[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/andreask/unpack_unboxed_tuples] Properly compute unpacked sizes for -funpack-small-strict-fields.

Andreas Klebinger (@AndreasK) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Jan 19 14:40:05 UTC 2023

Andreas Klebinger pushed to branch wip/andreask/unpack_unboxed_tuples at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

545b4f1e by Andreas Klebinger at 2023-01-19T15:39:09+01:00
Properly compute unpacked sizes for -funpack-small-strict-fields.

Base unpacking under -funpack-small-strict-fields on the rep size
of the unpacked constructor instead of the number of reps it's
represented by.

Fixes #22309

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Make.hs
- docs/users_guide/using-optimisation.rst


@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon(
         PrimRep(..), PrimElemRep(..),
         isVoidRep, isGcPtrRep,
-        primRepSizeB,
-        primElemRepSizeB,
+        primRepSizeB, primRepSizeW64_B,
+        primElemRepSizeB, primElemRepSizeW64_B,
@@ -1659,9 +1659,34 @@ primRepSizeB platform = \case
    VoidRep          -> 0
    (VecRep len rep) -> len * primElemRepSizeB platform rep
+-- | Like primRepSizeB but assume pointers/words are 8 words wide.
+primRepSizeW64_B :: PrimRep -> Int
+primRepSizeW64_B = \case
+   IntRep           -> 8
+   WordRep          -> 8
+   Int8Rep          -> 1
+   Int16Rep         -> 2
+   Int32Rep         -> 4
+   Int64Rep         -> 8
+   Word8Rep         -> 1
+   Word16Rep        -> 2
+   Word32Rep        -> 4
+   Word64Rep        -> 8
+   FloatRep         -> fLOAT_SIZE
+   DoubleRep        -> dOUBLE_SIZE
+   AddrRep          -> 8
+   LiftedRep        -> 8
+   UnliftedRep      -> 8
+   VoidRep          -> 0
+   (VecRep len rep) -> len * primElemRepSizeW64_B rep
 primElemRepSizeB :: Platform -> PrimElemRep -> Int
 primElemRepSizeB platform = primRepSizeB platform . primElemRepToPrimRep
+-- | Like primElemRepSizeB but assumes pointers/words are 8 words wide.
+primElemRepSizeW64_B :: PrimElemRep -> Int
+primElemRepSizeW64_B = primRepSizeW64_B . primElemRepToPrimRep
 primElemRepToPrimRep :: PrimElemRep -> PrimRep
 primElemRepToPrimRep Int8ElemRep   = Int8Rep
 primElemRepToPrimRep Int16ElemRep  = Int16Rep

@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Literal
 import GHC.Types.SourceText
 import GHC.Types.Name.Set
 import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.RepType
 import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Id.Info
@@ -1362,9 +1363,22 @@ shouldUnpackTy bang_opts prag fam_envs ty
           | otherwise
           -> bang_opt_unbox_strict bang_opts
              || (bang_opt_unbox_small bang_opts
-                 && rep_tys `lengthAtMost` 1)  -- See Note [Unpack one-wide fields]
-      where (rep_tys, _) = dataConArgUnpack ty
+                 && is_small_rep rep_tys)  -- See Note [Unpack one-wide fields]
+      where
+        (rep_tys, _) = dataConArgUnpack ty
+        nv_prim_reps = filter (not . isVoidRep) . concatMap (typePrimRep . scaledThing . fst) $ rep_tys
+    -- Takes in the list of reps used to represent the dataCon after it's unpacked
+    -- and tells us if they can fit into 8 bytes.
+    is_small_rep rep_tys =
+      let -- Neccesary to look through unboxed tuples.
+          prim_reps = concatMap (typePrimRep . scaledThing . fst) $ rep_tys
+          -- Void types are erased when unpacked so we
+          nv_prim_reps = filter (not . isVoidRep) prim_reps
+          -- And then get the actual size of the unpacked constructor.
+          rep_size = sum $ map primRepSizeW64_B nv_prim_reps
+      in rep_size <= 8
 -- Given a type already assumed to have been normalized by topNormaliseType,
 -- unpackable_type_datacons ty = Just datacons
@@ -1424,6 +1438,12 @@ However
 Here we can represent T with an Int#.
+Special care has to be taken to make sure we don't mistake fields with unboxed
+tuple/sum rep or very large reps. See #22309
+For consistency we unpack anything that fits into 8 bytes, even when compiling
+for 32bit platforms.
 Note [Recursive unboxing]

@@ -1468,9 +1468,9 @@ by saying ``-fno-wombat``.
     default you can disable it for certain constructor fields using the
     ``NOUNPACK`` pragma (see :ref:`nounpack-pragma`).
-    Note that for consistency ``Double``, ``Word64``, and ``Int64``
-    constructor fields are unpacked on 32-bit platforms, even though
-    they are technically larger than a pointer on those platforms.
+    Note that for consistency constructor fields are unpacked on 32-bit platforms
+    as if it we were compiling for a 64-bit target even if fields are larger
+    than a pointer on those platforms.
 .. ghc-flag:: -funbox-strict-fields
     :shortdesc: Flatten strict constructor fields

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