[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] Refactor renaming functions from Compactor module into the Linker

Josh Meredith (@JoshMeredith) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Oct 14 12:26:27 UTC 2022

Josh Meredith pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

89db61b6 by Josh Meredith at 2022-10-14T12:26:02+00:00
Refactor renaming functions from Compactor module into the Linker

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- − compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Compactor.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Linker.hs


compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Compactor.hs deleted
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections       #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
--- |
--- Module      :  GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Compactor
--- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
--- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
--- Maintainer  :  Luite Stegeman <luite.stegeman at iohk.io>
---                Sylvain Henry  <sylvain.henry at iohk.io>
---                Jeffrey Young  <jeffrey.young at iohk.io>
---                Josh Meredith  <josh.meredith at iohk.io>
--- Stability   :  experimental
--- The compactor does link-time optimization. It is much simpler than the
--- Optimizer, no fancy dataflow analysis here.
--- Optimizations:
--- - rewrite all variables starting with h$$ to shorter names, these are internal names
--- - write all function metadata compactly
--- Note: - This module is not yet complete (as of 23/09/2022), for the complete
--- version to adapt see GHCJS's Gen2/Compactor.hs module. For now we have only
--- the functions that constitue the API for the module so that the JS Backend
--- Linker and RTS can compile and run.
-module GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Compactor
-  ( compact
-  ) where
-import           GHC.Utils.Panic
-import           GHC.Utils.Misc
-import           GHC.Types.Unique.Map
-import           GHC.Types.Unique.Set
-import           GHC.Types.Unique.DSet
-import           Control.Applicative
-import           GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict
-import           Data.Function
-import           Data.Bifunctor (second)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
-import qualified Data.Graph as G
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import           Data.Map (Map)
-import           Data.Int
-import qualified Data.List as List
-import           Data.Maybe
-import           GHC.Data.FastString
-import           GHC.JS.Syntax
-import           GHC.JS.Make
-import           GHC.JS.Transform
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Printer             (pretty)
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Types
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Types
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Closure
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Arg
-import Prelude
-import GHC.Utils.Encoding
-renameInternals :: HasDebugCallStack
-                => JSLinkConfig
-                -> StgToJSConfig
-                -> CompactorState
-                -> [FastString]
-                -> [LinkedUnit]
-                -> (CompactorState, [JStat], JStat)
-renameInternals ln_cfg cfg cs0 rtsDeps stats0a = (cs, stats, meta)
-  where
-    (stbs, stats0) = (if lcDedupe ln_cfg
-                      then dedupeBodies rtsDeps . dedupe rtsDeps
-                      else (mempty,)) stats0a
-    ((stats, meta), cs) = runState renamed cs0
-    renamed :: State CompactorState ([JStat], JStat)
-    renamed
-      | True = do
-        cs <- get
-        let renamedStats = map (identsS' (lookupRenamed cs) . lu_js_code) stats0
-            statics      = map (renameStaticInfo cs)  $
-                               concatMap lu_statics stats0
-            infos        = map (renameClosureInfo cs) $
-                               concatMap lu_closures stats0
-            -- render metadata as individual statements
-            meta = mconcat (map staticDeclStat statics) <>
-                   identsS' (lookupRenamed cs) stbs <>
-                   mconcat (map (staticInitStat $ csProf cfg) statics) <>
-                   mconcat (map (closureInfoStat True) infos)
-        return (renamedStats, meta)
--- | initialize a global object. all global objects have to be declared (staticInfoDecl) first
---   (this is only used with -debug, normal init would go through the static data table)
-staticInitStat :: Bool         -- ^ profiling enabled
-               -> StaticInfo
-               -> JStat
-staticInitStat _prof (StaticInfo i sv cc) =
-  case sv of
-    StaticData con args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var con, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
-    StaticFun  f   args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var f, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
-    StaticList args mt   ->
-      appS "h$stl" ([var i, jsStaticArgs args, toJExpr $ maybe null_ (toJExpr . TxtI) mt] ++ ccArg)
-    StaticThunk (Just (f,args)) ->
-      appS "h$stc" ([var i, var f, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
-    _                    -> mempty
-  where
-    ccArg = maybeToList (fmap toJExpr cc)
--- | declare and do first-pass init of a global object (create JS object for heap objects)
-staticDeclStat :: StaticInfo -> JStat
-staticDeclStat (StaticInfo global_name static_value _) = decl
-  where
-    global_ident = TxtI global_name
-    decl_init v  = global_ident ||= v
-    decl_no_init = appS "h$di" [toJExpr global_ident]
-    decl = case static_value of
-      StaticUnboxed u     -> decl_init (unboxed_expr u)
-      StaticThunk Nothing -> decl_no_init -- CAF initialized in an alternative way
-      _                   -> decl_init (app "h$d" [])
-    unboxed_expr = \case
-      StaticUnboxedBool b          -> app "h$p" [toJExpr b]
-      StaticUnboxedInt i           -> app "h$p" [toJExpr i]
-      StaticUnboxedDouble d        -> app "h$p" [toJExpr (unSaneDouble d)]
-      StaticUnboxedString str      -> app "h$rawStringData" [ValExpr (to_byte_list str)]
-      StaticUnboxedStringOffset {} -> 0
-    to_byte_list = JList . map (Int . fromIntegral) . BS.unpack
-lookupRenamed :: CompactorState -> Ident -> Ident
-lookupRenamed cs i@(TxtI t) =
-  fromMaybe i (lookupUniqMap (csNameMap cs) t)
--- | rename a compactor info entry according to the compactor state (no new renamings are added)
-renameClosureInfo :: CompactorState
-                  -> ClosureInfo
-                  -> ClosureInfo
-renameClosureInfo cs (ClosureInfo v rs n l t s)  =
-  ClosureInfo (renameV v) rs n l t (f s)
-    where
-      renameV t = maybe t itxt (lookupUniqMap m t)
-      m                   = csNameMap cs
-      f (CIStaticRefs rs) = CIStaticRefs (map renameV rs)
--- | rename a static info entry according to the compactor state (no new renamings are added)
-renameStaticInfo :: CompactorState
-                 -> StaticInfo
-                 -> StaticInfo
-renameStaticInfo cs = staticIdents renameIdent
-  where
-    renameIdent t = maybe t itxt (lookupUniqMap (csNameMap cs) t)
-staticIdents :: (FastString -> FastString)
-             -> StaticInfo
-             -> StaticInfo
-staticIdents f (StaticInfo i v cc) = StaticInfo (f i) (staticIdentsV f v) cc
-staticIdentsV ::(FastString -> FastString) -> StaticVal -> StaticVal
-staticIdentsV f (StaticFun i args) = StaticFun (f i) (staticIdentsA f <$> args)
-staticIdentsV f (StaticThunk (Just (i, args))) = StaticThunk . Just $
-                                                 (f i, staticIdentsA f <$> args)
-staticIdentsV f (StaticData con args) = StaticData (f con) (staticIdentsA f <$> args)
-staticIdentsV f (StaticList xs t)              = StaticList (staticIdentsA f <$> xs) (f <$> t)
-staticIdentsV _ x                              = x
-staticIdentsA :: (FastString -> FastString) -> StaticArg -> StaticArg
-staticIdentsA f (StaticObjArg t) = StaticObjArg $! f t
-staticIdentsA _ x = x
-compact :: JSLinkConfig
-        -> StgToJSConfig
-        -> CompactorState
-        -> [FastString]
-        -> [LinkedUnit]
-        -> (CompactorState, [JStat], JStat)
-compact ln_cfg cfg cs0 rtsDeps0 input0
-  =
-  let rtsDeps1 = rtsDeps0 ++
-                 map (<> "_e") rtsDeps0 ++
-                 map (<> "_con_e") rtsDeps0
-  in  renameInternals ln_cfg cfg cs0 rtsDeps1 input0
--- hash compactification
-dedupeBodies :: [FastString]
-             -> [LinkedUnit]
-             -> (JStat, [LinkedUnit])
-dedupeBodies rtsDeps input = (renderBuildFunctions bfN bfCB, input')
-  where
-    (bfN, bfCB, input') = rewriteBodies globals hdefsR hdefs input
-    hdefs   = M.fromListWith (\(s,ks1) (_,ks2) -> (s, ks1++ks2))
-                             (map (\(k, s, bs) -> (bs, (s, [k]))) hdefs0)
-    hdefsR  = listToUniqMap $ map (\(k, _, bs) -> (k, bs)) hdefs0
-    hdefs0 :: [(FastString, Int, BS.ByteString)]
-    hdefs0  = concatMap ((map (\(k,h) ->
-                            let (s,fh, _deps) = finalizeHash' h
-                            in (k, s, fh))
-                        . hashDefinitions globals) . lu_js_code)
-                        input
-    globals = List.foldl' delOneFromUniqSet (findAllGlobals input) rtsDeps
-renderBuildFunctions :: [BuildFunction] -> [BuildFunction] -> JStat
-renderBuildFunctions normalBfs cycleBreakerBfs =
-  cycleBr1 <> mconcat (map renderBuildFunction normalBfs) <> cycleBr2
-  where
-    renderCbr f = mconcat (zipWith f cycleBreakerBfs [1..])
-    cbName :: Int -> FastString
-    cbName = mkFastString . ("h$$$cb"++) . show
-    cycleBr1 = renderCbr $ \bf n ->
-      let args = map (TxtI . mkFastString . ('a':) . show) [1..bfArgs bf]
-          body = ReturnStat $ ApplExpr (ValExpr (JVar (TxtI $ cbName n)))
-                                       (map (ValExpr . JVar) args)
-          bfn = bfName bf
-      in  (TxtI bfn) ||= (ValExpr (JFunc args body))
-    cycleBr2 = renderCbr $ \bf n -> renderBuildFunction (bf { bfName = cbName n })
-data BuildFunction = BuildFunction
-  { bfName    :: !FastString
-  , bfBuilder :: !Ident
-  , bfDeps    :: [FastString]
-  , bfArgs    :: !Int
-  } deriving (Eq, Show)
-  Stack frame initialization order is important when code is reused:
-    all dependencies have to be ready when the closure is built.
-  This function sorts the initializers and returns an additional list
-    of cycle breakers, which are built in a two-step fashion
- -}
-sortBuildFunctions :: [BuildFunction] -> ([BuildFunction], [BuildFunction])
-sortBuildFunctions bfs = (map snd normBFs, map snd cbBFs)
-  where
-    (normBFs, cbBFs) = List.partition (not.fst) . concatMap fromSCC $ sccs bfs
-    bfm :: UniqMap FastString BuildFunction
-    bfm = listToUniqMap (map (\x -> (bfName x, x)) bfs)
-    fromSCC :: G.SCC LexicalFastString -> [(Bool, BuildFunction)]
-    fromSCC (G.AcyclicSCC (LexicalFastString x)) = [(False, fromJust $ lookupUniqMap bfm x)]
-    fromSCC (G.CyclicSCC xs) = breakCycles $ map (\(LexicalFastString f) -> f) xs
-    sccs :: [BuildFunction] -> [G.SCC LexicalFastString]
-    sccs b = G.stronglyConnComp $
-      map (\bf -> let n = bfName bf in (LexicalFastString n, LexicalFastString n, map LexicalFastString $ bfDeps bf)) b
-    {-
-       finding the maximum acyclic subgraph is the Minimum Feedback Arc Set problem,
-       which is NP-complete. We use an approximation here.
-     -}
-    breakCycles :: [FastString] -> [(Bool, BuildFunction)]
-    breakCycles nodes =
-      (True, fromJust $ lookupUniqMap bfm selected)
-      : concatMap fromSCC (sccs (map (fromJust . lookupUniqMap bfm) $ filter (/=selected) nodes))
-      where
-        outDeg, inDeg :: UniqMap FastString Int
-        outDeg = listToUniqMap $ map (\n -> (n, length (bfDeps (fromJust $ lookupUniqMap bfm n)))) nodes
-        inDeg  = listToUniqMap_C (+) (map (,1) . concatMap (bfDeps . (fromJust . lookupUniqMap bfm)) $ nodes)
-        -- ELS heuristic (Eades et. al.)
-        selected :: FastString
-        selected = List.maximumBy (compare `on` (\x -> fromJust (lookupUniqMap outDeg x) - fromJust (lookupUniqMap inDeg x))) nodes
-rewriteBodies :: UniqSet FastString
-              -> UniqMap FastString BS.ByteString
-              -> Map BS.ByteString (Int, [FastString])
-              -> [LinkedUnit]
-              -> ([BuildFunction], [BuildFunction], [LinkedUnit])
-rewriteBodies globals idx1 idx2 input = (bfsNormal, bfsCycleBreaker, input')
-  where
-    (bfs1, input')               = unzip (map rewriteBlock input)
-    (bfsNormal, bfsCycleBreaker) = sortBuildFunctions (concat bfs1)
-    -- this index only contains the entries we actually want to dedupe
-    idx2' :: Map BS.ByteString (Int, [FastString])
-    idx2' = M.filter (\(s, xs) -> dedupeBody (length xs) s) idx2
-    rewriteBlock :: LinkedUnit -> ([BuildFunction], LinkedUnit)
-    rewriteBlock (LinkedUnit st cis sis) =
-      let (bfs, st') = rewriteFunctions st
-      -- remove the declarations for things that we just deduped
-          st''       = removeDecls (mkUniqSet $ map bfName bfs) st'
-      in  (bfs, LinkedUnit st'' cis sis)
-    removeDecls :: UniqSet FastString -> JStat -> JStat
-    removeDecls t (BlockStat ss) = BlockStat (map (removeDecls t) ss)
-    removeDecls t (DeclStat (TxtI i) _)
-      | elementOfUniqSet i t = mempty
-    removeDecls _ s = s
-    rewriteFunctions :: JStat -> ([BuildFunction], JStat)
-    rewriteFunctions (BlockStat ss) =
-      let (bfs, ss') = unzip (map rewriteFunctions ss)
-      in  (concat bfs, BlockStat ss')
-    rewriteFunctions (AssignStat (ValExpr (JVar (TxtI i)))
-                                 (ValExpr (JFunc args st)))
-      | Just h         <- lookupUniqMap idx1  i
-      , Just (_s, his) <- M.lookup h idx2' =
-          let (bf, st') = rewriteFunction i h his args st in ([bf], st')
-    rewriteFunctions x = ([], x)
-    rewriteFunction :: FastString
-                    -> BS.ByteString
-                    -> [FastString]
-                    -> [Ident]
-                    -> JStat
-                    -> (BuildFunction, JStat)
-    rewriteFunction i h his args body
-      | i == iFirst = (bf, createFunction i idx g args body)
-      | otherwise   = (bf, mempty)
-       where
-          bf :: BuildFunction
-          bf       = BuildFunction i (buildFunId idx) g (length args)
-          g :: [FastString]
-          g        = findGlobals globals body
-          iFirst   = head his
-          Just idx = M.lookupIndex h idx2'
-    createFunction :: FastString
-                   -> Int
-                   -> [FastString]
-                   -> [Ident]
-                   -> JStat
-                   -> JStat
-    createFunction _i idx g args body =
-      bi ||= ValExpr (JFunc bargs bbody)
-      where
-        ng    = length g
-        bi    = buildFunId idx
-        bargs :: [Ident]
-        bargs = map (TxtI . mkFastString . ("h$$$g"++) . show) [1..ng]
-        bgm :: UniqMap FastString Ident
-        bgm   = listToUniqMap (zip g bargs)
-        bbody :: JStat
-        bbody = ReturnStat (ValExpr $ JFunc args ibody)
-        ibody :: JStat
-        ibody = identsS' (\ti@(TxtI i) -> fromMaybe ti (lookupUniqMap bgm i)) body
-renderBuildFunction :: BuildFunction -> JStat
-renderBuildFunction (BuildFunction i bfid deps _nargs) =
-  (TxtI i) ||= (ApplExpr (ValExpr (JVar bfid)) (map (ValExpr . JVar . TxtI) deps))
-dedupeBody :: Int -> Int -> Bool
-dedupeBody n size
-  | n < 2          = False
-  | size * n > 200 = True
-  | n > 6          = True
-  | otherwise      = False
-buildFunId :: Int -> Ident
-buildFunId i = TxtI (mkFastString $ "h$$$f" ++ show i)
--- result is ordered, does not contain duplicates
-findGlobals :: UniqSet FastString -> JStat -> [FastString]
-findGlobals globals stat = filter isGlobal . map itxt . uniqDSetToList $ identsS stat
-  where
-    locals     = mkUniqSet (findLocals stat)
-    isGlobal i = elementOfUniqSet i globals && not (elementOfUniqSet i locals)
-findLocals :: JStat -> [FastString]
-findLocals (BlockStat ss)        = concatMap findLocals ss
-findLocals (DeclStat (TxtI i) _) = [i]
-findLocals _                     = []
-data HashIdx = HashIdx (UniqMap FastString Hash) (Map Hash FastString)
-dedupe :: [FastString]
-       -> [LinkedUnit]
-       -> [LinkedUnit]
-dedupe rtsDeps input
---  | dumpHashIdx idx
-  =
-  map (dedupeBlock idx) input
-  where
-    idx    = HashIdx hashes hr
-    hashes0 = buildHashes rtsDeps input
-    hashes  = List.foldl' delFromUniqMap hashes0 rtsDeps
-    -- Adding to a map, and selecting a deterministic element on overlapping keys
-    -- using pickShortest avoids the non-determinism introduced by nonDetEltsUniqMap.
-    hr     = M.fromListWith pickShortest $
-             map (\(i, h) -> (h, i)) (nonDetEltsUniqMap hashes)
-    pickShortest :: FastString -> FastString -> FastString
-    pickShortest x y
-      | x == y                                    = x
-      | lengthFS x < lengthFS y                   = x
-      | lengthFS x > lengthFS y                   = y
-      | LexicalFastString x < LexicalFastString y = x -- these are the same length, so pick the
-      | otherwise                                 = y -- lexically first one for determinism
-dedupeBlock :: HashIdx
-            -> LinkedUnit
-            -> LinkedUnit
-dedupeBlock hi (LinkedUnit st ci si) = LinkedUnit
-  { lu_js_code  = dedupeStat hi st
-  , lu_closures = mapMaybe (dedupeClosureInfo hi) ci
-  , lu_statics  = mapMaybe (dedupeStaticInfo hi) si
-  }
-dedupeStat :: HashIdx -> JStat -> JStat
-dedupeStat hi = go
-  where
-    go (BlockStat ss) = BlockStat (map go ss)
-    go s@(DeclStat (TxtI i) _)
-      | not (isCanon hi i) = mempty
-      | otherwise          = s
-    go (AssignStat v@(ValExpr (JVar (TxtI i))) e)
-      | not (isCanon hi i) = mempty
-      | otherwise          = AssignStat v (identsE' (toCanonI hi) e)
-    -- rewrite identifiers in e
-    go s = identsS' (toCanonI hi) s
-dedupeClosureInfo :: HashIdx -> ClosureInfo -> Maybe ClosureInfo
-dedupeClosureInfo hi (ClosureInfo i rs n l ty st)
-  | isCanon hi i = Just (ClosureInfo i rs n l ty (dedupeCIStatic hi st))
-dedupeClosureInfo _ _ = Nothing
-dedupeStaticInfo :: HashIdx -> StaticInfo -> Maybe StaticInfo
-dedupeStaticInfo hi (StaticInfo i val ccs)
-  | isCanon hi i = Just (StaticInfo i (dedupeStaticVal hi val) ccs)
-dedupeStaticInfo _ _ = Nothing
-dedupeCIStatic :: HashIdx -> CIStatic -> CIStatic
-dedupeCIStatic hi (CIStaticRefs refs) = CIStaticRefs (List.nub $ map (toCanon hi) refs)
-dedupeStaticVal :: HashIdx -> StaticVal -> StaticVal
-dedupeStaticVal hi (StaticFun t args) =
-  StaticFun (toCanon hi t) (map (dedupeStaticArg hi) args)
-dedupeStaticVal hi (StaticThunk (Just (o, args))) =
-  StaticThunk (Just (toCanon hi o, map (dedupeStaticArg hi) args))
-dedupeStaticVal hi (StaticData dcon args) =
-  StaticData (toCanon hi dcon) (map (dedupeStaticArg hi) args)
-dedupeStaticVal hi (StaticList args lt) =
-  StaticList (map (dedupeStaticArg hi) args) (fmap (toCanon hi) lt)
-dedupeStaticVal _ v = v -- unboxed value or thunk with alt init, no rewrite needed
-dedupeStaticArg :: HashIdx -> StaticArg -> StaticArg
-dedupeStaticArg hi (StaticObjArg o)
-  = StaticObjArg (toCanon hi o)
-dedupeStaticArg hi (StaticConArg c args)
-  = StaticConArg (toCanon hi c)
-                 (map (dedupeStaticArg hi) args)
-dedupeStaticArg _hi a at StaticLitArg{}    = a
-isCanon :: HashIdx -> FastString -> Bool
-isCanon (HashIdx a b) t
-  | Nothing <- la = True
-  | Just h  <- la
-  , Just t' <- M.lookup h b = t == t'
-  | otherwise = False
-  where la = lookupUniqMap a t
-toCanon :: HashIdx -> FastString -> FastString
-toCanon (HashIdx a b) t
-  | Just h  <- lookupUniqMap a t
-  , Just t' <- M.lookup h b = t'
-  | otherwise = t
-toCanonI :: HashIdx -> Ident -> Ident
-toCanonI hi (TxtI x) = TxtI $ toCanon hi x
-type Hash = (BS.ByteString, [LexicalFastString])
-data HashBuilder = HashBuilder !BB.Builder ![FastString]
-instance Monoid HashBuilder where
-  mempty = HashBuilder mempty mempty
-instance Semigroup HashBuilder where
-  (<>) (HashBuilder b1 l1) (HashBuilder b2 l2) =
-    HashBuilder (b1 <> b2) (l1 <> l2)
-dumpHashIdx :: HashIdx -> Bool
-dumpHashIdx hi@(HashIdx ma mb) =
-  let ks = M.keys ma
-      difCanon i = let i' = toCanon hi i
-                   in if i == i' then Nothing else Just i'
-      writeHashIdx = do
-        putStrLn "writing hash idx"
-        T.writeFile "hashidx.txt"
-          (T.unlines . sort $ mapMaybe (\i -> fmap ((i <> " -> ") <>) (difCanon i)) ks)
-        putStrLn "writing full hash idx"
-        T.writeFile "hashIdxFull.txt"
-          (T.unlines . sort $ M.keys ma)
-  in unsafePerformIO writeHashIdx `seq` True
--- debug thing
-dumpHashes' :: [(JStat, [ClosureInfo], [StaticInfo])] -> Bool
-dumpHashes' input =
-  let hashes      = buildHashes input
-      writeHashes = do
-        putStrLn "writing hashes"
-        BL.writeFile "hashes.json" (Aeson.encode $ dumpHashes hashes)
-  in unsafePerformIO writeHashes `seq` True
-buildHashes :: [FastString] -> [LinkedUnit] -> UniqMap FastString Hash
-buildHashes rtsDeps xss
-  -- - | dumpHashes0 hashes0
-  = fixHashes (mapUniqMap finalizeHash hashes0)
-  where
-    globals = List.foldl' delOneFromUniqSet (findAllGlobals xss) rtsDeps
-    hashes0 = foldl plusUniqMap emptyUniqMap (map buildHashesBlock xss)
-    buildHashesBlock (LinkedUnit st cis sis) =
-      let hdefs = hashDefinitions globals st
-          hcis  = map hashClosureInfo cis
-          hsis  = map hashStaticInfo (filter (not . ignoreStatic) sis)
-      in  listToUniqMap (combineHashes hdefs hcis ++ hsis)
-findAllGlobals :: [LinkedUnit] -> UniqSet FastString
-findAllGlobals xss = mkUniqSet $ concatMap f xss
-  where
-    f (LinkedUnit _js_code closures statics) =
-      map (\(ClosureInfo i _ _ _ _ _) -> i) closures ++
-      map (\(StaticInfo i _ _) -> i) statics
-fixHashes :: UniqMap FastString Hash -> UniqMap FastString Hash
-fixHashes hashes = fmap (second (map replaceHash)) hashes
-  where
-    replaceHash :: LexicalFastString -> LexicalFastString
-    replaceHash h'@(LexicalFastString h) = maybe h' (LexicalFastString . mkFastString) (lookupUniqMap finalHashes h)
-    hashText  bs = "h$$$" <> utf8DecodeByteString bs
-    sccs :: [[FastString]]
-    sccs         = map fromSCC $
-                   G.stronglyConnComp (map (\(k, (_bs, deps)) -> (k, LexicalFastString k, deps)) kvs)
-    kvs          = List.sortOn (LexicalFastString . fst) $ nonDetEltsUniqMap hashes -- sort lexically to avoid non-determinism
-    ks           = fst $ unzip kvs
-    invDeps      = listToUniqMap_C (++) (concatMap mkInvDeps kvs)
-    mkInvDeps (k, (_, ds)) = map (\(LexicalFastString d) -> (d,[k])) ds
-    finalHashes  = fmap hashText (fixHashesIter 500 invDeps ks ks sccs hashes mempty)
-fromSCC :: G.SCC a -> [a]
-fromSCC (G.AcyclicSCC x) = [x]
-fromSCC (G.CyclicSCC xs) = xs
-fixHashesIter :: Int
-              -> UniqMap FastString [FastString]
-              -> [FastString]
-              -> [FastString]
-              -> [[FastString]]
-              -> UniqMap FastString Hash
-              -> UniqMap FastString BS.ByteString
-              -> UniqMap FastString BS.ByteString
-fixHashesIter n invDeps allKeys checkKeys sccs hashes finalHashes
-  -- - | unsafePerformIO (putStrLn ("fixHashesIter: " ++ show n)) `seq` False = undefined
-  | n < 0                = finalHashes
-  | not (null newHashes) = fixHashesIter (n-1) invDeps allKeys checkKeys' sccs hashes
-      (addListToUniqMap finalHashes newHashes)
-  -- - | unsafePerformIO (putStrLn ("fixHashesIter killing cycles:\n" ++ show rootSCCs)) `seq` False = undefined
-  | not (null rootSCCs)  = fixHashesIter n {- -1 -} invDeps allKeys allKeys sccs hashes
-      (addListToUniqMap finalHashes (concatMap hashRootSCC rootSCCs))
-  | otherwise            = finalHashes
-  where
-    checkKeys' | length newHashes > sizeUniqMap hashes `div` 10 = allKeys
-               | otherwise = uniqDSetToList . mkUniqDSet $ concatMap (newHashDeps) newHashes
-    newHashDeps :: (FastString, BSC.ByteString) -> [FastString]
-    newHashDeps (k, _) = fromMaybe [] (lookupUniqMap invDeps k)
-    mkNewHash k | not $ elemUniqMap k finalHashes
-                , Just (hb, htxt) <- lookupUniqMap hashes k
-                , Just bs <- mapM (\(LexicalFastString ht) -> lookupUniqMap finalHashes ht) htxt =
-                  Just (k, makeFinalHash hb bs)
-                | otherwise = Nothing
-    newHashes :: [(FastString, BS.ByteString)]
-    newHashes = mapMaybe mkNewHash checkKeys
-    rootSCCs :: [[FastString]]
-    rootSCCs = filter isRootSCC sccs
-    isRootSCC :: [FastString] -> Bool
-    isRootSCC scc = not (all (`elemUniqMap` finalHashes) scc) && all check scc
-      where
-        check n = let Just (_bs, out) = lookupUniqMap hashes n
-                  in  all checkEdge out
-        checkEdge (LexicalFastString e) = e `elementOfUniqSet` s || e `elemUniqMap` finalHashes
-        s = mkUniqSet scc
-    hashRootSCC :: [FastString] -> [(FastString,BS.ByteString)]
-    hashRootSCC scc
-      | any (`elemUniqMap` finalHashes) scc = panic "Gen2.Compactor.hashRootSCC: has finalized nodes"
-      | otherwise = map makeHash toHash
-      where
-        makeHash k = let Just (bs,deps) = lookupUniqMap hashes k
-                         luds           = map lookupDep deps
-                     in (k, makeFinalHash bs luds)
-        lookupDep :: LexicalFastString -> BS.ByteString
-        lookupDep (LexicalFastString d)
-          | Just b <- lookupUniqMap finalHashes d = b
-          | Just i <- lookupUniqMap toHashIdx d
-              = grpHash <> (utf8EncodeByteString . show $ i)
-          | otherwise
-              = panic $ "Gen2.Compactor.hashRootSCC: unknown key: " ++
-                              unpackFS d
-        toHashIdx :: UniqMap FastString Integer
-        toHashIdx = listToUniqMap $ zip toHash [1..]
-        grpHash :: BS.ByteString
-        grpHash = BL.toStrict
-                . BB.toLazyByteString
-                $ mconcat (map (mkGrpHash . fromJust . lookupUniqMap hashes) toHash)
-        mkGrpHash (h, deps) =
-          let deps' = mapMaybe (\(LexicalFastString d) -> lookupUniqMap finalHashes d) deps
-          in  BB.byteString h <>
-              BB.int64LE (fromIntegral $ length deps') <>
-              mconcat (map BB.byteString deps')
-        toHash :: [FastString]
-        toHash = List.sortBy (compare `on` fst . (fromJust . lookupUniqMap hashes)) scc
-makeFinalHash :: BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString] -> BS.ByteString
-makeFinalHash b bs = mconcat (b:bs)
--- do not deduplicate thunks
-ignoreStatic :: StaticInfo -> Bool
-ignoreStatic (StaticInfo _ StaticThunk {} _) = True
-ignoreStatic _                               = False
--- combine hashes from x and y, leaving only those which have an entry in both
-combineHashes :: [(FastString, HashBuilder)]
-              -> [(FastString, HashBuilder)]
-              -> [(FastString, HashBuilder)]
-combineHashes x y = map unlexical . M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (<>)
-                                                  (M.fromList $ map lexical x)
-                                                  (M.fromList $ map lexical y)
-  where
-    lexical (f, x) = (LexicalFastString f, x)
-    unlexical (LexicalFastString f, x) = (f, x)
-dumpHashes0 :: Map ShortText HashBuilder -> Bool
-dumpHashes0 hashes = unsafePerformIO writeHashes `seq` True
-  where
-    hashLine (n, HashBuilder bb txt) =
-      n <> " ->\n    " <>
-      escapeBS (BB.toLazyByteString bb) <> "\n    [" <> T.intercalate " " txt <> "]\n"
-    escapeBS :: BL.ByteString -> T.Text
-    escapeBS = mkFastString . concatMap escapeCH . BL.unpack
-    escapeCH c | c < 32 || c > 127 = '\\' : show c
-               | c == 92           = "\\\\"
-               | otherwise         = [chr (fromIntegral c)]
-    writeHashes = do
-      putStrLn "writing hashes0"
-      T.writeFile "hashes0.dump" (T.unlines $ map hashLine (M.toList hashes))
-dumpHashes :: Map ShortText Hash -> Value
-dumpHashes idx = toJSON iidx
-   where
-       iidx :: Map ShortText [(Text, [ShortText])]
-       iidx = M.fromListWith (++) $
-         map (\(t, (b, deps)) -> (TE.decodeUtf8 (B16.encode b), [(t,deps)])) (M.toList idx)
-ht :: Int8 -> HashBuilder
-ht x = HashBuilder (BB.int8 x) []
-hi :: Int -> HashBuilder
-hi x = HashBuilder (BB.int64LE $ fromIntegral x) []
-hi' :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> HashBuilder
-hi' x | x' > toInteger (maxBound :: Int64) || x' < toInteger (minBound :: Int64) =
-        panic $ "Gen2.Compactor.hi': integer out of range: " ++ show x
-      | otherwise = HashBuilder (BB.int64LE $ fromInteger x') []
-  where
-    x' = toInteger x
-hd :: Double -> HashBuilder
-hd d = HashBuilder (BB.doubleLE d) []
-htxt :: FastString -> HashBuilder
-htxt x = HashBuilder (BB.int64LE (fromIntegral $ BS.length bs) <> BB.byteString bs) []
-  where
-    bs = utf8EncodeByteString $ unpackFS x
-hobj :: FastString -> HashBuilder
-hobj x = HashBuilder (BB.int8 127) [x]
-hb :: BS.ByteString -> HashBuilder
-hb x = HashBuilder (BB.int64LE (fromIntegral $ BS.length x) <> BB.byteString x) []
-hashDefinitions :: UniqSet FastString -> JStat -> [(FastString, HashBuilder)]
-hashDefinitions globals st =
-  let defs = findDefinitions st
-  in  map (uncurry (hashSingleDefinition globals)) defs
-findDefinitions :: JStat -> [(Ident, JExpr)]
-findDefinitions (BlockStat ss)                    = concatMap findDefinitions ss
-findDefinitions (AssignStat (ValExpr (JVar i)) e) = [(i,e)]
-findDefinitions _                                 = []
-hashSingleDefinition :: UniqSet FastString -> Ident -> JExpr -> (FastString, HashBuilder)
-hashSingleDefinition globals (TxtI i) expr = (i, ht 0 <> render st <> mconcat (map hobj globalRefs))
-  where
-    globalRefs = filter (`elementOfUniqSet` globals) . map itxt $ uniqDSetToList (identsE expr)
-    globalMap  = listToUniqMap $ zip globalRefs (map (mkFastString . ("h$$$global_"++) . show) [(1::Int)..])
-    expr'      = identsE' (\i@(TxtI t) ->  maybe i TxtI (lookupUniqMap globalMap t)) expr
-    st         = AssignStat (ValExpr (JVar (TxtI "dummy"))) expr'
-    render     = htxt . mkFastString. show . pretty
-identsE' :: (Ident -> Ident) -> JExpr -> JExpr
-identsE' f (ValExpr v)         = ValExpr     $! identsV' f v
-identsE' f (SelExpr e i)       = SelExpr     (identsE' f e) i -- do not rename properties
-identsE' f (IdxExpr e1 e2)     = IdxExpr     (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2)
-identsE' f (InfixExpr s e1 e2) = InfixExpr s  (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2)
-identsE' f (UOpExpr o e)       = UOpExpr o   $! identsE' f e
-identsE' f (IfExpr e1 e2 e3)   = IfExpr      (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2) (identsE' f e3)
-identsE' f (ApplExpr e es)     = ApplExpr    (identsE' f e)  (identsE' f <$> es)
-identsE' _ UnsatExpr{}         = error "identsE': UnsatExpr"
-identsV' :: (Ident -> Ident) -> JVal -> JVal
-identsV' f (JVar i)       = JVar  $! f i
-identsV' f (JList xs)     = JList $! (fmap . identsE') f xs
-identsV' _ d at JDouble{}    = d
-identsV' _ i at JInt{}       = i
-identsV' _ s at JStr{}       = s
-identsV' _ r at JRegEx{}     = r
-identsV' f (JHash m)      = JHash $! (fmap . identsE') f m
-identsV' f (JFunc args s) = JFunc (fmap f args) (identsS' f s)
-identsV' _ UnsatVal{}     = error "identsV': UnsatVal"
-identsS' :: (Ident -> Ident) -> JStat -> JStat
-identsS' f (DeclStat i e)       = DeclStat       (f i) e
-identsS' f (ReturnStat e)       = ReturnStat     $! identsE' f e
-identsS' f (IfStat e s1 s2)     = IfStat         (identsE' f e) (identsS' f s1) (identsS' f s2)
-identsS' f (WhileStat b e s)    = WhileStat b    (identsE' f e) (identsS' f s)
-identsS' f (ForInStat b i e s)  = ForInStat b    (f i) (identsE' f e) (identsS' f s)
-identsS' f (SwitchStat e xs s)  = SwitchStat     (identsE' f e) (fmap (traverseCase f) xs) (identsS' f s)
-  where traverseCase g (e,s) = (identsE' g e, identsS' g s)
-identsS' f (TryStat s1 i s2 s3) = TryStat     (identsS' f s1) (f i) (identsS' f s2) (identsS' f s3)
-identsS' f (BlockStat xs)       = BlockStat   $! identsS' f <$> xs
-identsS' f (ApplStat e es)      = ApplStat    (identsE' f e) (identsE' f <$> es)
-identsS' f (UOpStat op e)       = UOpStat op  $! identsE' f e
-identsS' f (AssignStat e1 e2)   = AssignStat  (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2)
-identsS' _ UnsatBlock{}         = error "identsS': UnsatBlock"
-identsS' f (LabelStat l s)      = LabelStat l $! identsS' f s
-identsS' _ b at BreakStat{}        = b
-identsS' _ c at ContinueStat{}     = c
-hashClosureInfo :: ClosureInfo -> (FastString, HashBuilder)
-hashClosureInfo (ClosureInfo civ cir _cin cil cit cis) =
-  (civ, ht 1 <> hashCIRegs cir <> hashCILayout cil <> hashCIType cit <> hashCIStatic cis)
-hashStaticInfo :: StaticInfo -> (FastString, HashBuilder)
-hashStaticInfo (StaticInfo sivr sivl _sicc) =
-  (sivr, ht 2 <> hashStaticVal sivl)
-hashCIType :: CIType -> HashBuilder
-hashCIType (CIFun a r)  = ht 1 <> hi a <> hi r
-hashCIType CIThunk      = ht 2
-hashCIType (CICon c)    = ht 3 <> hi c
-hashCIType CIPap        = ht 4
-hashCIType CIBlackhole  = ht 5
-hashCIType CIStackFrame = ht 6
-hashCIRegs :: CIRegs -> HashBuilder
-hashCIRegs CIRegsUnknown   = ht 1
-hashCIRegs (CIRegs sk tys) = ht 2 <> hi sk <> hashList hashVT tys
-hashCILayout :: CILayout -> HashBuilder
-hashCILayout CILayoutVariable       = ht 1
-hashCILayout (CILayoutUnknown size) = ht 2 <> hi size
-hashCILayout (CILayoutFixed n l)    = ht 3 <> hi n <> hashList hashVT l
-hashCIStatic :: CIStatic -> HashBuilder
-hashCIStatic CIStaticRefs{} = mempty -- hashList hobj xs -- we get these from the code
-hashList :: (a -> HashBuilder) -> [a] -> HashBuilder
-hashList f xs = hi (length xs) <> mconcat (map f xs)
-hashVT :: VarType -> HashBuilder
-hashVT = hi . fromEnum
-hashStaticVal :: StaticVal -> HashBuilder
-hashStaticVal (StaticFun t args)       = ht 1 <> hobj t <> hashList hashStaticArg args
-hashStaticVal (StaticThunk mtn)        = ht 2 <> hashMaybe htobj mtn
-  where
-    htobj (o, args) = hobj o <> hashList hashStaticArg args
-hashStaticVal (StaticUnboxed su)      = ht 3 <> hashStaticUnboxed su
-hashStaticVal (StaticData dcon args)  = ht 4 <> hobj dcon <> hashList hashStaticArg args
-hashStaticVal (StaticList args lt)    = ht 5 <> hashList hashStaticArg args <> hashMaybe hobj lt
-hashMaybe :: (a -> HashBuilder) -> Maybe a -> HashBuilder
-hashMaybe _ Nothing  = ht 1
-hashMaybe f (Just x) = ht 2 <> f x
-hashStaticUnboxed :: StaticUnboxed -> HashBuilder
-hashStaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedBool b)           = ht 1 <> hi (fromEnum b)
-hashStaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedInt iv)           = ht 2 <> hi' iv
-hashStaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedDouble sd)        = ht 3 <> hashSaneDouble sd
-hashStaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedString str)       = ht 4 <> hb str
-hashStaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedStringOffset str) = ht 5 <> hb str
-hashStaticArg :: StaticArg -> HashBuilder
-hashStaticArg (StaticObjArg t)       = ht 1 <> hobj t
-hashStaticArg (StaticLitArg sl)      = ht 2 <> hashStaticLit sl
-hashStaticArg (StaticConArg cn args) = ht 3 <> hobj cn <> hashList hashStaticArg args
-hashStaticLit :: StaticLit -> HashBuilder
-hashStaticLit (BoolLit b)       = ht 1 <> hi (fromEnum b)
-hashStaticLit (IntLit iv)       = ht 2 <> hi (fromIntegral iv)
-hashStaticLit  NullLit          = ht 3
-hashStaticLit (DoubleLit d)     = ht 4 <> hashSaneDouble d
-hashStaticLit (StringLit tt) = ht 5 <> htxt tt
-hashStaticLit (BinLit bs)       = ht 6 <> hb bs
-hashStaticLit (LabelLit bb ln) = ht 7 <> hi (fromEnum bb) <> htxt ln
-hashSaneDouble :: SaneDouble -> HashBuilder
-hashSaneDouble (SaneDouble sd) = hd sd
-finalizeHash :: HashBuilder -> Hash
-finalizeHash (HashBuilder hb tt) =
-  let h = (BL.toStrict $ BB.toLazyByteString hb)
-  in  h `seq` (h, map LexicalFastString tt)
-finalizeHash' :: HashBuilder -> (Int, BS.ByteString, [FastString])
-finalizeHash' (HashBuilder hb tt) =
-  let b  = BL.toStrict (BB.toLazyByteString hb)
-      bl = BS.length b
-      h  = b
-  in  h `seq` bl `seq` (bl, h, tt)

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Prelude
 import GHC.Platform.Host (hostPlatformArchOS)
+import GHC.JS.Make
 import GHC.JS.Syntax
 import GHC.Driver.Session (DynFlags(..))
@@ -41,12 +42,15 @@ import GHC.Linker.Static.Utils (exeFileName)
 import GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Types
 import GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Utils
-import GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Compactor
 import GHC.StgToJS.Rts.Rts
 import GHC.StgToJS.Object
 import GHC.StgToJS.Types hiding (LinkableUnit)
 import GHC.StgToJS.UnitUtils
 import GHC.StgToJS.Printer
+import GHC.StgToJS.Arg
+import GHC.StgToJS.Closure
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
 import GHC.Unit.State
 import GHC.Unit.Env
@@ -63,6 +67,9 @@ import GHC.Utils.Binary
 import qualified GHC.Utils.Ppr as Ppr
 import GHC.Utils.Monad
 import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict (State, runState)
+import qualified GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict as State
 import qualified GHC.SysTools.Ar          as Ar
@@ -76,12 +83,13 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString          as B
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as BC
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as BL
+import qualified Data.ByteString          as BS
 import Data.Function            (on)
 import Data.IntSet              (IntSet)
 import qualified Data.IntSet              as IS
 import Data.IORef
 import Data.List  ( partition, nub, intercalate, group, sort
-                  , groupBy, intersperse
+                  , groupBy, intersperse,
 import Data.Map.Strict          (Map)
 import qualified Data.Map.Strict          as M
@@ -157,7 +165,7 @@ link lc_cfg cfg logger unit_env out _include units objFiles jsFiles isRootFun ex
       -- link all Haskell code (program + dependencies) into out.js
       -- compute dependencies
-      (dep_map, dep_units, all_deps, rts_wired_functions, dep_archives)
+      (dep_map, dep_units, all_deps, _rts_wired_functions, dep_archives)
         <- computeLinkDependencies cfg logger out unit_env units objFiles extraStaticDeps isRootFun
       -- retrieve code for dependencies
@@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ link lc_cfg cfg logger unit_env out _include units objFiles jsFiles isRootFun ex
       -- LTO + rendering of JS code
       link_stats <- withBinaryFile (out </> "out.js") WriteMode $ \h -> do
-        (_compactorState, stats) <- renderLinker lc_cfg cfg h emptyCompactorState rts_wired_functions mods jsFiles
+        (_compactorState, stats) <- renderLinker cfg h emptyCompactorState mods jsFiles
         pure stats
@@ -282,15 +290,13 @@ data ModuleCode = ModuleCode
-  :: JSLinkConfig
-  -> StgToJSConfig
+  :: StgToJSConfig
   -> Handle
   -> CompactorState
-  -> Set ExportedFun
   -> [ModuleCode] -- ^ linked code per module
   -> [FilePath]   -- ^ additional JS files
   -> IO (CompactorState, LinkerStats)
-renderLinker settings cfg h renamer_state rtsDeps mods jsFiles = do
+renderLinker cfg h renamer_state mods jsFiles = do
   -- extract ModuleCode fields required to make a LinkedUnit
   let code_to_linked_unit c = LinkedUnit
@@ -300,9 +306,7 @@ renderLinker settings cfg h renamer_state rtsDeps mods jsFiles = do
   -- call the compactor
-  let (renamer_state', compacted, meta) = compact settings cfg renamer_state
-                                            (map ((\(LexicalFastString f) -> f) . funSymbol) $ S.toList rtsDeps)
-                                            (map code_to_linked_unit mods)
+  let (renamer_state', compacted, meta) = rename cfg renamer_state (map code_to_linked_unit mods)
     putBS   = B.hPut h
@@ -860,3 +864,155 @@ jsFileNeedsCpp :: FilePath -> IO Bool
 jsFileNeedsCpp fn = do
   opts <- getOptionsFromJsFile fn
   pure (CPP `elem` opts)
+rename :: StgToJSConfig
+       -> CompactorState
+       -> [LinkedUnit]
+       -> (CompactorState, [JStat], JStat)
+rename cfg cs0 input0
+  = renameInternals cfg cs0 input0
+renameInternals :: HasDebugCallStack
+                => StgToJSConfig
+                -> CompactorState
+                -> [LinkedUnit]
+                -> (CompactorState, [JStat], JStat)
+renameInternals cfg cs0 stats0a = (cs, stats, meta)
+  where
+    (stbs, stats0) = (mempty, stats0a)
+    ((stats, meta), cs) = runState renamed cs0
+    renamed :: State CompactorState ([JStat], JStat)
+    renamed
+      | True = do
+        cs <- State.get
+        let renamedStats = map (identsS' (lookupRenamed cs) . lu_js_code) stats0
+            statics      = map (renameStaticInfo cs)  $
+                               concatMap lu_statics stats0
+            infos        = map (renameClosureInfo cs) $
+                               concatMap lu_closures stats0
+            -- render metadata as individual statements
+            meta = mconcat (map staticDeclStat statics) <>
+                   identsS' (lookupRenamed cs) stbs <>
+                   mconcat (map (staticInitStat $ csProf cfg) statics) <>
+                   mconcat (map (closureInfoStat True) infos)
+        return (renamedStats, meta)
+lookupRenamed :: CompactorState -> Ident -> Ident
+lookupRenamed cs i@(TxtI t) =
+  fromMaybe i (lookupUniqMap (csNameMap cs) t)
+-- | rename a compactor info entry according to the compactor state (no new renamings are added)
+renameClosureInfo :: CompactorState
+                  -> ClosureInfo
+                  -> ClosureInfo
+renameClosureInfo cs (ClosureInfo v rs n l t s)  =
+  ClosureInfo (renameV v) rs n l t (f s)
+    where
+      renameV t = maybe t itxt (lookupUniqMap m t)
+      m                   = csNameMap cs
+      f (CIStaticRefs rs) = CIStaticRefs (map renameV rs)
+-- | rename a static info entry according to the compactor state (no new renamings are added)
+renameStaticInfo :: CompactorState
+                 -> StaticInfo
+                 -> StaticInfo
+renameStaticInfo cs = staticIdents renameIdent
+  where
+    renameIdent t = maybe t itxt (lookupUniqMap (csNameMap cs) t)
+-- | initialize a global object. all global objects have to be declared (staticInfoDecl) first
+--   (this is only used with -debug, normal init would go through the static data table)
+staticInitStat :: Bool         -- ^ profiling enabled
+               -> StaticInfo
+               -> JStat
+staticInitStat _prof (StaticInfo i sv cc) =
+  case sv of
+    StaticData con args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var con, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
+    StaticFun  f   args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var f, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
+    StaticList args mt   ->
+      appS "h$stl" ([var i, jsStaticArgs args, toJExpr $ maybe null_ (toJExpr . TxtI) mt] ++ ccArg)
+    StaticThunk (Just (f,args)) ->
+      appS "h$stc" ([var i, var f, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
+    _                    -> mempty
+  where
+    ccArg = maybeToList (fmap toJExpr cc)
+staticIdents :: (FastString -> FastString)
+             -> StaticInfo
+             -> StaticInfo
+staticIdents f (StaticInfo i v cc) = StaticInfo (f i) (staticIdentsV f v) cc
+staticIdentsV ::(FastString -> FastString) -> StaticVal -> StaticVal
+staticIdentsV f (StaticFun i args) = StaticFun (f i) (staticIdentsA f <$> args)
+staticIdentsV f (StaticThunk (Just (i, args))) = StaticThunk . Just $
+                                                 (f i, staticIdentsA f <$> args)
+staticIdentsV f (StaticData con args) = StaticData (f con) (staticIdentsA f <$> args)
+staticIdentsV f (StaticList xs t)              = StaticList (staticIdentsA f <$> xs) (f <$> t)
+staticIdentsV _ x                              = x
+staticIdentsA :: (FastString -> FastString) -> StaticArg -> StaticArg
+staticIdentsA f (StaticObjArg t) = StaticObjArg $! f t
+staticIdentsA _ x = x
+-- | declare and do first-pass init of a global object (create JS object for heap objects)
+staticDeclStat :: StaticInfo -> JStat
+staticDeclStat (StaticInfo global_name static_value _) = decl
+  where
+    global_ident = TxtI global_name
+    decl_init v  = global_ident ||= v
+    decl_no_init = appS "h$di" [toJExpr global_ident]
+    decl = case static_value of
+      StaticUnboxed u     -> decl_init (unboxed_expr u)
+      StaticThunk Nothing -> decl_no_init -- CAF initialized in an alternative way
+      _                   -> decl_init (app "h$d" [])
+    unboxed_expr = \case
+      StaticUnboxedBool b          -> app "h$p" [toJExpr b]
+      StaticUnboxedInt i           -> app "h$p" [toJExpr i]
+      StaticUnboxedDouble d        -> app "h$p" [toJExpr (unSaneDouble d)]
+      StaticUnboxedString str      -> app "h$rawStringData" [ValExpr (to_byte_list str)]
+      StaticUnboxedStringOffset {} -> 0
+    to_byte_list = JList . map (Int . fromIntegral) . BS.unpack
+identsE' :: (Ident -> Ident) -> JExpr -> JExpr
+identsE' f (ValExpr v)         = ValExpr     $! identsV' f v
+identsE' f (SelExpr e i)       = SelExpr     (identsE' f e) i -- do not rename properties
+identsE' f (IdxExpr e1 e2)     = IdxExpr     (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2)
+identsE' f (InfixExpr s e1 e2) = InfixExpr s  (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2)
+identsE' f (UOpExpr o e)       = UOpExpr o   $! identsE' f e
+identsE' f (IfExpr e1 e2 e3)   = IfExpr      (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2) (identsE' f e3)
+identsE' f (ApplExpr e es)     = ApplExpr    (identsE' f e)  (identsE' f <$> es)
+identsE' _ UnsatExpr{}         = error "identsE': UnsatExpr"
+identsV' :: (Ident -> Ident) -> JVal -> JVal
+identsV' f (JVar i)       = JVar  $! f i
+identsV' f (JList xs)     = JList $! (fmap . identsE') f xs
+identsV' _ d at JDouble{}    = d
+identsV' _ i at JInt{}       = i
+identsV' _ s at JStr{}       = s
+identsV' _ r at JRegEx{}     = r
+identsV' f (JHash m)      = JHash $! (fmap . identsE') f m
+identsV' f (JFunc args s) = JFunc (fmap f args) (identsS' f s)
+identsV' _ UnsatVal{}     = error "identsV': UnsatVal"
+identsS' :: (Ident -> Ident) -> JStat -> JStat
+identsS' f (DeclStat i e)       = DeclStat       (f i) e
+identsS' f (ReturnStat e)       = ReturnStat     $! identsE' f e
+identsS' f (IfStat e s1 s2)     = IfStat         (identsE' f e) (identsS' f s1) (identsS' f s2)
+identsS' f (WhileStat b e s)    = WhileStat b    (identsE' f e) (identsS' f s)
+identsS' f (ForInStat b i e s)  = ForInStat b    (f i) (identsE' f e) (identsS' f s)
+identsS' f (SwitchStat e xs s)  = SwitchStat     (identsE' f e) (fmap (traverseCase f) xs) (identsS' f s)
+  where traverseCase g (e,s) = (identsE' g e, identsS' g s)
+identsS' f (TryStat s1 i s2 s3) = TryStat     (identsS' f s1) (f i) (identsS' f s2) (identsS' f s3)
+identsS' f (BlockStat xs)       = BlockStat   $! identsS' f <$> xs
+identsS' f (ApplStat e es)      = ApplStat    (identsE' f e) (identsE' f <$> es)
+identsS' f (UOpStat op e)       = UOpStat op  $! identsE' f e
+identsS' f (AssignStat e1 e2)   = AssignStat  (identsE' f e1) (identsE' f e2)
+identsS' _ UnsatBlock{}         = error "identsS': UnsatBlock"
+identsS' f (LabelStat l s)      = LabelStat l $! identsS' f s
+identsS' _ b at BreakStat{}        = b
+identsS' _ c at ContinueStat{}     = c

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