[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22428] Fix contification with stable unfoldings (#22428)

Sebastian Graf (@sgraf812) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Nov 24 16:47:48 UTC 2022

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/T22428 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

fd3c063a by Sebastian Graf at 2022-11-24T17:47:24+01:00
Fix contification with stable unfoldings (#22428)

Many functions now return a `TailUsageDetails` that adorns a `UsageDetails` with
a `JoinArity` that reflects the number of join point binders around the body
for which the `UsageDetails` was computed. `TailUsageDetails` is now returned by
`occAnalLamTail` as well as `occAnalUnfolding` and `occAnalRules`.

I adjusted `Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]` and
`Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]` to account for the new machinery.

I also renamed

  * `occAnalLam` to `occAnalLamTail`
  * `occAnalRhs` to `occAnalLam`
  * `adjustRhsUsage` to `adjustTailUsage`
  * a few other less important functions

and properly documented the that each call of `occAnalLamTail` must pair up with

I removed `Note [Unfoldings and join points]` because it was redundant with
`Note [Occurrences in stable unfoldings]`.

Fixes #22428.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Misc.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T22428.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T22428.stderr
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/all.T


@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Names( runRWKey )
 import GHC.Unit.Module( Module )
 import Data.List (mapAccumL, mapAccumR)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
@@ -510,6 +510,13 @@ of the file.
     at any of the definitions.  This is done by Simplify.simplRecBind,
     when it calls addLetIdInfo.
+Note that the UsageDetails stored in the Details are as if the binding was a
+*non-recursive join point*, which is quite optimistic. The reason is that
+the binding might actually become a non-recursive join point after dependency
+analysis and in which case we can pretend that the whole RHS is only entered
+once. We do the delayed 'adjustTailUsage' in 'occAnalRec'/'tagRecBinders'.
+See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules] for more details on the contract.
 Note [Stable unfoldings]
 None of the above stuff about RULES applies to a stable unfolding
@@ -608,6 +615,53 @@ tail call with `n` arguments (counting both value and type arguments). Otherwise
 'occ_tail' will be 'NoTailCallInfo'. The tail call info flows bottom-up with the
 rest of 'OccInfo' until it goes on the binder.
+Note [Join arity prediction for recursive functions]
+Recall the contification transformation in Fig. 5 of
+"Compiling without Continuations". The letrec case looks like this
+  letrec f = /\as.\xs. L[us] in L'[es]
+    ... and a bunch of conditions establishing that f only occurs
+        in app heads of join arity (len as + len xs) inside us and es ...
+So for a recursive group, the possible join arity of each binding is determined
+by two sources:
+  O. The arity of AlwaysTailCalled occurrences in the let body and its RHSs
+     after stripping off all manifest lambdas (because a lambda body is not a
+     tail context)
+  M. The manifest join arity of the RHSs, which is (len as + len xs) above
+If (O) and (M) do not agree, we may not turn the letrec into a join point.
+What goes wrong if we ignore (M)? Consider
+  letrec f x y = if ... then f x else True
+  in f 42
+According to (O), we'd turn `f` into a join point of arity 1. But that is wrong,
+because then the recursive jump in its RHS is not in tail position!
+We can use (M) and conclude that *if* f becomes a join point, then it will have
+join arity 2. Generally, we can predict the join arity of a recursive binding
+by the manifest join arity of its RHS, which is exactly the join arity returned
+when analysing the RHS with 'occAnalLamTail'.
+However, for non-recursive functions, this prediction can be wrong.
+Note again the definition of contification from the paper:
+  let f = /\as.\xs.u in L[es]     ...  conditions ...
+Note the occurrence of u, not L[us]. u might indeed be a lambda itself, e.g.,
+  let f x y = rhs
+  in if b then f 1 else f 2
+And based on (O) we'll turn it into a join point of arity 1, because, unlike for
+letrec, f may not occur in rhs. So we adjust the result returned by
+'occAnalLamTail', spoiling all tail calls, see Note [Adjusting right-hand sides].
+It's also possible for (M) to yield a lower prediction than (O); then the
+Simplifier will eta-expand accordingly.
 Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
@@ -618,8 +672,10 @@ Consider
 Before j is inlined, we'll have occurrences of j2 in
 both j's RHS and in its stable unfolding.  We want to discover
-j2 as a join point.  So we must do the adjustRhsUsage thing
-on j's RHS.  That's why we pass mb_join_arity to calcUnfolding.
+j2 as a join point. So 'occAnalUnfolding' returns an unadjusted
+'TailUsageDetails', like 'occAnalLamTail'. We adjust the usage details of the
+unfolding to the actual join arity using the same 'adjustTailArity' as for
+the RHS, see Note [Adjusting right-hand sides].
 Same with rules. Suppose we have:
@@ -636,14 +692,31 @@ up.  So provided the join-point arity of k matches the args of the
 rule we can allow the tail-call info from the RHS of the rule to
-* Wrinkle for Rec case. In the recursive case we don't know the
-  join-point arity in advance, when calling occAnalUnfolding and
-  occAnalRules.  (See makeNode.)  We don't want to pass Nothing,
-  because then a recursive joinrec might lose its join-poin-hood
-  when SpecConstr adds a RULE.  So we just make do with the
-  *current* join-poin-hood, stored in the Id.
+* Note that the join arity of the RHS and that of the unfolding or RULE might
+  mismatch:
+    let j x y = j2 (x+x)
+        {-# INLINE[2] j = \x. g #-}
+        {-# RULE forall x y z. j x y z = h 17 #-}
+    in j 1 2
+  So it is crucial that we adjust each TailUsageDetails individually
+  with the actual join arity 2 here before we combine with `andUDs`.
+  Here, that means losing tail call info on `g` and `h`.
+* Wrinkle for Rec case: We store one TailUsageDetails in the node Details for
+  RHS, unfolding and RULE combined. Clearly, if they don't agree on their join
+  arity, we have to do some adjusting. We choose to adjust to the join arity
+  of the RHS, because that is likely the join arity that the join point will
+  have; see Note [Join arity prediction for recursive functions].
-  In the non-recursive case things are simple: see occAnalNonRecBind
+  If the guess is correct, then tail calls in the RHS are preserved; a necessary
+  condition for the whole binding becoming a join rec.
+  The guess can only be incorrect in the 'AcyclicSCC' case when the binding
+  becomes a non-recursive join point with a different join arity. But then the
+  eventual call to 'adjustTailUsage' in 'tagRecBinders'/'occAnalRec' will
+  be with a different join arity and destroy unsound tail call info with
+  'markNonTail'.
 * Wrinkle for RULES.  Suppose the example was a bit different:
       let j :: Int -> Int
@@ -669,28 +742,21 @@ propagate.
   This appears to be very rare in practice. TODO Perhaps we should gather
   statistics to be sure.
-Note [Unfoldings and join points]
-We assume that anything in an unfolding occurs multiple times, since
-unfoldings are often copied (that's the whole point!). But we still
-need to track tail calls for the purpose of finding join points.
 Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
 There's a bit of a dance we need to do after analysing a lambda expression or
 a right-hand side. In particular, we need to
-  a) call 'markAllInsideLam' *unless* the binding is for a thunk, a one-shot
-     lambda, or a non-recursive join point; and
-  b) call 'markAllNonTail' *unless* the binding is for a join point, and
-     the RHS has the right arity; e.g.
+  a) call 'markAllNonTail' *unless* the binding is for a join point, and
+     the TailUsageDetails from the RHS has the right join arity; e.g.
         join j x y = case ... of
                        A -> j2 p
                        B -> j2 q
         in j a b
      Here we want the tail calls to j2 to be tail calls of the whole expression
+  b) call 'markAllInsideLam' *unless* the binding is for a thunk, a one-shot
+     lambda, or a non-recursive join point
 Some examples, with how the free occurrences in e (assumed not to be a value
 lambda) get marked:
@@ -707,26 +773,30 @@ lambda) get marked:
 There are a few other caveats; most importantly, if we're marking a binding as
 'AlwaysTailCalled', it's *going* to be a join point, so we treat it as one so
 that the effect cascades properly. Consequently, at the time the RHS is
-analysed, we won't know what adjustments to make; thus 'occAnalLamOrRhs' must
-return the unadjusted 'UsageDetails', to be adjusted by 'adjustRhsUsage' once
-join-point-hood has been decided.
+analysed, we won't know what adjustments to make; thus 'occAnalLamTail' must
+return the unadjusted 'UsageDetails', to be adjusted by 'adjustTailUsage' once
+join-point-hood has been decided and eventual one-shot annotations have been
+added through 'markNonRecJoinOneShots'.
 Thus the overall sequence taking place in 'occAnalNonRecBind' and
 'occAnalRecBind' is as follows:
-  1. Call 'occAnalLamOrRhs' to find usage information for the RHS.
+  1. Call 'occAnalLamTail' to find usage information for the RHS.
   2. Call 'tagNonRecBinder' or 'tagRecBinders', which decides whether to make
      the binding a join point.
-  3. Call 'adjustRhsUsage' accordingly. (Done as part of 'tagRecBinders' when
+  3. Call 'markNonRecJoinOneShots' so that we recognise every non-recursive join
+     point as one-shot
+  4. Call 'adjustTailUsage' accordingly. (Done as part of 'tagRecBinders' when
-(In the recursive case, this logic is spread between 'makeNode' and
+In the recursive case, this logic is spread: Step 1 is done in 'makeNode' and
+steps (2)-(4) are done in the 'AcyclicSCC' case of 'occAnalRec'.
 data WithUsageDetails a = WithUsageDetails !UsageDetails !a
+data WithTailUsageDetails a = WithTailUsageDetails !TailUsageDetails !a
 --                 occAnalBind
@@ -754,12 +824,11 @@ occAnalNonRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges bndr rhs body_usage
   = WithUsageDetails body_usage []
   | otherwise                   -- It's mentioned in the body
-  = WithUsageDetails (body_usage' `andUDs` rhs_usage) [NonRec final_bndr rhs']
+  = WithUsageDetails (body_usage' `andUDs` rhs_usage) [NonRec final_bndr rhs2]
     (body_usage', tagged_bndr) = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_usage bndr
-    final_bndr = tagged_bndr `setIdUnfolding` unf'
+    final_bndr = tagged_bndr `setIdUnfolding` unf2
                              `setIdSpecialisation` mkRuleInfo rules'
-    rhs_usage = rhs_uds `andUDs` unf_uds `andUDs` rule_uds
     -- Get the join info from the *new* decision
     -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
@@ -773,17 +842,29 @@ occAnalNonRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges bndr rhs body_usage
     -- See Note [Sources of one-shot information]
     rhs_env = env1 { occ_one_shots = argOneShots dmd }
-    (WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs') = occAnalRhs rhs_env NonRecursive mb_join_arity rhs
+    WithTailUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs1 = occAnalLamTail rhs_env rhs
+    adj_rhs_uds = adjustTailUsage mb_join_arity rhs2 rhs_uds
+      -- corresponding call to adjustTailUsage directly below
+    rhs_usage = adj_rhs_uds `andUDs` adj_unf_uds `andUDs` adj_rule_uds
     --------- Unfolding ---------
-    -- See Note [Unfoldings and join points]
+    -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
     unf | isId bndr = idUnfolding bndr
         | otherwise = NoUnfolding
-    (WithUsageDetails unf_uds unf') = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env NonRecursive mb_join_arity unf
+    WithTailUsageDetails unf_uds unf1 = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env unf
+    adj_unf_uds = adjustTailArity mb_join_arity unf_uds
+    --------- Marking (non-rec) join binders one-shot ---------
+    (rhs2,unf2) | isJust mb_join_arity
+                = (mark rhs1, overStableCoreUnfoldingTmpl mark unf1)
+                | otherwise
+                = (rhs1,unf1)
+                where mark = markNonRecJoinOneShots mb_join_arity
     --------- Rules ---------
     -- See Note [Rules are extra RHSs] and Note [Rule dependency info]
-    rules_w_uds  = occAnalRules rhs_env mb_join_arity bndr
+    -- and Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
+    rules_w_uds  = occAnalRules rhs_env bndr
     rules'       = map fstOf3 rules_w_uds
     imp_rule_uds = impRulesScopeUsage (lookupImpRules imp_rule_edges bndr)
          -- imp_rule_uds: consider
@@ -794,8 +875,9 @@ occAnalNonRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges bndr rhs body_usage
          -- that g is (since the RULE might turn g into h), so
          -- we make g mention h.
-    rule_uds = foldr add_rule_uds imp_rule_uds rules_w_uds
-    add_rule_uds (_, l, r) uds = l `andUDs` r `andUDs` uds
+    adj_rule_uds = foldr add_rule_uds imp_rule_uds rules_w_uds
+    add_rule_uds (_, l, r) uds
+      = l `andUDs` adjustTailArity mb_join_arity r `andUDs` uds
     occ = idOccInfo tagged_bndr
@@ -848,11 +930,22 @@ occAnalRec !_ lvl (AcyclicSCC (ND { nd_bndr = bndr, nd_rhs = rhs
   | otherwise                   -- It's mentioned in the body
   = WithUsageDetails (body_uds' `andUDs` rhs_uds')
-                     (NonRec tagged_bndr rhs : binds)
+                     (NonRec bndr2 rhs2 : binds)
-    (body_uds', tagged_bndr) = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_uds bndr
-    rhs_uds'      = adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity rhs rhs_uds
-    mb_join_arity = willBeJoinId_maybe tagged_bndr
+    (body_uds', bndr1) = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_uds bndr
+    rhs1 = markNonRecJoinOneShots mb_join_arity rhs
+    rhs_uds' = adjustTailUsage mb_join_arity rhs1 rhs_uds
+      -- corresponding call to occAnalLamTail is in makeNode
+      -- rhs_uds is for a non-recursive join point; we should to do the same
+      -- as occAnalNonRecBind, so we do 'markNonRecJoinOneShots' before.
+    mb_join_arity = willBeJoinId_maybe bndr1
+    (rhs2,bndr2) | isJust mb_join_arity
+                 = (mark rhs1, bndr1 `setIdUnfolding` unf2)
+                 | otherwise
+                 = (rhs1,bndr1)
+                 where mark = markNonRecJoinOneShots mb_join_arity
+                       unf1 = idUnfolding bndr1
+                       unf2 = overStableCoreUnfoldingTmpl mark unf1
         -- The Rec case is the interesting one
         -- See Note [Recursive bindings: the grand plan]
@@ -1329,9 +1422,11 @@ data Details
        , nd_rhs  :: CoreExpr    -- RHS, already occ-analysed
-       , nd_uds  :: UsageDetails  -- Usage from RHS, and RULES, and stable unfoldings
-                                  -- ignoring phase (ie assuming all are active)
-                                  -- See Note [Forming Rec groups]
+       , nd_uds  :: TailUsageDetails  -- Usage from RHS, and RULES, and stable unfoldings
+                                      -- ignoring phase (ie assuming all are active)
+                                      -- NB: Unadjusted TailUsageDetails, as if
+                                      -- this Node becomes a non-recursive join point!
+                                      -- See Note [Forming Rec groups]
        , nd_inl  :: IdSet       -- Free variables of the stable unfolding and the RHS
                                 -- but excluding any RULES
@@ -1398,41 +1493,47 @@ makeNode !env imp_rule_edges bndr_set (bndr, rhs)
     bndr' = bndr `setIdUnfolding`      unf'
                  `setIdSpecialisation` mkRuleInfo rules'
-    inl_uds = rhs_uds `andUDs` unf_uds
-    scope_uds = inl_uds `andUDs` rule_uds
+    -- NB: Both adj_unf_uds and adj_rule_uds have been adjusted to match the
+    --     JoinArity rhs_ja of unadj_rhs_uds.
+    unadj_inl_uds   = unadj_rhs_uds `andUDs` adj_unf_uds
+    unadj_scope_uds = unadj_inl_uds `andUDs` adj_rule_uds
+    scope_uds       = TUD rhs_ja unadj_scope_uds
                    -- Note [Rules are extra RHSs]
                    -- Note [Rule dependency info]
-    scope_fvs = udFreeVars bndr_set scope_uds
+    scope_fvs = udFreeVars bndr_set unadj_scope_uds
     -- scope_fvs: all occurrences from this binder: RHS, unfolding,
     --            and RULES, both LHS and RHS thereof, active or inactive
-    inl_fvs  = udFreeVars bndr_set inl_uds
+    inl_fvs  = udFreeVars bndr_set unadj_inl_uds
     -- inl_fvs: vars that would become free if the function was inlined.
     -- We conservatively approximate that by thefree vars from the RHS
     -- and the unfolding together.
     -- See Note [inl_fvs]
-    mb_join_arity = isJoinId_maybe bndr
-    -- Get join point info from the *current* decision
-    -- We don't know what the new decision will be!
-    -- Using the old decision at least allows us to
-    -- preserve existing join point, even RULEs are added
-    -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
     --------- Right hand side ---------
     -- Constructing the edges for the main Rec computation
     -- See Note [Forming Rec groups]
-    -- Do not use occAnalRhs because we don't yet know the final
-    -- answer for mb_join_arity; instead, do the occAnalLam call from
-    -- occAnalRhs, and postpone adjustRhsUsage until occAnalRec
-    rhs_env                         = rhsCtxt env
-    (WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs') = occAnalLam rhs_env rhs
+    -- Compared to occAnalLam, we can't yet adjust the RHS because
+    --   (a) we don't yet know the final answer for pred_join_arity. It might be
+    --       Nothing!
+    --   (b) we don't even know whether it stays a recursive RHS after the SCC
+    --       analysis we are about to seed! So we can't markAllInsideLam in
+    --       advance, because if it ends up as a non-recursive join point we'll
+    --       consider it as one-shot and don't need to markAllInsideLam.
+    -- Instead, do the occAnalLamTail call from occAnalLam, and postpone
+    -- adjustTailUsage until occAnalRec. In effect, we pretend that the RHS
+    -- becomes a non-recursive join point and fix up later with adjustTailUsage.
+    rhs_env = rhsCtxt env
+    WithTailUsageDetails (TUD rhs_ja unadj_rhs_uds) rhs' = occAnalLamTail rhs_env rhs
+      -- corresponding call to adjustTailUsage in occAnalRec and tagRecBinders
     --------- Unfolding ---------
-    -- See Note [Unfoldings and join points]
+    -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
     unf = realIdUnfolding bndr -- realIdUnfolding: Ignore loop-breaker-ness
                                -- here because that is what we are setting!
-    (WithUsageDetails unf_uds unf') = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env Recursive mb_join_arity unf
+    WithTailUsageDetails unf_tuds unf' = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env unf
+    adj_unf_uds = adjustTailArity (Just rhs_ja) unf_tuds
     --------- IMP-RULES --------
     is_active     = occ_rule_act env :: Activation -> Bool
@@ -1441,11 +1542,13 @@ makeNode !env imp_rule_edges bndr_set (bndr, rhs)
     imp_rule_fvs  = impRulesActiveFvs is_active bndr_set imp_rule_info
     --------- All rules --------
+    -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
     rules_w_uds :: [(CoreRule, UsageDetails, UsageDetails)]
-    rules_w_uds = occAnalRules rhs_env mb_join_arity bndr
+    rules_w_uds = [ (r,l,adjustTailArity (Just rhs_ja) rhs_tuds)
+                  | (r,l,rhs_tuds) <- occAnalRules rhs_env bndr ]
     rules'      = map fstOf3 rules_w_uds
-    rule_uds = foldr add_rule_uds imp_rule_uds rules_w_uds
+    adj_rule_uds = foldr add_rule_uds imp_rule_uds rules_w_uds
     add_rule_uds (_, l, r) uds = l `andUDs` r `andUDs` uds
     -------- active_rule_fvs ------------
@@ -1748,7 +1851,7 @@ lambda and casts, e.g.
 * Occurrence analyser: we just mark each binder in the lambda-group
   (here: x,y,z) with its occurrence info in the *body* of the
-  lambda-group.  See occAnalLam.
+  lambda-group.  See occAnalLamTail.
 * Simplifier.  The simplifier is careful when partially applying
   lambda-groups. See the call to zapLambdaBndrs in
@@ -1804,7 +1907,7 @@ zapLambdaBndrs fun arg_count
     zap_bndr b | isTyVar b = b
                | otherwise = zapLamIdInfo b
-occAnalLam :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> (WithUsageDetails CoreExpr)
+occAnalLamTail :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> WithTailUsageDetails CoreExpr
 -- See Note [Occurrence analysis for lambda binders]
 -- It does the following:
 --   * Sets one-shot info on the lambda binder from the OccEnv, and
@@ -1815,13 +1918,17 @@ occAnalLam :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> (WithUsageDetails CoreExpr)
 -- This function does /not/ do
 --   markAllInsideLam or
 --   markAllNonTail
--- The caller does that, either in occAnal (Lam {}), or in adjustRhsUsage
+-- The caller does that, either in occAnalLam, or calling adjustTailUsage directly.
+-- Every call site links to its respective adjustTailUsage call and vice versa.
+-- In effect, the analysis result is for a non-recursive join point with
+-- manifest arity and adjustTailUsage does the fixup.
 -- See Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
-occAnalLam env (Lam bndr expr)
+occAnalLamTail env (Lam bndr expr)
   | isTyVar bndr
-  = let (WithUsageDetails usage expr') = occAnalLam env expr
-    in WithUsageDetails usage (Lam bndr expr')
+  , WithTailUsageDetails tusage expr' <- occAnalLamTail env expr
+  = WithTailUsageDetails tusage (Lam bndr expr')
        -- Important: Keep the 'env' unchanged so that with a RHS like
        --   \(@ x) -> K @x (f @x)
        -- we'll see that (K @x (f @x)) is in a OccRhs, and hence refrain
@@ -1839,14 +1946,14 @@ occAnalLam env (Lam bndr expr)
         env1 = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_one_shots = env_one_shots' }
         env2 = addOneInScope env1 bndr
-        (WithUsageDetails usage expr') = occAnalLam env2 expr
+        WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja usage) expr' = occAnalLamTail env2 expr
         (usage', bndr2) = tagLamBinder usage bndr1
-    in WithUsageDetails usage' (Lam bndr2 expr')
+    in WithTailUsageDetails (TUD (ja+1) usage') (Lam bndr2 expr')
 -- For casts, keep going in the same lambda-group
 -- See Note [Occurrence analysis for lambda binders]
-occAnalLam env (Cast expr co)
-  = let  (WithUsageDetails usage expr') = occAnalLam env expr
+occAnalLamTail env (Cast expr co)
+  = let  WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja usage) expr' = occAnalLamTail env expr
          -- usage1: see Note [Gather occurrences of coercion variables]
          usage1 = addManyOccs usage (coVarsOfCo co)
@@ -1856,15 +1963,16 @@ occAnalLam env (Cast expr co)
                     _ -> usage1
          -- usage3: you might think this was not necessary, because of
-         -- the markAllNonTail in adjustRhsUsage; but not so!  For a
-         -- join point, adjustRhsUsage doesn't do this; yet if there is
+         -- the markAllNonTail in adjustTailUsage; but not so!  For a
+         -- join point, adjustTailUsage doesn't do this; yet if there is
          -- a cast, we must!  Also: why markAllNonTail?  See
          -- GHC.Core.Lint: Note Note [Join points and casts]
          usage3 = markAllNonTail usage2
-    in WithUsageDetails usage3 (Cast expr' co)
+    in WithTailUsageDetails (TUD ja usage3) (Cast expr' co)
-occAnalLam env expr = occAnal env expr
+occAnalLamTail env expr = case occAnal env expr of
+  WithUsageDetails usage expr' -> WithTailUsageDetails (TUD 0 usage) expr'
 {- Note [Occ-anal and cast worker/wrapper]
@@ -1884,8 +1992,8 @@ RHS. So it'll get a Many occ-info.  (Maybe Cast w/w should create a stable
 unfolding, which would obviate this Note; but that seems a bit of a
 heavyweight solution.)
-We only need to this in occAnalLam, not occAnal, because the top leve
-of a right hand side is handled by occAnalLam.
+We only need to this in occAnalLamTail, not occAnal, because the top leve
+of a right hand side is handled by occAnalLamTail.
@@ -1895,57 +2003,36 @@ of a right hand side is handled by occAnalLam.
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
-occAnalRhs :: OccEnv -> RecFlag -> Maybe JoinArity
+occAnalLam :: OccEnv -> Maybe JoinArity
            -> CoreExpr   -- RHS
            -> WithUsageDetails CoreExpr
-occAnalRhs !env is_rec mb_join_arity rhs
-  = let (WithUsageDetails usage rhs1) = occAnalLam env rhs
-           -- We call occAnalLam here, not occAnalExpr, so that it doesn't
-           -- do the markAllInsideLam and markNonTailCall stuff before
-           -- we've had a chance to help with join points; that comes next
-        rhs2      = markJoinOneShots is_rec mb_join_arity rhs1
-        rhs_usage = adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity rhs2 usage
-    in WithUsageDetails rhs_usage rhs2
-markJoinOneShots :: RecFlag -> Maybe JoinArity -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
--- For a /non-recursive/ join point we can mark all
--- its join-lambda as one-shot; and it's a good idea to do so
-markJoinOneShots NonRecursive (Just join_arity) rhs
-  = go join_arity rhs
+-- ^ This function immediately does adjustTailUsage with the fixed join arity
+-- after the call to occAnalLamTail.
+-- It's useful for anonymous lambdas and unfoldings.
+occAnalLam !env mb_join_arity rhs
+  = WithUsageDetails (adjustTailUsage mb_join_arity rhs2 tusage) rhs2
-    go 0 rhs         = rhs
-    go n (Lam b rhs) = Lam (if isId b then setOneShotLambda b else b)
-                           (go (n-1) rhs)
-    go _ rhs         = rhs  -- Not enough lambdas.  This can legitimately happen.
-                            -- e.g.    let j = case ... in j True
-                            -- This will become an arity-1 join point after the
-                            -- simplifier has eta-expanded it; but it may not have
-                            -- enough lambdas /yet/. (Lint checks that JoinIds do
-                            -- have enough lambdas.)
-markJoinOneShots _ _ rhs
-  = rhs
+    rhs2 = markNonRecJoinOneShots mb_join_arity rhs1
+    WithTailUsageDetails tusage rhs1 = occAnalLamTail env rhs
 occAnalUnfolding :: OccEnv
-                 -> RecFlag
-                 -> Maybe JoinArity   -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
                  -> Unfolding
-                 -> WithUsageDetails Unfolding
+                 -> WithTailUsageDetails Unfolding
 -- Occurrence-analyse a stable unfolding;
--- discard a non-stable one altogether.
-occAnalUnfolding !env is_rec mb_join_arity unf
+-- discard a non-stable one altogether and return empty usage details.
+occAnalUnfolding !env unf
   = case unf of
       unf@(CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = rhs, uf_src = src })
         | isStableSource src ->
-              (WithUsageDetails usage rhs') = occAnalRhs env is_rec mb_join_arity rhs
+              WithTailUsageDetails (TUD rhs_ja usage) rhs' = occAnalLamTail env rhs
               unf' | noBinderSwaps env = unf -- Note [Unfoldings and rules]
                    | otherwise         = unf { uf_tmpl = rhs' }
-            in WithUsageDetails (markAllMany usage) unf'
+            in WithTailUsageDetails (TUD rhs_ja (markAllMany usage)) unf'
               -- markAllMany: see Note [Occurrences in stable unfoldings]
-        | otherwise          -> WithUsageDetails emptyDetails unf
+        | otherwise          -> WithTailUsageDetails (TUD 0 emptyDetails) unf
               -- For non-Stable unfoldings we leave them undisturbed, but
               -- don't count their usage because the simplifier will discard them.
               -- We leave them undisturbed because nodeScore uses their size info
@@ -1954,29 +2041,26 @@ occAnalUnfolding !env is_rec mb_join_arity unf
               -- scope remain in scope; there is no cloning etc.
       unf@(DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args })
-        -> WithUsageDetails final_usage (unf { df_args = args' })
+        -> WithTailUsageDetails (TUD 0 final_usage) (unf { df_args = args' })
           env'            = env `addInScope` bndrs
           (WithUsageDetails usage args') = occAnalList env' args
-          final_usage     = markAllManyNonTail (delDetailsList usage bndrs)
-                            `addLamCoVarOccs` bndrs
-                            `delDetailsList` bndrs
+          final_usage     = usage `addLamCoVarOccs` bndrs `delDetailsList` bndrs
               -- delDetailsList; no need to use tagLamBinders because we
               -- never inline DFuns so the occ-info on binders doesn't matter
-      unf -> WithUsageDetails emptyDetails unf
+      unf -> WithTailUsageDetails (TUD 0 emptyDetails) unf
 occAnalRules :: OccEnv
-             -> Maybe JoinArity  -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
              -> Id               -- Get rules from here
              -> [(CoreRule,      -- Each (non-built-in) rule
                   UsageDetails,  -- Usage details for LHS
-                  UsageDetails)] -- Usage details for RHS
-occAnalRules !env mb_join_arity bndr
+                  TailUsageDetails)] -- Usage details for RHS
+occAnalRules !env bndr
   = map occ_anal_rule (idCoreRules bndr)
     occ_anal_rule rule@(Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs })
-      = (rule', lhs_uds', rhs_uds')
+      = (rule', lhs_uds', TUD rhs_ja rhs_uds')
         env' = env `addInScope` bndrs
         rule' | noBinderSwaps env = rule  -- Note [Unfoldings and rules]
@@ -1989,14 +2073,11 @@ occAnalRules !env mb_join_arity bndr
         (WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs') = occAnal env' rhs
                             -- Note [Rules are extra RHSs]
                             -- Note [Rule dependency info]
-        rhs_uds' = markAllNonTailIf (not exact_join) $
-                   markAllMany                             $
+        rhs_uds' = markAllMany $
                    rhs_uds `delDetailsList` bndrs
+        rhs_ja = length args -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
-        exact_join = exactJoin mb_join_arity args
-                     -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
-    occ_anal_rule other_rule = (other_rule, emptyDetails, emptyDetails)
+    occ_anal_rule other_rule = (other_rule, emptyDetails, TUD 0 emptyDetails)
 {- Note [Join point RHSs]
@@ -2031,6 +2112,8 @@ Another way to think about it: if we inlined g as-is into multiple
 call sites, now there's be multiple calls to f.
 Bottom line: treat all occurrences in a stable unfolding as "Many".
+We still leave tail call information in tact, though, as to not spoil
+potential join points.
 Note [Unfoldings and rules]
@@ -2208,10 +2291,7 @@ occAnal env app@(App _ _)
   = occAnalApp env (collectArgsTicks tickishFloatable app)
 occAnal env expr@(Lam {})
-  = let (WithUsageDetails usage expr') = occAnalLam env expr
-        final_usage = markAllInsideLamIf (not (isOneShotFun expr')) $
-                      markAllNonTail usage
-    in WithUsageDetails final_usage expr'
+  = occAnalLam env Nothing expr -- mb_join_arity == Nothing <=> markAllManyNonTail
 occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
   = let
@@ -2286,7 +2366,7 @@ occAnalApp !env (Var fun, args, ticks)
   --     This caused #18296
   | fun `hasKey` runRWKey
   , [t1, t2, arg]  <- args
-  , let (WithUsageDetails usage arg') = occAnalRhs env NonRecursive (Just 1) arg
+  , WithUsageDetails usage arg' <- occAnalLam env (Just 1) arg
   = WithUsageDetails usage (mkTicks ticks $ mkApps (Var fun) [t1, t2, arg'])
 occAnalApp env (Var fun_id, args, ticks)
@@ -2865,6 +2945,13 @@ lookupBndrSwap env@(OccEnv { occ_bs_env = bs_env })  bndr
     case lookupBndrSwap env bndr1 of
       (fun, fun_id) -> (mkCastMCo fun mco, fun_id) }
+overStableCoreUnfoldingTmpl :: (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -> Unfolding -> Unfolding
+overStableCoreUnfoldingTmpl f uf = case uf of
+  CoreUnfolding{uf_tmpl=tmpl,uf_src=src}
+    | isStableSource src
+    , let !tmpl' = f tmpl
+    -> uf{uf_tmpl=tmpl'}
+  _ -> uf
 {- Historical note [Proxy let-bindings]
@@ -2991,6 +3078,14 @@ data UsageDetails
 instance Outputable UsageDetails where
   ppr ud = ppr (ud_env (flattenUsageDetails ud))
+-- | A 'UsageDetails' for a join body of the given 'JoinArity'.
+-- Call 'adjustTailArity'/'adjustTailUsage' to pick out the 'UsageDetails'.
+data TailUsageDetails = TUD !JoinArity !UsageDetails
+instance Outputable TailUsageDetails where
+  ppr (TUD ja uds) = lambda <> ppr ja <> ppr uds
 -- UsageDetails API
@@ -3132,24 +3227,42 @@ flattenUsageDetails ud@(UD { ud_env = env })
 -- See Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
-adjustRhsUsage :: Maybe JoinArity
-               -> CoreExpr       -- Rhs, AFTER occ anal
-               -> UsageDetails   -- From body of lambda
+adjustTailUsage :: Maybe JoinArity
+               -> CoreExpr           -- Rhs, AFTER occAnalLamTail
+               -> TailUsageDetails   -- From body of lambda
                -> UsageDetails
-adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity rhs usage
+adjustTailUsage mb_join_arity rhs (TUD rhs_ja usage)
   = -- c.f. occAnal (Lam {})
     markAllInsideLamIf (not one_shot) $
     markAllNonTailIf (not exact_join) $
     one_shot   = isOneShotFun rhs
-    exact_join = exactJoin mb_join_arity bndrs
-    (bndrs,_)  = collectBinders rhs
+    exact_join = mb_join_arity == Just rhs_ja
+adjustTailArity :: Maybe JoinArity -> TailUsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+adjustTailArity mb_rhs_ja (TUD ud_ja usage) =
+  markAllNonTailIf (mb_rhs_ja /= Just ud_ja) usage
-exactJoin :: Maybe JoinArity -> [a] -> Bool
-exactJoin Nothing           _    = False
-exactJoin (Just join_arity) args = args `lengthIs` join_arity
-  -- Remember join_arity includes type binders
+assumeCorrectTailArity :: TailUsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+assumeCorrectTailArity (TUD _ usage) = usage
+markNonRecJoinOneShots :: Maybe JoinArity -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+-- For a /non-recursive/ join point we can mark all
+-- its join-lambda as one-shot; and it's a good idea to do so
+markNonRecJoinOneShots Nothing           rhs = rhs
+markNonRecJoinOneShots (Just join_arity) rhs
+  = go join_arity rhs
+  where
+    go 0 rhs         = rhs
+    go n (Lam b rhs) = Lam (if isId b then setOneShotLambda b else b)
+                           (go (n-1) rhs)
+    go _ rhs         = rhs  -- Not enough lambdas.  This can legitimately happen.
+                            -- e.g.    let j = case ... in j True
+                            -- This will become an arity-1 join point after the
+                            -- simplifier has eta-expanded it; but it may not have
+                            -- enough lambdas /yet/. (Lint checks that JoinIds do
+                            -- have enough lambdas.)
 type IdWithOccInfo = Id
@@ -3214,17 +3327,16 @@ tagRecBinders lvl body_uds details_s
      rhs_udss = map nd_uds  details_s
      -- 1. Determine join-point-hood of whole group, as determined by
-     --    the *unadjusted* usage details
-     unadj_uds     = foldr andUDs body_uds rhs_udss
+     --    the *unadjusted* usage details, as if they all ended up as join
+     --    points. Hence 'assumeCorrectTailArity'.
+     unadj_uds     = foldr (andUDs . assumeCorrectTailArity) body_uds rhs_udss
-     -- This is only used in `mb_join_arity`, to adjust each `Details` in `details_s`, thus,
-     -- when `bndrs` is non-empty. So, we only write `maybe False` as `decideJoinPointHood`
-     -- takes a `NonEmpty CoreBndr`; the default value `False` won't affect program behavior.
-     will_be_joins = maybe False (decideJoinPointHood lvl unadj_uds) (nonEmpty bndrs)
+     bndr_ne = expectNonEmpty "List of binders is never empty" bndrs
+     will_be_joins = decideJoinPointHood lvl unadj_uds bndr_ne
      -- 2. Adjust usage details of each RHS, taking into account the
      --    join-point-hood decision
-     rhs_udss' = [ adjustRhsUsage (mb_join_arity bndr) rhs rhs_uds
+     rhs_udss' = [ adjustTailUsage (mb_join_arity bndr) rhs rhs_uds -- matching occAnalLamTail in makeNode
                  | ND { nd_bndr = bndr, nd_uds = rhs_uds
                       , nd_rhs = rhs } <- details_s ]

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.Misc (
         equalLength, compareLength, leLength, ltLength,
         isSingleton, only, expectOnly, GHC.Utils.Misc.singleton,
-        notNull, snocView,
+        notNull, expectNonEmpty, snocView,
@@ -504,7 +504,6 @@ expectOnly _   (a:_) = a
 expectOnly msg _     = panic ("expectOnly: " ++ msg)
 -- | Split a list into chunks of /n/ elements
 chunkList :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
 chunkList _ [] = []
@@ -523,6 +522,16 @@ changeLast []     _  = panic "changeLast"
 changeLast [_]    x  = [x]
 changeLast (x:xs) x' = x : changeLast xs x'
+-- | Like @expectJust msg . nonEmpty@; a better alternative to 'NE.fromList'.
+expectNonEmpty :: HasCallStack => String -> [a] -> NonEmpty a
+{-# INLINE expectNonEmpty #-}
+expectNonEmpty _   (x:xs) = x:|xs
+expectNonEmpty msg []     = expectNonEmptyPanic msg
+expectNonEmptyPanic :: String -> a
+expectNonEmptyPanic msg = panic ("expectNonEmpty: " ++ msg)
+{-# NOINLINE expectNonEmptyPanic #-}
 -- | Apply an effectful function to the last list element.
 mapLastM :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> NonEmpty a -> f (NonEmpty a)
 mapLastM f (x:|[]) = NE.singleton <$> f x

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module T22428 where
+f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+f x y = go y
+  where
+    go :: Integer -> Integer
+    go 0 = x
+    go n = go (n-1)
+    {-# INLINE go #-}

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+==================== Tidy Core ====================
+Result size of Tidy Core
+  = {terms: 32, types: 14, coercions: 0, joins: 1/1}
+-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
+T22428.f1 :: Integer
+ Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
+         WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 10 10}]
+T22428.f1 = GHC.Num.Integer.IS 1#
+-- RHS size: {terms: 28, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 1/1}
+f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+ Arity=2,
+ Str=<SL><1L>,
+ Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
+         WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [0 0] 156 0}]
+f = \ (x :: Integer) (y :: Integer) ->
+      joinrec {
+        go [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=1), Occ=LoopBreaker, Dmd=SC(S,L)]
+          :: Integer -> Integer
+        [LclId[JoinId(1)(Just [!])],
+         Arity=1,
+         Str=<1L>,
+         Unf=Unf{Src=StableUser, TopLvl=False, Value=True, ConLike=True,
+                 WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
+                 Guidance=ALWAYS_IF(arity=1,unsat_ok=False,boring_ok=False)}]
+        go (ds :: Integer)
+          = case ds of wild {
+              GHC.Num.Integer.IS x1 ->
+                case x1 of {
+                  __DEFAULT -> jump go (GHC.Num.Integer.integerSub wild T22428.f1);
+                  0# -> x
+                };
+              GHC.Num.Integer.IP x1 ->
+                jump go (GHC.Num.Integer.integerSub wild T22428.f1);
+              GHC.Num.Integer.IN x1 ->
+                jump go (GHC.Num.Integer.integerSub wild T22428.f1)
+            }; } in
+      jump go y

@@ -450,5 +450,9 @@ test('T22375', normal, compile, ['-O -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-uniques -dno-typeab
 # One module, T21851_2.hs, has OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl
 # Expecting to see $s$wwombat
 test('T21851_2', [grep_errmsg(r'wwombat') ], multimod_compile, ['T21851_2', '-O -dno-typeable-binds -dsuppress-uniques'])
 # Should not inline m, so there shouldn't be a single YES
 test('T22317', [grep_errmsg(r'ANSWER = YES') ], compile, ['-O -dinline-check m -ddebug-output'])
+# go should become a join point
+test('T22428', [grep_errmsg(r'jump go') ], compile, ['-O -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-uniques -dno-typeable-binds -dsuppress-unfoldings'])

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