[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T21717] Demand: Clear distinction between Call SubDmd and eval Dmd (#21717)

Sebastian Graf (@sgraf812) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Sep 23 14:31:57 UTC 2022

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/T21717 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

9c11dbb0 by Sebastian Graf at 2022-09-23T16:31:38+02:00
Demand: Clear distinction between Call SubDmd and eval Dmd (#21717)

In #21717 we saw a reportedly unsound strictness signature due to an unsound
definition of plusSubDmd on Calls. This patch contains a description and the fix
to the unsoundness as outlined in `Note [Call SubDemand vs. evaluation Demand]`.

This fix means we also get rid of the special handling of `-fpedantic-bottoms`
in eta-reduction. Thanks to less strict and actually sound strictness results,
we will no longer eta-reduce the problematic cases in the first place, even
without `-fpedantic-bottoms`.

So fixing the unsoundness also makes our eta-reduction code simpler with less
hacks to explain. But there is another, more unfortunate side-effect:
We *unfix* #21085, but fortunately we have a new fix ready:
See `Note [mkCall and plusSubDmd]`.

There's another change:
I decided to make `Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation]` a lot
simpler by using `plusSubDmd` (instead of `lubPlusSubDmd`) even if both argument
demands are lazy. That leads to less precise results, but in turn rids ourselves
from the need for 4 different `OpMode`s and the complication of
`Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]`. The result is simpler code
that is in line with the paper draft on Demand Analysis. The fallout in terms of
regressions is small, as the testsuite and NoFib shows.


Fixes #21717.

- - - - -

19 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
- testsuite/tests/arityanal/should_compile/Arity11.stderr
- testsuite/tests/arityanal/should_compile/Arity14.stderr
- testsuite/tests/arityanal/should_compile/Arity16.stderr
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T21261.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T21261.stderr
- − testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T21261_pedantic.hs
- − testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T21261_pedantic.stderr
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/all.T
- testsuite/tests/stranal/should_compile/T18894.stderr
- testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/T20746.stderr
- testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/T21081.stderr
- testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/T21119.stderr
- + testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/T21717.hs
- + testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/T21717.stderr
- testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/T5075.stderr
- testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/all.T


@@ -509,9 +509,6 @@ this transformation.  So we try to limit it as much as possible:
 Of course both (1) and (2) are readily defeated by disguising the bottoms.
-Another place where -fpedantic-bottoms comes up is during eta-reduction.
-See Note [Eta reduction soundness], the bit about -fpedantic-bottoms.
 4. Note [Newtype arity]
 Non-recursive newtypes are transparent, and should not get in the way.
@@ -2382,20 +2379,13 @@ case where `e` is trivial):
     `e = \x y. bot`.
     Could we relax to "*At least one call in the same trace* is with n args"?
-    (NB: Strictness analysis can only answer this relaxed question, not the
-     original formulation.)
-    Consider what happens for
+    No. Consider what happens for
       ``g2 c = c True `seq` c False 42``
     Here, `g2` will call `c` with 2 arguments (if there is a call at all).
     But it is unsound to eta-reduce the arg in `g2 (\x y. e x y)` to `g2 e`
     when `e = \x. if x then bot else id`, because the latter will diverge when
-    the former would not.
-    On the other hand, with `-fno-pedantic-bottoms` , we will have eta-expanded
-    the definition of `e` and then eta-reduction is sound
-    (see Note [Dealing with bottom]).
-    Consequence: We have to check that `-fpedantic-bottoms` is off; otherwise
-    eta-reduction based on demands is in fact unsound.
+    the former would not. Fortunately, the strictness analyser will report
+    "Not always called with two arguments" for `g2` and we won't eta-expand.
     See Note [Eta reduction based on evaluation context] for the implementation
     details. This criterion is tested extensively in T21261.
@@ -2541,7 +2531,7 @@ Then this is how the pieces are put together:
     Because it's irrelevant! When we simplify an expression, we do so under the
     assumption that it is currently under evaluation.)
     This sub-demand literally says "Whenever this expression is evaluated, it
-    is also called with two arguments, potentially multiple times".
+    is called with at least two arguments, potentially multiple times".
   * Then the simplifier takes apart the lambda and simplifies the lambda group
     and then calls 'tryEtaReduce' when rebuilding the lambda, passing the

@@ -1643,11 +1643,7 @@ rebuildLam env bndrs body cont
     mb_rhs   = contIsRhs cont
     -- See Note [Eta reduction based on evaluation context]
-    eval_sd
-      | sePedanticBottoms env = topSubDmd
-          -- See Note [Eta reduction soundness], criterion (S)
-          -- the bit about -fpedantic-bottoms
-      | otherwise = contEvalContext cont
+    eval_sd = contEvalContext cont
         -- NB: cont is never ApplyToVal, because beta-reduction would
         -- have happened.  So contEvalContext can panic on ApplyToVal.

@@ -598,26 +598,6 @@ multCard (Card a) (Card b)
     bit1 = (a .&. b)                   .&. 0b010
     bitN = (a .|. b) .&. shiftL bit1 1 .&. 0b100
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower and '+' on upper bounds of 'Card'.
-lubPlusCard :: Card -> Card -> Card
--- See Note [Algebraic specification for plusCard and multCard]
-lubPlusCard (Card a) (Card b)
-  = Card (bit0 .|. bit1 .|. bitN)
-  where
-    bit0 =  (a .|. b)                         .&. 0b001
-    bit1 =  (a .|. b)                         .&. 0b010
-    bitN = ((a .|. b) .|. shiftL (a .&. b) 1) .&. 0b100
--- | Denotes '+' on lower and '∪' on upper bounds of 'Card'.
-plusLubCard :: Card -> Card -> Card
--- See Note [Algebraic specification for plusCard and multCard]
-plusLubCard (Card a) (Card b)
-  = Card (bit0 .|. bit1 .|. bitN)
-  where
-    bit0 = (a .&. b) .&. 0b001
-    bit1 = (a .|. b) .&. 0b010
-    bitN = (a .|. b) .&. 0b100
 *                                                                      *
@@ -626,11 +606,11 @@ plusLubCard (Card a) (Card b)
--- | A demand describes a /scaled evaluation context/, e.g. how many times
--- and how deep the denoted thing is evaluated.
+-- | A demand describes
+--   * How many times a variable is evaluated, via a 'Card'inality, and
+--   * How deep its value was evaluated in turn, via a 'SubDemand'.
--- The "how many" component is represented by a 'Card'inality.
--- The "how deep" component is represented by a 'SubDemand'.
 -- Examples (using Note [Demand notation]):
 --   * 'seq' puts demand @1A@ on its first argument: It evaluates the argument
@@ -674,8 +654,8 @@ viewDmdPair BotDmd   = (C_10, botSubDmd)
 viewDmdPair AbsDmd   = (C_00, botSubDmd)
 viewDmdPair (D n sd) = (n, sd)
--- | @c :* sd@ is a demand that says \"evaluated @c@ times, and each time it
--- was evaluated, it was at least as deep as @sd@\".
+-- | @c :* sd@ is a demand that says \"evaluated @c@ times, and any trace in
+-- which it is evaluated will evaluate at least as deep as @sd@\".
 -- Matching on this pattern synonym is a complete match.
 -- If the matched demand was 'AbsDmd', it will match as @C_00 :* seqSubDmd at .
@@ -695,8 +675,9 @@ pattern n :* sd <- (viewDmdPair -> (n, sd)) where
   n    :* sd = D n sd & assertPpr (isCardNonAbs n)  (ppr n $$ ppr sd)
 {-# COMPLETE (:*) #-}
--- | A sub-demand describes an /evaluation context/, e.g. how deep the
--- denoted thing is evaluated. See 'Demand' for examples.
+-- | A sub-demand describes an /evaluation context/ (in the sense of an
+-- operational semantics), e.g. how deep the denoted thing is going to be
+-- evaluated. See 'Demand' for examples.
 -- See Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation] for a more detailed
 -- description of what a sub-demand means.
@@ -714,14 +695,17 @@ data SubDemand
   -- @Poly b n@ is semantically equivalent to @Prod b [n :* Poly b n, ...]
   -- or @Call n (Poly Boxed n)@. 'viewCall' and 'viewProd' do these rewrites.
-  -- In Note [Demand notation]: @L  === P(L,L,...)@  and @L  === CL(L)@,
-  --                            @B  === P(B,B,...)@  and @B  === CB(B)@,
-  --                            @!A === !P(A,A,...)@ and @!A === !CA(B)@,
+  -- In Note [Demand notation]: @L  === P(L,L,...)@  and @L  === C(L)@,
+  --                            @B  === P(B,B,...)@  and @B  === C(B)@,
+  --                            @!A === !P(A,A,...)@ and @!A === C(A)@,
   --                            and so on.
   -- We'll only see 'Poly' with 'C_10' (B), 'C_00' (A), 'C_0N' (L) and sometimes
   -- 'C_1N' (S) through 'plusSubDmd', never 'C_01' (M) or 'C_11' (1) (grep the
   -- source code). Hence 'CardNonOnce', which is closed under 'lub' and 'plus'.
+  --
+  -- Why doesn't this constructor simply carry a 'Demand' instead of its fields?
+  -- See Note [Call SubDemand vs. evaluation Demand].
   | Call !CardNonAbs !SubDemand
   -- ^ @Call n sd@ describes the evaluation context of @n@ function
   -- applications (with one argument), where the result of each call is
@@ -803,7 +787,7 @@ viewProd _ _
 -- equality @Call C_0N (Poly C_0N) === Poly C_0N@, simplifying to 'Poly' 'SubDemand's
 -- when possible.
 mkCall :: CardNonAbs -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
-mkCall C_1N sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) = sd
+--mkCall C_1N sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) = sd -- NO! #21085 strikes. See Note [mkCall and plusSubDmd]
 mkCall C_0N sd@(Poly Boxed C_0N) = sd
 mkCall n    sd                   = assertPpr (isCardNonAbs n) (ppr n $$ ppr sd) $
                                    Call n sd
@@ -838,17 +822,6 @@ unboxDeeplyDmd BotDmd   = BotDmd
 unboxDeeplyDmd dmd@(D n sd) | isStrict n = D n (unboxDeeplySubDmd sd)
                             | otherwise  = dmd
-multSubDmd :: Card -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
-multSubDmd C_11 sd           = sd -- An optimisation, for when sd is a deep Prod
--- The following three equations don't have an impact on Demands, only on
--- Boxity. They are needed so that we don't trigger the assertions in `:*`
--- when called from `multDmd`.
-multSubDmd C_00 _            = seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd A L == A /= !A`
-multSubDmd C_10 (Poly _ n)   = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd B L == B /= !B`
-multSubDmd C_10 (Call n _)   = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise we'd call `mkCall` with absent cardinality
-multSubDmd n    (Poly b m)   = Poly b (multCard n m)
-multSubDmd n    (Call n' sd) = mkCall (multCard n n') sd
-multSubDmd n    (Prod b ds)  = mkProd b (strictMap (multDmd n) ds)
 multDmd :: Card -> Demand -> Demand
 multDmd C_11 dmd       = dmd -- An optimisation
@@ -866,170 +839,83 @@ multDmd n    BotDmd   = if isStrict n then BotDmd else AbsDmd
 -- See Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation] for the strictifyCard
 multDmd n    (D m sd) = multCard n m :* multSubDmd (strictifyCard n) sd
-{- Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-As Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation] points out, we need all 4
-different combinations of lub/plus demand operations on upper and lower bounds
-  lubDmd, plusDmd, lubPlusDmd, plusLubDmd
-and the same for lubSubDmd, etc. In order to share as much code as possible
-and for the programmer to see immediately how the operations differ, we have
-one implementation of opDmd (and opSubDmd) that dispatches on a 'OpMode'.
-For good perf, we specialise this one implementation to the four different
-modes. So ideally we'd write
-lubSubDmd = opSubDmd (Lub, Lub)
-opSubDmd (l, u) = ... opSubDmd ...
-{-# RULES "lubSubDmd" opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) = lubSubDmd #-}
-But unfortunately, 'opSubDmd' will be picked as a loop-breaker and thus never
-inline into 'lubSubDmd', so its body will never actually be specialised for
-the op mode `(Lub, Lub)`. So instead we write
-lubSubDmd = opSubDmdInl (Lub, Lub)
-opSubDmdInl (l, u) = ... opSubDmd ...
-{-# INLINE opSubDmdInl #-}
-opSubDmd = opSubDmdInl
-{-# RULES "lubSubDmd" forall l r. opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) = lubSubDmd #-}
-Here, 'opSubDmdInl' will not be picked as the loop-breaker and thus inline into
-'lubSubDmd' and 'opSubDmd'. Since the latter will never inline, we'll specialise
-all call sites of 'opSubDmd' for the proper op mode. A nice trick!
-data LubOrPlus = Lub | Plus deriving Show
-instance Outputable LubOrPlus where ppr = text . show
--- | Determines whether to use 'LubOrPlus' for lower bounds and upper bounds,
--- respectively. See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd].
-type OpMode = (LubOrPlus, LubOrPlus)
+multSubDmd :: Card -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+multSubDmd C_11 sd           = sd -- An optimisation, for when sd is a deep Prod
+-- The following three equations don't have an impact on Demands, only on
+-- Boxity. They are needed so that we don't trigger the assertions in `:*`
+-- when called from `multDmd`.
+multSubDmd C_00 _            = seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd A L == A /= !A`
+multSubDmd C_10 (Poly _ n)   = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd B L == B /= !B`
+multSubDmd C_10 (Call n _)   = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise we'd call `mkCall` with absent cardinality
+multSubDmd n    (Poly b m)   = Poly b (multCard n m)
+multSubDmd n    (Call n' sd) = mkCall (multCard n n') sd
+multSubDmd n    (Prod b ds)  = mkProd b (strictMap (multDmd n) ds)
--- | Denotes '∪' on 'SubDemand'.
-lubSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Lub, Lub) l r
+lazifyIfStrict :: Card -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+lazifyIfStrict n sd = multSubDmd (glbCard C_01 n) sd
 -- | Denotes '∪' on 'Demand'.
 lubDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubDmd l r = opDmdInl (Lub, Lub) l r
+lubDmd BotDmd      dmd2        = dmd2
+lubDmd dmd1        BotDmd      = dmd1
+lubDmd (n1 :* sd1) (n2 :* sd2) = -- pprTraceWith "lubDmd" (\it -> ppr (n1:*sd1) $$ ppr (n2:*sd2) $$ ppr it) $
+  lubCard n1 n2 :* lubSubDmd sd1 sd2
--- | Denotes '+' on 'SubDemand'.
-plusSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Plus, Plus) l r
+lubSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+-- Shortcuts for neutral and absorbing elements.
+-- Below we assume that Boxed always wins.
+lubSubDmd (Poly Unboxed C_10)  sd                   = sd
+lubSubDmd sd                   (Poly Unboxed C_10)  = sd
+lubSubDmd sd@(Poly Boxed C_0N) _                    = sd
+lubSubDmd _                    sd@(Poly Boxed C_0N) = sd
+-- Handle Prod
+lubSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Poly b2 n2)
+  | let !d = polyFieldDmd b2 n2
+  = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictMap (lubDmd d) ds1)
+lubSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Prod b2 ds2)
+  | equalLength ds1 ds2
+  = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictZipWith lubDmd ds1 ds2)
+-- Handle Call
+lubSubDmd (Call n1 sd1) (viewCall -> Just (n2, sd2)) =
+  mkCall (lubCard n1 n2) (lubSubDmd sd1 sd2)
+-- Handle Poly
+lubSubDmd (Poly b1 n1) (Poly b2 n2) = Poly (lubBoxity b1 b2) (lubCard n1 n2)
+-- Other Poly case by commutativity
+lubSubDmd sd1 at Poly{}   sd2          = lubSubDmd sd2 sd1
+-- Otherwise (Call `lub` Prod) return Top
+lubSubDmd _            _            = topSubDmd
 -- | Denotes '+' on 'Demand'.
 plusDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusDmd l r = opDmdInl (Plus, Plus) l r
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower bounds and '+' on upper bounds on 'SubDemand'.
-lubPlusSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubPlusSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Lub, Plus) l r
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower bounds and '+' on upper bounds on 'Demand'.
-lubPlusDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubPlusDmd l r = opDmdInl (Lub, Plus) l r
--- | Denotes '+' on lower bounds and '∪' on upper bounds on 'SubDemand'.
-plusLubSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusLubSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Plus, Lub) l r
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower bounds and '+' on upper bounds on 'SubDemand'.
-plusLubDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusLubDmd l r = opDmdInl (Plus, Lub) l r
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-{-# RULES "lubSubDmd"     opSubDmd (Lub, Lub)   = lubSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "lubDmd"        opDmd (Lub, Lub)      = lubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusSubDmd"    opSubDmd (Plus, Plus) = plusSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusDmd"       opDmd (Plus, Plus)    = plusDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "lubPlusSubDmd" opSubDmd (Lub, Plus)  = lubPlusSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "lubPlusDmd"    opDmd (Lub, Plus)     = lubPlusDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusLubSubDmd" opSubDmd (Plus, Lub)  = plusLubSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusLubDmd"    opDmd (Plus, Lub)     = plusLubDmd #-}
--- And now the actual implementation that is to be specialised:
+plusDmd AbsDmd      dmd2        = dmd2
+plusDmd dmd1        AbsDmd      = dmd1
+plusDmd (n1 :* sd1) (n2 :* sd2) = -- pprTraceWith "plusDmd" (\it -> ppr (n1:*sd1) $$ ppr (n2:*sd2) $$ ppr it) $
+  -- Why lazify? See Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation]
+  plusCard n1 n2 :* plusSubDmd (lazifyIfStrict n1 sd1) (lazifyIfStrict n2 sd2)
-neutralCard :: OpMode -> Card
-neutralCard (Lub, _)  = C_10
-neutralCard (Plus, _) = C_00
-{-# INLINE neutralCard #-}
-absorbingCard :: OpMode -> Card
-absorbingCard (Lub, _)  = C_0N
-absorbingCard (Plus, _) = C_1N
-{-# INLINE absorbingCard #-}
-opCard :: OpMode -> Card -> Card -> Card
-opCard (Lub,  Lub)  = lubCard
-opCard (Lub,  Plus) = lubPlusCard
-opCard (Plus, Lub)  = plusLubCard
-opCard (Plus, Plus) = plusCard
-{-# INLINE opCard #-}
-opDmdInl, opDmd :: OpMode -> Demand -> Demand -> Demand
-opDmdInl m       (n1 :* _)   dmd2        | n1 == neutralCard m = dmd2
-opDmdInl m       dmd1        (n2 :* _)   | n2 == neutralCard m = dmd1
-opDmdInl m@(l,u) (n1 :* sd1) (n2 :* sd2) = -- pprTraceWith "opDmd" (\it -> ppr l <+> ppr u $$ ppr (n1:*sd1) $$ ppr (n2:*sd2) $$ ppr it) $
-  opCard m n1 n2 :* case l of
-    Lub  -> opSubDmd m sd1 sd2
-    -- For Plus, there are four special cases due to strictness demands and
-    -- Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation]:
-    Plus -> case (isStrict n1, isStrict n2) of
-      (True,  True)  -> opSubDmd (Plus, u) sd1 sd2                  -- (D1)
-      (True,  False) -> opSubDmd (Plus, u) sd1 (lazifySubDmd sd2)   -- (D2)
-      (False, True)  -> opSubDmd (Plus, u) (lazifySubDmd sd1) sd2   -- (D2)
-      (False, False) -> opSubDmd (Lub, u)  sd1 sd2                  -- (D3)
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-opDmd = opDmdInl
-{-# INLINE opDmdInl #-}
-{-# NOINLINE opDmd #-}
-opSubDmdInl, opSubDmd :: OpMode -> SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+plusSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
 -- Shortcuts for neutral and absorbing elements.
 -- Below we assume that Boxed always wins.
-opSubDmdInl m (Poly Unboxed n)  sd                | n == neutralCard m   = sd
-opSubDmdInl m sd                (Poly Unboxed n)  | n == neutralCard m   = sd
-opSubDmdInl m sd@(Poly Boxed n) _                 | n == absorbingCard m = sd
-opSubDmdInl m _                 sd@(Poly Boxed n) | n == absorbingCard m = sd
+plusSubDmd (Poly Unboxed C_00)  sd                   = sd
+plusSubDmd sd                   (Poly Unboxed C_00)  = sd
+plusSubDmd sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) _                    = sd
+plusSubDmd _                    sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) = sd
 -- Handle Prod
-opSubDmdInl m (Prod b1 ds1) (Poly b2 n2)
+plusSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Poly b2 n2)
   | let !d = polyFieldDmd b2 n2
-  = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictMap (opDmd m d) ds1)
-opSubDmdInl m (Prod b1 ds1) (Prod b2 ds2)
+  = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictMap (plusDmd d) ds1)
+plusSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Prod b2 ds2)
   | equalLength ds1 ds2
-  = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictZipWith (opDmd m) ds1 ds2)
+  = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictZipWith plusDmd ds1 ds2)
 -- Handle Call
-opSubDmdInl m@(l, _) (Call n1 sd1) (viewCall -> Just (n2, sd2)) =
-  mkCall (opCard m n1 n2) $! case l of
-    Lub  -> opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) sd1 sd2
-    -- For Plus, there are four special cases due to strictness demands and
-    -- Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation]. Usage is always lubbed:
-    Plus -> case (isStrict n1, isStrict n2) of
-      (True,  True)  -> opSubDmd (Plus, Lub) sd1 sd2                  -- (C3)
-      (False, True)  -> opSubDmd (Plus, Lub) (lazifySubDmd sd1) sd2   -- (C2)
-      (True,  False) -> opSubDmd (Plus, Lub) sd1 (lazifySubDmd sd2)   -- (C2)
-      (False, False) -> opSubDmd (Lub,  Lub) sd1 sd2                  -- (C1)
+plusSubDmd (Call n1 sd1) (viewCall -> Just (n2, sd2)) =
+  mkCall (plusCard n1 n2) (lubSubDmd sd1 sd2)
 -- Handle Poly
-opSubDmdInl m (Poly b1 n1) (Poly b2 n2) = Poly (lubBoxity b1 b2) (opCard m n1 n2)
+plusSubDmd (Poly b1 n1) (Poly b2 n2) = Poly (lubBoxity b1 b2) (plusCard n1 n2)
 -- Other Poly case by commutativity
-opSubDmdInl m sd1 at Poly{}   sd2          = opSubDmd m sd2 sd1
--- Otherwise (Call `op` Prod) return Top
-opSubDmdInl _ _            _            = topSubDmd
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-opSubDmd = opSubDmdInl
-{-# INLINE opSubDmdInl #-}
-{-# NOINLINE opSubDmd #-}
+plusSubDmd sd1 at Poly{}   sd2          = plusSubDmd sd2 sd1
+-- Otherwise (Call `plus` Prod) return Top
+plusSubDmd _            _            = topSubDmd
 -- | Used to suppress pretty-printing of an uninformative demand
 isTopDmd :: Demand -> Bool
@@ -1129,11 +1015,6 @@ strictifyDictDmd _  dmd = dmd
 lazifyDmd :: Demand -> Demand
 lazifyDmd = multDmd C_01
--- | Make a 'SubDemand' lazy.
-lazifySubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand
-lazifySubDmd = multSubDmd C_01
 -- | Wraps the 'SubDemand' with a one-shot call demand: @d@ -> @C1(d)@.
 mkCalledOnceDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand
 mkCalledOnceDmd sd = mkCall C_11 sd
@@ -1166,7 +1047,7 @@ subDemandIfEvaluated (_ :* sd) = sd
 mkWorkerDemand :: Int -> Demand
 mkWorkerDemand n = C_01 :* go n
   where go 0 = topSubDmd
-        go n = Call C_01 $ go (n-1)
+        go n = mkCall C_01 $ go (n-1)
 argsOneShots :: DmdSig -> Arity -> [[OneShotInfo]]
 -- ^ See Note [Computing one-shot info]
@@ -1242,22 +1123,23 @@ NB: The Premise only makes a difference for lower bounds/strictness.
 Upper bounds/usage are unaffected by adding or leaving out evaluations that
 never happen.
-So if `x` was demanded with `LP(1L)`, so perhaps `<body>` was
-  f1 x = (x `seq` case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
-then `x` will be evaluated lazily, but any time `x` is evaluated, `e` is
-evaluated with sub-demand `P(1L)`, e.g., the first field of `e` is evaluated
-strictly, too.
+The Premise comes into play when we have lazy Demands. For example, if `x` was
+demanded with `LP(SL,A)`, so perhaps the full expression was
+  let x = (e1, e2) in (x `seq` fun y `seq` case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
+then `x` will be evaluated lazily, but in any trace in which `x` is evaluated,
+the pair in its RHS will ultimately be evaluated deeply with sub-demand
+`P(SL,A)`. That means that `e1` is ultimately evaluated strictly, even though
+evaluation of the field does not directly follow the eval of `x` due to the
+intermittent call `fun y`.
 How does the additional strictness help? The long version is in #21081.
 The short version is
-  * We get to take advantage of call-by-value/let-to-case in more situations.
-    See example "More let-to-case" below.
+  * We get to take advantage of call-by-value/let-to-case in more situations,
+    as above. See example "More let-to-case" below.
   * Note [Eta reduction based on evaluation context] applies in more situations.
     See example "More eta reduction" below.
   * We get to unbox more results, see example "More CPR" below.
-  * We prevent annoying issues with `Poly` equalities, #21085. In short, we'd get
-    `L + S = S = CS(S) < CS(L) = C(L+S)(LuS) = L + CS(S)` although `S = CS(S)`.
 It seems like we don't give up anything in return. Indeed that is the case:
@@ -1271,43 +1153,38 @@ It seems like we don't give up anything in return. Indeed that is the case:
     well as when expanding absent 'Poly's to 'Call' sub-demands in 'viewCall'.
 Of course, we now have to maintain the Premise when we unpack and rebuild
-SubDemands. For strict demands, we know that the Premise indeed always holds for
+Demands. For strict demands, we know that the Premise indeed always holds for
 any program trace abstracted over, whereas we have to be careful for lazy
-That makes for a strange definition of `plusDmd`, where we use `plusSubDmd`
-throughout for upper bounds (every eval returns the same, memoised heap object),
-but what we do on lower bounds depends on the strictness of both arguments:
- D1 `plusSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are strict.
- D2 `plusSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if one of them is lazy, which we
-    *lazify* before (that's new), so that e.g.
-      `LP(SL) + SP(L) = (L+S)P((M*SL)+L) = SP(L+L) = SP(L)`
-    Multiplying with `M`/`C_01` is the "lazify" part here.
-    Example proving that point:
-        d2 :: <LP(SL)><SP(A)>
-        d2 x y = y `seq` (case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
-        -- What is demand on x in (d2 x x)? NOT SP(SL)!!
- D3 `lubPlusSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are lazy.
-    This new operation combines `lubSubDmd` on lower bounds with `plusSubDmd`
-    on upper bounds.
-    Examples proving that point:
-        d3 :: <LP(SL)><LP(A)>
-        d3 x y = (case x of (a,b) -> a, y `seq` ())
-        -- What is demand on x in `snd (d3 x x)`?
-        -- Not LP(SL)!!  d3 might evaluate second argument but not first.
-        -- Lub lower bounds because we might evaluate one OR the other.
-Similarly, in the handling of Call SubDemands `Cn(sd)` in `plusSubDmd`, we use
-`lub` for upper bounds (because every call returns a fresh heap object), but
-what we do for lower bounds depends on whether the outer `n`s are strict:
- C1 `lubSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are lazy.
- C2 `plusLubSubDmd` on the nested `sd`s if one of the `n`s is lazy. That one's
-    nested `sd` we *lazify*, so that e.g.
-      `CL(SL) + CS(L) = C(L+S)((M*SL)+L) = CS(L+L) = CS(L)`
-    `plusLubSubDmd` combines `plusSubDmd` on lower bounds with `lubSubDmd` on
-    upper bounds.
- C3 `plusLubSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are strict.
+In particular, when doing `plusDmd` we have to *lazify* the nested SubDemand
+if the outer cardinality is lazy. E.g.,
+  LP(SL) + SP(L) = (L+S)P((M*SL)+L) = SP(L+L) = SP(L)
+Multiplying with `M`/`C_01` is the "lazify" part here and is implemented in
+`lazifyIfStrict`. Example proving that point:
+  d2 :: <LP(SL)><SP(A)>
+  d2 x y = y `seq` (case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
+  -- What is the demand on x in (d2 x x)? NOT SP(SL)!!
+We used to apply the same reasoning to Call SubDemands `Cn(sd)` in `plusSubDmd`,
+but that led to #21717, because different calls return different heap objects.
+See Note [Call SubDemand vs. evaluation Demand].
+There's a wrinkle regarding plusDmd of lazy Demands:
+Note that we *could* do better when both Demands are lazy. Example
+  (fun 1, fun 2)
+Both args put Demand SCS(L) on `fun`. The lazy pair arg context lazifies
+this to LCS(L), and it would be reasonable to report this Demand on `fun` for
+the entire pair expression; after all, `fun` is called whenever it is evaluated.
+But our definition of `plusDmd` will compute
+  LCS(L) + LCS(L) = (L+L)(M*CS(L) + M*CS(L)) = L(CL(L)) = L
+Which is clearly less precise.
+Doing better here could mean to `lub` when both demands are lazy, e.g.,
+  LCS(L) + LCS(L) = (L+L)(CS(L) ⊔ CS(L)) = L(CS(L))
+Indeed that's what we did at one point between 9.4 and 9.6 after !7599, but it
+means that we need a function `lubPlusSubDmd` that lubs on lower bounds but
+plus'es upper bounds, implying maintenance challenges and complicated
 There are a couple of other examples in T21081.
 Here is a selection of examples demonstrating the
@@ -1355,6 +1232,79 @@ usefulness of The Premise:
     pair. That in turn means that Nested CPR can unbox the result of the
     division even though it might throw.
+Note [Call SubDemand vs. evaluation Demand]
+Although both evaluation Demands and Call SubDemands carry a (Card,SubDemand)
+pair, their interpretation is quite different. Example:
+  f x = fst x * snd x
+    -- f :: <SP(1L,1L)>, because 1P(1L,A)+1P(A,1L) = SP(1L,1L)
+  g x = fst (x 1) * snd (x 2)
+    -- g :: <SCS(P(ML,ML))>, because 1C1(P(1L,A))+1C1(P(A,1L)) = SCS(P(ML,ML))
+The point about this example is that both demands have P(A,1L)/P(1L,A) as
+sub-expressions, but when these sub-demands occur
+  1. under an evaluation demand, we combine with `plusSubDmd`
+  2. whereas under a Call sub-demand, we combine with `lubSubDmd`
+And thus (1) yields a stricter demand on the pair components than (2).
+In #21717 we saw that we really need lub in (2), because otherwise we make an
+unsound prediction in `g (\n -> if n == 1 then (1,1) else (bot,2))`; we'd say
+that the `bot` expression is always evaluated, when it clearly is not.
+Operationally, every call to `g` gives back a potentially distinct,
+heap-allocated pair with potentially different contents, and we must `lubSubDmd`
+over all such calls to approximate how any of those pairs might be used.
+That is in stark contrast to f's argument `x`: Operationally, every eval of
+`x` must yield the same pair and `f` evaluates both components of that pair.
+The theorem "every eval of `x` returns the same heap object" is a very strong
+MUST-alias property and we capitalise on that by using `plusSubDmd` in (1).
+And indeed we *must* use `plusSubDmd` in (1) for sound upper bounds in an
+analysis that assumes call-by-need (as opposed to the weaker call-by-name) for
+let bindings. Consider
+  h x = fst x * fst x
+    -- h :: <SP(SL,A)>
+And the expression `let a=1; p=(a,a)} in h p`. Here, *although* the RHS of `p`
+is only evaluated once under call-by-need, `a` is still evaluated twice.
+If we had used `lubSubDmd`, we'd see SP(1L,A) and the 1L unsoundly says "exactly
+If the analysis had assumed call-by-name, it would be sound to say "a is used
+once in p": p is used multiple times and hence so would a, as if p was a
+function. So using `plusSubDmd` does not only yield better strictness, it is
+also "holding up the other end of the bargain" of the call-by-need assumption
+for upper bounds.
+(To SG's knowledge, the distinction between call-by-name and call-by-need does
+not matter for strictness analysis/lower bounds, thus it would be sound to use
+`lubSubDmd` all the time there.)
+Note [mkCall and plusSubDmd]
+We never rewrite a strict, non-absent Call sub-demand like CS(S) to a
+polymorphic sub-demand like S, otherwise #21085 strikes. Consider the
+following inequality (would also for M and 1 instead of L and S, but we forbid
+such Polys):
+  L+S = S = CS(S) < CS(L) = CL(L)+CS(S)
+Note that L=CL(L). If we also had S=CS(S), we'd be in trouble: Now
+`plusSubDmd` would no longer maintain the equality relation on sub-demands,
+much less monotonicity. Bad!
+Clearly, `n <= Cn(n)` is unproblematic, as is `n >= Cn(n)` for any `n`
+except 1 and S. But `CS(S) >= S` would mean trouble, because then we'd get
+the problematic `CS(S) = S`. We have just established that `S < CS(S)`!
+As such, the rewrite CS(S) to S is anti-monotone and we forbid it, first
+and foremost in `mkCall` (which is the only place that rewrites Cn(n) to n).
+Crisis and #21085 averted!
 Note [Computing one-shot info]
 Consider a call
@@ -2102,7 +2052,7 @@ If this same function is applied to one arg, all we can say is that it
 uses x with 1L, and its arg with demand 1P(L,L).
 Note [Understanding DmdType and DmdSig]
 Demand types are sound approximations of an expression's semantics relative to
 the incoming demand we put the expression under. Consider the following

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ F11.fib1 = GHC.Num.Integer.IS 0#
 -- RHS size: {terms: 52, types: 26, coercions: 0, joins: 0/5}
 F11.$wfib [InlPrag=[2]] :: forall {t} {a}. (t -> t -> Bool) -> (Num t, Num a) => t -> a
-[GblId, Arity=4, Str=<SCS(C1(L))><LP(A,LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,LCS(L))><LP(LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,MC1(L))><L>, Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [60 150 60 0] 460 0}]
+[GblId, Arity=4, Str=<SCS(C1(L))><LP(A,LCL(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,L)><LP(LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,MC1(L))><L>, Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [60 150 60 0] 460 0}]
   = \ (@t) (@a) (ww :: t -> t -> Bool) ($dNum :: Num t) ($dNum1 :: Num a) (eta :: t) ->
       let {
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ F11.$wfib
 fib [InlPrag=[2]] :: forall {t} {a}. (Eq t, Num t, Num a) => t -> a
- Str=<1P(SCS(C1(L)),A)><LP(A,LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,LCS(L))><LP(LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,LCS(L))><L>,
+ Str=<1P(SCS(C1(L)),A)><LP(A,LCL(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,L)><LP(LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,LCS(L))><L>,
  Unf=Unf{Src=InlineStable, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=ALWAYS_IF(arity=4,unsat_ok=True,boring_ok=False)
          Tmpl= \ (@t) (@a) ($dEq [Occ=Once1!] :: Eq t) ($dNum [Occ=Once1] :: Num t) ($dNum1 [Occ=Once1] :: Num a) (eta [Occ=Once1] :: t) -> case $dEq of { GHC.Classes.C:Eq ww [Occ=Once1] _ [Occ=Dead] -> F11.$wfib @t @a ww $dNum $dNum1 eta }}]
 fib = \ (@t) (@a) ($dEq :: Eq t) ($dNum :: Num t) ($dNum1 :: Num a) (eta :: t) -> case $dEq of { GHC.Classes.C:Eq ww ww1 -> F11.$wfib @t @a ww $dNum $dNum1 eta }
@@ -142,4 +142,7 @@ f11 :: (Integer, Integer)
 f11 = (F11.f4, F11.f1)
+------ Local rules for imported ids --------
+"SPEC fib @Integer @Integer" forall ($dEq :: Eq Integer) ($dNum :: Num Integer) ($dNum1 :: Num Integer). fib @Integer @Integer $dEq $dNum $dNum1 = F11.f11_fib

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ F14.f2 = GHC.Num.Integer.IS 1#
 -- RHS size: {terms: 35, types: 23, coercions: 0, joins: 0/3}
 F14.$wf14 [InlPrag=[2]] :: forall {t}. (t -> t -> Bool) -> Num t => t -> t -> t -> t
-[GblId, Arity=4, Str=<SCS(C1(L))><LP(LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,MC1(L))><L><L>, Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [60 90 0 0] 300 0}]
+[GblId, Arity=4, Str=<SCS(C1(L))><LP(LCL(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,MC1(L))><L><L>, Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [60 90 0 0] 300 0}]
   = \ (@t) (ww :: t -> t -> Bool) ($dNum :: Num t) (eta :: t) (eta1 :: t) ->
       let {
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ F14.$wf14
 f14 [InlPrag=[2]] :: forall {t}. (Ord t, Num t) => t -> t -> t -> t
- Str=<1P(A,A,SCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A)><LP(LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,LCS(L))><L><L>,
+ Str=<1P(A,A,SCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A)><LP(LCL(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A,LCS(L))><L><L>,
  Unf=Unf{Src=InlineStable, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=ALWAYS_IF(arity=4,unsat_ok=True,boring_ok=False)
          Tmpl= \ (@t) ($dOrd [Occ=Once1!] :: Ord t) ($dNum [Occ=Once1] :: Num t) (eta [Occ=Once1] :: t) (eta1 [Occ=Once1] :: t) -> case $dOrd of { GHC.Classes.C:Ord _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] ww2 [Occ=Once1] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> F14.$wf14 @t ww2 $dNum eta eta1 }}]
 f14 = \ (@t) ($dOrd :: Ord t) ($dNum :: Num t) (eta :: t) (eta1 :: t) -> case $dOrd of { GHC.Classes.C:Ord ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 -> F14.$wf14 @t ww2 $dNum eta eta1 }

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Result size of Tidy Core = {terms: 53, types: 71, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
 Rec {
 -- RHS size: {terms: 15, types: 15, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
 map2 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall {t} {a}. (t -> a) -> [t] -> [a]
-[GblId, Arity=2, Str=<LCS(L)><1L>, Unf=OtherCon []]
+[GblId, Arity=2, Str=<L><1L>, Unf=OtherCon []]
   = \ (@t) (@a) (f :: t -> a) (ds :: [t]) ->
       case ds of {
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ lvl1 = Control.Exception.Base.patError @GHC.Types.LiftedRep @() lvl
 Rec {
 -- RHS size: {terms: 31, types: 32, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
 zipWith2 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall {t1} {t2} {a}. (t1 -> t2 -> a) -> [t1] -> [t2] -> [a]
-[GblId, Arity=3, Str=<LCS(C1(L))><1L><1L>, Unf=OtherCon []]
+[GblId, Arity=3, Str=<LCL(C1(L))><1L><1L>, Unf=OtherCon []]
   = \ (@t) (@t1) (@a) (f :: t -> t1 -> a) (ds :: [t]) (ds1 :: [t1]) ->
       case ds of {

@@ -34,18 +34,26 @@ f5 c = Just (c 1 2 + c 3 4)
 yes2_lazy :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int
 yes2_lazy c = f5 (\x y -> c x y)
--- These last two here are disallowed in T21261_pedantic.hs, which activates
--- -fpedantic-bottoms. It would be unsound to eta reduce these bindings with
--- -fpedantic-bottoms, but without it's fine to eta reduce:
+-- These last two here are tricky. It is unsound to eta reduce
+-- the args to f6 and f7 because we could call both functions
+-- at a c like `\x -> if x == 1 then undefined else id`.
+-- Note that if we do so and *do* eta-reduce, we'll see a crash!
+-- Whereas we *don't* see a crash if we keep the original,
+-- eta-expanded arguments.
+-- This is issue is discussed in Note [Eta reduction soundness], condition (S).
+-- This is a variant of #21717 (and tested by T21717), where
+-- prior to the fix we observed an unsound strictness signature.
 f6 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int
 f6 c = c 1 `seq` c 2 3
 {-# NOINLINE f6 #-}
-yes_non_pedantic :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int
-yes_non_pedantic c = f6 (\x y -> c x y)
+no_tricky :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int
+no_tricky c = f6 (\x y -> c x y)
 f7 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int
 f7 c = Just (c 1 `seq` c 3 4)
 {-# NOINLINE f7 #-}
-yes_non_pedantic_lazy :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int
-yes_non_pedantic_lazy c = f7 (\x y -> c x y)
+no_tricky_lazy :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int
+no_tricky_lazy c = f7 (\x y -> c x y)

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ==================== Tidy Core ====================
 Result size of Tidy Core
-  = {terms: 166, types: 176, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+  = {terms: 182, types: 191, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
 lvl = I# 3#
@@ -29,13 +29,14 @@ no3
 f6 = \ c -> case c lvl2 of { __DEFAULT -> c lvl3 lvl }
-yes_non_pedantic = f6
+no_tricky = \ c -> f6 (\ x y -> c x y)
 $wf7 = \ c -> (# case c lvl2 of { __DEFAULT -> c lvl lvl1 } #)
 f7 = \ c -> case $wf7 c of { (# ww #) -> Just ww }
-yes_non_pedantic_lazy = f7
+  = \ c -> case $wf7 (\ x y -> c x y) of { (# ww #) -> Just ww }
   = \ c ->

testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T21261_pedantic.hs deleted
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fpedantic-bottoms #-} -- This flag must inhibit eta reduction based on demands
-module T21261_pedantic where
--- README: See T21261. These examples absolutely should not eta reduce with
--- -fpedantic-bottoms.
-f1 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int
-f1 c = c 1 `seq` c 2 3
-{-# NOINLINE f1 #-}
-no2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int
-no2 c = f1 (\x y -> c x y)
-f2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int
-f2 c = Just (c 1 `seq` c 3 4)
-{-# NOINLINE f2 #-}
-no2_lazy :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int
-no2_lazy c = f2 (\x y -> c x y)

testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T21261_pedantic.stderr deleted
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-==================== Tidy Core ====================
-Result size of Tidy Core
-  = {terms: 59, types: 63, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
-lvl = I# 2#
-lvl1 = I# 3#
-lvl2 = I# 1#
-f1 = \ c -> case c lvl2 of { __DEFAULT -> c lvl lvl1 }
-no2 = \ c -> f1 (\ x y -> c x y)
-lvl3 = I# 4#
-$wf2 = \ c -> (# case c lvl2 of { __DEFAULT -> c lvl1 lvl3 } #)
-f2 = \ c -> case $wf2 c of { (# ww #) -> Just ww }
-  = \ c -> case $wf2 (\ x y -> c x y) of { (# ww #) -> Just ww }

@@ -407,8 +407,7 @@ test('T21144',  normal, compile, ['-O'])
 test('T20040', [ grep_errmsg(r'ifoldl\'') ], compile, ['-O -ddump-stg-final -dno-typeable-binds -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-uniques'])
 # Key here is that yes* become visibly trivial due to eta-reduction, while no* are not eta-reduced.
-test('T21261',          [ grep_errmsg(r'^(yes|no)') ], compile, ['-O -ddump-simpl -dno-typeable-binds -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-uniques'])
-test('T21261_pedantic', [ grep_errmsg(r'^(yes|no)') ], compile, ['-O -ddump-simpl -dno-typeable-binds -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-uniques'])
+test('T21261', [ grep_errmsg(r'^(yes|no)') ], compile, ['-O -ddump-simpl -dno-typeable-binds -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-uniques'])
 # We expect to see a SPEC rule for $cm
 test('T17966',  [ grep_errmsg(r'SPEC') ], compile, ['-O -ddump-spec'])

@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ lvl :: (Int, Int)
 lvl = (lvl, lvl)
 -- RHS size: {terms: 36, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/1}
-g1 [InlPrag=NOINLINE, Dmd=LCS(!P(L,L))] :: Int -> (Int, Int)
+g1 [InlPrag=NOINLINE, Dmd=LCL(!P(L,L))] :: Int -> (Int, Int)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ lvl = GHC.Types.I# 0#
 -- RHS size: {terms: 39, types: 17, coercions: 0, joins: 0/1}
 $wg2 [InlPrag=NOINLINE, Dmd=LCS(C1(!P(M!P(L),1!P(L))))]
   :: Int -> GHC.Prim.Int# -> (# Int, Int #)
  Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
@@ -328,9 +328,9 @@ h2
 -- RHS size: {terms: 34, types: 14, coercions: 0, joins: 0/1}
-$wg1 [InlPrag=NOINLINE, Dmd=LCS(!P(L,L))]
+$wg1 [InlPrag=NOINLINE, Dmd=LCL(!P(L,L))]
   :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> (# GHC.Prim.Int#, Int #)
  Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ lvl = case $wg1 2# of { (# ww, ww #) -> (GHC.Types.I# ww, ww) }
 -- RHS size: {terms: 22, types: 16, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
 $wh1 [InlPrag=[2], Dmd=LCS(!P(L))] :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> Int
  Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ==================== Strictness signatures ====================
-Foo.f: <LP(A,SCS(L),A)><L>
+Foo.f: <LP(A,L,A)><L>
 Foo.foogle: <L><L>

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ T21081.blah: <LCL(C1(L))><1!P(1L)>
 T21081.blurg: <S!P(SL)>
 T21081.blurg2: <S!P(SL)>
 T21081.call1: <MP(1L,A)>
-T21081.call2: <LP(SL,A)>
+T21081.call2: <LP(L,A)>
 T21081.call3: <LP(ML,A)>
 T21081.call4: <MP(1L,A)><1A>
 T21081.call5: <MP(1L,A)><MA>
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ T21081.blah: <LCL(C1(L))><1!P(1L)>
 T21081.blurg: <1!P(SL)>
 T21081.blurg2: <1!P(SL)>
 T21081.call1: <MP(1L,A)>
-T21081.call2: <LP(SL,A)>
+T21081.call2: <LP(L,A)>
 T21081.call3: <LP(ML,A)>
 T21081.call4: <MP(1L,A)><1A>
 T21081.call5: <MP(1L,A)><MA>

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ T21119.$fMyShow(,): <1!A>
 T21119.$fMyShowInt: <1!A>
 T21119.get: <1!P(1!P(L),1!P(L))><1!P(L)><1L>
 T21119.getIO: <1P(1L,ML)><1L><ML><L>
-T21119.indexError: <1C1(S)><1!B><S!S><S>b
+T21119.indexError: <1C1(L)><1!B><S!S><S>b
 T21119.throwIndexError: <MC1(L)><MA><L><L><L>x
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ T21119.$fMyShow(,): <1!A>
 T21119.$fMyShowInt: <1!A>
 T21119.get: <1!P(1!P(L),1!P(L))><1!P(L)><1L>
 T21119.getIO: <1P(1L,ML)><1L><ML><L>
-T21119.indexError: <1C1(S)><1!B><S!S><S>b
+T21119.indexError: <1C1(L)><1!B><S!S><S>b
 T21119.throwIndexError: <MC1(L)><MA><L><L><L>x

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wincomplete-patterns -fforce-recomp #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O -fforce-recomp #-}
+-- {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+-- {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+-- {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
+module Main (g, main) where
+f :: Bool -> (Int, Int)
+f True  = (42,error "m")
+f False = (error "m",42)
+g :: (Bool -> (Int, Int)) -> Int
+g f = fst (f True) + snd (f False)
+{-# NOINLINE g #-}
+makeUp :: IO Int
+makeUp = pure 42
+{-# NOINLINE makeUp #-}
+main = do
+  print $ g f

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+==================== Strictness signatures ====================
+:Main.main: <L>
+Main.g: <SCS(P(ML,ML))>
+Main.main: <L>
+==================== Cpr signatures ====================
+Main.g: 1
+==================== Strictness signatures ====================
+:Main.main: <L>
+Main.g: <SCS(P(ML,ML))>
+Main.main: <L>

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ==================== Strictness signatures ====================
-T5075.f: <S!P(A,A,SCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A)><LP(A,A,LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,LCS(L))><L>
+T5075.f: <S!P(A,A,SCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A)><LP(A,A,LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,L)><L>
 T5075.g: <1L><S!P(L)>
 T5075.h: <S!P(L)>
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ T5075.h:
 ==================== Strictness signatures ====================
-T5075.f: <1P(A,A,SCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A)><LP(A,A,LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,LCS(L))><L>
+T5075.f: <1P(A,A,SCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,A,A)><LP(A,A,LCS(C1(L)),A,A,A,L)><L>
 T5075.g: <1L><S!P(L)>
 T5075.h: <1!P(L)>

@@ -33,5 +33,6 @@ test('T20746', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T20746b', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T21081', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T21119', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T21717', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T21888', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T21888a', normal, compile, [''])

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