[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] JS: Note on JS .o file order, fix .o files

doyougnu (@doyougnu) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Oct 13 02:20:29 UTC 2022

doyougnu pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1913cd1d by doyougnu at 2022-10-12T22:18:49-04:00
JS: Note on JS .o file order, fix .o files

To be specific:

1. add Note [JS Backend .o file procedure]
2. ensure that .o files are touch'd in JS backend postHsc phase. This
  fixes "missing object file" errors produced by

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Linker.hs


@@ -346,7 +346,34 @@ runAsPhase with_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
         return output_fn
--- | Embed .js files into .o files
+-- Note [JS Backend .o file procedure ]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The JS backend breaks some of the assumptions on file generation order
+-- because it directly produces .o files. This violation breaks some of the
+-- assumptions on file timestamps, particularly in the postHsc phase. The
+-- postHsc phase for the JS backend is performed in 'runJsPhase'. Consider
+-- what the NCG does:
+-- With other NCG backends we have the following order:
+-- 1. The backend produces a .s file
+-- 2. Then we write the interface file, .hi
+-- 3. Then we generate a .o file in a postHsc phase (calling the asm phase etc.)
+-- For the JS Backend this order is different
+-- 1. The JS Backend _directly_ produces .o files (via
+--    'GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Linker.embedJsFile')
+-- 2. Then we write the interface file. Notice that this breaks the ordering
+-- of .hi > .o (step 2 and step 3 in the NCG above).
+-- This violation results in timestamp checks which pass on the NCG but fail
+-- in the JS backend. In particular, checks that compare 'ms_obj_date', and
+-- 'ms_iface_date' in 'GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary'.
+-- Thus to fix this ordering we touch the object files we generated earlier
+-- to ensure these timestamps abide by the proper ordering.
+-- | Run the JS Backend postHsc phase.
 runJsPhase :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
 runJsPhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
   let dflags     = hsc_dflags   hsc_env
@@ -355,7 +382,16 @@ runJsPhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
   let unit_env   = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
   output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew StopLn pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
-  embedJsFile logger dflags tmpfs unit_env input_fn output_fn
+  -- if the input filename is the same as the output, then we've probably
+  -- generated the object ourselves. In this case, we touch the object file to
+  -- ensure the timestamp is refreshed, see Note [ JS Backend .o Files ]. If
+  -- they are not the same then we embed the .js file into a .o file with the
+  -- addition of a header
+  if (input_fn /= output_fn)
+    then embedJsFile logger dflags tmpfs unit_env input_fn output_fn
+    else touchObjectFile logger dflags output_fn
   return output_fn

@@ -811,54 +811,50 @@ embedJsFile :: Logger -> DynFlags -> TmpFs -> UnitEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath ->
 embedJsFile logger dflags tmpfs unit_env input_fn output_fn = do
   let profiling  = False -- FIXME: add support for profiling way
-  -- if the input filename is the same as the output, then we've probably
-  -- generated the object ourselves, we leave the file alone
-  when (input_fn /= output_fn) $ do
-    -- the header lets the linker recognize processed JavaScript files
-    -- But don't add JavaScript header to object files!
-    is_js_obj <- if True
-                  then pure False
-                  else isJsObjectFile input_fn
-                  -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-09): this call makes the
-                  -- testsuite go into a loop, I don't know why yet!
-                  -- Disabling it for now.
-    if is_js_obj
-      then copyWithHeader "" input_fn output_fn
-      else do
-        -- header appended to JS files stored as .o to recognize them.
-        let header = "//JavaScript\n"
-        jsFileNeedsCpp input_fn >>= \case
-          False -> copyWithHeader header input_fn output_fn
-          True  -> do
-            -- append common CPP definitions to the .js file.
-            -- They define macros that avoid directly wiring zencoded names
-            -- in RTS JS files
-            pp_fn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "js"
-            payload <- B.readFile input_fn
-            B.writeFile pp_fn (commonCppDefs profiling <> payload)
-            -- run CPP on the input JS file
-            js_fn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "js"
-            let
-              cpp_opts = CppOpts
-                { cppUseCc       = True
-                , cppLinePragmas = False -- LINE pragmas aren't JS compatible
-                }
-              extra_opts = []
-            doCpp logger
-                    tmpfs
-                    dflags
-                    unit_env
-                    cpp_opts
-                    extra_opts
-                    pp_fn
-                    js_fn
-            -- add header to recognize the object as a JS file
-            copyWithHeader header js_fn output_fn
+  -- the header lets the linker recognize processed JavaScript files
+  -- But don't add JavaScript header to object files!
+  is_js_obj <- if True
+                then pure False
+                else isJsObjectFile input_fn
+                -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-09): this call makes the
+                -- testsuite go into a loop, I don't know why yet!
+                -- Disabling it for now.
+  if is_js_obj
+    then copyWithHeader "" input_fn output_fn
+    else do
+      -- header appended to JS files stored as .o to recognize them.
+      let header = "//JavaScript\n"
+      jsFileNeedsCpp input_fn >>= \case
+        False -> copyWithHeader header input_fn output_fn
+        True  -> do
+          -- append common CPP definitions to the .js file.
+          -- They define macros that avoid directly wiring zencoded names
+          -- in RTS JS files
+          pp_fn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "js"
+          payload <- B.readFile input_fn
+          B.writeFile pp_fn (commonCppDefs profiling <> payload)
+          -- run CPP on the input JS file
+          js_fn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) TFL_CurrentModule "js"
+          let
+            cpp_opts = CppOpts
+              { cppUseCc       = True
+              , cppLinePragmas = False -- LINE pragmas aren't JS compatible
+              }
+            extra_opts = []
+          doCpp logger
+                  tmpfs
+                  dflags
+                  unit_env
+                  cpp_opts
+                  extra_opts
+                  pp_fn
+                  js_fn
+          -- add header to recognize the object as a JS file
+          copyWithHeader header js_fn output_fn
 jsFileNeedsCpp :: FilePath -> IO Bool
 jsFileNeedsCpp fn = do

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