[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 3 commits: Don't allow . in overloaded labels

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Feb 7 13:21:28 UTC 2023

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

a2d92d95 by sheaf at 2023-02-07T08:21:16-05:00
Don't allow . in overloaded labels

This patch removes . from the list of allowed characters in a non-quoted
overloaded label, as it was realised this steals syntax, e.g. (#.).

Users who want this functionality will have to add quotes around the
label, e.g. `#"17.28"`.

Fixes #22821

- - - - -
82db768a by romes at 2023-02-07T08:21:17-05:00
Update kinds in comments in GHC.Core.TyCon

Use `Type` instead of star kind (*)
Fix comment with incorrect kind * to have kind `Constraint`

- - - - -
7b9365d0 by Ben Gamari at 2023-02-07T08:21:18-05:00
Revert "Use fix-sized equality primops for fixed size boxed types"

This reverts commit 024020c38126f3ce326ff56906d53525bc71690c.

This was never applied to master/9.6 originally.

See #20405 for why using these primops is a bad idea.

(cherry picked from commit b1d109ad542e4c37ae5af6ace71baf2cb509d865)

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
- docs/users_guide/9.6.1-notes.rst
- libraries/base/GHC/Int.hs
- libraries/base/GHC/Word.hs
- testsuite/tests/overloadedrecflds/should_run/T11671_run.hs
- testsuite/tests/printer/Test22771.hs


@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Note [Type synonym families]
 * Type synonym families, also known as "type functions", map directly
   onto the type functions in FC:
-        type family F a :: *
+        type family F a :: Type
         type instance F Int = Bool
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ Note [Type synonym families]
         type instance F (F Int) = ...   -- BAD!
 * Translation of type family decl:
-        type family F a :: *
+        type family F a :: Type
   translates to
     a FamilyTyCon 'F', whose FamTyConFlav is OpenSynFamilyTyCon
-        type family G a :: * where
+        type family G a :: Type where
           G Int = Bool
           G Bool = Char
           G a = ()
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Note [Data type families]
 See also Note [Wrappers for data instance tycons] in GHC.Types.Id.Make
 * Data type families are declared thus
-        data family T a :: *
+        data family T a :: Type
         data instance T Int = T1 | T2 Bool
   Here T is the "family TyCon".
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ See also Note [Wrappers for data instance tycons] in GHC.Types.Id.Make
   should not think of a data family T as a *type function* at all, not
   even an injective one!  We can't allow even injective type functions
   on the LHS of a type function:
-        type family injective G a :: *
+        type family injective G a :: Type
         type instance F (G Int) = Bool
   is no good, even if G is injective, because consider
         type instance G Int = Bool
@@ -572,21 +572,21 @@ Since they are user-callable we must get their type-argument visibility
 information right; and that info is in the TyConBinders.
 Here is an example:
-  data App a b = MkApp (a b) -- App :: forall {k}. (k->*) -> k -> *
+  data App a b = MkApp (a b) -- App :: forall {k}. (k->Type) -> k -> Type
 The TyCon has
-  tyConTyBinders = [ Named (Bndr (k :: *) Inferred), Anon (k->*), Anon k ]
+  tyConTyBinders = [ Named (Bndr (k :: Type) Inferred), Anon (k->Type), Anon k ]
 The TyConBinders for App line up with App's kind, given above.
 But the DataCon MkApp has the type
-  MkApp :: forall {k} (a:k->*) (b:k). a b -> App k a b
+  MkApp :: forall {k} (a:k->Type) (b:k). a b -> App k a b
 That is, its ForAllTyBinders should be
-  dataConUnivTyVarBinders = [ Bndr (k:*)    Inferred
-                            , Bndr (a:k->*) Specified
+  dataConUnivTyVarBinders = [ Bndr (k:Type)    Inferred
+                            , Bndr (a:k->Type) Specified
                             , Bndr (b:k)    Specified ]
 So tyConTyVarBinders converts TyCon's TyConBinders into TyVarBinders:
@@ -620,8 +620,8 @@ They fit together like so:
     type App a (b :: k) = a b
-  tyConBinders = [ Bndr (k::*)   (NamedTCB Inferred)
-                 , Bndr (a:k->*) AnonTCB
+  tyConBinders = [ Bndr (k::Type)   (NamedTCB Inferred)
+                 , Bndr (a:k->Type) AnonTCB
                  , Bndr (b:k)    AnonTCB ]
   Note that there are three binders here, including the
@@ -636,13 +636,13 @@ They fit together like so:
   that TyVar may scope over some other part of the TyCon's definition. Eg
       type T a = a -> a
   we have
-      tyConBinders = [ Bndr (a:*) AnonTCB ]
+      tyConBinders = [ Bndr (a:Type) AnonTCB ]
       synTcRhs     = a -> a
   So the 'a' scopes over the synTcRhs
 * From the tyConBinders and tyConResKind we can get the tyConKind
   E.g for our App example:
-      App :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> *
+      App :: forall k. (k->Type) -> k -> Type
   We get a 'forall' in the kind for each NamedTCB, and an arrow
   for each AnonTCB
@@ -725,15 +725,15 @@ instance Binary TyConBndrVis where
 -- things such as:
 -- 1) Data declarations: @data Foo = ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor of
---    kind @*@
+--    kind @Type@
 -- 2) Type synonyms: @type Foo = ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
 -- 3) Newtypes: @newtype Foo a = MkFoo ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
---    of kind @* -> *@
+--    of kind @Type -> Type@
 -- 4) Class declarations: @class Foo where@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
---    of kind @*@
+--    of kind @Constraint@
 -- This data type also encodes a number of primitive, built in type constructors
 -- such as those for function and tuple types.
@@ -1252,16 +1252,16 @@ data FamTyConFlav
     -- These are introduced by either a top level declaration:
-    -- > data family T a :: *
+    -- > data family T a :: Type
     -- Or an associated data type declaration, within a class declaration:
     -- > class C a b where
-    -- >   data T b :: *
+    -- >   data T b :: Type
-     -- | An open type synonym family  e.g. @type family F x y :: * -> *@
+     -- | An open type synonym family  e.g. @type family F x y :: Type -> Type@
    | OpenSynFamilyTyCon
    -- | A closed type synonym family  e.g.

@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ $small     = [$ascsmall $unismall \_]
 $uniidchar = \x07 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See Note [Unicode in Alex].
 $idchar    = [$small $large $digit $uniidchar \']
-$labelchar = [$small $large $digit $uniidchar \' \.]
 $unigraphic = \x06 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See Note [Unicode in Alex].
 $graphic   = [$small $large $symbol $digit $idchar $special $unigraphic \"\']
@@ -455,7 +454,7 @@ $unigraphic / { isSmartQuote } { smart_quote_error }
 <0> {
-  "#" $labelchar+ / { ifExtension OverloadedLabelsBit } { skip_one_varid_src ITlabelvarid }
+  "#" $idchar+ / { ifExtension OverloadedLabelsBit } { skip_one_varid_src ITlabelvarid }
   "#" \" / { ifExtension OverloadedLabelsBit } { lex_quoted_label }

@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Language
   This extends the variety syntax for constructing labels under :extension:`OverloadedLabels`.
   Examples of newly allowed syntax:
   - Leading capital letters: `#Foo` equivalant to `getLabel @"Foo"`
-  - Numeric characters: `#3.14` equivalent to `getLabel @"3.14"`
+  - Numeric characters: `#1728` equivalent to `getLabel @"1728"`
   - Arbitrary strings: `#"Hello, World!"` equivalent to `getLabel @"Hello, World!"`

@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ instance Eq Int8 where
     (/=) = neInt8
 eqInt8, neInt8 :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Bool
-eqInt8 (I8# x) (I8# y) = isTrue# (x `eqInt8#` y)
-neInt8 (I8# x) (I8# y) = isTrue# (x `neInt8#` y)
+eqInt8 (I8# x) (I8# y) = isTrue# ((int8ToInt# x) ==# (int8ToInt# y))
+neInt8 (I8# x) (I8# y) = isTrue# ((int8ToInt# x) /=# (int8ToInt# y))
 {-# INLINE [1] eqInt8 #-}
 {-# INLINE [1] neInt8 #-}
@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ instance Eq Int16 where
     (/=) = neInt16
 eqInt16, neInt16 :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Bool
-eqInt16 (I16# x) (I16# y) = isTrue# (x `eqInt16#` y)
-neInt16 (I16# x) (I16# y) = isTrue# (x `neInt16#` y)
+eqInt16 (I16# x) (I16# y) = isTrue# ((int16ToInt# x) ==# (int16ToInt# y))
+neInt16 (I16# x) (I16# y) = isTrue# ((int16ToInt# x) /=# (int16ToInt# y))
 {-# INLINE [1] eqInt16 #-}
 {-# INLINE [1] neInt16 #-}
@@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ instance Eq Int32 where
     (/=) = neInt32
 eqInt32, neInt32 :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool
-eqInt32 (I32# x) (I32# y) = isTrue# (x `eqInt32#` y)
-neInt32 (I32# x) (I32# y) = isTrue# (x `neInt32#` y)
+eqInt32 (I32# x) (I32# y) = isTrue# ((int32ToInt# x) ==# (int32ToInt# y))
+neInt32 (I32# x) (I32# y) = isTrue# ((int32ToInt# x) /=# (int32ToInt# y))
 {-# INLINE [1] eqInt32 #-}
 {-# INLINE [1] neInt32 #-}

@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ instance Eq Word8 where
     (/=) = neWord8
 eqWord8, neWord8 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool
-eqWord8 (W8# x) (W8# y) = isTrue# (x `eqWord8#` y)
-neWord8 (W8# x) (W8# y) = isTrue# (x `neWord8#` y)
+eqWord8 (W8# x) (W8# y) = isTrue# ((word8ToWord# x) `eqWord#` (word8ToWord# y))
+neWord8 (W8# x) (W8# y) = isTrue# ((word8ToWord# x) `neWord#` (word8ToWord# y))
 {-# INLINE [1] eqWord8 #-}
 {-# INLINE [1] neWord8 #-}
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ instance Eq Word16 where
     (/=) = neWord16
 eqWord16, neWord16 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Bool
-eqWord16 (W16# x) (W16# y) = isTrue# (x `eqWord16#` y)
-neWord16 (W16# x) (W16# y) = isTrue# (x `neWord16#` y)
+eqWord16 (W16# x) (W16# y) = isTrue# ((word16ToWord# x) `eqWord#` (word16ToWord# y))
+neWord16 (W16# x) (W16# y) = isTrue# ((word16ToWord# x) `neWord#` (word16ToWord# y))
 {-# INLINE [1] eqWord16 #-}
 {-# INLINE [1] neWord16 #-}
@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ instance Eq Word32 where
     (/=) = neWord32
 eqWord32, neWord32 :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Bool
-eqWord32 (W32# x) (W32# y) = isTrue# (x `eqWord32#` y)
-neWord32 (W32# x) (W32# y) = isTrue# (x `neWord32#` y)
+eqWord32 (W32# x) (W32# y) = isTrue# ((word32ToWord# x) `eqWord#` (word32ToWord# y))
+neWord32 (W32# x) (W32# y) = isTrue# ((word32ToWord# x) `neWord#` (word32ToWord# y))
 {-# INLINE [1] eqWord32 #-}
 {-# INLINE [1] neWord32 #-}

@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ import GHC.Prim (Addr#)
 instance KnownSymbol symbol => IsLabel symbol String where
   fromLabel = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy symbol)
-(#) :: String -> Int -> String
+(#), (#.) :: String -> Int -> String
 (#) _ i = show i
+_ #. i = show i
 f :: Addr# -> Int -> String
 f _ i = show i
@@ -26,13 +27,13 @@ main = traverse_ putStrLn
   , #type
   , #Foo
   , #3
-  , #199.4
+  , #"199.4"
   , #17a23b
   , #f'a'
   , #'a'
   , #'
   , #''notTHSplice
-  , #...
+  , #"..."
   , #привет
   , #こんにちは
   , #"3"

@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ import GHC.Prim (Addr#)
 instance KnownSymbol symbol => IsLabel symbol String where
   fromLabel = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy symbol)
-(#) :: String -> Int -> String
+(#), (#.) :: String -> Int -> String
 (#) _ i = show i
+_ #. i = show i
 f :: Addr# -> Int -> String
 f _ i = show i
@@ -28,13 +29,13 @@ main = traverse_ putStrLn
   , #type
   , #Foo
   , #3
-  , #199.4
+  , #"199.4"
   , #17a23b
   , #f'a'
   , #'a'
   , #'
   , #''notTHSplice
-  , #...
+  , #"..."
   , #привет
   , #こんにちは
   , #"3"

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