[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] JS: remove Linker.Archive module

doyougnu (@doyougnu) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Oct 5 13:50:41 UTC 2022

doyougnu pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1fa90637 by doyougnu at 2022-10-05T09:50:28-04:00
JS: remove Linker.Archive module

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- − compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Archive.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in


compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Archive.hs deleted
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections      #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase         #-}
--- |
--- Module      :  GHC.StgToJS.Archive
--- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
--- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
--- Maintainer  :  Sylvain Henry  <sylvain.henry at iohk.io>
---                Jeffrey Young  <jeffrey.young at iohk.io>
---                Luite Stegeman <luite.stegeman at iohk.io>
---                Josh Meredith  <josh.meredith at iohk.io>
--- Stability   :  experimental
--- Various utilies used in the JS Linker which wrap around ar.
-module GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Archive
-  ( Entry(..), Index, IndexEntry(..), Meta(..)
-  , writeArchive
-  , readMeta, readIndex
-  , getArchiveEntries
-  , getArchiveEntry
-  ) where
-import Prelude
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import Data.Word
-import Control.Monad
-import GHC.Unit.Module
-import GHC.Utils.Binary
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
-import GHC.Utils.Monad
-import GHC.Settings.Constants (hiVersion)
-type Index = [IndexEntry]
--- | An @IndexEntry@ is a payload and an offset into the archive
-data IndexEntry = IndexEntry
-  { ieEntry  :: !Entry              -- ^ Entry identifier
-  , ieOffset :: !(Bin ByteString)   -- ^ Offset in the archive
-  } deriving (Show)
-instance Binary IndexEntry where
-  put_ bh (IndexEntry a b) = do
-    put_ bh a
-    put_ bh b
-  get bh = IndexEntry <$> get bh <*> get bh
--- | An @Entry@ is either a module or a JavaScript source file.
-data Entry
-  = Object    !ModuleName           -- ^ A Haskell Module
-  | JsSource  !FilePath             -- ^ A JS Source file
-  deriving (Show)
-instance Binary Entry where
-  put_ bh = \case
-    Object m   -> putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh m
-    JsSource p -> putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh p
-  get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
-    0 -> Object   <$> get bh
-    _ -> JsSource <$> get bh
-data Meta = Meta
-  { metaCppOptions :: [String]
-  }
-instance Binary Meta where
-  put_ bh (Meta a) = put_ bh a
-  get bh = Meta <$> get bh
--- | A header indicating we are in JS land.
-magic :: FixedLengthEncoding Word64
-magic = FixedLengthEncoding 0x435241534a434847 -- "GHCJSARC"
--- | Write payload, entries, to @FilePath@, path, using @Meta@, meta, to
--- construct the payload header.
-writeArchive :: FilePath -> Meta -> [(Entry, ByteString)] -> IO ()
-writeArchive path meta entries = do
-  bh <- openBinMem (4*1024*1000)
-  put_ bh magic
-  put_ bh (show hiVersion)
-  put_ bh meta
-  -- forward put the index
-  forwardPut_ bh (put_ bh) $ do
-    idx <- forM entries $ \(e,bs) -> do
-      p <- tellBin bh
-      put_ bh bs
-      pure $ IndexEntry
-        { ieEntry  = e
-        , ieOffset = p
-        }
-    pure idx
-  writeBinMem bh path
-data Header = Header
-  { hdrMeta   :: !Meta
-  , hdrIndex  :: !Index
-  , hdrHandle :: !BinHandle
-  }
--- | Given a binary handle, retrieve the header from the archive. Note this
--- function is unsafe and may panic.
-getArchiveHeader :: BinHandle -> IO Header
-getArchiveHeader bh = do
-  is_magic <- (== magic) <$> get bh
-  unless is_magic $ panic "getArchiveHeader: invalid magic header"
-  is_correct_version <- ((== hiVersion) . read) <$> get bh
-  unless is_correct_version $ panic "getArchiveHeader: invalid header version"
-  meta <- get bh
-  idx  <- forwardGet bh (get bh)
-  pure $ Header
-    { hdrMeta   = meta
-    , hdrIndex  = idx
-    , hdrHandle = bh
-    }
--- | Read the meta data from an archive pointed to by 'file'.
-readMeta :: FilePath -> IO Meta
-readMeta file = do
-  bh <- readBinMem file
-  hdr <- getArchiveHeader bh
-  pure $! hdrMeta hdr
--- | Read the index from an archive pointed to by 'file'.
-readIndex :: FilePath -> IO Index
-readIndex file = do
-  bh <- readBinMem file
-  hdr <- getArchiveHeader bh
-  pure $! hdrIndex hdr
--- | Read the all payloads that satisfy the input predicate, 'pred', in the
--- archive pointed to by 'hdr'.
-getArchiveEntries :: Header -> (Entry -> Bool) -> IO [ByteString]
-getArchiveEntries hdr pred = mapMaybeM read_entry (hdrIndex hdr)
-  where
-    bh = hdrHandle hdr
-    read_entry (IndexEntry e offset)
-      | pred e  = do
-          seekBin bh offset
-          Just <$> get bh
-      | otherwise = pure Nothing
--- | Get a single payload by searching @IndexEntry at s in 'hdr', returns the first
--- entry that satisfies the input predicate, 'pred', in the archive pointed to
--- by 'hdr'. Returns Nothing if 'pred' fails for all entries.
-getArchiveEntry :: Header -> (Entry -> Bool) -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
-getArchiveEntry hdr pred = go (hdrIndex hdr)
-  where
-    bh = hdrHandle hdr
-    go = \case
-      (IndexEntry e offset:es)
-        | pred e    -> seekBin bh offset >> (Just <$> get bh)
-        | otherwise -> go es
-      []            -> pure Nothing

@@ -666,7 +666,6 @@ Library
-        GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Archive

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