[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-th] 3 commits: Testsuite: enable TH for the JS target

Sylvain Henry (@hsyl20) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Jan 23 11:47:54 UTC 2023

Sylvain Henry pushed to branch wip/js-th at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

3963655f by Sylvain Henry at 2023-01-23T10:56:06+01:00
Testsuite: enable TH for the JS target

- - - - -
b5ec9b90 by Sylvain Henry at 2023-01-23T11:24:54+01:00
Disable verbose messages

- - - - -
85c77da0 by Sylvain Henry at 2023-01-23T12:46:53+01:00
Simplify JS protocole a great deal (use strings)

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter/JS.hs
- libraries/base/jsbits/base.js
- testsuite/driver/testlib.py
- thrunner.js


@@ -47,15 +47,11 @@ import System.Process
 import System.IO
 import System.FilePath
-import Data.Binary
-import Data.Int
 import Data.IORef
 import qualified Data.Set    as Set
 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
 import Foreign.C.String
-import Foreign.Ptr
-import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
 -- Running node
@@ -98,8 +94,9 @@ startTHRunnerProcess topdir settings = do
 -- Run NodeJS with thrunner.js and its deps (including the rts) loaded.
 spawnJSInterp :: JSInterpConfig -> IO (ExtInterpInstance JSInterpExtra)
 spawnJSInterp cfg = do
-  logInfo (jsInterpLogger cfg) (text "Spawning JS interpreter")
+  let logger= jsInterpLogger cfg
+  when (logVerbAtLeast logger 2) $
+    logInfo logger (text "Spawning JS interpreter")
   let tmpfs       = jsInterpTmpFs cfg
   let tmp_dir     = jsInterpTmpDir cfg
@@ -294,7 +291,7 @@ jsLinkPlan logger tmpfs tmp_dir link_cfg cfg inst link_plan = do
   server_started <- jsServerStarted <$> readMVar (instJSState (instExtra inst))
   if server_started
     then sendMessageNoResponse inst $ LoadJS all_js
-    else jsSendCommand         inst $ LoadFile all_js
+    else jsLoadFile            inst all_js
   -- update linker state
@@ -302,58 +299,25 @@ jsLinkPlan logger tmpfs tmp_dir link_cfg cfg inst link_plan = do
   modifyMVar_ (instJSState (instExtra inst)) $ \state -> pure state { jsLinkState = total_plan }
--- | Commands understood by the JS interpreter
-data Command r where
-  ExitSuccess           :: Command ()
-  LoadFile              :: !FilePath             -> Command ()
-  RunServer             :: Command () -- ^ Run GHCi.Server.defaultServer
 -- | Send a command to the JS interpreter
-jsSendCommand :: ExtInterpInstance JSInterpExtra -> Command r -> IO r
-jsSendCommand inst cmd = do
-  let
-    extra = instExtra inst
-    handle = instStdIn extra
-    ptr :: forall a. Ptr a -> Int -> IO ()
-    ptr p n = hPutBuf handle p n
-    -- FIXME: we should ensure little-endianness (expected by JS)
-    int32 :: Int32 -> IO ()
-    int32 x = with x \p -> ptr p 4
-    word8 :: Word8 -> IO ()
-    word8 x = with x \p -> ptr p 1
-    put_cmd = word8
-    flush = hFlush handle
-  case cmd of
-    LoadFile fp -> do
-      withCStringLen fp \(p,n) -> do
-        put_cmd 1
-        int32 (fromIntegral n)
-        ptr p n
-      flush
-    RunServer -> do
-      put_cmd 2
-      flush
-    ExitSuccess -> do
-      put_cmd 99
-      flush
+jsSendCommand :: ExtInterpInstance JSInterpExtra -> String -> IO ()
+jsSendCommand inst cmd = send_cmd cmd
+  where
+    extra      = instExtra inst
+    handle     = instStdIn extra
+    send_cmd s = do
+      withCStringLen s \(p,n) -> hPutBuf handle p n
+      hFlush handle
 -- | Load a JS file in the interpreter
 jsLoadFile :: ExtInterpInstance JSInterpExtra -> FilePath -> IO ()
-jsLoadFile inst path = jsSendCommand inst (LoadFile path)
+jsLoadFile inst path = jsSendCommand inst ("LOAD " ++ path ++ "\n")
 -- | Run JS server
 jsRunServer :: ExtInterpInstance JSInterpExtra -> IO ()
 jsRunServer inst = do
-  jsSendCommand inst RunServer
+  -- Run `GHCi.Server.defaultServer`
+  jsSendCommand inst ("RUN_SERVER\n")
   -- indicate that the Haskell server is now started
   modifyMVar_ (instJSState (instExtra inst)) $ \state -> pure state { jsServerStarted = True }

@@ -677,12 +677,8 @@ if(h$isNode()) {
-    // if we are in a Template Haskell context (global.h$TH is set) then we
-    // should keep away from stdin, because it's used for communication with GHC
-    if(typeof global.h$TH !== 'object') {
-        process.stdin.on('readable', h$base_process_stdin);
-        process.stdin.on('end', function() { h$base_stdin_eof = true; h$base_process_stdin(); });
-    }
+    process.stdin.on('readable', h$base_process_stdin);
+    process.stdin.on('end', function() { h$base_stdin_eof = true; h$base_process_stdin(); });
     h$base_isattyStdin  = function() { return process.stdin.isTTY;  };
     h$base_isattyStdout = function() { return process.stdout.isTTY; };

@@ -262,8 +262,6 @@ def req_dynamic_hs( name, opts ):
 def req_interp( name, opts ):
     if not config.have_interp:
         opts.expect = 'fail'
-    # JS backend doesn't provide an interpreter yet
-    js_skip(name, opts)
 def req_rts_linker( name, opts ):
     if not config.have_RTS_linker:
@@ -292,7 +290,13 @@ def req_th( name, opts ):
     when GHC is dynamically-linked since we can't load profiled objects in this
-    req_interp(name, opts)
+    # The JS target always supports TH, even in the stage1 compiler
+    # However it doesn't support the "Interpreter" yet (GHCi).
+    # So specifically enables TH here for JS.
+    if arch("js"):
+        return normal;
     if ghc_dynamic():
         return _omit_ways(name, opts, ['profasm', 'profthreaded'])

@@ -1,63 +1,41 @@
-  Template Haskell communication
+  GHC JS Interpreter
-  reads messages from stdin, sends over stderr
-  (Haskell stderr stream is redirected to stdout)
+  Read commands on stdin:
+    LOAD foo.js\n   : load foo.js file
+    RUN_SERVER\n    : run GHCi.Server.defaultServer
-  messages are prefixed with the following data:
-    - UInt32BE: message length
-    - UInt32BE: message target:
-                  0: control message from compiler to TH server
-                  n: response to request n
+  Once the Haskell server is started with RUN_SERVER, the JS server no longer
+  reads commands on stdin. Everything must go throught the Haskell server (which
+  uses pipes for communication)
 var h$THfs = require('fs');
 var h$THvm = require('vm');
-if(typeof __dirname == 'undefined') {
-  // TODO work out the best shim to use here
-  var __dirname = '/GHCJS_thrunner_dirname/';
-// set this to true to record each message and the received JS code to a file
-// you can then replay the TH session later with 'node thrunner.js replay'
-var h$THRecord = // true ||
-      !!process.env['GHCJS_RECORD_TH'];
-var h$THReplay = process.argv.length > 0 && process.argv[process.argv.length-1] === 'replay';
-var h$TH = { nWaiters: 0
-           , waiters: {}
-           , data: []
-           , dataLen: 0
-           , requestId: 1
-           , loadedSymbol: null
-           , sendRequest: h$sendRequest
-           , awaitMessage: h$awaitMessage
-           , sendMessage: h$sendMessage
-           , loadCode: h$loadCode
-           , loadCodeStr: h$loadCodeStr
-           , bufSize: h$bufSize
-           , getMemoryUsage: h$getMemoryUsage
-           };
-global.h$TH = h$TH;
 global.require = require;
-global.module = module;
-global.__dirname = __dirname;
+global.module  = module;
+function h$debug_log(s) {
+  // switch this to 'true' to enable some debug messages
+  if (false) {
+    console.log("[JS interpreter] " + s);
+  }
 // load and exec JS file
 function h$loadJS(path) {
-  console.log("Loading file: " + path);
+  h$debug_log("Loading file: " + path);
   var data = h$THfs.readFileSync(path);
   const script = new h$THvm.Script(data);
+// Lookup a static closure by its name
 function h$lookupClosure(v) {
-  console.log("Looking up closure: " + v);
+  h$debug_log("Looking up closure: " + v);
   const r = eval(v);
-  console.log("  -> Result: " + r);
+  h$debug_log("  -> Result: " + r);
   if (!r) return 0;
   // a HeapRef is just the offset of a stable pointer
   return h$makeStablePtr(r);
@@ -67,289 +45,57 @@ function h$lookupClosure(v) {
 globalThis.h$loadJS = h$loadJS;
 globalThis.h$lookupClosure = h$lookupClosure;
-async function h$initTH() {
-  console.log("Welcome to GHC's JS interpreter");
-  process.stderr.setEncoding('binary');
+function h$initInterp() {
+  h$debug_log("Welcome to GHC's JS interpreter");
-  process.stdin.on('end', () => {
-    console.log('GHC disconnected: goodbye.');
+  function stdin_end() {
+    h$debug_log('GHC disconnected: goodbye.');
-  });
-  h$interp_loop();
-async function h$interp_loop() {
-  async function getInt32() {
-    let b = await readStdin(4);
-    return new Int32Array(b)[0];
-  }
-  async function getByte() {
-    let b = await readStdin(1);
-    return b[0];
-  }
-  console.log("Entering interpreter loop...");
-  while(true) {
-    const cmd_id = await getByte();
-    // interpret command
-    switch (cmd_id) {
-      // exit
-      case 99:
-        console.log("Goodbye");
-        process.exit(0);
-        break;
-      // load JS file
-      case 1:
-        const payload_size = await getInt32();
-        const payload = await readStdin(payload_size);
-        const p = payload.toString('utf8');
-        h$loadJS(p);
-        break;
-      // RunServer
-      case 2:
-        h$runServer();
-        return; // break the main loop!
-      // unknown command
-      default:
-        throw ("Unknown command number: " + cmd_id);
-    }
-  }
-// stdin buffering helpers
-// usage: await readStdin(n);
-//   this returns a buffer with n bytes from stdin
-// perhaps we can use some existing infrastructure instead of
-// managing our own buffers
-let stdinBufs = [], stdinWaiters = [];
-process.stdin.on('data', (d) => {
-    stdinBufs.push(d);
-    let waiters = stdinWaiters;
-    stdinWaiters = [];
-    for(const r of waiters) r();
-// helper function, reads n bytes from stdin if available in the buffer,
-// returns null otherwise
-// warning: this is very inefficient for larger buffers
-function getStdinData(n) {
-    if(stdinBufs.length == 0) return null;
-    let b = stdinBufs.length == 1 ? stdinBufs[0] : Buffer.concat(stdinBufs);
-    if(b.length >= n) {
-        let r = b.slice(0, n);
-        stdinBufs = [b.slice(n)];
-        return r;
-    } else {
-        if(stdinBufs.length !== 1) stdinBufs = [b];
-        return null;
-    }
-async function readStdin(n) {
-    while(true) {
-        let d = getStdinData(n);
-        if(d) {
-            return d;
-        } else {
-            await new Promise((resolve) => { stdinWaiters.push(resolve); });
-        }
-    }
-function h$runServer() {
-  console.log("Run server");
-  h$main(h$ghciZCGHCiziServerzidefaultServer);
-// start listening
-function h$initTH() {
-    process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
-    process.stderr.setEncoding('binary');
-    process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { console.log(err); });
-    console.log("Welcome to GHC's JS interpreter");
-    process.stdin.on('readable', function() {
-      let r = process.stdin.read(4);
-      console.log("Received:"+ r);
-      switch (r) {
-        case "LOAD":
-          console.log("LOAD received");
+  };
+  // read until we find '\n'
+  // Accumulate bytes in "bytes" array
+  let bytes = [];
+  let decoder = new TextDecoder('utf8');
+  function stdin_readable() {
+    let b;
+    // read until we find '\n'
+    while (null !== (bs = process.stdin.read(1))) {
+      let b = bs[0];
+      switch(b) {
+        case 10: // `\n` found. `bytes` must contain a command
+          let cmd = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(bytes));
+          bytes = [];
+          // we only supports 2 commands: LOAD, RUN_SERVER
+          if (cmd.startsWith("LOAD ")) {
+            h$loadJS(cmd.slice(5));
+          }
+          else if (cmd === "RUN_SERVER") {
+            // remove listeners
+            process.stdin.removeListener('end',      stdin_end);
+            process.stdin.removeListener('readable', stdin_readable);
+            // run the server
+            h$debug_log("Run server");
+            h$main(h$ghciZCGHCiziServerzidefaultServer);
+            // break the loop
+            return;
+          }
+          else {
+            console.log("[JS interpreter] Invalid command received: " + cmd);
+            process.exit(1);
+          }
-          break;
+          bytes.push(b);
-    });
-    h$awaitMessageRaw(0, h$loadInitialCode);
-    var leftover = null;
-    process.stdin.on('readable', function() {
-        while(true) {
-            var str = process.stdin.read();
-            if(str) {
-                // save incomplete hex pair if needed
-                str = str.toString();
-                if(leftover) str = leftover + str;
-                str = str.replace(/\s/gm, '');
-                if(str.length % 2) {
-                  leftover = str.slice(str.length-1);
-                  str = str.slice(0,str.length-1);
-                } else {
-                  leftover = null;
-                }
-                var buf = Buffer.from(str, 'hex');
-                // make sure the first 8 bytes into data[0]
-                // otherwise delay copying the buffers until a complete message
-                // has been received
-                if(h$TH.data.length < 1 || h$TH.data[0].length >= 8) {
-                  h$TH.data.push(buf);
-                } else {
-                  h$TH.data[0] = Buffer.concat([h$TH.data[0], buf]);
-                }
-                h$TH.dataLen += buf.length;
-                h$processQueue();
-            } else {
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    });
-    process.stdin.on('close', function() { process.exit(0); });
-function h$getMemoryUsage() {
-  var m = process.memoryUsage();
-  // return m.rss;
-  return (m.heapTotal + m.external)|0;
-var h$THMessageN = 0;
-function h$processQueue() {
-    while(h$TH.nWaiters > 0 && h$TH.data && h$TH.dataLen >= 8) {
-        // if we have at least 8 bytes, they are all in data[0]
-        var msgLength = h$TH.data[0].readUInt32BE(0);
-        var msgTarget = h$TH.data[0].readUInt32BE(4);
-        var msgBytes  = msgLength + 8;
-        if(h$TH.dataLen >= msgBytes && h$TH.waiters[msgTarget]) {
-            var bb         = Buffer.concat(h$TH.data);
-            var w          = h$TH.waiters[msgTarget]
-            var msgPayload = bb.slice(8, msgBytes);
-            h$TH.data = [bb.slice(msgBytes)];
-            h$TH.dataLen -= msgBytes;
-            delete h$TH.waiters[msgTarget];
-            h$TH.nWaiters--;
-            if(h$THRecord && !h$THReplay)
-                h$THfs.writeFileSync("thmessage." + (++h$THMessageN) + ".dat", msgPayload);
-            w(msgPayload);
-        } else {
-            return;
-        }
-function h$sendRequest(bs, offset, len, c) {
-    var req = h$TH.requestId++;
-    h$sendMessage(bs, offset, len, req, function() {});
-    h$awaitMessage(req, c);
+  };
-function h$sendMessage(bs, offset, len, req, c) {
-    var msg = len === -1 ? Buffer.from(bs.u8.subarray(offset))
-                         : Buffer.from(bs.u8.subarray(offset, len));
-    var hdr = Buffer.alloc(8);
-    hdr.writeUInt32BE(msg.length, 0);
-    hdr.writeUInt32BE(req, 4);
-    process.stderr.write(Buffer.concat([hdr, msg]), 'binary', function() { c(); });
+  // read commands on STDIN
+  process.stdin.on('end',      stdin_end);
+  process.stdin.on('readable', stdin_readable);
-function h$awaitMessage(req, c) {
-    h$awaitMessageRaw(req, function(buf) {
-        c(h$THWrapBuffer(h$BufferToArrayBuffer(buf),false),0);
-    });
-var h$THReplayMessageN = 0;
-function h$awaitMessageRaw(req, c) {
-    if(h$TH.waiters[req]) throw ("h$awaitMessage: already waiting for " + req);
-    if(h$THReplay) {
-        try {
-            c(h$THfs.readFileSync('thmessage.' + (++h$THReplayMessageN) + '.dat'));
-            return;
-        } catch(e) { }
-    }
-    h$TH.nWaiters++;
-    h$TH.waiters[req] = c;
-    h$processQueue();
-function h$bufSize(buf, buf_offset) {
-    if(buf === null) return 0;
-    return buf.len;
-var h$THCodeN = 0;
-function h$loadCodeStr(str, isFirst) {
-    if(h$THReplay) {
-        try {
-            str = h$THfs.readFileSync("thcode." + (++h$THCodeN) + ".js").toString('utf8');
-        } catch(e) { }
-    } else if(h$THRecord) {
-        h$THfs.writeFileSync("thcode." + (++h$THCodeN) + ".js", str);
-    }
-    eval.call(null, str);
-// load additional code and run the initializers for it, the code should
-// assign the h$TH.loadedSymbol variable
-function h$loadCode(buf, off, len) {
-    h$TH.loadedSymbol = null;
-    var str = Buffer.from(buf.u8).toString('utf8',off, off+len);
-    h$TH.loadCodeStr(str, false);
-    // h$runInitStatic();
-    if(h$TH.loadedSymbol === null) throw "h$loadCode: error loading code"
-    return h$TH.loadedSymbol;
-function h$BufferToArrayBuffer(buf) {
-    if(buf.toArrayBuffer) return buf.toArrayBuffer();
-    return new Uint8Array(buf).buffer;
-// copied from src/mem.js
-function h$THWrapBuffer(buf, unalignedOk, offset, length) {
-    if(!unalignedOk && offset && offset % 8 !== 0) {
-        throw ("h$THWrapBuffer: offset not aligned:" + offset);
-    }
-    if(!buf || !(buf instanceof ArrayBuffer))
-        throw "h$THWrapBuffer: not an ArrayBuffer"
-    if(!offset) { offset = 0; }
-    if(!length || length < 0) { length = buf.byteLength - offset; }
-    // console.log("wrapping buf: " + length + " " + offset);
-    return { buf: buf
-             , len: length
-             , i3: (offset%4) ? null : new Int32Array(buf, offset, length >> 2)
-             , u8: new Uint8Array(buf, offset, length)
-             , u1: (offset%2) ? null : new Uint16Array(buf, offset, length >> 1)
-             , f3: (offset%4) ? null : new Float32Array(buf, offset, length >> 2)
-             , f6: (offset%8) ? null : new Float64Array(buf, offset, length >> 3)
-             , dv: new DataView(buf, offset, length)
-           };

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