[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 4 commits: gen-dll: Drop it

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Nov 3 02:29:10 UTC 2022

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f3bfae1e by Ben Gamari at 2022-11-02T22:28:41-04:00
gen-dll: Drop it

Currently it is only used by the make build system, which is soon to be
retired, and it has not built since 41cf758b. We may need to reintroduce
it when dynamic-linking support is introduced on Windows, but we will
cross that bridge once we get there.

Fixes #21753.

- - - - -
7b2cb728 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-11-02T22:28:42-04:00
Port foundation numeric tests to GHC testsuite

This commit ports the numeric tests which found a regression in GHC-9.4.


Included in the commit is a simple random number generator and
simplified QuickCheck implementation. In future these could be factored
out of this standalone file and reused as a general purpose library
which could be used for other QuickCheck style tests in the testsuite.

See #22282

- - - - -
310bb412 by M Farkas-Dyck at 2022-11-02T22:28:47-04:00
git: ignore HIE files.

Cleans up git status if one sets -fwrite-ide-info in hadrian/ghci.

- - - - -
cca72802 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-11-02T22:28:47-04:00
Clarify status of bindings in WholeCoreBindings

Gergo points out that these bindings are tidied, rather than prepd as
the variable claims. Therefore we update the name of the variable to
reflect reality and add a comment to the data type to try to erase any
future confusion.

Fixes #22307

- - - - -

11 changed files:

- .gitignore
- compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
- compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/WholeCoreBindings.hs
- configure.ac
- testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/foundation.hs
- + testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/foundation.stdout
- − utils/gen-dll/Main.hs
- − utils/gen-dll/Makefile
- − utils/gen-dll/gen-dll.cabal.in


@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ Thumbs.db

@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
 /libraries/libiserv/              @angerman @simonmar
 /utils/iserv-proxy/               @angerman @simonmar
 /utils/iserv/                     @angerman @simonmar
-/utils/gen-dll/                   @Phyx
 /utils/fs/                        @Phyx
 [WinIO related code]

@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@ typecheckIface iface
 typecheckWholeCoreBindings :: IORef TypeEnv ->  WholeCoreBindings -> IfG [CoreBind]
-typecheckWholeCoreBindings type_var (WholeCoreBindings prepd_binding this_mod _) =
+typecheckWholeCoreBindings type_var (WholeCoreBindings tidy_bindings this_mod _) =
   initIfaceLcl this_mod (text "typecheckWholeCoreBindings") NotBoot $ do
-    tcTopIfaceBindings type_var prepd_binding
+    tcTopIfaceBindings type_var tidy_bindings

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ the object files.
 data WholeCoreBindings = WholeCoreBindings
-            { wcb_bindings :: [IfaceBindingX IfaceMaybeRhs IfaceTopBndrInfo]
-            , wcb_module   :: Module
-            , wcb_mod_location :: ModLocation
+            { wcb_bindings :: [IfaceBindingX IfaceMaybeRhs IfaceTopBndrInfo] -- ^ serialised tidied core bindings.
+            , wcb_module   :: Module  -- ^ The module which the bindings are for
+            , wcb_mod_location :: ModLocation -- ^ The location where the sources reside.

@@ -1208,7 +1208,6 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES(
-  utils/gen-dll/gen-dll.cabal

@@ -79,3 +79,4 @@ test('IntegerToFloat', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T20291', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T22282', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
+test('foundation', normal, compile_and_run, ['-O -package transformers'])

@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Main
+    ( main
+    ) where
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Int
+import GHC.Natural
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Proxy
+import GHC.Int
+import GHC.Word
+import Data.Function
+import GHC.Prim
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import System.IO
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.IORef
+import Unsafe.Coerce
+#include "MachDeps.h"
+newtype Gen a = Gen { runGen :: (ReaderT LCGGen IO a) }
+  deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+class Arbitrary a where
+  arbitrary :: Gen a
+class IsProperty p where
+    property :: p -> Property
+data PropertyCheck = PropertyBinaryOp Bool String String String
+                   | PropertyAnd PropertyCheck PropertyCheck
+instance IsProperty PropertyCheck where
+    property check = Prop $ pure (PropertyEOA check)
+data PropertyTestArg = PropertyEOA PropertyCheck
+                     | PropertyArg String PropertyTestArg
+getCheck :: PropertyTestArg -> ([String], PropertyCheck)
+getCheck (PropertyEOA pc) = ([], pc)
+getCheck (PropertyArg s pta ) = let (ss, pc) = getCheck pta in (s:ss, pc)
+data Property = Prop { unProp :: Gen PropertyTestArg }
+instance (Show a, Arbitrary a, IsProperty prop) => IsProperty (a -> prop) where
+    property p = forAll arbitrary p
+-- | Running a generator for a specific type under a property
+forAll :: (Show a, IsProperty prop) => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> Property
+forAll generator tst = Prop $ do
+    a <- generator
+    augment a <$> unProp (property (tst a))
+  where
+    augment a arg = PropertyArg (show a) arg
+-- | A property that check for equality of its 2 members.
+propertyCompare :: (Show a) => String -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> PropertyCheck
+propertyCompare s f a b =
+    let sa = show a
+        sb = show b
+     in PropertyBinaryOp (a `f` b) s sa sb
+(===) :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> PropertyCheck
+(===) = propertyCompare "==" (==)
+infix 4 ===
+propertyAnd = PropertyAnd
+data Test where
+  Group :: String -> [Test] -> Test
+  Property :: IsProperty prop => String -> prop -> Test
+arbitraryInt64 :: Gen Int64
+arbitraryInt64 = Gen $ do
+    h <- ask
+    W64# w <- liftIO (randomWord64 h)
+    return (I64# (unsafeCoerce# w))
+integralDownsize :: (Integral a) => Int64 -> a
+integralDownsize = fromIntegral
+wordDownsize :: (Integral a) => Word64 -> a
+wordDownsize = fromIntegral
+arbitraryWord64 :: Gen Word64
+arbitraryWord64 = Gen $ do
+    h <- ask
+    liftIO (randomWord64 h)
+instance Arbitrary Natural where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize . (`mod` 10000) . abs <$> arbitraryInt64
+-- Bounded by Int64
+instance Arbitrary Integer where
+    arbitrary = fromIntegral <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int where
+    arbitrary = int64ToInt <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Word where
+    arbitrary = word64ToWord <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word64 where
+    arbitrary = arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word32 where
+    arbitrary = wordDownsize <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word16 where
+    arbitrary = wordDownsize <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Word8 where
+    arbitrary = wordDownsize <$> arbitraryWord64
+instance Arbitrary Int64 where
+    arbitrary = arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int32 where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int16 where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize <$> arbitraryInt64
+instance Arbitrary Int8 where
+    arbitrary = integralDownsize <$> arbitraryInt64
+int64ToInt :: Int64 -> Int
+#if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 904
+int64ToInt (I64# i) = I# (int64ToInt# i)
+int64ToInt (I64# i) = I# i
+int64ToInt (I64# i) = I# (int64ToInt# i)
+word64ToWord :: Word64 -> Word
+#if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 904
+word64ToWord (W64# i) = W# (GHC.Prim.word64ToWord# i)
+word64ToWord (W64# i) = W# i
+word64ToWord (W64# i) = W# (word64ToWord# i)
+data RunS = RunS { depth :: Int, rg :: LCGGen  }
+newtype LCGGen = LCGGen { randomWord64 :: IO Word64 }
+data LCGParams = LCGParams { seed :: Word64, a :: Word64, c :: Word64, m :: Word64 }
+newLCGGen :: LCGParams -> IO LCGGen
+newLCGGen LCGParams{..}  = do
+  var <- newIORef (fromIntegral seed)
+  return $ LCGGen $ do
+    atomicModifyIORef' var (\old_v -> let new_val = (old_v * a + c) `mod` m in (new_val, new_val))
+runPropertyCheck (PropertyBinaryOp res desc s1 s2) =
+  if res then return True else (putMsg ("Failure: " ++ s1 ++ desc ++ s2) >> return False)
+runPropertyCheck (PropertyAnd a1 a2) = (&&) <$> runPropertyCheck a1 <*> runPropertyCheck a2
+runProperty :: Property -> ReaderT RunS IO ()
+runProperty (Prop p) = do
+  let iterations = 100
+  loop iterations iterations
+  where
+    loop iterations 0 = putMsg ("Passed " ++ show iterations ++ " iterations")
+    loop iterations n = do
+      h <- rg <$> ask
+      p <- liftIO (runReaderT (runGen p) h)
+      let (ss, pc) = getCheck p
+      res <- runPropertyCheck pc
+      if res then loop iterations (n-1)
+             else putMsg ("With arguments " ++ intercalate ", " ss)
+putMsg s = do
+  n <- depth <$> ask
+  liftIO . putStrLn $ replicate (n * 2) ' ' ++ s
+nest = local (\s -> s { depth = depth s + 1 })
+runTestInternal :: Test -> ReaderT RunS IO ()
+runTestInternal (Group name tests) = do
+  putMsg ("Group " ++ name)
+  nest (mapM_ runTestInternal tests)
+runTestInternal (Property name p) = do
+  putMsg ("Running " ++ name)
+  nest $ runProperty (property p)
+runTests :: Test -> IO ()
+runTests t = do
+  -- These params are the same ones as glibc uses.
+  h <- newLCGGen (LCGParams { seed = 1238123213, m = 2^31, a = 1103515245, c = 12345 })
+  runReaderT  (runTestInternal t) (RunS 0 h)
+testIntegral :: forall a . (Arbitrary a, Show a, Integral a, Typeable a)
+             => Proxy a -> Test
+testIntegral _ = Group "Integral"
+    [ Property "FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a" $ \(a :: a) -> fromInteger (toInteger a) === a
+    ]
+testEqOrd :: forall a . (Arbitrary a, Show a, Eq a, Ord a, Integral a, Typeable a)
+          => Proxy a -> Test
+testEqOrd _ = Group "Property"
+    [ Property "Eq" $ \(a :: a) -> a === a
+    -- , Property "Ne" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> if a === w
+    , Property "Show" $ \(a :: a) -> show a === show (toInteger a)
+    , Property "Ord" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> compare a b === (compare `on` toInteger) a b
+    , Property "<" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> case compare a b of
+                                                LT -> propertyCompare "<" (<) a b
+                                                GT -> propertyCompare "<" (<) b a
+                                                EQ -> propertyCompare "not <" ((not .) . (<)) a b `propertyAnd`
+                                                      propertyCompare "not <" ((not .) . (<)) b a
+    ]
+testAdditive :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Num a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+             => Proxy a -> Test
+testAdditive _ = Group "Additive"
+    [ Property "a + azero == a" $ \(a :: a) -> a + 0 === a
+    , Property "azero + a == a" $ \(a :: a) -> 0 + a === a
+    , Property "a + b == b + a" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> a + b === b + a
+    ]
+testMultiplicative :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Integral a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+                   => Proxy a -> Test
+testMultiplicative _ = Group "Multiplicative"
+    [ Property "a * 1 == a" $ \(a :: a) -> a * 1 === a
+    , Property "1 * a == a" $ \(a :: a) -> 1 * a === a
+    , Property "multiplication commutative" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> a * b === b * a
+    , Property "a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) -> a * b === fromInteger (toInteger a * toInteger b)
+    ]
+testDividible :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Integral a, Num a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+              => Proxy a -> Test
+testDividible _ = Group "Divisible"
+    [ Property "(x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x" $ \(a :: a) b ->
+            if b == 0 then True === True
+                      else a === (a `div` b) * b + (a `mod` b)
+    ]
+testOperatorPrecedence :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a, Prelude.Num a, Integral a, Num a,  Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+                       => Proxy a -> Test
+testOperatorPrecedence _ = Group "Precedence"
+    [ Property "+ and - (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a + b - c) === ((a + b) - c)
+    , Property "+ and - (2)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a - b + c) === ((a - b) + c)
+    , Property "+ and * (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a + b * c) === (a + (b * c))
+    , Property "+ and * (2)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a * b + c) === ((a * b) + c)
+    , Property "- and * (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a - b * c) === (a - (b * c))
+    , Property "- and * (2)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: a) (c :: a) -> (a * b - c) === ((a * b) - c)
+    , Property "* and ^ (1)" $ \(a :: a) (b :: Natural) (c :: a) -> (a ^ b * c) === ((a ^ b) * c)
+    , Property "* and ^ (2)" $ \(a :: a) (c :: Natural) (b :: a) -> (a * b ^ c) === (a * (b ^ c))
+    ]
+testNumber :: (Show a, Eq a, Prelude.Num a, Integral a, Num a, Arbitrary a, Typeable a)
+           => String -> Proxy a -> Test
+testNumber name proxy = Group name
+    [ testIntegral proxy
+    , testEqOrd proxy
+    , testAdditive proxy
+    , testMultiplicative proxy
+    , testDividible proxy
+    , testOperatorPrecedence proxy
+    ]
+testNumberRefs :: Test
+testNumberRefs = Group "ALL"
+    [ testNumber "Int" (Proxy :: Proxy Int)
+    , testNumber "Int8" (Proxy :: Proxy Int8)
+    , testNumber "Int16" (Proxy :: Proxy Int16)
+    , testNumber "Int32" (Proxy :: Proxy Int32)
+    , testNumber "Int64" (Proxy :: Proxy Int64)
+    , testNumber "Integer" (Proxy :: Proxy Integer)
+    , testNumber "Word" (Proxy :: Proxy Word)
+    , testNumber "Word8" (Proxy :: Proxy Word8)
+    , testNumber "Word16" (Proxy :: Proxy Word16)
+    , testNumber "Word32" (Proxy :: Proxy Word32)
+    , testNumber "Word64" (Proxy :: Proxy Word64)
+    ]
+main = runTests testNumberRefs

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+Group ALL
+  Group Int
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int8
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int16
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int32
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Int64
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Integer
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word8
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word16
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word32
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+  Group Word64
+    Group Integral
+      Running FromIntegral(Integer(a)) == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Property
+      Running Eq
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Show
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running Ord
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running <
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Additive
+      Running a + azero == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running azero + a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a + b == b + a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Multiplicative
+      Running a * 1 == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running 1 * a == a
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running multiplication commutative
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running a * b == Integer(a) * Integer(b)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Divisible
+      Running (x `div` y) * y + (x `mod` y) == x
+        Passed 100 iterations
+    Group Precedence
+      Running + and - (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and - (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running + and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running - and * (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (1)
+        Passed 100 iterations
+      Running * and ^ (2)
+        Passed 100 iterations

utils/gen-dll/Main.hs deleted
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-  gen-dll is a replacement for dll-split which aims to solve a simple problem
-  during the building of stage2. The issue is that the PE image format only has
-  a 16-bit field for the symbol count. This means we can't have more than 2^16-1
-  symbols in a single PE file. See #5987.
-  gen-dll solves this issue by partitioning the object files in such a way that
-  a single dll never has more than the allowed amount of symbols. The general
-  workflow of gen-dll is:
-  1) use nm -g to dump the symbols defined in each object file, from this dump
-     we collect three key pieces information:
-     a) the object file the symbol belongs to
-     b) the symbol's kind (e.g data or function)
-     c) the symbol name.
-  2) If the amount of symbols is lower than the maximum, we're done and we'll
-     just link the entire list of symbols and move on.
-     If however we have too many symbols we'll partition the symbols using a
-     per object file granularity. This is because we can't split the content of
-     an object file. An oc belongs to one and only one image file.
-  3) Once we have the partitioning, we sub partition these into two groups for
-     each partition:
-     a) data
-     b) function
-     The reason for this is that data exports are directly accessed, whereas
-     functions generally go through a trampoline. The trampolines are there to
-     allow for extra functionality such as delay loading (if requested) and to
-     cover for memory model changes due to linking all the object code in on
-     PE image.
-     Data is usually accessed direct, so we don't want the trampoline otherwise
-        extern int foo;
-     would point to executable code instead of data.
-  4) Once we have everything correctly tagged, the partitions are dumped into a
-     module definition file (def). Each file is named <dll-name>-pt<num>.<ext>
-     which is also the partitioning scheme used for all other files including
-     the resulting dlls.
-     From the .def file we use genlib to generate an import library. In this
-     case we generate a GNU style import library See Note [BFD import
-     library].
-     These import libraries are used to break the cyclic dependencies that may
-     exist between the symbols due to the random partitioning. e.g. A may
-     require B, but A and B can be in different dlls. With the import libraries
-     we promise A that at runtime it'll have B, and vice versa. The Windows
-     runtime linker and loader will take care of breaking this cycle at runtime.
-  5) Once we have an import library for each partition, we start linking the
-     final dlls. if e.g. we have 3 dlls, linking dll 1 means passing import
-     libraries 2 and 3 as an argument to the linking of dll 1. This allows it
-     to find all symbols since PE image files can't have dangling symbols.
-  6) After creating the dlls the final step is to create one top level import
-     library that is named after the original dll that we were supposed to link.
-     To continue the 3 split example. say we were supposed to make libfoo.dll,
-     instead we created libfoo-pt1.dll, libfoo-pt2.dll and libfoo-pt3.dll.
-     Obviously using -lfoo would no longer locate the dlls.
-     This is solved by using import libraries again. GNU style import libraries
-     are just plain AR archives where each object file essentially contains
-     only 1 symbol and the dll in which to find this symbol.
-     A proper linker processes all the object files in this AR file (lld, ld and
-     ghci do this.) and so while genlib doesn't allow you to create
-     import libraries with multiple dll pointers, it is trivial to do.
-     We use ar to merge together the import libraries into a large complete one.
-     e.g. libfoo-pt1.dll.a, libfoo-pt2.dll.a and libfoo-pt3.dll.a are merged
-     into libfoo.dll.a. The name isn't coincidental. On Windows you don't link
-     directly against a dll, instead you link against an import library that
-     then tells you how to get to the dll functions.
-     In this case by creating a correctly named merged import library we solve
-     the -lfoo problem.
-     In the end we end up with libfoo-pt1.dll, libfoo-pt2.dll and libfoo-pt3.dll
-     along with libfoo.dll.a. To the rest of the pipeline the split is
-     completely transparent as -lfoo will just continue to work, and the linker
-     is responsible for populating the IAT (Import Address Table) with the
-     actual dlls we need.
-  This scheme is fully scalable and will not need manual maintenance or
-  intervention like dll-split needed. If we ever do switch to compiling using
-  Microsoft compilers, we need to use a custom tool to modify the PE import
-  libraries lib.exe creates. This is slightly more work but for now we can just
-  rely on the GNU import libraries.
-  If supported by the stage1 compiler, we'll create dll's which can be used as
-  SxS assemblies, but in order for us to do so, we have to give GHC some extra
-  information such as the stable abi name for the dll and the version of the
-  dll being created. This is purely a deployment thing and does not really
-  affect the workings of this tool.
-module Main(main) where
-import Control.Arrow ((***))
-import Control.Monad (when, forM_)
-import Control.Exception (bracket)
-import Data.Char (toLower, isSpace)
-import Data.List (isPrefixOf, nub, sort, (\\))
-import qualified Data.Map as M (Map(), alter, empty, toList)
-import System.Environment (getArgs)
-import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
-import System.Directory (findFilesWith, getCurrentDirectory)
-import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeDirectory, dropExtension, (<.>)
-                       ,takeFileName)
-import System.IO (hClose, hGetContents, withFile, IOMode(..), hPutStrLn, openFile)
-import System.Process (proc, createProcess_, StdStream (..), CreateProcess(..)
-                      ,waitForProcess)
-import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..), )
-import Foreign.C.String (withCWString, peekCWString, CWString)
-import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
-import Foreign.Storable (peek)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
-#if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
-# define WINDOWS_CCONV stdcall
-#elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
-# define WINDOWS_CCONV ccall
-# error Unknown mingw32 arch
--- Setup some standard program names.
-nm :: FilePath
-libexe :: FilePath
-libexe = LIB_TOOL_BIN
-genlib :: FilePath
-ar :: FilePath
--- Technically speaking the limit for the amount of symbols you can have in a
--- dll is 2^16-1, however Microsoft's lib.exe for some reason refuses to link
--- up to this amount. The reason is likely that it adds some extra symbols in
--- the generated dll, such as dllmain etc. So we reserve some space in the
--- symbol table to accommodate this. This number is just purely randomly chosen.
-#define SYMBOL_PADDING 10
-usage :: IO ()
-usage = putStrLn $ unlines [ " -= Split a dll if required and perform the linking =- "
-                           , ""
-                           , " Usage: gen-dll <action>"
-                           , ""
-                           , " Where <action> is one of:"
-                           , "     link     perform a real link of dll, "
-                           , "              arguments: dir distdir way flags libs objs out link_cmd delay name version"
-                           ]
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
-  args <- getArgs
-  if null args
-     then usage
-     else case (head args) of
-             "link" -> let (dir:distdir:way:extra_flags:extra_libs:objs:output:
-                            command:delayed:abi_name:abi_version:_) = tail args
-                       in process_dll_link dir distdir way extra_flags extra_libs
-                                           objs output command delayed abi_name
-                                           abi_version
-             _      -> usage
-type Symbol = String
-type Symbols = [Symbol]
-type SymbolType = Char
-data Obj
-  = Obj { objName  :: String
-        , objCount :: Int
-        , objItems :: [(SymbolType, Symbol)]
-        }
-    deriving Show
-type Objs = [Obj]
--- | Create the final DLL by using the provided arguments
---   This also creates the resulting special import library.
-process_dll_link :: String -- ^ dir
-                 -> String -- ^ distdir
-                 -> String -- ^ way
-                 -> String -- ^ extra flags
-                 -> String -- ^ extra libraries to link
-                 -> String -- ^ object files to link
-                 -> String -- ^ output filename
-                 -> String -- ^ link command
-                 -> String -- ^ create delay load import libs
-                 -> String -- ^ SxS Name
-                 -> String -- ^ SxS version
-                 -> IO ()
-process_dll_link _dir _distdir _way extra_flags extra_libs objs_files output
-                 link_cmd delay_imp sxs_name sxs_version
-  = do let base = dropExtension output
-       -- We need to know how many symbols came from other static archives
-       -- So take the total number of symbols and remove those we know came
-       -- from the object files. Use this to lower the max amount of symbols.
-       --
-       -- This granularity is the best we can do without --print-map like info.
-       raw_exports <- execProg nm Nothing ["-g", "--defined-only", objs_files]
-       putStrLn $ "Processing symbols.."
-       let objs    = collectObjs raw_exports
-           num_sym = foldr (\a b -> b + objCount a) 0 objs
-           exports = base <.> "lst"
-       putStrLn $ "Number of symbols in object files for " ++ output ++ ": " ++ show num_sym
-       _ <- withFile exports WriteMode $ \hExports ->
-             mapM_ (hPutStrLn hExports . unlines . map snd . objItems) objs
-#if defined(GEN_SXS)
-       -- Side-by-Side assembly generation flags for GHC. Pass these along so the DLLs
-       -- get the proper manifests generated.
-       let sxs_opts = [ "-fgen-sxs-assembly"
-                      , "-dylib-abi-name"
-                      , show sxs_name
-                      , "-dylib-abi-version"
-                      , show sxs_version
-                      ]
-       let sxs_opts = []
-       -- Now check that the DLL doesn't have too many symbols. See trac #5987.
-       case num_sym > dll_max_symbols of
-         False -> do putStrLn $ "DLL " ++ output ++ " OK, no need to split."
-                     let defFile    = base <.> "def"
-                         dll_import = base <.> "dll.a"
-                     build_import_lib base (takeFileName output) defFile objs
-                     _ <- execProg link_cmd Nothing
-                              $ concat [[objs_files
-                                        ,extra_libs
-                                        ,extra_flags
-                                        ]
-                                       ,sxs_opts
-                                       ,["-fno-shared-implib"
-                                        ,"-optl-Wl,--retain-symbols-file=" ++ exports
-                                        ,"-o"
-                                        ,output
-                                        ]
-                                       ]
-                     build_delay_import_lib defFile dll_import delay_imp
-         True -> do putStrLn $ "Too many symbols for a single DLL " ++ output
-                    putStrLn "We'll have to split the dll..."
-                    putStrLn $  "OK, we only have space for "
-                             ++ show dll_max_symbols
-                             ++ " symbols from object files when building "
-                             ++ output
-                    -- First split the dlls up by whole object files
-                    -- To do this, we iterate over all object file and
-                    -- generate a the partitions based on allowing a
-                    -- maximum of $DLL_MAX_SYMBOLS in one DLL.
-                    let spl_objs   = groupObjs objs
-                        n_spl_objs = length spl_objs
-                        base'      = base ++ "-pt"
-                    mapM_ (\(n, _) -> putStrLn $ ">> DLL split at " ++ show n ++ " symbols.") spl_objs
-                    putStrLn $ "OK, based on the amount of symbols we'll split the DLL into " ++ show n_spl_objs ++ " pieces."
-                    -- Start off by creating the import libraries to break the
-                    -- mutual dependency chain.
-                    forM_ (zip [(1::Int)..] spl_objs) $ \(i, (n, o)) ->
-                      do putStrLn $ "Processing file " ++ show i   ++ " of "
-                                 ++ show n_spl_objs    ++ " with " ++ show n
-                                 ++ " symbols."
-                         let base_pt = base' ++ show i
-                             file    = base_pt <.> "def"
-                             dll     = base_pt <.> "dll"
-                             lst     = base_pt <.> "lst"
-                         _ <- withFile lst WriteMode $ \hExports ->
-                               mapM_ (hPutStrLn hExports . unlines . map snd . objItems) o
-                         build_import_lib base_pt (takeFileName dll) file o
-                    -- Now create the actual DLLs by using the import libraries
-                    -- to break the mutual recursion.
-                    forM_ (zip [1..] spl_objs) $ \(i, (n, _)) ->
-                      do putStrLn $ "Creating DLL " ++ show i   ++ " of "
-                                 ++ show n_spl_objs    ++ " with " ++ show n
-                                 ++ " symbols."
-                         let base_pt = base' ++ show i
-                             file    = base_pt <.> "def"
-                             dll     = base_pt <.> "dll"
-                             lst     = base_pt <.> "lst"
-                             imp_lib = base_pt <.> "dll.a"
-                             indexes = [1..(length spl_objs)]\\[i]
-                             libs    = map (\ix -> (base' ++ show ix) <.> "dll.a") indexes
-                         _ <- execProg link_cmd Nothing
-                                  $ concat [[objs_files
-                                            ,extra_libs
-                                            ,extra_flags
-                                            ,file
-                                            ]
-                                           ,libs
-                                           ,sxs_opts
-                                           ,["-fno-shared-implib"
-                                            ,"-optl-Wl,--retain-symbols-file=" ++ lst
-                                            ,"-o"
-                                            ,dll
-                                            ]
-                                           ]
-                         -- build_delay_import_lib file imp_lib delay_imp
-                         putStrLn $ "Created " ++ dll ++ "."
-                    -- And finally, merge the individual import libraries into
-                    -- one with the name of the original library we were
-                    -- supposed to make. This means that nothing has to really
-                    -- know how we split up the DLLs, for everything else it'so
-                    -- as if it's still one large assembly.
-                    create_merged_archive base base' (length spl_objs)
-collectObjs :: [String] -> Objs
-collectObjs = map snd . M.toList . foldr collectObjs' M.empty
-collectObjs' :: String -> M.Map String Obj -> M.Map String Obj
-collectObjs' []  m   = m
-collectObjs' str_in m
-  = let clean        = dropWhile isSpace
-        str          = clean str_in
-        (file, rest) = ((takeWhile (/=':') . clean) *** clean) $
-                         break isSpace str
-        (typ , sym ) = (id *** clean) $ break isSpace rest
-        obj          = Obj { objName  = file
-                           , objCount = 1
-                           , objItems = [(head typ, sym)]
-                           }
-        upd value
-          = if length typ /= 1
-               then value
-               else Just $ maybe obj
-                                 (\o -> o { objCount = objCount o + 1
-                                          , objItems = (head typ, sym) : objItems o
-                                          })
-                                 value
-    in M.alter upd file m
--- Split a list of objects into globals and functions
-splitObjs :: Objs -> (Symbols, Symbols)
-splitObjs []     = ([], [])
-splitObjs (y:ys) = group_ (objItems y) (splitObjs ys)
-  where globals = "DdGgrRSsbBC"
-        group_ :: [(Char, Symbol)] -> (Symbols, Symbols) -> (Symbols, Symbols)
-        group_ []     x                             = x
-        group_ (x:xs) (g, f) | fst x `elem` globals = group_ xs (snd x:g, f)
-                             |     otherwise        = group_ xs (g, snd x:f)
--- Determine how to split the objects up.
-groupObjs :: Objs -> [(Int, Objs)]
-groupObjs = binObjs 0 []
- where binObjs :: Int -> Objs -> Objs -> [(Int, Objs)]
-       binObjs n l []     = [(n, l)]
-       binObjs n l (o:os)
-         = let nx = objCount o
-               n' = n + nx
-           in if n' > dll_max_symbols
-                 then (n, l) : binObjs 0 [] os
-                 else binObjs n' (o:l) os
--- Maximum number of symbols to allow into
--- one DLL. This is the split factor used.
-dll_max_symbols :: Int
-dll_max_symbols = 65535 - SYMBOL_PADDING -- Some padding for required symbols.
-isTrue :: String -> Bool
-isTrue s = let s' = map toLower s
-           in case () of
-               () | s' == "yes" -> True
-                  | s' == "no"  -> False
-                  | otherwise   -> error $ "Expected yes/no but got '" ++ s ++ "'"
-foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "Shellapi.h CommandLineToArgvW"
-     c_CommandLineToArgvW :: CWString -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr CWString)
-foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h LocalFree"
-    localFree :: Ptr a -> IO (Ptr a)
-mkArgs :: String -> IO [String]
-mkArgs []  = return []
-mkArgs arg =
-  do withCWString arg $ \c_arg -> do
-       alloca $ \c_size -> do
-         res <- c_CommandLineToArgvW c_arg c_size
-         size <- peek c_size
-         args <- peekArray (fromIntegral size) res
-         values <- mapM peekCWString args
-         _ <- localFree res
-         return values
-execProg :: String -> Maybe FilePath -> [String] -> IO [String]
-execProg prog m_stdin args =
-  do args' <- fmap concat $ mapM mkArgs args
-     prog' <- mkArgs prog
-     let full@(c_prog:c_args) = prog' ++ args'
-     -- print the commands we're executing for debugging and transparency
-     putStrLn $ unwords $ full ++ [maybe "" ("< " ++) m_stdin]
-     cwdir <- getCurrentDirectory
-     let cp = (proc c_prog c_args)
-              { std_out = CreatePipe, cwd = Just cwdir }
-     cp' <- case m_stdin of
-              Nothing   -> return cp
-              Just path -> do h <- openFile path ReadMode
-                              return cp{ std_in = UseHandle h}
-     bracket
-       (createProcess_ ("execProg: " ++ prog)  cp')
-       (\(_, Just hout, _, ph) -> do
-         hClose hout
-         code <- waitForProcess ph
-         case std_in cp' of
-           UseHandle h -> hClose h
-           _           -> return ()
-         case code of
-           ExitFailure _ -> exitWith code
-           ExitSuccess   -> return ())
-       (\(_, Just hout, _, _) -> do
-         results <- hGetContents hout
-         length results `seq` return $ lines results)
--- | Mingw-w64's genlib.exe is generally a few order of magnitudes faster than
--- libtool which is BFD based.  We used to support both but the libtool path
--- would literally require fractions of hours to finish so we dropped it in the
--- name of consistency and simplicity.
-execLibTool :: String -> String -> IO [String]
-execLibTool input_def output_lib
-  = execProg genlib Nothing [input_def, "-o", output_lib]
--- Builds a delay import lib at the very end which is used to
--- be able to delay the picking of a DLL on Windows.
--- This function is called always and decided internally
--- what to do.
-build_delay_import_lib :: String -- ^ input def file
-                       -> String -- ^ output import delayed import lib
-                       -> String -- ^ flag to indicate if delay import
-                                 --   lib should be created
-                       -> IO ()
-build_delay_import_lib input_def output_lib create_delayed
-  = when (isTrue create_delayed) $
-       execLibTool input_def output_lib >> return ()
--- Build a normal import library from the object file definitions
-build_import_lib :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Objs -> IO ()
-build_import_lib base dll_name defFile objs
-  = do -- Create a def file hiding symbols not in original object files
-       -- because --export-all is re-exporting things from static libs
-       -- we need to separate out data from functions. So first create two temporaries
-       let (globals, functions) = splitObjs objs
-       -- This split is important because for DATA entries the compiler should not generate
-       -- a trampoline since CONST DATA is directly referenced and not executed. This is not very
-       -- important for mingw-w64 which would generate both the trampoline and direct reference
-       -- by default, but nevertheless for mingw-w64 we can trim the output.
-       _ <- withFile defFile WriteMode $ \hDef -> do
-              hPutStrLn hDef $ unlines $ ["LIBRARY " ++ show dll_name
-                                         ,"EXPORTS"
-                                         ]
-              mapM_ (\v -> hPutStrLn hDef $ "    " ++ show v ++ " DATA") globals
-              mapM_ (\v -> hPutStrLn hDef $ "    " ++ show v           ) functions
-       let dll_import = base <.> "dll.a"
-       _ <- execLibTool defFile dll_import
-       return ()
--- Do some cleanup and create merged lib.
--- Because we have no split the DLL we need
--- to provide a way for the linker to know about the split
--- DLL. Also the compile was supposed to produce a DLL
--- foo.dll and import library foo.lib. However we've actually
--- produced foo-pt1.dll, foo-pt2.dll etc. What we don't want is to have
--- To somehow convey back to the compiler that we split the DLL in x pieces
--- as this would require a lot of changes.
--- Instead we produce a merged import library which contains the union of
--- all the import libraries produced. This works because import libraries contain
--- only .idata section which point to the right dlls. So LD will do the right thing.
--- And this means we don't have to do any special handling for the rest of the pipeline.
-create_merged_archive :: FilePath -> String -> Int -> IO ()
-create_merged_archive base prefix count
-  = do let ar_script = base <.> "mri"
-           imp_lib   = base <.> "dll.a"
-           imp_libs  = map (\i -> prefix ++ show i <.> "dll.a") [1..count]
-       let script = [ "create " ++ imp_lib    ] ++
-                    map ("addlib " ++) imp_libs ++
-                    [ "save", "end" ]
-       writeFile ar_script (unlines script)
-       _ <- execProg ar (Just ar_script) ["-M"]
-       return ()

utils/gen-dll/Makefile deleted
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# (c) 2009 The University of Glasgow
-# This file is part of the GHC build system.
-# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
-#      https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/building/architecture
-#      https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/building/modifying
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-dir = utils/gen-dll
-TOP = ../..
-include $(TOP)/mk/sub-makefile.mk

utils/gen-dll/gen-dll.cabal.in deleted
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
--- WARNING: gen-dll.cabal is automatically generated from gen-dll.cabal.in by
--- ./configure.  Make sure you are editing gen-dll.cabal.in, not gen-dll.cabal.
-Name: gen-dll
-Version: 0.1
-Copyright: XXX
-License: BSD3
--- XXX License-File: LICENSE
-Maintainer: ghc-devs at haskell.org
-author: Tamar Christina
-Synopsis: Generate GHC core boot library dlls
-    This package is responsible for building DLLs that are delay loaded and
-    create optimized import libraries that can be used to delay load DLLs.
-    Particularly the RTS. This allows us to delay the loading of the DLL while
-    still having const data imports work. It also allows us to work around
-    certain dlltool limitations and the very slow BFD import lib implementation.
-build-type: Simple
-cabal-version: >=1.10
-Executable gen-dll
-    Default-Language: Haskell2010
-    Main-Is: Main.hs
-    Build-Depends: base       >= 3   && < 5  ,
-                   pretty     >= 1.1 && < 1.2,
-                   process    >= 1.2 && < 1.9,
-                   filepath   >= 1.3 && < 1.5,
-                   directory  >= 1.1 && < 1.4,
-                   containers >= 0.5 && < 0.7
-    Extra-Libraries: Shell32
-    ghc-options: -UGEN_SXS
-                 -DHAS_GENLIB=@HAVE_GENLIB@
-                 -DNM_TOOL_BIN="\"@NmCmd@\""
-                 -DGENLIB_TOOL_BIN="\"@GenlibCmd@\""
-                 -DAR_TOOL_BIN="\"@ArCmd@\""

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