[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/eqsat-pmc] 2 commits: Improvement to repId attempt
Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Jul 6 19:43:16 UTC 2023
Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/eqsat-pmc at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
a3e2f726 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2023-07-06T20:42:52+01:00
Improvement to repId attempt
- - - - -
421416dc by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2023-07-06T20:43:04+01:00
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- + TODO
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Solver.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Solver/Types.hs
- libraries/hegg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Oh, we'll really need a "universal" Id that maps to each class-id on each nabla.
+* It still feels like the right thing to do is have PhiCt receive ClassIds
+instead of Ids
+ * especially because of mkPmMatchId, which generates new match-ids without requiring them to be Ids.
+ * but the complication is having one representative across all Nabla(s) in Nablas
+Do one improvement at a time, and benchmark accordingly.
+VarId -> Maybe VarId
+Better representation than DeBruijnF, seems wasteful, we only care about
+debruijnization for lambdas in view patterns, which don't happen that often.
@@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ import qualified Data.Equality.Graph as EG
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
-import Data.Tuple (swap)
-import Data.Traversable (mapAccumL)
-- * Main exports
@@ -960,10 +958,9 @@ addCoreCt nabla x e = do
bind_expr :: CoreExpr -> StateT Nabla (MaybeT DsM) ClassId
bind_expr e = do
- x <- lift (lift (mkPmId (exprType e)))
- xid <- StateT $ \nabla -> pure $ representId x nabla
- core_expr xid e
- pure xid
+ x <- StateT $ \nabla -> lift (mkPmMatchId (exprType e) nabla)
+ core_expr x e
+ pure x
-- Look at @let x = K taus theta es@ and generate the following
-- constraints (assuming universals were dropped from @taus@ before):
@@ -1588,8 +1585,9 @@ instCon fuel nabla at MkNabla{nabla_ty_st = ty_st} x con = {-# SCC "instCon" #-} Ma
let gammas = substTheta sigma_ex (eqSpecPreds eq_spec ++ thetas)
-- (4) Instantiate fresh term variables as arguments to the constructor
let field_tys' = substTys sigma_ex $ map scaledThing field_tys
- arg_ids <- mapM mkPmId field_tys'
- let (nabla', arg_class_ids) = mapAccumL (\nab id -> swap $ representId id nab) nabla arg_ids
+ arg_ids <- mapM mkPmId field_tys' -- unfortunate, if PhiConCt received ClassIds instead of Ids we wouldn't need this. ROMES:TODO Explore
+ -- (arg_ids, nabla') <- runStateT (mapM (StateT @Nabla . mkPmMatchId) field_tys') nabla
+ let (arg_class_ids, nabla') = representIds arg_ids nabla
tracePm (hdr "(cts)") $ vcat
[ ppr x <+> dcolon <+> ppr match_ty
, text "In WHNF:" <+> ppr (isSourceTypeInWHNF match_ty) <+> ppr norm_match_ty
@@ -2036,12 +2034,11 @@ generateInhabitingPatterns mode (x:xs) n nabla at MkNabla{nabla_tm_st=ts} = do
instantiate_newtype_chain :: ClassId -> Nabla -> [(Type, DataCon, Type)] -> MaybeT DsM (ClassId, Nabla)
instantiate_newtype_chain x nabla [] = pure (x, nabla)
instantiate_newtype_chain x nabla ((_ty, dc, arg_ty):dcs) = do
- y <- lift $ mkPmId arg_ty
- let (yid,nabla') = representId y nabla
+ (y, nabla') <- lift $ mkPmMatchId arg_ty nabla
-- Newtypes don't have existentials (yet?!), so passing an empty
-- list as ex_tvs.
- nabla'' <- addConCt nabla' x (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc)) [] [yid]
- instantiate_newtype_chain yid nabla'' dcs
+ nabla'' <- addConCt nabla' x (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc)) [] [y]
+ instantiate_newtype_chain y nabla'' dcs
instantiate_cons :: ClassId -> Type -> [ClassId] -> Int -> Nabla -> [ConLike] -> DsM [Nabla]
instantiate_cons _ _ _ _ _ [] = pure []
@@ -2149,7 +2146,7 @@ updateVarInfo :: Functor f => ClassId -> (VarInfo -> f VarInfo) -> Nabla -> f Na
-- Update the data at class @xid@ using lenses and the monadic action @go@
updateVarInfo xid f nabla at MkNabla{ nabla_tm_st = ts at TmSt{ ts_facts=eg } } = (\eg' -> nabla{ nabla_tm_st = ts{ts_facts = eg'} }) <$> (_class xid . _data) f eg
-eclassMatchId :: HasCallStack => ClassId -> Nabla -> Id
+eclassMatchId :: ClassId -> Nabla -> Id
eclassMatchId cid = vi_id . (^. _class cid . _data) . (ts_facts . nabla_tm_st)
eclassType :: ClassId -> Nabla -> Type
@@ -2157,3 +2154,11 @@ eclassType cid = idType . eclassMatchId cid
-- ROMES:TODO: When exactly to rebuild?
+-- | Generate a fresh class for matching, returning the class-id as the match-id
+mkPmMatchId :: Type -> Nabla -> DsM (ClassId, Nabla)
+mkPmMatchId ty (MkNabla tyst ts at TmSt{ts_facts = egr}) = do
+ x <- mkPmId ty -- romes:Todo: for now, we still use mkPmId to get an Id for emptyVarInfo, but we want to get rid of this too
+ let (xid, egr') = EG.newEClass (emptyVarInfo x) egr
+ return (xid, MkNabla tyst ts{ts_facts=egr'})
+{-# NOINLINE mkPmMatchId #-} -- We'll CPR deeply, that should be enough
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Core.Equality
@@ -155,6 +156,8 @@ data TmState
= TmSt
{ ts_facts :: !TmEGraph
-- ^ Facts about terms.
+ , ts_reps :: !(IdEnv ClassId)
+ -- ^ A mapping from match-id Ids to the class-id representing that match-id
-- ROMES:TODO: ts_dirty looks a bit to me like the bookeeping needed to know
-- which nodes to upward merge, perhaps we can get rid of it too.
@@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ instance Outputable BotInfo where
-- | Not user-facing.
instance Outputable TmState where
- ppr (TmSt eg dirty) = text (show eg) $$ ppr dirty
+ ppr (TmSt eg idmp dirty) = text (show eg) $$ ppr idmp $$ ppr dirty
-- | Not user-facing.
instance Outputable VarInfo where
@@ -263,7 +266,7 @@ instance Outputable VarInfo where
-- | Initial state of the term oracle.
initTmState :: TmState
-initTmState = TmSt EG.emptyEGraph IS.empty
+initTmState = TmSt EG.emptyEGraph mempty IS.empty
-- | A data type that caches for the 'VarInfo' of @x@ the results of querying
-- 'dsGetCompleteMatches' and then striking out all occurrences of @K@ for
@@ -320,7 +323,7 @@ emptyVarInfo x
-- romes:TODO I don't think this is what we want any longer, more like represent Id and see if it was previously represented by some data or not?
-- romes:TodO should return VarInfo rather than Maybe VarInfo
lookupVarInfo :: TmState -> ClassId -> VarInfo
-lookupVarInfo (TmSt eg _) x
+lookupVarInfo (TmSt eg _ _) x
-- RM: Yea, I don't like the fact that currently all e-classes are created by Ids and have an Empty Var info, yet we must call "fromMaybe" here. Not good.
= eg ^._class x._data
@@ -836,9 +839,11 @@ instance Show VarInfo where
representId :: Id -> Nabla -> (ClassId, Nabla)
-- Will need to justify this well
-representId x (MkNabla tyst tmst at TmSt{ts_facts=eg0})
- = case EG.add (EG.Node (DF (deBruijnize (VarF x)))) eg0 of
- (xid, eg1) -> (xid, MkNabla tyst tmst{ts_facts=eg1})
+representId x (MkNabla tyst tmst at TmSt{ts_facts=eg0, ts_reps=idmp})
+ = case lookupVarEnv idmp x of
+ Nothing -> case EG.newEClass (emptyVarInfo x) eg0 of
+ (xid, eg1) -> (xid, MkNabla tyst tmst{ts_facts=eg1, ts_reps=extendVarEnv idmp x xid})
+ Just xid -> (xid, MkNabla tyst tmst)
representIds :: [Id] -> Nabla -> ([ClassId], Nabla)
representIds xs nabla = swap $ mapAccumL (\acc x -> swap $ representId x acc) nabla xs
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 238557096a773b8cbe70d141ed63aef302918a62
+Subproject commit 014e5c2b7acab76675ba2d2e16dd03a3dd19ee5d
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/5d225dc6363dcea82fb913cf44374b2b5435e55d...421416dc49a5b37d1d240d7f2a9eedcd5200fb01
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/5d225dc6363dcea82fb913cf44374b2b5435e55d...421416dc49a5b37d1d240d7f2a9eedcd5200fb01
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