[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] 3 commits: Fix Driver missing type signature warnings

doyougnu (@doyougnu) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Sep 16 15:10:38 UTC 2022

doyougnu pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

0c7be294 by doyougnu at 2022-09-16T11:10:17-04:00
Fix Driver missing type signature warnings

- - - - -
8512800f by doyougnu at 2022-09-16T11:10:17-04:00
PipeLine.Execute: silence warnings on JS backend

- - - - -
5519d574 by doyougnu at 2022-09-16T11:10:18-04:00
JS.Primops: Add Bit reverse ops

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Prim.hs
- rts/js/arith.js


@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ dynlib_suffixes platform = case platformOS platform of
   _         -> ["so"]
 isHaskellishSuffix, isBackpackishSuffix, isHaskellSrcSuffix, isCishSuffix,
-    isHaskellUserSrcSuffix, isHaskellSigSuffix
+    isHaskellUserSrcSuffix, isJsSuffix, isHaskellSigSuffix
  :: String -> Bool
 isHaskellishSuffix     s = s `elem` haskellish_suffixes
 isBackpackishSuffix    s = s `elem` backpackish_suffixes

@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ runPhase (T_CmmCpp pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) = do
         input_fn output_fn
   return output_fn
 runPhase (T_Js pipe_env hsc_env mb_location js_src) = do
-  out_path <- phaseOutputFilenameNew StopLn pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+  _out_path <- phaseOutputFilenameNew StopLn pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
   runJsPhase pipe_env hsc_env mb_location js_src
 runPhase (T_Cmm pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) = do
   let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
@@ -349,12 +349,11 @@ runAsPhase with_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
 runJsPhase :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
-runJsPhase pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
+runJsPhase pipe_env hsc_env _location input_fn = do
         let dflags     = hsc_dflags   hsc_env
         let logger     = hsc_logger   hsc_env
         let tmpfs      = hsc_tmpfs    hsc_env
         let unit_env   = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
-        let platform   = ue_platform unit_env
         -- the header lets the linker recognize processed JavaScript files
         let header     = "//JavaScript\n"
@@ -383,7 +382,7 @@ runJsPhase pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
         return output_fn
 jsFileNeedsCpp :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO Bool
-jsFileNeedsCpp hsc_env fn = do
+jsFileNeedsCpp _hsc_env fn = do
   opts <- JSHeader.getOptionsFromJsFile fn
   pure (JSHeader.CPP `elem` opts)

@@ -436,23 +436,31 @@ genPrim prof ty op = case op of
   BSwap64Op   -> \[r1,r2] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ appT [r1,r2] "h$bswap64" [x,y]
   BSwapOp     -> \[r] [x]       -> genPrim prof ty BSwap32Op [r] [x]
+  BRevOp      -> \[r] [w] -> genPrim prof ty BRev32Op [r] [w]
+  BRev8Op     -> \[r] [w] -> PrimInline $ r |= (app "h$reverseWord" [w] .>>>. 24)
+  BRev16Op    -> \[r] [w] -> PrimInline $ r |= (app "h$reverseWord" [w] .>>>. 16)
+  BRev32Op    -> \[r] [w] -> PrimInline $ r |= app "h$reverseWord" [w]
+  BRev64Op    -> \[rh,rl] [h,l] -> PrimInline $ mconcat [ rl |= app "h$reverseWord" [h]
+                                                        , rh |= app "h$reverseWord" [l]
+                                                        ]
 ------------------------------ Narrow -------------------------------------------
-  Narrow8IntOp    -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= (BAnd x (Int 0x7F)) `Sub` (BAnd x (Int 0x80))
+  Narrow8IntOp    -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= (BAnd x (Int 0x7F  )) `Sub` (BAnd x (Int 0x80))
   Narrow16IntOp   -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= (BAnd x (Int 0x7FFF)) `Sub` (BAnd x (Int 0x8000))
-  Narrow32IntOp   -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= i32 x
-  Narrow8WordOp   -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= mask8 x
+  Narrow32IntOp   -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= i32    x
+  Narrow8WordOp   -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= mask8  x
   Narrow16WordOp  -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= mask16 x
-  Narrow32WordOp  -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= u32 x
+  Narrow32WordOp  -> \[r] [x] -> PrimInline $ r |= u32    x
 ------------------------------ Double -------------------------------------------
-  DoubleGtOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>. y)
-  DoubleGeOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>=. y)
+  DoubleGtOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>.   y)
+  DoubleGeOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>=.  y)
   DoubleEqOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .===. y)
   DoubleNeOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .!==. y)
-  DoubleLtOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<. y)
-  DoubleLeOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<=. y)
+  DoubleLtOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<.   y)
+  DoubleLeOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<=.  y)
   DoubleAddOp       -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= Add x y
   DoubleSubOp       -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= Sub x y
   DoubleMulOp       -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= Mul x y
@@ -461,12 +469,12 @@ genPrim prof ty op = case op of
   DoubleFabsOp      -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_abs [x]
   DoubleToIntOp     -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= i32 x
   DoubleToFloatOp   -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= app "h$fround" [x]
-  DoubleExpOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_exp [x]
-  DoubleLogOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_log [x]
+  DoubleExpOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_exp  [x]
+  DoubleLogOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_log  [x]
   DoubleSqrtOp      -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_sqrt [x]
-  DoubleSinOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_sin [x]
-  DoubleCosOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_cos [x]
-  DoubleTanOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_tan [x]
+  DoubleSinOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_sin  [x]
+  DoubleCosOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_cos  [x]
+  DoubleTanOp       -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_tan  [x]
   DoubleAsinOp      -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_asin [x]
   DoubleAcosOp      -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_acos [x]
   DoubleAtanOp      -> \[r] [x]   -> PrimInline $ r |= math_atan [x]
@@ -482,12 +490,12 @@ genPrim prof ty op = case op of
 ------------------------------ Float --------------------------------------------
-  FloatGtOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>. y)
-  FloatGeOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>=. y)
+  FloatGtOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>.   y)
+  FloatGeOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .>=.  y)
   FloatEqOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .===. y)
   FloatNeOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .!==. y)
-  FloatLtOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<. y)
-  FloatLeOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<=. y)
+  FloatLtOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<.   y)
+  FloatLeOp         -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= if10 (x .<=.  y)
   FloatAddOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= Add x y
   FloatSubOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= Sub x y
   FloatMulOp        -> \[r] [x,y] -> PrimInline $ r |= Mul x y
@@ -1021,12 +1029,6 @@ genPrim prof ty op = case op of
 ------------------------------ Unhandled primops -------------------
-  BRevOp                            -> unhandledPrimop op
-  BRev8Op                           -> unhandledPrimop op
-  BRev16Op                          -> unhandledPrimop op
-  BRev32Op                          -> unhandledPrimop op
-  BRev64Op                          -> unhandledPrimop op
   DoubleExpM1Op                     -> unhandledPrimop op
   DoubleLog1POp                     -> unhandledPrimop op
   FloatExpM1Op                      -> unhandledPrimop op

@@ -507,6 +507,24 @@ function h$popCnt64(x1,x2) {
+function h$reverseWord(w) {
+  /* Reverse the bits in a 32-bit word this trick comes from
+   * https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ReverseParallel This
+   * method should use a bit more memory than other methods, but we choose it
+   * because it does not rely on any 64bit multiplication or look up tables.
+   * Note that this could be expressed in the Haskell EDSL, but we choose to not
+   * do that for improved sharing in the JIT. Should be O(lg n)
+   */
+  var r = w;
+  r = ((r >>> 1) & 0x55555555)   | ((r & 0x55555555) << 1);  // swap odd and even bits
+  r = ((r >>> 2) & 0x33333333)   | ((r & 0x33333333) << 2);  // swap consecutive pairs
+  r = ((r >>> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F)   | ((r & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4);  // swap nibbles
+  r = ((r >>> 8) & 0x00FF00FF)   | ((r & 0x00FF00FF) << 8);  // swap bytes
+  r = ( r >>> 16             )   | ( r               << 16); // swap 2-byte long pairs
+  r = r >>> 0;                                              // ensure w is unsigned
+  return r;
 function h$bswap64(x1,x2) {
   RETURN_UBX_TUP2(UN((x2 >>> 24) | (x2 << 24) | ((x2 & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((x2 & 0xFF0000) >> 8))
                  ,UN((x1 >>> 24) | (x1 << 24) | ((x1 & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 8)));

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