[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/decode_cloned_stack] Add info table to closures

Sven Tennie (@supersven) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Jan 21 22:01:14 UTC 2023

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/decode_cloned_stack at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

0ec31bc8 by Sven Tennie at 2023-01-21T22:00:53+00:00
Add info table to closures

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/DecodeStack.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.cmm
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/TestUtils.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/stack_big_ret.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/stack_misc_closures.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/stack_stm_frames.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/tests/stack_underflow.hs


@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import GHC.Exts
 import GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures as CL
 import GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes
 import GHC.Exts.DecodeHeap
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTable
 foreign import prim "derefStackWordzh" derefStackWord# :: StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> Word#
@@ -92,6 +93,13 @@ foreign import prim "getRetFunSmallBitmapzh" getRetFunSmallBitmap# :: StackSnaps
 foreign import prim "advanceStackFrameIterzh" advanceStackFrameIter# :: StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# StackSnapshot#, Word#, Int# #)
+foreign import prim "getInfoTableAddrzh" getInfoTableAddr# ::  StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> Addr#
+getInfoTable :: StackFrameIter -> IO StgInfoTable
+getInfoTable  StackFrameIter {..} =
+  let infoTablePtr = Ptr (getInfoTableAddr# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index))
+  in peekItbl infoTablePtr
 data StackFrameIter = StackFrameIter {
   stackSnapshot# :: StackSnapshot#,
   index :: WordOffset
@@ -191,25 +199,23 @@ byteArrayToList bArray = go 0
       | otherwise = []
     maxIndex = sizeofByteArray bArray `quot` sizeOf (undefined :: Word)
-byteOffsetToWord# :: ByteOffset -> Word#
-byteOffsetToWord# bo = intToWord# (fromIntegral bo)
 wordOffsetToWord# :: WordOffset -> Word#
 wordOffsetToWord# wo = intToWord# (fromIntegral wo)
 unpackStackFrameIter :: StackFrameIter -> IO CL.Closure
-unpackStackFrameIter sfi =
-  case getInfoTableType sfi of
+unpackStackFrameIter sfi = do
+  info <- getInfoTable sfi
+  case tipe info of
      RET_BCO -> do
         bco' <- getClosure sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
         -- The arguments begin directly after the payload's one element
         args' <- decodeLargeBitmap getBCOLargeBitmap# sfi (offsetStgClosurePayload + 1)
-        pure $ CL.RetBCO bco' args'
+        pure $ CL.RetBCO info bco' args'
      RET_SMALL -> do
                     payloads <- decodeSmallBitmap getSmallBitmap# sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
                     let special = getRetSmallSpecialType sfi
-                    pure $ CL.RetSmall special payloads
-     RET_BIG -> CL.RetBig <$> decodeLargeBitmap getLargeBitmap# sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
+                    pure $ CL.RetSmall info special payloads
+     RET_BIG -> CL.RetBig info <$> decodeLargeBitmap getLargeBitmap# sfi offsetStgClosurePayload
      RET_FUN -> do
         let t = getRetFunType sfi
             size' = getWord sfi offsetStgRetFunFrameSize
@@ -219,31 +225,31 @@ unpackStackFrameIter sfi =
             decodeLargeBitmap getRetFunLargeBitmap# sfi offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
             decodeSmallBitmap getRetFunSmallBitmap# sfi offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
-        pure $ CL.RetFun t size' fun' payload'
+        pure $ CL.RetFun info t size' fun' payload'
      -- TODO: Decode update frame type
      UPDATE_FRAME -> let
         !t = getUpdateFrameType sfi
         c = getClosure sfi offsetStgUpdateFrameUpdatee
-        (CL.UpdateFrame t ) <$> c
+        (CL.UpdateFrame info t ) <$> c
      CATCH_FRAME -> do
         let exceptionsBlocked = getWord sfi offsetStgCatchFrameExceptionsBlocked
         c <- getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchFrameHandler
-        pure $ CL.CatchFrame exceptionsBlocked c
+        pure $ CL.CatchFrame info exceptionsBlocked c
      UNDERFLOW_FRAME -> let
           nextChunk = getUnderflowFrameNextChunk sfi
-          pure $ CL.UnderflowFrame nextChunk
-     STOP_FRAME -> pure CL.StopFrame
-     ATOMICALLY_FRAME -> CL.AtomicallyFrame
+          pure $ CL.UnderflowFrame info nextChunk
+     STOP_FRAME -> pure $ CL.StopFrame info
+     ATOMICALLY_FRAME -> CL.AtomicallyFrame info
             <$> getClosure sfi offsetStgAtomicallyFrameCode
             <*> getClosure sfi offsetStgAtomicallyFrameResult
         let running_alt_code' = getWord sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningAltCode
         first_code' <- getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningFirstCode
         alt_code' <- getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchRetryFrameAltCode
-        pure $ CL.CatchRetryFrame running_alt_code' first_code' alt_code'
-     CATCH_STM_FRAME -> CL.CatchStmFrame
+        pure $ CL.CatchRetryFrame info running_alt_code' first_code' alt_code'
+     CATCH_STM_FRAME -> CL.CatchStmFrame info
           <$> getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchSTMFrameCode
           <*> getClosure sfi offsetStgCatchSTMFrameHandler
      x -> error $ "Unexpected closure type on stack: " ++ show x

@@ -331,47 +331,59 @@ data GenClosure b
  -- TODO: Add `info :: !StgInfoTable` fields
   | UpdateFrame
-      { knownUpdateFrameType :: !UpdateFrameType
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , knownUpdateFrameType :: !UpdateFrameType
       , updatee :: !b
   | CatchFrame
-      { exceptions_blocked :: Word
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , exceptions_blocked :: Word
       , handler :: !b
   | CatchStmFrame
-      { catchFrameCode :: !b
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , catchFrameCode :: !b
       , handler :: !b
   | CatchRetryFrame
-      { running_alt_code :: !Word
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , running_alt_code :: !Word
       , first_code :: !b
       , alt_code :: !b
   | AtomicallyFrame
-      { atomicallyFrameCode :: !b
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , atomicallyFrameCode :: !b
       , result :: !b
     -- TODO: nextChunk could be a CL.Closure, too! (StackClosure)
   | UnderflowFrame
-      { nextChunk:: !StackSnapshot }
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , nextChunk:: !StackSnapshot
+      }
   | StopFrame
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable }
   | RetSmall
-      { knownRetSmallType :: !SpecialRetSmall
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , knownRetSmallType :: !SpecialRetSmall
       , payload :: ![b]
   | RetBig
-      { payload :: ![b] }
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , payload :: ![b]
+      }
   | RetFun
-      { retFunType :: RetFunType
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , retFunType :: RetFunType
       , retFunSize :: Word
       , retFunFun :: !b
       , retFunPayload :: ![b]
@@ -379,9 +391,9 @@ data GenClosure b
   |  RetBCO
     -- TODO: Add pre-defined BCO closures (like knownUpdateFrameType)
-      {
-        bco :: !b, -- must be a BCOClosure
-        bcoArgs :: ![b]
+      { info            :: !StgInfoTable
+      , bco :: !b -- must be a BCOClosure
+      , bcoArgs :: ![b]

@@ -175,3 +175,13 @@ getRetFunTypezh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords){
   (type) = ccall getRetFunType(c);
   return (type);
+getInfoTableAddrzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords){
+  P_ c;
+  c = StgStack_sp(stack) + WDS(offsetWords);
+  W_ info;
+  (info)  = ccall getInfo(UNTAG(c));
+  return (info);

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ assertStackInvariants stack decodedStack = do
     "Last frame is stop frame"
     ( \case
-        StopFrame -> True
+        StopFrame info -> tipe info == STOP_FRAME
         _ -> False
     (last decodedStack)
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ stackFrameToClosureTypes = getClosureTypes
     getClosureTypes :: Closure -> [ClosureType]
     -- Stack frame closures
-    getClosureTypes (UpdateFrame {updatee, ..}) = UPDATE_FRAME : getClosureTypes (unbox updatee)
-    getClosureTypes (CatchFrame {handler, ..}) = CATCH_FRAME : getClosureTypes (unbox handler)
-    getClosureTypes (CatchStmFrame {catchFrameCode, handler}) = CATCH_STM_FRAME : getClosureTypes (unbox catchFrameCode) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox handler)
-    getClosureTypes (CatchRetryFrame {first_code, alt_code, ..}) = CATCH_RETRY_FRAME : getClosureTypes (unbox first_code) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox alt_code)
-    getClosureTypes (AtomicallyFrame {atomicallyFrameCode, result}) = ATOMICALLY_FRAME : getClosureTypes (unbox atomicallyFrameCode) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox result)
-    getClosureTypes (UnderflowFrame {..}) = [UNDERFLOW_FRAME]
-    getClosureTypes StopFrame = [STOP_FRAME]
-    getClosureTypes (RetSmall {payload, ..}) = RET_SMALL : getBitmapClosureTypes payload
-    getClosureTypes (RetBig {payload}) = RET_BIG : getBitmapClosureTypes payload
-    getClosureTypes (RetFun {retFunFun, retFunPayload, ..}) = RET_FUN : getClosureTypes (unbox retFunFun) ++ getBitmapClosureTypes retFunPayload
-    getClosureTypes (RetBCO {bco, bcoArgs, ..}) =
-      RET_BCO : getClosureTypes (unbox bco) ++ getBitmapClosureTypes bcoArgs
+    getClosureTypes (UpdateFrame {info, updatee, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox updatee)
+    getClosureTypes (CatchFrame {info, handler, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox handler)
+    getClosureTypes (CatchStmFrame {info, catchFrameCode, handler}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox catchFrameCode) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox handler)
+    getClosureTypes (CatchRetryFrame {info, first_code, alt_code, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox first_code) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox alt_code)
+    getClosureTypes (AtomicallyFrame {info, atomicallyFrameCode, result}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox atomicallyFrameCode) ++ getClosureTypes (unbox result)
+    getClosureTypes (UnderflowFrame {..}) = [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (StopFrame info) = [tipe info]
+    getClosureTypes (RetSmall {info, payload, ..}) = tipe info : getBitmapClosureTypes payload
+    getClosureTypes (RetBig {info, payload}) = tipe info : getBitmapClosureTypes payload
+    getClosureTypes (RetFun {info, retFunFun, retFunPayload, ..}) = tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox retFunFun) ++ getBitmapClosureTypes retFunPayload
+    getClosureTypes (RetBCO {info, bco, bcoArgs, ..}) =
+      tipe info : getClosureTypes (unbox bco) ++ getBitmapClosureTypes bcoArgs
     -- Other closures
     getClosureTypes (ConstrClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]
     getClosureTypes (FunClosure {info, ..}) = [tipe info]

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ checkArg w bp =
       assertEqual [w] (dataArgs c)
       pure ()
-isBigReturnFrame (RetBig _) = True
+isBigReturnFrame (RetBig info _) = tipe info == RET_BIG
 isBigReturnFrame _ = False
 {-# NOINLINE bigFun #-}

@@ -94,24 +94,28 @@ main = do
   test any_update_frame# $
       UpdateFrame {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) UPDATE_FRAME
         assertEqual knownUpdateFrameType NormalUpdateFrame
         assertEqual 1 =<< (getWordFromBlackhole =<< getBoxedClosureData updatee)
       e -> error $ "Wrong closure type: " ++ show e
   test any_catch_frame# $
       CatchFrame {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) CATCH_FRAME
         assertEqual exceptions_blocked 1
         assertConstrClosure 1 =<< getBoxedClosureData handler
       e -> error $ "Wrong closure type: " ++ show e
   test any_catch_stm_frame# $
       CatchStmFrame {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) CATCH_STM_FRAME
         assertConstrClosure 1 =<< getBoxedClosureData catchFrameCode
         assertConstrClosure 2 =<< getBoxedClosureData handler
       e -> error $ "Wrong closure type: " ++ show e
   test any_catch_retry_frame# $
       CatchRetryFrame {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) CATCH_RETRY_FRAME
         assertEqual running_alt_code 1
         assertConstrClosure 1 =<< getBoxedClosureData first_code
         assertConstrClosure 2 =<< getBoxedClosureData alt_code
@@ -119,6 +123,7 @@ main = do
   test any_atomically_frame# $
       AtomicallyFrame {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) ATOMICALLY_FRAME
         assertConstrClosure 1 =<< getBoxedClosureData atomicallyFrameCode
         assertConstrClosure 2 =<< getBoxedClosureData result
       e -> error $ "Wrong closure type: " ++ show e
@@ -126,6 +131,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_small_prim_frame# $
       RetSmall {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_SMALL
         assertEqual knownRetSmallType RetN
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) 1
@@ -134,6 +140,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_small_closure_frame# $
       RetSmall {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_SMALL
         assertEqual knownRetSmallType RetP
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) 1
@@ -142,6 +149,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_small_closures_frame# $
       RetSmall {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_SMALL
         assertEqual knownRetSmallType None
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) (fromIntegral maxSmallBitmapBits_c)
@@ -151,6 +159,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_small_prims_frame# $
       RetSmall {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_SMALL
         assertEqual knownRetSmallType None
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) (fromIntegral maxSmallBitmapBits_c)
@@ -160,6 +169,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_big_prims_min_frame# $
       RetBig {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_BIG
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) 59
         let wds = map getWordFromUnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive pCs
@@ -168,6 +178,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_big_prims_min_frame# $
       RetBig {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_BIG
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) 59
         let wds = map getWordFromUnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive pCs
@@ -176,6 +187,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_big_closures_min_frame# $
       RetBig {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_BIG
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) 59
         let wds = map getWordFromConstr01 pCs
@@ -184,6 +196,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_big_closures_two_words_frame# $
       RetBig {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_BIG
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData payload
         assertEqual (length pCs) 65
         let wds = map getWordFromConstr01 pCs
@@ -192,6 +205,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_fun_arg_n_prim_framezh# $
       RetFun {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_FUN
         assertEqual retFunType ARG_N
         assertEqual retFunSize 1
         assertFun01Closure 1 =<< getBoxedClosureData retFunFun
@@ -203,6 +217,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_fun_arg_gen_framezh# $
       RetFun {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_FUN
         assertEqual retFunType ARG_GEN
         assertEqual retFunSize 9
         fc <- getBoxedClosureData retFunFun
@@ -220,6 +235,7 @@ main = do
   test any_ret_fun_arg_gen_big_framezh# $
       RetFun {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_FUN
         assertEqual retFunType ARG_GEN_BIG
         assertEqual retFunSize 59
         fc <- getBoxedClosureData retFunFun
@@ -236,6 +252,7 @@ main = do
   test any_bco_frame# $
       RetBCO {..} -> do
+        assertEqual (tipe info) RET_BCO
         pCs <- mapM getBoxedClosureData bcoArgs
         assertEqual (length pCs) 1
         let wds = map getWordFromConstr01 pCs
@@ -283,7 +300,7 @@ test setup assertion = do
         "Last frame is stop frame"
         ( \case
-            StopFrame -> True
+            StopFrame info -> tipe info == STOP_FRAME
             _ -> False
         (last stack)

@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
 module Main where
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Exception
 import GHC.Conc
-import GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures
 import GHC.Exts.DecodeStack
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTable.Types
 import GHC.Stack.CloneStack
 import TestUtils
@@ -26,14 +30,14 @@ main = do
 getDecodedStack :: IO (StackSnapshot, [Closure])
 getDecodedStack = do
-  s <-cloneMyStack
+  s <- cloneMyStack
   fs <- decodeStack' s
   pure (s, fs)
 isCatchStmFrame :: Closure -> Bool
-isCatchStmFrame (CatchStmFrame _ _) = True
+isCatchStmFrame (CatchStmFrame {..}) = tipe info == CATCH_STM_FRAME
 isCatchStmFrame _ = False
 isAtomicallyFrame :: Closure -> Bool
-isAtomicallyFrame (AtomicallyFrame _ _) = True
+isAtomicallyFrame (AtomicallyFrame {..}) = tipe info == ATOMICALLY_FRAME
 isAtomicallyFrame _ = False

@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
 module Main where
 import Data.Bool (Bool (True))
-import GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures
 import GHC.Exts.DecodeStack
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTable.Types
 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
 import GHC.Stack.CloneStack
 import TestUtils
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ getStack = do
   assertStackChunksAreDecodable decodedStack
   return ()
-isUnderflowFrame (UnderflowFrame _) = True
+isUnderflowFrame (UnderflowFrame {..}) = tipe info == UNDERFLOW_FRAME
 isUnderflowFrame _ = False
 assertStackChunksAreDecodable :: HasCallStack => [Closure] -> IO ()

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