[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/t23703] Allow per constructor refinement of distinct-constructor-tables

Finley McIlwaine (@FinleyMcIlwaine) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Aug 2 20:40:40 UTC 2023

Finley McIlwaine pushed to branch wip/t23703 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f5818f04 by Finley McIlwaine at 2023-08-02T14:39:51-06:00
Allow per constructor refinement of distinct-constructor-tables

Introduce `-fno-distinct-constructor-tables`. A distinct constructor table
configuration is built from the combination of flags given, in order. For
example, to create distinct constructor tables for all constructors except for a
specific few named `C1`,..., `CN`, pass `-fdistinct-contructor-tables` followed
by `fno-distinct-constructor-tables=C1,...,CN`. To only generate distinct
constuctor tables for a few specific constructors and no others, just pass

The various configuations of these flags is included in the dynflags
fingerprints, which should result in the expected recompilation logic.

Adds a test that checks for distinct tables for various given or omitted

Fixes #23703

- - - - -

20 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Stg/Debug.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/DynFlags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Flags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp/Flags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Debug.hs
- docs/users_guide/9.10.1-notes.rst
- docs/users_guide/debug-info.rst
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/ACon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/AConBCon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/BCon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/CCon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/Main.hs
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/Makefile
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/NoACon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/NoBCon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/NoBConCCon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/NoCCon.out
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/X.hs
- + testsuite/tests/rts/ipe/distinct-tables/all.T


@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ import GHC.Driver.DynFlags
 initStgDebugOpts :: DynFlags -> StgDebugOpts
 initStgDebugOpts dflags = StgDebugOpts
   { stgDebug_infoTableMap = gopt Opt_InfoTableMap dflags
-  , stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables = gopt Opt_DistinctConstructorTables dflags
+  , stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables = distinctConstructorTables dflags

@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Unit.Module
 import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings
 import GHC.Utils.CliOption
+import GHC.Stg.Debug (StgDebugDctConfig(..))
 import GHC.SysTools.Terminal ( stderrSupportsAnsiColors )
 import GHC.UniqueSubdir (uniqueSubdir)
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT)
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT)
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (WriterT)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import Data.Word
 import System.IO
 import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
@@ -124,8 +126,6 @@ import System.FilePath (normalise, (</>))
 import System.Directory
 import GHC.Foreign (withCString, peekCString)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -445,7 +445,11 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
     -- 'Int' because it can be used to test uniques in decreasing order.
   -- | Temporary: CFG Edge weights for fast iterations
-  cfgWeights            :: Weights
+  cfgWeights            :: Weights,
+  -- | Configuration specifying which constructor names we should create
+  -- distinct info tables for
+  distinctConstructorTables :: StgDebugDctConfig
 class HasDynFlags m where
@@ -690,7 +694,9 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings =
         reverseErrors = False,
         maxErrors     = Nothing,
-        cfgWeights    = defaultWeights
+        cfgWeights    = defaultWeights,
+        distinctConstructorTables = None
 type FatalMessager = String -> IO ()

@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ data GeneralFlag
    | Opt_FastLlvm                       -- hidden flag
    | Opt_NoTypeableBinds
-   | Opt_DistinctConstructorTables
    | Opt_InfoTableMap
    | Opt_InfoTableMapWithFallback
    | Opt_InfoTableMapWithStack
@@ -578,7 +577,6 @@ codeGenFlags = EnumSet.fromList
    , Opt_DoTagInferenceChecks
      -- Flags that affect debugging information
-   , Opt_DistinctConstructorTables
    , Opt_InfoTableMap
    , Opt_InfoTableMapWithStack
    , Opt_InfoTableMapWithFallback

@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Settings
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight
 import GHC.Core.Opt.CallerCC
+import GHC.Stg.Debug
 import GHC.SysTools.BaseDir ( expandToolDir, expandTopDir )
@@ -1781,6 +1782,10 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
         -- Caller-CC
   , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fprof-callers"
          (HasArg setCallerCcFilters)
+  , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fdistinct-constructor-tables"
+      (OptPrefix setDistinctCostructorTables)
+  , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-distinct-constructor-tables"
+      (OptPrefix unSetDistinctCostructorTables)
         ------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
   , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fasm"             (NoArg (setObjBackend ncgBackend))
@@ -2460,7 +2465,6 @@ fFlagsDeps = [
   flagSpec "cmm-thread-sanitizer"             Opt_CmmThreadSanitizer,
   flagSpec "split-sections"                   Opt_SplitSections,
   flagSpec "break-points"                     Opt_InsertBreakpoints,
-  flagSpec "distinct-constructor-tables"      Opt_DistinctConstructorTables,
   flagSpec "info-table-map"                   Opt_InfoTableMap,
   flagSpec "info-table-map-with-stack"        Opt_InfoTableMapWithStack,
   flagSpec "info-table-map-with-fallback"     Opt_InfoTableMapWithFallback
@@ -3298,6 +3302,22 @@ setCallerCcFilters arg =
     Right filt -> upd $ \d -> d { callerCcFilters = filt : callerCcFilters d }
     Left err -> addErr err
+setDistinctCostructorTables :: String -> DynP ()
+setDistinctCostructorTables arg = do
+  let cs = parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg arg
+  upd $ \d ->
+    d { distinctConstructorTables =
+        (distinctConstructorTables d) `dctConfigPlus` cs
+      }
+unSetDistinctCostructorTables :: String -> DynP ()
+unSetDistinctCostructorTables arg = do
+  let cs = parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg arg
+  upd $ \d ->
+    d { distinctConstructorTables =
+        (distinctConstructorTables d) `dctConfigMinus` cs
+      }
 setMainIs :: String -> DynP ()
 setMainIs arg
   | x:_ <- main_fn, isLower x  -- The arg looked like "Foo.Bar.baz"

@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ fingerprintDynFlags hsc_env this_mod nameio =
           map (`gopt` dflags) [Opt_Ticky, Opt_Ticky_Allocd, Opt_Ticky_LNE, Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk, Opt_Ticky_Tag]
         -- Other flags which affect code generation
-        codegen = map (`gopt` dflags) (EnumSet.toList codeGenFlags)
+        codegen = (map (`gopt` dflags) (EnumSet.toList codeGenFlags), distinctConstructorTables)
         flags = ((mainis, safeHs, lang, cpp), (paths, prof, ticky, codegen, debugLevel, callerCcFilters))

@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections   #-}
 -- This module contains functions which implement
 -- the -finfo-table-map and -fdistinct-constructor-tables flags
 module GHC.Stg.Debug
   ( StgDebugOpts(..)
+  , StgDebugDctConfig(..)
+  , dctConfigPlus
+  , dctConfigMinus
   , collectDebugInformation
+  , parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg
   ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
@@ -16,12 +21,16 @@ import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import GHC.Core.DataCon
 import GHC.Types.IPE
 import GHC.Unit.Module
-import GHC.Types.Name   ( getName, getOccName, occNameFS, nameSrcSpan)
+import GHC.Types.Name   ( getName, getOccName, occNameFS, nameSrcSpan, occName, occNameString)
 import GHC.Data.FastString
 import Control.Monad (when)
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict
+import GHC.Utils.Binary (Binary)
+import qualified GHC.Utils.Binary as B
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
@@ -33,9 +42,93 @@ data SpanWithLabel = SpanWithLabel RealSrcSpan LexicalFastString
 data StgDebugOpts = StgDebugOpts
   { stgDebug_infoTableMap              :: !Bool
-  , stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables :: !Bool
+  , stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables :: !StgDebugDctConfig
+-- | Configuration describing which constructors should be given distinct info
+-- tables for each usage.
+data StgDebugDctConfig =
+    -- | Create distinct constructor tables for each usage of any data
+    -- constructor.
+    --
+    -- This is the behavior if just @-fdistinct-constructor-tables@ is supplied.
+    All
+    -- | Create distinct constructor tables for each usage of only these data
+    -- constructors.
+    --
+    -- This is the behavior if @-fdistinct-constructor-tables=C1,...,CN@ is
+    -- supplied.
+  | Only !(Set String)
+    -- | Create distinct constructor tables for each usage of any data
+    -- constructor except these ones.
+    --
+    -- This is the behavior if @-fdistinct-constructor-tables@ and
+    -- @-fno-distinct-constructor-tables=C1,...,CN@ is given.
+  | AllExcept !(Set String)
+    -- | Do not create distinct constructor tables for any data constructor.
+    --
+    -- This is the behavior if no @-fdistinct-constructor-tables@ is given (or
+    -- @-fno-distinct-constructor-tables@ is given).
+  | None
+-- | Necessary for 'StgDebugDctConfig' to be included in the dynflags
+-- fingerprint
+instance Binary StgDebugDctConfig where
+  put_ bh All = B.putByte bh 0
+  put_ bh (Only cs) = do
+    B.putByte bh 1
+    B.put_ bh cs
+  put_ bh (AllExcept cs) = do
+    B.putByte bh 2
+    B.put_ bh cs
+  put_ bh None = B.putByte bh 3
+  get bh = do
+    h <- B.getByte bh
+    case h of
+      0 -> pure All
+      1 -> Only <$> B.get bh
+      2 -> AllExcept <$> B.get bh
+      _ -> pure None
+-- | Given a distinct constructor tables configuration and a set of constructor
+-- names that we want to generate distinct info tables for, create a new
+-- configuration which includes those constructors.
+-- If the given set is empty, that means the user has entered
+-- @-fdistinct-constructor-tables@ with no constructor names specified, and
+-- therefore we consider that an 'All' configuration.
+dctConfigPlus :: StgDebugDctConfig -> Set String -> StgDebugDctConfig
+dctConfigPlus cfg cs
+    | Set.null cs = All
+    | otherwise =
+        case (cfg, cs) of
+          (All            , _  ) -> All
+          ((Only      cs1), cs2) -> Only $ Set.union cs1 cs2
+          ((AllExcept cs1), cs2) -> AllExcept $ Set.difference cs1 cs2
+          (None           , cs ) -> Only cs
+-- | Given a distinct constructor tables configuration and a set of constructor
+-- names that we /do not/ want to generate distinct info tables for, create a
+-- new configuration which excludes those constructors.
+-- If the given set is empty, that means the user has entered
+-- @-fno-distinct-constructor-tables@ with no constructor names specified, and
+-- therefore we consider that a 'None' configuration.
+dctConfigMinus :: StgDebugDctConfig -> Set String -> StgDebugDctConfig
+dctConfigMinus cfg cs
+    | Set.null cs = None
+    | otherwise =
+        case (cfg, cs) of
+          (All            , cs ) -> AllExcept cs
+          ((Only      cs1), cs2) -> Only $ Set.difference cs1 cs2
+          ((AllExcept cs1), cs2) -> AllExcept $ Set.union cs1 cs2
+          (None           , _  ) -> None
 data R = R { rOpts :: StgDebugOpts, rModLocation :: ModLocation, rSpan :: Maybe SpanWithLabel }
 type M a = ReaderT R (State InfoTableProvMap) a
@@ -160,10 +253,11 @@ numberDataCon dc _ | isUnboxedTupleDataCon dc = return NoNumber
 numberDataCon dc _ | isUnboxedSumDataCon dc = return NoNumber
 numberDataCon dc ts = do
   opts <- asks rOpts
-  if stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables opts then do
-    -- -fdistinct-constructor-tables is enabled. Add an entry to the data
-    -- constructor map for this occurence of the data constructor with a unique
-    -- number and a src span
+  if shouldMakeDistinctTable opts dc then do
+    -- -fdistinct-constructor-tables is enabled and we do want to make distinct
+    -- tables for this constructor. Add an entry to the data constructor map for
+    -- this occurence of the data constructor with a unique number and a src
+    -- span
     env <- lift get
     mcc <- asks rSpan
@@ -188,7 +282,8 @@ numberDataCon dc ts = do
       Nothing -> NoNumber
       Just res -> Numbered (fst (NE.head res))
   else do
-    -- -fdistinct-constructor-tables is not enabled
+    -- -fdistinct-constructor-tables is not enabled, or we do not want to make
+    -- distinct tables for this specific constructor
     return NoNumber
 selectTick :: [StgTickish] -> Maybe (RealSrcSpan, LexicalFastString)
@@ -198,6 +293,37 @@ selectTick = foldl' go Nothing
     go _   (SourceNote rss d) = Just (rss, d)
     go acc _                  = acc
+-- | Parse a string of comma-separated constructor names into a 'Set' of
+-- 'String's with one entry per constructor.
+parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg :: String -> Set String
+parseDistinctConstructorTablesArg =
+      -- Ensure we insert the last constructor name built by the fold, if not
+      -- empty
+      uncurry insertNonEmpty
+    . foldr go ("", Set.empty)
+  where
+    go :: Char -> (String, Set String) -> (String, Set String)
+    go ',' (cur, acc) = ("", Set.insert cur acc)
+    go c   (cur, acc) = (c : cur, acc)
+    insertNonEmpty :: String -> Set String -> Set String
+    insertNonEmpty "" = id
+    insertNonEmpty cs = Set.insert cs
+-- | Descide whether a distinct info table should be made for a usage of a data
+-- constructor. We only want to do this if -fdistinct-constructor-tables was
+-- given and this constructor name was given, or no constructor names were
+-- given.
+shouldMakeDistinctTable :: StgDebugOpts -> DataCon -> Bool
+shouldMakeDistinctTable StgDebugOpts{..} dc =
+    case stgDebug_distinctConstructorTables of
+      All -> True
+      Only these -> Set.member dcStr these
+      AllExcept these -> Set.notMember dcStr these
+      None -> False
+  where
+    dcStr = occNameString . occName $ dataConName dc
 Note [Mapping Info Tables to Source Positions]

@@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ Compiler
   <https://github.com/agda/agda>`_, the size of the build results was reduced by
   about 10% when these info tables were omitted.
+- The :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables
+  <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` flag may now be provided with a list of
+  constructor names for which distinct info tables should be generated. This
+  avoids the default behavior of generating a distinct info table for *every*
+  usage of *every* constructor, which often results in more information than is
+  desired and significantly increases the size of executables.
+- The :ghc-flag:`-fno-distinct-constructor-tables
+  <-fno-distinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>` flag is introduced, which allows
+  users to refine the set of constructors for which distinct info tables should
+  be generated.

@@ -368,7 +368,8 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
     an info table to an approximate source position of where that
     info table statically originated from. If you
     also want more precise information about constructor info tables then you
-    should also use :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables`.
+    should also use :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables
+    <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>`.
     The :ghc-flag:`-finfo-table-map` flag will increase the binary size by quite
     a lot, depending on how big your project is. For compiling a project the
@@ -451,7 +452,7 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
     from the info table map and decrease the size of executables with info table
     profiling information.
-.. ghc-flag:: -fdistinct-constructor-tables
+.. ghc-flag:: -fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩
     :shortdesc: Generate a fresh info table for each usage
                 of a data constructor.
     :type: dynamic
@@ -465,6 +466,41 @@ to a source location. This lookup table is generated by using the ``-finfo-table
     each info table will correspond to the usage of a data constructor rather
     than the data constructor itself.
+    :since: 9.10
+    The entries in the info table map resulting from this flag may significantly
+    increase the size of executables. However, generating distinct info tables
+    for *every* usage of *every* data constructor often results in more
+    information than necessary. Instead, we would like to generate these
+    distinct tables for some specific constructors. To do this, the names of the
+    constructors we are interested in may be supplied to this flag in a
+    comma-separated list. If no constructor names are supplied (i.e. just
+    ``-fdistinct-constructor-tables`` is given) then fresh info tables will be
+    generated for every usage of every constructor.
+    For example, to only generate distinct info tables for the ``Just`` and
+    ``Right`` constructors, use ``-fdistinct-constructor-tables=Just,Right``.
+.. ghc-flag:: -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩
+    :shortdesc: Avoid generating a fresh info table for each usage of a data
+                constructor.
+    :type: dynamic
+    :category: debugging
+    :since: 9.10
+    Use this flag to refine the set of data constructors for which distinct info
+    tables are generated (as specified by
+    :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables
+    <-fdistinct-constructor-tables=⟨cs⟩>`).
+    If no constructor names are given
+    (i.e. just ``-fno-distinct-constructor-tables`` is given) then no distinct
+    info tables will be generated for any usages of any data constructors.
+    For example, to generate distinct constructor tables for all data
+    constructors except those named ``MyConstr``, pass both
+    ``-fdistinct-constructor-tables`` and
+    ``-fno-distinct-constructor-tables=MyConstr``.
 Querying the Info Table Map

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "25:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "26:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "13:13-31"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "32:1-17"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA1", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "6:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA2", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "7:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "17:13-33"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "25:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "26:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "27:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "28:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "13:13-31"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "32:1-17"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA1", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "6:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA2", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "7:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "17:13-33"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "18:13-34"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "27:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "28:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "18:13-34"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "29:1-27"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "30:1-27"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_2_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "19:30-34"})

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+module Main where
+import GHC.InfoProv
+import qualified X
+main = do
+  print =<< whereFrom cafA1
+  print =<< whereFrom cafA2
+  print =<< whereFrom cafB1
+  print =<< whereFrom cafB2
+  print =<< whereFrom cafC1
+  print =<< whereFrom cafC2
+  print =<< whereFrom (ACon ())
+  print =<< whereFrom cafXA
+  print =<< whereFrom X.cafXA1
+  print =<< whereFrom X.cafXA2
+  print =<< whereFrom (X.ACon ())
+  print =<< whereFrom (BCon cafA1)
+  print =<< whereFrom (CCon (cafA1, BCon (ACon ())))
+data A = ACon ()
+data B = BCon A
+data C = CCon (A, B)
+cafA1 = ACon ()
+cafA2 = ACon ()
+cafB1 = BCon cafA1
+cafB2 = BCon cafA2
+cafC1 = CCon (cafA1, cafB1)
+cafC2 = CCon (cafA2, cafB2)
+cafXA = X.ACon ()

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
+include $(TOP)/mk/test.mk
+# This test runs ghc with various combinations of
+# -f{no-}distinct-constructor-tables for different constructors and checks that
+# whereFrom finds (or fails to find) their provenance appropriately.
+	@$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables=ACon Main.hs ; \
+	ACon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables=BCon Main.hs ; \
+	BCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables=CCon Main.hs ; \
+	CCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables=ACon,BCon Main.hs ; \
+	AConBCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=ACon Main.hs ; \
+	NoACon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=BCon Main.hs ; \
+	NoBCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=CCon Main.hs ; \
+	NoCCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	$$TEST_HC $$TEST_HC_OPTS -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables -fno-distinct-constructor-tables=BCon,CCon Main.hs ; \
+	NoBConCCon="$$(./Main)" ; \
+	echo "$$ACon" | diff ACon.out - && \
+	echo "$$BCon" | diff BCon.out - && \
+	echo "$$CCon" | diff CCon.out - && \
+	echo "$$AConBCon" | diff AConBCon.out - && \
+	echo "$$NoACon" | diff NoACon.out - && \
+	echo "$$NoBCon" | diff NoBCon.out - && \
+	echo "$$NoCCon" | diff NoCCon.out - && \
+	echo "$$NoBConCCon" | diff NoBConCCon.out -

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "27:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "28:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "29:1-27"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "30:1-27"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "18:13-34"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_2_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "19:30-34"})

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "25:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "26:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "29:1-27"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "cafC2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "30:1-27"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "13:13-31"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "32:1-17"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA1", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "6:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA2", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "7:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "17:13-33"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_Main_2_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "C", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "19:30-34"})

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "25:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "26:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "13:13-31"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "32:1-17"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA1", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "6:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA2", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "7:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "17:13-33"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "25:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "cafA2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "26:1-15"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB1", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "27:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "cafB2", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "28:1-18"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "A", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "13:13-31"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "32:1-17"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_0_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA1", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "6:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_X_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "cafXA2", ipMod = "X", ipSrcFile = "./X.hs", ipSrcSpan = "7:1-16"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "ACon_Main_1_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "X", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "17:13-33"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "BCon_Main_3_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "B", ipLabel = "main", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "Main.hs", ipSrcSpan = "18:13-34"})
+Just (InfoProv {ipName = "CCon_con_info", ipDesc = "2", ipTyDesc = "", ipLabel = "", ipMod = "Main", ipSrcFile = "", ipSrcSpan = ""})

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module X where
+-- A type with the same constructor name as 'Main.ACon'
+data X = ACon ()
+cafXA1 = ACon ()
+cafXA2 = ACon ()

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    'distinct_tables',
+    [
+        extra_files([
+            # Source files
+            'Main.hs',
+            'X.hs',
+            # Expected output files
+            'ACon.out',
+            'BCon.out',
+            'CCon.out',
+            'AConBCon.out',
+            'NoACon.out',
+            'NoBCon.out',
+            'NoCCon.out',
+            'NoBConCCon.out'
+        ]),
+        ignore_stdout
+        ]
+    , makefile_test, [])

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