[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/fix-ubx-cast] Add larger test for constructing/deconstructing unboxed sums
Andreas Klebinger (@AndreasK)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Sep 27 22:48:52 UTC 2022
Andreas Klebinger pushed to branch wip/fix-ubx-cast at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
311eaf70 by Andreas Klebinger at 2022-09-28T00:47:44+02:00
Add larger test for constructing/deconstructing unboxed sums
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps/Casts.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/Unarise.hs
- + testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/GenManyUbxSums.hs
- + testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.debug.dump-cmm
- + testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.debug.dump-stg-final
- + testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs
- testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/all.T
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
This module contains helpers to cast variables
between different Int/WordReps in StgLand.
@@ -18,6 +12,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Trace
import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
import GHC.Types.RepType
import GHC.Core.Type
@@ -46,9 +41,15 @@ We can use this list of primOps to construct a function of type
-- | `getCasts from_rep to_rep` gives us a list of primops which when applied in order convert from_rep to to_rep.
-- See Note [PrimRep based casting]
getCasts :: PrimRep -> PrimRep -> [(PrimOp,Type)]
-getCasts from_rep to_rep
+getCasts f t =
+ let r = getCasts' f t
+ in pprTrace "getCasts" (ppr (f,t,r)) r
+getCasts' from_rep to_rep
-- No-op
- | to_rep == from_rep
+ | -- pprTrace "getCasts" (ppr (from_rep,to_rep)) $
+ to_rep == from_rep
= []
-- Float <-> Double
| to_rep == FloatRep =
@@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ wordOrIntToAddrRep WordRep = [(WordToIntOp,intPrimTy), (IntToAddrOp,addrPrimTy)]
wordOrIntToAddrRep r
| primRepIsInt r = (intToMachineInt r,intPrimTy):[(IntToAddrOp,addrPrimTy)]
| primRepIsWord r =
- let (op1,r) = wordToIntRep r
- in (op1, primRepToType r):[(intToMachineInt r,intPrimTy), (IntToAddrOp,addrPrimTy)]
+ let (op1,r1) = wordToIntRep r
+ in (op1, primRepToType r1):[(intToMachineInt r1,intPrimTy), (IntToAddrOp,addrPrimTy)]
| otherwise = pprPanic "Rep not word or int rep" (ppr r)
addrToWordOrIntRep :: HasDebugCallStack => PrimRep -> [(PrimOp,Type)]
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ sizedWordToSizedWord r1 r2
sizedWordToSizedWord r WordRep = [(wordToMachineWord r,wordPrimTy)]
-- Cast from Word#
sizedWordToSizedWord WordRep r = [(wordFromMachineWord r, primRepToType r)]
--- Sized to differently sized must go over machine word.
+-- Conversion between different non-machine sizes must go via machine word.
sizedWordToSizedWord r1 r2 = (wordToMachineWord r1,wordPrimTy) : [(wordFromMachineWord r2, primRepToType r2)]
@@ -708,12 +708,12 @@ mapSumIdBinders [id] args rhs rho0
-- at one specific type in this branch.
(rhs_with_casts) = foldr castArgShadow rhs $ zip id_vars id_tys
- -- pprTrace "mapSumIdBinders"
- -- (text "id_tys" <+> ppr id_tys $$
- -- text "id_args" <+> ppr id_arg_exprs $$
- -- text "rhs" <+> ppr rhs $$
- -- text "rhs_with_casts" <+> ppr rhs_with_casts
- -- ) $
+ pprTrace "mapSumIdBinders"
+ (text "id_tys" <+> ppr id_tys $$
+ text "id_args" <+> ppr id_arg_exprs $$
+ text "rhs" <+> ppr rhs $$
+ text "rhs_with_casts" <+> ppr rhs_with_casts
+ ) $
if isMultiValBndr id
then (extendRho rho0 id (MultiVal typed_id_args), rhs_with_casts)
else assert (typed_id_args `lengthIs` 1)
@@ -725,8 +725,8 @@ mapSumIdBinders ids sum_args _rhs _
-- Convert the argument to the given type, and wrap the conversion
-- around the given expression.
castArgShadow :: (Id,Type) -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
-castArgShadow (arg, fld_ty) (in_rhs) =
- let ops = getCasts (typePrimRep1 $ idType arg) (typePrimRep1 fld_ty)
+castArgShadow (arg, target_ty) (in_rhs) =
+ let ops = getCasts (typePrimRep1 $ idType arg) (typePrimRep1 target_ty)
in foldr (mkCast (StgVarArg arg) arg) (in_rhs) ops
-- Convert the argument to the given type, and wrap the conversion
@@ -734,16 +734,21 @@ castArgShadow (arg, fld_ty) (in_rhs) =
-- converted value.
castArgRename :: StgArg -> Id -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
castArgRename in_arg out_id in_rhs =
- pprTrace "castArgRename" (ppr (in_arg,out_id)) $
- let ops = getCasts (typePrimRep1 $ stgArgType in_arg) $ typePrimRep1 (idType out_id)
- in foldr (mkCast in_arg out_id) (in_rhs) ops
+ case ops of
+ [] -> in_rhs
+ op1:rest_ops ->
+ mkCast in_arg out_id op1 $
+ foldr (mkCast (StgVarArg out_id) out_id) in_rhs rest_ops
+ -- pprTrace "castArgRename" (ppr (in_arg,out_id)) $
+ where ops = getCasts (typePrimRep1 $ stgArgType in_arg) $ typePrimRep1 (idType out_id)
+ -- in foldr (mkCast in_arg out_id) (in_rhs) ops
-- Variable to cast, (type to cast to, result_ty), rhs
mkCast :: StgArg -> OutId -> (PrimOp,Type) -> (StgExpr) -> (StgExpr)
mkCast arg_in out_id (cast_op,ty2) (in_rhs) =
- let scrut = StgOpApp (StgPrimOp cast_op) [arg_in] ty2
+ let r2 = typePrimRep1 ty2
+ scrut = StgOpApp (StgPrimOp cast_op) [arg_in] ty2
alt = GenStgAlt { alt_con = DEFAULT, alt_bndrs = [], alt_rhs = in_rhs}
- r2 = typePrimRep1 ty2
alt_ty = PrimAlt r2
in (StgCase scrut (setIdType out_id ty2) alt_ty [alt])
@@ -815,11 +820,11 @@ mkUbxSum dc ty_args args0 us
tup_args = tag_arg : slot_args
- -- pprTrace "mkUbxSum" (
- -- text "ty_args (slots)" <+> ppr ty_args $$
- -- text "args0" <+> ppr args0 $$
- -- text "wrapper" <+>
- -- (ppr $ wrapper $ StgLit $ LitChar '_')
+ pprTrace "mkUbxSum" (
+ text "ty_args (slots)" <+> ppr ty_args $$
+ text "args0" <+> ppr args0 $$
+ text "wrapper" <+>
+ (ppr $ wrapper $ StgLit $ LitChar '_'))
(tup_args, wrapper)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env runghc
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
+-- This little piece of code constructs a large set of functions
+-- constructing and deconstructing unboxed tuples of various types.
+module Main where
+import GHC.Exts
+import System.IO
+inputs = ["Int", "Word"]
+sizes = ["","8","16","32","64"]
+-- ["Addr#","Int#","Int8#","Int16#","Int32#","Int64#","Word#","Word8#","Word16#","Word32#","Word64#"]
+types = "Addr#" : do
+ r <- inputs
+ s <- sizes
+ return $ r++s++"#"
+-- We eventually build two sums, one (# t1 | t2 #) and one (# t1 | t3).
+-- So build all the combinations here.
+combos = do
+ t1 <- types
+ t2 <- types
+ t3 <- types
+ return (t1,t2,t3)
+mkCon ty = case ty of
+ "Addr#" -> "Addr"
+ "Int#" -> "I#"
+ "Int8#" -> "I8#"
+ "Int16#" -> "I16#"
+ "Int32#" -> "I32#"
+ "Int64#" -> "I64#"
+ "Word#" -> "W#"
+ "Word8#" -> "W8#"
+ "Word16#" -> "W16#"
+ "Word32#" -> "W32#"
+ "Word64#" -> "W64#"
+-- Construct a function like the one below:
+-- {-# NOINLINE fun0 #-}
+-- fun0 :: (# Addr# | Addr# #) -> (# Addr# | Addr# #)
+-- fun0 x = case x of
+-- (# x1 | #) -> (# x1 | #) :: (# Addr# | Addr# #)
+mkFun n (t1,t2,t3) =
+ "{-# NOINLINE fun" ++ show n ++ " #-}\n" ++
+ "fun" ++ show n ++ " :: (# " ++ t1 ++" | " ++ t2 ++ " #) -> (# " ++ t1 ++" | " ++ t3 ++ " #)\n" ++
+ "fun" ++ show n ++ " x = case x of\n" ++
+ " (# x1 | #) -> (# x1 | #) :: (# " ++ t1 ++ " | " ++ t3 ++ " #)"
+-- Generate functions for all the tuple combinations.
+mkFuns _ [] = ""
+mkFuns n (combo:combos) =
+ mkFun n combo ++ "\n" ++ mkFuns (n+1) combos
+-- generate a test that will put a value into a unboxed sum and then retrieve it later on.
+-- It generates code like the one below:
+-- test0 =
+-- let in_val = 0
+-- out_val = case in_val of I# x -> case fun0 (# x | #) of (# y | #) -> I# y
+-- in in_val == out_val
+mkTest n (t1,_,_)=
+ "test" ++ show n ++ " =\n" ++
+ " let in_val = (maxBound)\n" ++
+ " out_val = case in_val of " ++ mkCon t1 ++ " x -> case fun" ++ show n ++ " (# x | #) of (# y | #) -> " ++ mkCon t1 ++ " y\n" ++
+ " in in_val == out_val"
+-- Test all the tuples
+mkTests n [] = ""
+mkTests n (combo:combos) =
+ mkTest n combo ++ "\n" ++ mkTests (n+1) combos
+header =
+ "{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}\n\
+ \{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}\n\
+ \{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}\n\
+ \module Main where\n\
+ \import GHC.Exts\n\
+ \import GHC.Word\n\
+ \import GHC.Int\n\
+ \import ManyUbxSums_Addr\n"
+main = do
+ out <- openFile "ManyUbxSums.hs" WriteMode
+ hPutStrLn out header
+ let combo:_ = combos
+ -- putStrLn $ mkFun 1 combo
+ hPutStrLn out $ mkFuns 0 combos
+ hPutStrLn out $ mkTests 0 combos
+ hPutStrLn out "main = do"
+ -- Actually invoke all the tests
+ let runTest n =
+ hPutStrLn out $ " putStrLn $ \"test" ++ show n ++ " \" ++ (show test" ++ show n ++ ")"
+ mapM runTest [0 .. length combos - 1]
+ hClose out
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.810321346 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . $tc'Addr1_rYK_bytes" {
+ $tc'Addr1_rYK_bytes:
+ I8[] "'Addr"
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.810616005 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . $tcAddr1_rYG_bytes" {
+ $tcAddr1_rYG_bytes:
+ I8[] "Addr"
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.810861345 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . $trModule3_rYD_bytes" {
+ $trModule3_rYD_bytes:
+ I8[] "ManyUbxSums_Addr"
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.811117863 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . $trModule1_rYB_bytes" {
+ $trModule1_rYB_bytes:
+ I8[] "main"
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.812887827 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . c125_str" {
+ c125_str:
+ I8[] "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:(15,28)-(17,17)|case"
+ },
+ $c==_rYq_entry() { // [R3, R2]
+ { info_tbls: [(c11N,
+ label: block_c11N_info
+ rep: StackRep [False]
+ srt: Just Control.Exception.Base.patError_closure),
+ (c11Q,
+ label: $c==_rYq_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Fun {arity: 2 fun_type: ArgSpec 15} }
+ srt: Just Control.Exception.Base.patError_closure),
+ (c11T,
+ label: block_c11T_info
+ rep: StackRep [True]
+ srt: Just Control.Exception.Base.patError_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c11Q: // global
+ _s11k::P64 = R3; // CmmAssign
+ _s11j::P64 = R2; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 24 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c11U; else goto c11V; // CmmCondBranch
+ c11U: // global
+ R3 = _s11k::P64; // CmmAssign
+ R2 = _s11j::P64; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = $c==_rYq_closure; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_fun)(R3, R2, R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c11V: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = c11N; // CmmStore
+ R1 = _s11j::P64; // CmmAssign
+ P64[Sp - 8] = _s11k::P64; // CmmStore
+ Sp = Sp - 16; // CmmAssign
+ if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto c11N; else goto c11O; // CmmCondBranch
+ c11O: // global
+ call (I64[R1])(R1) returns to c11N, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c11N: // global
+ _s11k::P64 = P64[Sp + 8]; // CmmAssign
+ _s11l::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ _s11m::I64 = I64[_s11l::P64 + 7]; // CmmAssign
+ I64[Sp] = c11T; // CmmStore
+ R1 = _s11k::P64; // CmmAssign
+ I64[Sp + 8] = _s11m::I64; // CmmStore
+ if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto c11T; else goto c11X; // CmmCondBranch
+ c11X: // global
+ call (I64[R1])(R1) returns to c11T, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c11T: // global
+ _s11m::I64 = I64[Sp + 8]; // CmmAssign
+ _s11n::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ _s11o::I64 = I64[_s11n::P64 + 7]; // CmmAssign
+ _c122::I64 = _s11m::I64 == _s11o::I64; // CmmAssign
+ _s11p::I64 = _c122::I64; // CmmAssign
+ if (_s11p::I64 != 0) goto u12a; else goto c128; // CmmCondBranch
+ u12a: // global
+ if (_s11p::I64 != 1) goto c127; else goto c129; // CmmCondBranch
+ c127: // global
+ R2 = c125_str; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp + 16; // CmmAssign
+ call Control.Exception.Base.patError_info(R2) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c129: // global
+ R1 = GHC.Types.True_closure+2; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp + 16; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c128: // global
+ R1 = GHC.Types.False_closure+1; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp + 16; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $c==_rYq_closure" {
+ $c==_rYq_closure:
+ const $c==_rYq_info;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.817425012 UTC
+[$c/=_rYr_entry() { // [R3, R2]
+ { info_tbls: [(c12l,
+ label: block_c12l_info
+ rep: StackRep []
+ srt: Nothing),
+ (c12r,
+ label: $c/=_rYr_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Fun {arity: 2 fun_type: ArgSpec 15} }
+ srt: Just $c==_rYq_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c12r: // global
+ _s11r::P64 = R3; // CmmAssign
+ _s11q::P64 = R2; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 16 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c12s; else goto c12t; // CmmCondBranch
+ c12s: // global
+ R3 = _s11r::P64; // CmmAssign
+ R2 = _s11q::P64; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = $c/=_rYr_closure; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_fun)(R3, R2, R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c12t: // global
+ I64[Sp - 8] = c12l; // CmmStore
+ R3 = _s11r::P64; // CmmAssign
+ R2 = _s11q::P64; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 8; // CmmAssign
+ call $c==_rYq_info(R3,
+ R2) returns to c12l, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c12l: // global
+ _s11s::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ _c12q::P64 = _s11s::P64 & 7; // CmmAssign
+ if (_c12q::P64 != 1) goto c12p; else goto c12o; // CmmCondBranch
+ c12p: // global
+ R1 = GHC.Types.False_closure+1; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp + 8; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c12o: // global
+ R1 = GHC.Types.True_closure+2; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp + 8; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $c/=_rYr_closure" {
+ $c/=_rYr_closure:
+ const $c/=_rYr_info;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.819847978 UTC
+[section ""data" . ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fEqAddr_closure" {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fEqAddr_closure:
+ const GHC.Classes.C:Eq_con_info;
+ const $c==_rYq_closure+2;
+ const $c/=_rYr_closure+2;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.820914267 UTC
+[$cfromInteger_rYs_entry() { // [R2]
+ { info_tbls: [(c12K,
+ label: block_c12K_info
+ rep: StackRep []
+ srt: Nothing),
+ (c12M,
+ label: $cfromInteger_rYs_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Fun {arity: 1 fun_type: ArgSpec 5} }
+ srt: Nothing)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c12M: // global
+ _s11t::P64 = R2; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 16 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c12T; else goto c12U; // CmmCondBranch
+ c12T: // global
+ R2 = _s11t::P64; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = $cfromInteger_rYs_closure; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_fun)(R2, R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c12U: // global
+ // slowCall
+ I64[Sp - 8] = c12K; // CmmStore
+ R4 = _s11t::P64; // CmmAssign
+ R3 = GHC.Num.$fNumInt_closure; // CmmAssign
+ R2 = GHC.Real.$fIntegralInteger_closure; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = GHC.Real.fromIntegral_closure; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 8; // CmmAssign
+ call stg_ap_ppp_fast(R4,
+ R3,
+ R2,
+ R1) returns to c12K, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c12K: // global
+ _s11u::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ // slow_call for fromIntegral_closure with pat stg_ap_ppp
+ Hp = Hp + 16; // CmmAssign
+ if (Hp > HpLim) (likely: False) goto c12X; else goto c12W; // CmmCondBranch
+ c12X: // global
+ HpAlloc = 16; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = _s11u::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call stg_gc_unpt_r1(R1) returns to c12K, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c12W: // global
+ _s11v::I64 = I64[_s11u::P64 + 7]; // CmmAssign
+ _c12P::I64 = _s11v::I64; // CmmAssign
+ _s11w::I64 = _c12P::I64; // CmmAssign
+ // allocHeapClosure
+ I64[Hp - 8] = ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_con_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Hp] = _s11w::I64; // CmmStore
+ _c12S::P64 = Hp - 7; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = _c12S::P64; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp + 8; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $cfromInteger_rYs_closure" {
+ $cfromInteger_rYs_closure:
+ const $cfromInteger_rYs_info;
+ const GHC.Real.fromIntegral_closure;
+ const GHC.Num.$fNumInt_closure;
+ const GHC.Real.$fIntegralInteger_closure;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.824020462 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . c138_str" {
+ c138_str:
+ I8[] "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|signum"
+ },
+ $csignum_rYt_entry() { // [R1]
+ { info_tbls: [(c139,
+ label: $csignum_rYt_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Thunk }
+ srt: Just Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c139: // global
+ _rYt::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 24 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c13a; else goto c13b; // CmmCondBranch
+ c13a: // global
+ R1 = _rYt::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c13b: // global
+ (_c135::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints: [PtrHint,
+ PtrHint] result hints: [PtrHint] newCAF(BaseReg, _rYt::P64); // CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ if (_c135::I64 == 0) goto c137; else goto c136; // CmmCondBranch
+ c137: // global
+ call (I64[_rYt::P64])() args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c136: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = stg_bh_upd_frame_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Sp - 8] = _c135::I64; // CmmStore
+ R2 = c138_str; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 16; // CmmAssign
+ call Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_info(R2) args: 24, res: 0, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $csignum_rYt_closure" {
+ $csignum_rYt_closure:
+ const $csignum_rYt_info;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.826774229 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . c13o_str" {
+ c13o_str:
+ I8[] "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|abs"
+ },
+ $cabs_rYu_entry() { // [R1]
+ { info_tbls: [(c13p,
+ label: $cabs_rYu_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Thunk }
+ srt: Just Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c13p: // global
+ _rYu::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 24 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c13q; else goto c13r; // CmmCondBranch
+ c13q: // global
+ R1 = _rYu::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c13r: // global
+ (_c13l::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints: [PtrHint,
+ PtrHint] result hints: [PtrHint] newCAF(BaseReg, _rYu::P64); // CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ if (_c13l::I64 == 0) goto c13n; else goto c13m; // CmmCondBranch
+ c13n: // global
+ call (I64[_rYu::P64])() args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c13m: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = stg_bh_upd_frame_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Sp - 8] = _c13l::I64; // CmmStore
+ R2 = c13o_str; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 16; // CmmAssign
+ call Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_info(R2) args: 24, res: 0, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $cabs_rYu_closure" {
+ $cabs_rYu_closure:
+ const $cabs_rYu_info;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.829072883 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . c13E_str" {
+ c13E_str:
+ I8[] "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|*"
+ },
+ $c*_rYv_entry() { // [R1]
+ { info_tbls: [(c13F,
+ label: $c*_rYv_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Thunk }
+ srt: Just Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c13F: // global
+ _rYv::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 24 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c13G; else goto c13H; // CmmCondBranch
+ c13G: // global
+ R1 = _rYv::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c13H: // global
+ (_c13B::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints: [PtrHint,
+ PtrHint] result hints: [PtrHint] newCAF(BaseReg, _rYv::P64); // CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ if (_c13B::I64 == 0) goto c13D; else goto c13C; // CmmCondBranch
+ c13D: // global
+ call (I64[_rYv::P64])() args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c13C: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = stg_bh_upd_frame_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Sp - 8] = _c13B::I64; // CmmStore
+ R2 = c13E_str; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 16; // CmmAssign
+ call Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_info(R2) args: 24, res: 0, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $c*_rYv_closure" {
+ $c*_rYv_closure:
+ const $c*_rYv_info;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.831813755 UTC
+[section ""cstring" . c13U_str" {
+ c13U_str:
+ I8[] "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|+"
+ },
+ $c+_rYw_entry() { // [R1]
+ { info_tbls: [(c13V,
+ label: $c+_rYw_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Thunk }
+ srt: Just Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c13V: // global
+ _rYw::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 24 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c13W; else goto c13X; // CmmCondBranch
+ c13W: // global
+ R1 = _rYw::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c13X: // global
+ (_c13R::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints: [PtrHint,
+ PtrHint] result hints: [PtrHint] newCAF(BaseReg, _rYw::P64); // CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ if (_c13R::I64 == 0) goto c13T; else goto c13S; // CmmCondBranch
+ c13T: // global
+ call (I64[_rYw::P64])() args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c13S: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = stg_bh_upd_frame_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Sp - 8] = _c13R::I64; // CmmStore
+ R2 = c13U_str; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 16; // CmmAssign
+ call Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError_info(R2) args: 24, res: 0, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $c+_rYw_closure" {
+ $c+_rYw_closure:
+ const $c+_rYw_info;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.834378646 UTC
+[$c-_rYx_entry() { // [R3, R2]
+ { info_tbls: [(c148,
+ label: $c-_rYx_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Fun {arity: 2 fun_type: ArgSpec 15} }
+ srt: Just $c+_rYw_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c148: // global
+ _s11y::P64 = R3; // CmmAssign
+ _s11x::P64 = R2; // CmmAssign
+ goto c14a; // CmmBranch
+ c14a: // global
+ // slowCall
+ R1 = $c+_rYw_closure; // CmmAssign
+ call stg_ap_0_fast(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $c-_rYx_closure" {
+ $c-_rYx_closure:
+ const $c-_rYx_info;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.835499478 UTC
+[$cnegate_rYy_entry() { // [R2]
+ { info_tbls: [(c14i,
+ label: $cnegate_rYy_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Fun {arity: 1 fun_type: ArgSpec 5} }
+ srt: Just $c+_rYw_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c14i: // global
+ _s11z::P64 = R2; // CmmAssign
+ goto c14k; // CmmBranch
+ c14k: // global
+ // slowCall
+ R1 = $c+_rYw_closure; // CmmAssign
+ call stg_ap_0_fast(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $cnegate_rYy_closure" {
+ $cnegate_rYy_closure:
+ const $cnegate_rYy_info;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.836410662 UTC
+[section ""data" . ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fNumAddr_closure" {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fNumAddr_closure:
+ const GHC.Num.C:Num_con_info;
+ const $c+_rYw_closure;
+ const $c-_rYx_closure+2;
+ const $c*_rYv_closure;
+ const $cnegate_rYy_closure+1;
+ const $cabs_rYu_closure;
+ const $csignum_rYt_closure;
+ const $cfromInteger_rYs_closure+1;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.83761474 UTC
+[sat_s11A_entry() { // [R1]
+ { info_tbls: [(c14v,
+ label: sat_s11A_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Thunk }
+ srt: Just GHC.Enum.$fBoundedWord_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c14v: // global
+ _s11A::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 24 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c14w; else goto c14x; // CmmCondBranch
+ c14w: // global
+ R1 = _s11A::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c14x: // global
+ (_c14s::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints: [PtrHint,
+ PtrHint] result hints: [PtrHint] newCAF(BaseReg, _s11A::P64); // CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ if (_c14s::I64 == 0) goto c14u; else goto c14t; // CmmCondBranch
+ c14u: // global
+ call (I64[_s11A::P64])() args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c14t: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = stg_bh_upd_frame_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Sp - 8] = _c14s::I64; // CmmStore
+ R2 = GHC.Enum.$fBoundedWord_closure; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 16; // CmmAssign
+ call GHC.Enum.maxBound_info(R2) args: 24, res: 0, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . sat_s11A_closure" {
+ sat_s11A_closure:
+ const sat_s11A_info;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.839820084 UTC
+[section ""data" . _u14M_srt" {
+ _u14M_srt:
+ const stg_SRT_4_info;
+ const GHC.Real.fromIntegral_closure;
+ const ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fNumAddr_closure;
+ const GHC.Real.$fIntegralWord_closure;
+ const sat_s11A_closure;
+ const 0;
+ },
+ $cmaxBound_rYz_entry() { // [R1]
+ { info_tbls: [(c14J,
+ label: $cmaxBound_rYz_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Thunk }
+ srt: Just _u14M_srt)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c14J: // global
+ _rYz::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 24 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c14K; else goto c14L; // CmmCondBranch
+ c14K: // global
+ R1 = _rYz::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c14L: // global
+ (_c14G::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints: [PtrHint,
+ PtrHint] result hints: [PtrHint] newCAF(BaseReg, _rYz::P64); // CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ if (_c14G::I64 == 0) goto c14I; else goto c14H; // CmmCondBranch
+ c14I: // global
+ call (I64[_rYz::P64])() args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c14H: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = stg_bh_upd_frame_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Sp - 8] = _c14G::I64; // CmmStore
+ // slowCall
+ R4 = sat_s11A_closure; // CmmAssign
+ R3 = ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fNumAddr_closure+1; // CmmAssign
+ R2 = GHC.Real.$fIntegralWord_closure; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = GHC.Real.fromIntegral_closure; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 16; // CmmAssign
+ call stg_ap_ppp_fast(R4,
+ R3,
+ R2,
+ R1) args: 24, res: 0, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $cmaxBound_rYz_closure" {
+ $cmaxBound_rYz_closure:
+ const $cmaxBound_rYz_info;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.842334183 UTC
+[section ""data" . sat_s11B_closure" {
+ sat_s11B_closure:
+ const GHC.Num.Integer.IS_con_info;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.843430423 UTC
+[$cminBound_rYA_entry() { // [R1]
+ { info_tbls: [(c150,
+ label: block_c150_info
+ rep: StackRep []
+ srt: Nothing),
+ (c152,
+ label: $cminBound_rYA_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Thunk }
+ srt: Just $cfromInteger_rYs_closure)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c152: // global
+ _rYA::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ if ((Sp + 8) - 32 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c159; else goto c15a; // CmmCondBranch
+ c159: // global
+ R1 = _rYA::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c15a: // global
+ (_c14X::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints: [PtrHint,
+ PtrHint] result hints: [PtrHint] newCAF(BaseReg, _rYA::P64); // CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ if (_c14X::I64 == 0) goto c14Z; else goto c14Y; // CmmCondBranch
+ c14Z: // global
+ call (I64[_rYA::P64])() args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c14Y: // global
+ I64[Sp - 16] = stg_bh_upd_frame_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Sp - 8] = _c14X::I64; // CmmStore
+ // slowCall
+ I64[Sp - 24] = c150; // CmmStore
+ R4 = sat_s11B_closure+1; // CmmAssign
+ R3 = GHC.Num.$fNumInt_closure; // CmmAssign
+ R2 = GHC.Real.$fIntegralInteger_closure; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = GHC.Real.fromIntegral_closure; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp - 24; // CmmAssign
+ call stg_ap_ppp_fast(R4,
+ R3,
+ R2,
+ R1) returns to c150, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ c150: // global
+ _s11C::P64 = R1; // CmmAssign
+ // slow_call for fromIntegral_closure with pat stg_ap_ppp
+ Hp = Hp + 16; // CmmAssign
+ if (Hp > HpLim) (likely: False) goto c15d; else goto c15c; // CmmCondBranch
+ c15d: // global
+ HpAlloc = 16; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = _s11C::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call stg_gc_unpt_r1(R1) returns to c150, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ c15c: // global
+ _s11D::I64 = I64[_s11C::P64 + 7]; // CmmAssign
+ _c155::I64 = _s11D::I64; // CmmAssign
+ _s11E::I64 = _c155::I64; // CmmAssign
+ // allocHeapClosure
+ I64[Hp - 8] = ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_con_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Hp] = _s11E::I64; // CmmStore
+ _c158::P64 = Hp - 7; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = _c158::P64; // CmmAssign
+ Sp = Sp + 8; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 24, res: 0, upd: 24; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . $cminBound_rYA_closure" {
+ $cminBound_rYA_closure:
+ const $cminBound_rYA_info;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.846850897 UTC
+[section ""data" . ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fBoundedAddr_closure" {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fBoundedAddr_closure:
+ const GHC.Enum.C:Bounded_con_info;
+ const $cminBound_rYA_closure;
+ const $cmaxBound_rYz_closure;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.847227811 UTC
+[section ""data" . $trModule2_rYC_closure" {
+ $trModule2_rYC_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.TrNameS_con_info;
+ const $trModule1_rYB_bytes;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.847546537 UTC
+[section ""data" . $trModule4_rYE_closure" {
+ $trModule4_rYE_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.TrNameS_con_info;
+ const $trModule3_rYD_bytes;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.847875476 UTC
+[section ""data" . ManyUbxSums_Addr.$trModule_closure" {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$trModule_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.Module_con_info;
+ const $trModule2_rYC_closure+1;
+ const $trModule4_rYE_closure+1;
+ const 3;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.848609602 UTC
+[section ""data" . $krep_rYF_closure" {
+ $krep_rYF_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.KindRepTyConApp_con_info;
+ const GHC.Types.$tcAddr#_closure;
+ const GHC.Types.[]_closure+1;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.8489625 UTC
+[section ""data" . $tcAddr2_rYH_closure" {
+ $tcAddr2_rYH_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.TrNameS_con_info;
+ const $tcAddr1_rYG_bytes;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.849319124 UTC
+[section ""data" . ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tcAddr_closure" {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tcAddr_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.TyCon_con_info;
+ const ManyUbxSums_Addr.$trModule_closure+1;
+ const $tcAddr2_rYH_closure+1;
+ const GHC.Types.krep$*_closure;
+ const 4790135393693416043;
+ const 4509054882010932911;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.849776569 UTC
+[section ""data" . $krep1_rYI_closure" {
+ $krep1_rYI_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.KindRepTyConApp_con_info;
+ const ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tcAddr_closure+1;
+ const GHC.Types.[]_closure+1;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.850145038 UTC
+[section ""data" . $krep2_rYJ_closure" {
+ $krep2_rYJ_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.KindRepFun_con_info;
+ const $krep_rYF_closure+1;
+ const $krep1_rYI_closure+1;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.850499273 UTC
+[section ""data" . $tc'Addr2_rYL_closure" {
+ $tc'Addr2_rYL_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.TrNameS_con_info;
+ const $tc'Addr1_rYK_bytes;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.850843839 UTC
+[section ""data" . ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tc'Addr_closure" {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tc'Addr_closure:
+ const GHC.Types.TyCon_con_info;
+ const ManyUbxSums_Addr.$trModule_closure+1;
+ const $tc'Addr2_rYL_closure+1;
+ const $krep2_rYJ_closure+4;
+ const 15766329447734056695;
+ const 3176921173291726962;
+ const 0;
+ const 0;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.851681093 UTC
+[ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_entry() { // [R2]
+ { info_tbls: [(c15z,
+ label: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_info
+ rep: HeapRep static { Fun {arity: 1 fun_type: ArgSpec 4} }
+ srt: Nothing)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c15z: // global
+ _B0::I64 = R2; // CmmAssign
+ goto c15B; // CmmBranch
+ c15B: // global
+ Hp = Hp + 16; // CmmAssign
+ if (Hp > HpLim) (likely: False) goto c15D; else goto c15C; // CmmCondBranch
+ c15D: // global
+ HpAlloc = 16; // CmmAssign
+ goto c15A; // CmmBranch
+ c15A: // global
+ R2 = _B0::I64; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_closure; // CmmAssign
+ call (stg_gc_fun)(R2, R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ c15C: // global
+ // allocHeapClosure
+ I64[Hp - 8] = ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_con_info; // CmmStore
+ I64[Hp] = _B0::I64; // CmmStore
+ _c15y::P64 = Hp - 7; // CmmAssign
+ R1 = _c15y::P64; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ }
+ },
+ section ""data" . ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_closure" {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_closure:
+ const ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_info;
+ }]
+==================== Output Cmm ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.853732429 UTC
+[ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_con_entry() { // []
+ { info_tbls: [(c15H,
+ label: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr_con_info
+ rep: HeapRep 1 nonptrs {
+ Con {tag: 0 descr:"main:ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr"} }
+ srt: Nothing)]
+ stack_info: arg_space: 8
+ }
+ {offset
+ c15H: // global
+ R1 = R1 + 1; // CmmAssign
+ call (P64[Sp])(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8; // CmmCall
+ }
+ }]
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+==================== Final STG: ====================
+2022-09-27 22:20:23.80547185 UTC
+$tc'Addr1_rYK :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ "'Addr"#;
+$tcAddr1_rYG :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ "Addr"#;
+$trModule3_rYD :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ "ManyUbxSums_Addr"#;
+$trModule1_rYB :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ "main"#;
+ :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> GHC.Types.Bool
+[GblId, Arity=2, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ {} \r [ds_s11j ds1_s11k]
+ case ds_s11j of {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr x_s11m [Occ=Once1] ->
+ case ds1_s11k of {
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr y_s11o [Occ=Once1] ->
+ case eqAddr# [x_s11m:AddrRep y_s11o:AddrRep] of {
+ __DEFAULT ->
+ Control.Exception.Base.patError
+ "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:(15,28)-(17,17)|case"#:AddrRep;
+ 0# -> GHC.Types.False [];
+ 1# -> GHC.Types.True [];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> GHC.Types.Bool
+[GblId, Arity=2, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ {} \r [x_s11q y_s11r]
+ case $c==_rYq x_s11q:LiftedRep y_s11r:LiftedRep of {
+ GHC.Types.False -> GHC.Types.True [];
+ GHC.Types.True -> GHC.Types.False [];
+ };
+ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fEqAddr [InlPrag=CONLIKE]
+ :: GHC.Classes.Eq ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId[DFunId], Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Classes.C:Eq! [$c==_rYq:LiftedRep $c/=_rYr:LiftedRep];
+ :: GHC.Num.Integer.Integer -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId, Arity=1, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ {} \r [x_s11t]
+ case
+ GHC.Real.fromIntegral
+ GHC.Real.$fIntegralInteger:LiftedRep
+ GHC.Num.$fNumInt:LiftedRep
+ x_s11t:LiftedRep
+ of
+ {
+ GHC.Types.I# x1_s11v [Occ=Once1] ->
+ case int2Addr# [x1_s11v:IntRep] of sat_s11w [Occ=Once1] {
+ __DEFAULT -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr [sat_s11w:AddrRep];
+ };
+ };
+$csignum_rYt :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId, Str=b, Cpr=b] =
+ {} \u []
+ Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError
+ "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|signum"#:AddrRep;
+$cabs_rYu :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId, Str=b, Cpr=b] =
+ {} \u []
+ Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError
+ "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|abs"#:AddrRep;
+ :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+ -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId, Str=b, Cpr=b] =
+ {} \u []
+ Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError
+ "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|*"#:AddrRep;
+ :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+ -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId, Str=b, Cpr=b] =
+ {} \u []
+ Control.Exception.Base.noMethodBindingError
+ "testsuite/tests/unboxedsums/ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs:19:10-17|+"#:AddrRep;
+ :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+ -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId, Arity=2, Str=<L><L>b, Cpr=b, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ {} \r [x_s11x y_s11y] $c+_rYw;
+$cnegate_rYy :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId, Arity=1, Str=<L>b, Cpr=b, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ {} \r [x_s11z] $c+_rYw;
+ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fNumAddr [InlPrag=CONLIKE]
+ :: GHC.Num.Num ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId[DFunId], Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Num.C:Num! [$c+_rYw:LiftedRep
+ $c-_rYx:LiftedRep
+ $c*_rYv:LiftedRep
+ $cnegate_rYy:LiftedRep
+ $cabs_rYu:LiftedRep
+ $csignum_rYt:LiftedRep
+ $cfromInteger_rYs:LiftedRep];
+sat_s11A :: GHC.Types.Word
+[LclId] =
+ {} \u [] GHC.Enum.maxBound GHC.Enum.$fBoundedWord:LiftedRep;
+$cmaxBound_rYz :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId] =
+ {} \u []
+ GHC.Real.fromIntegral
+ GHC.Real.$fIntegralWord:LiftedRep
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fNumAddr:LiftedRep
+ sat_s11A:LiftedRep;
+sat_s11B :: GHC.Num.Integer.Integer
+[LclId] =
+ GHC.Num.Integer.IS! [0#:IntRep];
+$cminBound_rYA :: ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId] =
+ {} \u []
+ case
+ GHC.Real.fromIntegral
+ GHC.Real.$fIntegralInteger:LiftedRep
+ GHC.Num.$fNumInt:LiftedRep
+ sat_s11B:LiftedRep
+ of
+ {
+ GHC.Types.I# x1_s11D [Occ=Once1] ->
+ case int2Addr# [x1_s11D:IntRep] of sat_s11E [Occ=Once1] {
+ __DEFAULT -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr [sat_s11E:AddrRep];
+ };
+ };
+ManyUbxSums_Addr.$fBoundedAddr [InlPrag=CONLIKE]
+ :: GHC.Enum.Bounded ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId[DFunId], Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Enum.C:Bounded! [$cminBound_rYA:LiftedRep
+ $cmaxBound_rYz:LiftedRep];
+$trModule2_rYC :: GHC.Types.TrName
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.TrNameS! [$trModule1_rYB:AddrRep];
+$trModule4_rYE :: GHC.Types.TrName
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.TrNameS! [$trModule3_rYD:AddrRep];
+ManyUbxSums_Addr.$trModule :: GHC.Types.Module
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.Module! [$trModule2_rYC:LiftedRep
+ $trModule4_rYE:LiftedRep];
+$krep_rYF :: GHC.Types.KindRep
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.KindRepTyConApp! [GHC.Types.$tcAddr#:LiftedRep
+ GHC.Types.[]:LiftedRep];
+$tcAddr2_rYH :: GHC.Types.TrName
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.TrNameS! [$tcAddr1_rYG:AddrRep];
+ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tcAddr :: GHC.Types.TyCon
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.TyCon! [4790135393693416043##64:Word64Rep
+ 4509054882010932911##64:Word64Rep
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$trModule:LiftedRep
+ $tcAddr2_rYH:LiftedRep
+ 0#:IntRep
+ GHC.Types.krep$*:LiftedRep];
+$krep1_rYI :: GHC.Types.KindRep
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.KindRepTyConApp! [ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tcAddr:LiftedRep
+ GHC.Types.[]:LiftedRep];
+$krep2_rYJ :: GHC.Types.KindRep
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.KindRepFun! [$krep_rYF:LiftedRep $krep1_rYI:LiftedRep];
+$tc'Addr2_rYL :: GHC.Types.TrName
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.TrNameS! [$tc'Addr1_rYK:AddrRep];
+ManyUbxSums_Addr.$tc'Addr :: GHC.Types.TyCon
+[GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ GHC.Types.TyCon! [15766329447734056695##64:Word64Rep
+ 3176921173291726962##64:Word64Rep
+ ManyUbxSums_Addr.$trModule:LiftedRep
+ $tc'Addr2_rYL:LiftedRep
+ 0#:IntRep
+ $krep2_rYJ:LiftedRep];
+ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr [InlPrag=CONLIKE]
+ :: GHC.Prim.Addr# %1 -> ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr
+[GblId[DataCon], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Unf=OtherCon []] =
+ {} \r [eta_B0] ManyUbxSums_Addr.Addr [eta_B0:AddrRep];
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-methods #-}
+module ManyUbxSums_Addr where
+import GHC.Exts
+-- import GHC.Word
+-- import GHC.Int
+--import GHC.Utils.Misc
+data Addr = Addr Addr#
+instance Eq Addr where
+ (Addr x) == (Addr y) = case (eqAddr# x y) of
+ 1# -> True
+ 0# -> False
+instance Num Addr where
+ fromInteger x = case fromIntegral x of I# x1 -> Addr (int2Addr# x1)
+instance Bounded Addr where
+ maxBound = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word)
+ minBound = 0
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -36,3 +36,11 @@ test('T20858b', [extra_files(['T20858.hs'])
, ghci_script, ['T20858b.script'])
test('T20859', normal, compile, [''])
test('T22208', normal, compile, ['-dstg-lint -dcmm-lint'])
+ [ pre_cmd('./GenManyUbxSums.hs'),
+ extra_files(['GenManyUbxSums.hs', 'ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs']),
+ ],
+ multi_compile_and_run,
+ ['ManyUbxSums',
+ [('ManyUbxSums_Addr.hs','')]
+ , '-v0 -dstg-lint -dcmm-lint'])
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