[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/decode_cloned_stack] 2 commits: Cleanup

Sven Tennie (@supersven) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Oct 8 07:38:51 UTC 2022

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/decode_cloned_stack at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

a342ceb8 by Sven Tennie at 2022-10-08T07:32:48+00:00

- - - - -
8e623557 by Sven Tennie at 2022-10-08T07:38:31+00:00
Fix some warnings

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/DecodeStack.hs


@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
 -- TODO: Find better place than top level. Re-export from top-level?
 module GHC.Exts.DecodeStack where
-import GHC.Exts.Heap.Constants (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)
 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,17,0)
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.Constants (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Bits
 import Foreign
 import System.IO.Unsafe
 import Prelude
 import GHC.Stack.CloneStack
-import GHC.Exts.Heap
+import GHC.Exts.Heap hiding (bitmap, size)
 import Debug.Trace
 import GHC.Exts
 import qualified GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures as CL
@@ -206,13 +206,16 @@ data StackFrame =
   deriving (Show)
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-foreign import ccall "belchStack" belchStack :: StackSnapshot# -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall "belchStack" belchStack# :: StackSnapshot# -> IO ()
+belchStack :: StackSnapshot -> IO ()
+belchStack (StackSnapshot s#) = belchStack s#
 decodeStack :: StackSnapshot -> IO [StackFrame]
-decodeStack s@(StackSnapshot s#) = do
+decodeStack s = do
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-  belchStack s#
+  belchStack s
   pure $ decodeStack' s
@@ -223,236 +226,4 @@ decodeStack' s = unpackStackFrameIter (stackHead s) : go (advanceStackFrameIter
     go Nothing = []
     go (Just sfi) = unpackStackFrameIter sfi : go (advanceStackFrameIter sfi)
--- foreign import ccall "stackFrameSizeW" stackFrameSizeW :: Addr# -> Word
--- foreign import ccall "getItbl" getItbl :: Addr# -> Ptr StgInfoTable
--- foreign import ccall "getSpecialRetSmall" getSpecialRetSmall :: Addr# -> Word
--- foreign import ccall "getBitmapSize" getBitmapSize :: Ptr StgInfoTable -> Word
--- foreign import ccall "getBitmapWord" getBitmapWord :: Ptr StgInfoTable -> Word
--- foreign import prim "stg_unpackClosurezh" unpackClosure_prim# :: Word# -> (# Addr#, ByteArray#, Array# b #)
--- foreign import ccall "getLargeBitmapPtr" getLargeBitmapPtr :: Ptr StgInfoTable -> Ptr LargeBitmap
--- #if defined(DEBUG)
--- foreign import ccall "belchStack" belchStack :: StackSnapshot# -> IO ()
--- #endif
--- decodeStack :: StackSnapshot -> IO [StackFrame]
--- decodeStack (StackSnapshot stack) = do
--- #if defined(DEBUG)
---   performMajorGC
---   belchStack stack
--- #endif
---   let (stgStackPtr :: Ptr FFIClosures.StackFields) = Ptr (unsafeCoerce# stack)
---   stgStack <- FFIClosures.peekStackFields stgStackPtr
---   traceM $ "stack_dirty  " ++ show (FFIClosures.stack_dirty  stgStack)
---   traceM $ "stack_marking  " ++ show (FFIClosures.stack_marking  stgStack)
---   traceM $ "stack_size " ++ show (FFIClosures.stack_size stgStack)
---   traceM $ "stack_sp  " ++ showAddr# (FFIClosures.stack_sp stgStack)
---   decodeStackChunks stgStack
--- decodeStackChunks :: FFIClosures.StackFields -> IO [StackFrame]
--- decodeStackChunks stgStack =
---   let
---     -- TODO: Use word size here, not just 8
---     stackSize = 8 * (FFIClosures.stack_size stgStack)
---     buttom = plusAddr# (FFIClosures.stack_stack stgStack) (integralToInt# stackSize)
---   in
---     decodeStackFrame buttom (FFIClosures.stack_sp stgStack)
--- decodeStackFrame :: Addr# -> Addr# -> IO [StackFrame]
--- -- TODO: Use ltAddr# ? (Does it even work?)
--- decodeStackFrame buttom sp | (addrToInt sp) >= (addrToInt buttom) = do
---               traceM $ "decodeStackFrame - buttom " ++ showAddr# buttom
---               traceM $ "decodeStackFrame - sp " ++ showAddr# sp
---               traceM "buttom reached"
---               pure []
--- decodeStackFrame buttom sp = do
--- --  traceM $ "decodeStackFrame - (addrToInt sp) >= (addrToInt buttom)" ++ show ((addrToInt sp) >= (addrToInt buttom))
--- --  traceM $ "decodeStackFrame - buttom " ++ showAddr# buttom
---   traceM $ "decodeStackFrame - sp " ++ showAddr# sp
---   frame <- toStackFrame sp
---   traceM $  "decodeStackFrame - frame " ++ show frame
---   -- TODO: This is probably not lazy and pretty ugly.
---   -- TODO: Use word size instead of 8
---   let
---     closureSize = stackFrameSizeW sp
---     closureSizeInBytes = 8 * closureSize
---     nextSp = plusAddr# sp (integralToInt# closureSizeInBytes)
---   traceM $ "decodeStackFrame - closureSize " ++ show closureSize ++ " sp " ++ showAddr# sp
---   traceM $ "decodeStackFrame - nextSp " ++ showAddr# nextSp
---   otherFrames <- decodeStackFrame buttom nextSp
---   return $ frame : otherFrames
--- toStackFrame :: Addr# -> IO StackFrame
--- toStackFrame sp = do
---   let itblPtr = getItbl sp
---   itbl <- peekItbl itblPtr
---   traceM $ "itbl " ++ show itbl
---   case tipe itbl of
---      RET_BCO -> pure RetBCO
---      RET_SMALL ->
---        let special = ((toEnum . fromInteger . toInteger) (getSpecialRetSmall sp))
---            -- TODO: Use word size here, not just 8
---            payloadAddr# = plusAddr# sp (toInt# 8)
---            bSize = getBitmapSize itblPtr
---            bWord = getBitmapWord itblPtr
---        in
---          do
---             payloads <- peekBitmapPayloadArray bSize bWord (Ptr payloadAddr#)
---             pure $ RetSmall special payloads
---      RET_BIG -> do
---        let pPtr = payloadPtr (Ptr sp)
---        traceM $ "toStackFrame - BIG_RET - pPtr " ++ show pPtr
---        let largeBitmapPtr = getLargeBitmapPtr itblPtr
---        largeBitmap <- peekStgLargeBitmap largeBitmapPtr
---        traceM $ "toStackFrame - BIG_RET - largeBitmap " ++ show largeBitmap
---        let entries = bitmapEntries pPtr largeBitmap
---        traceM $ "toStackFrame - BIG_RET - entries " ++ show entries
---        payloads <- mapM toClosure $ bitmapEntries pPtr largeBitmap
---        pure $ RetBig payloads
---      RET_FUN -> pure RetFun
---      UPDATE_FRAME -> pure UpdateFrame
---      CATCH_FRAME -> pure CatchFrame
---      UNDERFLOW_FRAME -> pure UnderflowFrame
---      STOP_FRAME -> pure StopFrame
---      ATOMICALLY_FRAME -> pure AtomicallyFrame
---      CATCH_RETRY_FRAME -> pure CatchRetryFrame
---      CATCH_STM_FRAME -> pure CatchStmFrame
---      _ -> error $ "Unexpected closure type on stack: " ++ show (tipe itbl)
--- toClosure :: BitmapEntry -> IO BitmapPayload
--- toClosure (BitmapEntry ptr isPrimitive) = if isPrimitive then
---           do
---             -- TODO: duplicated line with else branch
---             e <- peek ptr
---             pure $ Primitive e
---           else
---             do
---               e <- peek ptr
---               c <- getClosureDataFromHeapObject' (toWord# e)
---               pure $ Closure c
--- -- Idea:
--- -- 1. convert to list of (significant) bits
--- -- Convert to tupe (Ptr addr, closure type)
--- -- This is pure! And, should be easy to decode, debug and reuse.
--- data BitmapEntry = BitmapEntry {
---   closurePtr :: Ptr Word,
---   isPrimitive :: Bool
---                                } deriving (Show)
--- bitmapEntries :: Ptr Word -> LargeBitmap -> [BitmapEntry]
--- bitmapEntries payloadPtr (LargeBitmap size ws) =
---     map toBitmapEntry $ zip (bits size ws) [0..]
---   where
---     toBitmapEntry :: (Bool, Int) -> BitmapEntry
---     toBitmapEntry (b,i) = BitmapEntry {
---       closurePtr = plusPtr payloadPtr (i * (fromIntegral bytesInWord)),
---       isPrimitive = b
---                                       }
--- bits :: Word -> [Word] -> [Bool]
--- bits size ws = take (fromIntegral size) $ concat (map toBits ws)
--- toBits :: Word -> [Bool]
--- toBits w = go 0
---   where
---     go :: Int -> [Bool]
---     go b | b == (fromIntegral bitsInWord) = []
---     go b = (w .&. (1 `shiftL` b) == 1) : go (b + 1)
--- peekLargeBitmap :: Word -> [Word] -> Ptr Word -> IO [BitmapPayload]
--- peekLargeBitmap 0 _ _ = pure []
--- peekLargeBitmap _ [] _ = pure []
--- peekLargeBitmap bSize (w:ws) pPtr = do
---     payloads <- peekPayloadsFromLargeBitmapWord bSize w pPtr
---     -- TODO: Not tail-recursive, breaks lazyness
---     rest <- peekLargeBitmap remainingBitmapSize ws pPtr
---     pure $ payloads ++ rest
---   where
---     remainingBitmapSize = max 0 (bSize - bitsInWord)
--- peekPayloadsFromLargeBitmapWord :: Word -> Word -> Ptr Word -> IO [BitmapPayload]
--- peekPayloadsFromLargeBitmapWord bSize bWord ptr = go 0 []
---   where
---     go :: Word -> [BitmapPayload] -> IO [BitmapPayload]
---     go index acc | index >= bitsUsed = pure acc
---     go index acc = do
---                   e <- peekBitmapPayload ptr index bWord
---                   go (index + 1) (e:acc)
---     bitsUsed = min bitsInWord bSize
--- -- TODO: Use Ptr instead of Addr# (in all possible places)?
--- peekBitmapPayloadArray ::  Word -> Word -> Ptr Word -> IO [BitmapPayload]
--- peekBitmapPayloadArray bSize bWord ptr = go 0 []
---   where
---     go :: Word -> [BitmapPayload] -> IO [BitmapPayload]
---     go index acc | index >= bSize = pure acc
---     go index acc = do
---                   e <- peekBitmapPayload ptr index bWord
---                   go (index + 1) (e:acc)
--- -- | Fetch a single closure payload
--- -- As the decission about the value to marshall
--- -- to depends on the bitmap, only a `Word` is peeked.
--- peekBitmapPayload :: Ptr Word -> Word -> Word -> IO BitmapPayload
--- peekBitmapPayload ptr index bitmapWord = do
---         traceM $ "peekBitmapPayload - ptr " ++ show ptr
---         traceM $ "peekBitmapPayload - index " ++ show index
---         e <- (peekElemOff ptr i :: IO Word)
---         if isClosure then
---           do
---             c <- getClosureDataFromHeapObject' (toWord# e)
---             pure $ Closure c
---         else
---             pure $ Primitive e
---   where
---    isClosure :: Bool
---    isClosure = (bitmapWord .&. mask) == 0
---    mask :: Word
---    mask = 1 `shiftL` i
---    i :: Int
---    i = (fromInteger.toInteger) index
--- getClosureDataFromHeapObject'
---     :: Word#
---     -- ^ Heap object to decode.
---     -> IO Closure
---     -- ^ Heap representation of the closure.
--- getClosureDataFromHeapObject' x = do
---     case unpackClosure_prim# x of
---         (# infoTableAddr, heapRep, pointersArray #) -> do
---             let infoTablePtr = Ptr infoTableAddr
---                 ptrList = [case indexArray# pointersArray i of
---                                 (# ptr #) -> Box ptr
---                             | I# i <- [0..I# (sizeofArray# pointersArray) - 1]
---                             ]
---             infoTable <- peekItbl infoTablePtr
---             case tipe infoTable of
---                 TSO   -> pure $ UnsupportedClosure infoTable
---                 STACK -> pure $ UnsupportedClosure infoTable
---                 _ -> getClosureDataFromHeapRep heapRep infoTablePtr ptrList
--- -- | Converts to 'Int#'
--- -- An 'Integral' can be bigger than the domain of 'Int#'. This function drops
--- -- the additional bits. So, the caller should better make sure that this
--- -- conversion fits.
--- integralToInt# :: Integral a => a -> Int#
--- integralToInt# w = toInt# $ (fromInteger . toInteger) w
--- -- | Unbox 'Int#' from 'Int'
--- toInt# :: Int -> Int#
--- toInt# (I# i) = i
--- toWord# :: Word -> Word#
--- toWord# (W# w#) = w#
--- showAddr# :: Addr# -> String
--- showAddr# addr# = showHex (addrToInt addr#) ""
--- addrToInt:: Addr# -> Int
--- addrToInt addr# = I# (addr2Int# addr#)

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