[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/supersven/riscv-ncg] 2 commits: hlint

Sven Tennie (@supersven) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Apr 13 17:13:26 UTC 2023

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/supersven/riscv-ncg at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

c1f7dcf6 by Sven Tennie at 2023-04-10T13:54:09+00:00

- - - - -
8328acac by Sven Tennie at 2023-04-13T17:13:06+00:00

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- compiler/CodeGen.Platform.h
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RISCV64.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RISCV64/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RISCV64/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RISCV64/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RISCV64/Regs.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Linear.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Linear/FreeRegs.hs
- + compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Linear/RISCV64.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in


@@ -1086,6 +1086,90 @@ freeReg REG_D6    = False
 freeReg _ = True
+#elif defined(MACHREGS_riscv64)
+freeReg 0 = False -- x0 / zero is always 0; not usable in general usage
+# if defined(REG_Base)
+freeReg REG_Base  = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_Sp)
+freeReg REG_Sp    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_SpLim)
+freeReg REG_SpLim = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_Hp)
+freeReg REG_Hp    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_HpLim)
+freeReg REG_HpLim = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R1)
+freeReg REG_R1    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R2)
+freeReg REG_R2    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R3)
+freeReg REG_R3    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R4)
+freeReg REG_R4    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R5)
+freeReg REG_R5    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R6)
+freeReg REG_R6    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R7)
+freeReg REG_R7    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_R8)
+freeReg REG_R8    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_F1)
+freeReg REG_F1    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_F2)
+freeReg REG_F2    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_F3)
+freeReg REG_F3    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_F4)
+freeReg REG_F4    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_F5)
+freeReg REG_F5    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_F6)
+freeReg REG_F6    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_D1)
+freeReg REG_D1    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_D2)
+freeReg REG_D2    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_D3)
+freeReg REG_D3    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_D4)
+freeReg REG_D4    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_D5)
+freeReg REG_D5    = False
+# endif
+# if defined(REG_D6)
+freeReg REG_D6    = False
+# endif
+freeReg _ = True
 freeReg = panic "freeReg not defined for this platform"

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Ppr     as RISCV64
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.CodeGen as RISCV64
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Regs    as RISCV64
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.RegInfo as RISCV64
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 ncgRISCV64 :: Bool -> NCGConfig -> NcgImpl RawCmmStatics RISCV64.Instr RISCV64.JumpDest
 ncgRISCV64 no_empty_asm config = NcgImpl
@@ -28,15 +29,18 @@ ncgRISCV64 no_empty_asm config = NcgImpl
    , canShortcut               = RISCV64.canShortcut
    , shortcutStatics           = RISCV64.shortcutStatics
    , shortcutJump              = RISCV64.shortcutJump
-   , pprNatCmmDeclH            = RISCV64.pprNatCmmDeclH
+   , pprNatCmmDeclH            = RISCV64.pprNatCmmDecl
    , pprNatCmmDeclS            = RISCV64.pprNatCmmDeclS
-   , maxSpillSlots             = RISCV64.maxSpillSlots
-   , allocatableRegs           = RISCV64.allocatableRegs
+   , maxSpillSlots             = RISCV64.maxSpillSlots config
+   , allocatableRegs           = RISCV64.allocatableRegs platform
    , ncgAllocMoreStack         = RISCV64.allocMoreStack
-   , ncgMakeFarBranches        = RISCV64.makeFarBranches
+   , ncgMakeFarBranches        = const id
    , extractUnwindPoints       = const []
    , invertCondBranches        = \_ _ -> id
+    where
+      platform = ncgPlatform config
 -- | Instruction instance for RISC-V 64bit
 instance Instruction RISCV64.Instr where
@@ -55,4 +59,4 @@ instance Instruction RISCV64.Instr where
    mkStackAllocInstr   = RISCV64.mkStackAllocInstr
    mkStackDeallocInstr = RISCV64.mkStackDeallocInstr
    pprInstr            = RISCV64.pprInstr
-   mkComment           = pure . RISCV64.COMMENT
+   mkComment           = pure . RISCV64.COMMENT . ftext

@@ -11,10 +11,17 @@ import Control.Monad
 import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
 import GHC.Data.OrdList
 import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow
-import GHC.Driver.Ppr (showPprUnsafe)
+import GHC.Driver.Ppr ( showPprUnsafe, showSDocUnsafe )
 import GHC.Plugins (Outputable)
-import GHC.Driver.Ppr (showSDocUnsafe)
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
+import GHC.Platform.Reg
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Regs
+import GHC.Platform.Regs
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
 -- | Don't try to compile all GHC Cmm files in the beginning.
 -- Ignore them. There's a flag to decide we really want to emit something.
@@ -60,9 +67,24 @@ basicBlockCodeGen block = do
           = (instr:instrs, blocks, statics)
   return (BasicBlock id top : other_blocks, statics)
+-- | 'InstrBlock's are the insn sequences generated by the insn selectors.
+--      They are really trees of insns to facilitate fast appending, where a
+--      left-to-right traversal yields the insns in the correct order.
 type InstrBlock
         = OrdList Instr
+-- | Register's passed up the tree.  If the stix code forces the register
+--      to live in a pre-decided machine register, it comes out as @Fixed@;
+--      otherwise, it comes out as @Any@, and the parent can decide which
+--      register to put it in.
+data Register
+        = Fixed Format Reg InstrBlock
+        | Any   Format (Reg -> InstrBlock)
 stmtsToInstrs :: [CmmNode e x] -> NatM InstrBlock
 stmtsToInstrs stmts
    = do instrss <- mapM stmtToInstrs stmts
@@ -72,9 +94,102 @@ stmtToInstrs :: CmmNode e x -> NatM InstrBlock
 stmtToInstrs stmt = do
   platform <- getPlatform
   case stmt of
-    CmmComment s   -> return (unitOL (COMMENT s))
-    a -> error $ "TODO: stmtToInstrs" ++ (showSDocUnsafe . pdoc platform) a
+    CmmComment s   -> return (unitOL (COMMENT (ftext s)))
+    -- TODO: Maybe, it would be nice to see the tick comment in assembly?
+    CmmTick {}     -> return nilOL
+    CmmAssign reg src
+        | isFloatType ty         -> assignReg_FltCode format reg src
+        | otherwise              -> assignReg_IntCode format reg src
+          where ty = cmmRegType reg
+                format = cmmTypeFormat ty
+    CmmBranch id          -> genBranch id
+    a -> error $ "TODO: stmtToInstrs " ++ (showSDocUnsafe . pdoc platform) a
+assignReg_FltCode :: Format -> CmmReg  -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignReg_FltCode _ _ _ = error "TODO: assignReg_FltCode"
+-- TODO: Format parameter unused
+assignReg_IntCode :: Format -> CmmReg  -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+assignReg_IntCode _ reg src
+  = do
+    platform <- getPlatform
+    let dst = getRegisterReg platform reg
+    r <- getRegister src
+    return $ case r of
+      Any _ code              -> COMMENT (text "CmmAssign" <+> parens (text (show reg)) <+> parens (text (show src))) `consOL` code dst
+      Fixed format freg fcode -> error "TODO: assignReg_IntCode - Fixed"
+-- | Grab the Reg for a CmmReg
+getRegisterReg :: Platform -> CmmReg -> Reg
+getRegisterReg _ (CmmLocal (LocalReg u pk))
+  = RegVirtual $ mkVirtualReg u (cmmTypeFormat pk)
+getRegisterReg platform (CmmGlobal reg@(GlobalRegUse mid _))
+  = case globalRegMaybe platform mid of
+        Just reg -> RegReal reg
+        Nothing  -> pprPanic "getRegisterReg-memory" (ppr $ CmmGlobal reg)
+getRegister :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+getRegister e = do
+  config <- getConfig
+  getRegister' config (ncgPlatform config) e
+getRegister' :: NCGConfig -> Platform -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+ -- Generic case.
+getRegister' config plat expr
+  = case expr of
+    CmmReg (CmmGlobal (GlobalRegUse PicBaseReg _))
+      -> pprPanic "getRegisterReg-memory" (ppr $ PicBaseReg)
+    CmmLit lit
+      -> case lit of
+        CmmInt i W64 -> do
+          return (Any (intFormat W64) (\dst -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (LI dst i)))
+        CmmInt i w -> error ("TODO: getRegister' CmmInt " ++ show i ++ show w ++ " " ++show expr)
+        e -> error ("TODO: getRegister' other " ++ show e)
+    e -> error ("TODO: getRegister'" ++ show e)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+--  Unconditional branches
+genBranch :: BlockId -> NatM InstrBlock
+genBranch = return . toOL . mkJumpInstr
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Utilities
+ann :: SDoc -> Instr -> Instr
+ann doc instr {- debugIsOn -} = ANN doc instr
+-- ann _ instr = instr
+{-# INLINE ann #-}
+-- Using pprExpr will hide the AST, @ANN@ will end up in the assembly with
+-- -dppr-debug.  The idea is that we can trivially see how a cmm expression
+-- ended up producing the assembly we see.  By having the verbatim AST printed
+-- we can simply check the patterns that were matched to arrive at the assembly
+-- we generated.
+-- pprExpr will hide a lot of noise of the underlying data structure and print
+-- the expression into something that can be easily read by a human. However
+-- going back to the exact CmmExpr representation can be laborious and adds
+-- indirections to find the matches that lead to the assembly.
+-- An improvement oculd be to have
+--    (pprExpr genericPlatform e) <> parens (text. show e)
+-- to have the best of both worlds.
+-- Note: debugIsOn is too restrictive, it only works for debug compilers.
+-- However, we do not only want to inspect this for debug compilers. Ideally
+-- we'd have a check for -dppr-debug here already, such that we don't even
+-- generate the ANN expressions. However, as they are lazy, they shouldn't be
+-- forced until we actually force them, and without -dppr-debug they should
+-- never end up being forced.
+annExpr :: CmmExpr -> Instr -> Instr
+annExpr e instr {- debugIsOn -} = ANN (text . show $ e) instr
+-- annExpr e instr {- debugIsOn -} = ANN (pprExpr genericPlatform e) instr
+-- annExpr _ instr = instr
+{-# INLINE annExpr #-}
+-- TODO: Consider using jump tables
 generateJumpTableForInstr :: Instr
                           -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr)
-generateJumpTableForInstr _ = error "TODO: generateJumpTableForInstr"
+generateJumpTableForInstr _ = Nothing

@@ -1,45 +1,73 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr where
-import GHC.Data.FastString
-import GHC.CmmToAsm.Types
+import GHC.Cmm
 import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
-import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
 import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
-import Prelude
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr hiding (patchRegsOfInstr, takeDeltaInstr, regUsageOfInstr, isMetaInstr, jumpDestsOfInstr)
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Types
+import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Platform
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Platform.Reg
-import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
-import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr
-import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import Prelude
+import GHC.Platform.Regs (freeReg)
 data Instr
-    -- comment pseudo-op
-    = COMMENT FastString
-    -- some static data spat out during code
+  = -- comment pseudo-op
+  | -- Annotated instruction. Should print <instr> # <doc>
+    ANN SDoc Instr
+    -- specify current stack offset for
+    -- benefit of subsequent passes
+  | DELTA   Int
+  | -- some static data spat out during code
     -- generation.  Will be extracted before
     -- pretty-printing.
-    | LDATA   Section RawCmmStatics
-    -- start a new basic block.  Useful during
+    LDATA Section RawCmmStatics
+  | -- start a new basic block.  Useful during
     -- codegen, removed later.  Preceding
     -- instruction should be a jump, as per the
     -- invariants for a BasicBlock (see Cmm).
-    | NEWBLOCK BlockId
+    NEWBLOCK BlockId
+  | -- load immediate pseudo-instruction
+    LI Reg Integer
+  | -- jump pseudo-instruction
+    J BlockId
+instance Outputable Instr where
+  ppr instr = text "TODO: Outputable Instr ppr"
 allocMoreStack ::
-   Int
-  -> NatCmmDecl statics GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr.Instr
-  -> UniqSM (NatCmmDecl statics GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr.Instr, [(BlockId,BlockId)])
+  Int ->
+  NatCmmDecl statics GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr.Instr ->
+  UniqSM (NatCmmDecl statics GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr.Instr, [(BlockId, BlockId)])
 allocMoreStack = error "TODO: allocMoreStack"
-maxSpillSlots :: Int
-maxSpillSlots = error "TODO: maxSpillSlots"
+-- saved return address + previous fp
+-- (https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.S081/2020/lec/l-riscv.txt)
+stackFrameHeaderSize :: Int
+stackFrameHeaderSize = 2 * spillSlotSize
-        :: LabelMap RawCmmStatics
-        -> [NatBasicBlock Instr]
-        -> [NatBasicBlock Instr]
+-- | All registers are 8 byte wide.
+spillSlotSize :: Int
+spillSlotSize = 8
+-- | The number of spill slots available without allocating more.
+maxSpillSlots :: NCGConfig -> Int
+maxSpillSlots config
+--  = 0 -- set to zero, to see when allocMoreStack has to fire.
+    = ((ncgSpillPreallocSize config - stackFrameHeaderSize)
+         `div` spillSlotSize) - 1
+makeFarBranches ::
+  LabelMap RawCmmStatics ->
+  [NatBasicBlock Instr] ->
+  [NatBasicBlock Instr]
 makeFarBranches _ _ = error "TODO: makeFarBranches"
 -- | Get the registers that are being used by this instruction.
@@ -47,66 +75,115 @@ makeFarBranches _ _ = error "TODO: makeFarBranches"
 --      Just state precisely the regs read and written by that insn.
 --      The consequences of control flow transfers, as far as register
 --      allocation goes, are taken care of by the register allocator.
-        :: Platform
-        -> instr
-        -> RegUsage
-regUsageOfInstr _ _ = error "TODO: regUsageOfInstr"
+regUsageOfInstr ::
+  Platform ->
+  Instr ->
+  RegUsage
+regUsageOfInstr platform instr = case instr of
+    ANN _ i                  -> regUsageOfInstr platform i
+    COMMENT{}                -> usage ([], [])
+    MULTILINE_COMMENT{}      -> usage ([], [])
+    LDATA{}                  -> usage ([], [])
+    DELTA{}                  -> usage ([], [])
+    NEWBLOCK{}               -> usage ([], [])
+    LI reg _                 -> usage ([], [reg])
+    -- Looks like J doesn't change registers (beside PC)
+    -- This might be wrong.
+    J{}                      -> usage ([], [])
+  where
+        -- filtering the usage is necessary, otherwise the register
+        -- allocator will try to allocate pre-defined fixed stg
+        -- registers as well, as they show up.
+        usage (src, dst) = RU (filter (interesting platform) src)
+                              (filter (interesting platform) dst)
+        interesting :: Platform -> Reg -> Bool
+        interesting _        (RegVirtual _)              = True
+        interesting platform (RegReal (RealRegSingle i)) = freeReg platform i
 -- | Apply a given mapping to all the register references in this
 --      instruction.
-        :: instr
-        -> (Reg -> Reg)
-        -> instr
-patchRegsOfInstr _ _ = error "TODO: patchRegsOfInstr"
+patchRegsOfInstr ::
+  Instr ->
+  (Reg -> Reg) ->
+  Instr
+patchRegsOfInstr instr env = case instr of
+    ANN _ i                  -> patchRegsOfInstr i env
+    COMMENT{}                -> instr
+    MULTILINE_COMMENT{}      -> instr
+    LDATA{}                  -> instr
+    DELTA{}                  -> instr
+    NEWBLOCK{}               -> instr
+    LI reg i                 -> LI (env reg) i
+    -- Looks like J doesn't change registers (beside PC)
+    -- This might be wrong.
+    J{}                      -> instr
 -- | Checks whether this instruction is a jump/branch instruction.
 --      One that can change the flow of control in a way that the
 --      register allocator needs to worry about.
-        :: instr -> Bool
-isJumpishInstr _ = error "TODO: isJumpishInstr"
+isJumpishInstr ::  Instr -> Bool
+isJumpishInstr COMMENT {} = False
+isJumpishInstr MULTILINE_COMMENT {} = False
+isJumpishInstr ANN {} = False
+isJumpishInstr DELTA {} = False
+isJumpishInstr LDATA {} = False
+isJumpishInstr NEWBLOCK {} = False
+isJumpishInstr LI {} = False
+isJumpishInstr J {} = True
--- | Give the possible destinations of this jump instruction.
---      Must be defined for all jumpish instructions.
-        :: instr -> [BlockId]
-jumpDestsOfInstr _ = error "TODO: jumpDestsOfInstr"
+-- | Checks whether this instruction is a jump/branch instruction.
+-- One that can change the flow of control in a way that the
+-- register allocator needs to worry about.
+jumpDestsOfInstr :: Instr -> [BlockId]
+jumpDestsOfInstr (ANN _ i) = jumpDestsOfInstr i
+jumpDestsOfInstr (J t) = [t]
+jumpDestsOfInstr _ = []
 -- | Change the destination of this jump instruction.
 --      Used in the linear allocator when adding fixup blocks for join
 --      points.
-        :: instr
-        -> (BlockId -> BlockId)
-        -> instr
+patchJumpInstr ::
+  instr ->
+  (BlockId -> BlockId) ->
+  instr
 patchJumpInstr _ _ = error "TODO: patchJumpInstr"
 -- | An instruction to spill a register into a spill slot.
-        :: NCGConfig
-        -> Reg          -- ^ the reg to spill
-        -> Int          -- ^ the current stack delta
-        -> Int          -- ^ spill slot to use
-        -> [instr]        -- ^ instructions
+mkSpillInstr ::
+  NCGConfig ->
+  -- | the reg to spill
+  Reg ->
+  -- | the current stack delta
+  Int ->
+  -- | spill slot to use
+  Int ->
+  -- | instructions
+  [instr]
 mkSpillInstr _ _ _ _ = error "TODO: mkSpillInstr"
 -- | An instruction to reload a register from a spill slot.
-        :: NCGConfig
-        -> Reg          -- ^ the reg to reload.
-        -> Int          -- ^ the current stack delta
-        -> Int          -- ^ the spill slot to use
-        -> [instr]        -- ^ instructions
+mkLoadInstr ::
+  NCGConfig ->
+  -- | the reg to reload.
+  Reg ->
+  -- | the current stack delta
+  Int ->
+  -- | the spill slot to use
+  Int ->
+  -- | instructions
+  [instr]
 mkLoadInstr _ _ _ _ = error "TODO: mkLoadInstr"
 -- | See if this instruction is telling us the current C stack delta
-        :: instr
-        -> Maybe Int
-takeDeltaInstr _ = error "TODO: takeDeltaInstr"
+takeDeltaInstr :: Instr -> Maybe Int
+takeDeltaInstr (ANN _ i) = takeDeltaInstr i
+takeDeltaInstr (DELTA i) = Just i
+takeDeltaInstr _         = Nothing
 -- | Check whether this instruction is some meta thing inserted into
 --      the instruction stream for other purposes.
@@ -115,50 +192,63 @@ takeDeltaInstr _ = error "TODO: takeDeltaInstr"
 --      and have its registers allocated.
 --      eg, comments, delta, ldata, etc.
-        :: instr
-        -> Bool
-isMetaInstr _ = error "TODO: isMetaInstr"
+isMetaInstr :: Instr -> Bool
+isMetaInstr instr
+ = case instr of
+    ANN _ i     -> isMetaInstr i
+    COMMENT{}   -> True
+    LDATA{}     -> True
+    NEWBLOCK{}  -> True
+    LI{}        -> False
+    J{}        -> False
 -- | Copy the value in a register to another one.
 --      Must work for all register classes.
-        :: Platform
-        -> Reg          -- ^ source register
-        -> Reg          -- ^ destination register
-        -> instr
+mkRegRegMoveInstr ::
+  Platform ->
+  -- | source register
+  Reg ->
+  -- | destination register
+  Reg ->
+  instr
 mkRegRegMoveInstr _ _ _ = error "TODO: mkRegRegMoveInstr"
 -- | Take the source and destination from this reg -> reg move instruction
 --      or Nothing if it's not one
-        :: instr
-        -> Maybe (Reg, Reg)
-takeRegRegMoveInstr _ = error "TODO: takeRegRegMoveInstr"
+takeRegRegMoveInstr :: Instr -> Maybe (Reg, Reg)
+takeRegRegMoveInstr COMMENT {} = Nothing
+takeRegRegMoveInstr MULTILINE_COMMENT {} = Nothing
+takeRegRegMoveInstr ANN {} = Nothing
+takeRegRegMoveInstr DELTA {} = Nothing
+takeRegRegMoveInstr LDATA {} = Nothing
+takeRegRegMoveInstr NEWBLOCK {} = Nothing
+takeRegRegMoveInstr LI {} = Nothing
+takeRegRegMoveInstr J {} = Nothing
 -- | Make an unconditional jump instruction.
 --      For architectures with branch delay slots, its ok to put
 --      a NOP after the jump. Don't fill the delay slot with an
 --      instruction that references regs or you'll confuse the
 --      linear allocator.
-        :: BlockId
-        -> [instr]
-mkJumpInstr _ = error "TODO: mkJumpInstr"
+mkJumpInstr ::
+  BlockId ->
+  [Instr]
+mkJumpInstr id = [J id]
 -- Subtract an amount from the C stack pointer
-        :: Platform
-        -> Int
-        -> [instr]
+mkStackAllocInstr ::
+  Platform ->
+  Int ->
+  [instr]
 mkStackAllocInstr _ _ = error "TODO: mkStackAllocInstr"
 -- Add an amount to the C stack pointer
-        :: Platform
-        -> Int
-        -> [instr]
+mkStackDeallocInstr ::
+  Platform ->
+  Int ->
+  [instr]
 mkStackDeallocInstr _ _ = error "TODO: mkStackDeallocInstr"
 -- | Pretty-print an instruction

@@ -1,11 +1,137 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Ppr where
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Cmm hiding (topInfoTable)
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Ppr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr hiding (pprInstr)
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Types
-import GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr
-import Prelude
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import Prelude hiding ((<>))
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Utils
+pprNatCmmDecl :: IsDoc doc => NCGConfig -> NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr -> doc
+pprNatCmmDecl _ cmmData@(CmmData _ _) = error $ "TODO: pprNatCmmDecl : " ++ showPprUnsafe cmmData
+pprNatCmmDecl config proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+  let platform = ncgPlatform config
+   in pprProcAlignment config
+        $$ case topInfoTable proc of
+          Nothing ->
+            -- special case for code without info table:
+            pprSectionAlign config (Section Text lbl)
+              $$
+              -- do not
+              -- pprProcAlignment config $$
+              pprLabel platform lbl
+              $$ vcat (map (pprBasicBlock config top_info) blocks) -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
+              $$
+              -- TODO: Is this call to pprSizeDecl needed? (Doc states this .size is only for source compatibility.)
+              pprSizeDecl platform lbl
+          Just cmmStaticsRaw@(CmmStaticsRaw info_lbl _) -> error $ "TODO: pprNatCmmDecl : " ++ show cmmStaticsRaw
+pprProcAlignment :: IsDoc doc => NCGConfig -> doc
+pprProcAlignment config = maybe empty (pprAlign platform . mkAlignment) (ncgProcAlignment config)
+  where
+    platform = ncgPlatform config
+pprAlign :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> Alignment -> doc
+pprAlign _platform alignment =
+  line $ text "\t.balign " <> int (alignmentBytes alignment)
+pprSectionAlign :: IsDoc doc => NCGConfig -> Section -> doc
+pprSectionAlign _config (Section (OtherSection _) _) =
+  error "AArch64.Ppr.pprSectionAlign: unknown section"
+pprSectionAlign config sec@(Section seg _) =
+  line (pprSectionHeader config sec)
+    $$ pprAlignForSection (ncgPlatform config) seg
+-- | Print appropriate alignment for the given section type.
+pprAlignForSection :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> SectionType -> doc
+pprAlignForSection _platform _seg =
+  -- .balign is stable, whereas .align is platform dependent.
+  line (text "\t.balign 8") --  always 8
+pprLabel :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> CLabel -> doc
+pprLabel platform lbl =
+  pprGloblDecl platform lbl
+    $$ pprTypeDecl platform lbl
+    $$ line (pprAsmLabel platform lbl <> char ':')
+pprGloblDecl :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> CLabel -> doc
+pprGloblDecl platform lbl
+  | not (externallyVisibleCLabel lbl) = empty
+  | otherwise = line (text "\t.globl " <> pprAsmLabel platform lbl)
+pprLabelType' :: IsLine doc => Platform -> CLabel -> doc
+pprLabelType' platform lbl =
+  if isCFunctionLabel lbl || functionOkInfoTable
+    then text "@function"
+    else text "@object"
+  where
+    functionOkInfoTable =
+      platformTablesNextToCode platform
+        && isInfoTableLabel lbl
+        && not (isCmmInfoTableLabel lbl)
+        && not (isConInfoTableLabel lbl)
+-- this is called pprTypeAndSizeDecl in PPC.Ppr
+pprTypeDecl :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> CLabel -> doc
+pprTypeDecl platform lbl =
+  if osElfTarget (platformOS platform) && externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
+    then line (text ".type " <> pprAsmLabel platform lbl <> text ", " <> pprLabelType' platform lbl)
+    else empty
+-- | Output the ELF .size directive.
+pprSizeDecl :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> CLabel -> doc
+pprSizeDecl platform lbl =
+  if osElfTarget (platformOS platform)
+    then line (text "\t.size" <+> pprAsmLabel platform lbl <> text ", .-" <> pprAsmLabel platform lbl)
+    else empty
+pprBasicBlock ::
+  IsDoc doc =>
+  NCGConfig ->
+  LabelMap RawCmmStatics ->
+  NatBasicBlock Instr ->
+  doc
+pprBasicBlock config info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs) =
+  maybe_infotable $
+    pprLabel platform asmLbl
+      $$ vcat (map (pprInstr platform) instrs)
+  where
+    asmLbl = blockLbl blockid
+    platform = ncgPlatform config
+    maybe_infotable c = case mapLookup blockid info_env of
+      Nothing -> c
+      Just cmm@(CmmStaticsRaw info_lbl info) -> error $ "pprBasicBlock " ++ showPprUnsafe cmm
+pprInstr :: IsDoc doc => Platform -> Instr -> doc
+pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
+  -- Meta Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------
+  -- see Note [dualLine and dualDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable
+  COMMENT s -> dualDoc (asmComment s) empty
+  MULTILINE_COMMENT s -> dualDoc (asmMultilineComment s) empty
+  ANN d i -> dualDoc (pprInstr platform i <+> asmDoubleslashComment d) (pprInstr platform i)
+  DELTA d -> dualDoc (asmComment $ text "\tdelta = " <> int d) empty
+  -- see Note [dualLine and dualDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable
+  NEWBLOCK _ -> error "pprInstr: NEWBLOCK"
+  LDATA _ _ -> error "pprInstr: LDATA"
+  J t -> error "pprInstr: LDATA"
+  LI reg i -> error "pprInstr: LDATA"
+-- aarch64 GNU as uses // for comments.
+asmComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
+asmComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "#" <+> c
-pprNatCmmDeclH :: IsDoc doc => NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr -> doc
-pprNatCmmDeclH _ = error "TODO: pprNatCmmDeclH"
+asmDoubleslashComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
+asmDoubleslashComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "//" <+> c
-pprNatCmmDeclS :: IsDoc doc => NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr -> doc
-pprNatCmmDeclS _ = error "TODO: pprNatCmmDeclS"
+asmMultilineComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
+asmMultilineComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "/*" $+$ c $+$ text "*/"

@@ -1,6 +1,28 @@
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Regs where
 import GHC.Platform.Reg
 import Prelude
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Platform.Regs
-allocatableRegs :: [RealReg]
-allocatableRegs = error "TODO: allocatableRegs"
+allMachRegNos   :: [RegNo]
+allMachRegNos   = [1..31] ++ [32..63]
+-- allocatableRegs is allMachRegNos with the fixed-use regs removed.
+-- i.e., these are the regs for which we are prepared to allow the
+-- register allocator to attempt to map VRegs to.
+allocatableRegs :: Platform -> [RealReg]
+allocatableRegs platform
+   = let isFree i = freeReg platform i
+     in  map RealRegSingle $ filter isFree allMachRegNos
+mkVirtualReg :: Unique -> Format -> VirtualReg
+mkVirtualReg u format
+   | not (isFloatFormat format) = VirtualRegI u
+   | otherwise
+   = case format of
+        FF32    -> VirtualRegD u
+        FF64    -> VirtualRegD u
+        _       -> panic "RISCV64.mkVirtualReg"

@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.PPC     as PPC
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.X86     as X86
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.X86_64  as X86_64
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.AArch64 as AArch64
+import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.RISCV64 as RISCV64
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Target
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Liveness
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Utils
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ linearRegAlloc config entry_ids block_live sccs
       ArchAlpha      -> panic "linearRegAlloc ArchAlpha"
       ArchMipseb     -> panic "linearRegAlloc ArchMipseb"
       ArchMipsel     -> panic "linearRegAlloc ArchMipsel"
-      ArchRISCV64    -> panic "linearRegAlloc ArchRISCV64"
+      ArchRISCV64    -> go $ (frInitFreeRegs platform :: RISCV64.FreeRegs)
       ArchLoongArch64-> panic "linearRegAlloc ArchLoongArch64"
       ArchJavaScript -> panic "linearRegAlloc ArchJavaScript"
       ArchWasm32     -> panic "linearRegAlloc ArchWasm32"

@@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.PPC     as PPC
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.X86     as X86
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.X86_64  as X86_64
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.AArch64 as AArch64
+import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.RISCV64 as RISCV64
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Instr     as PPC.Instr
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.Instr     as X86.Instr
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr as AArch64.Instr
+import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Instr as RISCV64.Instr
 class Show freeRegs => FR freeRegs where
     frAllocateReg :: Platform -> RealReg -> freeRegs -> freeRegs
@@ -64,6 +66,13 @@ instance FR AArch64.FreeRegs where
     frInitFreeRegs = AArch64.initFreeRegs
     frReleaseReg = \_ -> AArch64.releaseReg
+instance FR RISCV64.FreeRegs where
+    frAllocateReg = \_ -> RISCV64.allocateReg
+    frGetFreeRegs = \_ -> RISCV64.getFreeRegs
+    frInitFreeRegs = RISCV64.initFreeRegs
+    frReleaseReg = \_ -> RISCV64.releaseReg
 maxSpillSlots :: NCGConfig -> Int
 maxSpillSlots config = case platformArch (ncgPlatform config) of
    ArchX86       -> X86.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
@@ -76,7 +85,7 @@ maxSpillSlots config = case platformArch (ncgPlatform config) of
    ArchAlpha     -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchAlpha"
    ArchMipseb    -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchMipseb"
    ArchMipsel    -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchMipsel"
-   ArchRISCV64   -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchRISCV64"
+   ArchRISCV64   -> RISCV64.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
    ArchLoongArch64->panic "maxSpillSlots ArchLoongArch64"
    ArchJavaScript-> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchJavaScript"
    ArchWasm32    -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchWasm32"

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+-- | Free regs map for RISC-V 64bit
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.RISCV64 where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.RISCV64.Regs
+import GHC.Platform.Reg.Class
+import GHC.Platform.Reg
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Platform
+import Data.Word
+import GHC.Stack
+-- TODO: Register selection can likely be smart. Re-check this. (I'm not even sure this is correct.)
+data FreeRegs = FreeRegs !Word32 !Word32
+instance Show FreeRegs where
+  show (FreeRegs g f) = "FreeRegs: " ++ showBits g ++ "; " ++ showBits f
+instance Outputable FreeRegs where
+    ppr (FreeRegs g f) = text "   " <+> foldr (\i x -> pad_int i    <+> x) (text "") [0..31]
+                      $$ text "GPR" <+> foldr (\i x -> show_bit g i <+> x) (text "") [0..31]
+                      $$ text "FPR" <+> foldr (\i x -> show_bit f i <+> x) (text "") [0..31]
+      where pad_int i | i < 10 = char ' ' <> int i
+            pad_int i = int i
+            -- remember bit = 1 means it's available.
+            show_bit bits bit | testBit bits bit = text "  "
+            show_bit _    _ = text " x"
+noFreeRegs :: FreeRegs
+noFreeRegs = FreeRegs 0 0
+showBits :: Word32 -> String
+showBits w = map (\i -> if testBit w i then '1' else '0') [0..31]
+-- FR instance implementation (See Linear.FreeRegs)
+allocateReg :: HasCallStack => RealReg -> FreeRegs -> FreeRegs
+allocateReg (RealRegSingle r) (FreeRegs g f)
+    | r > 31 && testBit f (r - 32) = FreeRegs g (clearBit f (r - 32))
+    | r < 32 && testBit g r = FreeRegs (clearBit g r) f
+    | r > 31 = panic $ "Linear.RISCV64.allocReg: double allocation of float reg v" ++ show (r - 32) ++ "; " ++ showBits f
+    | otherwise = pprPanic "Linear.RISCV64.allocReg" $ text ("double allocation of gp reg x" ++ show r ++ "; " ++ showBits g)
+getFreeRegs :: RegClass -> FreeRegs -> [RealReg]
+getFreeRegs cls (FreeRegs g f)
+  -- TODO: how to handle small floats?
+  | RcFloat   <- cls = [] -- For now we only support double and integer registers, floats will need to be promoted.
+  | RcDouble  <- cls = go 32 f 31
+  | RcInteger <- cls = go 1 g 30
+    where
+        go _   _ i | i < 0 = []
+        go off x i | testBit x i = RealRegSingle (off + i) : (go off x $! i - 1)
+                   | otherwise   = go off x $! i - 1
+initFreeRegs :: Platform -> FreeRegs
+initFreeRegs platform = foldl' (flip releaseReg) noFreeRegs (allocatableRegs platform)
+releaseReg :: HasCallStack => RealReg -> FreeRegs -> FreeRegs
+releaseReg (RealRegSingle r) (FreeRegs g f)
+  | r > 31 && testBit f (r - 32) = pprPanic "Linear.RISCV64.releaseReg" (text  "can't release non-allocated reg v" <> int (r - 32))
+  | r < 32 && testBit g r = pprPanic "Linear.RISCV64.releaseReg" (text "can't release non-allocated reg x" <> int r)
+  | r > 31 = FreeRegs g (setBit f (r - 32))
+  | otherwise = FreeRegs (setBit g r) f

@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ Library
+        GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.RISCV64

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