[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T17521] 2 commits: Rename and remove temporary debug tracing

Jaro Reinders (@Noughtmare) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Aug 28 20:49:14 UTC 2023

Jaro Reinders pushed to branch wip/T17521 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

fdb9939a by Jaro Reinders at 2023-08-25T12:29:15+02:00
Rename and remove temporary debug tracing

- - - - -
90c0ce3d by Jaro Reinders at 2023-08-28T22:49:06+02:00
Almost fix static BCO initialisation

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs
- libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
- libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
- rts/Interpreter.c


@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import GHC.SysTools
 import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Types.Name.Set
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet
 import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
@@ -650,10 +651,8 @@ loadDecls interp hsc_env span cbc at CompiledByteCode{..} = do
                        , addr_env = plusNameEnv (addr_env le) bc_strs }
           -- Link the necessary packages and linkables
-          new_bindings <- linkSomeBCOs interp (hsc_unit_env hsc_env) le2 [cbc]
-          nms_fhvs <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs interp new_bindings
-          let ce2  = extendClosureEnv (closure_env le2) nms_fhvs
-              !pls2 = pls { linker_env = le2 { closure_env = ce2 } }
+          (nms_fhvs, le3) <- linkSomeBCOs interp (hsc_unit_env hsc_env) le2 [cbc]
+          let !pls2 = pls { linker_env = le3 }
           return (pls2, (nms_fhvs, links_needed, units_needed))
     free_names = uniqDSetToList $
@@ -872,44 +871,83 @@ dynLinkBCOs interp ue pls bcos = do
             ae2 = foldr plusNameEnv (addr_env le1) (map bc_strs cbcs)
             le2 = le1 { itbl_env = ie2, addr_env = ae2 }
-        names_and_refs <- linkSomeBCOs interp ue le2 cbcs
+        (names_and_refs, le3) <- linkSomeBCOs interp ue le2 cbcs
         -- We only want to add the external ones to the ClosureEnv
-        let (to_add, to_drop) = partition (isExternalName.fst) names_and_refs
+        let to_drop = filter (not.isExternalName.fst) names_and_refs
-        -- Immediately release any HValueRefs we're not going to add
-        freeHValueRefs interp (map snd to_drop)
-        -- Wrap finalizers on the ones we want to keep
-        new_binds <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs interp to_add
+        -- Finalize any ForeignHValues we want to drop
+        mapM_ finalizeForeignRef (map snd to_drop)
-        let ce2 = extendClosureEnv (closure_env le2) new_binds
-        return $! pls1 { linker_env = le2 { closure_env = ce2 } }
+        let ce = delListFromNameEnv (closure_env le3) (map fst to_drop)
+        return $! pls1 { linker_env = le3 { closure_env = ce } }
 -- Link a bunch of BCOs and return references to their values
 linkSomeBCOs :: Interp
              -> UnitEnv
              -> LinkerEnv
              -> [CompiledByteCode]
-             -> IO [(Name,HValueRef)]
+             -> IO ([(Name,ForeignHValue)], LinkerEnv)
                         -- The returned HValueRefs are associated 1-1 with
                         -- the incoming unlinked BCOs.  Each gives the
                         -- value of the corresponding unlinked BCO
-linkSomeBCOs interp ue le mods = foldr fun do_link mods []
+linkSomeBCOs interp ue le mods = do
+  let flat = concatMap bc_bcos mods
+      (static_bcos, bcos) = partition unlinkedBCOIsStatic flat
+      names = map unlinkedBCOName bcos
+      bco_ix = mkNameEnv (zip names [0..])
+  (static_nms_fhvs, le') <- do_link_static bco_ix static_bcos
+  hvs <- do_link le' bco_ix bcos
+  nms_fhvs <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs interp (zip names hvs)
+  let ce  = extendClosureEnv (closure_env le') nms_fhvs
+  pure (static_nms_fhvs ++ nms_fhvs, le' { closure_env = ce })
-  fun CompiledByteCode{..} inner accum = inner (bc_bcos : accum)
-  do_link [] = return []
-  do_link mods = do
-    let flat = [ bco | bcos <- mods, bco <- bcos ]
-        names = map unlinkedBCOName flat
-        bco_ix = mkNameEnv (zip names [0..])
-    (resolved, isUnlifted) <- unzip <$> sequence
-      [ (\x -> (x, unlinkedBCOIsStatic bco)) <$> linkBCO interp le bco_ix bco | bco <- flat ]
-    hvrefs <- createBCOs interp resolved
-    zipWithM_ (\v isU -> when isU $ void . seqHValue interp ue =<< mkForeignRef v (pure ()))
-      hvrefs isUnlifted
-    return (zip names hvrefs)
+  do_link_static :: NameEnv Int -> [UnlinkedBCO] -> IO ([(Name, ForeignHValue)], LinkerEnv)
+  do_link_static bco_ix bcos = do
+    let names = map unlinkedBCOName bcos
+        bco_deps = mkNameEnv
+          [ ( unlinkedBCOName bco
+            , mapMaybe (\case BCOPtrName n | n `elem` names -> Just n; _ -> Nothing) (ssElts (unlinkedBCOPtrs bco))
+            )
+          | bco <- bcos
+          ]
+        name_bco = mkNameEnv [(unlinkedBCOName bco, bco) | bco <- bcos]
+        -- topological sort
+        go :: LinkerEnv -> NameSet -> [Name] -> IO ([(Name, ForeignHValue)], LinkerEnv)
+        go le _ [] = pure ([], le)
+        go le done (n:ns)
+          | elemNameSet n done = go le done ns
+          | otherwise =
+            case filter (not . flip elemNameSet done) <$> lookupNameEnv bco_deps n of
+              -- not in our bco set
+              Nothing -> go le done ns
+              -- all dependencies have been processed
+              Just [] -> do
+                resolved <- linkBCO interp le bco_ix (lookupNameEnv_NF name_bco n)
+                hvrefs <- createBCOs interp [resolved]
+                case hvrefs of
+                  [hvref] -> do
+                    fref <- mkFinalizedHValue interp hvref
+                    result <- seqHValue interp ue fref
+                    case result of
+                      EvalException e -> pprPanic "linkSomeBCOs" (text (show e))
+                      EvalSuccess hv' -> do
+                        fhv' <- mkFinalizedHValue interp hv'
+                        let le' = le { closure_env = extendClosureEnv (closure_env le) [(n, fhv')] }
+                        (nms_fhvs, le'') <- go le' (extendNameSet done n) ns
+                        pure ((n, fhv') : nms_fhvs, le'')
+                  _ -> pprPanic "linkSomeBCOs" (text "Failed to create BCOs")
+              -- still need to process some depeendencies first
+              Just ns' -> go le done (ns' ++ n : ns)
+    go le emptyNameSet names
+  do_link _ _ [] = return []
+  do_link le bco_ix bcos = do
+    resolved <- traverse (linkBCO interp le bco_ix) bcos
+    createBCOs interp resolved
 -- | Useful to apply to the result of 'linkSomeBCOs'

@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ getClosure interp ref =
     mapM (mkFinalizedHValue interp) mb
 -- | Send a Seq message to the iserv process to force a value      #2950
-seqHValue :: Interp -> UnitEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO (EvalResult ())
+seqHValue :: Interp -> UnitEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO (EvalResult HValueRef)
 seqHValue interp unit_env ref =
   withForeignRef ref $ \hval -> do
     status <- interpCmd interp (Seq hval)
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ evalBreakInfo hpt (EvalBreakpoint ix mod_name) =
            lookupHpt hpt (mkModuleName mod_name)
 -- | Process the result of a Seq or ResumeSeq message.             #2950
-handleSeqHValueStatus :: Interp -> UnitEnv -> EvalStatus () -> IO (EvalResult ())
+handleSeqHValueStatus :: Interp -> UnitEnv -> EvalStatus HValueRef -> IO (EvalResult HValueRef)
 handleSeqHValueStatus interp unit_env eval_status =
   case eval_status of
     (EvalBreak _ maybe_break resume_ctxt _) -> do

@@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ data Message a where
   -- | Evaluate something. This is used to support :force in GHCi.
     :: HValueRef
-    -> Message (EvalStatus ())
+    -> Message (EvalStatus HValueRef)
   -- | Resume forcing a free variable in a breakpoint (#2950)
-    :: RemoteRef (ResumeContext ())
-    -> Message (EvalStatus ())
+    :: RemoteRef (ResumeContext (HValueRef))
+    -> Message (EvalStatus HValueRef)
   -- | Allocate a string for a breakpoint module name.
   -- This uses an empty dummy type because @ModuleName@ isn't available here.

@@ -183,15 +183,14 @@ evalStringToString r str = do
 -- The UI process has more and therefore also can show more
 -- information about the breakpoint than the current iserv
 -- process.
-doSeq :: RemoteRef a -> IO (EvalStatus ())
+doSeq :: RemoteRef a -> IO (EvalStatus (RemoteRef a))
 doSeq ref = do
     sandboxIO evalOptsSeq $ do
-      _ <- (void $ evaluate =<< localRef ref)
-      return ()
+      mkRemoteRef =<< evaluate =<< localRef ref
 -- | Process a ResumeSeq message. Continue the :force processing     #2950
 -- after a breakpoint.
-resumeSeq :: RemoteRef (ResumeContext ()) -> IO (EvalStatus ())
+resumeSeq :: RemoteRef (ResumeContext a) -> IO (EvalStatus a)
 resumeSeq hvref = do
     ResumeContext{..} <- localRef hvref
     withBreakAction evalOptsSeq resumeBreakMVar resumeStatusMVar $

@@ -1299,9 +1299,6 @@ run_BCO:
         case bci_PUSH_G: {
             W_ o1 = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
-            IF_DEBUG(interpreter,
-                     debugBelch("PUSH_G %ld\n", o1);
-                );
             SpW(-1) = BCO_PTR(o1);
             goto nextInsn;
@@ -1310,9 +1307,6 @@ run_BCO:
         case bci_PUSH_TAGGED: {
             W_ o1 = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
             W_ o_itbl = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
-            IF_DEBUG(interpreter,
-                     debugBelch("PUSH_TAGGED %ld %ld\n", o1, o_itbl);
-                );
             StgInfoTable* itbl = INFO_PTR_TO_STRUCT((StgInfoTable *)BCO_LIT(o_itbl));
             SpW(-1) = (W_)tagPtr((StgClosure *)BCO_PTR(o1), itbl);
@@ -1695,9 +1689,6 @@ run_BCO:
             W_ i;
             W_ o_itbl         = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
             W_ n_words        = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
-            IF_DEBUG(interpreter,
-                     debugBelch("PACK %ld %ld\n", o_itbl, n_words);
-                );
             StgInfoTable* itbl = INFO_PTR_TO_STRUCT((StgInfoTable *)BCO_LIT(o_itbl));
             int request        = CONSTR_sizeW( itbl->layout.payload.ptrs,
                                                itbl->layout.payload.nptrs );

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