[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/or-pats] Adjust the pattern-match checker for Or patterns

Sebastian Graf (@sgraf812) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Jan 27 14:15:56 UTC 2023

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/or-pats at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

16ffeb08 by Sebastian Graf at 2023-01-27T15:06:34+01:00
Adjust the pattern-match checker for Or patterns

Previously, any pattern match or guard could be desugared into a vector of
elementary `PmGrd`s (called `GrdVec`) that must all match conjunctively.

But with Or patterns, that is bound to change, quite drastically so:
Or patterns imply disjunctive matching, and because they may occur
nestedly inside other patterns, we need to widen our `GrdVec` type
to accomodate both conjunctive/sequential as well as disjunctive/alternative

This leads to a rather modest generalisation of the guard tree formalism,
yielding guard *directed acyclic graphs*. These DAGs are *series-parallel*,
that is to say a *very* benign kind of DAG that is nearly a tree, and which
can be defined easily as an inductive data type, `GrdDag`.

Beyond adjustments to use the new graph constructors, the rest is just routine
re-use of the existing `topToBottom` combinator in `GHC.HsToCore.Pmc.Check`.


- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Check.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Desugar.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Types.hs


@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ import Data.Coerce
 newtype CheckAction a = CA { unCA :: Nablas -> DsM (CheckResult a) }
   deriving Functor
+-- | A 'CheckAction' representing a successful pattern-match.
+matchSucceeded :: CheckAction RedSets
+matchSucceeded = CA $ \inc -> -- succeed
+  pure CheckResult { cr_ret = emptyRedSets { rs_cov = inc }
+                   , cr_uncov = mempty
+                   , cr_approx = Precise }
 -- | Composes 'CheckAction's top-to-bottom:
 -- If a value falls through the resulting action, then it must fall through the
 -- first action and then through the second action.
@@ -91,12 +98,12 @@ throttle limit old@(MkNablas old_ds) new@(MkNablas new_ds)
   | length new_ds > max limit (length old_ds) = (Approximate, old)
   | otherwise                                 = (Precise,     new)
-checkSequence :: (grdtree -> CheckAction anntree) -> NonEmpty grdtree -> CheckAction (NonEmpty anntree)
+checkAlternatives :: (grdtree -> CheckAction anntree) -> NonEmpty grdtree -> CheckAction (NonEmpty anntree)
 -- The implementation is pretty similar to
 -- @traverse1 :: Apply f => (a -> f b) -> NonEmpty a -> f (NonEmpty b)@
-checkSequence act (t :| [])       = (:| []) <$> act t
-checkSequence act (t1 :| (t2:ts)) =
-  topToBottom (NE.<|) (act t1) (checkSequence act (t2:|ts))
+checkAlternatives act (t :| [])       = (:| []) <$> act t
+checkAlternatives act (t1 :| (t2:ts)) =
+  topToBottom (NE.<|) (act t1) (checkAlternatives act (t2:|ts))
 emptyRedSets :: RedSets
 -- Semigroup instance would be misleading!
@@ -148,33 +155,49 @@ checkGrd grd = CA $ \inc -> case grd of
                      , cr_uncov = uncov
                      , cr_approx = Precise }
-checkGrds :: [PmGrd] -> CheckAction RedSets
-checkGrds [] = CA $ \inc ->
-  pure CheckResult { cr_ret = emptyRedSets { rs_cov = inc }
-                   , cr_uncov = mempty
-                   , cr_approx = Precise }
-checkGrds (g:grds) = leftToRight merge (checkGrd g) (checkGrds grds)
+checkGrdDag :: GrdDag -> CheckAction RedSets
+checkGrdDag (GdOne g)     = checkGrd g
+checkGrdDag GdEnd         = matchSucceeded
+checkGrdDag (GdSeq dl dr) = leftToRight merge (checkGrdDag dl) (checkGrdDag dr)
+  where
+    -- Note that
+    --   * the incoming set of dr is the covered set of dl
+    --   * the covered set of dr is a subset of the incoming set of dr
+    --   * this is so that the covered set of dr is the covered set of the
+    --     entire sequence
+    -- Hence we merge by returning @rs_cov ri_r@ as the covered set.
+    merge ri_l ri_r =
+      RedSets { rs_cov   = rs_cov   ri_r
+              , rs_div   = rs_div   ri_l Semi.<> rs_div   ri_r
+              , rs_bangs = rs_bangs ri_l Semi.<> rs_bangs ri_r }
+checkGrdDag (GdAlt dt db) = topToBottom merge (checkGrdDag dt) (checkGrdDag db)
-    merge ri_g ri_grds = -- This operation would /not/ form a Semigroup!
-      RedSets { rs_cov   = rs_cov ri_grds
-              , rs_div   = rs_div ri_g   Semi.<> rs_div ri_grds
-              , rs_bangs = rs_bangs ri_g Semi.<> rs_bangs ri_grds }
+    -- The intuition here: ri_b is disjoint with ri_t, because db only gets
+    -- fed the "leftover" uncovered set of dt. But for the GrdDag that follows
+    -- to the right of the GdAlt (say), we have to reunite the RedSets. Hence
+    -- component-wise merge.
+    merge ri_t ri_b =
+      RedSets { rs_cov   = rs_cov   ri_t Semi.<> rs_cov   ri_b
+              , rs_div   = rs_div   ri_t Semi.<> rs_div   ri_b
+              , rs_bangs = rs_bangs ri_t Semi.<> rs_bangs ri_b }
 checkMatchGroup :: PmMatchGroup Pre -> CheckAction (PmMatchGroup Post)
 checkMatchGroup (PmMatchGroup matches) =
-  PmMatchGroup <$> checkSequence checkMatch matches
+  PmMatchGroup <$> checkAlternatives checkMatch matches
 checkMatch :: PmMatch Pre -> CheckAction (PmMatch Post)
-checkMatch (PmMatch { pm_pats = GrdVec grds, pm_grhss = grhss }) =
-  leftToRight PmMatch (checkGrds grds) (checkGRHSs grhss)
+checkMatch (PmMatch { pm_pats = grds, pm_grhss = grhss }) =
+  leftToRight PmMatch (checkGrdDag grds) (checkGRHSs grhss)
 checkGRHSs :: PmGRHSs Pre -> CheckAction (PmGRHSs Post)
-checkGRHSs (PmGRHSs { pgs_lcls = GrdVec lcls, pgs_grhss = grhss }) =
-  leftToRight PmGRHSs (checkGrds lcls) (checkSequence checkGRHS grhss)
+checkGRHSs (PmGRHSs { pgs_lcls = lcls, pgs_grhss = grhss }) =
+  leftToRight PmGRHSs (checkGrdDag lcls) (checkAlternatives checkGRHS grhss)
 checkGRHS :: PmGRHS Pre -> CheckAction (PmGRHS Post)
-checkGRHS (PmGRHS { pg_grds = GrdVec grds, pg_rhs = rhs_info }) =
-  flip PmGRHS rhs_info <$> checkGrds grds
+checkGRHS (PmGRHS { pg_grds = grds, pg_rhs = rhs_info }) =
+  flip PmGRHS rhs_info <$> checkGrdDag grds
 checkEmptyCase :: PmEmptyCase -> CheckAction PmEmptyCase
 -- See Note [Checking EmptyCase]

@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCo.Compare( eqType )
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
-import GHC.Utils.Monad (concatMapM)
 import GHC.Types.SourceText (FractionalLit(..))
 import Control.Monad (zipWithM, replicateM)
 import Data.List (elemIndex)
@@ -56,9 +55,8 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
 -- import GHC.Driver.Ppr
 -- | Smart constructor that eliminates trivial lets
-mkPmLetVar :: Id -> Id -> [PmGrd]
-mkPmLetVar x y | x == y = []
-mkPmLetVar x y          = [PmLet x (Var y)]
+mkPmLetVar :: Id -> Id -> GrdDag
+mkPmLetVar x y = sequencePmGrds [ PmLet x (Var y) | x /= y ]
 -- | ADT constructor pattern => no existentials, no local constraints
 vanillaConGrd :: Id -> DataCon -> [Id] -> PmGrd
@@ -66,25 +64,24 @@ vanillaConGrd scrut con arg_ids =
   PmCon { pm_id = scrut, pm_con_con = PmAltConLike (RealDataCon con)
         , pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_dicts = [], pm_con_args = arg_ids }
--- | Creates a '[PmGrd]' refining a match var of list type to a list,
--- where list fields are matched against the incoming tagged '[PmGrd]'s.
+-- | Creates a 'GrdDag' refining a match var of list type to a list,
+-- where list fields are matched against the incoming tagged 'GrdDag's.
 -- For example:
 --   @mkListGrds "a" "[(x, True <- x),(y, !y)]"@
 -- to
 --   @"[(x:b) <- a, True <- x, (y:c) <- b, !y, [] <- c]"@
 -- where @b@ and @c@ are freshly allocated in @mkListGrds@ and @a@ is the match
 -- variable.
-mkListGrds :: Id -> [(Id, [PmGrd])] -> DsM [PmGrd]
+mkListGrds :: Id -> [(Id, GrdDag)] -> DsM GrdDag
 -- See Note [Order of guards matters] for why we need to intertwine guards
 -- on list elements.
-mkListGrds a []                  = pure [vanillaConGrd a nilDataCon []]
+mkListGrds a []                  = pure (GdOne (vanillaConGrd a nilDataCon []))
 mkListGrds a ((x, head_grds):xs) = do
   b <- mkPmId (idType a)
   tail_grds <- mkListGrds b xs
-  pure $ vanillaConGrd a consDataCon [x, b] : head_grds ++ tail_grds
--- | Create a '[PmGrd]' refining a match variable to a 'PmLit'.
-mkPmLitGrds :: Id -> PmLit -> DsM [PmGrd]
+  pure $ sequenceGrdDags [GdOne (vanillaConGrd a consDataCon [x, b]), head_grds, tail_grds]
+-- | Create a 'GrdDag' refining a match variable to a 'PmLit'.
+mkPmLitGrds :: Id -> PmLit -> DsM GrdDag
 mkPmLitGrds x (PmLit _ (PmLitString s)) = do
   -- We desugar String literals to list literals for better overlap reasoning.
   -- It's a little unfortunate we do this here rather than in
@@ -102,26 +99,25 @@ mkPmLitGrds x lit = do
                   , pm_con_tvs = []
                   , pm_con_dicts = []
                   , pm_con_args = [] }
-  pure [grd]
+  pure (GdOne grd)
--- | @desugarPat _ x pat@ transforms @pat@ into a '[PmGrd]', where
+-- | @desugarPat _ x pat@ transforms @pat@ into a 'GrdDag', where
 -- the variable representing the match is @x at .
-desugarPat :: Id -> Pat GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+desugarPat :: Id -> Pat GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarPat x pat = case pat of
-  WildPat  _ty -> pure []
+  WildPat  _ty -> pure GdEnd
   VarPat _ y   -> pure (mkPmLetVar (unLoc y) x)
   ParPat _ _ p _ -> desugarLPat x p
-  LazyPat _ _  -> pure [] -- like a wildcard
+  LazyPat _ _  -> pure GdEnd -- like a wildcard
   BangPat _ p@(L l p') ->
     -- Add the bang in front of the list, because it will happen before any
     -- nested stuff.
-    (PmBang x pm_loc :) <$> desugarLPat x p
+    consGrdDag (PmBang x pm_loc) <$> desugarLPat x p
       where pm_loc = Just (SrcInfo (L (locA l) (ppr p')))
   -- (x at pat)   ==>   Desugar pat with x as match var and handle impedance
   --                 mismatch with incoming match var
-  AsPat _ (L _ y) _ p -> (mkPmLetVar y x ++) <$> desugarLPat y p
+  AsPat _ (L _ y) _ p -> (mkPmLetVar y x `gdSeq`) <$> desugarLPat y p
   SigPat _ p _ty -> desugarLPat x p
   XPat ext -> case ext of
@@ -155,24 +151,20 @@ desugarPat x pat = case pat of
       | otherwise -> do
           (y, grds) <- desugarPatV p
           wrap_rhs_y <- dsHsWrapper wrapper
-          pure (PmLet y (wrap_rhs_y (Var x)) : grds)
-  -- (n + k)  ===>   let b = x >= k, True <- b, let n = x-k
+          pure (GdOne (PmLet y (wrap_rhs_y (Var x))) `GdSeq` grds)  -- (n + k)  ===>   let b = x >= k, True <- b, let n = x-k
   NPlusKPat _pat_ty (L _ n) k1 k2 ge minus -> do
     b <- mkPmId boolTy
     let grd_b = vanillaConGrd b trueDataCon []
     [ke1, ke2] <- traverse dsOverLit [unLoc k1, k2]
     rhs_b <- dsSyntaxExpr ge    [Var x, ke1]
     rhs_n <- dsSyntaxExpr minus [Var x, ke2]
-    pure [PmLet b rhs_b, grd_b, PmLet n rhs_n]
+    pure $ sequencePmGrds [PmLet b rhs_b, grd_b, PmLet n rhs_n]
   -- (fun -> pat)   ===>   let y = fun x, pat <- y where y is a match var of pat
   ViewPat _arg_ty lexpr pat -> do
     (y, grds) <- desugarLPatV pat
     fun <- dsLExpr lexpr
-    pure $ PmLet y (App fun (Var x)) : grds
-  -- list
+    pure $ GdOne (PmLet y (App fun (Var x))) `GdSeq` grds  -- list
   ListPat _ ps ->
     desugarListPat x ps
@@ -236,43 +228,43 @@ desugarPat x pat = case pat of
   TuplePat _tys pats boxity -> do
     (vars, grdss) <- mapAndUnzipM desugarLPatV pats
     let tuple_con = tupleDataCon boxity (length vars)
-    pure $ vanillaConGrd x tuple_con vars : concat grdss
+    pure $ vanillaConGrd x tuple_con vars `consGrdDag` sequenceGrdDags grdss
-  OrPat _tys pats -> concatMapM (desugarLPat x) (NE.toList pats)
+  OrPat _tys pats -> alternativesGrdDags <$> traverse (desugarLPat x) pats
   SumPat _ty p alt arity -> do
     (y, grds) <- desugarLPatV p
     let sum_con = sumDataCon alt arity
     -- See Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars] in GHC.Core.TyCon
-    pure $ vanillaConGrd x sum_con [y] : grds
+    pure $ vanillaConGrd x sum_con [y] `consGrdDag` grds
   SplicePat {} -> panic "Check.desugarPat: SplicePat"
 -- | 'desugarPat', but also select and return a new match var.
-desugarPatV :: Pat GhcTc -> DsM (Id, [PmGrd])
+desugarPatV :: Pat GhcTc -> DsM (Id, GrdDag)
 desugarPatV pat = do
   x <- selectMatchVar ManyTy pat
   grds <- desugarPat x pat
   pure (x, grds)
-desugarLPat :: Id -> LPat GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+desugarLPat :: Id -> LPat GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarLPat x = desugarPat x . unLoc
 -- | 'desugarLPat', but also select and return a new match var.
-desugarLPatV :: LPat GhcTc -> DsM (Id, [PmGrd])
+desugarLPatV :: LPat GhcTc -> DsM (Id, GrdDag)
 desugarLPatV = desugarPatV . unLoc
 -- | @desugarListPat _ x [p1, ..., pn]@ is basically
 --   @desugarConPatOut _ x $(mkListConPatOuts [p1, ..., pn]>@ without ever
 -- constructing the 'ConPatOut's.
-desugarListPat :: Id -> [LPat GhcTc] -> DsM [PmGrd]
+desugarListPat :: Id -> [LPat GhcTc] -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarListPat x pats = do
   vars_and_grdss <- traverse desugarLPatV pats
   mkListGrds x vars_and_grdss
 -- | Desugar a constructor pattern
 desugarConPatOut :: Id -> ConLike -> [Type] -> [TyVar]
-                 -> [EvVar] -> HsConPatDetails GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+                 -> [EvVar] -> HsConPatDetails GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarConPatOut x con univ_tys ex_tvs dicts = \case
     PrefixCon _ ps               -> go_field_pats (zip [0..] ps)
     InfixCon  p1 p2              -> go_field_pats (zip [0..] [p1,p2])
@@ -314,15 +306,15 @@ desugarConPatOut x con univ_tys ex_tvs dicts = \case
       let con_grd = PmCon x (PmAltConLike con) ex_tvs dicts arg_ids
       -- 2. guards from field selector patterns
-      let arg_grds = concat arg_grdss
+      let arg_grds = sequenceGrdDags arg_grdss
       -- tracePm "ConPatOut" (ppr x $$ ppr con $$ ppr arg_ids)
-      pure (con_grd : arg_grds)
+      pure (con_grd `consGrdDag` arg_grds)
 desugarPatBind :: SrcSpan -> Id -> Pat GhcTc -> DsM (PmPatBind Pre)
 -- See 'GrdPatBind' for how this simply repurposes GrdGRHS.
 desugarPatBind loc var pat =
-  PmPatBind . flip PmGRHS (SrcInfo (L loc (ppr pat))) . GrdVec <$> desugarPat var pat
+  PmPatBind . flip PmGRHS (SrcInfo (L loc (ppr pat))) <$> desugarPat var pat
 desugarEmptyCase :: Id -> DsM PmEmptyCase
 desugarEmptyCase var = pure PmEmptyCase { pe_var = var }
@@ -339,10 +331,10 @@ desugarMatch vars (L match_loc (Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = grhss })) = do
   dflags <- getDynFlags
   -- decideBangHood: See Note [Desugaring -XStrict matches in Pmc]
   let banged_pats = map (decideBangHood dflags) pats
-  pats'  <- concat <$> zipWithM desugarLPat vars banged_pats
+  pats'  <- sequenceGrdDags <$> zipWithM desugarLPat vars banged_pats
   grhss' <- desugarGRHSs (locA match_loc) (sep (map ppr pats)) grhss
   -- tracePm "desugarMatch" (vcat [ppr pats, ppr pats', ppr grhss'])
-  return PmMatch { pm_pats = GrdVec pats', pm_grhss = grhss' }
+  return PmMatch { pm_pats = pats', pm_grhss = grhss' }
 desugarGRHSs :: SrcSpan -> SDoc -> GRHSs GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> DsM (PmGRHSs Pre)
 desugarGRHSs match_loc pp_pats grhss = do
@@ -351,7 +343,7 @@ desugarGRHSs match_loc pp_pats grhss = do
               . expectJust "desugarGRHSs"
               . NE.nonEmpty
               $ grhssGRHSs grhss
-  return PmGRHSs { pgs_lcls = GrdVec lcls, pgs_grhss = grhss' }
+  return PmGRHSs { pgs_lcls = lcls, pgs_grhss = grhss' }
 -- | Desugar a guarded right-hand side to a single 'GrdTree'
 desugarLGRHS :: SrcSpan -> SDoc -> LGRHS GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> DsM (PmGRHS Pre)
@@ -364,11 +356,11 @@ desugarLGRHS match_loc pp_pats (L _loc (GRHS _ gs _)) = do
   let rhs_info = case gs of
         []              -> L match_loc      pp_pats
         (L grd_loc _):_ -> L (locA grd_loc) (pp_pats <+> vbar <+> interpp'SP gs)
-  grds <- concatMapM (desugarGuard . unLoc) gs
-  pure PmGRHS { pg_grds = GrdVec grds, pg_rhs = SrcInfo rhs_info }
+  grdss <- traverse (desugarGuard . unLoc) gs
+  pure PmGRHS { pg_grds = sequenceGrdDags grdss, pg_rhs = SrcInfo rhs_info }
--- | Desugar a guard statement to a '[PmGrd]'
-desugarGuard :: GuardStmt GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+-- | Desugar a guard statement to a 'GrdDag'
+desugarGuard :: GuardStmt GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarGuard guard = case guard of
   BodyStmt _   e _ _ -> desugarBoolGuard e
   LetStmt  _   binds -> desugarLocalBinds binds
@@ -379,22 +371,25 @@ desugarGuard guard = case guard of
   RecStmt         {} -> panic "desugarGuard RecStmt"
   ApplicativeStmt {} -> panic "desugarGuard ApplicativeLastStmt"
+sequenceGrdDagMapM :: Applicative f => (a -> f GrdDag) -> [a] -> f GrdDag
+sequenceGrdDagMapM f as = sequenceGrdDags <$> traverse f as
 -- | Desugar local bindings to a bunch of 'PmLet' guards.
 -- Deals only with simple @let@ or @where@ bindings without any polymorphism,
 -- recursion, pattern bindings etc.
 -- See Note [Long-distance information for HsLocalBinds].
-desugarLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+desugarLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarLocalBinds (HsValBinds _ (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))) =
-  concatMapM (concatMapM go . bagToList) (map snd binds)
+  sequenceGrdDagMapM (sequenceGrdDagMapM go . bagToList) (map snd binds)
-    go :: LHsBind GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+    go :: LHsBind GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
     go (L _ FunBind{fun_id = L _ x, fun_matches = mg})
       -- See Note [Long-distance information for HsLocalBinds] for why this
       -- pattern match is so very specific.
       | L _ [L _ Match{m_pats = [], m_grhss = grhss}] <- mg_alts mg
       , GRHSs{grhssGRHSs = [L _ (GRHS _ _grds rhs)]} <- grhss = do
           core_rhs <- dsLExpr rhs
-          return [PmLet x core_rhs]
+          return (GdOne (PmLet x core_rhs))
     go (L _ (XHsBindsLR (AbsBinds
                           { abs_tvs = [], abs_ev_vars = []
                           , abs_exports=exports, abs_binds = binds }))) = do
@@ -410,14 +405,14 @@ desugarLocalBinds (HsValBinds _ (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))) =
             | otherwise
             = Nothing
       let exps = mapMaybe go_export exports
-      bs <- concatMapM go (bagToList binds)
-      return (exps ++ bs)
-    go _ = return []
-desugarLocalBinds _binds = return []
+      bs <- sequenceGrdDagMapM go (bagToList binds)
+      return (sequencePmGrds exps `gdSeq` bs)
+    go _ = return GdEnd
+desugarLocalBinds _binds = return GdEnd
 -- | Desugar a pattern guard
 --   @pat <- e ==>  let x = e;  <guards for pat <- x>@
-desugarBind :: LPat GhcTc -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+desugarBind :: LPat GhcTc -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarBind p e = dsLExpr e >>= \case
   Var y
     | Nothing <- isDataConId_maybe y
@@ -425,24 +420,24 @@ desugarBind p e = dsLExpr e >>= \case
     -> desugarLPat y p
   rhs -> do
     (x, grds) <- desugarLPatV p
-    pure (PmLet x rhs : grds)
+    pure (PmLet x rhs `consGrdDag` grds)
 -- | Desugar a boolean guard
 --   @e ==>  let x = e; True <- x@
-desugarBoolGuard :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM [PmGrd]
+desugarBoolGuard :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM GrdDag
 desugarBoolGuard e
-  | isJust (isTrueLHsExpr e) = return []
+  | isJust (isTrueLHsExpr e) = return GdEnd
     -- The formal thing to do would be to generate (True <- True)
     -- but it is trivial to solve so instead we give back an empty
-    -- [PmGrd] for efficiency
+    -- GrdDag for efficiency
   | otherwise = dsLExpr e >>= \case
       Var y
         | Nothing <- isDataConId_maybe y
         -- Omit the let by matching on y
-        -> pure [vanillaConGrd y trueDataCon []]
+        -> pure (GdOne (vanillaConGrd y trueDataCon []))
       rhs -> do
         x <- mkPmId boolTy
-        pure [PmLet x rhs, vanillaConGrd x trueDataCon []]
+        pure $ sequencePmGrds [PmLet x rhs, vanillaConGrd x trueDataCon []]
 {- Note [Field match order for RecCon]

@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ module GHC.HsToCore.Pmc.Types (
         -- * LYG syntax
         -- ** Guard language
-        SrcInfo(..), PmGrd(..), GrdVec(..),
+        SrcInfo(..), PmGrd(..), GrdDag(..),
+        consGrdDag, gdSeq, sequencePmGrds, sequenceGrdDags,
+        alternativesGrdDags,
         -- ** Guard tree language
         PmMatchGroup(..), PmMatch(..), PmGRHSs(..), PmGRHS(..), PmPatBind(..), PmEmptyCase(..),
@@ -101,8 +103,50 @@ instance Outputable PmGrd where
 -- location.
 newtype SrcInfo = SrcInfo (Located SDoc)
--- | A sequence of 'PmGrd's.
-newtype GrdVec = GrdVec [PmGrd]
+-- | A Series-parallel graph of 'PmGrd's, so very nearly a guard tree, if
+-- it weren't for or-patterns/'GdAlt!
+-- The implicit "source" corresponds to "before the match" and the implicit
+-- "sink" corresponds to "after a successful match".
+--   * 'GdEnd' is a 'GrdDag' that always matches.
+--   * 'GdOne' is a 'GrdDag' that matches iff its 'PmGrd' matches.
+--   * @'GdSeq' g1 g2@ corresponds to matching guards @g1@ and then @g2@
+--     if matching @g1@ succeeded.
+--     Example: The Haskell guard @| x > 1, x < 10 = ...@ will test @x > 1@
+--     before @x < 10@, failing if either test fails.
+--   * @'GdAlt' g1 g2@ is far less common than 'GdSeq' and corresponds to
+--     matching an or-pattern @(one of LT, EQ)@, succeeding if the
+--     match variable matches /either/ 'LT' or 'EQ'.
+data GrdDag
+  = GdEnd
+  | GdOne !PmGrd
+  | GdSeq !GrdDag !GrdDag
+  | GdAlt !GrdDag !GrdDag
+-- | Sequentially compose a list of 'PmGrd's into a 'GrdDag'.
+sequencePmGrds :: [PmGrd] -> GrdDag
+sequencePmGrds = sequenceGrdDags . map GdOne
+-- | Sequentially compose a list of 'GrdDag's.
+sequenceGrdDags :: [GrdDag] -> GrdDag
+sequenceGrdDags xs = foldr gdSeq GdEnd xs
+-- | Sequentially compose a 'PmGrd' in front of a 'GrdDag'.
+consGrdDag :: PmGrd -> GrdDag -> GrdDag
+consGrdDag g d = gdSeq (GdOne g) d
+-- | Sequentially compose two 'GrdDag's. A smart constructor for `GdSeq` that
+-- eliminates `GdEnd`s.
+gdSeq :: GrdDag -> GrdDag -> GrdDag
+gdSeq g1    GdEnd = g1
+gdSeq GdEnd g2    = g2
+gdSeq g1    g2    = g1 `GdSeq` g2
+-- | Parallel composition of a list of 'GrdDag's.
+-- Needs a non-empty list as 'GdAlt' does not have a neutral element.
+alternativesGrdDags :: NonEmpty GrdDag -> GrdDag
+alternativesGrdDags xs = foldr1 GdAlt xs
 -- | A guard tree denoting 'MatchGroup'.
 newtype PmMatchGroup p = PmMatchGroup (NonEmpty (PmMatch p))
@@ -135,9 +179,15 @@ instance Outputable SrcInfo where
   ppr (SrcInfo (L s                   _)) = ppr s
 -- | Format LYG guards as @| True <- x, let x = 42, !z@
-instance Outputable GrdVec where
-  ppr (GrdVec [])     = empty
-  ppr (GrdVec (g:gs)) = fsep (char '|' <+> ppr g : map ((comma <+>) . ppr) gs)
+instance Outputable GrdDag where
+  ppr GdEnd = empty
+  ppr (GdOne g) = ppr g
+  ppr (GdSeq d1 d2) = ppr d1 <> comma <+> ppr d2
+  ppr d0 at GdAlt{} = parens $ text "one of" <+> fsep (ppr d : map ((semi <+>) . ppr) ds)
+    where
+      d NE.:| ds = collect d0
+      collect (GdAlt d1 d2) = collect d1 Semi.<> collect d2
+      collect d = NE.singleton d
 -- | Format a LYG sequence (e.g. 'Match'es of a 'MatchGroup' or 'GRHSs') as
 -- @{ <first alt>; ...; <last alt> }@
@@ -232,7 +282,7 @@ instance Outputable a => Outputable (CheckResult a) where
 -- | Used as tree payload pre-checking. The LYG guards to check.
-type Pre = GrdVec
+type Pre = GrdDag
 -- | Used as tree payload post-checking. The redundancy info we elaborated.
 type Post = RedSets

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