[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/decode_cloned_stack] Use `Box Any` for lazy closures

Sven Tennie (@supersven) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Jan 23 17:30:06 UTC 2023

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/decode_cloned_stack at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

50dc463b by Sven Tennie at 2023-01-23T17:23:53+00:00
Use `Box Any` for lazy closures

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/DecodeStack.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.cmm
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/TestUtils.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/stack_big_ret.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/stack_misc_closures.hs


@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ getUnderflowFrameNextChunk (StackFrameIter {..}) = StackSnapshot s#
 foreign import prim "getWordzh" getWord# :: StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+foreign import prim "getAddrzh" getAddr# :: StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> Addr#
 getWord :: StackFrameIter -> WordOffset -> Word
 getWord (StackFrameIter {..}) relativeOffset = W# (getWord# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index) (wordOffsetToWord# relativeOffset))
@@ -145,40 +147,32 @@ toBitmapEntries sfi@(StackFrameIter {..}) bitmapWord bSize = BitmapEntry {
     isPrimitive = (bitmapWord .&. 1) /= 0
   } : toBitmapEntries (StackFrameIter stackSnapshot# (index + 1)) (bitmapWord `shiftR` 1) (bSize - 1)
-toBitmapPayload :: BitmapEntry -> IO Box
-toBitmapPayload e | isPrimitive e = pure $ DecodedClosureBox. CL.UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive . derefStackWord . closureFrame $ e
-toBitmapPayload e = toClosure (unpackClosureReferencedByFrame 0) (closureFrame e)
-getClosure :: StackFrameIter ->  WordOffset-> IO Box
-getClosure sfi relativeOffset = toClosure (unpackClosureReferencedByFrame relativeOffset) sfi
-toClosure :: (StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> (# Addr#, ByteArray#, Array# Any #)) -> StackFrameIter -> IO Box
-toClosure f# (StackFrameIter {..}) =
-  case f# stackSnapshot# index of
-      (# infoTableAddr, heapRep, pointersArray #) ->
-          let infoTablePtr = Ptr infoTableAddr
-              ptrList = [case indexArray# pointersArray i of
-                              (# ptr #) -> CL.Box ptr
-                          | I# i <- [0..I# (sizeofArray# pointersArray) - 1]
-                          ]
-          in
-            DecodedClosureBox <$> (getClosureDataFromHeapRep heapRep infoTablePtr ptrList)
+toBitmapPayload :: BitmapEntry -> Box
+toBitmapPayload e | isPrimitive e = DecodedClosureBox $ (CL.UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive . derefStackWord . closureFrame) e
+toBitmapPayload e = getClosure (closureFrame e) 0
+getClosure :: StackFrameIter ->  WordOffset-> Box
+getClosure StackFrameIter {..} relativeOffset =
+  let offset = wordOffsetToWord# (index + relativeOffset)
+      !ptr = (getAddr# stackSnapshot# offset)
+      !a :: Any = unsafeCoerce# ptr
+  in Box a
-decodeLargeBitmap :: (StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# ByteArray#, Word# #)) -> StackFrameIter -> WordOffset -> IO [Box]
+decodeLargeBitmap :: (StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# ByteArray#, Word# #)) -> StackFrameIter -> WordOffset -> [Box]
 decodeLargeBitmap getterFun# sfi@(StackFrameIter {..}) relativePayloadOffset =
       let !(# bitmapArray#, size# #) = getterFun# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index)
           bitmapWords :: [Word] = byteArrayToList bitmapArray#
         decodeBitmaps sfi relativePayloadOffset bitmapWords (W# size#)
-decodeBitmaps :: StackFrameIter -> WordOffset -> [Word] -> Word -> IO [Box]
+decodeBitmaps :: StackFrameIter -> WordOffset -> [Word] -> Word -> [Box]
 decodeBitmaps (StackFrameIter {..}) relativePayloadOffset bitmapWords size =
           bes = wordsToBitmapEntries (StackFrameIter stackSnapshot# (index + relativePayloadOffset)) bitmapWords size
-        mapM toBitmapPayload bes
+        map toBitmapPayload bes
-decodeSmallBitmap :: (StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #)) -> StackFrameIter -> WordOffset -> IO [Box]
+decodeSmallBitmap :: (StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #)) -> StackFrameIter -> WordOffset -> [Box]
 decodeSmallBitmap getterFun# sfi@(StackFrameIter {..}) relativePayloadOffset =
       let !(# bitmap#, size# #) = getterFun# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index)
           size = W# size#
@@ -200,54 +194,59 @@ wordOffsetToWord# wo = intToWord# (fromIntegral wo)
 unpackStackFrameIter :: StackFrameIter -> IO CL.Closure
 unpackStackFrameIter sfi = do
   info <- getInfoTable sfi
-  case tipe info of
-     RET_BCO -> do
-        bco' <- getClosure sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
-        -- The arguments begin directly after the payload's one element
-        args' <- decodeLargeBitmap getBCOLargeBitmap# sfi (offsetStgClosurePayload + 1)
-        pure $ CL.RetBCO info bco' args'
-     RET_SMALL -> do
-                    payloads <- decodeSmallBitmap getSmallBitmap# sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
-                    let special = getRetSmallSpecialType sfi
-                    pure $ CL.RetSmall info special payloads
-     RET_BIG -> CL.RetBig info <$> decodeLargeBitmap getLargeBitmap# sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
-     RET_FUN -> do
-        let t = getRetFunType sfi
-            size' = getWord sfi offsetStgRetFunFrameSize
-        fun' <- getClosure sfi offsetStgRetFunFrameFun
-        payload' <-
-          if t == CL.ARG_GEN_BIG then
-            decodeLargeBitmap getRetFunLargeBitmap# sfi offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
-          else
-            decodeSmallBitmap getRetFunSmallBitmap# sfi offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
-        pure $ CL.RetFun info t size' fun' payload'
-     -- TODO: Decode update frame type
-     UPDATE_FRAME -> let
-        !t = getUpdateFrameType sfi
-        c = getClosure sfi offsetStgUpdateFrameUpdatee
-      in
-        (CL.UpdateFrame info t ) <$> c
-     CATCH_FRAME -> do
-        let exceptionsBlocked = getWord sfi offsetStgCatchFrameExceptionsBlocked
-        c <- getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchFrameHandler
-        pure $ CL.CatchFrame info exceptionsBlocked c
-     UNDERFLOW_FRAME -> let
-          nextChunk = getUnderflowFrameNextChunk sfi
-        in
-          pure $ CL.UnderflowFrame info nextChunk
-     STOP_FRAME -> pure $ CL.StopFrame info
-     ATOMICALLY_FRAME -> CL.AtomicallyFrame info
-            <$> getClosure sfi offsetStgAtomicallyFrameCode
-            <*> getClosure sfi offsetStgAtomicallyFrameResult
-        let running_alt_code' = getWord sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningAltCode
-        first_code' <- getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningFirstCode
-        alt_code' <- getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameAltCode
-        pure $ CL.CatchRetryFrame info running_alt_code' first_code' alt_code'
-     CATCH_STM_FRAME -> CL.CatchStmFrame info
-          <$> getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchSTMFrameCode
-          <*> getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchSTMFrameHandler
-     x -> error $ "Unexpected closure type on stack: " ++ show x
+  pure $ unpackStackFrameIter' info
+  where
+    -- TODO: Check all (missing?) bang patterns
+    unpackStackFrameIter' :: StgInfoTable -> CL.Closure
+    unpackStackFrameIter' info = do
+      case tipe info of
+        RET_BCO -> do
+            let !bco' = getClosure sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
+                -- The arguments begin directly after the payload's one element
+                !args' = decodeLargeBitmap getBCOLargeBitmap# sfi (offsetStgClosurePayload + 1)
+            CL.RetBCO info bco' args'
+        RET_SMALL -> do
+                        let !special = getRetSmallSpecialType sfi
+                            !payloads = decodeSmallBitmap getSmallBitmap# sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
+                        CL.RetSmall info special payloads
+        RET_BIG -> CL.RetBig info $ decodeLargeBitmap getLargeBitmap# sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
+        RET_FUN -> do
+            let t = getRetFunType sfi
+                size' = getWord sfi offsetStgRetFunFrameSize
+                fun' = getClosure sfi offsetStgRetFunFrameFun
+                payload' =
+                  if t == CL.ARG_GEN_BIG then
+                    decodeLargeBitmap getRetFunLargeBitmap# sfi offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
+                  else
+                    decodeSmallBitmap getRetFunSmallBitmap# sfi offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
+            CL.RetFun info t size' fun' payload'
+        -- TODO: Decode update frame type
+        UPDATE_FRAME -> let
+            !t = getUpdateFrameType sfi
+            c = getClosure sfi offsetStgUpdateFrameUpdatee
+          in
+            CL.UpdateFrame info t c
+        CATCH_FRAME -> do
+            let exceptionsBlocked = getWord sfi offsetStgCatchFrameExceptionsBlocked
+                c = getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchFrameHandler
+            CL.CatchFrame info exceptionsBlocked c
+        UNDERFLOW_FRAME -> let
+              nextChunk = getUnderflowFrameNextChunk sfi
+            in
+              CL.UnderflowFrame info nextChunk
+        STOP_FRAME -> CL.StopFrame info
+        ATOMICALLY_FRAME -> CL.AtomicallyFrame info
+                (getClosure sfi offsetStgAtomicallyFrameCode)
+                (getClosure sfi offsetStgAtomicallyFrameResult)
+        CATCH_RETRY_FRAME -> do
+            let running_alt_code' = getWord sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningAltCode
+                first_code' = getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningFirstCode
+                alt_code' = getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameAltCode
+            CL.CatchRetryFrame info running_alt_code' first_code' alt_code'
+        CATCH_STM_FRAME -> CL.CatchStmFrame info
+              (getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchSTMFrameCode)
+              (getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchSTMFrameHandler)
+        x -> error $ "Unexpected closure type on stack: " ++ show x
 -- | Size of the byte array in bytes.
 -- Copied from `primitive`

@@ -144,6 +144,15 @@ getWordzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords, W_ offsetBytes){
   return (W_[wordAddr]);
+getAddrzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords){
+  P_ addr;
+  addr = (StgStack_sp(stack) + WDS(offsetWords));
+  P_ ptr;
+  ptr = P_[addr];
+//  ccall printObj(ptr);
+  return (ptr);
 getUnderflowFrameNextChunkzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords){
   P_ closurePtr;
   closurePtr = (StgStack_sp(stack) + WDS(offsetWords));

@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ import GHC.Records
 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
 import GHC.Stack.CloneStack
 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
+import Debug.Trace
+import Data.Foldable
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
 assertEqual :: (HasCallStack, Monad m, Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> m ()
 assertEqual a b
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ assertEqual a b
 assertThat :: (HasCallStack, Monad m) => String -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> m ()
 assertThat s f a = if f a then pure () else error s
-assertStackInvariants :: (HasCallStack, Monad m) => StackSnapshot -> [Closure] -> m ()
+assertStackInvariants :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => StackSnapshot -> [Closure] -> m ()
 assertStackInvariants stack decodedStack = do
     "Last frame is stop frame"
@@ -40,21 +43,21 @@ assertStackInvariants stack decodedStack = do
         _ -> False
     (last decodedStack)
-  assertEqual
-    (toClosureTypes decodedStack)
-    (toClosureTypes stack)
+  ts1 <- liftIO $ toClosureTypes decodedStack
+  ts2 <- liftIO $ toClosureTypes stack
+  assertEqual ts1 ts2
 class ToClosureTypes a where
-  toClosureTypes :: a -> [ClosureType]
+  toClosureTypes ::  a -> IO [ClosureType]
 instance ToClosureTypes StackSnapshot where
-  toClosureTypes = stackSnapshotToClosureTypes . foldStackToArrayClosure
+  toClosureTypes = pure . stackSnapshotToClosureTypes . foldStackToArrayClosure
 instance ToClosureTypes Closure where
   toClosureTypes = stackFrameToClosureTypes
 instance ToClosureTypes a => ToClosureTypes [a] where
-  toClosureTypes = concatMap toClosureTypes
+  toClosureTypes cs = concat <$> mapM toClosureTypes cs
 foreign import ccall "foldStackToArrayClosure" foldStackToArrayClosure# :: StackSnapshot# -> ByteArray#
@@ -86,59 +89,95 @@ toInt# :: Int -> Int#
 toInt# (I# i#) = i#
 -- TODO: Can probably be simplified once all stack closures have into tables attached.
-stackFrameToClosureTypes :: Closure -> [ClosureType]
+stackFrameToClosureTypes :: Closure -> IO [ClosureType]
 stackFrameToClosureTypes = getClosureTypes
-    getClosureTypes :: Closure -> [ClosureType]
+    getClosureTypes :: Closure -> IO [ClosureType]
     -- Stack frame closures
-    getClosureTypes (UpdateFrame {info, updatee, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox updatee)
-    getClosureTypes (CatchFrame {info, handler, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox handler)
-    getClosureTypes (CatchStmFrame {info, catchFrameCode, handler}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox catchFrameCode) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox handler)
-    getClosureTypes (CatchRetryFrame {info, first_code, alt_code, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox first_code) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox alt_code)
-    getClosureTypes (AtomicallyFrame {info, atomicallyFrameCode, result}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox atomicallyFrameCode) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox result)
-    getClosureTypes (UnderflowFrame {..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (StopFrame info) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (RetSmall {info, payload, ..}) = tipe info : getBitmapClosureTypes payload
-    getClosureTypes (RetBig {info, payload}) = tipe info : getBitmapClosureTypes payload
-    getClosureTypes (RetFun {info, retFunFun, retFunPayload, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox retFunFun) ++ getBitmapClosureTypes retFunPayload
-    getClosureTypes (RetBCO {info, bco, bcoArgs, ..}) =
-      tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox bco) ++ getBitmapClosureTypes bcoArgs
+    getClosureTypes (UpdateFrame {info, updatee, ..}) = do
+      u <- unbox updatee
+      ts <- getClosureTypes u
+      pure $ tipe info : ts
+    getClosureTypes (CatchFrame {info, handler, ..}) = do
+      h <- unbox handler
+      ts <- getClosureTypes h
+      pure $ tipe info : ts
+    getClosureTypes (CatchStmFrame {info, catchFrameCode, handler}) = do
+      c <- unbox catchFrameCode
+      h <- unbox handler
+      ts1 <- getClosureTypes c
+      ts2 <- getClosureTypes h
+      pure $ tipe info : ts1 ++ ts2
+    getClosureTypes (CatchRetryFrame {info, first_code, alt_code, ..}) = do
+      a <- unbox alt_code
+      f <- unbox first_code
+      ts1 <- getClosureTypes f
+      ts2 <- getClosureTypes a
+      pure $ tipe info : ts1 ++ ts2
+    getClosureTypes (AtomicallyFrame {info, atomicallyFrameCode, result}) = do
+      r <- unbox result
+      a <- unbox atomicallyFrameCode
+      ts1 <- getClosureTypes a
+      ts2 <- getClosureTypes r
+      pure $ tipe info : ts1 ++ ts2
+    getClosureTypes (UnderflowFrame {..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (StopFrame info) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (RetSmall {info, payload, ..}) = do
+      ts <- getBitmapClosureTypes payload
+      pure $ tipe info : ts
+    getClosureTypes (RetBig {info, payload}) = do
+      ts <- getBitmapClosureTypes payload
+      pure $ tipe info : ts
+    getClosureTypes (RetFun {info, retFunFun, retFunPayload, ..}) = do
+      rf <- unbox retFunFun
+      ts1 <- getClosureTypes rf
+      ts2 <- getBitmapClosureTypes retFunPayload
+      pure $ tipe info : ts1  ++ ts2
+    getClosureTypes (RetBCO {info, bco, bcoArgs, ..}) = do
+      bco <- unbox bco
+      bcoCls <- getClosureTypes bco
+      bcoArgsCls <- getBitmapClosureTypes bcoArgs
+      pure $ tipe info : bcoCls  ++ bcoArgsCls
     -- Other closures
-    getClosureTypes (ConstrClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (FunClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (ThunkClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (SelectorClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (PAPClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (APClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (APStackClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (IndClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (BCOClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (BlackholeClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (ArrWordsClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (MutArrClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (SmallMutArrClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (MVarClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (IOPortClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (MutVarClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (BlockingQueueClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (WeakClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (TSOClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (StackClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (OtherClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes (UnsupportedClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
-    getClosureTypes _ = []
-    getBitmapClosureTypes :: [Box] -> [ClosureType]
+    getClosureTypes (ConstrClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (FunClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (ThunkClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (SelectorClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (PAPClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (APClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (APStackClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (IndClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (BCOClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (BlackholeClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (ArrWordsClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (MutArrClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (SmallMutArrClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (MVarClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (IOPortClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (MutVarClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (BlockingQueueClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (WeakClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (TSOClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (StackClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (OtherClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (UnsupportedClosure {info, ..}) = pure [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes _ = pure []
+    getBitmapClosureTypes :: [Box] -> IO [ClosureType]
     getBitmapClosureTypes bps =
-      reverse $
-        foldl
-          ( \acc p -> case unbox p of
-              UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive _ -> acc
-              c -> getClosureTypes c ++ acc
+      reverse <$>
+        foldlM
+          ( \acc p -> do
+              c <- unbox p
+              case c of
+                UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive _ -> pure acc
+                c -> do
+                  cls <- getClosureTypes c
+                  pure $ cls ++ acc
-unbox :: Box -> Closure
-unbox (Box c) = unsafeCoerce c
-unbox (DecodedClosureBox c) = c
+unbox :: Box -> IO Closure
+unbox (DecodedClosureBox c) = pure c
+unbox box = getBoxedClosureData box

@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ main = do
     "Stack contains one big return frame"
     (== 1)
     (length $ filter isBigReturnFrame decodedStack)
-  let  xs = zip [1 ..] $ (map unbox . payload . head) $ filter isBigReturnFrame decodedStack
+  cs <- (mapM unbox . payload . head) $ filter isBigReturnFrame decodedStack
+  let  xs = zip [1 ..] cs
   mapM_ (uncurry checkArg) xs
 checkArg :: Word -> Closure -> IO ()

@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ test setup assertion = do
   -- Better fail early, here.
   stack <- decodeStack' sn
+  performGC
   assert sn stack
   -- The result of HasHeapRep should be similar (wrapped in the closure for
   -- StgStack itself.)

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