[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/plugins-abi-compat] fix: Prevent loading plugins linked with ABI incompatible packages
Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Feb 13 19:53:30 UTC 2023
Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/plugins-abi-compat at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
4df21502 by romes at 2023-02-13T19:53:22+00:00
fix: Prevent loading plugins linked with ABI incompatible packages
Note [Loading Plugins]
When loading plugins, we must be careful to check that certain packages we
depend on, like ghc the library, are ABI compatible with the packages the
plugin was linked against.
Currently, ghc the library and the boot packages don't have an ABI hash in
their identifier. Consequently, when loading a plugin that was linked against
ghc-v-xxx into a module that is being linked against ghc-v-yyy, we must
(somehow) guarantee that xxx and yyy are indeed the same, which isn't trivial
because xxx and yyy aren't available in the package identifier. Or we risk
linking the plugin against an incompatible ghc of the same version, leading to
crashes and segmentation faults (since the loaded plugin will make use of an
incompatible library thinking it's compatible).
A solution is to re-compute the ABI hash of the plugin being loaded and compare
it against the ABI hash of the plugin as computed by the compiler that compiled
it. If the hashes are one and the same, it's safe to load the plugin.
-- Because the ABI hash (see addFingerprints) depends on ... ?
See also #20742
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Loader.hs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter.Types
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad ( initTcInteractive, initIfaceTcRn )
import GHC.Iface.Load ( loadPluginInterface, cannotFindModule )
+import GHC.Iface.Recomp ( addFingerprints )
import GHC.Rename.Names ( gresFromAvails )
import GHC.Builtin.Names ( pluginTyConName, frontendPluginTyConName )
@@ -156,10 +157,42 @@ checkExternalInterpreter hsc_env = case interpInstance <$> hsc_interp hsc_env of
-> throwIO (InstallationError "Plugins require -fno-external-interpreter")
_ -> pure ()
+Note [Loading Plugins]
+When loading plugins, we must be careful to check that certain packages we
+depend on, like ghc the library, are ABI compatible with the packages the
+plugin was linked against.
+Currently, ghc the library and the boot packages don't have an ABI hash in
+their identifier. Consequently, when loading a plugin that was linked against
+ghc-v-xxx into a module that is being linked against ghc-v-yyy, we must
+(somehow) guarantee that xxx and yyy are indeed the same, which isn't trivial
+because xxx and yyy aren't available in the package identifier. Or we risk
+linking the plugin against an incompatible ghc of the same version, leading to
+crashes and segmentation faults (since the loaded plugin will make use of an
+incompatible library thinking it's compatible).
+A solution is to re-compute the ABI hash of the plugin being loaded and compare
+it against the ABI hash of the plugin as computed by the compiler that compiled
+it. If the hashes are one and the same, it's safe to load the plugin.
+-- Because the ABI hash (see addFingerprints) depends on ... ?
+See also #20742
loadPlugin' :: OccName -> Name -> HscEnv -> ModuleName -> IO (a, ModIface, [Linkable], PkgsLoaded)
loadPlugin' occ_name plugin_name hsc_env mod_name
= do { let plugin_rdr_name = mkRdrQual mod_name occ_name
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- Find plugin_name (e.g. "plugin", "frontendPlugin")
+ -- in the module of the plugin to load
; mb_name <- lookupRdrNameInModuleForPlugins hsc_env mod_name
; case mb_name of {
@@ -168,8 +201,21 @@ loadPlugin' occ_name plugin_name hsc_env mod_name
[ text "The module", ppr mod_name
, text "did not export the plugin name"
, ppr plugin_rdr_name ]) ;
+ -- The modiface of the plugin as compiled by possibly other compiler
Just (name, mod_iface) ->
+ -- The modiface of the plugin as compiled by us
+ do { our_mod_iface <- addFingerprints hsc_env
+ (mod_iface{mi_final_exts = (), mi_decls = map snd (mi_decls mod_iface)})
+ -- Compare ABI hashes of module being loaded. See Note [Loading Plugins]
+ ; if mi_mod_hash (mi_final_exts mod_iface) /= mi_mod_hash (mi_final_exts our_mod_iface)
+ then
+ throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError $ showSDoc dflags $ hsep
+ [ text "The plugin", ppr mod_name
+ , text "was built with a compiler that is ABI incompatible with the one loading it"
+ ]) ;
+ else -- pprTrace "(Their ABI hash, Our ABI Hash):" (ppr (mi_mod_hash $ mi_final_exts mod_iface, mi_mod_hash $ mi_final_exts our_mod_iface)) $
do { plugin_tycon <- forceLoadTyCon hsc_env plugin_name
; eith_plugin <- getValueSafely hsc_env name (mkTyConTy plugin_tycon)
; case eith_plugin of
@@ -182,7 +228,7 @@ loadPlugin' occ_name plugin_name hsc_env mod_name
, text "did not have the type"
, text "GHC.Plugins.Plugin"
, text "as required"])
- Right (plugin, links, pkgs) -> return (plugin, mod_iface, links, pkgs) } } }
+ Right (plugin, links, pkgs) -> return (plugin, mod_iface, links, pkgs) } } } }
-- | Force the interfaces for the given modules to be loaded. The 'SDoc' parameter is used
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