[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] 5 commits: Remove panic in getObject

Sylvain Henry (@hsyl20) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Oct 10 13:43:11 UTC 2022

Sylvain Henry pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

7d68c183 by Sylvain Henry at 2022-10-10T13:34:30+02:00
Remove panic in getObject

- - - - -
07f889f9 by Sylvain Henry at 2022-10-10T13:34:30+02:00
Add debug and Outputable instances

- - - - -
fb613efe by Sylvain Henry at 2022-10-10T14:30:46+02:00
Remove backup file

- - - - -
f8202bbb by Sylvain Henry at 2022-10-10T14:31:07+02:00
Skip overflow tests

- - - - -
5b1174db by Sylvain Henry at 2022-10-10T15:46:07+02:00
Fix RTS includes for native build

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Linker.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
- rts/rts.cabal.in
- − rts/rts.cabal.in.orig
- testsuite/tests/rts/T9579/all.T


@@ -218,21 +218,27 @@ computeLinkDependencies
   -> (ExportedFun -> Bool)
   -> IO (Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation), [UnitId], Set LinkableUnit, Set ExportedFun, [FilePath])
 computeLinkDependencies cfg logger target unit_env units objFiles extraStaticDeps isRootFun = do
   (objDepsMap, objRequiredUnits) <- loadObjDeps objFiles
   let roots    = S.fromList . filter isRootFun $ concatMap (M.keys . depsHaskellExported . fst) (M.elems objDepsMap)
       rootMods = map (moduleNameString . moduleName . head) . group . sort . map funModule . S.toList $ roots
       objPkgs  = map moduleUnitId $ nub (M.keys objDepsMap)
-  when (logVerbAtLeast logger 2) $ void $
+  when (logVerbAtLeast logger 2) $ void $ do
     compilationProgressMsg logger $ hcat
       [ text "Linking ", text target, text " (", text (intercalate "," rootMods), char ')' ]
+    compilationProgressMsg logger $ hcat
+      [ text "objDepsMap ", ppr objDepsMap ]
+    compilationProgressMsg logger $ hcat
+      [ text "objFiles ", ppr objFiles ]
   let (rts_wired_units, rts_wired_functions) = rtsDeps units
   -- all the units we want to link together, without their dependencies
   let root_units = filter (/= mainUnitId)
-                   $ nub (rts_wired_units ++ reverse objPkgs ++ reverse units)
+                   $ nub
+                   $ rts_wired_units ++ reverse objPkgs ++ reverse units
   -- all the units we want to link together, including their dependencies,
   -- preload units, and backpack instantiations
@@ -701,7 +707,7 @@ mkJsSymbol mod s = mkFastString $ mconcat
 -- | read all dependency data from the to-be-linked files
 loadObjDeps :: [LinkedObj] -- ^ object files to link
             -> IO (Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation), [LinkableUnit])
-loadObjDeps objs = prepareLoadedDeps <$> mapM readDepsFile' objs
+loadObjDeps objs = (prepareLoadedDeps . catMaybes) <$> mapM readDepsFromObj objs
 -- | Load dependencies for the Linker from Ar
 loadArchiveDeps :: GhcjsEnv
@@ -779,11 +785,12 @@ requiredUnits d = map (depsModule d,) (IS.toList $ depsRequired d)
 -- | read dependencies from an object that might have already been into memory
 -- pulls in all Deps from an archive
-readDepsFile' :: LinkedObj -> IO (Deps, DepsLocation)
-readDepsFile' = \case
+readDepsFromObj :: LinkedObj -> IO (Maybe (Deps, DepsLocation))
+readDepsFromObj = \case
   ObjLoaded name obj -> do
     let !deps = objDeps obj
-    pure (deps,InMemory name obj)
+    pure $ Just (deps,InMemory name obj)
   ObjFile file -> do
-    deps <- readObjectDeps file
-    pure (deps,ObjectFile file)
+    readObjectDeps file >>= \case
+      Nothing   -> pure Nothing
+      Just deps -> pure $ Just (deps,ObjectFile file)

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- for Ident's Binary instance
@@ -19,27 +20,28 @@
 module GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Types where
-import           GHC.JS.Syntax
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Object
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Types (ClosureInfo, StaticInfo)
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.StgToJS.Object
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types (ClosureInfo, StaticInfo)
-import           GHC.Unit.Types
-import           GHC.Data.FastString
-import           GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+import GHC.Unit.Types
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable (hsep,Outputable(..),text,ppr)
-import           Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad
-import           Data.Array
-import           Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
-import           Data.Map.Strict      (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict      as M
-import           Data.Set             (Set)
+import Data.Array
+import Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
+import Data.Map.Strict      (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Set             (Set)
-import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import           System.IO
+import System.IO
-import           Prelude
+import Prelude
 -- | return a list of fresh @Ident@
 newLocals :: [Ident]
@@ -343,6 +345,11 @@ data LinkedObj
   = ObjFile   FilePath      -- ^ load from this file
   | ObjLoaded String Object -- ^ already loaded: description and payload
+instance Outputable LinkedObj where
+  ppr = \case
+    ObjFile fp    -> hsep [text "ObjFile", text fp]
+    ObjLoaded s o -> hsep [text "ObjLoaded", text s, ppr (objModuleName o)]
 data GhcjsEnv = GhcjsEnv
   { linkerArchiveDeps :: MVar (Map (Set FilePath)
                                    (Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation)

@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
 import GHC.Float (castDoubleToWord64, castWord64ToDouble)
 import GHC.Utils.Binary hiding (SymbolTable)
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr, Outputable, hcat, vcat, text)
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr, Outputable, hcat, vcat, text, hsep)
 import GHC.Utils.Monad (mapMaybeM)
 -- | An object file
@@ -135,6 +134,12 @@ data DepsLocation
   | ArchiveFile FilePath       -- ^ In a Ar file at path
   | InMemory    String Object  -- ^ In memory
+instance Outputable DepsLocation where
+  ppr = \case
+    ObjectFile fp  -> hsep [text "ObjectFile", text fp]
+    ArchiveFile fp -> hsep [text "ArchiveFile", text fp]
+    InMemory s o   -> hsep [text "InMemory", text s, ppr (objModuleName o)]
 data BlockDeps = BlockDeps
   { blockBlockDeps       :: [Int]         -- ^ dependencies on blocks in this object
   , blockFunDeps         :: [ExportedFun] -- ^ dependencies on exported symbols in other objects
@@ -304,26 +309,27 @@ getObjectBody bh0 mod_name = do
 -- | Parse object
-getObject :: BinHandle -> IO Object
+getObject :: BinHandle -> IO (Maybe Object)
 getObject bh = do
   getObjectHeader bh >>= \case
-    Left err       -> panic ("getObject: " ++ err)
-    Right mod_name -> getObjectBody bh mod_name
+    Left _err      -> pure Nothing
+    Right mod_name -> Just <$> getObjectBody bh mod_name
 -- | Read object from file
 -- The object is still in memory after this (see objHandle).
-readObject :: FilePath -> IO Object
+readObject :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Object)
 readObject file = do
   bh <- readBinMem file
   getObject bh
 -- | Reads only the part necessary to get the dependencies
-readObjectDeps :: FilePath -> IO Deps
+readObjectDeps :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Deps)
 readObjectDeps file = do
   bh <- readBinMem file
-  obj <- getObject bh
-  pure $! objDeps obj
+  getObject bh >>= \case
+    Just obj -> pure $! Just $! objDeps obj
+    Nothing  -> pure Nothing
 -- | Get units in the object file, using the given filtering function
 getObjectUnits :: Object -> (Word -> IndexEntry -> Bool) -> IO [ObjUnit]
@@ -339,8 +345,9 @@ getObjectUnits obj pred = mapMaybeM read_entry (zip (objIndex obj) [0..])
 -- | Read units in the object file, using the given filtering function
 readObjectUnits :: FilePath -> (Word -> IndexEntry -> Bool) -> IO [ObjUnit]
 readObjectUnits file pred = do
-  obj <- readObject file
-  getObjectUnits obj pred
+  readObject file >>= \case
+    Nothing  -> pure []
+    Just obj -> getObjectUnits obj pred

@@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ library
       cmm-sources: Apply.cmm
+                   ContinuationOps.cmm
@@ -497,7 +498,7 @@ library
         -- Use GHC's native adjustors
         if arch(i386)
-          asm-sources: AdjustorAsm.S
+          asm-sources: adjustor/Nativei386Asm.S
           c-sources: adjustor/Nativei386.c
         if arch(x86_64)
           if os(mingw32)
@@ -525,6 +526,7 @@ library
+                 Continuation.c

rts/rts.cabal.in.orig deleted
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-cabal-version: 3.0
-name: rts
-version: 1.0.2
-license: BSD-3-Clause
-maintainer: glasgow-haskell-users at haskell.org
-build-type: Simple
-source-repository head
-    type:     git
-    location: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc.git
-    subdir:   rts
-flag libm
-  default: @CabalHaveLibm@
-flag librt
-  default: @CabalHaveLibrt@
-flag libdl
-  default: @CabalHaveLibdl@
-flag use-system-libffi
-  default: @CabalUseSystemLibFFI@
-flag libffi-adjustors
-  default: @CabalLibffiAdjustors@
-flag need-pthread
-  default: @CabalNeedLibpthread@
-flag libbfd
-  default: @CabalHaveLibbfd@
-flag mingwex
-  default: @CabalMingwex@
-flag need-atomic
-  default: @CabalNeedLibatomic@
-flag libdw
-  default: @CabalHaveLibdw@
-flag libnuma
-  default: @CabalHaveLibNuma@
-flag 64bit
-  default: @Cabal64bit@
-flag leading-underscore
-  default: @CabalLeadingUnderscore@
-flag smp
-  default: True
-flag find-ptr
-  default: False
--- Some cabal flags used to control the flavours we want to produce
--- for libHSrts in hadrian. By default, we just produce vanilla and
--- threaded. The flags "compose": if you enable debug and profiling,
--- you will produce vanilla, _thr, _debug, _p but also _thr_p,
--- _thr_debug_p and so on.
-flag profiling
-  default: False
-flag debug
-  default: False
-flag logging
-  default: False
-flag dynamic
-  default: False
-flag thread-sanitizer
-  description:
-    Enable checking for data races using the ThreadSanitizer (TSAN)
-    mechanism supported by GCC and Clang. See Note [ThreadSanitizer]
-    in @rts/include/rts/TSANUtils.h at .
-  default: False
-    -- rts is a wired in package and
-    -- expects the unit-id to be
-    -- set without version
-    ghc-options: -this-unit-id rts
-    -- If we are using an in-tree libffi then we must declare it as a bundled
-    -- library to ensure that Cabal installs it.
-    if !flag(use-system-libffi)
-      if os(windows)
-        extra-bundled-libraries: Cffi-6
-      else
-        extra-bundled-libraries: Cffi
-    -- The make build system does something special in config.mk.in
-    -- for generating profiled, debugged, etc builds of those
-    -- libraries, but we need to be transparent for hadrian which
-    -- gets information about the rts "package" through Cabal and
-    -- this cabal file. We therefore declare several
-    -- flavours to be available when passing the suitable (combination of)
-    -- flag(s) when configuring the RTS from hadrian, using Cabal.
-    extra-library-flavours: _thr
-    if flag(profiling)
-      extra-library-flavours: _p _thr_p
-      if flag(debug)
-        extra-library-flavours: _debug_p _thr_debug_p
-    if flag(debug)
-      extra-library-flavours: _debug _thr_debug
-      if flag(dynamic)
-        extra-dynamic-library-flavours: _debug _thr_debug
-    if flag(logging)
-      extra-library-flavours: _l _thr_l
-      if flag(dynamic)
-        extra-dynamic-library-flavours: _l _thr_l
-    if flag(dynamic)
-      extra-dynamic-library-flavours: _thr
-    if flag(thread-sanitizer)
-      cc-options: -fsanitize=thread
-      ld-options: -fsanitize=thread
-      extra-libraries: tsan
-    exposed: True
-    exposed-modules:
-    if os(linux)
-       -- the RTS depends upon libc. while this dependency is generally
-       -- implicitly added by `cc`, we must explicitly add it here to ensure
-       -- that it is ordered correctly with libpthread, since ghc-prim.cabal
-       -- also explicitly lists libc. See #19029.
-       extra-libraries: c
-    if flag(libm)
-       -- for ldexp()
-       extra-libraries: m
-    if flag(librt)
-       extra-libraries: rt
-    if flag(libdl)
-       extra-libraries: dl
-    if flag(use-system-libffi)
-       extra-libraries: ffi
-    if os(windows)
-       extra-libraries:
-          -- for the linker
-          wsock32 gdi32 winmm
-          -- for crash dump
-          dbghelp
-          -- for process information
-          psapi
-       -- TODO: Hadrian will use this cabal file, so drop WINVER from Hadrian's configs.
-       -- Minimum supported Windows version.
-       -- These numbers can be found at:
-       --  https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa383745(v=vs.85).aspx
-       -- If we're compiling on windows, enforce that we only support Windows 7+
-       -- Adding this here means it doesn't have to be done in individual .c files
-       -- and also centralizes the versioning.
-       cpp-options: -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x06010000
-       cc-options: -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x06010000
-    if flag(need-pthread)
-       -- for pthread_getthreadid_np, pthread_create, ...
-       extra-libraries: pthread
-    if flag(need-atomic)
-       -- for sub-word-sized atomic operations (#19119)
-       extra-libraries: atomic
-    if flag(libbfd)
-       -- for debugging
-       extra-libraries: bfd iberty
-    if flag(mingwex)
-       extra-libraries: mingwex
-    if flag(libdw)
-       -- for backtraces
-       extra-libraries: elf dw
-    if flag(libnuma)
-       extra-libraries: numa
-    if !flag(smp)
-       cpp-options: -DNOSMP
-    include-dirs: include
-                  @FFIIncludeDir@
-                  @LibdwIncludeDir@
-    includes: Rts.h
-    install-includes: Cmm.h HsFFI.h MachDeps.h Rts.h RtsAPI.h Stg.h
-                      ghcautoconf.h ghcconfig.h ghcplatform.h ghcversion.h
-                      -- ^ from include
-                      DerivedConstants.h ffi.h ffitarget.h
-                      rts/EventLogConstants.h
-                      rts/EventTypes.h
-                      -- ^ generated
-                      rts/Adjustor.h
-                      rts/ExecPage.h
-                      rts/BlockSignals.h
-                      rts/Bytecodes.h
-                      rts/Config.h
-                      rts/Constants.h
-                      rts/EventLogFormat.h
-                      rts/EventLogWriter.h
-                      rts/FileLock.h
-                      rts/Flags.h
-                      rts/ForeignExports.h
-                      rts/GetTime.h
-                      rts/Globals.h
-                      rts/Hpc.h
-                      rts/IOInterface.h
-                      rts/Libdw.h
-                      rts/LibdwPool.h
-                      rts/Linker.h
-                      rts/Main.h
-                      rts/Messages.h
-                      rts/NonMoving.h
-                      rts/OSThreads.h
-                      rts/Parallel.h
-                      rts/PrimFloat.h
-                      rts/Profiling.h
-                      rts/IPE.h
-                      rts/PosixSource.h
-                      rts/Signals.h
-                      rts/SpinLock.h
-                      rts/StableName.h
-                      rts/StablePtr.h
-                      rts/StaticPtrTable.h
-                      rts/TTY.h
-                      rts/Threads.h
-                      rts/Ticky.h
-                      rts/Time.h
-                      rts/Timer.h
-                      rts/TSANUtils.h
-                      rts/Types.h
-                      rts/Utils.h
-                      rts/prof/CCS.h
-                      rts/prof/Heap.h
-                      rts/prof/LDV.h
-                      rts/storage/Block.h
-                      rts/storage/ClosureMacros.h
-                      rts/storage/ClosureTypes.h
-                      rts/storage/Closures.h
-                      rts/storage/FunTypes.h
-                      rts/storage/Heap.h
-                      rts/storage/GC.h
-                      rts/storage/InfoTables.h
-                      rts/storage/MBlock.h
-                      rts/storage/TSO.h
-                      stg/DLL.h
-                      stg/MachRegs.h
-                      stg/MachRegsForHost.h
-                      stg/MiscClosures.h
-                      stg/Prim.h
-                      stg/Regs.h
-                      stg/SMP.h
-                      stg/Ticky.h
-                      stg/Types.h
-    if flag(64bit)
-      if flag(leading-underscore)
-        ld-options:
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_add64"
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_sub64"
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_and64"
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_nand64"
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_or64"
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_xor64"
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicread64"
-          "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicwrite64"
-      else
-        ld-options:
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add64"
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub64"
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and64"
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand64"
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or64"
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor64"
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicread64"
-          "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite64"
-    if flag(leading-underscore)
-      ld-options:
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziTopHandler_runIO_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziTopHandler_runNonIO_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTuple_Z0T_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_True_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_False_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziPack_unpackCString_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_stackOverflow_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_heapOverflow_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_allocationLimitExceeded_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactFunction_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactPinned_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactMutable_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziIOPort_doubleReadException_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_ControlziExceptionziBase_nonTermination_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_ControlziExceptionziBase_nestedAtomically_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziEventziThread_blockedOnBadFD_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziConcziSync_runSparks_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziConcziIO_ensureIOManagerIsRunning_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziConcziIO_interruptIOManager_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziConcziIO_ioManagerCapabilitiesChanged_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziConcziSignal_runHandlersPtr_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziTopHandler_flushStdHandles_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziTopHandler_runMainIO_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Czh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Fzh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Dzh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Wzh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziPtr_Ptr_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziPtr_FunPtr_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziInt_I8zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziInt_I16zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziInt_I32zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziInt_I64zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziWord_W8zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziWord_W16zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziWord_W32zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziWord_W64zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziStable_StablePtr_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_add8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_add16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_add32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_sub8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_sub16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_sub32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_and8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_and16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_and32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_nand8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_nand16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_nand32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_or8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_or16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_or32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_xor8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_xor16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomic_xor32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_cmpxchg8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_cmpxchg16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_cmpxchg32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_cmpxchg64"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_xchg8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_xchg16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_xchg32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_xchg64"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicread8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicread16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicread32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicwrite8"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicwrite16"
-         "-Wl,-u,_hs_atomicwrite32"
-         "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziStackziCloneStack_StackSnapshot_closure"
-      if flag(find-ptr)
-        -- This symbol is useful in gdb, but not referred to anywhere,
-        -- so we need to force it to be included in the binary.
-        ld-options: "-Wl,-u,_findPtr"
-    else
-      ld-options:
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_runIO_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_runNonIO_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTuple_Z0T_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_True_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_False_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziPack_unpackCString_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_stackOverflow_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_heapOverflow_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_allocationLimitExceeded_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactFunction_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactPinned_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactMutable_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOPort_doubleReadException_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_ControlziExceptionziBase_nonTermination_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_ControlziExceptionziBase_nestedAtomically_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziEventziThread_blockedOnBadFD_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziSync_runSparks_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziIO_ensureIOManagerIsRunning_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziIO_interruptIOManager_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziIO_ioManagerCapabilitiesChanged_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziSignal_runHandlersPtr_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_flushStdHandles_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_runMainIO_closure"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Czh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Fzh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Dzh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Wzh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziPtr_Ptr_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziPtr_FunPtr_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I8zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I16zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I32zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I64zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W8zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W16zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W32zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W64zh_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziStable_StablePtr_con_info"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg64"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_xchg8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_xchg16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_xchg32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_xchg64"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicread8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicread16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicread32"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite8"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite16"
-         "-Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite32"
-         "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziStackziCloneStack_StackSnapshot_closure"
-      if flag(find-ptr)
-        -- This symbol is useful in gdb, but not referred to anywhere,
-        -- so we need to force it to be included in the binary.
-        ld-options: "-Wl,-u,findPtr"
-         -- This symbol is useful in gdb, but not referred to anywhere,
-         -- so we need to force it to be included in the binary.
-         "-Wl,-u,findPtr"
-    if os(windows)
-      if flag(leading-underscore)
-        ld-options:
-           "-Wl,-u,_base_GHCziEventziWindows_processRemoteCompletion_closure"
-      else
-        ld-options:
-           "-Wl,-u,base_GHCziEventziWindows_processRemoteCompletion_closure"
-    if os(osx)
-      ld-options: "-Wl,-search_paths_first"
-                  -- See Note [fd_set_overflow]
-                  "-Wl,-U,___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow"
-      if !arch(x86_64) && !arch(aarch64)
-         ld-options: -read_only_relocs warning
-    cmm-sources: Apply.cmm
-                 Compact.cmm
-                 Exception.cmm
-                 HeapStackCheck.cmm
-                 PrimOps.cmm
-                 StgMiscClosures.cmm
-                 StgStartup.cmm
-                 StgStdThunks.cmm
-                 Updates.cmm
-                 -- AutoApply is generated
-                 AutoApply.cmm
-    -- Adjustor stuff
-    if flag(libffi-adjustors)
-      c-sources: adjustor/LibffiAdjustor.c
-    else
-      -- Use GHC's native adjustors
-      if arch(i386)
-        asm-sources: AdjustorAsm.S
-        c-sources: adjustor/Nativei386.c
-      if arch(x86_64)
-        if os(mingw32)
-          asm-sources: adjustor/NativeAmd64MingwAsm.S
-          c-sources: adjustor/NativeAmd64Mingw.c
-        else
-          asm-sources: adjustor/NativeAmd64Asm.S
-          c-sources: adjustor/NativeAmd64.c
-      if arch(ppc) || arch(ppc64)
-        asm-sources: AdjustorAsm.S
-        c-sources: adjustor/NativePowerPC.c
-      if arch(ia64)
-        c-sources: adjustor/NativeIA64.c
-    -- Use assembler STG entrypoint on archictures where it is used
-    if arch(ppc) || arch(ppc64) || arch(s390x) || arch(riscv64)
-      asm-sources: StgCRunAsm.S
-    c-sources: Adjustor.c
-               adjustor/AdjustorPool.c
-               ExecPage.c
-               Arena.c
-               Capability.c
-               CheckUnload.c
-               CloneStack.c
-               ClosureFlags.c
-               ClosureSize.c
-               Disassembler.c
-               FileLock.c
-               ForeignExports.c
-               Globals.c
-               Hash.c
-               Heap.c
-               Hpc.c
-               HsFFI.c
-               Inlines.c
-               Interpreter.c
-               IOManager.c
-               LdvProfile.c
-               Libdw.c
-               LibdwPool.c
-               Linker.c
-               ReportMemoryMap.c
-               Messages.c
-               OldARMAtomic.c
-               PathUtils.c
-               Pool.c
-               Printer.c
-               ProfHeap.c
-               ProfilerReport.c
-               ProfilerReportJson.c
-               Profiling.c
-               IPE.c
-               Proftimer.c
-               RaiseAsync.c
-               RetainerProfile.c
-               RetainerSet.c
-               RtsAPI.c
-               RtsDllMain.c
-               RtsFlags.c
-               RtsMain.c
-               RtsMessages.c
-               RtsStartup.c
-               RtsSymbolInfo.c
-               RtsSymbols.c
-               RtsUtils.c
-               STM.c
-               Schedule.c
-               Sparks.c
-               SpinLock.c
-               StableName.c
-               StablePtr.c
-               StaticPtrTable.c
-               Stats.c
-               StgCRun.c
-               StgPrimFloat.c
-               Task.c
-               ThreadLabels.c
-               ThreadPaused.c
-               Threads.c
-               Ticky.c
-               Timer.c
-               TopHandler.c
-               Trace.c
-               TraverseHeap.c
-               TraverseHeapTest.c
-               WSDeque.c
-               Weak.c
-               eventlog/EventLog.c
-               eventlog/EventLogWriter.c
-               hooks/FlagDefaults.c
-               hooks/LongGCSync.c
-               hooks/MallocFail.c
-               hooks/OnExit.c
-               hooks/OutOfHeap.c
-               hooks/StackOverflow.c
-               linker/CacheFlush.c
-               linker/Elf.c
-               linker/LoadArchive.c
-               linker/M32Alloc.c
-               linker/MMap.c
-               linker/MachO.c
-               linker/macho/plt.c
-               linker/macho/plt_aarch64.c
-               linker/PEi386.c
-               linker/SymbolExtras.c
-               linker/elf_got.c
-               linker/elf_plt.c
-               linker/elf_plt_aarch64.c
-               linker/elf_plt_arm.c
-               linker/elf_reloc.c
-               linker/elf_reloc_aarch64.c
-               linker/elf_tlsgd.c
-               linker/elf_util.c
-               sm/BlockAlloc.c
-               sm/CNF.c
-               sm/Compact.c
-               sm/Evac.c
-               sm/Evac_thr.c
-               sm/GC.c
-               sm/GCAux.c
-               sm/GCUtils.c
-               sm/MBlock.c
-               sm/MarkWeak.c
-               sm/NonMoving.c
-               sm/NonMovingCensus.c
-               sm/NonMovingMark.c
-               sm/NonMovingScav.c
-               sm/NonMovingShortcut.c
-               sm/NonMovingSweep.c
-               sm/Sanity.c
-               sm/Scav.c
-               sm/Scav_thr.c
-               sm/Storage.c
-               sm/Sweep.c
-               fs.c
-               -- I wish we had wildcards..., this would be:
-               -- *.c hooks/**/*.c sm/**/*.c eventlog/**/*.c linker/**/*.c
-    if os(windows)
-       c-sources: win32/AsyncMIO.c
-                  win32/AsyncWinIO.c
-                  win32/AwaitEvent.c
-                  win32/ConsoleHandler.c
-                  win32/GetEnv.c
-                  win32/GetTime.c
-                  win32/MIOManager.c
-                  win32/OSMem.c
-                  win32/OSThreads.c
-                  win32/ThrIOManager.c
-                  win32/Ticker.c
-                  win32/WorkQueue.c
-                  win32/veh_excn.c
-                  -- win32/**/*.c
-    else
-       c-sources: posix/GetEnv.c
-                  posix/GetTime.c
-                  posix/Ticker.c
-                  posix/OSMem.c
-                  posix/OSThreads.c
-                  posix/Select.c
-                  posix/Signals.c
-                  posix/TTY.c
-                  -- ticker/*.c
-                  -- We don't want to compile posix/ticker/*.c, these will be #included
-                  -- from Ticker.c
--- Note [fd_set_overflow]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- In this note is the very sad tale of __darwin_fd_set_overflow.
--- The 8.10.5 release was broken because it was built in an environment
--- where the libraries were provided by XCode 12.*, these libraries introduced
--- a reference to __darwin_fd_set_overflow via the FD_SET macro which is used in
--- Select.c. Unfortunately, this symbol is not available with XCode 11.* which
--- led to a linker error when trying to link anything. This is almost certainly
--- a bug in XCode but we still have to work around it.
--- Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
---  "___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow", referenced from:
---      _awaitEvent in libHSrts.a(Select.o)
--- ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
--- One way to fix this is to upgrade your version of xcode, but this would
--- force the upgrade on users prematurely. Fortunately it also seems safe to pass
--- the linker option "-Wl,-U,___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow" because the usage of
--- the symbol is guarded by a guard to check if it's defined.
--- __header_always_inline int
--- __darwin_check_fd_set(int _a, const void *_b)
--- {
---    if ((uintptr_t)&__darwin_check_fd_set_overflow != (uintptr_t) 0) {
---#if defined(_DARWIN_UNLIMITED_SELECT) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
---        return __darwin_check_fd_set_overflow(_a, _b, 1);
---        return __darwin_check_fd_set_overflow(_a, _b, 0);
---    } else {
---        return 1;
---    }
--- Across the internet there are many other reports of this issue
---  See: https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/19393
---     , https://github.com/sitsofe/fio/commit/b6a1e63a1ff607692a3caf3c2db2c3d575ba2320
--- The issue was originally reported in #19950

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+setTestOpts(js_skip) # the JS backend doesn't detect overflows
 # some numbers like "(1 MB)" would still remain.
 # but let's just assume the actual difference in bytes
 # is too small to have an effect on the rounded megabyte value.

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