[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22798] 3 commits: nativeGen/AArch64: Fix debugging output

Ben Gamari (@bgamari) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Jan 20 15:55:54 UTC 2023

Ben Gamari pushed to branch wip/T22798 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f31a5288 by GHC GitLab CI at 2023-01-20T07:55:47-08:00
nativeGen/AArch64: Fix debugging output

Previously various panics would rely on a half-written Show
instance, leading to very unhelpful errors. Fix this.

See #22798.

- - - - -
1325fce0 by GHC GitLab CI at 2023-01-20T07:55:47-08:00
nativeGen: Teach graph-colouring allocator that x18 is unusable

Previously trivColourable for AArch64 claimed that at 18 registers were
trivially-colourable. This is incorrect as x18 is reserved by the platform on

See #22798.

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b406d20d by GHC GitLab CI at 2023-01-20T07:55:47-08:00
nativeGen/AArch64: Fix graph-colouring allocator

Previously various `Instr` queries used by the graph-colouring allocator
failed to handle a few pseudo-instructions. This manifested in compiler
panicks while compiling `SHA`, which uses `-fregs-graph`.

Fixes #22798.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Graph/TrivColorable.hs


@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ instance Outputable RegUsage where
 regUsageOfInstr :: Platform -> Instr -> RegUsage
 regUsageOfInstr platform instr = case instr of
   ANN _ i                  -> regUsageOfInstr platform i
+  COMMENT{}                -> usage ([], [])
+  PUSH_STACK_FRAME         -> usage ([], [])
+  POP_STACK_FRAME          -> usage ([], [])
+  DELTA{}                  -> usage ([], [])
   -- 1. Arithmetic Instructions ------------------------------------------------
   ADD dst src1 src2        -> usage (regOp src1 ++ regOp src2, regOp dst)
   CMN l r                  -> usage (regOp l ++ regOp r, [])
@@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ regUsageOfInstr platform instr = case instr of
   FCVTZS dst src           -> usage (regOp src, regOp dst)
   FABS dst src             -> usage (regOp src, regOp dst)
-  _ -> panic "regUsageOfInstr"
+  _ -> panic $ "regUsageOfInstr: " ++ instrCon instr
         -- filtering the usage is necessary, otherwise the register
@@ -200,7 +205,11 @@ callerSavedRegisters
 patchRegsOfInstr :: Instr -> (Reg -> Reg) -> Instr
 patchRegsOfInstr instr env = case instr of
     -- 0. Meta Instructions
-    ANN d i        -> ANN d (patchRegsOfInstr i env)
+    ANN d i          -> ANN d (patchRegsOfInstr i env)
+    COMMENT{}        -> instr
+    PUSH_STACK_FRAME -> instr
+    POP_STACK_FRAME  -> instr
+    DELTA{}          -> instr
     -- 1. Arithmetic Instructions ----------------------------------------------
     ADD o1 o2 o3   -> ADD (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchOp o3)
     CMN o1 o2      -> CMN (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2)
@@ -266,8 +275,7 @@ patchRegsOfInstr instr env = case instr of
     SCVTF o1 o2    -> SCVTF (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2)
     FCVTZS o1 o2   -> FCVTZS (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2)
     FABS o1 o2     -> FABS (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2)
-    _ -> pprPanic "patchRegsOfInstr" (text $ show instr)
+    _              -> panic $ "patchRegsOfInstr: " ++ instrCon instr
         patchOp :: Operand -> Operand
         patchOp (OpReg w r) = OpReg w (env r)
@@ -323,7 +331,7 @@ patchJumpInstr instr patchF
         B (TBlock bid) -> B (TBlock (patchF bid))
         BL (TBlock bid) ps rs -> BL (TBlock (patchF bid)) ps rs
         BCOND c (TBlock bid) -> BCOND c (TBlock (patchF bid))
-        _ -> pprPanic "patchJumpInstr" (text $ show instr)
+        _ -> panic $ "patchJumpInstr: " ++ instrCon instr
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Note [Spills and Reloads]
@@ -635,10 +643,69 @@ data Instr
     -- Float ABSolute value
     | FABS Operand Operand
-instance Show Instr where
-    show (LDR _f o1 o2) = "LDR " ++ show o1 ++ ", " ++ show o2
-    show (MOV o1 o2) = "MOV " ++ show o1 ++ ", " ++ show o2
-    show _ = "missing"
+instrCon :: Instr -> String
+instrCon i =
+    case i of
+      COMMENT{} -> "COMMENT"
+      ANN{} -> "ANN"
+      LDATA{} -> "LDATA"
+      DELTA{} -> "DELTA"
+      SXTB{} -> "SXTB"
+      UXTB{} -> "UXTB"
+      SXTH{} -> "SXTH"
+      UXTH{} -> "UXTH"
+      ADD{} -> "ADD"
+      CMN{} -> "CMN"
+      CMP{} -> "CMP"
+      MSUB{} -> "MSUB"
+      MUL{} -> "MUL"
+      NEG{} -> "NEG"
+      SDIV{} -> "SDIV"
+      SMULH{} -> "SMULH"
+      SMULL{} -> "SMULL"
+      SUB{} -> "SUB"
+      UDIV{} -> "UDIV"
+      SBFM{} -> "SBFM"
+      UBFM{} -> "UBFM"
+      SBFX{} -> "SBFX"
+      UBFX{} -> "UBFX"
+      AND{} -> "AND"
+      ANDS{} -> "ANDS"
+      ASR{} -> "ASR"
+      BIC{} -> "BIC"
+      BICS{} -> "BICS"
+      EON{} -> "EON"
+      EOR{} -> "EOR"
+      LSL{} -> "LSL"
+      LSR{} -> "LSR"
+      MOV{} -> "MOV"
+      MOVK{} -> "MOVK"
+      MVN{} -> "MVN"
+      ORN{} -> "ORN"
+      ORR{} -> "ORR"
+      ROR{} -> "ROR"
+      TST{} -> "TST"
+      STR{} -> "STR"
+      LDR{} -> "LDR"
+      STP{} -> "STP"
+      LDP{} -> "LDP"
+      CSET{} -> "CSET"
+      CBZ{} -> "CBZ"
+      CBNZ{} -> "CBNZ"
+      J{} -> "J"
+      B{} -> "B"
+      BL{} -> "BL"
+      BCOND{} -> "BCOND"
+      DMBSY{} -> "DMBSY"
+      FCVT{} -> "FCVT"
+      SCVTF{} -> "SCVTF"
+      FCVTZS{} -> "FCVTZS"
+      FABS{} -> "FABS"
 data Target
     = TBlock BlockId
@@ -766,11 +833,11 @@ opRegUExt W64 r = OpRegExt W64 r EUXTX 0
 opRegUExt W32 r = OpRegExt W32 r EUXTW 0
 opRegUExt W16 r = OpRegExt W16 r EUXTH 0
 opRegUExt W8  r = OpRegExt W8  r EUXTB 0
-opRegUExt w  _r = pprPanic "opRegUExt" (text $ show w)
+opRegUExt w  _r = pprPanic "opRegUExt" (ppr w)
 opRegSExt :: Width -> Reg -> Operand
 opRegSExt W64 r = OpRegExt W64 r ESXTX 0
 opRegSExt W32 r = OpRegExt W32 r ESXTW 0
 opRegSExt W16 r = OpRegExt W16 r ESXTH 0
 opRegSExt W8  r = OpRegExt W8  r ESXTB 0
-opRegSExt w  _r = pprPanic "opRegSExt" (text $ show w)
+opRegSExt w  _r = pprPanic "opRegSExt" (ppr w)

@@ -109,10 +109,8 @@ trivColorable platform virtualRegSqueeze realRegSqueeze RcInteger conflicts excl
                             ArchPPC       -> 16
                             ArchPPC_64 _  -> 15
                             ArchARM _ _ _ -> panic "trivColorable ArchARM"
-                            -- We should be able to allocate *a lot* more in principle.
-                            -- essentially all 32 - SP, so 31, we'd trash the link reg
-                            -- as well as the platform and all others though.
-                            ArchAArch64   -> 18
+                            -- N.B. x18 is reserved by the platform on AArch64/Darwin
+                            ArchAArch64   -> 17
                             ArchAlpha     -> panic "trivColorable ArchAlpha"
                             ArchMipseb    -> panic "trivColorable ArchMipseb"
                             ArchMipsel    -> panic "trivColorable ArchMipsel"

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View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/bb5462136c0498db96d73ed2d8fde5250dba7a59...b406d20d4c694383b4721f7bd91f829ceddbdf5f
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