[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T21909] 2 commits: added note [SimplifyInfer and UndecidableSuperClasses]

Apoorv Ingle (@ani) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Feb 9 23:08:33 UTC 2023

Apoorv Ingle pushed to branch wip/T21909 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

8fa8b551 by Apoorv Ingle at 2023-02-09T17:08:07-06:00
added note [SimplifyInfer and UndecidableSuperClasses]

- - - - -
a1e7ebe9 by Apoorv Ingle at 2023-02-09T17:08:18-06:00
make expansion fuel a dynamic flag

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Constraint.hs


@@ -517,6 +517,12 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
   reductionDepth        :: IntWithInf,   -- ^ Typechecker maximum stack depth
   solverIterations      :: IntWithInf,   -- ^ Number of iterations in the constraints solver
                                          --   Typically only 1 is needed
+  givensFuel            :: Int,          -- ^ Number of layers of superclass expansion
+                                         --   Should be < solverIterations
+  wantedsFuel           :: Int,          -- ^ Number of layers of superclass expansion
+                                         --   Should be < givensFuel
+  qcsFuel                :: Int,          -- ^ Number of layers of superclass expansion
+                                         --   Should be < givensFuel
   homeUnitId_             :: UnitId,                 -- ^ Target home unit-id
   homeUnitInstanceOf_     :: Maybe UnitId,           -- ^ Id of the unit to instantiate
@@ -1148,6 +1154,9 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings =
         mainFunIs               = Nothing,
         reductionDepth          = treatZeroAsInf mAX_REDUCTION_DEPTH,
         solverIterations        = treatZeroAsInf mAX_SOLVER_ITERATIONS,
+        givensFuel              = mAX_GIVENS_FUEL,
+        wantedsFuel             = mAX_WANTEDS_FUEL,
+        qcsFuel                  = mAX_QC_FUEL,
         homeUnitId_             = mainUnitId,
         homeUnitInstanceOf_     = Nothing,
@@ -2732,6 +2741,12 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
       (intSuffix (\n d -> d { reductionDepth = treatZeroAsInf n }))
   , make_ord_flag defFlag "fconstraint-solver-iterations"
       (intSuffix (\n d -> d { solverIterations = treatZeroAsInf n }))
+  , make_ord_flag defFlag "fgivens-expansion-fuel"
+      (intSuffix (\n d -> d { givensFuel = n }))
+  , make_ord_flag defFlag "fwanteds-expansion-fuel"
+      (intSuffix (\n d -> d { wantedsFuel = n }))
+  , make_ord_flag defFlag "fqcs-expansion-fuel"
+      (intSuffix (\n d -> d { qcsFuel = n }))
   , (Deprecated, defFlag "fcontext-stack"
       (intSuffixM (\n d ->
        do { deprecate $ "use -freduction-depth=" ++ show n ++ " instead"

@@ -2372,11 +2372,11 @@ any new unifications, and iterate the implications only if so.
 {- Note [SimplifyInfer with UndecidableSuperClasses]
-In some cases while infering the type of a term well typed term, it is necessary to make sure
-we tactfully limit the wanted superclass expansions.
+In some cases while infering the type of a term well typed term, it is necessary to ensure
+we limit the wanted superclass expansions.
 Expanding them too many times will lead to the given constraint superclass expansion
-no not be able to catch up causing a perpetual loop and erroring out on
-too many solver iterations. Expanding them too little might not give us enough to solve them.
+not being able solve all the wanted constraints, by entering a perpetual loop and erroring out on
+too many solver iterations. Expanding them too little will not give us a simplified type signature.
 Consider the program (T21909)
@@ -2388,24 +2388,21 @@ Consider the program (T21909)
         foolocal x = foo x
-We infer the type of foolocal to be `a -> Int` with an unsolved [W] C a
-after canonicalization and simpliying the constraint we get
-   [W] C a (1)
-   [W] C [a] (1)
+In the current implimentation
+We infer the type of foolocal to be `(C a) => a -> Int`
+and then simplify it to `(C a, C [[a]]) => a -> Int`
+This indeed is not simplification per say, but we are in UndecidableSuperclass case
+so we cannot guarantee simplification of contraints. What we aim for is for the
+the solver to not to loop unnecessarily generating more wanted constraints than
+in can solve in `maybe_simplify_again`.
-and we then try to simplify the constraint `C a` via `solveWanteds` in `simplifyInfer`
-We have an implication wanted constraint:
-  [G] C a0:sk (nonCanonical, lvl 1) => [W] C a1 (NonCanonical lvl 2)
-we first canonicalize C a0 and then simplify it and obtain at (level 1)
-   [G] C a0 (3, lvl 1)
-   [G] C [a0] (3 lvl 1)
-we then step in the implication to canonicalize and `C a1` to obtain 
-   [W] C a1 (1, lvl 2)
-   [W] C [a1] (1, lvl 2)
+If we did not limit the wanteds superclass expansion we would simplify the type signature of
+foolocal as `(C a , C [[a]], C[[[[a]]]], C[[[[a]]]], C [[[[[[[[a]]]]]]]]) => a -> Int`
+Definitely _worse_ than above type!
+The current limit the expansion of such recursive wanted constraints to 1 (mAX_WANTEDS_FUEL),
+and limit the expansion of recursive given constraints to 3 (mAX_GIVENS_FUEL).

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ import Control.Monad
 import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing )
 import Data.List  ( zip4 )
 import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Driver.Session ( DynFlags, givensFuel, wantedsFuel, qcsFuel )
 import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
 import Data.Bifunctor ( bimap )
@@ -127,14 +127,16 @@ canonicalize (CEqCan { cc_ev     = ev
 canNC :: CtEvidence -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
 canNC ev =
   case classifyPredType pred of
-      ClassPred cls tys     -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:cls" (ppr cls <+> ppr tys)
-                                  canClassNC ev cls tys
+      ClassPred cls tys     -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+                                  traceTcS "canEvNC:cls" (ppr cls <+> ppr tys)
+                                  canClassNC dflags ev cls tys
       EqPred eq_rel ty1 ty2 -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:eq" (ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2)
                                   canEqNC    ev eq_rel ty1 ty2
       IrredPred {}          -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:irred" (ppr pred)
                                   canIrred ev
-      ForAllPred tvs th p   -> do traceTcS "canEvNC:forall" (ppr pred)
-                                  canForAllNC ev tvs th p
+      ForAllPred tvs th p   -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+                                  traceTcS "canEvNC:forall" (ppr pred)
+                                  canForAllNC dflags ev tvs th p
     pred = ctEvPred ev
@@ -147,13 +149,14 @@ canNC ev =
-canClassNC :: CtEvidence -> Class -> [Type] -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+canClassNC :: DynFlags -> CtEvidence -> Class -> [Type] -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
 -- "NC" means "non-canonical"; that is, we have got here
 -- from a NonCanonical constraint, not from a CDictCan
 -- Precondition: EvVar is class evidence
-canClassNC ev cls tys
+canClassNC dflags ev cls tys
   | isGiven ev  -- See Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses]
-  = do { sc_cts <- mkStrictSuperClasses defaultFuelGivens ev [] [] cls tys
+  = do { let gf = givensFuel dflags
+       ; sc_cts <- mkStrictSuperClasses gf ev [] [] cls tys
        ; emitWork sc_cts
        ; canClass ev cls tys doNotExpand }
@@ -188,8 +191,8 @@ canClassNC ev cls tys
   = canClass ev cls tys fuel
-    fuel | cls_has_scs = defaultFuelWanteds
-         | otherwise = doNotExpand
+    fuel | cls_has_scs = wantedsFuel dflags
+         | otherwise   = doNotExpand
     cls_has_scs = not (null (classSCTheta cls))
     loc  = ctEvLoc ev
     orig = ctLocOrigin loc
@@ -729,6 +732,7 @@ canIrred :: CtEvidence -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
 -- Precondition: ty not a tuple and no other evidence form
 canIrred ev
   = do { let pred = ctEvPred ev
+       ; dflags <- getDynFlags
        ; traceTcS "can_pred" (text "IrredPred = " <+> ppr pred)
        ; (redn, rewriters) <- rewrite ev pred
        ; rewriteEvidence rewriters ev redn `andWhenContinue` \ new_ev ->
@@ -737,7 +741,7 @@ canIrred ev
          -- Code is like the canNC, except
          -- that the IrredPred branch stops work
        ; case classifyPredType (ctEvPred new_ev) of
-           ClassPred cls tys     -> canClassNC new_ev cls tys
+           ClassPred cls tys     -> canClassNC dflags new_ev cls tys
            EqPred eq_rel ty1 ty2 -> -- IrredPreds have kind Constraint, so
                                     -- cannot become EqPreds
                                     pprPanic "canIrred: EqPred"
@@ -746,7 +750,7 @@ canIrred ev
                                     -- should never leave a meta-var filled
                                     -- in with a polytype. This is #18987.
                                     do traceTcS "canEvNC:forall" (ppr pred)
-                                       canForAllNC ev tvs th p
+                                       canForAllNC dflags ev tvs th p
            IrredPred {}          -> continueWith $
                                     mkIrredCt IrredShapeReason new_ev } }
@@ -828,21 +832,23 @@ type signature.
-canForAllNC :: CtEvidence -> [TyVar] -> TcThetaType -> TcPredType
+canForAllNC :: DynFlags -> CtEvidence -> [TyVar] -> TcThetaType -> TcPredType
             -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
-canForAllNC ev tvs theta pred
+canForAllNC dflags ev tvs theta pred
   | isGiven ev  -- See Note [Eagerly expand given superclasses]
   , Just (cls, tys) <- cls_pred_tys_maybe
-  = do { sc_cts <- mkStrictSuperClasses defaultFuelGivens ev tvs theta cls tys
+  = do { let gf = givensFuel dflags
+       ; sc_cts <- mkStrictSuperClasses gf ev tvs theta cls tys
        ; emitWork sc_cts
        ; canForAll ev doNotExpand }
   | otherwise
-  = canForAll ev fuel
+  = do { let qcf = qcsFuel dflags
+             fuel | isJust cls_pred_tys_maybe = qcf
+                  | otherwise = doNotExpand
+       ; canForAll ev fuel }
-    fuel | isJust cls_pred_tys_maybe = defaultFuelQC
-         | otherwise = doNotExpand
     cls_pred_tys_maybe = getClassPredTys_maybe pred
 canForAll :: CtEvidence -> ExpansionFuel -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)

@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint (
         -- Canonical constraints
         Xi, Ct(..), Cts,
-        ExpansionFuel, doNotExpand, defaultFuelGivens, defaultFuelWanteds,
-        defaultFuelQC, consumeFuel,
+        ExpansionFuel, doNotExpand, consumeFuel,
         emptyCts, andCts, andManyCts, pprCts,
         singleCt, listToCts, ctsElts, consCts, snocCts, extendCtsList,
@@ -139,9 +138,6 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
 import Data.Word  ( Word8 )
 import Data.List  ( intersperse )
-import GHC.Settings.Constants ( mAX_QC_FUEL, mAX_WANTEDS_FUEL, mAX_GIVENS_FUEL )
@@ -195,14 +191,11 @@ type Xi = TcType
 type Cts = Bag Ct
 -- | Says how many layers of superclasses can we expand.
--- see Note [SimplifyIner with UndecidableSuperClasses]
+-- see Note [SimplifyInfer with UndecidableSuperClasses]
 type ExpansionFuel = Int
-doNotExpand, defaultFuelGivens, defaultFuelWanteds, defaultFuelQC :: ExpansionFuel
-doNotExpand = 0                       -- Do not expand superclasses anymore
-defaultFuelQC = mAX_QC_FUEL           -- default fuel for quantified constraints
-defaultFuelWanteds = mAX_WANTEDS_FUEL -- default fuel for wanted constraints
-defaultFuelGivens = mAX_GIVENS_FUEL   -- default fule for given constraints
+doNotExpand :: ExpansionFuel -- Do not expand superclasses anymore
+doNotExpand = 0
 consumeFuel :: ExpansionFuel -> ExpansionFuel
 consumeFuel fuel = fuel - 1

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