[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22662] Make FloatIn robust to shadowing

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Jan 5 12:58:06 UTC 2023

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T22662 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

4e78c3bf by Simon Peyton Jones at 2023-01-05T12:58:14+00:00
Make FloatIn robust to shadowing

This MR fixes #22622. See the new
  Note [Shadowing and name capture]

I did a bit of refactoring in sepBindsByDropPoint too.

The bug doesn't manifest in HEAD, but it did show up in 9.4,
so we should backport this patch to 9.4

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/FloatIn.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T22662.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/all.T


@@ -35,9 +35,12 @@ import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import Data.List        ( mapAccumL )
 Top-level interface function, @floatInwards at .  Note that we do not
 actually float any bindings downwards from the top-level.
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ the closure for a is not built.
-type FreeVarSet  = DIdSet
+type FreeVarSet  = DVarSet
 type BoundVarSet = DIdSet
 data FloatInBind = FB BoundVarSet FreeVarSet FloatBind
@@ -132,11 +135,17 @@ data FloatInBind = FB BoundVarSet FreeVarSet FloatBind
         -- of recursive bindings, the set doesn't include the bound
         -- variables.
-type FloatInBinds = [FloatInBind]
-        -- In reverse dependency order (innermost binder first)
+type FloatInBinds    = [FloatInBind] -- In normal dependency order
+                                     --    (outermost binder first)
+type RevFloatInBinds = [FloatInBind] -- In reverse dependency order
+                                     --    (innermost binder first)
+instance Outputable FloatInBind where
+  ppr (FB bvs fvs _) = text "FB" <> braces (sep [ text "bndrs =" <+> ppr bvs
+                                                , text "fvs =" <+> ppr fvs ])
 fiExpr :: Platform
-       -> FloatInBinds      -- Binds we're trying to drop
+       -> RevFloatInBinds   -- Binds we're trying to drop
                             -- as far "inwards" as possible
        -> CoreExprWithFVs   -- Input expr
        -> CoreExpr          -- Result
@@ -147,13 +156,12 @@ fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnType ty)     = assert (null to_drop) $ Type ty
 fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnVar v)       = wrapFloats to_drop (Var v)
 fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnCoercion co) = wrapFloats to_drop (Coercion co)
 fiExpr platform to_drop (_, AnnCast expr (co_ann, co))
-  = wrapFloats (drop_here ++ co_drop) $
+  = wrapFloats drop_here $
     Cast (fiExpr platform e_drop expr) co
-    [drop_here, e_drop, co_drop]
-      = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False
-          [freeVarsOf expr, freeVarsOfAnn co_ann]
-          to_drop
+    (drop_here, [e_drop])
+      = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False to_drop
+          (freeVarsOfAnn co_ann) [freeVarsOf expr]
 Applications: we do float inside applications, mainly because we
@@ -162,7 +170,7 @@ pull out any silly ones.
 fiExpr platform to_drop ann_expr@(_,AnnApp {})
-  = wrapFloats drop_here $ wrapFloats extra_drop $
+  = wrapFloats drop_here $
     mkTicks ticks $
     mkApps (fiExpr platform fun_drop ann_fun)
            (zipWithEqual "fiExpr" (fiExpr platform) arg_drops ann_args)
@@ -170,21 +178,19 @@ fiExpr platform to_drop ann_expr@(_,AnnApp {})
            -- length ann_args = length arg_fvs = length arg_drops
     (ann_fun, ann_args, ticks) = collectAnnArgsTicks tickishFloatable ann_expr
-    fun_ty  = exprType (deAnnotate ann_fun)
     fun_fvs = freeVarsOf ann_fun
-    arg_fvs = map freeVarsOf ann_args
-    (drop_here : extra_drop : fun_drop : arg_drops)
-       = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False
-                             (extra_fvs : fun_fvs : arg_fvs)
-                             to_drop
+    (drop_here, fun_drop : arg_drops)
+       = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False to_drop
+                             here_fvs (fun_fvs : arg_fvs)
          -- Shortcut behaviour: if to_drop is empty,
          -- sepBindsByDropPoint returns a suitable bunch of empty
          -- lists without evaluating extra_fvs, and hence without
          -- peering into each argument
-    (_, extra_fvs) = foldl' add_arg (fun_ty, extra_fvs0) ann_args
-    extra_fvs0 = case ann_fun of
+    (here_fvs, arg_fvs) = mapAccumL add_arg here_fvs0 ann_args
+    here_fvs0 = case ann_fun of
                    (_, AnnVar _) -> fun_fvs
                    _             -> emptyDVarSet
           -- Don't float the binding for f into f x y z; see Note [Join points]
@@ -192,14 +198,11 @@ fiExpr platform to_drop ann_expr@(_,AnnApp {})
           -- join point, floating it in isn't especially harmful but it's
           -- useless since the simplifier will immediately float it back out.)
-    add_arg :: (Type,FreeVarSet) -> CoreExprWithFVs -> (Type,FreeVarSet)
-    add_arg (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (_, AnnType ty)
-      = (piResultTy fun_ty ty, extra_fvs)
-    add_arg (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (arg_fvs, arg)
-      | noFloatIntoArg arg
-      = (funResultTy fun_ty, extra_fvs `unionDVarSet` arg_fvs)
-      | otherwise
-      = (funResultTy fun_ty, extra_fvs)
+    add_arg :: FreeVarSet -> CoreExprWithFVs -> (FreeVarSet,FreeVarSet)
+    -- We can't float into some arguments, so put them into the here_fvs
+    add_arg here_fvs (arg_fvs, arg)
+      | noFloatIntoArg arg = (here_fvs `unionDVarSet` arg_fvs, emptyDVarSet)
+      | otherwise          = (here_fvs, arg_fvs)
 {- Note [Dead bindings]
@@ -272,7 +275,6 @@ it's non-recursive, so we float only into non-recursive join points.)
 Urk! if all are tyvars, and we don't float in, we may miss an
       opportunity to float inside a nested case branch
 Note [Floating coercions]
 We could, in principle, have a coercion binding like
@@ -292,6 +294,36 @@ of the types of all the drop points involved. If any of the floaters
 bind a coercion variable mentioned in any of the types, that binder must
 be dropped right away.
+Note [Shadowing and name capture]
+Suppose we have
+    let x = y+1 in
+    case p of
+       (y:ys) -> ...x...
+       [] -> blah
+It is obviously bogus for FloatIn to transform to
+    case p of
+       (y:ys) -> ...(let x = y+1 in x)...
+       [] -> blah
+because the y is captured.  This doesn't happen much, because shadowing is
+rare, but it did happen in #22662.
+One solution would be to clone as we go.  But a simpler one is this:
+  at a binding site (like that for (y:ys) above), abandon float-in for
+  any floating bindings that mention the binders (y, ys in this case)
+We achieve that by calling sepBindsByDropPoint with the binders in
+the "used-here" set:
+* In fiExpr (AnnLam ...).  For the body there is no need to delete
+  the lambda-binders from the body_fvs, because any bindings that
+  mention these binders will be dropped here anyway.
+* In fiExpr (AnnCase ...). Remember to include the case_bndr in the
+  binders.  Again, no need to delete the alt binders from the rhs
+  free vars, beause any bindings mentioning them will be dropped
+  here unconditionally.
 fiExpr platform to_drop lam@(_, AnnLam _ _)
@@ -300,10 +332,17 @@ fiExpr platform to_drop lam@(_, AnnLam _ _)
   = wrapFloats to_drop (mkLams bndrs (fiExpr platform [] body))
   | otherwise           -- Float inside
-  = mkLams bndrs (fiExpr platform to_drop body)
+  = wrapFloats drop_here $
+    mkLams bndrs (fiExpr platform body_drop body)
     (bndrs, body) = collectAnnBndrs lam
+    body_fvs      = freeVarsOf body
+    -- Why sepBindsByDropPoint? Because of potential capture
+    -- See Note [Shadowing and name capture]
+    (drop_here, [body_drop]) = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False to_drop
+                                  (mkDVarSet bndrs) [body_fvs]
 We don't float lets inwards past an SCC.
@@ -443,16 +482,16 @@ fiExpr platform to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr _ [AnnAlt con alt_bndrs rhs]
   = wrapFloats shared_binds $
     fiExpr platform (case_float : rhs_binds) rhs
-    case_float = FB (mkDVarSet (case_bndr : alt_bndrs)) scrut_fvs
+    case_float = FB all_bndrs scrut_fvs
                     (FloatCase scrut' case_bndr con alt_bndrs)
     scrut'     = fiExpr platform scrut_binds scrut
-    rhs_fvs    = freeVarsOf rhs `delDVarSetList` (case_bndr : alt_bndrs)
-    scrut_fvs  = freeVarsOf scrut
+    rhs_fvs    = freeVarsOf rhs    -- No need to delete alt_bndrs
+    scrut_fvs  = freeVarsOf scrut  -- See Note [Shadowing and name capture]
+    all_bndrs  = mkDVarSet alt_bndrs `extendDVarSet` case_bndr
-    [shared_binds, scrut_binds, rhs_binds]
-       = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False
-           [scrut_fvs, rhs_fvs]
-           to_drop
+    (shared_binds, [scrut_binds, rhs_binds])
+       = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False to_drop
+                     all_bndrs [scrut_fvs, rhs_fvs]
 fiExpr platform to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr ty alts)
   = wrapFloats drop_here1 $
@@ -462,39 +501,43 @@ fiExpr platform to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr ty alts)
          -- use zipWithEqual, we should have length alts_drops_s = length alts
         -- Float into the scrut and alts-considered-together just like App
-    [drop_here1, scrut_drops, alts_drops]
-       = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False
-           [scrut_fvs, all_alts_fvs]
-           to_drop
+    (drop_here1, [scrut_drops, alts_drops])
+       = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False to_drop
+             all_alt_bndrs [scrut_fvs, all_alt_fvs]
+             -- all_alt_bndrs: see Note [Shadowing and name capture]
         -- Float into the alts with the is_case flag set
-    (drop_here2 : alts_drops_s)
-      | [ _ ] <- alts = [] : [alts_drops]
-      | otherwise     = sepBindsByDropPoint platform True alts_fvs alts_drops
-    scrut_fvs    = freeVarsOf scrut
-    alts_fvs     = map alt_fvs alts
-    all_alts_fvs = unionDVarSets alts_fvs
-    alt_fvs (AnnAlt _con args rhs)
-      = foldl' delDVarSet (freeVarsOf rhs) (case_bndr:args)
-           -- Delete case_bndr and args from free vars of rhs
-           -- to get free vars of alt
+    (drop_here2, alts_drops_s)
+       = sepBindsByDropPoint platform True alts_drops emptyDVarSet alts_fvs
+    scrut_fvs = freeVarsOf scrut
+    all_alt_bndrs = foldr (unionDVarSet . ann_alt_bndrs) (unitDVarSet case_bndr) alts
+    ann_alt_bndrs (AnnAlt _ bndrs _) = mkDVarSet bndrs
+    alts_fvs :: [DVarSet]
+    alts_fvs = [freeVarsOf rhs | AnnAlt _ _ rhs <- alts]
+               -- No need to delete binders
+               -- See Note [Shadowing and name capture]
+    all_alt_fvs :: DVarSet
+    all_alt_fvs = foldr unionDVarSet (unitDVarSet case_bndr) alts_fvs
     fi_alt to_drop (AnnAlt con args rhs) = Alt con args (fiExpr platform to_drop rhs)
 fiBind :: Platform
-       -> FloatInBinds      -- Binds we're trying to drop
-                            -- as far "inwards" as possible
-       -> CoreBindWithFVs   -- Input binding
-       -> DVarSet           -- Free in scope of binding
-       -> ( FloatInBinds    -- Land these before
-          , FloatInBind     -- The binding itself
-          , FloatInBinds)   -- Land these after
+       -> RevFloatInBinds    -- Binds we're trying to drop
+                             -- as far "inwards" as possible
+       -> CoreBindWithFVs    -- Input binding
+       -> DVarSet            -- Free in scope of binding
+       -> ( RevFloatInBinds  -- Land these before
+          , FloatInBind      -- The binding itself
+          , RevFloatInBinds) -- Land these after
 fiBind platform to_drop (AnnNonRec id ann_rhs@(rhs_fvs, rhs)) body_fvs
-  = ( extra_binds ++ shared_binds          -- Land these before
-                                           -- See Note [extra_fvs (1)] and Note [extra_fvs (2)]
+  = ( shared_binds          -- Land these before
+                            -- See Note [extra_fvs (1)] and Note [extra_fvs (2)]
     , FB (unitDVarSet id) rhs_fvs'         -- The new binding itself
           (FloatLet (NonRec id rhs'))
     , body_binds )                         -- Land these after
@@ -512,10 +555,9 @@ fiBind platform to_drop (AnnNonRec id ann_rhs@(rhs_fvs, rhs)) body_fvs
         -- We *can't* float into ok-for-speculation unlifted RHSs
         -- But do float into join points
-    [shared_binds, extra_binds, rhs_binds, body_binds]
-        = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False
-            [extra_fvs, rhs_fvs, body_fvs2]
-            to_drop
+    (shared_binds, [rhs_binds, body_binds])
+        = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False to_drop
+                      extra_fvs [rhs_fvs, body_fvs2]
         -- Push rhs_binds into the right hand side of the binding
     rhs'     = fiRhs platform rhs_binds id ann_rhs
@@ -523,7 +565,7 @@ fiBind platform to_drop (AnnNonRec id ann_rhs@(rhs_fvs, rhs)) body_fvs
                         -- Don't forget the rule_fvs; the binding mentions them!
 fiBind platform to_drop (AnnRec bindings) body_fvs
-  = ( extra_binds ++ shared_binds
+  = ( shared_binds
     , FB (mkDVarSet ids) rhs_fvs'
          (FloatLet (Rec (fi_bind rhss_binds bindings)))
     , body_binds )
@@ -537,17 +579,16 @@ fiBind platform to_drop (AnnRec bindings) body_fvs
                 unionDVarSets [ rhs_fvs | (bndr, (rhs_fvs, rhs)) <- bindings
                               , noFloatIntoRhs Recursive bndr rhs ]
-    (shared_binds:extra_binds:body_binds:rhss_binds)
-        = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False
-            (extra_fvs:body_fvs:rhss_fvs)
-            to_drop
+    (shared_binds, body_binds:rhss_binds)
+        = sepBindsByDropPoint platform False to_drop
+                       extra_fvs (body_fvs:rhss_fvs)
     rhs_fvs' = unionDVarSets rhss_fvs `unionDVarSet`
                unionDVarSets (map floatedBindsFVs rhss_binds) `unionDVarSet`
                rule_fvs         -- Don't forget the rule variables!
     -- Push rhs_binds into the right hand side of the binding
-    fi_bind :: [FloatInBinds]       -- one per "drop pt" conjured w/ fvs_of_rhss
+    fi_bind :: [RevFloatInBinds]   -- One per "drop pt" conjured w/ fvs_of_rhss
             -> [(Id, CoreExprWithFVs)]
             -> [(Id, CoreExpr)]
@@ -556,7 +597,7 @@ fiBind platform to_drop (AnnRec bindings) body_fvs
         | ((binder, rhs), to_drop) <- zipEqual "fi_bind" pairs to_drops ]
-fiRhs :: Platform -> FloatInBinds -> CoreBndr -> CoreExprWithFVs -> CoreExpr
+fiRhs :: Platform -> RevFloatInBinds -> CoreBndr -> CoreExprWithFVs -> CoreExpr
 fiRhs platform to_drop bndr rhs
   | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
   , let (bndrs, body) = collectNAnnBndrs join_arity rhs
@@ -656,68 +697,84 @@ point.
 We have to maintain the order on these drop-point-related lists.
--- pprFIB :: FloatInBinds -> SDoc
+-- pprFIB :: RevFloatInBinds -> SDoc
 -- pprFIB fibs = text "FIB:" <+> ppr [b | FB _ _ b <- fibs]
     :: Platform
-    -> Bool                -- True <=> is case expression
-    -> [FreeVarSet]        -- One set of FVs per drop point
-                           -- Always at least two long!
-    -> FloatInBinds        -- Candidate floaters
-    -> [FloatInBinds]      -- FIRST one is bindings which must not be floated
-                           -- inside any drop point; the rest correspond
-                           -- one-to-one with the input list of FV sets
+    -> Bool                  -- True <=> is case expression
+    -> RevFloatInBinds       -- Candidate floaters
+    -> FreeVarSet            -- here_fvs: if these vars are free in a binding,
+                             --   don't float that binding inside any drop point
+    -> [FreeVarSet]          -- fork_fvs: one set of FVs per drop point
+    -> ( RevFloatInBinds     -- Bindings which must not be floated inside
+       , [RevFloatInBinds] ) -- Corresponds 1-1 with the input list of FV sets
 -- Every input floater is returned somewhere in the result;
 -- none are dropped, not even ones which don't seem to be
 -- free in *any* of the drop-point fvs.  Why?  Because, for example,
 -- a binding (let x = E in B) might have a specialised version of
 -- x (say x') stored inside x, but x' isn't free in E or B.
+-- The here_fvs argument is used for two things:
+-- * Avoid shadowing bugs: see Note [Shadowing and name capture]
+-- * Drop some of the bindings at the top, e.g. of an application
 type DropBox = (FreeVarSet, FloatInBinds)
-sepBindsByDropPoint platform is_case drop_pts floaters
+dropBoxFloats :: DropBox -> RevFloatInBinds
+dropBoxFloats (_, floats) = reverse floats
+usedInDropBox :: DIdSet -> DropBox -> Bool
+usedInDropBox bndrs (db_fvs, _) = db_fvs `intersectsDVarSet` bndrs
+initDropBox :: DVarSet -> DropBox
+initDropBox fvs = (fvs, [])
+sepBindsByDropPoint platform is_case floaters here_fvs fork_fvs
   | null floaters  -- Shortcut common case
-  = [] : [[] | _ <- drop_pts]
+  = ([], [[] | _ <- fork_fvs])
   | otherwise
-  = assert (drop_pts `lengthAtLeast` 2) $
-    go floaters (map (\fvs -> (fvs, [])) (emptyDVarSet : drop_pts))
+  = go floaters (initDropBox here_fvs) (map initDropBox fork_fvs)
-    n_alts = length drop_pts
+    n_alts = length fork_fvs
-    go :: FloatInBinds -> [DropBox] -> [FloatInBinds]
-        -- The *first* one in the argument list is the drop_here set
-        -- The FloatInBinds in the lists are in the reverse of
-        -- the normal FloatInBinds order; that is, they are the right way round!
+    go :: RevFloatInBinds -> DropBox -> [DropBox]
+       -> (RevFloatInBinds, [RevFloatInBinds])
+        -- The *first* one in the pair is the drop_here set
-    go [] drop_boxes = map (reverse . snd) drop_boxes
+    go [] here_box fork_boxes
+        = (dropBoxFloats here_box, map dropBoxFloats fork_boxes)
-    go (bind_w_fvs@(FB bndrs bind_fvs bind) : binds) drop_boxes@(here_box : fork_boxes)
-        = go binds new_boxes
+    go (bind_w_fvs@(FB bndrs bind_fvs bind) : binds) here_box fork_boxes
+        | drop_here = go binds (insert here_box) fork_boxes
+        | otherwise = go binds here_box          new_fork_boxes
           -- "here" means the group of bindings dropped at the top of the fork
-          (used_here : used_in_flags) = [ fvs `intersectsDVarSet` bndrs
-                                        | (fvs, _) <- drop_boxes]
+          used_here     = bndrs `usedInDropBox` here_box
+          used_in_flags = case fork_boxes of
+                            []  -> []
+                            [_] -> [True]  -- Push all bindings into a single branch
+                                           -- No need to look at its free vars
+                            _   -> map (bndrs `usedInDropBox`) fork_boxes
+               -- Short-cut for the singleton case;
+               -- used for lambdas and singleton cases
           drop_here = used_here || cant_push
           n_used_alts = count id used_in_flags -- returns number of Trues in list.
-            | is_case   = n_used_alts == n_alts   -- Used in all, don't push
-                                                  -- Remember n_alts > 1
+            | is_case   = (n_alts > 1 && n_used_alts == n_alts)
+                             -- Used in all, muliple branches, don't push
                           || (n_used_alts > 1 && not (floatIsDupable platform bind))
                              -- floatIsDupable: see Note [Duplicating floats]
             | otherwise = floatIsCase bind || n_used_alts > 1
                              -- floatIsCase: see Note [Floating primops]
-          new_boxes | drop_here = (insert here_box : fork_boxes)
-                    | otherwise = (here_box : new_fork_boxes)
           new_fork_boxes = zipWithEqual "FloatIn.sepBinds" insert_maybe
                                         fork_boxes used_in_flags
@@ -727,8 +784,6 @@ sepBindsByDropPoint platform is_case drop_pts floaters
           insert_maybe box True  = insert box
           insert_maybe box False = box
-    go _ _ = panic "sepBindsByDropPoint/go"
 {- Note [Duplicating floats]
@@ -745,14 +800,14 @@ If the thing is used in all RHSs there is nothing gained,
 so we don't duplicate then.
-floatedBindsFVs :: FloatInBinds -> FreeVarSet
+floatedBindsFVs :: RevFloatInBinds -> FreeVarSet
 floatedBindsFVs binds = mapUnionDVarSet fbFVs binds
 fbFVs :: FloatInBind -> DVarSet
 fbFVs (FB _ fvs _) = fvs
-wrapFloats :: FloatInBinds -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
--- Remember FloatInBinds is in *reverse* dependency order
+wrapFloats :: RevFloatInBinds -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+-- Remember RevFloatInBinds is in *reverse* dependency order
 wrapFloats []               e = e
 wrapFloats (FB _ _ fl : bs) e = wrapFloats bs (wrapFloat fl e)

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module T22662 where
+import Data.Set
+foo x = sequence_ [ f y | y <- x ]
+  where f _ = return (fromList [0])

@@ -461,3 +461,4 @@ test('T21476', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T22272', normal, multimod_compile, ['T22272', '-O -fexpose-all-unfoldings -fno-omit-interface-pragmas -fno-ignore-interface-pragmas'])
 test('T22459', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T22623', normal, multimod_compile, ['T22623', '-O -v0'])
+test('T22662', normal, compile, [''])

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