[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22404] Wibbles
Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Jan 13 15:20:26 UTC 2023
Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T22404 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
ff458a71 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-01-13T15:20:53+00:00
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Builtin.Names( runRWKey )
import GHC.Unit.Module( Module )
-import Data.List (mapAccumL, mapAccumR)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
@@ -596,6 +596,10 @@ Hence the transitive rule_fv_env stuff described in
Note [Rules and loop breakers].
+Note [Occurrence analysis for join points]
+ToDo: addresses #22404.
Note [Finding join points]
It's the occurrence analyser's job to find bindings that we can turn into join
@@ -848,7 +852,9 @@ occAnalBind !env lvl ire (NonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside combine
, not (idHasRules bndr)
= let -- Analyse the rhs first, generating rhs_uds
rhs_env = setRhsCtxt OccVanilla env
- WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs' = occAnalRhs rhs_env NonRecursive mb_join rhs
+ WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs' = adjustNonRecRhs mb_join $
+ occAnalLamTail rhs_env rhs
!(!one_uds, !many_uds) = partitionOneOccUDs rhs_uds
-- Now analyse the body, adding the
@@ -900,7 +906,7 @@ finishNonRec combine tagged_bndr
occAnalNonRecIdBind :: OccEnv -> ImpRuleEdges -> Id -> CoreExpr
-> WithUsageDetails [CoreBind]
occAnalNonRecIdBind !env imp_rule_edges tagged_bndr rhs
- = WithUsageDetails rhs_usage [NonRec final_bndr rhs']
+ = WithUsageDetails rhs_usage [NonRec final_bndr final_rhs]
-- Get the join info from the *new* decision
-- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
@@ -928,7 +934,7 @@ occAnalNonRecIdBind !env imp_rule_edges tagged_bndr rhs
--------- Unfolding ---------
-- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
- unf = idUnfolding bndr
+ unf = idUnfolding tagged_bndr
WithTailUsageDetails unf_uds unf1 = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env unf
unf2 = markNonRecUnfoldingOneShots mb_join_arity unf1
adj_unf_uds = adjustTailArity mb_join_arity unf_uds
@@ -1019,12 +1025,9 @@ occAnalRec !_ _ scc (WithUsageDetails body_uds binds)
occAnalRec !_ lvl
(AcyclicSCC (ND { nd_bndr = bndr, nd_rhs = wtuds }))
(WithUsageDetails body_uds binds)
- = WithUsageDetails (body_uds' `andUDs` rhs_uds') (NonRec bndr' rhs' : binds)
+ = WithUsageDetails (body_uds `andUDs` rhs_uds')
+ (NonRec bndr' rhs' : binds)
- tagged_bndr = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_uds bndr
- rhs_uds' = adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity rhs rhs_uds
- mb_join_arity = willBeJoinId_maybe tagged_bndr
tagged_bndr = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_uds bndr
mb_join_arity = willBeJoinId_maybe tagged_bndr
WithUsageDetails rhs_uds' rhs' = adjustNonRecRhs mb_join_arity wtuds
@@ -1619,7 +1622,7 @@ makeNode !env imp_rule_edges bndr_set (bndr, rhs)
-- Instead, do the occAnalLamTail call here and postpone adjustTailUsage
-- until occAnalRec. In effect, we pretend that the RHS becomes a
-- non-recursive join point and fix up later with adjustTailUsage.
- rhs_env = setRhsCtxt env
+ rhs_env = setRhsCtxt OccRhs env
WithTailUsageDetails (TUD rhs_ja unadj_rhs_uds) rhs' = occAnalLamTail rhs_env rhs
-- corresponding call to adjustTailUsage in occAnalRec and tagRecBinders
@@ -2029,8 +2032,8 @@ occAnalLamTail :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> WithTailUsageDetails CoreExpr
-- See Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
occAnalLamTail env (Lam bndr expr)
| isTyVar bndr
- = addInScope env [bndr] $ \env ->
- let WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja usage) expr' <- occAnalLamTail env expr
+ = addInScopeTail env [bndr] $ \env ->
+ let WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja usage) expr' = occAnalLamTail env expr
in WithTailUsageDetails (TUD (ja+1) usage) (Lam bndr expr')
-- Important: Do not modify occ_encl, so that with a RHS like
-- \(@ x) -> K @x (f @x)
@@ -2038,7 +2041,7 @@ occAnalLamTail env (Lam bndr expr)
-- from inlining f. See the beginning of Note [Cascading inlines].
| otherwise -- So 'bndr' is an Id
- = addInScope env [bndr] $ \env ->
+ = addInScopeTail env [bndr] $ \env ->
let (env_one_shots', bndr1)
= case occ_one_shots env of
[] -> ([], bndr)
@@ -2051,7 +2054,7 @@ occAnalLamTail env (Lam bndr expr)
env1 = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_one_shots = env_one_shots' }
WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja usage) expr' = occAnalLamTail env1 expr
bndr2 = tagLamBinder usage bndr1
- in WithTailUsageDetails (TUD (ja+1) usage') (Lam bndr2 expr')
+ in WithTailUsageDetails (TUD (ja+1) usage) (Lam bndr2 expr')
-- For casts, keep going in the same lambda-group
-- See Note [Occurrence analysis for lambda binders]
@@ -2726,10 +2729,28 @@ isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = cxt }) = case cxt of
OccRhs -> True
_ -> False
-addInScope :: OccEnv -> [Var] -> (OccEnv -> WithUsageDetails a) -> WithUsageDetails a
+addInScope :: OccEnv -> [Var] -> (OccEnv -> WithUsageDetails a)
+ -> WithUsageDetails a
+addInScope = add_in_scope fix_up
+ where
+ fix_up fix_up_usage (WithUsageDetails usage res)
+ = WithUsageDetails (fix_up_usage usage) res
+addInScopeTail :: OccEnv -> [Var] -> (OccEnv -> WithTailUsageDetails a)
+ -> WithTailUsageDetails a
+addInScopeTail = add_in_scope fix_up
+ where
+ fix_up fix_up_usage (WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja usage) res)
+ = WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja (fix_up_usage usage)) res
+add_in_scope :: ((UsageDetails -> UsageDetails) -> res -> res)
+ -> OccEnv -> [Var] -> (OccEnv -> res) -> res
-- Needed for all Vars not just Ids; a TyVar might have a CoVars in its kind
-addInScope env@(OccEnv { occ_join_points = join_points }) bndrs thing_inside
- = fix_up_uds $ thing_inside $ drop_shadowed_swaps $ drop_shadowed_joins env
+add_in_scope fix_up_result
+ env@(OccEnv { occ_join_points = join_points })
+ bndrs thing_inside
+ = fix_up_result fix_up_uds $ thing_inside $
+ drop_shadowed_swaps $ drop_shadowed_joins env
drop_shadowed_swaps :: OccEnv -> OccEnv
@@ -2744,11 +2765,11 @@ addInScope env@(OccEnv { occ_join_points = join_points }) bndrs thing_inside
-- See Note [Occurrence analysis for join points]
drop_shadowed_joins env = env { occ_join_points = good_joins `delVarEnvList` bndrs}
- fix_up_uds :: WithUsageDetails a -> WithUsageDetails a
+ fix_up_uds :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+ -- Remove usage for bndrs
-- Add usage info for (a) CoVars used in the types of bndrs
-- and (b) occ_join_points that we cannot push inwards because of shadowing
- fix_up_uds (WithUsageDetails uds res)
- = WithUsageDetails with_joins res
+ fix_up_uds uds = with_joins
trimmed_uds = uds `delDetails` bndrs
with_co_var_occs = trimmed_uds `addManyOccs` coVarOccs bndrs
@@ -3376,8 +3397,8 @@ adjustTailUsage mb_join_arity rhs (TUD rhs_ja usage)
exact_join = mb_join_arity == Just rhs_ja
adjustTailArity :: Maybe JoinArity -> TailUsageDetails -> UsageDetails
-adjustTailArity mb_rhs_ja (TUD ud_ja usage) =
- markAllNonTailIf (mb_rhs_ja /= Just ud_ja) usage
+adjustTailArity mb_rhs_ja (TUD ud_ja usage)
+ = markAllNonTailIf (mb_rhs_ja /= Just ud_ja) usage
markNonRecJoinOneShots :: JoinArity -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-- For a /non-recursive/ join point we can mark all
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