[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/nr/wasm-translation-prototypes] 2 commits: alternate prototype of typechecked call translation

Norman Ramsey (@nrnrnr) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Oct 14 15:09:08 UTC 2022

Norman Ramsey pushed to branch wip/nr/wasm-translation-prototypes at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

5cb2aedd by Norman Ramsey at 2022-10-14T10:21:07-04:00
alternate prototype of typechecked call translation

- - - - -
d18a6b28 by Norman Ramsey at 2022-10-14T11:08:47-04:00
relatively clean type-preserving translation

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Wasm/IR.hs
- compiler/GHC/Wasm/Tx.hs


@@ -17,10 +17,17 @@ module GHC.Wasm.IR
   , WasmType(..), WasmTypeTag(..)
   , TypeList(..)
-  , RevAppend, Reverse
   , WasmFunctionType(..)
+  , RevAppend, Reverse
+  , revappTags, reverseTags
   , SymName(..)
+  , WasmCall(..)
+  , wasmCallResultTypesReversed
+  , wasmCallArgTypesReversed
@@ -150,6 +157,12 @@ data WasmIR :: WasmType -> [WasmType] -> [WasmType] -> Type where
            -> TypeList restys
            -> SymName
            -> WasmIR bool (RevAppend argtys '[]) (RevAppend restys '[])
+        -- if '[] is generalized to a variable, then the type fails
+        -- the ambiguity check (RevAppend is non-injective)
+  WasmCall' :: WasmCall bool pre post -> WasmIR bool pre post
       :: WasmTypeTag t -- type of function value on stack
@@ -160,6 +173,35 @@ data WasmIR :: WasmType -> [WasmType] -> [WasmType] -> Type where
   WasmNop :: WasmIR bool stack stack -- translation of empty list of expressions
+data WasmCall :: WasmType -> [WasmType] -> [WasmType] -> Type where
+  WasmCallDirect    :: SymName -> WasmCall bool stack stack
+  WasmCallAddResult :: WasmTypeTag t
+                    -> WasmCall bool pre post
+                    -> WasmCall bool pre (t : post)
+  WasmCallAddArg    :: WasmTypeTag t
+                    -> WasmCall bool pre post
+                    -> WasmCall bool (t : pre) post
+wasmCallResultTypesReversed :: WasmCall bool pre post
+                    -> (forall ts . TypeList ts -> a)
+                    -> a
+wasmCallResultTypesReversed (WasmCallDirect _) k = k TypeListNil
+wasmCallResultTypesReversed (WasmCallAddArg _ call) k = wasmCallResultTypesReversed call k
+wasmCallResultTypesReversed (WasmCallAddResult t call) k =
+  wasmCallResultTypesReversed call $ \ ts -> k (TypeListCons t ts)
+wasmCallArgTypesReversed :: WasmCall bool pre post
+                    -> (forall ts . TypeList ts -> a)
+                    -> a
+wasmCallArgTypesReversed (WasmCallDirect _) k = k TypeListNil
+wasmCallArgTypesReversed (WasmCallAddResult _ call) k = wasmCallArgTypesReversed call k
+wasmCallArgTypesReversed (WasmCallAddArg t call) k =
+  wasmCallArgTypesReversed call $ \ ts -> k (TypeListCons t ts)
+data WasmLocals :: [WasmType] -> Type where
+  WasmNoLocals :: WasmLocals '[]
+  WasmPopLocal :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmLocal -> WasmLocals ts -> WasmLocals (t : ts)
 type RevAppend :: forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
 type family RevAppend xs ys where
@@ -171,7 +213,12 @@ type family Reverse xs where
   Reverse xs = RevAppend xs '[]
+revappTags :: TypeList ts -> TypeList us -> TypeList (RevAppend ts us)
+revappTags TypeListNil ys = ys
+revappTags (TypeListCons t ts) ys = revappTags ts (TypeListCons t ys)
+reverseTags :: TypeList ts -> TypeList (Reverse ts)
+reverseTags ts = revappTags ts TypeListNil

@@ -15,11 +15,16 @@ module GHC.Wasm.Tx
   , exprs
   , node
+  , node'
   , setLocals
   , WasmLocal(..)
   , WasmAction, WasmTopAction
+  , addCallResults
+  , addCallArguments
@@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ import Data.Type.Equality
 import qualified GHC.Cmm.Type as CT
 import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
-    import GHC.Cmm.Expr hiding (node)
+import GHC.Cmm.Expr hiding (node)
 import GHC.Cmm.Node
 import GHC.Platform
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))
@@ -129,9 +134,22 @@ expr expr k =
     CmmMachOp (MO_S_Ge w) es -> wasmCompare w es WasmS_Ge k
-    _ -> panic "unimplemented"
+    _ -> panic "`expr` is just a demo; only a few cases are implemented"
+-- | Translate a list of Cmm expressions
+exprs :: CG bool codegen
+       => [CmmExpr]
+       -> (forall ts . TypeList ts -> WasmExprs bool ts -> codegen bool a)
+       -> codegen bool a
+exprs [] k = k TypeListNil WasmNop
+exprs (e:es) k = -- first expression is oldest on stack
+  exprs es $ \ts codes ->
+    expr e $ \t code ->
+      k (TypeListCons t ts) (code <> codes)
------- Types of all the translation functions
+------ Types of all the other translation functions
 -- | Cmm integer and floating-point literals (with zero operands)
@@ -179,7 +197,6 @@ wasmCompare ::
 wasmNullaryInt w operator k =
   withIntWidthTag w $ \tag -> k tag (operator tag)
 wasmNullaryFloat w operator k =
   withFloatWidthTag w $ \tag -> k tag (operator tag)
@@ -237,40 +254,51 @@ withFloatWidthTag CT.W64 k = k TagF64
 withFloatWidthTag w _ = panic $ "width " ++ show w ++ " not supported on wasm target"
--- new and experimental
+-- two different prototypes for calling unsafe C functions
-type WasmExprs bool ts = (forall stack . WasmIR bool stack (RevAppend ts stack))
--- | Translate a list of Cmm expressions
-exprs :: CG bool codegen
-       => [CmmExpr]
-       -> (forall ts . TypeList ts -> WasmExprs bool ts -> codegen bool a)
-       -> codegen bool a
-exprs [] k = k TypeListNil WasmNop
-exprs (e:es) k = -- first expression is oldest on stack
-  exprs es $ \ts codes ->
-    expr e $ \t code ->
-      k (TypeListCons t ts) (code <> codes)
+-- Prototype 1: Call instruction is limited to empty stack, but
+-- the representation of calls is relatively simple
+-- more special cases of the IR:
+type WasmExprs bool ts = forall stack . WasmIR bool stack (RevAppend ts stack)
+type WasmAction    bool = forall stack . WasmIR bool stack stack
+type WasmTopAction bool = WasmIR bool '[] '[]
-type WasmAction bool = (forall stack . WasmIR bool stack stack)
-type WasmTopAction bool = (WasmIR bool '[] '[])
 -- | Translate an open-open Cmm node (action)
 node :: CG bool codegen
      => CmmNode O O
      -> (WasmTopAction bool -> codegen bool a)
-           -- using WasmAction here, I can't get the code to typecheck
+           -- has to be WasmTopAction, not WasmAction, because the
+           -- type of the WasmCall instruction would be ambiguous otherwise
            -- (non-injectivity of RevAppend)
      -> codegen bool a
 node (CmmUnsafeForeignCall (ForeignTarget target _cconv) results arguments) k =
-    -- ran out of time to deal with result registers
     exprs arguments $ \argtys arg_codes ->
       localRegs results $ \restys xs ->
         wasmCall argtys restys target $ \code ->
           k (arg_codes <> code <> setLocals restys xs)
-node _ _ = panic "more cases needed"
+node _ _ = panic "`node` is just a demo; only a few cases are implemented"
+-- | use the CG monad to find the types and locations of local registers
+localRegs :: CG bool codegen
+      => [LocalReg]
+      -> (forall ts . TypeList ts -> [WasmLocal] -> codegen bool a)
+      -> codegen bool a
+localRegs [] k = k TypeListNil []
+localRegs (r:rs) k =
+  localRegs rs $ \ts xs ->
+    cpsLocalReg r $ \t x ->
+      k (TypeListCons t ts) (x:xs)
 -- | Generate a Wasm call to a Cmm expression
 wasmCall :: CG bool codegen
@@ -289,22 +317,93 @@ wasmCall argtypes restypes e k =
 setLocals :: TypeList ts -> [WasmLocal] -> WasmIR bool (RevAppend ts stack) stack
 setLocals TypeListNil [] = WasmNop
 setLocals (TypeListCons t ts) (x:xs) = setLocals ts xs <> WasmSetLocal t x
-setLocals _ _ = panic "this can't happen -- rewrite code to make it obvious?"
+setLocals _ _ =
+    panic "this can't happen -- rewrite code to make it obvious to the type checker?"
--- | use the CG monad to find the types and locations of local registers
-localRegs :: CG bool codegen
-      => [LocalReg]
-      -> (forall ts . TypeList ts -> [WasmLocal] -> codegen bool a)
-      -> codegen bool a
-localRegs [] k = k TypeListNil []
-localRegs (r:rs) k =
-  localRegs rs $ \ts xs ->
-    cpsLocalReg r $ \t x ->
-      k (TypeListCons t ts) (x:xs)
+-- Prototype 2: Call instruction has a more complicated
+-- representation, but it has a fully general type which is
+-- established by the translation.
+node' :: CG bool codegen
+      => CmmNode O O
+      -> (forall stack . WasmIR bool stack stack -> codegen bool a)
+      -> codegen bool a
+node' (CmmUnsafeForeignCall (ForeignTarget target _cconv) results arguments) k =
+  case target of
+    CmmLit (CmmLabel callee) -> call (symNameFromCLabel callee) arguments results k
+    _ -> panic "indirect calls aren't implemented yet"
+node' _ _ = panic "`node'` is just a demo; only a few cases are implemented"
+-- Here's the idea: start with a "bare" call, then build up the call's
+-- argument types and result types incrementally.  As each result type
+-- is accumulated, the code that pops the result is accumulated as
+-- well.  Likewise the argument types.  This one-for-one matching is
+-- what enables the code to typecheck.
+-- | Given a call target and a list of result registers, call a
+-- given continuation with an augmented call and a sequence of pops.
+-- The `mid` stack is the original stack plus all the results pushed
+-- by the call.  The `pre` stack is the state of the stack before the
+-- first argument is pushed, which is also the state of the stack
+-- after the last results is popped.
+addCallResults :: CG bool codegen
+               => WasmCall bool pre pre
+               -> [LocalReg]
+               -> (forall stack mid .
+                   WasmCall bool stack mid -> WasmIR bool mid stack -> codegen bool a)
+               -> codegen bool a
+addCallResults target [] k = k target WasmNop
+addCallResults target (reg:regs) k =
+  cpsLocalReg reg $ \t x ->
+    addCallResults target regs $ \call pops ->
+      k (WasmCallAddResult t call) (WasmSetLocal t x <> pops)
+-- | Given a call that has its result types but not its argument
+-- types, and a sequence of pops, and a list of actual parameters
+-- (expressions), call a given continuation with a sequence of pushes,
+-- an augmented call, and a sequence of pops.  As before, the `mid`
+-- stack is the original stack plus all the results pushed by the
+-- call.
+addCallArguments :: CG bool codegen
+                 => [CmmExpr]
+                 -> WasmCall bool stack mid
+                 -> WasmIR bool mid stack
+                 -> (forall stack stack_with_args stack_with_results .
+                       WasmIR   bool stack              stack_with_args ->
+                       WasmCall bool stack_with_args    stack_with_results ->
+                       WasmIR   bool stack_with_results stack ->
+                       codegen bool a)
+                 -> codegen bool a
+addCallArguments [] call pops k = k WasmNop call pops
+addCallArguments (e : es) call pops k =
+  addCallArguments es call pops $ \ pushes call pops ->
+    expr e $ \t push ->
+      k (pushes <> push) (WasmCallAddArg t call) pops
+-- | Given a call's target, its actual parameters, and its results
+-- registers, translate the call into a sequence of Wasm instructions,
+-- ultimately leaving the stack unchanged.  (CPS as usual.)
+call :: CG bool codegen
+     => SymName
+     -> [CmmExpr]
+     -> [LocalReg]
+     -> (forall stack . WasmIR bool stack stack -> codegen bool a)
+     -> codegen bool a
+call target es regs k =
+  addCallResults (WasmCallDirect target) regs $ \call pops ->
+    addCallArguments es call pops $ \ pushes call pops ->
+      k $ pushes <> WasmCall' call <> pops
 symNameFromCLabel :: CLabel -> SymName
 symNameFromCLabel lbl =
   fromString $

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