[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/hadrian-windows-bindist] 2 commits: Remove $tooldir support
Matthew Pickering (@mpickering)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Aug 15 11:17:56 UTC 2023
Matthew Pickering pushed to branch wip/hadrian-windows-bindist at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
f150089f by Matthew Pickering at 2023-08-15T12:05:30+01:00
Remove $tooldir support
- - - - -
f08bd58f by Matthew Pickering at 2023-08-15T12:17:44+01:00
- - - - -
11 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Driver/DynFlags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
- compiler/GHC/Settings.hs
- compiler/GHC/Settings/IO.hs
- compiler/GHC/SysTools/BaseDir.hs
- distrib/configure.ac.in
- hadrian/bindist/Makefile
- hadrian/bindist/config.mk.in
- hadrian/cfg/system.config.in
- hadrian/src/Oracles/Setting.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module GHC.Driver.DynFlags (
-- ** System tool settings and locations
programName, projectVersion,
- ghcUsagePath, ghciUsagePath, topDir, toolDir,
+ ghcUsagePath, ghciUsagePath, topDir,
versionedAppDir, versionedFilePath,
extraGccViaCFlags, globalPackageDatabasePath,
@@ -1432,8 +1432,6 @@ ghciUsagePath :: DynFlags -> FilePath
ghciUsagePath dflags = fileSettings_ghciUsagePath $ fileSettings dflags
topDir :: DynFlags -> FilePath
topDir dflags = fileSettings_topDir $ fileSettings dflags
-toolDir :: DynFlags -> Maybe FilePath
-toolDir dflags = fileSettings_toolDir $ fileSettings dflags
extraGccViaCFlags :: DynFlags -> [String]
extraGccViaCFlags dflags = toolSettings_extraGccViaCFlags $ toolSettings dflags
globalPackageDatabasePath :: DynFlags -> FilePath
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ module GHC.Driver.Session (
- sToolDir,
@@ -262,7 +261,7 @@ import GHC.Settings
import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight
import GHC.Core.Opt.CallerCC
-import GHC.SysTools.BaseDir ( expandToolDir, expandTopDir )
+import GHC.SysTools.BaseDir ( expandTopDir )
import Data.IORef
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
@@ -3537,7 +3536,7 @@ compilerInfo dflags
-- Next come the settings, so anything else can be overridden
-- in the settings file (as "lookup" uses the first match for the
-- key)
- : map (fmap $ expandDirectories (topDir dflags) (toolDir dflags))
+ : map (fmap $ expandDirectories (topDir dflags))
(rawSettings dflags)
++ [("Project version", projectVersion dflags),
("Project Git commit id", cProjectGitCommitId),
@@ -3592,8 +3591,8 @@ compilerInfo dflags
platform = targetPlatform dflags
isWindows = platformOS platform == OSMinGW32
useInplaceMinGW = toolSettings_useInplaceMinGW $ toolSettings dflags
- expandDirectories :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> String
- expandDirectories topd mtoold = expandToolDir useInplaceMinGW mtoold . expandTopDir topd
+ expandDirectories :: FilePath -> String -> String
+ expandDirectories topd = expandTopDir topd
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note [DynFlags consistency]
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ module GHC.Settings
, sProjectVersion
, sGhcUsagePath
, sGhciUsagePath
- , sToolDir
, sTopDir
, sGlobalPackageDatabasePath
, sLdSupportsCompactUnwind
@@ -148,7 +147,6 @@ data ToolSettings = ToolSettings
data FileSettings = FileSettings
{ fileSettings_ghcUsagePath :: FilePath -- ditto
, fileSettings_ghciUsagePath :: FilePath -- ditto
- , fileSettings_toolDir :: Maybe FilePath -- ditto
, fileSettings_topDir :: FilePath -- ditto
, fileSettings_globalPackageDatabase :: FilePath
@@ -176,8 +174,6 @@ sGhcUsagePath :: Settings -> FilePath
sGhcUsagePath = fileSettings_ghcUsagePath . sFileSettings
sGhciUsagePath :: Settings -> FilePath
sGhciUsagePath = fileSettings_ghciUsagePath . sFileSettings
-sToolDir :: Settings -> Maybe FilePath
-sToolDir = fileSettings_toolDir . sFileSettings
sTopDir :: Settings -> FilePath
sTopDir = fileSettings_topDir . sFileSettings
sGlobalPackageDatabasePath :: Settings -> FilePath
@@ -62,19 +62,13 @@ initSettings top_dir = do
-- But we might be disabled, in which we we don't do that.
useInplaceMinGW <- getBooleanSetting "Use inplace MinGW toolchain"
- -- see Note [topdir: How GHC finds its files]
- -- NB: top_dir is assumed to be in standard Unix
- -- format, '/' separated
- mtool_dir <- liftIO $ findToolDir useInplaceMinGW top_dir
- -- see Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
-- See Note [Settings file] for a little more about this file. We're
-- just partially applying those functions and throwing 'Left's; they're
-- written in a very portable style to keep ghc-boot light.
let getSetting key = either pgmError pure $
getRawFilePathSetting top_dir settingsFile mySettings key
getToolSetting :: String -> ExceptT SettingsError m String
- getToolSetting key = expandToolDir useInplaceMinGW mtool_dir <$> getSetting key
+ getToolSetting key = getSetting key
targetPlatformString <- getSetting "target platform string"
cc_prog <- getToolSetting "C compiler command"
cxx_prog <- getToolSetting "C++ compiler command"
@@ -163,7 +157,6 @@ initSettings top_dir = do
, sFileSettings = FileSettings
{ fileSettings_ghcUsagePath = ghc_usage_msg_path
, fileSettings_ghciUsagePath = ghci_usage_msg_path
- , fileSettings_toolDir = mtool_dir
, fileSettings_topDir = top_dir
, fileSettings_globalPackageDatabase = globalpkgdb_path
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
module GHC.SysTools.BaseDir
- ( expandTopDir, expandToolDir
- , findTopDir, findToolDir
+ ( expandTopDir
+ , findTopDir
, tryFindTopDir
) where
@@ -50,88 +50,9 @@ On Windows:
- we strip off the "<foo>/<something>.exe" to leave $topdir.
from topdir we can find package.conf, ghc-asm, etc.
-Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
-GHC has some custom logic on Windows for finding the mingw
-toolchain. In general we will find the mingw toolchain
-in $topdir/../../mingw/.
-This story is long and with lots of twist and turns.. But let's talk about how
-the build system finds and wires through the toolchain information.
-1) It all starts in configure.ac which has two modes it operates on:
- a) The default is where `EnableDistroToolchain` is false. This indicates
- that we want to use the in-tree bundled toolchains. In this mode we will
- download and unpack some custom toolchains into the `inplace/mingw` folder
- and everything is pointed to that folder.
- b) The second path is when `EnableDistroToolchain` is true. This makes the
- toolchain behave a lot like Linux, in that the environment is queried for
- information on the tools we require.
- From configure.ac we export the standard variables to set the paths to the
- tools for the build system to use.
-2) After we have the path to the tools we have to generate the right paths to
- store in the settings file for ghc to use. This is done in aclocal.m4.
- Again we have two modes of operation:
- a) If not `EnableDistroToolchain` the paths are rewritten to paths using a
- variable `$tooldir` as we need an absolute path. $tooldir is filled in by
- the `expandToolDir` function in this module at GHC startup.
- b) When `EnableDistroToolchain` then instead of filling in a absolute path
- we fill in just the program name. The assumption here is that at runtime
- the environment GHC is operating on will be the same as the one configure
- was run in. This means we expect `gcc, ld, as` etc to be on the PATH.
- From `aclocal.m4` we export a couple of variables starting with `Settings`
- which will be used to generate the settings file.
-3) The next step is to generate the settings file: The file
- `cfg/system.config.in` is preprocessed by configure and the output written to
- `system.config`. This serves the same purpose as `config.mk` but it rewrites
- the values that were exported. As an example `SettingsCCompilerCommand` is
- rewritten to `settings-c-compiler-command`.
- Next up is `src/Oracles/Settings.hs` which makes from some Haskell ADT to
- the settings `keys` in the `system.config`. As an example,
- `settings-c-compiler-command` is mapped to
- `SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerCommand`.
- The last part of this is the `generateSettings` in `src/Rules/Generate.hs`
- which produces the desired settings file out of Hadrian. This is the
- equivalent to `rts/include/ghc.mk`.
-So why do we have these? On Windows there's no such thing as a platform compiler
-and as such we need to provide GCC and binutils. The easiest way is to bundle
-these with the compiler and wire them up. This gives you a relocatable
-binball. This works fine for most users. However mingw-w64 have a different
-requirement. They require all packages in the repo to be compiled using the
-same version of the compiler. So it means when they are rebuilding the world to
-add support for GCC X, they expect all packages to have been compiled with GCC X
-which is a problem since we ship an older GCC version.
-GHC is a package in mingw-w64 because there are Haskell packages in the
-repository which of course requires a Haskell compiler. To help them we
-provide the override which allows GHC to instead of using an inplace compiler to
-play nice with the system compiler instead.
--- | Expand occurrences of the @$tooldir@ interpolation in a string
--- on Windows, leave the string untouched otherwise.
- :: Bool -- ^ whether we use the ambient mingw toolchain
- -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ tooldir
- -> String -> String
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-expandToolDir False (Just tool_dir) s = expandPathVar "tooldir" tool_dir s
-expandToolDir False Nothing _ = panic "Could not determine $tooldir"
-expandToolDir True _ s = s
-expandToolDir _ _ s = s
-- | Returns a Unix-format path pointing to TopDir.
findTopDir :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix).
@@ -160,30 +81,3 @@ tryFindTopDir Nothing
Nothing -> getBaseDir
--- See Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
--- Returns @Nothing@ when not on Windows.
--- When called on Windows, it either throws an error when the
--- tooldir can't be located, or returns @Just tooldirpath at .
--- If the distro toolchain is being used we treat Windows the same as Linux
- :: Bool -- ^ whether we use the ambient mingw toolchain
- -> FilePath -- ^ topdir
- -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-findToolDir False top_dir = go 0 (top_dir </> "..") []
- where maxDepth = 3
- go :: Int -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
- go k path tried
- | k == maxDepth = throwGhcExceptionIO $
- InstallationError $ "could not detect mingw toolchain in the following paths: " ++ show tried
- | otherwise = do
- let try = path </> "mingw"
- let tried' = tried ++ [try]
- oneLevel <- doesDirectoryExist try
- if oneLevel
- then return (Just path)
- else go (k+1) (path </> "..") tried'
-findToolDir True _ = return Nothing
-findToolDir _ _ = return Nothing
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(distro-toolchain,
if test "$HostOS" = "mingw32" -a "$EnableDistroToolchain" = "NO"; then
- FP_SETUP_WINDOWS_TOOLCHAIN([$hardtop/mingw/], [\$\$topdir/../../mingw/])
+ FP_SETUP_WINDOWS_TOOLCHAIN([$hardtop/mingw/], [\$\$topdir/../mingw/])
dnl ** Which gcc to use?
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ install_bin_direct:
install_lib: lib/settings
@echo "Copying libraries to $(DESTDIR)$(ActualLibsDir)"
$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(ActualLibsDir)"
@dest="$(DESTDIR)$(ActualLibsDir)"; \
cd lib; \
for i in `$(FIND) . -type f`; do \
@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ GhcRtsWithLibdw=$(strip $(if $(filter $(TargetArch_CPP),i386 x86_64 s390x), at UseL
# We are in the process of moving the settings file from being entirely
# generated by configure, to generated being by the build system. Many of these
# might become redundant.
-# See Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
LdHasFilelist = @LdHasFilelist@
MergeObjsSupportsResponseFiles = @MergeObjsSupportsResponseFiles@
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ project-git-commit-id = @ProjectGitCommitId@
# We are in the process of moving the settings file from being entirely
# generated by configure, to generated being by the build system. Many of these
# might become redundant.
-# See Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
settings-otool-command = @SettingsOtoolCommand@
settings-install_name_tool-command = @SettingsInstallNameToolCommand@
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ setting key = lookupSystemConfig $ case key of
-- | Look up the value of a 'SettingList' in @cfg/system.config@, tracking the
-- result.
--- See Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
-- ROMES:TODO: This should be queryTargetTargetConfig
settingsFileSetting :: ToolchainSetting -> Action String
settingsFileSetting key = lookupSystemConfig $ case key of
@@ -430,44 +430,44 @@ generateSettings :: Expr String
generateSettings = do
ctx <- getContext
settings <- traverse sequence $
- [ ("C compiler command", queryTarget' ccPath)
- , ("C compiler flags", queryTarget' ccFlags)
- , ("C++ compiler command", queryTarget' cxxPath)
- , ("C++ compiler flags", queryTarget' cxxFlags)
- , ("C compiler link flags", queryTarget' clinkFlags)
- , ("C compiler supports -no-pie", queryTarget' linkSupportsNoPie)
- , ("CPP command", queryTarget' cppPath)
- , ("CPP flags", queryTarget' cppFlags)
- , ("Haskell CPP command", queryTarget' hsCppPath)
- , ("Haskell CPP flags", queryTarget' hsCppFlags)
- , ("ld supports compact unwind", queryTarget' linkSupportsCompactUnwind)
- , ("ld supports filelist", queryTarget' linkSupportsFilelist)
- , ("ld is GNU ld", queryTarget' linkIsGnu)
- , ("Merge objects command", queryTarget' mergeObjsPath)
- , ("Merge objects flags", queryTarget' mergeObjsFlags)
- , ("Merge objects supports response files", queryTarget' mergeObjsSupportsResponseFiles')
- , ("ar command", queryTarget' arPath)
- , ("ar flags", queryTarget' arFlags)
- , ("ar supports at file", queryTarget' arSupportsAtFile')
- , ("ar supports -L", queryTarget' arSupportsDashL')
- , ("ranlib command", queryTarget' ranlibPath)
+ [ ("C compiler command", queryTarget ccPath)
+ , ("C compiler flags", queryTarget ccFlags)
+ , ("C++ compiler command", queryTarget cxxPath)
+ , ("C++ compiler flags", queryTarget cxxFlags)
+ , ("C compiler link flags", queryTarget clinkFlags)
+ , ("C compiler supports -no-pie", queryTarget linkSupportsNoPie)
+ , ("CPP command", queryTarget cppPath)
+ , ("CPP flags", queryTarget cppFlags)
+ , ("Haskell CPP command", queryTarget hsCppPath)
+ , ("Haskell CPP flags", queryTarget hsCppFlags)
+ , ("ld supports compact unwind", queryTarget linkSupportsCompactUnwind)
+ , ("ld supports filelist", queryTarget linkSupportsFilelist)
+ , ("ld is GNU ld", queryTarget linkIsGnu)
+ , ("Merge objects command", queryTarget mergeObjsPath)
+ , ("Merge objects flags", queryTarget mergeObjsFlags)
+ , ("Merge objects supports response files", queryTarget mergeObjsSupportsResponseFiles')
+ , ("ar command", queryTarget arPath)
+ , ("ar flags", queryTarget arFlags)
+ , ("ar supports at file", queryTarget arSupportsAtFile')
+ , ("ar supports -L", queryTarget arSupportsDashL')
+ , ("ranlib command", queryTarget ranlibPath)
, ("otool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting ToolchainSetting_OtoolCommand)
, ("install_name_tool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting ToolchainSetting_InstallNameToolCommand)
, ("touch command", expr $ settingsFileSetting ToolchainSetting_TouchCommand)
- , ("windres command", queryTarget' (maybe "/bin/false" prgPath . tgtWindres)) -- TODO: /bin/false is not available on many distributions by default, but we keep it as it were before the ghc-toolchain patch. Fix-me.
+ , ("windres command", queryTarget (maybe "/bin/false" prgPath . tgtWindres)) -- TODO: /bin/false is not available on many distributions by default, but we keep it as it were before the ghc-toolchain patch. Fix-me.
, ("unlit command", ("$topdir/bin/" <>) <$> expr (programName (ctx { Context.package = unlit })))
, ("cross compiling", expr $ yesNo <$> flag CrossCompiling)
- , ("target platform string", queryTarget' targetPlatformTriple)
- , ("target os", queryTarget' (show . archOS_OS . tgtArchOs))
- , ("target arch", queryTarget' (show . archOS_arch . tgtArchOs))
- , ("target word size", queryTarget' wordSize)
- , ("target word big endian", queryTarget' isBigEndian)
- , ("target has GNU nonexec stack", queryTarget' (yesNo . Toolchain.tgtSupportsGnuNonexecStack))
- , ("target has .ident directive", queryTarget' (yesNo . Toolchain.tgtSupportsIdentDirective))
- , ("target has subsections via symbols", queryTarget' (yesNo . Toolchain.tgtSupportsSubsectionsViaSymbols))
+ , ("target platform string", queryTarget targetPlatformTriple)
+ , ("target os", queryTarget (show . archOS_OS . tgtArchOs))
+ , ("target arch", queryTarget (show . archOS_arch . tgtArchOs))
+ , ("target word size", queryTarget wordSize)
+ , ("target word big endian", queryTarget isBigEndian)
+ , ("target has GNU nonexec stack", queryTarget (yesNo . Toolchain.tgtSupportsGnuNonexecStack))
+ , ("target has .ident directive", queryTarget (yesNo . Toolchain.tgtSupportsIdentDirective))
+ , ("target has subsections via symbols", queryTarget (yesNo . Toolchain.tgtSupportsSubsectionsViaSymbols))
, ("target has libm", expr $ lookupSystemConfig "target-has-libm")
- , ("Unregisterised", queryTarget' (yesNo . tgtUnregisterised))
- , ("LLVM target", queryTarget' tgtLlvmTarget)
+ , ("Unregisterised", queryTarget (yesNo . tgtUnregisterised))
+ , ("LLVM target", queryTarget tgtLlvmTarget)
, ("LLVM llc command", expr $ settingsFileSetting ToolchainSetting_LlcCommand)
, ("LLVM opt command", expr $ settingsFileSetting ToolchainSetting_OptCommand)
, ("Use inplace MinGW toolchain", expr $ settingsFileSetting ToolchainSetting_DistroMinGW)
@@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ generateSettings = do
, ("Use interpreter", expr $ yesNo <$> ghcWithInterpreter)
, ("Support SMP", expr $ yesNo <$> targetSupportsSMP)
, ("RTS ways", unwords . map show . Set.toList <$> getRtsWays)
- , ("Tables next to code", queryTarget' (yesNo . tgtTablesNextToCode))
- , ("Leading underscore", queryTarget' (yesNo . tgtSymbolsHaveLeadingUnderscore))
+ , ("Tables next to code", queryTarget (yesNo . tgtTablesNextToCode))
+ , ("Leading underscore", queryTarget (yesNo . tgtSymbolsHaveLeadingUnderscore))
, ("Use LibFFI", expr $ yesNo <$> useLibffiForAdjustors)
, ("RTS expects libdw", yesNo <$> getFlag UseLibdw)
@@ -512,22 +512,6 @@ generateSettings = do
wordSize = show . wordSize2Bytes . tgtWordSize
mergeObjsSupportsResponseFiles' = maybe "NO" (yesNo . mergeObjsSupportsResponseFiles) . tgtMergeObjs
- -- Like @'queryTarget'@ specialized to String, but replace occurrences of
- -- @topDirectory </> inplace/mingw@ with @$tooldir/mingw@ in the resulting string
- --
- -- See Note [How we configure the bundled windows toolchain]
- queryTarget' :: (Toolchain.Target -> String) -> Expr String
- queryTarget' f = do
- topdir <- expr $ topDirectory
- queryTarget (\t -> substTooldir topdir (archOS_OS $ tgtArchOs t) (f t))
- where
- substTooldir :: String -> OS -> String -> String
- substTooldir topdir OSMinGW32 s
- = T.unpack $
- T.replace (T.pack $ normalise $ topdir </> "inplace" </> "mingw") (T.pack "$tooldir/mingw") (T.pack $ normalise s)
- substTooldir _ _ s = s
-- | Generate @Config.hs@ files.
generateConfigHs :: Expr String
generateConfigHs = do
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