[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Fixes around unsafeCoerce#

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Apr 3 23:32:25 UTC 2023

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

220a7a48 by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2023-04-03T19:32:02-04:00
Fixes around unsafeCoerce#

1. `unsafeCoerce#` was documented in `GHC.Prim`. But since the overhaul
in 74ad75e87317, `unsafeCoerce#` is no longer defined there.
I've combined the documentation in `GHC.Prim` with the `Unsafe.Coerce` module.

2. The documentation of `unsafeCoerce#` stated that you should not
cast a function to an algebraic type, even if you later cast it back
before applying it. But ghci was doing that type of cast, as can be seen
with 'ghci -ddump-ds' and typing 'x = not'. I've changed it to use Any
following the documentation.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Builtin/primops.txt.pp
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
- libraries/base/Unsafe/Coerce.hs
- testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/T16096.stdout
- testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/T21052.stdout


@@ -3845,50 +3845,6 @@ pseudoop   "seq"
          -- This fixity is only the one picked up by Haddock. If you
          -- change this, do update 'ghcPrimIface' in 'GHC.Iface.Load'.
-pseudoop   "unsafeCoerce#"
-   o -> p
-   { The function 'unsafeCoerce#' allows you to side-step the typechecker entirely. That
-        is, it allows you to coerce any type into any other type. If you use this function,
-        you had better get it right, otherwise segmentation faults await. It is generally
-        used when you want to write a program that you know is well-typed, but where Haskell's
-        type system is not expressive enough to prove that it is well typed.
-        The following uses of 'unsafeCoerce#' are supposed to work (i.e. not lead to
-        spurious compile-time or run-time crashes):
-         * Casting any lifted type to 'Any'
-         * Casting 'Any' back to the real type
-         * Casting an unboxed type to another unboxed type of the same size.
-           (Casting between floating-point and integral types does not work.
-           See the "GHC.Float" module for functions to do work.)
-         * Casting between two types that have the same runtime representation.  One case is when
-           the two types differ only in "phantom" type parameters, for example
-           @'Ptr' 'Int'@ to @'Ptr' 'Float'@, or @['Int']@ to @['Float']@ when the list is
-           known to be empty.  Also, a @newtype@ of a type @T@ has the same representation
-           at runtime as @T at .
-        Other uses of 'unsafeCoerce#' are undefined.  In particular, you should not use
-        'unsafeCoerce#' to cast a T to an algebraic data type D, unless T is also
-        an algebraic data type.  For example, do not cast @'Int'->'Int'@ to 'Bool', even if
-        you later cast that 'Bool' back to @'Int'->'Int'@ before applying it.  The reasons
-        have to do with GHC's internal representation details (for the cognoscenti, data values
-        can be entered but function closures cannot).  If you want a safe type to cast things
-        to, use 'Any', which is not an algebraic data type.
-        }
-   with can_fail = True
--- NB. It is tempting to think that casting a value to a type that it doesn't have is safe
--- as long as you don't "do anything" with the value in its cast form, such as seq on it.  This
--- isn't the case: the compiler can insert seqs itself, and if these happen at the wrong type,
--- Bad Things Might Happen.  See bug #1616: in this case we cast a function of type (a,b) -> (a,b)
--- to () -> () and back again.  The strictness analyser saw that the function was strict, but
--- the wrapper had type () -> (), and hence the wrapper de-constructed the (), the worker re-constructed
--- a new (), with the result that the code ended up with "case () of (a,b) -> ...".
 primop  TraceEventOp "traceEvent#" GenPrimOp
    Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
    { Emits an event via the RTS tracing framework.  The contents

@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ import GHC.Iface.Env     ( externaliseName )
 import GHC.Iface.Make   ( coAxiomToIfaceDecl )
 import GHC.Iface.Load
-import GHC.Builtin.Types ( unitTy, mkListTy )
+import GHC.Builtin.Types ( mkListTy, anyTypeOfKind )
 import GHC.Builtin.Names
 import GHC.Builtin.Utils
@@ -2283,8 +2283,8 @@ We don't bother with the tcl_th_bndrs environment either.
 -- | The returned [Id] is the list of new Ids bound by this statement. It can
 -- be used to extend the InteractiveContext via extendInteractiveContext.
--- The returned TypecheckedHsExpr is of type IO [ () ], a list of the bound
--- values, coerced to ().
+-- The returned TypecheckedHsExpr is of type IO [ Any ], a list of the bound
+-- values, coerced to Any.
 tcRnStmt :: HscEnv -> GhciLStmt GhcPs
          -> IO (Messages TcRnMessage, Maybe ([Id], LHsExpr GhcTc, FixityEnv))
 tcRnStmt hsc_env rdr_stmt
@@ -2578,13 +2578,16 @@ The reason for -fno-it is explained in #14336. `it` can lead to the repl
 leaking memory as it is repeatedly queried.
+any_lifted :: Type
+any_lifted = anyTypeOfKind liftedTypeKind
 -- | Typecheck the statements given and then return the results of the
--- statement in the form 'IO [()]'.
+-- statement in the form 'IO [Any]'.
 tcGhciStmts :: [GhciLStmt GhcRn] -> TcM PlanResult
 tcGhciStmts stmts
  = do { ioTyCon <- tcLookupTyCon ioTyConName
       ; ret_id  <- tcLookupId returnIOName             -- return @ IO
-      ; let ret_ty      = mkListTy unitTy
+      ; let ret_ty      = mkListTy any_lifted
             io_ret_ty   = mkTyConApp ioTyCon [ret_ty]
             tc_io_stmts = tcStmtsAndThen (HsDoStmt GhciStmtCtxt) tcDoStmt stmts
                                          (mkCheckExpType io_ret_ty)
@@ -2607,28 +2610,31 @@ tcGhciStmts stmts
       ; traceTc "GHC.Tc.Module.tcGhciStmts: done" empty
       -- ret_expr is the expression
-      --      returnIO @[()] [unsafeCoerce# () x, ..,  unsafeCoerce# () z]
+      --      returnIO @[Any] [unsafeCoerce# @Any x, ..,  unsafeCoerce# @Any z]
       -- Despite the inconvenience of building the type applications etc,
       -- this *has* to be done in type-annotated post-typecheck form
       -- because we are going to return a list of *polymorphic* values
-      -- coerced to type (). If we built a *source* stmt
+      -- coerced to type Any. If we built a *source* stmt
       --      return [coerce x, ..., coerce z]
       -- then the type checker would instantiate x..z, and we wouldn't
       -- get their *polymorphic* values.  (And we'd get ambiguity errs
       -- if they were overloaded, since they aren't applied to anything.)
+      --
+      -- We use Any rather than a dummy type such as () because of
+      -- the rules of unsafeCoerce#; see Unsafe/Coerce.hs for the details.
       ; AnId unsafe_coerce_id <- tcLookupGlobal unsafeCoercePrimName
            -- We use unsafeCoerce# here because of (U11) in
            -- Note [Implementing unsafeCoerce] in base:Unsafe.Coerce
       ; let ret_expr = nlHsApp (nlHsTyApp ret_id [ret_ty]) $
-                       noLocA $ ExplicitList unitTy $
+                       noLocA $ ExplicitList any_lifted $
                        map mk_item ids
             mk_item id = unsafe_coerce_id `nlHsTyApp` [ getRuntimeRep (idType id)
-                                                      , getRuntimeRep unitTy
-                                                      , idType id, unitTy]
+                                                      , getRuntimeRep any_lifted
+                                                      , idType id, any_lifted]
                                           `nlHsApp` nlHsVar id
             stmts = tc_stmts ++ [noLocA (mkLastStmt ret_expr)]

@@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ unsafeEqualityProof = case unsafeEqualityProof @a @b of UnsafeRefl -> UnsafeRefl
 -- Why delay inlining to Phase 1?  Because of the RULES for map/unsafeCoerce;
 -- see (U8) in Note [Implementing unsafeCoerce]
--- | Coerce a value from one type to another, bypassing the type-checker.
+-- | `unsafeCoerce` coerces a value from one type to another, bypassing the type-checker.
 -- There are several legitimate ways to use 'unsafeCoerce':
---   1. To coerce e.g. @Int@ to @HValue@, put it in a list of @HValue@,
+--   1. To coerce a lifted type such as @Int@ to @Any@, put it in a list of @Any@,
 --      and then later coerce it back to @Int@ before using it.
 --   2. To produce e.g. @(a+b) :~: (b+a)@ from @unsafeCoerce Refl at .
@@ -269,15 +269,35 @@ unsafeEqualityProof = case unsafeEqualityProof @a @b of UnsafeRefl -> UnsafeRefl
 --      are the same  -- but the proof of that relies on the complex, trusted
 --      implementation of @Typeable at .
---   4. The "reflection trick", which takes advantage of the fact that in
+--   4. (superseded) The "reflection trick", which takes advantage of the fact that in
 --      @class C a where { op :: ty }@, we can safely coerce between @C a@ and @ty@
 --      (which have different kinds!) because it's really just a newtype.
 --      Note: there is /no guarantee, at all/ that this behavior will be supported
 --      into perpetuity.
+--      It is now preferred to use `withDict` in @GHC.Magic.Dict@, which
+--      is type-safe. See Note [withDict] in GHC.Tc.Instance.Class for details.
+--   5. (superseded) Casting between two types which have exactly the same structure:
+--      between a newtype of T and T, or between types which differ only
+--      in "phantom" type parameters.
+--      It is now preferred to use `coerce` from @Data.Coerce@, which
+--      is type-safe.
---   For safe zero-cost coercions you can instead use the 'Data.Coerce.coerce' function from
---   "Data.Coerce".
+--  Other uses of 'unsafeCoerce' are undefined.  In particular, you should not use
+--  'unsafeCoerce' to cast a T to an algebraic data type D, unless T is also
+--  an algebraic data type.  For example, do not cast @'Int'->'Int'@ to 'Bool', even if
+--  you later cast that 'Bool' back to @'Int'->'Int'@ before applying it.  The reasons
+--  have to do with GHC's internal representation details (for the cognoscenti, data values
+--  can be entered but function closures cannot).  If you want a safe type to cast things
+--  to, use 'Any', which is not an algebraic data type.
+-- NB. It is tempting to think that casting a value to a type that it doesn't have is safe
+-- as long as you don't "do anything" with the value in its cast form, such as seq on it.  This
+-- isn't the case: the compiler can insert seqs itself, and if these happen at the wrong type,
+-- Bad Things Might Happen.  See bug #1616: in this case we cast a function of type (a,b) -> (a,b)
+-- to () -> () and back again.  The strictness analyser saw that the function was strict, but
+-- the wrapper had type () -> (), and hence the wrapper de-constructed the (), the worker re-constructed
+-- a new (), with the result that the code ended up with "case () of (a,b) -> ...".
 unsafeCoerce :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type) . a -> b
 unsafeCoerce x = case unsafeEqualityProof @a @b of UnsafeRefl -> x

@@ -13,12 +13,16 @@ letrec {
         x = GHC.Enum.enumFrom @GHC.Types.Int $dEnum (GHC.Types.I# 1#); } in
       x; } in
-  @[()]
+  @[GHC.Types.Any]
-     @()
+     @GHC.Types.Any
-        @GHC.Types.LiftedRep @GHC.Types.LiftedRep @[GHC.Types.Int] @() x)
-     (GHC.Types.[] @()))
+        @GHC.Types.LiftedRep
+        @GHC.Types.LiftedRep
+        @[GHC.Types.Int]
+        @GHC.Types.Any
+        x)
+     (GHC.Types.[] @GHC.Types.Any))
@@ -36,11 +40,15 @@ letrec {
         x = GHC.Enum.enumFrom @GHC.Types.Int $dEnum (GHC.Types.I# 1#); } in
       x; } in
-  @[()]
+  @[GHC.Types.Any]
-     @()
+     @GHC.Types.Any
-        @GHC.Types.LiftedRep @GHC.Types.LiftedRep @[GHC.Types.Int] @() x)
-     (GHC.Types.[] @()))
+        @GHC.Types.LiftedRep
+        @GHC.Types.LiftedRep
+        @[GHC.Types.Int]
+        @GHC.Types.Any
+        x)
+     (GHC.Types.[] @GHC.Types.Any))

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ==================== CodeGenInput STG: ====================
-BCO_toplevel :: GHC.Types.IO [()]
+BCO_toplevel :: GHC.Types.IO [GHC.Types.Any]
 [LclId] =
     {} \u []
         let {
-          sat :: [()]
+          sat :: [GHC.Types.Any]
           [LclId] =
               :! [GHC.Tuple.Prim.() GHC.Types.[]];
         } in  GHC.Base.returnIO sat;

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