
-  StgTopStringLit {} -> []
 stgBindLive :: CgStgBinding -> [(Id, LiveVars)]
 stgBindLive = \case
   StgNonRec b rhs -> [(b, stgRhsLive rhs)]
@@ -529,9 +386,6 @@ stgAltLive :: CgStgAlt -> LiveVars
 stgAltLive alt =
   delDVarSetList (stgExprLive True (alt_rhs alt)) (alt_bndrs alt)
-stgLetNoEscapeLive :: Bool -> StgBinding -> StgExpr -> LiveVars
-stgLetNoEscapeLive _someBool _b _e = panic "stgLetNoEscapeLive"
 bindees :: CgStgBinding -> [Id]
 bindees = \case
   StgNonRec b _e -> [b]

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