[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/foundation-tests] Port foundation numeric tests to GHC testsuite

Matthew Pickering (@mpickering) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Oct 18 09:03:09 UTC 2022

Matthew Pickering pushed to branch wip/foundation-tests at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1f2c17bf by Matthew Pickering at 2022-10-18T09:49:51+01:00
Port foundation numeric tests to GHC testsuite

This commit ports the numeric tests which found a regression in GHC-9.4.


Included in the commit is a simple random number generator and
simplified QuickCheck implementation. In future these could be factored
out of this standalone file and reused as a general purpose library
which could be used for other QuickCheck style tests in the testsuite.

See #22282

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/foundation.hs
- + testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/foundation.stdout


@@ -79,3 +79,4 @@ test('IntegerToFloat', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T20291', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T22282', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
+test('foundation', normal, compile_and_run, ['-O -package transformers'])

@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Main
+    ( main
+    ) where
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Int
+import GHC.Natural
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Proxy
+import GHC.Int
+import GHC.Word
+import Data.Function
+import GHC.Prim
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import System.IO
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.IORef
+import Unsafe.Coerce
+#include "MachDeps.h"
+newtype Gen a = Gen { runGen :: (ReaderT LCGGen IO a) }
+  deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+class Arbitrary a where
+  arbitrary :: Gen a
+class IsProperty p where
+    property :: p -> Property
+data PropertyCheck = PropertyBinaryOp Bool String String String
+                   | PropertyAnd PropertyCheck PropertyCheck
+instance IsProperty PropertyCheck where
+    property check = Prop $ pure (PropertyEOA check)
+data PropertyTestArg = PropertyEOA PropertyCheck
+                     | PropertyArg String PropertyTestArg
+getCheck :: PropertyTestArg -> ([String], PropertyCheck)
+getCheck (PropertyEOA pc) = ([], pc)
+getCheck (PropertyArg s pta ) = let (ss, pc) = getCheck pta in (s:ss, pc)
+data Property = Prop { unProp :: Gen PropertyTestArg }
+instance (Show a, Arbitrary a, IsProperty prop) => IsProperty (a -> prop) where
+    property p = forAll arbitrary p
+-- | Running a generator for a specific type under a property
+forAll :: (Show a, IsProperty prop) => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> Property
+forAll generator tst = Prop $ do
+    a <- generator
+    augment a <$> unProp (property (tst a))
+  where
+    augment a arg = PropertyArg (show a) arg
+-- | A property that check for equality of its 2 members.
+propertyCompare :: (Show a) => String -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> PropertyCheck
+propertyCompare s f a b =
+    let sa = show a
+        sb = show b
+     in PropertyBinaryOp (a `f` b) s sa sb
+(===) :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> PropertyCheck
+(===) = propertyCompare "==" (==)
+infix 4 ===
+propertyAnd = PropertyAnd
+data Test where
+  Group :: String -> [Test] -> Test
+  Property :: IsProperty prop => String -> prop -> Test
+arbitraryInt64 :: Gen Int64
+arbitraryInt64 = Gen $ do
+    h <- ask
+    W64# w <- liftIO (randomWord64 h)
+    return (I64# (unsafeCoerce# w))
+integralDownsize :: (Integral a) => Int64 -> a
+integralDownsize = fromIntegral
+wordDownsize :: (Integral a) => Word64 -> a
+wordDownsize = fromIntegral
+arbitraryWord64 :: Gen Word64
+arbitraryWord64 = Gen $ do
+    h <- ask
+    liftIO (randomWord64 h)
+instance Arbitrary Natural where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize . (`mod` 10000) . abs <$> arbitraryInt64
+-- Bounded by Int64
+instance Arbitrary Integer where
+    arbitrary = fromIntegral <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int where
+    arbitrary = int64ToInt <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Word where
+    arbitrary = word64ToWord <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word64 where
+    arbitrary = arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word32 where
+    arbitrary = wordDownsize <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word16 where
+    arbitrary = wordDownsize <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word8 where
+    arbitrary = wordDownsize <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Int64 where
+    arbitrary = arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int32 where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int16 where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int8 where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize <$> arbitraryInt64
+int64ToInt :: Int64 -> Int
+#if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 904
+int64ToInt (I64# i) = I# (int64ToInt# i)
+int64ToInt (I64# i) = I# i
+int64ToInt (I64# i) = I# (int64ToInt# i)
+word64ToWord :: Word64 -> Word
+#if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 904
+word64ToWord (W64# i) = W# (GHC.Prim.word64ToWord# i)
+word64ToWord (W64# i) = W# i
+word64ToWord (W64# i) = W# (word64ToWord# i)
+data RunS = RunS { depth :: Int, rg :: LCGGen  }
+newtype LCGGen = LCGGen { randomWord64 :: IO Word64 }
+data LCGParams = LCGParams { seed :: Word64, a :: Word64, c :: Word64, m :: Word64 }
+newLCGGen :: LCGParams -> IO LCGGen
+newLCGGen LCGParams{..}  = do
+  var <- newIORef (fromIntegral seed)
+  return $ LCGGen $ do
+    atomicModifyIORef' var (\old_v -> let new_val = (old_v * a + c) `mod` m in (new_val, new_val))
+runPropertyCheck (PropertyBinaryOp res desc s1 s2) =
+  if res then return True else (putMsg ("Failure: " ++ s1 ++ desc ++ s2) >> return False)
+runPropertyCheck (PropertyAnd a1 a2) = (&&) <$> runPropertyCheck a1 <*> runPropertyCheck a2
+runProperty :: Property -> ReaderT RunS IO ()
+runProperty (Prop p) = do
+  let iterations = 100
+  loop iterations iterations
+  where
+    loop iterations 0 = putMsg ("Passed " ++ show iterations ++ " iterations")
+    loop iterations n = do
+      h <- rg <$> ask
+      p <- liftIO (runReaderT (runGen p) h)
+      let (ss, pc) = getCheck p
+      res <- runPropertyCheck pc
+      if res then loop iterations (n-1)
+             else putMsg ("With arguments " ++ intercalate ", " ss)
+putMsg s = do
+  n <- depth <$> ask
+  liftIO . putStrLn $ replicate (n * 2) ' ' ++ s
+nest = local (\s -> s { depth = depth s + 1 })
+runTestInternal :: Test -> ReaderT RunS IO ()
+runTestInternal (Group name tests) = do
+  putMsg ("Group " ++ name)
+  nest (mapM_ runTestInternal tests)
+runTestInternal (Property name p) = do
+  putMsg ("Running " ++ name)
+  nest $ runProperty (property p)
+runTests :: Test -> IO ()
+runTests t = do
+  -- These params are the same ones as glibc uses.
+  h <- newLCGGen (LCGParams { seed = 1238123213, m = 2^31, a = 1103515245, c = 12345 })
+  runReaderT  (runTestInternal t) (RunS 0 h)
+testIntegral :: forall a . (Arbitrary a, Show a, Integral a, Typeable a)
+             => Proxy a -> Test
+testIntegral _ = Group "Integral"
+    [ Property "FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a" $ \(a :: a) -> fromInteger (toInteger a) === a
+    ]
+testEqOrd :: forall a . (Arbitrary a, Show a, Eq a, Ord a, Integral a, Typeable a)
+          => Proxy a -> Test
+testEqOrd _ = Group "Property"
+    [ Property "Eq" $ \(a :: a) -> a === a
+    -- , Property "Ne" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> if a === w
+    , Property "Show" $ \(a :: a) -> show a === show (toInteger a)
+    , Property "Ord" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> compare a b === (compare `on` toInteger) a b
+    , Property "<" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> case compare a b of
+                                                LT -> propertyCompare "<" (<) a b
+                                                GT -> propertyCompare "<" (<) b a
+                                                EQ -> propertyCompare "not <" ((not .) . (<)) a b `propertyAnd`
+                                                      propertyCompare "not <" ((not .) . (<)) b a
+    ]
+testAdditive :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Num a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+             => Proxy a -> Test
+testAdditive _ = Group "Additive"
+    [ Property "a + azero == a" $ \(a :: a) -> a + 0 === a
+    , Property "azero + a == a" $ \(a :: a) -> 0 + a === a
+    , Property "a + b == b + a" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> a + b === b + a
+    ]
+testMultiplicative :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Integral a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+                   => Proxy a -> Test
+testMultiplicative _ = Group "Multiplicative"
+    [ Property "a * 1 == a" $ \(a :: a) -> a * 1 === a
+    , Property "1 * a == a" $ \(a :: a) -> 1 * a === a
+    , Property "multiplication commutative" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> a * b === b * a
+    , Property "a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> a * b === fromInteger (toInteger a * toInteger b)
+    ]
+testDividible :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Integral a, Num a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+              => Proxy a -> Test
+testDividible _ = Group "Divisible"
+    [ Property "(x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x" $ \(a :: a) b ->
+            if b == 0 then True === True
+                      else a === (a `div` b) * b + (a `mod` b)
+    ]
+testOperatorPrecedence :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Prelude.Num a, Integral a, Num a,  Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+                       => Proxy a -> Test
+testOperatorPrecedence _ = Group "Precedence"
+    [ Property "+ and - (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a + b - c) === ((a + b) - c)
+    , Property "+ and - (2)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a - b + c) === ((a - b) + c)
+    , Property "+ and * (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a + b * c) === (a + (b * c))
+    , Property "+ and * (2)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a * b + c) === ((a * b) + c)
+    , Property "- and * (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a - b * c) === (a - (b * c))
+    , Property "- and * (2)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a * b - c) === ((a * b) - c)
+    , Property "* and ^ (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: Natural) (c :: a) -> (a ^ b * c) === ((a ^ b) * c)
+    , Property "* and ^ (2)" $ \(a :: a) (c :: Natural) (b :: a) -> (a * b ^ c) === (a * (b ^ c))
+    ]
+testNumber :: (Show a, Eq a, Prelude.Num a, Integral a, Num a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+           => String -> Proxy a -> Test
+testNumber name proxy = Group name
+    [ testIntegral proxy
+    , testEqOrd proxy
+    , testAdditive proxy
+    , testMultiplicative proxy
+    , testDividible proxy
+    , testOperatorPrecedence proxy
+    ]
+testNumberRefs :: Test
+testNumberRefs = Group "ALL"
+    [ testNumber "Int" (Proxy :: Proxy Int)
+    , testNumber "Int8" (Proxy :: Proxy Int8)
+    , testNumber "Int16" (Proxy :: Proxy Int16)
+    , testNumber "Int32" (Proxy :: Proxy Int32)
+    , testNumber "Int64" (Proxy :: Proxy Int64)
+    , testNumber "Integer" (Proxy :: Proxy Integer)
+    , testNumber "Word" (Proxy :: Proxy Word)
+    , testNumber "Word8" (Proxy :: Proxy Word8)
+    , testNumber "Word16" (Proxy :: Proxy Word16)
+    , testNumber "Word32" (Proxy :: Proxy Word32)
+    , testNumber "Word64" (Proxy :: Proxy Word64)
+    ]
+main = runTests testNumberRefs

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+Group ALL
+  Group Int
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int8
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int16
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int32
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int64
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Integer
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word8
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word16
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word32
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word64
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations

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