[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 5 commits: Windows: Remove mingwex dependency

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Feb 3 15:57:40 UTC 2023

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

027c0e1d by Ryan Scott at 2023-02-03T10:57:19-05:00
Windows: Remove mingwex dependency

The clang based toolchain uses ucrt as its math library
and so mingwex is no longer needed.  In fact using mingwex
will cause incompatibilities as the default routines in both
have differing ULPs and string formatting modifiers.

$ LIBRARY_PATH=/mingw64/lib ghc/_build/stage1/bin/ghc Bug.hs -fforce-recomp && ./Bug.exe
[1 of 2] Compiling Main             ( Bug.hs, Bug.o )
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `__imp___p__environ'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `__hscore_get_errno'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_ForeignziCziError_errnoToIOError_info'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziWindows_failIf2_closure'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziIOziEncodingziCodePageziAPI_mkCodePageEncoding_info'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziIOziEncodingziCodePage_currentCodePage_closure'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziIOziEncoding_getForeignEncoding_closure'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_ForeignziCziString_withCStringLen1_info'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziIOziHandleziInternals_zdwflushCharReadBuffer_info'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziIOziHandleziText_hGetBuf1_info'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziFingerprint_fingerprintString_closure'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_DataziTypeableziInternal_mkTrCon_closure'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziException_errorCallWithCallStackException_closure'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\base-\libHSbase- unknown symbol `base_GHCziErr_error_info'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\template-haskell-\libHStemplate-haskell- unknown symbol `base_DataziMaybe_fromJust1_info'
ghc.exe:  | C:\Users\winferno\Software\ghc\_build\stage1\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-9.5.20220908\template-haskell-\libHStemplate-haskell- unknown symbol `templatezmhaskell_LanguageziHaskellziTHziSyntax_IntPrimL_con_info'
ghc.exe: ^^ Could not load 'templatezmhaskell_LanguageziHaskellziTHziLibziInternal_stringL_closure', dependency unresolved. See top entry above.

<no location info>: error:

During interactive linking, GHCi couldn't find the following symbol:
This may be due to you not asking GHCi to load extra object files,
archives or DLLs needed by your current session.  Restart GHCi, specifying
the missing library using the -L/path/to/object/dir and -lmissinglibname
flags, or simply by naming the relevant files on the GHCi command line.
Alternatively, this link failure might indicate a bug in GHCi.
If you suspect the latter, please report this as a GHC bug:

- - - - -
6a81d415 by Tamar Christina at 2023-02-03T10:57:19-05:00
linker: Fix BFD import libraries

This commit fixes the BFD style import library support in the runtime
linker.  This was accidentally broken during the refactoring to clang
and went unnoticed because clang itself is unable to generate the BFD
style import libraries.

With this change we can not link against both GCC or Clang produced
libraries again and intermix code produced by both compilers.

- - - - -
c8308117 by Ben Gamari at 2023-02-03T10:57:19-05:00
Bump Windows toolchain

Updates to LLVM 14, hopefully fixing #21964.

- - - - -
3306feca by Andreas Klebinger at 2023-02-03T10:57:20-05:00
Fix CallerCC potentially shadowing other cost centres.

Add a CallerCC cost centre flavour for cost centres added by the
CallerCC pass. This avoids potential accidental shadowing between
CCs added by user annotations and ones added by CallerCC.

- - - - -
aad5f129 by j at 2023-02-03T10:57:23-05:00
Disable several ignore-warning flags in genapply.
- - - - -

29 changed files:

- .gitlab-ci.yml
- compiler/GHC/Core/LateCC.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CallerCC.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Ticks.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/CostCentre.hs
- configure.ac
- hadrian/cfg/system.config.in
- hadrian/src/Oracles/Flag.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Packages.hs
- libraries/base/System/Posix/Internals.hs
- libraries/base/base.cabal
- libraries/base/configure.ac
- libraries/base/include/HsBase.h
- libraries/ghc-prim/ghc-prim.cabal
- mk/get-win32-tarballs.py
- rts/Linker.c
- rts/LinkerInternals.h
- rts/RtsSymbols.c
- rts/linker/PEi386.c
- rts/rts.cabal.in
- testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/Makefile
- testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/bin_impl_gcc/ASimpL.dll
- + testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/bin_impl_gcc/libASx.dll.a
- testsuite/tests/rts/all.T
- utils/genapply/Main.hs


@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ variables:
   # Sequential version number of all cached things.
   # Bump to invalidate GitLab CI cache.
+  CACHE_REV: 10
   # Disable shallow clones; they break our linting rules

@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ initLateCCState :: LateCCState
 initLateCCState = LateCCState newCostCentreState mempty
 getCCFlavour :: FastString -> M CCFlavour
-getCCFlavour name = LateCC <$> getCCIndex' name
+getCCFlavour name = mkLateCCFlavour <$> getCCIndex' name
 getCCIndex' :: FastString -> M CostCentreIndex
 getCCIndex' name = do

@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ doExpr env e@(Var v)
         span = case revParents env of
           top:_ -> nameSrcSpan $ varName top
           _     -> noSrcSpan
-        cc = NormalCC (ExprCC ccIdx) ccName (thisModule env) span
+        cc = NormalCC (mkExprCCFlavour ccIdx) ccName (thisModule env) span
         tick :: CoreTickish
         tick = ProfNote cc count True
     pure $ Tick tick e

@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ ds_prag_expr (HsPragSCC _ cc) expr = do
         mod_name <- getModule
         count <- goptM Opt_ProfCountEntries
         let nm = sl_fs cc
-        flavour <- ExprCC <$> getCCIndexDsM nm
+        flavour <- mkExprCCFlavour <$> getCCIndexDsM nm
         Tick (ProfNote (mkUserCC nm mod_name (getLocA expr) flavour) count True)
                <$> dsLExpr expr
       else dsLExpr expr

@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs decl_path = do
     ProfNotes -> do
       let nm = mkFastString cc_name
-      flavour <- HpcCC <$> getCCIndexM nm
+      flavour <- mkHpcCCFlavour <$> getCCIndexM nm
       let cc = mkUserCC nm (this_mod env) pos flavour
           count = countEntries && tte_countEntries env
       return $ ProfNote cc count True{-scopes-}

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr  ( tcCheckMonoExpr )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn ( tcPatSynDecl, tcPatSynBuilderBind )
 import GHC.Types.Tickish (CoreTickish, GenTickish (..))
-import GHC.Types.CostCentre (mkUserCC, CCFlavour(DeclCC))
+import GHC.Types.CostCentre (mkUserCC, mkDeclCCFlavour)
 import GHC.Driver.Session
 import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Hs
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ funBindTicks loc fun_id mod sigs
           = getOccFS (Var.varName fun_id)
         cc_name = concatFS [moduleNameFS (moduleName mod), fsLit ".", cc_str]
   = do
-      flavour <- DeclCC <$> getCCIndexTcM cc_name
+      flavour <- mkDeclCCFlavour <$> getCCIndexTcM cc_name
       let cc = mkUserCC cc_name mod loc flavour
       return [ProfNote cc True True]
   | otherwise

@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
 module GHC.Types.CostCentre (
-        CostCentre(..), CcName, CCFlavour(..),
-                -- All abstract except to friend: ParseIface.y
+        -- All abstract except to friend: ParseIface.y
+        CostCentre(..), CcName, CCFlavour,
+        mkCafFlavour, mkExprCCFlavour, mkDeclCCFlavour, mkHpcCCFlavour,
+        mkLateCCFlavour, mkCallerCCFlavour,
@@ -33,7 +35,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Types.CostCentre.State
-import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
 import Data.Data
@@ -66,24 +67,39 @@ data CostCentre
 type CcName = FastString
+data IndexedCCFlavour
+    = ExprCC -- ^ Explicitly annotated expression
+    | DeclCC -- ^ Explicitly annotated declaration
+    | HpcCC -- ^ Generated by HPC for coverage
+    | LateCC -- ^ Annotated by the one of the prof-last* passes.
+    | CallerCC -- ^ Annotated by the one of the prof-last* passes.
+    deriving (Eq,Ord,Data,Enum)
 -- | The flavour of a cost centre.
 -- Index fields represent 0-based indices giving source-code ordering of
 -- centres with the same module, name, and flavour.
-data CCFlavour = CafCC -- ^ Auto-generated top-level thunk
-               | ExprCC !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Explicitly annotated expression
-               | DeclCC !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Explicitly annotated declaration
-               | HpcCC !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Generated by HPC for coverage
-               | LateCC !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Annotated by the one of the prof-last* passes.
+data CCFlavour = CafCC -- ^ Auto-generated top-level thunk, they all go into the same bucket
+               | IndexedCC !IndexedCCFlavour !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Explicitly annotated expression
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
+-- Construct a CC flavour
+mkCafFlavour :: CCFlavour
+mkCafFlavour = CafCC
+mkExprCCFlavour :: CostCentreIndex -> CCFlavour
+mkExprCCFlavour idx = IndexedCC ExprCC idx
+mkDeclCCFlavour :: CostCentreIndex -> CCFlavour
+mkDeclCCFlavour idx = IndexedCC DeclCC idx
+mkHpcCCFlavour :: CostCentreIndex -> CCFlavour
+mkHpcCCFlavour idx = IndexedCC HpcCC idx
+mkLateCCFlavour :: CostCentreIndex -> CCFlavour
+mkLateCCFlavour idx = IndexedCC LateCC idx
+mkCallerCCFlavour :: CostCentreIndex -> CCFlavour
+mkCallerCCFlavour idx = IndexedCC CallerCC idx
 -- | Extract the index from a flavour
 flavourIndex :: CCFlavour -> Int
 flavourIndex CafCC = 0
-flavourIndex (ExprCC x) = unCostCentreIndex x
-flavourIndex (DeclCC x) = unCostCentreIndex x
-flavourIndex (HpcCC x) = unCostCentreIndex x
-flavourIndex (LateCC x) = unCostCentreIndex x
+flavourIndex (IndexedCC _flav x) = unCostCentreIndex x
 instance Eq CostCentre where
         c1 == c2 = case c1 `cmpCostCentre` c2 of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
@@ -304,10 +320,13 @@ ppCostCentreLbl (NormalCC {cc_flavour = f, cc_name = n, cc_mod = m})
 -- ^ Print the flavour component of a C label
 ppFlavourLblComponent :: IsLine doc => CCFlavour -> doc
 ppFlavourLblComponent CafCC = text "CAF"
-ppFlavourLblComponent (ExprCC i) = text "EXPR" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
-ppFlavourLblComponent (DeclCC i) = text "DECL" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
-ppFlavourLblComponent (HpcCC i)  = text "HPC"  <> ppIdxLblComponent i
-ppFlavourLblComponent (LateCC i) = text "LATECC" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
+ppFlavourLblComponent (IndexedCC flav i) =
+  case flav of
+    ExprCC -> text "EXPR" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
+    DeclCC -> text "DECL" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
+    HpcCC -> text "HPC" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
+    LateCC -> text "LATECC" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
+    CallerCC -> text "CALLERCC" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
 {-# SPECIALISE ppFlavourLblComponent :: CCFlavour -> SDoc #-}
 {-# SPECIALISE ppFlavourLblComponent :: CCFlavour -> HLine #-} -- see Note [SPECIALIZE to HDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -337,28 +356,18 @@ costCentreSrcSpan = cc_loc
 instance Binary CCFlavour where
     put_ bh CafCC =
-            putByte bh 0
-    put_ bh (ExprCC i) = do
-            putByte bh 1
-            put_ bh i
-    put_ bh (DeclCC i) = do
-            putByte bh 2
-            put_ bh i
-    put_ bh (HpcCC i) = do
-            putByte bh 3
-            put_ bh i
-    put_ bh (LateCC i) = do
-            putByte bh 4
-            put_ bh i
+        putByte bh 0
+    put_ bh (IndexedCC flav i) = do
+        putByte bh 1
+        let !flav_index = fromEnum flav
+        put_ bh flav_index
+        put_ bh i
     get bh = do
             h <- getByte bh
             case h of
               0 -> return CafCC
-              1 -> ExprCC <$> get bh
-              2 -> DeclCC <$> get bh
-              3 -> HpcCC  <$> get bh
-              4 -> LateCC <$> get bh
-              _ -> panic "Invalid CCFlavour"
+              _ -> do
+                IndexedCC <$> (toEnum <$> get bh) <*> get bh
 instance Binary CostCentre where
     put_ bh (NormalCC aa ab ac _ad) = do

@@ -934,17 +934,6 @@ AC_CHECK_DECLS([program_invocation_short_name], , ,
 [#define _GNU_SOURCE 1
 #include <errno.h>])
-dnl ** check for mingwex library
-  [mingwex],
-  [closedir],
-  [AC_SUBST([HaveLibMingwEx],[YES])] [AC_SUBST([CabalMingwex],[True])],
-  [AC_SUBST([HaveLibMingwEx],[NO])] [AC_SUBST([CabalMingwex],[False])])
-if test $HaveLibMingwEx = YES ; then
-  AC_DEFINE([HAVE_MINGWEX], [1], [Define to 1 if you have the mingwex library.])
 dnl ** check for math library
 dnl    Keep that check as early as possible.
 dnl    as we need to know whether we need libm

@@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ libnuma-lib-dir       = @LibNumaLibDir@
 use-lib-dw        = @UseLibdw@
 use-lib-numa      = @UseLibNuma@
-use-lib-mingw-ex  = @HaveLibMingwEx@
 use-lib-m         = @UseLibm@
 use-lib-rt        = @UseLibrt@
 use-lib-dl        = @UseLibdl@

@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ data Flag = ArSupportsAtFile
           | UseLibffiForAdjustors
           | UseLibdw
           | UseLibnuma
-          | UseLibmingwex
           | UseLibm
           | UseLibrt
           | UseLibdl
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ flag f = do
             UseLibffiForAdjustors -> "use-libffi-for-adjustors"
             UseLibdw             -> "use-lib-dw"
             UseLibnuma           -> "use-lib-numa"
-            UseLibmingwex        -> "use-lib-mingw-ex"
             UseLibm              -> "use-lib-m"
             UseLibrt             -> "use-lib-rt"
             UseLibdl             -> "use-lib-dl"

@@ -284,8 +284,7 @@ projectVersion = mconcat
 rtsCabalFlags :: Interpolations
 rtsCabalFlags = mconcat
-    [ flag "CabalMingwex" UseLibmingwex
-    , flag "CabalHaveLibdw" UseLibdw
+    [ flag "CabalHaveLibdw" UseLibdw
     , flag "CabalHaveLibm" UseLibm
     , flag "CabalHaveLibrt" UseLibrt
     , flag "CabalHaveLibdl" UseLibdl

@@ -403,8 +403,7 @@ rtsPackageArgs = package rts ? do
         , builder HsCpp ? pure
           [ "-DTOP="             ++ show top ]
-        , builder HsCpp ? flag UseLibdw ? arg "-DUSE_LIBDW"
-        , builder HsCpp ? flag UseLibmingwex ? arg "-DHAVE_LIBMINGWEX" ]
+        , builder HsCpp ? flag UseLibdw ? arg "-DUSE_LIBDW" ]
 -- Compile various performance-critical pieces *without* -fPIC -dynamic
 -- even when building a shared library.  If we don't do this, then the

@@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_fstat"
 foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_lstat"
    lstat :: CFilePath -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
 #if defined(js_HOST_ARCH)
@@ -592,109 +591,95 @@ foreign import javascript unsafe "(($1,$2,$3_1,$3_2) => { return h$base_c_fcntl_
-{- Note: Win32 POSIX functions
-Functions that are not part of the POSIX standards were
-at some point deprecated by Microsoft. This deprecation
-was performed by renaming the functions according to the
-C++ ABI Section This was done to free up the
-namespace of normal Windows programs since Windows isn't
-POSIX compliant anyway.
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+-- See Note [Windows types]
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _read"
+   c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
-These were working before since the RTS was re-exporting
-these symbols under the undeprecated names. This is no longer
-being done. See #11223
+-- See Note [Windows types]
+foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _read"
+   c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
-See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235384.aspx
-for more.
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _umask"
+   c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
-However since we can't hope to get people to support Windows
-packages we should support the deprecated names. See #12497
-foreign import capi unsafe "unistd.h lseek"
-   c_lseek :: CInt -> COff -> CInt -> IO COff
+-- See Note [Windows types]
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _write"
+   c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h access"
+-- See Note [Windows types]
+foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _write"
+   c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _pipe"
+   c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _lseeki64"
+   c_lseek :: CInt -> Int64 -> CInt -> IO Int64
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _access"
    c_access :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
 #if !defined(HAVE_CHMOD)
 c_chmod :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
-c_chmod _ _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "chmod")
+c_chmod _ _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "_chmod")
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h chmod"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _chmod"
    c_chmod :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h close"
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _close"
    c_close :: CInt -> IO CInt
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h creat"
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _creat"
    c_creat :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
 #if !defined(HAVE_DUP)
 c_dup :: CInt -> IO CInt
-c_dup _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "dup")
+c_dup _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "_dup")
 c_dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
-c_dup2 _ _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "dup2")
+c_dup2 _ _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "_dup2")
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _dup"
    c_dup :: CInt -> IO CInt
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup2"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _dup2"
    c_dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h isatty"
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _isatty"
    c_isatty :: CInt -> IO CInt
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
--- See Note: Windows types
-foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _read"
-   c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
--- See Note: Windows types
-foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _read"
-   c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _umask"
-   c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
--- See Note: Windows types
-foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _write"
-   c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _unlink"
+   c_unlink :: CString -> IO CInt
--- See Note: Windows types
-foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _write"
-   c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _utime"
+   c_utime :: CString -> Ptr CUtimbuf -> IO CInt
-foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _pipe"
-   c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _getpid"
+   c_getpid :: IO CPid
 -- We use CAPI as on some OSs (eg. Linux) this is wrapped by a macro
 -- which redirects to the 64-bit-off_t versions when large file
 -- support is enabled.
--- See Note: Windows types
+-- See Note [Windows types]
 foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h read"
    c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
--- See Note: Windows types
+-- See Note [Windows types]
 foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h read"
    c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
-#if defined(HAVE_UMASK)
 foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h umask"
    c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
-c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
-c_umask _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "umask")
--- See Note: Windows types
+-- See Note [Windows types]
 foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h write"
    c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
--- See Note: Windows types
+-- See Note [Windows types]
 foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h write"
    c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
@@ -705,8 +690,44 @@ c_pipe _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "pipe")
 foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h pipe"
    c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import capi unsafe "unistd.h lseek"
+   c_lseek :: CInt -> COff -> CInt -> IO COff
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h access"
+   c_access :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
+#if !defined(HAVE_CHMOD)
+c_chmod :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
+c_chmod _ _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "chmod")
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h chmod"
+   c_chmod :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h close"
+   c_close :: CInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h creat"
+   c_creat :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
+#if !defined(HAVE_DUP)
+c_dup :: CInt -> IO CInt
+c_dup _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "dup")
+c_dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
+c_dup2 _ _ = ioError (ioeSetLocation unsupportedOperation "dup2")
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup"
+   c_dup :: CInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup2"
+   c_dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h isatty"
+   c_isatty :: CInt -> IO CInt
 foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h unlink"
    c_unlink :: CString -> IO CInt
@@ -720,6 +741,7 @@ c_getpid = pure 1
 foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h getpid"
    c_getpid :: IO CPid
 #if !defined(js_HOST_ARCH)
 foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_stat"
@@ -881,7 +903,8 @@ foreign import capi  unsafe "stdio.h value SEEK_END" sEEK_END :: CInt
-Note: Windows types
+Note [Windows types]
 Windows' _read and _write have types that differ from POSIX. They take an
 unsigned int for length and return a signed int where POSIX uses size_t and

@@ -397,7 +397,6 @@ Library
     if os(windows)
         -- Windows requires some extra libraries for linking because the RTS
         -- is no longer re-exporting them.
-        -- mingwex: provides C99 compatibility. libm is a stub on MingW.
         -- mingw32: Unfortunately required because of a resource leak between
         --          mingwex and mingw32. the __math_err symbol is defined in
         --          mingw32 which is required by mingwex.
@@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ Library
         -- advapi32: provides advanced kernel functions
             wsock32, user32, shell32, mingw32, kernel32, advapi32,
-            mingwex, ws2_32, shlwapi, ole32, rpcrt4, ntdll
+            ws2_32, shlwapi, ole32, rpcrt4, ntdll
         -- Minimum supported Windows version.
         -- These numbers can be found at:
         --  https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa383745(v=vs.85).aspx

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB([rt], [clock_gettime])
 AC_CHECK_DECLS([CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID], [], [], [[#include <time.h>]])
 AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getclock getrusage times])
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS([_chsize ftruncate])
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS([_chsize_s ftruncate])
 # event-related fun
 # The line below already defines HAVE_KQUEUE and HAVE_POLL, so technically some of the

@@ -280,15 +280,12 @@ __hscore_o_nonblock( void )
 __hscore_ftruncate( int fd, off_t where )
-#if defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE)
+#if defined(HAVE__CHSIZE_S)
+  return _chsize_s(fd,where);
+#elif defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE)
   return ftruncate(fd,where);
-#elif defined(HAVE__CHSIZE)
-  return _chsize(fd,where);
-// ToDo: we should use _chsize_s() on Windows which allows a 64-bit
-// offset, but it doesn't seem to be available from mingw at this time
-// --SDM (01/2008)
-#error at least ftruncate or _chsize functions are required to build
+#error at least _chsize_s or ftruncate functions are required to build

@@ -66,15 +66,14 @@ Library
     if os(windows)
         -- Windows requires some extra libraries for linking because the RTS
         -- is no longer re-exporting them (see #11223)
-        -- msvcrt: standard C library. The RTS will automatically include this,
-        --         but is added for completeness.
-        -- mingwex: provides C99 compatibility. libm is a stub on MingW.
+        -- ucrt: standard C library. The RTS will automatically include this,
+        --       but is added for completeness.
         -- mingw32: Unfortunately required because of a resource leak between
         --          mingwex and mingw32. the __math_err symbol is defined in
         --          mingw32 which is required by mingwex.
         -- user32: provides access to apis to modify user components (UI etc)
         --         on Windows. Required because of mingw32.
-        extra-libraries: user32, mingw32, mingwex, ucrt
+        extra-libraries: user32, mingw32, ucrt
     if os(linux)
         -- we need libm, but for musl and other's we might need libc, as libm

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import argparse
 import sys
 from sys import stderr
 BASE_URL = "https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/mingw/{}".format(TARBALL_VERSION)
 DEST = Path('ghc-tarballs/mingw-w64')
 ARCHS = ['x86_64', 'sources']

@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ extern void iconv();
    This is to enable lazy loading of symbols. Eager loading is problematic
    as it means that all symbols must be available, even those which we will
    never use. This is especially painful on Windows, where the number of
-   libraries required to link things like mingwex grows to be quite high.
+   libraries required to link things like QT or WxWidgets grows to be quite high.
    We proceed through these stages as follows,
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ extern void iconv();
    1) Dependency chains, if A.o required a .o in libB but A.o isn't required to link
       then we don't need to load libB. This means the dependency chain for libraries
-      such as mingw32 and mingwex can be broken down.
+      such as ucrt can be broken down.
    2) The number of duplicate symbols, since now only symbols that are
       true duplicates will display the error.
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ static void ghciRemoveSymbolTable(StrHashTable *table, const SymbolName* key,
 static const char *
 symbolTypeString (SymType type)
-    switch (type) {
+    switch (type & ~SYM_TYPE_DUP_DISCARD) {
         case SYM_TYPE_CODE: return "code";
         case SYM_TYPE_DATA: return "data";
         case SYM_TYPE_INDIRECT_DATA: return "indirect-data";
@@ -275,14 +275,18 @@ int ghciInsertSymbolTable(
       insertStrHashTable(table, key, pinfo);
       return 1;
-   else if (pinfo->type != type)
+   else if (pinfo->type ^ type)
-       debugBelch("Symbol type mismatch.\n");
-       debugBelch("Symbol %s was defined by %" PATH_FMT " to be a %s symbol.\n",
-                  key, obj_name, symbolTypeString(type));
-       debugBelch("      yet was defined by %" PATH_FMT " to be a %s symbol.\n",
-                  pinfo->owner ? pinfo->owner->fileName : WSTR("<builtin>"),
-                  symbolTypeString(pinfo->type));
+       /* We were asked to discard the symbol on duplicates, do so quietly.  */
+       if (!(type & SYM_TYPE_DUP_DISCARD))
+       {
+         debugBelch("Symbol type mismatch.\n");
+         debugBelch("Symbol %s was defined by %" PATH_FMT " to be a %s symbol.\n",
+                    key, obj_name, symbolTypeString(type));
+         debugBelch("      yet was defined by %" PATH_FMT " to be a %s symbol.\n",
+                    pinfo->owner ? pinfo->owner->fileName : WSTR("<builtin>"),
+                    symbolTypeString(pinfo->type));
+       }
        return 1;
    else if (pinfo->strength == STRENGTH_STRONG)

@@ -54,11 +54,16 @@ typedef struct _Section    Section;
 /* What kind of thing a symbol identifies. We need to know this to determine how
- * to process overflowing relocations. See Note [Processing overflowed relocations]. */
+ * to process overflowing relocations. See Note [Processing overflowed relocations].
+ * This is bitfield however only the option SYM_TYPE_DUP_DISCARD can be combined
+ * with the other values. */
 typedef enum _SymType {
-    SYM_TYPE_CODE, /* the symbol is a function and can be relocated via a jump island */
-    SYM_TYPE_DATA, /* the symbol is data */
-    SYM_TYPE_INDIRECT_DATA, /* see Note [_iob_func symbol] */
+    SYM_TYPE_CODE = 1 << 0, /* the symbol is a function and can be relocated via a jump island */
+    SYM_TYPE_DATA = 1 << 1, /* the symbol is data */
+    SYM_TYPE_INDIRECT_DATA = 1 << 2, /* see Note [_iob_func symbol] */
+    SYM_TYPE_DUP_DISCARD = 1 << 3, /* the symbol is a symbol in a BFD import library
+                                      however if a duplicate is found with a mismatching
+                                      SymType then discard this one.  */
 } SymType;

@@ -113,26 +113,6 @@ extern char **environ;
  * by the RtsSymbols entry. To avoid this we introduce a horrible special case
  * in `ghciInsertSymbolTable`, ensure that `atexit` is never overridden.
- * Note [Symbols for MinGW's printf]
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * The printf offered by Microsoft's libc implementation, msvcrt, is quite
- * incomplete, lacking support for even %ull. Consequently mingw-w64 offers its
- * own implementation which we enable. However, to be thread-safe the
- * implementation uses _lock_file. This would be fine except msvcrt.dll doesn't
- * export _lock_file, only numbered versions do (e.g. msvcrt90.dll).
- *
- * To work around this mingw-w64 packages a static archive of msvcrt which
- * includes their own implementation of _lock_file. However, this means that
- * the archive contains things which the dynamic library does not; consequently
- * we need to ensure that the runtime linker provides this symbol.
- *
- * It's all just so terrible.
- *
- * See also:
- * https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/wiki2/gnu%20printf/
- * https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/discussion/723797/thread/55520785/
- */
 /* Note [_iob_func symbol]
  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  * Microsoft in VS2013 to VS2015 transition made a backwards incompatible change
@@ -170,10 +150,6 @@ extern char **environ;
       SymI_NeedsProto(__mingw_module_is_dll)             \
       RTS_WIN32_ONLY(SymI_NeedsProto(___chkstk_ms))      \
       RTS_WIN64_ONLY(SymI_NeedsProto(___chkstk_ms))      \
-      RTS_WIN64_ONLY(SymI_HasProto(_errno))  \
-      /* see Note [Symbols for MinGW's printf] */        \
-      SymI_HasProto(_lock_file)                          \
-      SymI_HasProto(_unlock_file)                        \
       SymI_HasProto(__mingw_vsnwprintf)                  \
       /* ^^ Need to figure out why this is needed.  */   \
       /* See Note [_iob_func symbol] */                  \
@@ -185,120 +161,8 @@ extern char **environ;
       /* ^^ Need to figure out why this is needed.  */   \
       SymI_HasProto(__mingw_vfprintf)                    \
       /* ^^ Need to figure out why this is needed.  */
-#define RTS_MINGW_COMPAT_SYMBOLS                         \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(access)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(cabs)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(cgets)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(chdir)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(chmod)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(chsize)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(close)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(cprintf)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(cputs)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(creat)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(cscanf)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(cwait)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(dup)                      \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(dup2)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(ecvt)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(eof)                      \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execl)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execle)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execlp)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execlpe)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execv)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execve)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execvp)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(execvpe)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(fcloseall)                \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(fcvt)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(fdopen)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(fgetchar)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(filelength)               \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(fileno)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(flushall)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(fputchar)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(gcvt)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(getch)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(getche)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(getcwd)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(getpid)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(getw)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(hypot)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(inp)                      \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(inpw)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(isascii)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(isatty)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(iscsym)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(iscsymf)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(itoa)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(j0)                       \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(j1)                       \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(jn)                       \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(kbhit)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(lfind)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(locking)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(lsearch)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(lseek)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(ltoa)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(memccpy)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(memicmp)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(mkdir)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(mktemp)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(open)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(outp)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(outpw)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(putch)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(putenv)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(putw)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(read)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(rmdir)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(rmtmp)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(setmode)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(sopen)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnl)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnle)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnlp)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnlpe)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnv)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnve)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnvp)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(spawnvpe)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strcmpi)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strdup)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(stricmp)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strlwr)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strnicmp)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strnset)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strrev)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strset)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(strupr)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(swab)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(tell)                     \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(tempnam)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(toascii)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(tzset)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(ultoa)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(umask)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(ungetch)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(unlink)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsdup)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsicmp)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsicoll)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcslwr)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsnicmp)                 \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsnset)                  \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsrev)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsset)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(wcsupr)                   \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(write)                    \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(y0)                       \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(y1)                       \
-      SymI_HasProto_deprecated(yn)
@@ -1121,7 +985,6 @@ extern char **environ;
 #define SymI_HasProto(vvv) /**/
 #define SymI_HasDataProto(vvv) /**/
 #define SymI_HasProto_redirect(vvv,xxx,strength,ty) /**/
-#define SymI_HasProto_deprecated(vvv) /**/
@@ -1139,7 +1002,6 @@ RTS_LIBFFI_SYMBOLS
 #undef SymI_HasProto
 #undef SymI_HasDataProto
 #undef SymI_HasProto_redirect
-#undef SymI_HasProto_deprecated
 #undef SymE_HasProto
 #undef SymE_HasDataProto
 #undef SymE_NeedsProto
@@ -1165,22 +1027,11 @@ RTS_LIBFFI_SYMBOLS
       (void*)(&(xxx)), strength, ty },
-// SymI_HasProto_deprecated allows us to redirect references from their deprecated
-// names to the undeprecated ones. e.g. access -> _access.
-// We use the hexspeak for unallocated memory 0xBAADF00D to signal the RTS
-// that this needs to be loaded from somewhere else.
-// These are inserted as weak symbols to prevent us overriding packages that do
-// define them, since on Windows these functions shouldn't be in the top level
-// namespace, but we have them for POSIX compatibility.
-#define SymI_HasProto_deprecated(vvv)   \
-   { #vvv, (void*)0xBAADF00D, STRENGTH_WEAK, SYM_TYPE_CODE },
 RtsSymbolVal rtsSyms[] = {

@@ -261,6 +261,54 @@
             .asciiz "libfoo_data"
+   Note [GHC Linking model and import libraries]
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   The above describes how import libraries work for static linking.
+   Fundamentally this does not apply to dynamic linking as we do in GHC.
+   The issue is two-folds:
+   1. In the linking model above it is expected that the .idata sections be
+      materialized into PLTs during linking.  However in GHC we never create
+      PLTs,  but have out own mechanism for this which is the jump island
+      machinery.   This is required for efficiency.  For one materializing the
+      .idata sections would result in wasting pages.   We'd use one page for
+      every ~100 bytes.  This is extremely wasteful and also fragments the
+      memory.  Secondly the dynamic linker is lazy.  We only perform the final
+      loading if the symbol is used, however with an import library we can
+      discard the actual OC immediately after reading it.   This prevents us from
+      keeping ~1k in memory per symbol for no reason.
+   2. GHC itself does not observe symbol visibility correctly during NGC.   This
+      in itself isn't an academic exercise.  The issue stems from GHC using one
+      mechanism for providing two incompatible linking modes:
+      a)  The first mode is generating Haskell shared libraries which are
+           intended to be used by other Haskell code.   This requires us to
+           export the info, data and closures.   For this GHC just re-exports
+           all symbols.  But it doesn't correcly mark data/code.  Symbol
+           visibility is overwritten by telling the linker to export all
+           symbols.
+      b)  The second code is producing code that's supposed to be call-able
+          through a C insterface.   This in reality does not require the
+          export of closures and info tables.  But also does not require the
+          inclusion of the RTS inside the DLL.  Hover this is done today
+          because we don't properly have the RTS as a dynamic library.
+          i.e.  GHC does not only export symbols denoted by foreign export.
+          Also GHC should depend on an RTS library, but at the moment it
+          cannot because of TNTC is incompatible with dynamic linking.
+   These two issues mean that for GHC we need to take a different approach
+   to handling import libraries.  For normal C libraries we have proper
+   differentiation between CODE and DATA.   For GHC produced import libraries
+   we do not.   As such the SYM_TYPE_DUP_DISCARD tells the linker that if a
+   duplicate symbol is found, and we were going to discard it anyway, just do
+   so quitely.  This works because the RTS symbols themselves are provided by
+   the currently loaded RTS as built-in symbols.
+   Secondly we cannot rely on a text symbol being available.   As such we
+   should only depend on the symbols as defined in the .idata sections,
+   otherwise we would not be able to correctly link against GHC produced
+   import libraries.
    Note [Memory allocation]
    The loading of an object begins in `preloadObjectFile`, which allocates a buffer,
@@ -1658,7 +1706,10 @@ ocGetNames_PEi386 ( ObjectCode* oc )
       if (   secNumber != IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED
           && secNumber > 0
           && section
-          && section->kind != SECTIONKIND_BFD_IMPORT_LIBRARY) {
+          /* Skip all BFD import sections.  */
+          && section->kind != SECTIONKIND_IMPORT
+          && section->kind != SECTIONKIND_BFD_IMPORT_LIBRARY
+          && section->kind != SECTIONKIND_BFD_IMPORT_LIBRARY_HEAD) {
          /* This symbol is global and defined, viz, exported */
                 && !IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED,
@@ -1691,12 +1742,49 @@ ocGetNames_PEi386 ( ObjectCode* oc )
           IF_DEBUG(linker_verbose, debugBelch("bss symbol @ %p %u\n", addr, symValue));
       else if (section && section->kind == SECTIONKIND_BFD_IMPORT_LIBRARY) {
-          setImportSymbol(oc, sname);
+          /* Disassembly of section .idata$5:
+             0000000000000000 <__imp_Insert>:
+             ...
+                        0: IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB     .idata$6
+             The first two bytes contain the ordinal of the function
+             in the format of lowpart highpart. The two bytes combined
+             for the total range of 16 bits which is the function export limit
+             of DLLs.  See note [GHC Linking model and import libraries].  */
+          sname = (SymbolName*)section->start+2;
+          COFF_symbol* sym = &oc->info->symbols[info->numberOfSymbols-1];
+          addr = get_sym_name( getSymShortName (info, sym), oc);
+          IF_DEBUG(linker,
+                   debugBelch("addImportSymbol `%s' => `%s'\n",
+                              sname, (char*)addr));
+          /* We're going to free the any data associated with the import
+             library without copying the sections.  So we have to duplicate
+             the symbol name and values before the pointers become invalid.  */
+          sname = strdup (sname);
+          addr  = strdup (addr);
+          type = has_code_section ? SYM_TYPE_CODE : SYM_TYPE_DATA;
+          type |= SYM_TYPE_DUP_DISCARD;
+          if (!ghciInsertSymbolTable(oc->fileName, symhash, sname,
+                                     addr, false, type, oc)) {
+             releaseOcInfo (oc);
+             stgFree (oc->image);
+             oc->image = NULL;
+             return false;
+          }
+          setImportSymbol (oc, sname);
+          /* Don't process this oc any further. Just exit.  */
+          oc->n_symbols = 0;
+          oc->symbols   = NULL;
+          stgFree (oc->image);
+          oc->image = NULL;
+          releaseOcInfo (oc);
           // There is nothing that we need to resolve in this object since we
           // will never call the import stubs in its text section
           oc->status = OBJECT_DONT_RESOLVE;
-          IF_DEBUG(linker_verbose, debugBelch("import symbol %s\n", sname));
+          return true;
       else if (secNumber > 0
                && section
@@ -2171,21 +2259,7 @@ SymbolAddr *lookupSymbol_PEi386(SymbolName *lbl, ObjectCode *dependent, SymType
     } else {
         if (type) *type = pinfo->type;
-        // If Windows, perform initialization of uninitialized
-        // Symbols from the C runtime which was loaded above.
-        // We do this on lookup to prevent the hit when
-        // The symbol isn't being used.
-        if (pinfo->value == (void*)0xBAADF00D)
-        {
-            char symBuffer[50];
-            const char *crt_impl = "ucrtbase";
-            sprintf(symBuffer, "_%s", lbl);
-            static HMODULE crt = NULL;
-            if (!crt) crt = GetModuleHandle(crt_impl);
-            pinfo->value = GetProcAddress(crt, symBuffer);
-            return pinfo->value;
-        }
-        else if (pinfo && pinfo->owner && isSymbolImport (pinfo->owner, lbl))
+        if (pinfo && pinfo->owner && isSymbolImport (pinfo->owner, lbl))
             /* See Note [BFD import library].  */
             HINSTANCE dllInstance = (HINSTANCE)lookupDependentSymbol(pinfo->value, dependent, type);

@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ flag need-pthread
   default: @CabalNeedLibpthread@
 flag libbfd
   default: @CabalHaveLibbfd@
-flag mingwex
-  default: @CabalMingwex@
 flag need-atomic
   default: @CabalNeedLibatomic@
 flag libdw
@@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ library
     exposed: True
     if os(ghcjs)
       include-dirs: include
@@ -209,8 +206,6 @@ library
       if flag(libbfd)
          -- for debugging
          extra-libraries: bfd iberty
-      if flag(mingwex)
-         extra-libraries: mingwex
       if flag(libdw)
          -- for backtraces
          extra-libraries: elf dw

@@ -88,10 +88,6 @@ compile_libAB_dyn:
 .PHONY: compile_libAS_impl_gcc
-	rm -rf bin_impl_gcc
-	mkdir bin_impl_gcc
-	'$(TEST_HC)' $(MY_TEST_HC_OPTS) -odir "bin_impl_gcc" -shared A.c -o "bin_impl_gcc/$(call DLL,ASimpL)"
-	mv bin_impl_gcc/libASimpL.dll.a bin_impl_gcc/libASx.dll.a
 	echo "main" | '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS_INTERACTIVE) T11072.hs -lASx -L./bin_impl_gcc
 .PHONY: compile_libAS_impl_msvc

@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ test('T10458',
       extra_hc_opts('-L"$PWD/T10458dir" -lAS')],
      ghci_script, ['T10458.script'])
-test('T11072gcc', [extra_files(['A.c', 'T11072.hs']),
-                   expect_broken(18718),
-                   unless(doing_ghci, skip), unless(opsys('mingw32'), skip)],
+test('T11072gcc', [extra_files(['A.c', 'T11072.hs', 'bin_impl_gcc/']),
+                   unless(doing_ghci, skip), unless(opsys('mingw32'), skip),
+                   unless(arch('x86_64'), skip)],
      makefile_test, ['compile_libAS_impl_gcc'])
 test('T11072msvc', [extra_files(['A.c', 'T11072.hs', 'libAS.def', 'i686/', 'x86_64/']),

Binary files /dev/null and b/testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/bin_impl_gcc/ASimpL.dll differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/testsuite/tests/ghci/linking/dyn/bin_impl_gcc/libASx.dll.a differ

@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ test('T10296b', [only_ways(['threaded2'])], compile_and_run, [''])
 test('numa001', [ extra_run_opts('8'), unless(unregisterised(), extra_ways(['debug_numa'])) ]
                 , compile_and_run, [''])
-test('T12497', [ unless(opsys('mingw32'), skip)
+test('T12497', [ unless(opsys('mingw32'), skip), expect_broken(22694)
                makefile_test, ['T12497'])

@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
 -- The above warning suppression flags are a temporary kludge.
 -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
@@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ assignRegs
             Int)                -- Sp of left-over args
 assignRegs regstatus sp args = assign sp args (availableRegs regstatus) []
-assign sp [] regs doc = (doc, [], sp)
+assign sp [] _regs doc = (doc, [], sp)
 assign sp (V : args) regs doc = assign sp args regs doc
 assign sp (arg : args) regs doc
  = case findAvailableReg arg regs of
@@ -248,7 +245,7 @@ stackCheck
    -> Doc
 stackCheck regstatus args args_in_regs fun_info_label (prof_sp, norm_sp) =
-     (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
+     (reg_locs, _leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
      cmp_sp n
        | n > 0 =
@@ -287,7 +284,7 @@ genMkPAP :: RegStatus -- Register status
          -> Doc       -- info label
          -> Bool      -- Is a function
          -> (Doc, StackUsage)
-genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
+genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live _ticker disamb
         no_load_regs    -- don't load argument regs before jumping
         args_in_regs    -- arguments are already in regs
         is_pap args all_args_size fun_info_label
@@ -391,6 +388,7 @@ genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
                                (reg,off) <- extra_reg_locs ]
               adj = case extra_reg_locs of
                       (reg, fst_off):_ -> fst_off
+                      [] -> error "Impossible: genapply.hs : No extra register locations"
               size = snd (last adj_reg_locs) + 1
               doc =
@@ -470,7 +468,7 @@ genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
     (larger_arity_doc, larger_arity_stack) = (doc, stack)
        -- offsets in case we need to save regs:
-       (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset)
+       (reg_locs, _leftovers, sp_offset)
            = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_slow_offset args
            -- BUILD_PAP assumes args start at offset 1
@@ -823,7 +821,7 @@ genApplyFast regstatus args =
             False{-reg apply-} True{-args in regs-} False{-not a PAP-}
             args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}True
-    (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
+    (reg_locs, _leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
     stack_usage = maxStack [fun_stack, (sp_offset,sp_offset)]

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