[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/par-simpl] Comments

Matthew Pickering (@mpickering) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Nov 16 16:35:14 UTC 2022

Matthew Pickering pushed to branch wip/par-simpl at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

270f43ee by Matthew Pickering at 2022-11-16T16:35:06+00:00

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Iteration.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Var/Env.hs


@@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ simplScc (should_trace, env0, our_binders) deps b = {-# SCC simplScc #-} do
-  -- construct
+  -- Do something to rename local binders to avoid name clashes.
+  -- MP: I don't understand how this works, code was written by Doug
   (subst, !new_binds) <- getUniqueSupplyM <&> \us -> initUs_ us . mfix $ \ ~(subst_rec,_) -> let
       go_id :: Subst -> Id -> UniqSM (Subst, Id)
       go_id s i = do
@@ -304,9 +305,12 @@ simplScc (should_trace, env0, our_binders) deps b = {-# SCC simplScc #-} do
   pure (floats2, setInScopeFromF env2 floats2)
+-- | Quotient a core program graph by creating regular sized groups in topological order. The result is a new
+-- quotiented graph with groups of the specified size.
 simple_group_binds :: Int -> ([(Int, InBind)], M.Map Int [Int]) -> ([(Int, [InBind])], M.Map Int [Int])
 simple_group_binds n (nodes, edges) = finalise (loop n 0 nodes IM.empty)
+    -- This part performs the edge quotient.
     finalise :: IM.IntMap [(Int, InBind)] -> ([(Int, [InBind])], M.Map Int [Int])
     finalise im = let im' = IM.toList im in (map (\(k,v) -> (k, reverse $ map snd v)) im', deps_map)
@@ -323,7 +327,7 @@ simple_group_binds n (nodes, edges) = finalise (loop n 0 nodes IM.empty)
         deps_for :: Int -> Set.Set Int
         deps_for b = Set.map rev_mapping (Set.fromList (edges M.! b))
+    -- This creates the binding groups.
     loop k new_group_id im acc =
       case im of
         -- Finished
@@ -353,11 +357,14 @@ simplTopBinds group_size env0 in_binds --(binds0, g)
               1 -> unSM (simpl_binds env1 (map snd (fst in_binds))) te sc
               _ -> do
                 let my_binds = mkUniqSet [lookupRecBndr env1 x | x <- bindersOfBinds (concatMap snd binds0)]
+                -- Create a result variable for each binding group
                 env_m_vars <- liftIO $ M.fromList <$> (sequence [(k,) <$> newEmptyMVar | (k,_) <- binds0])
+                -- Control the amount of parrelism with a semaphore
                 sem <- newQSem (te_simpl_threads $ st_config te)
                 let zero_sc = zeroSimplCount' $ hasDetailedCounts sc
                 let work :: [IO ()]
                     work = map (mk_work sem (False, env1, my_binds) env_m_vars te zero_sc) grouped_binds
+                -- Spawn each group into a separate thread
                 mapM_ forkIO work
                 let res_vars = M.elems env_m_vars
@@ -384,9 +391,13 @@ simplTopBinds group_size env0 in_binds --(binds0, g)
     mk_work sem env1 deps te sc0 (k, b) = do
         rs <- for [x | di <- Set.toList (Set.fromList (g M.! k)), di /= k, Just x <- [M.lookup di deps]] readMVar
+        -- Wait for dependencies to finish
         let my_var = fromJust (M.lookup k deps)
+        -- Wait for a semaphore slot
         bracket_ (waitQSem sem) (signalQSem sem) $ do
+          -- Simplify the group
           ((f,e),sc) <- unSM (simplScc env1 rs b) te sc0
+          -- Put the result into the result variable
           putMVar my_var (f, e, sc)
@@ -410,41 +421,6 @@ simpl_bind env (NonRec b r)
         ; (env', b') <- addBndrRules env b (lookupRecBndr env b) bind_cxt
         ; simplRecOrTopPair env' bind_cxt b b' r }
-simplTopBinds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
--- See Note [The big picture]
-simplTopBinds env0 binds0
-  = do  {       -- Put all the top-level binders into scope at the start
-                -- so that if a rewrite rule has unexpectedly brought
-                -- anything into scope, then we don't get a complaint about that.
-                -- It's rather as if the top-level binders were imported.
-                -- See Note [Glomming] in "GHC.Core.Opt.OccurAnal".
-        -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
-        ; !env1 <- {-#SCC "simplTopBinds-simplRecBndrs" #-} simplRecBndrs env0 (bindersOfBinds binds0)
-        ; (floats, env2) <- {-#SCC "simplTopBinds-simpl_binds" #-} simpl_binds env1 binds0
-        ; freeTick SimplifierDone
-        ; return (floats, env2) }
-  where
-        -- We need to track the zapped top-level binders, because
-        -- they should have their fragile IdInfo zapped (notably occurrence info)
-        -- That's why we run down binds and bndrs' simultaneously.
-        --
-    simpl_binds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
-    simpl_binds env []           = return (emptyFloats env, env)
-    simpl_binds env (bind:binds) = do { (float,  env1) <- simpl_bind env bind
-                                      ; (floats, env2) <- simpl_binds env1 binds
-                                      -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
-                                      ; let !floats1 = float `addFloats` floats
-                                      ; return (floats1, env2) }
-    simpl_bind env (Rec pairs)
-      = simplRecBind env (BC_Let TopLevel Recursive) pairs
-    simpl_bind env (NonRec b r)
-      = do { let bind_cxt = BC_Let TopLevel NonRecursive
-           ; (env', b') <- addBndrRules env b (lookupRecBndr env b) bind_cxt
-           ; simplRecOrTopPair env' bind_cxt b b' r }
-           -}
 *                                                                      *

@@ -508,6 +508,8 @@ substUnfolding _ subst df@(DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args })
     (subst',bndrs') = substBndrs subst bndrs
     args'           = map (substExpr subst') args
+-- MP: These is a hack here atm because we rename local bindings after simplication is finished and need
+-- to reflect these changes into the stable unfoldings.
 substUnfolding hack subst unf@(CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = tmpl, uf_src = src })
   -- Retain stable unfoldings
   | not (isStableSource src)  -- Zap an unstable unfolding, to save substitution work

@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 -- "Secrets of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler inliner" Section 3.2 provides
 -- the motivation for this abstraction.
+-- The InScopeSet is a pair of (Var, Int) to track how many times variables in the
+-- InScopeSet have been updated, so that if we union two InScopeSets together we know
+-- to choose the updated variables.
 newtype InScopeSet = InScope (VarEnv (Var, Int))
         -- Note [Lookups in in-scope set]
         -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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