[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22719] 11 commits: Bump hsc2hs submodule

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Jan 16 10:06:20 UTC 2023

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T22719 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1142f858 by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:04:00+00:00
Bump hsc2hs submodule

- - - - -
d4686729 by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:04:00+00:00
Bump process submodule

- - - - -
84ae6573 by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:06:58+00:00

- - - - -
d53598c5 by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:06:58+00:00
ci: enable xz parallel compression for x64 jobs

- - - - -
d31fcbca by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:06:58+00:00
ci: use in-image emsdk for js jobs

- - - - -
93b9bbc1 by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:47:17+00:00
ci: improve nix-shell for gen_ci.hs and fix some ghc/hlint warnings

- Add a ghc environment including prebuilt dependencies to the
  nix-shell. Get rid of the ad hoc cabal cache and all dependencies
  are now downloaded from the nixos binary cache.
- Make gen_ci.hs a cabal package with HLS integration, to make future
  hacking of gen_ci.hs easier.
- Fix some ghc/hlint warnings after I got HLS to work.
- For the lint-ci-config job, do a shallow clone to save a few minutes
  of unnecessary git checkout time.

- - - - -
8acc56c7 by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:47:17+00:00
ci: source the toolchain env file in wasm jobs

- - - - -
87194df0 by Cheng Shao at 2023-01-13T11:47:17+00:00
ci: add wasm ci jobs via gen_ci.hs

- There is one regular wasm job run in validate pipelines
- Additionally, int-native/unreg wasm jobs run in nightly/release pipelines

Also, remove the legacy handwritten wasm ci jobs in .gitlab-ci.yml.

- - - - -
b6eb9bcc by Matthew Pickering at 2023-01-13T11:52:16+00:00
wasm ci: Remove wasm release jobs

This removes the wasm release jobs, as we do not yet intend to
distribute these binaries.

- - - - -
496607fd by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-01-13T16:52:07-05:00
Add a missing checkEscapingKind

Ticket #22743 pointed out that there is a missing check,
for type-inferred bindings, that the inferred type doesn't
have an escaping kind.

The fix is easy.

- - - - -
5fef5d40 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-01-16T10:06:34+00:00
Document the semantics of pattern bindings a bit better

This MR is in response to the discussion on #22719

- - - - -

23 changed files:

- .gitlab-ci.yml
- .gitlab/ci.sh
- + .gitlab/gen-ci.cabal
- .gitlab/gen_ci.hs
- .gitlab/generate_jobs
- + .gitlab/hie.yaml
- .gitlab/jobs.yaml
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
- docs/users_guide/exts/primitives.rst
- docs/users_guide/exts/strict.rst
- libraries/process
- + testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/T22719.hs
- + testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/T22719.stderr
- testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/polykinds/T22743.hs
- + testsuite/tests/polykinds/T22743.stderr
- testsuite/tests/polykinds/all.T
- utils/hsc2hs


@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ variables:
   # Commit of ghc/ci-images repository from which to pull Docker images
-  DOCKER_REV: 0de79b7676de197f5d4b79f22a8220a7d563a427
+  DOCKER_REV: dd01591a50ea4e2aa3c106cf50ca54d38663f912
   # Sequential version number of all cached things.
   # Bump to invalidate GitLab CI cache.
@@ -262,26 +262,20 @@ lint-author:
     - *drafts-can-fail-lint
-  image: "nixos/nix:2.8.0"
+  image: nixos/nix:2.12.0
   extends: .lint
+  # We don't need history/submodules in this job
-    BUILD_FLAVOUR: default
+    GIT_DEPTH: 1
-    - mkdir -p ~/.cabal
-    - cp -Rf cabal-cache/* ~/.cabal || true
+    - echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> /etc/nix/nix.conf
+    - nix-channel --update
-    - nix shell --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes nixpkgs#cabal-install nixpkgs#ghc -c cabal update
     - .gitlab/generate_jobs
-        # 1 if .gitlab/generate_jobs changed the output of the generated config
-    - nix shell --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes nixpkgs#git -c git diff --exit-code
-  after_script:
-    - rm -Rf cabal-cache
-    - cp -Rf ~/.cabal cabal-cache
+    # 1 if .gitlab/generate_jobs changed the output of the generated config
+    - nix shell nixpkgs#git -c git diff --exit-code
   dependencies: []
-  cache:
-    key: lint-ci-$CACHE_REV
-    paths:
-      - cabal-cache
   extends: .lint-submods
@@ -544,8 +538,6 @@ doc-tarball:
   stage: packaging
-    - job: x86_64-linux-fedora33-release-hackage
-      optional: true
     - job: nightly-x86_64-linux-fedora33-release-hackage
       optional: true
     - job: release-x86_64-linux-fedora33-release-hackage
@@ -948,64 +940,3 @@ pages:
       - public
-  stage: full-build
-  rules:
-    # See #22664 to see what needs to be done to bring this up to the validate pipeline standards.
-    - if: $NIGHTLY
-  tags:
-    - x86_64-linux
-  image: registry.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ci-images/x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04:$DOCKER_REV
-  before_script:
-    - sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .
-  variables:
-    BIN_DIST_NAME: ghc-x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04-cross_wasm32-wasi-int_$BIGNUM_BACKEND-release
-    BUILD_FLAVOUR: perf
-    CONFIGURE_ARGS: --with-intree-gmp --with-system-libffi
-    XZ_OPT: "-9"
-    CONF_CC_OPTS_STAGE2: -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-strict-prototypes -mnontrapping-fptoint -msign-ext -mbulk-memory -mmutable-globals -mreference-types
-    CONF_CXX_OPTS_STAGE2: -fno-exceptions -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-strict-prototypes -mnontrapping-fptoint -msign-ext -mbulk-memory -mmutable-globals -mreference-types
-    CONF_GCC_LINKER_OPTS_STAGE2: -Wl,--error-limit=0,--growable-table,--stack-first -Wno-unused-command-line-argument
-    CROSS_EMULATOR: wasmtime
-    CROSS_TARGET: wasm32-wasi
-    HADRIAN_ARGS: --docs=none
-    TEST_ENV: x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04-cross_wasm32-wasi-int_$BIGNUM_BACKEND-release
-  script:
-    - |
-      pushd libraries/process
-      curl https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/haskell/process/pull/240.diff | git apply
-      popd
-      pushd utils/hsc2hs
-      curl https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/haskell/hsc2hs/pull/68.diff | git apply
-      popd
-      pushd "$(mktemp -d)"
-      curl -L https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc-wasm-meta/-/archive/master/ghc-wasm-meta-master.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
-      PREFIX=/tmp/.ghc-wasm SKIP_GHC=1 ./setup.sh
-      source /tmp/.ghc-wasm/env
-      popd
-      .gitlab/ci.sh setup
-      .gitlab/ci.sh configure
-      .gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian
-      .gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian
-  after_script:
-    - cat ci-timings
-  artifacts:
-    expire_in: 8 weeks
-    paths:
-      - ghc-x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04-cross_wasm32-wasi-int_$BIGNUM_BACKEND-release.tar.xz
-    when: always
-  extends: .x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04-cross_wasm32-wasi-release
-  variables:
-  extends: .x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04-cross_wasm32-wasi-release
-  variables:
-    BIGNUM_BACKEND: native

@@ -233,6 +233,10 @@ function set_toolchain_paths() {
   export CABAL
   export HAPPY
   export ALEX
+  if [[ "${CROSS_TARGET:-}" == *"wasm"* ]]; then
+    source "/home/ghc/.ghc-wasm/env"
+  fi
 function cabal_update() {
@@ -252,11 +256,6 @@ function setup() {
       cp -Rf "$CABAL_CACHE"/* "$CABAL_DIR"
-  case "${CONFIGURE_WRAPPER:-}" in
-    emconfigure) time_it "setup" setup_emscripten ;;
-    *) ;;
-  esac
   case $toolchain_source in
     extracted) time_it "setup" setup_toolchain ;;
     *) ;;
@@ -372,14 +371,6 @@ function setup_toolchain() {
   $cabal_install alex --constraint="alex>=$MIN_ALEX_VERSION"
-function setup_emscripten() {
-  git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
-  cd emsdk
-  ./emsdk install latest
-  ./emsdk activate latest
-  cd ..
 function cleanup_submodules() {
   start_section "clean submodules"
   if [ -d .git ]; then
@@ -418,7 +409,7 @@ EOF
 function configure() {
   case "${CONFIGURE_WRAPPER:-}" in
-    emconfigure) source emsdk/emsdk_env.sh ;;
+    emconfigure) source "$EMSDK/emsdk_env.sh" ;;
     *) ;;
@@ -516,6 +507,13 @@ function build_hadrian() {
+  # We can safely enable parallel compression for x64. By the time
+  # hadrian calls tar/xz to produce bindist, there's no other build
+  # work taking place.
+  if [[ "${CI_JOB_NAME:-}" != *"i386"* ]]; then
+    XZ_OPT="${XZ_OPT:-} -T$cores"
+  fi
   if [[ -n "${REINSTALL_GHC:-}" ]]; then
     run_hadrian build-cabal -V
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ function make_install_destdir() {
 # install the binary distribution in directory $1 to $2.
 function install_bindist() {
   case "${CONFIGURE_WRAPPER:-}" in
-    emconfigure) source emsdk/emsdk_env.sh ;;
+    emconfigure) source "$EMSDK/emsdk_env.sh" ;;
     *) ;;

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+cabal-version: 3.0
+name:          gen-ci
+build-type:    Simple
+common warnings
+  ghc-options: -Wall
+executable gen_ci
+  import:           warnings
+  main-is:          gen_ci.hs
+  build-depends:
+    , aeson       >=1.8.1
+    , base
+    , bytestring
+    , containers
+  default-language: Haskell2010

@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
 build-depends: base, aeson >= 1.8.1, containers, bytestring
-import Data.Coerce
-import Data.String (String)
 import Data.Aeson as A
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B hiding (putStrLn)
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
 import Data.List (intercalate)
 import Data.Set (Set)
@@ -135,10 +134,11 @@ data BuildConfig
 -- Extra arguments to pass to ./configure due to the BuildConfig
 configureArgsStr :: BuildConfig -> String
-configureArgsStr bc = intercalate " " $
+configureArgsStr bc = unwords $
   ["--enable-unregisterised"| unregisterised bc ]
   ++ ["--disable-tables-next-to-code" | not (tablesNextToCode bc) ]
   ++ ["--with-intree-gmp" | Just _ <- pure (crossTarget bc) ]
+  ++ ["--with-system-libffi" | crossTarget bc == Just "wasm32-wasi" ]
 -- Compute the hadrian flavour from the BuildConfig
 mkJobFlavour :: BuildConfig -> Flavour
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ noTntc = vanilla { tablesNextToCode = False }
 -- | These tags have to match what we call the runners on gitlab
 runnerTag :: Arch -> Opsys -> String
-runnerTag arch (Linux distro) =
+runnerTag arch (Linux _) =
   case arch of
     Amd64   -> "x86_64-linux"
     AArch64 -> "aarch64-linux"
@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ runnerTag AArch64 Darwin = "aarch64-darwin"
 runnerTag Amd64 Darwin = "x86_64-darwin-m1"
 runnerTag Amd64 Windows = "new-x86_64-windows"
 runnerTag Amd64 FreeBSD13 = "x86_64-freebsd13"
+runnerTag _ _ = error "Invalid arch/opsys"
 tags :: Arch -> Opsys -> BuildConfig -> [String]
 tags arch opsys _bc = [runnerTag arch opsys] -- Tag for which runners we can use
@@ -324,14 +325,14 @@ dockerImage _ _ = Nothing
 -- The "proper" solution would be to use a dependent monoidal map where each key specifies
 -- the combination behaviour of it's values. Ie, whether setting it multiple times is an error
 -- or they should be combined.
-newtype MonoidalMap k v = MonoidalMap (Map k v)
+newtype MonoidalMap k v = MonoidalMap { unMonoidalMap :: Map k v }
     deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, ToJSON)
 instance (Ord k, Semigroup v) => Semigroup (MonoidalMap k v) where
     (MonoidalMap a) <> (MonoidalMap b) = MonoidalMap (Map.unionWith (<>) a b)
 instance (Ord k, Semigroup v) => Monoid (MonoidalMap k v) where
-    mempty = MonoidalMap (Map.empty)
+    mempty = MonoidalMap Map.empty
 mminsertWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> MonoidalMap k a -> MonoidalMap k a
 mminsertWith f k v (MonoidalMap m) = MonoidalMap (Map.insertWith f k v m)
@@ -498,13 +499,13 @@ instance ToJSON ManualFlag where
   toJSON OnSuccess = "on_success"
 instance ToJSON OnOffRules where
-  toJSON rules = toJSON [(object ([
+  toJSON rules = toJSON [object ([
     "if" A..= and_all (map one_rule (enumRules rules))
     , "when" A..= toJSON (when rules)]
     -- Necessary to stop manual jobs stopping pipeline progress
     -- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#rulesallow_failure
-    ["allow_failure" A..= True | when rules == Manual ]))]
+    ["allow_failure" A..= True | when rules == Manual ])]
       one_rule (OnOffRule onoff r) = ruleString onoff r
@@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ instance ToJSON Job where
     , "allow_failure" A..= jobAllowFailure
     -- Joining up variables like this may well be the wrong thing to do but
     -- at least it doesn't lose information silently by overriding.
-    , "variables" A..= fmap (intercalate " ") jobVariables
+    , "variables" A..= fmap unwords jobVariables
     , "artifacts" A..= jobArtifacts
     , "cache" A..= jobCache
     , "after_script" A..= jobAfterScript
@@ -608,6 +609,7 @@ job arch opsys buildConfig = (jobName, Job {..})
         , "bash .gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian" ]
       | otherwise
       = [ "find libraries -name config.sub -exec cp config.sub {} \\;" | Darwin == opsys ] ++
+        [ "sudo apk del --purge glibc*" | opsys == Linux Alpine, isNothing $ crossTarget buildConfig ] ++
         [ "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R ." | Linux {} <- [opsys]] ++
         [ ".gitlab/ci.sh setup"
         , ".gitlab/ci.sh configure"
@@ -677,11 +679,11 @@ job arch opsys buildConfig = (jobName, Job {..})
 -- | Modify all jobs in a 'JobGroup'
 modifyJobs :: (a -> a) -> JobGroup a -> JobGroup a
-modifyJobs f = fmap f
+modifyJobs = fmap
 -- | Modify just the validate jobs in a 'JobGroup'
 modifyValidateJobs :: (a -> a) -> JobGroup a -> JobGroup a
-modifyValidateJobs f jg = jg { v = f <$> (v jg) }
+modifyValidateJobs f jg = jg { v = f <$> v jg }
 -- Generic helpers
@@ -691,19 +693,26 @@ addJobRule r j = j { jobRules = enableRule r (jobRules j) }
 addVariable :: String -> String -> Job -> Job
 addVariable k v j = j { jobVariables = mminsertWith (++) k [v] (jobVariables j) }
+setVariable :: String -> String -> Job -> Job
+setVariable k v j = j { jobVariables = MonoidalMap $ Map.insert k [v] $ unMonoidalMap $ jobVariables j }
+delVariable :: String -> Job -> Job
+delVariable k j = j { jobVariables = MonoidalMap $ Map.delete k $ unMonoidalMap $ jobVariables j }
 -- Building the standard jobs
 -- | Make a normal validate CI job
 validate :: Arch -> Opsys -> BuildConfig -> (String, Job)
-validate arch opsys bc =
-  job arch opsys bc
+validate = job
 -- | Make a normal nightly CI job
+nightly :: Arch -> Opsys -> BuildConfig -> ([Char], Job)
 nightly arch opsys bc =
   let (n, j) = job arch opsys bc
   in ("nightly-" ++ n, addJobRule Nightly . keepArtifacts "8 weeks" . highCompression $ j)
 -- | Make a normal release CI job
+release :: Arch -> Opsys -> BuildConfig -> ([Char], Job)
 release arch opsys bc =
   let (n, j) = job arch opsys (bc { buildFlavour = Release })
   in ("release-" ++ n, addJobRule ReleaseOnly . keepArtifacts "1 year" . ignorePerfFailures . highCompression $ j)
@@ -786,10 +795,10 @@ flattenJobGroup (ValidateOnly a b) = [a, b]
 -- | Specification for all the jobs we want to build.
 jobs :: Map String Job
-jobs = Map.fromList $ concatMap flattenJobGroup $
+jobs = Map.fromList $ concatMap (filter is_enabled_job . flattenJobGroup)
      [ disableValidate (standardBuilds Amd64 (Linux Debian10))
-     , (standardBuildsWithConfig Amd64 (Linux Debian10) dwarf)
-     , (validateBuilds Amd64 (Linux Debian10) nativeInt)
+     , standardBuildsWithConfig Amd64 (Linux Debian10) dwarf
+     , validateBuilds Amd64 (Linux Debian10) nativeInt
      , fastCI (validateBuilds Amd64 (Linux Debian10) unreg)
      , fastCI (validateBuilds Amd64 (Linux Debian10) debug)
      , modifyValidateJobs manual tsan_jobs
@@ -804,7 +813,7 @@ jobs = Map.fromList $ concatMap flattenJobGroup $
      , disableValidate (standardBuildsWithConfig Amd64 (Linux Centos7) (splitSectionsBroken vanilla))
      -- Fedora33 job is always built with perf so there's one job in the normal
      -- validate pipeline which is built with perf.
-     , (standardBuildsWithConfig Amd64 (Linux Fedora33) releaseConfig)
+     , standardBuildsWithConfig Amd64 (Linux Fedora33) releaseConfig
      -- This job is only for generating head.hackage docs
      , hackage_doc_job (disableValidate (standardBuildsWithConfig Amd64 (Linux Fedora33) releaseConfig))
      , disableValidate (standardBuildsWithConfig Amd64 (Linux Fedora33) dwarf)
@@ -823,9 +832,14 @@ jobs = Map.fromList $ concatMap flattenJobGroup $
         { bignumBackend = Native
+     , make_wasm_jobs wasm_build_config
+     , disableValidate $ make_wasm_jobs wasm_build_config { bignumBackend = Native }
+     , disableValidate $ make_wasm_jobs wasm_build_config { unregisterised = True }
+    is_enabled_job (_, Job {jobRules = OnOffRules {..}}) = not $ Disable `S.member` rule_set
     hackage_doc_job = rename (<> "-hackage") . modifyJobs (addVariable "HADRIAN_ARGS" "--haddock-base-url")
     tsan_jobs =
@@ -836,6 +850,22 @@ jobs = Map.fromList $ concatMap flattenJobGroup $
         . addVariable "HADRIAN_ARGS" "--docs=none") $
       validateBuilds Amd64 (Linux Debian10) tsan
+    make_wasm_jobs cfg =
+      modifyJobs
+        ( delVariable "BROKEN_TESTS"
+            . setVariable "HADRIAN_ARGS" "--docs=none"
+            . delVariable "INSTALL_CONFIGURE_ARGS"
+        )
+        $ validateBuilds Amd64 (Linux Alpine) cfg
+    wasm_build_config =
+      (crossConfig "wasm32-wasi" NoEmulatorNeeded Nothing)
+        {
+          fullyStatic = True
+          , buildFlavour     = Release -- TODO: This needs to be validate but wasm backend doesn't pass yet
+        }
+main :: IO ()
 main = do
   as <- getArgs
   (case as of

@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#! nix-shell -i bash -p cabal-install ghc jq
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell -i bash -p cabal-install "haskell.packages.ghc924.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [aeson])" git jq
+# shellcheck shell=bash
+set -euo pipefail
 cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
-./gen_ci.hs $tmp
+cabal run gen_ci -- $tmp
 rm -f jobs.yaml
 cat $tmp | jq | tee -a jobs.yaml

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+  cabal:

@@ -120,64 +120,6 @@
       "TEST_ENV": "aarch64-linux-deb10-validate"
-  "aarch64-linux-deb10-validate+llvm": {
-    "after_script": [
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
-    "allow_failure": false,
-    "artifacts": {
-      "expire_in": "2 weeks",
-      "paths": [
-        "ghc-aarch64-linux-deb10-validate+llvm.tar.xz",
-        "junit.xml"
-      ],
-      "reports": {
-        "junit": "junit.xml"
-      },
-      "when": "always"
-    },
-    "cache": {
-      "key": "aarch64-linux-deb10-$CACHE_REV",
-      "paths": [
-        "cabal-cache",
-        "toolchain"
-      ]
-    },
-    "dependencies": [],
-    "image": "registry.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ci-images/aarch64-linux-deb10:$DOCKER_REV",
-    "needs": [
-      {
-        "artifacts": false,
-        "job": "hadrian-ghc-in-ghci"
-      }
-    ],
-    "rules": [
-      {
-        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"disabled\" != \"disabled\")",
-        "when": "on_success"
-      }
-    ],
-    "script": [
-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
-    "stage": "full-build",
-    "tags": [
-      "aarch64-linux"
-    ],
-    "variables": {
-      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "gmp",
-      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-aarch64-linux-deb10-validate+llvm",
-      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "validate+llvm",
-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "TEST_ENV": "aarch64-linux-deb10-validate+llvm"
-    }
-  },
   "i386-linux-deb9-validate": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
@@ -602,6 +544,128 @@
       "XZ_OPT": "-9"
+  "nightly-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static": {
+    "after_script": [
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
+      "cat ci_timings"
+    ],
+    "allow_failure": false,
+    "artifacts": {
+      "expire_in": "8 weeks",
+      "paths": [
+        "ghc-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static.tar.xz",
+        "junit.xml"
+      ],
+      "reports": {
+        "junit": "junit.xml"
+      },
+      "when": "always"
+    },
+    "cache": {
+      "key": "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-$CACHE_REV",
+      "paths": [
+        "cabal-cache",
+        "toolchain"
+      ]
+    },
+    "dependencies": [],
+    "image": "registry.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ci-images/x86_64-linux-alpine3_12:$DOCKER_REV",
+    "needs": [
+      {
+        "artifacts": false,
+        "job": "hadrian-ghc-in-ghci"
+      }
+    ],
+    "rules": [
+      {
+        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\")",
+        "when": "on_success"
+      }
+    ],
+    "script": [
+      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
+    ],
+    "stage": "full-build",
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+      "x86_64-linux"
+    ],
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+      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "gmp",
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+      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--disable-ld-override --with-intree-gmp --with-system-libffi",
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+      "XZ_OPT": "-9"
+    }
+  },
+  "nightly-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-int_native-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static": {
+    "after_script": [
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
+      "cat ci_timings"
+    ],
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+    "artifacts": {
+      "expire_in": "8 weeks",
+      "paths": [
+        "ghc-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-int_native-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static.tar.xz",
+        "junit.xml"
+      ],
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+        "junit": "junit.xml"
+      },
+      "when": "always"
+    },
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+      }
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+      {
+        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\")",
+        "when": "on_success"
+      }
+    ],
+    "script": [
+      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
+    ],
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+    "tags": [
+      "x86_64-linux"
+    ],
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+      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--disable-ld-override --with-intree-gmp --with-system-libffi",
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+      "XZ_OPT": "-9"
+    }
+  },
   "nightly-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-int_native-validate+fully_static": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
@@ -642,6 +706,7 @@
     "script": [
+      "sudo apk del --purge glibc*",
       "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
@@ -664,6 +729,67 @@
       "XZ_OPT": "-9"
+  "nightly-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-unreg-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static": {
+    "after_script": [
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
+      "cat ci_timings"
+    ],
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+    "artifacts": {
+      "expire_in": "8 weeks",
+      "paths": [
+        "ghc-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-unreg-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static.tar.xz",
+        "junit.xml"
+      ],
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+        "junit": "junit.xml"
+      },
+      "when": "always"
+    },
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+      "key": "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-$CACHE_REV",
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+        "toolchain"
+      ]
+    },
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+      {
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+        "job": "hadrian-ghc-in-ghci"
+      }
+    ],
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+      {
+        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\")",
+        "when": "on_success"
+      }
+    ],
+    "script": [
+      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
+      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
+    ],
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+      "x86_64-linux"
+    ],
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+      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "release+fully_static",
+      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--disable-ld-override --enable-unregisterised --with-intree-gmp --with-system-libffi",
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+      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-unreg-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static",
+      "XZ_OPT": "-9"
+    }
+  },
   "nightly-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-validate+fully_static": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
@@ -704,6 +830,7 @@
     "script": [
+      "sudo apk del --purge glibc*",
       "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
@@ -2274,6 +2401,7 @@
     "script": [
+      "sudo apk del --purge glibc*",
       "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
@@ -2337,6 +2465,7 @@
     "script": [
+      "sudo apk del --purge glibc*",
       "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
@@ -3152,17 +3281,17 @@
       "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-freebsd13-validate"
-  "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-int_native-validate+fully_static": {
+  "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
       "cat ci_timings"
-    "allow_failure": true,
+    "allow_failure": false,
     "artifacts": {
       "expire_in": "2 weeks",
       "paths": [
-        "ghc-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-int_native-validate+fully_static.tar.xz",
+        "ghc-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static.tar.xz",
       "reports": {
@@ -3187,7 +3316,7 @@
     "rules": [
-        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"disabled\" != \"disabled\")",
+        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\")",
         "when": "on_success"
@@ -3203,14 +3332,13 @@
     "variables": {
-      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "native",
-      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-int_native-validate+fully_static",
-      "BROKEN_TESTS": "encoding004 T10458 ghcilink002 linker_unload_native",
-      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "validate+fully_static",
-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--disable-ld-override ",
-      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--docs=no-sphinx",
-      "INSTALL_CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--disable-ld-override",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-int_native-validate+fully_static"
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+      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-cross_wasm32-wasi-release+fully_static",
+      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "release+fully_static",
+      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "--disable-ld-override --with-intree-gmp --with-system-libffi",
+      "CROSS_TARGET": "wasm32-wasi",
+      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--docs=none",
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   "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-validate+fully_static": {
@@ -3253,6 +3381,7 @@
     "script": [
+      "sudo apk del --purge glibc*",
       "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
@@ -3274,7 +3403,7 @@
       "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-alpine3_12-validate+fully_static"
-  "x86_64-linux-centos7-validate": {
+  "x86_64-linux-deb10-int_native-validate": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
@@ -3284,7 +3413,7 @@
     "artifacts": {
       "expire_in": "2 weeks",
       "paths": [
-        "ghc-x86_64-linux-centos7-validate.tar.xz",
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       "reports": {
@@ -3293,14 +3422,14 @@
       "when": "always"
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-      "key": "x86_64-linux-centos7-$CACHE_REV",
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     "needs": [
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@@ -3309,7 +3438,7 @@
     "rules": [
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+        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\")",
         "when": "on_success"
@@ -3325,15 +3454,14 @@
     "variables": {
-      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "gmp",
-      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-centos7-validate",
+      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "native",
+      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-deb10-int_native-validate",
       "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "validate",
       "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--docs=no-sphinx",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-centos7-validate"
+      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-deb10-int_native-validate"
-  "x86_64-linux-deb10-int_native-validate": {
+  "x86_64-linux-deb10-no_tntc-validate": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
       ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
@@ -3343,7 +3471,7 @@
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       "expire_in": "2 weeks",
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-        "ghc-x86_64-linux-deb10-int_native-validate.tar.xz",
+        "ghc-x86_64-linux-deb10-no_tntc-validate.tar.xz",
       "reports": {
@@ -3368,67 +3496,9 @@
     "rules": [
+        "allow_failure": true,
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-        "when": "on_success"
-      }
-    ],
-    "script": [
-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
-    "stage": "full-build",
-    "tags": [
-      "x86_64-linux"
-    ],
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-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-deb10-int_native-validate"
-    }
-  },
-  "x86_64-linux-deb10-no_tntc-validate": {
-    "after_script": [
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
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-      "expire_in": "2 weeks",
-      "paths": [
-        "ghc-x86_64-linux-deb10-no_tntc-validate.tar.xz",
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-        "junit": "junit.xml"
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-      {
-        "artifacts": false,
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-      {
-        "allow_failure": true,
-        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\")",
-        "when": "manual"
+        "when": "manual"
     "script": [
@@ -3567,64 +3637,6 @@
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-  "x86_64-linux-deb10-validate": {
-    "after_script": [
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
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-      {
-        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"disabled\" != \"disabled\")",
-        "when": "on_success"
-      }
-    ],
-    "script": [
-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
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-      "x86_64-linux"
-    ],
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-      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "validate",
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-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-deb10-validate"
-    }
-  },
   "x86_64-linux-deb10-validate+debug_info": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
@@ -3922,122 +3934,6 @@
       "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-deb11-int_native-cross_js-unknown-ghcjs-validate"
-  "x86_64-linux-deb11-validate": {
-    "after_script": [
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
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-        "ghc-x86_64-linux-deb11-validate.tar.xz",
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-        "junit": "junit.xml"
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-        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"disabled\" != \"disabled\")",
-        "when": "on_success"
-      }
-    ],
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-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
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-    "tags": [
-      "x86_64-linux"
-    ],
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-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-deb11-validate"
-    }
-  },
-  "x86_64-linux-deb9-validate": {
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-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
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-      {
-        "if": "($CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS !~ /.*fast-ci.*/) && ($RELEASE_JOB != \"yes\") && ($NIGHTLY == null) && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"true\" == \"true\") && (\"disabled\" != \"disabled\")",
-        "when": "on_success"
-      }
-    ],
-    "script": [
-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
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-      "x86_64-linux"
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-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-deb9-validate"
-    }
-  },
   "x86_64-linux-fedora33-release": {
     "after_script": [
       ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
@@ -4098,243 +3994,6 @@
       "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-fedora33-release"
-  "x86_64-linux-fedora33-release-hackage": {
-    "after_script": [
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
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-        "junit": "junit.xml"
-      },
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-      }
-    ],
-    "script": [
-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
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-      "x86_64-linux"
-    ],
-    "variables": {
-      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "gmp",
-      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-fedora33-release",
-      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "release",
-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--haddock-base-url",
-      "LLC": "/bin/false",
-      "OPT": "/bin/false",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-fedora33-release"
-    }
-  },
-  "x86_64-linux-fedora33-validate+debug_info": {
-    "after_script": [
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
-    "allow_failure": false,
-    "artifacts": {
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-      "paths": [
-        "ghc-x86_64-linux-fedora33-validate+debug_info.tar.xz",
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-        "junit": "junit.xml"
-      },
-      "when": "always"
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-        "when": "on_success"
-      }
-    ],
-    "script": [
-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
-    "stage": "full-build",
-    "tags": [
-      "x86_64-linux"
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-      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "gmp",
-      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-fedora33-validate+debug_info",
-      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "validate+debug_info",
-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "LLC": "/bin/false",
-      "OPT": "/bin/false",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-fedora33-validate+debug_info"
-    }
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-    "after_script": [
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh clean",
-      "cat ci_timings"
-    ],
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-        "junit.xml"
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-      "when": "always"
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-        "when": "on_success"
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-      "sudo chown ghc:ghc -R .",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      ".gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
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-      "x86_64-linux"
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-      "BIGNUM_BACKEND": "gmp",
-      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04-validate",
-      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "validate",
-      "CONFIGURE_ARGS": "",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-linux-ubuntu20_04-validate"
-    }
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-      "bash .gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",
-      "bash .gitlab/ci.sh clean"
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-        "when": "on_success"
-      }
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-      "bash .gitlab/ci.sh setup",
-      "bash .gitlab/ci.sh configure",
-      "bash .gitlab/ci.sh build_hadrian",
-      "bash .gitlab/ci.sh test_hadrian"
-    ],
-    "stage": "full-build",
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-      "new-x86_64-windows"
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-      "BIN_DIST_NAME": "ghc-x86_64-windows-int_native-validate",
-      "BUILD_FLAVOUR": "validate",
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-      "GHC_VERSION": "9.4.3",
-      "HADRIAN_ARGS": "--docs=no-sphinx",
-      "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
-      "MSYSTEM": "CLANG64",
-      "TEST_ENV": "x86_64-windows-int_native-validate"
-    }
-  },
   "x86_64-windows-validate": {
     "after_script": [
       "bash .gitlab/ci.sh save_cache",

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Type (
         mkSpecForAllTy, mkSpecForAllTys,
         mkVisForAllTys, mkTyCoInvForAllTy,
         mkInfForAllTy, mkInfForAllTys,
-        splitForAllTyCoVars,
+        splitForAllTyCoVars, splitForAllTyVars,
         splitForAllReqTyBinders, splitForAllInvisTyBinders,
         splitForAllTyCoVar_maybe, splitForAllTyCoVar,

@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module GHC.Hs.Utils(
   -- * Collecting binders
-  isUnliftedHsBind, isBangedHsBind,
+  isUnliftedHsBind, isUnliftedHsBinds, isBangedHsBind,
   collectLocalBinders, collectHsValBinders, collectHsBindListBinders,
@@ -905,55 +905,106 @@ to return a [Name] or [Id].  Before renaming the record punning
 and wild-card mechanism makes it hard to know what is bound.
 So these functions should not be applied to (HsSyn RdrName)
-Note [Unlifted id check in isUnliftedHsBind]
+Note [isUnliftedHsBind]
-The function isUnliftedHsBind is used to complain if we make a top-level
-binding for a variable of unlifted type.
+The function isUnliftedHsBind tells if the binding binds a variable of
+unlifted type.  e.g.
-Such a binding is illegal if the top-level binding would be unlifted;
-but also if the local letrec generated by desugaring AbsBinds would be.
-      f :: Num a => (# a, a #)
-      g :: Num a => a -> a
-      f = ...g...
-      g = ...g...
+  - I# x = blah
+  - Just (I# x) = blah
-The top-level bindings for f,g are not unlifted (because of the Num a =>),
-but the local, recursive, monomorphic bindings are:
+isUnliftedHsBind is used in two ways:
+* To complain if we make a top-level binding for a variable of unlifted
+  type. E.g. any of the above bindings are illegal at top level
+* To generate a case expression for a non-recursive local let.  E.g.
+     let Just (I# x) = blah in body
+  ==>
+     case blah of Just (I# x) -> body
+  See GHC.HsToCore.Expr.dsUnliftedBind.
+(W1) For AbsBinds we must check if the local letrec generated by desugaring
+     AbsBinds would be unlifted; so we just recurse into the abs_binds. E.g.
+       f :: Num a => (# a, a #)
+       g :: Num a => a -> a
+       f = ...g...
+       g = ...g...
+    The top-level bindings for f,g are not unlifted (because of the Num a =>),
+    but the local, recursive, monomorphic bindings are:
       t = /\a \(d:Num a).
          letrec fm :: (# a, a #) = ...g...
                 gm :: a -> a = ...f...
          in (fm, gm)
-Here the binding for 'fm' is illegal.  So generally we check the abe_mono types.
+   Here the binding for 'fm' is illegal.  So we recurse into the abs_binds
+(W2) BUT we have a special case when abs_sig is true;
+     see Note [The abs_sig field of AbsBinds] in GHC.Hs.Binds
+(W3) isUnliftedHsBind returns False even if the binding itself is
+     unlifted, provided it binds only lifted variables. E.g.
+      -  (# a,b #) = (# reverse xs, xs #)
+      -  x = sqrt# y#  :: Float#
+      -  type Unl :: UnliftedType
+         data Unl = MkUnl Int
+         MkUnl z = blah
-BUT we have a special case when abs_sig is true;
-  see Note [The abs_sig field of AbsBinds] in GHC.Hs.Binds
+     In each case the RHS of the "=" has unlifted type, but isUnliftedHsBind
+     returns False.  Reason: see GHC Proposal #35
+        https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/
+        proposals/0035-unbanged-strict-patterns.rst
+(W4) In particular, (W3) applies to a pattern that binds no variables at all.
+     So   { _ = sqrt# y :: Float# } returns False from isUnliftedHsBind, but
+          { x = sqrt# y :: Float# } returns True.
+     This is arguably a bit confusing (see #22719)
 ----------------- Bindings --------------------------
 -- | Should we treat this as an unlifted bind? This will be true for any
 -- bind that binds an unlifted variable, but we must be careful around
--- AbsBinds. See Note [Unlifted id check in isUnliftedHsBind]. For usage
+-- AbsBinds. See Note [isUnliftedHsBind]. For usage
 -- information, see Note [Strict binds checks] is GHC.HsToCore.Binds.
 isUnliftedHsBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool  -- works only over typechecked binds
-isUnliftedHsBind bind
-  | XHsBindsLR (AbsBinds { abs_exports = exports, abs_sig = has_sig }) <- bind
-  = if has_sig
-    then any (is_unlifted_id . abe_poly) exports
-    else any (is_unlifted_id . abe_mono) exports
+isUnliftedHsBind (XHsBindsLR (AbsBinds { abs_exports = exports
+                                       , abs_sig     = has_sig
+                                       , abs_binds   = binds }))
+  | has_sig   = any (is_unlifted_id . abe_poly) exports
+  | otherwise = isUnliftedHsBinds binds
+    -- See wrinkle (W1) and (W2) in Note [isUnliftedHsBind]
     -- If has_sig is True we will never generate a binding for abe_mono,
     -- so we don't need to worry about it being unlifted. The abe_poly
     -- binding might not be: e.g. forall a. Num a => (# a, a #)
+    -- If has_sig is False, just recurse
-  | otherwise
-  = any is_unlifted_id (collectHsBindBinders CollNoDictBinders bind)
-  where
-    is_unlifted_id id = isUnliftedType (idType id)
-      -- bindings always have a fixed RuntimeRep, so it's OK
-      -- to call isUnliftedType here
+isUnliftedHsBind (FunBind { fun_id = L _ fun })
+  = is_unlifted_id fun
+isUnliftedHsBind (VarBind { var_id = var })
+  = is_unlifted_id var
+isUnliftedHsBind (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat })
+  = any is_unlifted_id (collectPatBinders CollNoDictBinders pat)
+    -- If we changed our view on (W3) you could add
+    --    || isUnliftedType pat_ty
+    -- to this check
+isUnliftedHsBind (PatSynBind {}) = panic "isUnliftedBind: PatSynBind"
+isUnliftedHsBinds :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> Bool
+isUnliftedHsBinds = anyBag (isUnliftedHsBind . unLoc)
+is_unlifted_id :: Id -> Bool
+is_unlifted_id id = isUnliftedType (idType id)
+   -- Bindings always have a fixed RuntimeRep, so it's OK
+   -- to call isUnliftedType here
 -- | Is a binding a strict variable or pattern bind (e.g. @!x = ...@)?
 isBangedHsBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool

@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ dsUnliftedBind (FunBind { fun_id = L l fun
        ; let rhs' = core_wrap (mkOptTickBox tick rhs)
        ; return (bindNonRec fun rhs' body) }
-dsUnliftedBind (PatBind {pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss
+dsUnliftedBind (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss
                         , pat_ext = (ty, _) }) body
   =     -- let C x# y# = rhs in body
         -- ==> case rhs of C x# y# -> body

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
 import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family( tcGetFamInstEnvs )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
-import GHC.Tc.Validity (checkValidType)
+import GHC.Tc.Validity (checkValidType, checkEscapingKind)
 import GHC.Core.Predicate
 import GHC.Core.Reduction ( Reduction(..) )
@@ -906,7 +906,8 @@ mkInferredPolyId residual insoluble qtvs inferred_theta poly_name mb_sig_inst mo
                                           , ppr inferred_poly_ty])
        ; unless insoluble $
          addErrCtxtM (mk_inf_msg poly_name inferred_poly_ty) $
-         checkValidType (InfSigCtxt poly_name) inferred_poly_ty
+         do { checkEscapingKind inferred_poly_ty
+            ; checkValidType (InfSigCtxt poly_name) inferred_poly_ty }
          -- See Note [Validity of inferred types]
          -- If we found an insoluble error in the function definition, don't
          -- do this check; otherwise (#14000) we may report an ambiguity

@@ -4408,10 +4408,7 @@ checkValidDataCon dflags existential_ok tc con
           --  e.g. reject this:   MkT :: T (forall a. a->a)
           -- Reason: it's really the argument of an equality constraint
         ; checkValidMonoType orig_res_ty
-        -- Check for an escaping result kind
-        -- See Note [Check for escaping result kind]
-        ; checkEscapingKind con
+        ; checkEscapingKind (dataConWrapperType con)
         -- For /data/ types check that each argument has a fixed runtime rep
         -- If we are dealing with a /newtype/, we allow representation
@@ -4576,47 +4573,6 @@ checkNewDataCon con
     ok_mult OneTy = True
     ok_mult _     = False
--- | Reject nullary data constructors where a type variable
--- would escape through the result kind
--- See Note [Check for escaping result kind]
-checkEscapingKind :: DataCon -> TcM ()
-checkEscapingKind data_con
-  | null eq_spec, null theta, null arg_tys
-  , let tau_kind = typeKind res_ty
-  , Nothing <- occCheckExpand (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs) tau_kind
-    -- Ensure that none of the tvs occur in the kind of the forall
-    -- /after/ expanding type synonyms.
-    -- See Note [Phantom type variables in kinds] in GHC.Core.Type
-  = failWithTc $ TcRnForAllEscapeError (dataConWrapperType data_con) tau_kind
-  | otherwise
-  = return ()
-  where
-    (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, res_ty)
-      = dataConFullSig data_con
-{- Note [Check for escaping result kind]
-  type T :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)
-  data T = MkT
-This is not OK: we get
-  MkT :: forall l. T @l :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)
-which is ill-kinded.
-For ordinary type signatures f :: blah, we make this check as part of kind-checking
-the type signature; see Note [Escaping kind in type signatures] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType.
-But for data constructors we check the type piecemeal, and there is no very
-convenient place to do it.  For example, note that it only applies for /nullary/
-constructors.  If we had
-  data T = MkT Int
-then the type of MkT would be MkT :: forall l. Int -> T @l, which is fine.
-So we make the check in checkValidDataCon.
-Historical note: we used to do the check in checkValidType (#20929 discusses).
 checkValidClass :: Class -> TcM ()
 checkValidClass cls

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Validity (
   Rank(..), UserTypeCtxt(..), checkValidType, checkValidMonoType,
   checkValidInstance, checkValidInstHead, validDerivPred,
-  checkTySynRhs,
+  checkTySynRhs, checkEscapingKind,
   checkValidCoAxiom, checkValidCoAxBranch,
   checkValidTyFamEqn, checkValidAssocTyFamDeflt, checkConsistentFamInst,
@@ -466,6 +466,53 @@ checkTySynRhs ctxt ty
     actual_kind = typeKind ty
+{- Note [Check for escaping result kind]
+  type T :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)
+  data T = MkT
+This is not OK: we get
+  MkT :: forall l. T @l :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)
+which is ill-kinded.
+For ordinary /user-written type signatures f :: blah, we make this
+check as part of kind-checking the type signature in tcHsSigType; see
+Note [Escaping kind in type signatures] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType.
+But in two other places we need to check for an escaping result kind:
+* For data constructors we check the type piecemeal, and there is no
+  very convenient place to do it.  For example, note that it only
+  applies for /nullary/ constructors.  If we had
+    data T = MkT Int
+  then the type of MkT would be MkT :: forall l. Int -> T @l, which is fine.
+  So we make the check in checkValidDataCon.
+* When inferring the type of a function, there is no user-written type
+  that we are checking.  Forgetting this led to #22743.  Now we call
+  checkEscapingKind in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.mkInferredPolyId
+Historical note: we used to do the escaping-kind check in
+checkValidType (#20929 discusses), but that is now redundant.
+checkEscapingKind :: Type -> TcM ()
+-- Give a sigma-type (forall a1 .. an. ty), where (ty :: ki),
+-- check that `ki` does not mention any of the binders a1..an.
+-- Otherwise the type is ill-kinded
+-- See Note [Check for escaping result kind]
+checkEscapingKind poly_ty
+  | (tvs, tau) <- splitForAllTyVars poly_ty
+  , let tau_kind = typeKind tau
+  , Nothing <- occCheckExpand tvs tau_kind
+    -- Ensure that none of the tvs occur in the kind of the forall
+    -- /after/ expanding type synonyms.
+    -- See Note [Phantom type variables in kinds] in GHC.Core.Type
+  = failWithTc $ TcRnForAllEscapeError poly_ty tau_kind
+  | otherwise
+  = return ()
 funArgResRank :: Rank -> (Rank, Rank)             -- Function argument and result
 funArgResRank (LimitedRank _ arg_rank) = (arg_rank, LimitedRank (forAllAllowed arg_rank) arg_rank)
 funArgResRank other_rank               = (other_rank, other_rank)
@@ -762,6 +809,9 @@ check_type ve@(ValidityEnv{ ve_tidy_env = env
         ; check_type (ve{ve_tidy_env = env'}) tau
                 -- Allow foralls to right of arrow
+        -- Note: skolem-escape in types (e.g. forall r (a::r). a) is handled
+        --       by tcHsSigType and the constraint solver, so no need to
+        --       check it here; c.f. #20929
     (tvbs, phi)   = tcSplitForAllTyVarBinders ty

@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ There are some restrictions on the use of primitive types:
          f x = let !(Foo a b, w) = ..rhs.. in ..body..
-   since ``b`` has type ``Int#``.
+   since ``b`` has type ``Int#``.  See :ref:`recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings`.
 .. _unboxed-tuples:
@@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ example desugars like this:
                 q = snd t
             in ..body..
-Indeed, the bindings can even be recursive.
+Indeed, the bindings can even be recursive.  See :ref:`recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings`
+for a more precise account.
 To refer to the unboxed tuple type constructors themselves, e.g. if you
 want to attach instances to them, use ``(# #)``, ``(#,#)``, ``(#,,#)``, etc.
@@ -436,9 +437,13 @@ argument either way), GHC currently disallows the more general type
 ``PEither @l Int Bool -> Bool``. This is a consequence of the
 `representation-polymorphic binder restriction <#representation-polymorphism-restrictions>`__,
-Due to :ghc-ticket:`19487`, it's
-currently not possible to declare levity-polymorphic data types with nullary
-data constructors. There's a workaround, though: ::
+Pattern matching against an unlifted data type work just like that for lifted
+types; but see :ref:`recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings` for the semantics of
+pattern bindings involving unlifted data types.
+Due to :ghc-ticket:`19487`, it is
+not currently possible to declare levity-polymorphic data types with nullary
+data constructors. There is a workaround, though: ::
   type T :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)
   data T where

@@ -116,12 +116,10 @@ In both cases ``e`` is evaluated before starting to evaluate ``body``.
 Note the following points:
-- This form is not the same as a bang pattern:
-  The declarations ``f3 (x,y) = ...`` and ``f4 !(x,y) = ....``
-  are equivalent (because the constructor pattern ``(x,y)`` forces the argument),
-  but the expressions ``let (p,q) = e in body`` and ``let !(p,q) = e in body``
-  are different. The former will not evaluate ``e`` unless
-  ``p`` or ``q`` is forced in ``body``.
+- A strict binding (with a top level ``!``) should not be thought of as a regular
+  pattern binding that happens to have a bang pattern (:ref:`bang-patterns-informal`) on the LHS.
+  Rather, the top level ``!`` should be considered part of the let-binding, rather than
+  part of the pattern.  This makes a difference when we come to the rules in :ref:`bang-patterns-sem`.
 - Only a top-level bang (perhaps under parentheses) makes the binding strict; otherwise,
   it is considered a normal bang pattern. For example, ::
@@ -377,20 +375,62 @@ Haskell Report.
 Replace the "Translation" there with the following one.  Given
 ``let { bind1 ... bindn } in body``:
-.. admonition:: FORCE
+.. admonition:: SPLIT-LAZY
-    Replace any binding ``!p = e`` with ``v = case e of p -> (x1, ..., xn); (x1, ..., xn) = v`` and replace
-    ``body`` with ``v seq body``, where ``v`` is fresh. This translation works fine if
-    ``p`` is already a variable ``x``, but can obviously be optimised by not
-    introducing a fresh variable ``v``.
+    Given a lazy pattern binding ``p = e``, where ``p`` is not a variable,
+    and ``x1...xn`` are the variables bound by ``p``,
+    and all these binders have lifted type,
+    replace the binding with this (where ``v`` is fresh)::
-.. admonition:: SPLIT
+       v = case e of { p -> (x1, ..., xn) }
+       x1 = case v of { (x1, ..., xn) -> x1 }
+       ...
+       xn = case v of { (x1, ..., xn) -> xn }``
-    Replace any binding ``p = e``, where ``p`` is not a variable, with
-    ``v = e; x1 = case v of p -> x1; ...; xn = case v of p -> xn``, where
-    ``v`` is fresh and ``x1``.. ``xn`` are the bound variables of ``p``.
-    Again if ``e`` is a variable, this can be optimised by not introducing a
-    fresh variable.
+    If n=1 (i.e. exactly one variable is bound),
+    the desugaring uses the ``Solo`` type to make a 1-tuple.
+.. admonition:: SPLIT-STRICT
+    Given a strict pattern binding ``!p = e``, where
+    ``x1...xn`` are the variables bound by ``p``,
+    and all these binders have lifted type:
+    1. Replace the binding with this (where ``v`` is fresh)::
+          v = case e of { !p -> (x1, ..., xn) }
+          (x1, ..., xn) = v
+    2. Replace ``body`` with ``v `seq` body``.
+    As in SPLIT-LAZY, if n=1 the desugaring uses the ``Solo`` type to make a 1-tuple.
+    This transformation is illegal at the top
+    level of a module (since there is no ``body``), so strict bindings are illegal at top level.
+    The transformation is correct when ``p`` is a variable ``x``, but can be optimised to::
+       let !x = e in body  ==>   let x = e in x `seq` body
+.. admonition:: CASE
+    Given a non-recursive strict pattern binding ``!p = e``,
+    where ``x1...xn`` are the variables bound by ``p``,
+    and any of the binders has unlifted type:
+    replace the binding with nothing at all, and replace
+    ``body`` with ``case e of p -> body``.
+    This transformation is illegal at the top
+    level of a module, so such bindings are rejected.
+    The result of this transformation is ill-scoped if any of the binders
+    ``x1...xn`` appears in ``e``; hence the restriction to non-recursive pattern bindings.
+    Exactly the same transformation applies to a non-recursive lazy pattern binding
+    (i.e. one lacking a top-level ``!``) that binds any unlifted variables; but
+    such a binding emits a warning :ghc-flag:`-Wunbanged-strict-patterns`. The
+    warning encourages the programmer to make visible the fact that this binding
+    is necessarily strict.
 The result will be a (possibly) recursive set of bindings, binding
 only simple variables on the left hand side. (One could go one step
@@ -412,56 +452,106 @@ Here is a simple non-recursive case: ::
         !x = factorial y
     in body
-    ===> (FORCE)
-        let x = factorial y in x `seq` body
+    ===> (SPLIT-STRICT)
+         let x = factorial y in x `seq` body
     ===> (inline seq)
-        let x = factorial y in case x of x -> body
+         let x = factorial y in case x of x -> body
     ===> (inline x)
-        case factorial y of x -> body
+         case factorial y of x -> body
 Same again, only with a pattern binding: ::
-    let !(Just x, Left y) = e in body
+    let !(Just x) = e in body
-    ===> (FORCE)
-        let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
-            (x,y) = v
-        in v `seq` body
+    ===> (SPLIT-STRICT)
+         let v = case e of !(Just x) -> Solo x
+             Solo x = v
+         in v `seq` body
-    ===> (SPLIT)
-        let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
-            x = case v of (x,y) -> x
-            y = case v of (x,y) -> y
-        in v `seq` body
+    ===> (SPLIT-LAZY, drop redundant bang)
+         let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+             x = case v of Solo x -> x
+         in v `seq` body
     ===> (inline seq, float x,y bindings inwards)
-        let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
-        in case v of v -> let x = case v of (x,y) -> x
-                              y = case v of (x,y) -> y
-                          in body
+         let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+         in case v of !v -> let x = case v of Solo x -> x
+                            in body
     ===> (fluff up v's pattern; this is a standard Core optimisation)
-        let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
-        in case v of v@(p,q) -> let x = case v of (x,y) -> x
-                                    y = case v of (x,y) -> y
-                                in body
+         let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+         in case v of v@(Solo p) -> let x = case v of Solo x -> x
+                                    in body
     ===> (case of known constructor)
-        let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
-        in case v of v@(p,q) -> let x = p
-                                    y = q
-                                in body
+         let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+         in case v of v@(Solo p) -> let x = p
+                                    in body
-    ===> (inline x,y, v)
-        case (case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y) of
-            (p,q) -> body[p/x, q/y]
+    ===> (inline x, v)
+         case (case e of Just x -> Solo x) of
+            Solo p -> body[p/x, q/y]
     ===> (case of case)
-        case e of (Just x, Left y) -> body[p/x, q/y]
+         case e of Just x -> body[p/x, q/y]
+The final form is just what we want: a simple case expression.  Notice, crucially,
+that that *pattern* ``Just x`` is forced eagerly, but ``x`` itself is not evaluated
+unless and until ``body`` does so.  Note also that this example uses a pattern
+that binds exactly one variable, and illustrates the use of the ``Solo`` 1-tuple.
-The final form is just what we want: a simple case expression.
+Rule (SPLIT-STRICT) applies even if the pattern binds no variables::
+    let !(True,False) = e in body
+    ===> (SPLIT-STRICT)
+         let v = case e of !(True,False) -> (); () = v in v `seq` body
+    ===> (inline, simplify, drop redundant bang)
+         case e of (True,False) -> body
+That is, we force ``e`` and check that it has the right form before proceeding with ``body``.
+This happens even if the pattern is itself vacuous::
+    let !_ = e in body
+    ===> (SPLIT-STRICT)
+         let v = case e of !_ -> (); () = v in v `seq` body
+    ===> (inline, simplify)
+         case e of !_ -> body
+Again, ``e`` is forced before evaluating ``body``.  This (along with ``!x = e``) is the reason
+that (SPLIT-STRICT) uses a bang-pattern in the ``case`` in the desugared right-hand side.
+Note that rule (CASE) applies only when any of the *binders* is unlifted;
+it is irrelevant whether the binding *itself* is unlifted (see
+`GHC proposal #35 <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0035-unbanged-strict-patterns.rst>`__).
+For example (see :ref:`primitives`)::
+    let (# a::Int, b::Bool #) = e in body
+    ===> (SPLIT-LAZY)
+        let v = case e of (# a,b #) -> (a,b)
+            a = case v of (a,b) -> a
+            b = case v of (a,b) -> b
+        in body
+Even though the tuple pattern is unboxed, it is matched only when ``a`` or ``b`` are evaluated in ``body``.
+Here is an example with an unlifted data type::
+    type T :: UnliftedType
+    data T = MkT Int
+    f1 x = let MkT y  = blah in body1
+    f2 x = let z :: T = blah in body2
+    f3 x = let _ :: T = blah in body3
+In ``f1``, even though ``T`` is an unlifted type, the pattern ``MkT y`` binds a lifted
+variable ``y``, so (SPLIT-LAZY) applies, and ``blah`` is not evaluated until ``body1`` evaluates ``y``.
+In contrast, in ``f2`` the pattern ``z :: T`` binds a variable ``z`` of unlifted type, so (CASE) applies
+and the let-binding is strict.  In ``f3`` the pattern binds no variables, so again it is lazy like ``f1``.
 Here is a recursive case ::
@@ -469,14 +559,14 @@ Here is a recursive case ::
             !xs = factorial y : xs
     in body
-    ===> (FORCE)
-        letrec xs = factorial y : xs in xs `seq` body
+    ===> (SPLIT-STRICT)
+         letrec xs = factorial y : xs in xs `seq` body
     ===> (inline seq)
-        letrec xs = factorial y : xs in case xs of xs -> body
+         letrec xs = factorial y : xs in case xs of xs -> body
     ===> (eliminate case of value)
-        letrec xs = factorial y : xs in body
+         letrec xs = factorial y : xs in body
 and a polymorphic one: ::
@@ -484,10 +574,11 @@ and a polymorphic one: ::
         !f = fst (reverse, True)
     in body
-    ===> (FORCE)
-        let f = /\a. fst (reverse a, True) in f `seq` body
+    ===> (SPLIT-STRICT)
+         let f = /\a. fst (reverse a, True) in f `seq` body
     ===> (inline seq, inline f)
-        case (/\a. fst (reverse a, True)) of f -> body
+         case (/\a. fst (reverse a, True)) of f -> body
 Notice that the ``seq`` is added only in the translation to Core
 If we did it in Haskell source, thus ::
@@ -507,10 +598,10 @@ intuitive: ::
         !f = fst (member, True)
     in body
-    ===> (FORCE)
-        let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in f `seq` body
+    ===> (SPLIT-STRICT)
+         let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in f `seq` body
     ===> (inline seq, case of value)
-        let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in body
+         let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in body
 Note that the bang has no effect at all in this case

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 7c6871d89bd87875b4e402de26d7267c11e617a9
+Subproject commit d295bcceb64e9f17f08999c6333aaabda4d5ee96

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedDatatypes #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+module T22719 where
+import GHC.Exts
+type T :: UnliftedType
+data T = T
+f :: Int -> T
+f 0 = T
+f n = f (n-1)
+-- ex1 is lazy in (f 7)
+ex1 :: ()
+ex1 = let _ = f 7 in ()
+-- ex2 is strict in (f 10)
+ex2 :: ()
+ex2 = let _a = f 10 in ()

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+==================== Tidy Core ====================
+Result size of Tidy Core
+  = {terms: 25, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+-- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+ex1 :: ()
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []]
+ex1 = GHC.Tuple.Prim.()
+Rec {
+-- RHS size: {terms: 15, types: 5, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+f [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Int -> T
+[GblId, Arity=1, Unf=OtherCon []]
+f = \ (ds :: Int) ->
+      case ds of wild { I# ds1 ->
+      case ds1 of {
+        __DEFAULT -> f (- @Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild (GHC.Types.I# 1#));
+        0# -> T22719.T
+      }
+      }
+end Rec }
+-- RHS size: {terms: 6, types: 1, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+ex2 :: ()
+ex2 = case f (GHC.Types.I# 10#) of { T -> GHC.Tuple.Prim.() }

@@ -112,3 +112,4 @@ test('T16615', normal, compile, ['-ddump-ds -dsuppress-uniques'])
 test('T18112', [grep_errmsg('cast')], compile, ['-ddump-ds'])
 test('T19969', normal, compile, ['-ddump-simpl -dsuppress-uniques'])
 test('T19883', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T22719', normal, compile, ['-ddump-simpl -dsuppress-uniques -dno-typeable-binds'])

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+module M where
+import GHC.Exts
+import Data.Kind
+f :: forall f (g :: Type) (a :: TYPE (f g)). Int -> a
+f = f
+x = f 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+T22743.hs:10:1: error: [GHC-31147]
+    • Quantified type's kind mentions quantified type variable
+        type: ‘forall {f :: * -> RuntimeRep} {g} {a :: TYPE (f g)}. a’
+      where the body of the forall has this kind: ‘TYPE (f g)’
+    • When checking the inferred type
+        x :: forall {f :: * -> RuntimeRep} {g} {a :: TYPE (f g)}. a

@@ -241,3 +241,4 @@ test('T19739c', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T19739d', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T22379a', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T22379b', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T22743', normal, compile_fail, [''])

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 219bba062e804db0bea4bf3ffcaaba2df46334f8
+Subproject commit 0811ae8f29d0cc2591bbe89bc034ae14143d0443

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