[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] JS.Prim: add CAS and Fetch Ops

doyougnu (@doyougnu) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Sep 14 09:32:05 UTC 2022

doyougnu pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

0fda1b72 by doyougnu at 2022-09-14T05:30:41-04:00
JS.Prim: add CAS and Fetch Ops

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Prim.hs


@@ -1139,27 +1139,73 @@ genPrim prof ty op = case op of
   WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord      -> \[] [a,i,e] -> PrimInline $ dv_s_u32 a i (i32 e)
-  CasByteArrayOp_Int8               -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasByteArrayOp_Int16              -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasByteArrayOp_Int32              -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasByteArrayOp_Int64              -> unhandledPrimop op
+  CasByteArrayOp_Int8               -> \[r] [a,i,old,new] -> PrimInline $ casOp u8_  r a i old new
+  CasByteArrayOp_Int16              -> \[r] [a,i,old,new] -> PrimInline $ casOp u1_  r a i old new
+  CasByteArrayOp_Int32              -> \[r] [a,i,old,new] -> PrimInline $ casOp i32_ r a i old new
+  CasByteArrayOp_Int64              -> \[r_h,r_l] [a,i,old_h,old_l,new_h,new_l] -> PrimInline $
+    jVar \t_h t_l -> mconcat [ t_h |= i32_ a (Add (i .<<. one_) one_)
+                             , t_l |= i32_ a (i .<<. one_)
+                             , r_h |= t_h
+                             , r_l |= t_l
+                             , ifS (t_l .===. old_l) -- small optimization, check low bits first, fail fast
+                                   (ifBlockS (t_h .===. old_h)
+                                            -- Pre-Condition is good, do the write
+                                             [ i32_ a (Add (i .<<. one_) one_) |=     new_h
+                                             , i32_ a (i .<<. one_)            |= i32 new_l
+                                             ]
+                                             -- no good, don't write
+                                             mempty)
+                                   mempty
+                             ]
   InterlockedExchange_Addr          -> unhandledPrimop op
   InterlockedExchange_Word          -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasAddrOp_Addr                    -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasAddrOp_Word                    -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasAddrOp_Word8                   -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasAddrOp_Word16                  -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasAddrOp_Word32                  -> unhandledPrimop op
-  CasAddrOp_Word64                  -> unhandledPrimop op
-  FetchAddAddrOp_Word               -> unhandledPrimop op
-  FetchSubAddrOp_Word               -> unhandledPrimop op
-  FetchAndAddrOp_Word               -> unhandledPrimop op
-  FetchNandAddrOp_Word              -> unhandledPrimop op
-  FetchOrAddrOp_Word                -> unhandledPrimop op
-  FetchXorAddrOp_Word               -> unhandledPrimop op
+  CasAddrOp_Addr                    -> \[r_a,r_o] [a1,o1,a2,o2,a3,o3] -> PrimInline $
+                    mconcat [ ifS (app "h$comparePointer" [a1,o1,a2,o2])
+                                  (appS "h$memcpy" [a3,o3,a1,o1,8])
+                                  mempty
+                            , r_a |= a1
+                            , r_o |= o1
+                            ]
+  CasAddrOp_Word                    -> \[r] [a,o,old,new] -> PrimInline $
+                    mconcat [ r |= u32_ a o
+                            , ifS (r .===. old)
+                            -- use i32_ instead of u32_, u32_ cannot be used for writing due to
+                            -- hard coded conversion to word using (.>>>. zero_). You see we still
+                            -- do the same convnersion but on the value to write
+                                  (i32_ a o |= (new .>>>. zero_))
+                                  mempty
+                            ]
+  CasAddrOp_Word8                   -> \[r] [a,o,old,new] -> PrimInline $ casOp u8_  r a o old new
+  CasAddrOp_Word16                  -> \[r] [a,o,old,new] -> PrimInline $ casOp u1_  r a o old new
+  CasAddrOp_Word32                  -> \[r] [a,o,old,new] -> PrimInline $
+                    mconcat [ r |= u32_ a o
+                            , ifS (r .===. old)
+                                  (i32_ a o |= (new .>>>. zero_))
+                                  mempty
+                            ]
+  CasAddrOp_Word64                  -> \[r_h,r_l] [a,o,old_h,old_l,new_h,new_l] -> PrimInline $
+                     mconcat [ r_h |= dv_u32 a (Add o (Int 4))
+                             , r_l |= dv_u32 a o
+                             , ifS (r_l .===. old_l)
+                                   (ifBlockS (r_h .===. old_h)
+                                             [ dv_s_u32 a (Add o (Int 4)) new_h
+                                             , dv_s_u32 a o               new_l
+                                             ]
+                                             mempty)
+                               mempty
+                             ]
+  FetchAddAddrOp_Word               -> \[r] [a,o,v] -> PrimInline $ fetchOpAddr Add r a o v
+  FetchSubAddrOp_Word               -> \[r] [a,o,v] -> PrimInline $ fetchOpAddr Sub  r a o v
+  FetchAndAddrOp_Word               -> \[r] [a,o,v] -> PrimInline $ fetchOpAddr BAnd  r a o v
+  FetchNandAddrOp_Word              -> \[r] [a,o,v] -> PrimInline $ fetchOpAddr ((BNot .) . BAnd) r a o v
+  FetchOrAddrOp_Word                -> \[r] [a,o,v] -> PrimInline $ fetchOpAddr BOr   r a o v
+  FetchXorAddrOp_Word               -> \[r] [a,o,v] -> PrimInline $ fetchOpAddr BXor  r a o v
   AtomicReadAddrOp_Word             -> unhandledPrimop op
   AtomicWriteAddrOp_Word            -> unhandledPrimop op
@@ -1299,6 +1345,26 @@ fetchOpByteArray op tgt src i v = mconcat
   , i32_ src i |= op tgt v
+fetchOpAddr :: (JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr) -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JStat
+fetchOpAddr op tgt src i v = mconcat
+  [ tgt      |= src .! i
+  , src .! i |= op tgt v
+  ]
+  :: (JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr) -- view, the view of the ArrayBuffer to use
+  -> JExpr                     -- target register  to store result
+  -> JExpr                     -- source arrays
+  -> JExpr                     -- index
+  -> JExpr                     -- old value to compare
+  -> JExpr                     -- new value to write
+  -> JStat
+casOp view tgt src i old new = mconcat [ tgt |= view src i
+                                       , ifS (tgt .===. old)
+                                             (view src i |= new)
+                                              mempty
+                                       ]
 --                            Lifted Arrays
@@ -1333,6 +1399,10 @@ i32 e = BOr e zero_
 -- required because of JS numbers. e>>>0 converts e to a Word32
 -- so  (-2147483648)       >>> 0  = 2147483648
 -- and ((-2147483648) >>>0) | 0   = -2147483648
+-- Warning: This function will throw an exception if it ends up on the left side
+-- of an assignment. The reason it blows up is because of the bit shift (used
+-- for coercion) is illegal on the LHS of an assignment
 u32 :: JExpr -> JExpr
 u32 e = e .>>>. zero_

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