[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T21077-take-two] Look through TH splices in splitHsApps

Ryan Scott (@RyanGlScott) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Aug 2 23:21:48 UTC 2023

Ryan Scott pushed to branch wip/T21077-take-two at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

cc06b8f5 by Ryan Scott at 2023-08-02T19:21:28-04:00
Look through TH splices in splitHsApps

This modifies `splitHsApps` (a key function used in typechecking function
applications) to look through untyped TH splices and quasiquotes. Not doing so
was the cause of #21077. This builds on !7821 by making `splitHsApps` match on
`HsUntypedSpliceTop`, which contains the `ThModFinalizers` that must be run as
part of invoking the TH splice. See the new `Note [Looking through Template
Haskell splices in splitHsApps]` in `GHC.Tc.Gen.Head`.

Along the way, I needed to make the type of `splitHsApps.set` slightly more
general to accommodate the fact that the location attached to a quasiquote is
a `SrcAnn NoEpAnns` rather than a `SrcSpanNoAnn`.

Fixes #21077.

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Rename/Splice.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.hs
- + testsuite/tests/th/T21077.hs
- + testsuite/tests/th/T21077.stderr
- + testsuite/tests/th/T21077_Lib.hs
- testsuite/tests/th/all.T


@@ -475,18 +475,26 @@ rnUntypedSpliceExpr splice
     pend_expr_splice name rn_splice
         = (makePending UntypedExpSplice name rn_splice, HsUntypedSplice (HsUntypedSpliceNested name) rn_splice)
-    run_expr_splice :: HsUntypedSplice GhcRn -> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn, FreeVars)
     run_expr_splice rn_splice
       = do { traceRn "rnUntypedSpliceExpr: untyped expression splice" empty
-             -- Run it here, see Note [Running splices in the Renamer]
-           ; (rn_expr, mod_finalizers) <-
-                runRnSplice UntypedExpSplice runMetaE ppr rn_splice
-           ; (lexpr3, fvs) <- checkNoErrs (rnLExpr rn_expr)
-             -- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices].
-           ; let e =  flip HsUntypedSplice rn_splice
-                    . HsUntypedSpliceTop (ThModFinalizers mod_finalizers)
-                        <$> lexpr3
-           ; return (gHsPar e, fvs)
+           -- Run the splice here, see Note [Running splices in the Renamer]
+           ; (expr_ps, mod_finalizers)
+                <- runRnSplice UntypedExpSplice runMetaE ppr rn_splice
+                -- mod_finalizers: See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices].
+           -- Rename the expanded expression
+           ; (L l expr_rn, fvs) <- checkNoErrs (rnLExpr expr_ps)
+           -- rn_splice :: HsUntypedSplice GhcRn is the original TH expression,
+           --                                       before expansion
+           -- expr_ps   :: LHsExpr GhcPs is the result of running the splice
+           -- expr_rn   :: HsExpr GhcRn is the result of renaming ps_expr
+           ; let res :: HsUntypedSpliceResult (HsExpr GhcRn)
+                 res  = HsUntypedSpliceTop
+                          { utsplice_result_finalizers = ThModFinalizers mod_finalizers
+                          , utsplice_result            = expr_rn }
+           ; return (gHsPar (L l (HsUntypedSplice res rn_splice)), fvs)
 thSyntaxError :: THSyntaxError -> TcRnMessage

@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ tcInferSigma :: Bool -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM TcSigmaType
 -- True  <=> instantiate -- return a rho-type
 -- False <=> don't instantiate -- return a sigma-type
 tcInferSigma inst (L loc rn_expr)
-  | (fun@(rn_fun,fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps rn_expr
   = addExprCtxt rn_expr $
     setSrcSpanA loc     $
-    do { do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
-       ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead fun rn_args
+    do { (fun@(rn_fun,fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps rn_expr
+       ; do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
+       ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead fun
        ; (_delta, inst_args, app_res_sigma) <- tcInstFun do_ql inst (tc_fun, fun_ctxt) fun_sigma rn_args
        ; _tc_args <- tcValArgs do_ql inst_args
        ; return app_res_sigma }
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ head ::= f                -- HsVar:    variables
       |  fld              -- HsRecSel: record field selectors
       |  (expr :: ty)     -- ExprWithTySig: expr with user type sig
       |  lit              -- HsOverLit: overloaded literals
-      |  $([| head |])    -- HsSpliceE+HsSpliced+HsSplicedExpr: untyped TH expression splices
       |  other_expr       -- Other expressions
 When tcExpr sees something that starts an application chain (namely,
@@ -204,16 +203,6 @@ Clearly this should work!  But it will /only/ work because if we
 instantiate that (forall b. b) impredicatively!  And that only happens
 in tcApp.
-We also wish to typecheck application chains with untyped Template Haskell
-splices in the head, such as this example from #21038:
-    data Foo = MkFoo (forall a. a -> a)
-    f = $([| MkFoo |]) $ \x -> x
-This should typecheck just as if the TH splice was never in the way—that is,
-just as if the user had written `MkFoo $ \x -> x`. We could conceivably have
-a case for typed TH expression splices too, but it wouldn't be useful in
-practice, since the types of typed TH expressions aren't allowed to have
-polymorphic types, such as the type of MkFoo.
 Note [tcApp: typechecking applications]
 tcApp implements the APP-Downarrow/Uparrow rule of
@@ -329,12 +318,12 @@ before tcValArgs.
 tcApp :: HsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
 -- See Note [tcApp: typechecking applications]
 tcApp rn_expr exp_res_ty
-  | (fun@(rn_fun, fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps rn_expr
-  = do { traceTc "tcApp {" $
+  = do { (fun@(rn_fun, fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps rn_expr
+       ; traceTc "tcApp {" $
            vcat [ text "rn_fun:" <+> ppr rn_fun
                 , text "rn_args:" <+> ppr rn_args ]
-       ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead fun rn_args
+       ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead fun
        -- Instantiate
        ; do_ql <- wantQuickLook rn_fun
@@ -1253,8 +1242,8 @@ isGuardedTy ty
 quickLookArg1 :: Bool -> Delta -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcSigmaTypeFRR
               -> TcM (Delta, EValArg 'TcpInst)
 quickLookArg1 guarded delta larg@(L _ arg) arg_ty
-  = do { let ((rn_fun, fun_ctxt), rn_args) = splitHsApps arg
-       ; mb_fun_ty <- tcInferAppHead_maybe rn_fun rn_args
+  = do { ((rn_fun, fun_ctxt), rn_args) <- splitHsApps arg
+       ; mb_fun_ty <- tcInferAppHead_maybe rn_fun
        ; traceTc "quickLookArg 1" $
          vcat [ text "arg:" <+> ppr arg
               , text "head:" <+> ppr rn_fun <+> dcolon <+> ppr mb_fun_ty

@@ -187,16 +187,17 @@ tcExpr :: HsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
 -- Use tcApp to typecheck applications, which are treated specially
 -- by Quick Look.  Specifically:
---   - HsVar         lone variables, to ensure that they can get an
+--   - HsVar           lone variables, to ensure that they can get an
 --                     impredicative instantiation (via Quick Look
 --                     driven by res_ty (in checking mode)).
---   - HsApp         value applications
---   - HsAppType     type applications
---   - ExprWithTySig (e :: type)
---   - HsRecSel      overloaded record fields
---   - HsExpanded    renamer expansions
---   - HsOpApp       operator applications
---   - HsOverLit     overloaded literals
+--   - HsApp           value applications
+--   - HsAppType       type applications
+--   - ExprWithTySig   (e :: type)
+--   - HsRecSel        overloaded record fields
+--   - HsExpanded      renamer expansions
+--   - HsUntypedSplice untyped Template Haskell splices
+--   - HsOpApp         operator applications
+--   - HsOverLit       overloaded literals
 -- These constructors are the union of
 --   - ones taken apart by GHC.Tc.Gen.Head.splitHsApps
 --   - ones understood by GHC.Tc.Gen.Head.tcInferAppHead_maybe
@@ -208,6 +209,7 @@ tcExpr e@(HsAppType {})          res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(ExprWithTySig {})      res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(HsRecSel {})           res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(XExpr (HsExpanded {})) res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
+tcExpr e@(HsUntypedSplice {})    res_ty = tcApp e res_ty
 tcExpr e@(HsOverLit _ lit) res_ty
   = do { mb_res <- tcShortCutLit lit res_ty
@@ -577,12 +579,6 @@ tcExpr (HsTypedSplice ext splice)   res_ty = tcTypedSplice ext splice res_ty
 tcExpr e@(HsTypedBracket _ body)    res_ty = tcTypedBracket e body res_ty
 tcExpr e@(HsUntypedBracket ps body) res_ty = tcUntypedBracket e body ps res_ty
-tcExpr (HsUntypedSplice splice _)   res_ty
-  = case splice of
-      HsUntypedSpliceTop mod_finalizers expr
-        -> do { addModFinalizersWithLclEnv mod_finalizers
-              ; tcExpr expr res_ty }
-      HsUntypedSpliceNested {} -> panic "tcExpr: invalid nested splice"
@@ -735,7 +731,7 @@ tcSyntaxOpGen :: CtOrigin
               -> ([TcSigmaTypeFRR] -> [Mult] -> TcM a)
               -> TcM (a, SyntaxExprTc)
 tcSyntaxOpGen orig (SyntaxExprRn op) arg_tys res_ty thing_inside
-  = do { (expr, sigma) <- tcInferAppHead (op, VACall op 0 noSrcSpan) []
+  = do { (expr, sigma) <- tcInferAppHead (op, VACall op 0 noSrcSpan)
              -- Ugh!! But all this code is scheduled for demolition anyway
        ; traceTc "tcSyntaxOpGen" (ppr op $$ ppr expr $$ ppr sigma)
        ; (result, expr_wrap, arg_wraps, res_wrap)

@@ -278,9 +278,13 @@ addArgWrap wrap args
  | otherwise          = EWrap (EHsWrap wrap) : args
 splitHsApps :: HsExpr GhcRn
-            -> ( (HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt)  -- Head
-               , [HsExprArg 'TcpRn])      -- Args
--- See Note [splitHsApps]
+            -> TcM ( (HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt)  -- Head
+                   , [HsExprArg 'TcpRn])      -- Args
+-- See Note [splitHsApps].
+-- This uses the TcM monad solely because we must run modFinalizers when looking
+-- through HsUntypedSplices
+-- (see Note [Looking through Template Haskell splices in splitHsApps]).
 splitHsApps e = go e (top_ctxt 0 e) []
     top_ctxt :: Int -> HsExpr GhcRn -> AppCtxt
@@ -297,34 +301,47 @@ splitHsApps e = go e (top_ctxt 0 e) []
     top_lctxt n (L _ fun) = top_ctxt n fun
     go :: HsExpr GhcRn -> AppCtxt -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
-       -> ((HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt), [HsExprArg 'TcpRn])
+       -> TcM ((HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt), [HsExprArg 'TcpRn])
     -- Modify the AppCtxt as we walk inwards, so it describes the next argument
-    go (HsPar _ _ (L l fun) _)       ctxt args = go fun (set l ctxt) (EWrap (EPar ctxt)     : args)
-    go (HsPragE _ p (L l fun))       ctxt args = go fun (set l ctxt) (EPrag      ctxt p     : args)
-    go (HsAppType _ (L l fun) at ty) ctxt args = go fun (dec l ctxt) (mkETypeArg ctxt at ty : args)
-    go (HsApp _ (L l fun) arg)       ctxt args = go fun (dec l ctxt) (mkEValArg  ctxt arg   : args)
+    go (HsPar _ _ (L l fun) _)       ctxt args = go fun (set (locA l) ctxt) (EWrap (EPar ctxt)     : args)
+    go (HsPragE _ p (L l fun))       ctxt args = go fun (set (locA l) ctxt) (EPrag      ctxt p     : args)
+    go (HsAppType _ (L l fun) at ty) ctxt args = go fun (dec (locA l) ctxt) (mkETypeArg ctxt at ty : args)
+    go (HsApp _ (L l fun) arg)       ctxt args = go fun (dec (locA l) ctxt) (mkEValArg  ctxt arg   : args)
     -- See Note [Looking through HsExpanded]
     go (XExpr (HsExpanded orig fun)) ctxt args
       = go fun (VAExpansion orig (appCtxtLoc ctxt))
                (EWrap (EExpand orig) : args)
+    -- See Note [Looking through Template Haskell splices in splitHsApps]
+    go e@(HsUntypedSplice splice_res splice) ctxt args
+      = case splice_res of
+          HsUntypedSpliceTop mod_finalizers fun
+            -> do addModFinalizersWithLclEnv mod_finalizers
+                  go fun (set loc ctxt) (EWrap (EExpand e) : args)
+          HsUntypedSpliceNested {} -> panic "splitHsApps: invalid nested splice"
+      where
+        loc :: SrcSpan
+        loc = case splice of
+                HsUntypedSpliceExpr _ (L l _) -> locA l
+                HsQuasiQuote _ _ (L l _) -> locA l
     -- See Note [Desugar OpApp in the typechecker]
     go e@(OpApp _ arg1 (L l op) arg2) _ args
-      = ( (op, VACall op 0 (locA l))
-        ,   mkEValArg (VACall op 1 generatedSrcSpan) arg1
-          : mkEValArg (VACall op 2 generatedSrcSpan) arg2
-          : EWrap (EExpand e)
-          : args )
+      = pure ( (op, VACall op 0 (locA l))
+             ,   mkEValArg (VACall op 1 generatedSrcSpan) arg1
+               : mkEValArg (VACall op 2 generatedSrcSpan) arg2
+               : EWrap (EExpand e)
+               : args )
-    go e ctxt args = ((e,ctxt), args)
+    go e ctxt args = pure ((e,ctxt), args)
-    set :: SrcSpanAnnA -> AppCtxt -> AppCtxt
-    set l (VACall f n _)        = VACall f n (locA l)
+    set :: SrcSpan -> AppCtxt -> AppCtxt
+    set l (VACall f n _)        = VACall f n l
     set _ ctxt@(VAExpansion {}) = ctxt
-    dec :: SrcSpanAnnA -> AppCtxt -> AppCtxt
-    dec l (VACall f n _)        = VACall f (n-1) (locA l)
+    dec :: SrcSpan -> AppCtxt -> AppCtxt
+    dec l (VACall f n _)        = VACall f (n-1) l
     dec _ ctxt@(VAExpansion {}) = ctxt
 -- | Rebuild an application: takes a type-checked application head
@@ -756,6 +773,35 @@ as a single application chain `f e1 e2 e3`.  Otherwise stuff like overloaded
 labels (#19154) won't work.
 It's easy to achieve this: `splitHsApps` unwraps `HsExpanded`.
+Note [Looking through Template Haskell splices in splitHsApps]
+When typechecking an application, we must look through untyped TH splices in
+order to typecheck examples like the one in #21077:
+  data Foo = MkFoo () (forall a. a -> a)
+  foo :: Foo
+  foo = $([| MkFoo () |]) $ \x -> x
+In principle, this is straightforward to accomplish. By the time we typecheck
+`foo`, the renamer will have already run the splice, so all we have to do is
+look at the expanded version of the splice in `splitHsApps`. See the
+`HsUntypedSplice` case in `splitHsApps` for how this is accomplished.
+There is one slight complication in that untyped TH splices also include
+modFinalizers (see Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices] in
+GHC.Rename.Splice), which must be run during typechecking. splitHsApps is a
+convenient place to run the modFinalizers, so we do so there. This is the only
+reason that `splitHsApps` uses the TcM monad.
+`HsUntypedSplice` covers both ordinary TH splices, such as the example above, as
+well as quasiquotes (see Note [Quasi-quote overview] in
+Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr). The `splitHsApps` case for `HsUntypedSplice`
+handles both of these. As a result, `tcExpr`'s case for `HsUntypedSplice` does
+not do anything except delegate to `tcApp`, which in turn calls `splitHsApps`.
+This also means that `splitHsApps` is the unique part of the code that runs an
+`HsUntypedSplice`'s modFinalizers.
 {- *********************************************************************
@@ -765,7 +811,6 @@ It's easy to achieve this: `splitHsApps` unwraps `HsExpanded`.
 ********************************************************************* -}
 tcInferAppHead :: (HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt)
-               -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
                -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType)
 -- Infer type of the head of an application
 --   i.e. the 'f' in (f e1 ... en)
@@ -776,11 +821,6 @@ tcInferAppHead :: (HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt)
 --   * An expression with a type signature (e :: ty)
 -- See Note [Application chains and heads] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
--- Why do we need the arguments to infer the type of the head of the
--- application? Simply to inform add_head_ctxt about whether or not
--- to put push a new "In the expression..." context. (We don't push a
--- new one if there are no arguments, because we already have.)
 -- Note that [] and (,,) are both HsVar:
 --   see Note [Empty lists] and [ExplicitTuple] in GHC.Hs.Expr
@@ -788,26 +828,23 @@ tcInferAppHead :: (HsExpr GhcRn, AppCtxt)
 --     cases are dealt with by splitHsApps.
 -- See Note [tcApp: typechecking applications] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
-tcInferAppHead (fun,ctxt) args
+tcInferAppHead (fun,ctxt)
   = addHeadCtxt ctxt $
-    do { mb_tc_fun <- tcInferAppHead_maybe fun args
+    do { mb_tc_fun <- tcInferAppHead_maybe fun
        ; case mb_tc_fun of
             Just (fun', fun_sigma) -> return (fun', fun_sigma)
             Nothing -> tcInfer (tcExpr fun) }
 tcInferAppHead_maybe :: HsExpr GhcRn
-                     -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
                      -> TcM (Maybe (HsExpr GhcTc, TcSigmaType))
 -- See Note [Application chains and heads] in GHC.Tc.Gen.App
 -- Returns Nothing for a complicated head
-tcInferAppHead_maybe fun args
+tcInferAppHead_maybe fun
   = case fun of
       HsVar _ (L _ nm)          -> Just <$> tcInferId nm
       HsRecSel _ f              -> Just <$> tcInferRecSelId f
       ExprWithTySig _ e hs_ty   -> Just <$> tcExprWithSig e hs_ty
       HsOverLit _ lit           -> Just <$> tcInferOverLit lit
-      HsUntypedSplice (HsUntypedSpliceTop _ e) _
-                                -> tcInferAppHead_maybe e args
       _                         -> return Nothing
 addHeadCtxt :: AppCtxt -> TcM a -> TcM a

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module T21077 where
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+import System.IO
+import T21077_Lib
+worksOnAllGHCs1 :: Foo
+worksOnAllGHCs1 = MkFoo () (\x -> x)
+worksOnAllGHCs2 :: Foo
+worksOnAllGHCs2 = MkFoo () $ \x -> x
+-- TemplateHaskell
+worksOnAllGHCs3 :: Foo
+worksOnAllGHCs3 = $([| MkFoo () |]) (\x -> x)
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2A :: Foo
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2A = $([| MkFoo () |]) $ \x -> x
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2B :: Foo
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2B = $([| $([| MkFoo () |]) |]) $ \x -> x
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2C :: Foo
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2C = $(do addModFinalizer (runIO (hPutStrLn stderr "C"))
+                            [| MkFoo () |]) $ \x -> x
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2D :: Foo
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2D = $(do addModFinalizer (runIO (hPutStrLn stderr "D2"))
+                            [| $(do addModFinalizer (runIO (hPutStrLn stderr "D1"))
+                                    [| MkFoo () |])
+                             |]) $ \x -> x
+-- QuasiQuotes
+worksOnAllGHCs4 :: Foo
+worksOnAllGHCs4 = [qq| doesn't matter |] (\x -> x)
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2E :: Foo
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2E = [qq| doesn't matter |] $ \x -> x
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2F :: Foo
+doesn'tWorkOnGHC9'2F = [qq| doesn't matter |] $ \x -> x

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
+module T21077_Lib where
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
+data Foo = MkFoo () (forall a. a -> a)
+qq :: QuasiQuoter
+qq = QuasiQuoter
+       { quoteExp  = const [| MkFoo () |]
+       , quotePat  = undefined
+       , quoteType = undefined
+       , quoteDec  = undefined
+       }

@@ -559,6 +559,7 @@ test('T15433a', [extra_files(['T15433_aux.hs'])], multimod_compile_fail, ['T1543
 test('T15433b', [extra_files(['T15433_aux.hs'])], multimod_compile, ['T15433b', '-v0'])
 test('T20711', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T20868', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
+test('T21077', [extra_files(['T21077_Lib.hs'])], multimod_compile, ['T21077', '-v0'])
 test('Lift_ByteArray', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T21920', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T21723', normal, compile_and_run, [''])

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